CC 01-25-88
10300 Tarr8 Averue, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014
Tele¡:bcoe: (408) 252-4505
10300 'l\..a<1Œ AVEHm, aJPERrnÐ, CAI.:mHŒA
5:00 P.M.
():Junc. ~nhL:
Fq:pel, Plun;w, Rogel.., Mayor Gatto
COUnc. Absent:
staff Presmlt:
City Manager ~
1. 81Bineœ lU1..._ am m- ntY'I~ ardiœnœ
~ X8lat:ed to eII1ity am .I!u.." L.
Ccuncil directec1 that in regard to the tJusiness license
ordinance, staff shall oc:nñIct a study of fees and pres _.l
X"ec>-···-·.c1at.iaø to ameI'Xi the ordinance for equity. staff
was also directec1 to review the haDe ntY'I~tioo ordinance.
2. RaYiew' of Im:k cpn ~ R1
FollawiJq CCIIpletiQ'1 of the ~~111ed n;-.... study, staff
shall schedule a review of this el.........L.
3. SL.....dl. I""
- h1st:arica1 - Sel.lsn S¡:1rÜç3.
Council directec1 staff to deve1cp a list of l'I2IIII8S that
could tie used for &L.....:tt:s in ClIpert:ino.
4. neat b' Rcøe 1W....c1b - private ~--.db:lp.
():Junc. lfqpel volunteered to wcdc with the private sector.
'1berefore, no staff time "ICUld tie 1""'" .......;lty.
5. Citizen of the Year - Rhno,lt'1 it have a city
"-' s d.41:ive 00 Select.iœ no-i:ttee if city 0ŒJtiDJes
to co Bpall&u.. it?
By 0CI1Sel1SUS, ():Juncil deteminecl that if the City should
decide to cart:inue as a 0C>-1;J;XIIiS0r of this event, a City
l"'t'" s'E!ntative shoold be ~intec1 to the selectioo
rromni:ttee .
License ord.
Open space
Street names
Rose Parade
Citizen of the
Oak tree ord.
Street signs
Council column
VCR for Cable
TV Dept.
... ~~ Y.. ~ .
'~-"..q. ..;,.-~
6. 0IIJt Tree CJrdinæDI.
Rega%dinq directin:.J staff to ptepaœ an otãinance Wic:h
wcu1d require preservatj.a1 of oak L.. rs en private
residential lots, there was no c:xnsensus. nus will tie
scheduled for a future Wen all Counc1l -m-ra can
be þ&.l.S_IL.
1. SL.....4. sigœ with block p....-... with KIrlcn IBd
pf'1 &w+. 4 .
By 0Œ1SenSUS, cnmcil direc:tecl that staff survey City
street signs in regard to a&iiIg the aðr:h. IJ'!'E!S to the
signs. nus shall tie da1e prior to the 1988-89 fiscal year
8. BeButif:i.caticn P.LU;fL.... - ~ L..
- city-wide.
Counc1l t'li"""19Seè! the J'111IIIhør of L.. -- planted am not yet
mature. Arrž d1arJ3e in l:'LU;fLam will tie set aside at this
tiJDe. Counc1l may wish to study the area of stevens creek
Boolevard between DeAnza Boolevard æxI stel1iD;J Read for
future beautificatia1..
9. Cb1ncil 1Y'I11.-¡ in s...-.. - .. 4.... :œgardiDJ ....-.¡~
the caJl'Y!i1 . ....... sit oo. p,aaih1y ...A:ctt.a writ.iDJ it
- to infam WI:' .....Dlit:uents _ do .;J 1__ t:bIm just the
1I...&:J1a1' night ..t.i.ngs.
Ccuncil a¡:prcved a column to be written by C>:Juncil ,"-..1 -era
æxI placecl in the 0Jœrtin0 scene. Ccuncil _..1 er:s will
write the column 00 a rotatm:¡ basis with Mayor Gatto
writm:¡ for the Marå1 i .....Je. ():Juncil requested that the
I'hmo"\ity Relatia1S Officer send them the ..-...., ine for
subaittin;r infœ:matic:n to tie p.Iblished in the nmon+inn
scene for the next five 1IØIt:hs.
10. vtR far rah1.. 'IV Depart:IIent - to JB1œ n-pi_ of the
ChIoni....i""'\lC>:Juncil ..t.i.ngs _i1Ah1. far -1r: out at
the lihrazy.
cnmcil direc:tecl that staff Wdget for a 1/2 :ild1 væ if
this is r-ded.
11. QJangiIq ....... ..JI."i..1i t'!R - et:bn:i.c, aginq ard JIIiIb.IrlDJ
n-omo"1ity .
cnmcil t'li "('I '''''ed W'hether or not this sho.1ld be a matter
for ~ed rwrrl table t'li""'l1ssiŒ1S. cnmcil requested
that an I)'''O¡O---,L of the ""--"Üty tie made to detm:mine
possible future service dEœnds and - ! ~ø. ():Junc. Plun;w
will b:rinq ~-t1a1s bIIc:k to Counc1l fraD tM Isaguø of
califomia Cities .........ittee en Mú.å1 be serves and ~ is
__1 ing with this i .....18.
12. Kayar No ~ inn - city s¡a......d.
Counc1l direc:ted that in the future a Kayar's reœptia1 tie
held in the City Hall 1ctiJy that will tie q81 to all
citizens. Cbffee and cookies will be served. camcil
requested that the cost of such a functioo tie inc11.Ù1d in
the 1988/89 hri;JPt.
13. GLaud õ1ury No ..-=- fraa tbe city.
'Ihe City Manager reviewed the IXIIIinatiœ }I'" (V''' and
timetable for Ccuncil. A persœ IIIJSt: sen:l his or her own
letter of request to serve en the GLaud õ1ury. Ccuncil
requested that infcmDatia1 tie pit in a future n1l'1A1"f-il'V'll
SCene æxI that the City Manager DBIcø a cc:py of the
IXIIIinatial þL.. and give it to eaå1 .._.J -ex of the City
C>:Juncil. C>:Juncil will seek 1XIIIinatia1s at a future tJJDe
and requested that they be sent a reminder notice aramd
SepI'"_n.l e:t: .
14. Ib1nd """hl. di.........i..... - to 1iadt to. .....I1_r with the
AI 1___1., serviœ gamps, rt\-··.Id, etc.; 'to help solve
-. -a ......~-=- bBre in the·.. wdty.
Counc1l t'li .....'""'n'3 cxniuctin;J rani table IIIeet.in3s with
""'t'" B_llatives frail the various --"ic districts. It
was ~-œd that an infœ:mat:ia1al1llll8tiD¡J occur fimt and
that ..-=- J l'llatives of the districts tie c:x:at:acted for
items to tie p1~ 00 an agenda for these meetiD;¡s. It was
~-œd that cne JII88t:in:J be held with the high school and
elementmy sc:hool boards, their superint:ements, the City
Counc1l æxI the City Manager. PossibiHties for t'li.....'-icn
'WOUld tie tl....c1s or chan;¡es you f..... see 1eadi.rç to
prà:l1ems. Ccuncil felt that a separate JII88t:in:J 'WOUld tie
held with the DeAnza l'hmo"Üty Oallege District
l"'t'" s ..latives. Items to be t'liRt"l......ed ocW.d inc1me the
pl'iAsed football stadilDD with lights, d1an;¡inJ
c1eIoogra;:hic of the sb.œrt: pcp1latioo, the City beinq
infcmoed ~ deve1'¥"""1t 01'1 ~. 'Ihe City Manager
was direc:ted to work t:hraJ:]h staffs of the variOJS
districts to arralXJe these ~.
Mayor recep-
Grand Jury
Round table
Two terms for
Post Office
needs study
DeAnza Racquet
Emergency Plan
Code Enforce-
Park dedica-
tion fees
Solid waste
User fees
.. ~._~.... ""~""'¡-~':~'\~'.~¡;; ""-'~1,:,,;1"'}"'"~
15. 0mBidBr tIÐ b....-. ..v4~.. :feE t:b8 ""-"_of. -......
Follcw1ng ..i....-iat, Counc1l voted 1:~DiJ lJaitin;
......i-icn teI::I8 (AYES: Counc1l .... J'qIpelcd Gattol
NŒS: Plungy cd aog......). 'lhia a1:t8r will be p1"'" at a
future agezm.
16. Iœt nHi,.. '\<1t.le.
staff was dh8cted to CD1tact the local pcsbIuIter
regardin¡ services.
17. RBcœst.iaII1 1" .... stD!y.
City Manager Quinlan ..~LaI that t:h1ø was to tie cx:n:b:ted
and bmJ;ht back to Counc1l in J\m8. Q:uncil rec;p.I8IIted
cc:pies of the questicn¡ that will tie at the survey.
18. Daimza P-q-t Club.
nus i-ue is eu.......IUy beinq ..deb. fnd.
19. - - ~__y Plan.
'DIe City Manager dist:rib1tec1¡-'",1.1ets and di..... ,oj with
Counc1l levels of City involvIIIII8Ill.
20. O:xà :a~.
L Service Iav8l.
Council felt that the a:n.......,lleve1 was At'Iooquate. Hr::IIJ8I.m:,
they ......,1t'I CCI1S1der aåiit.i.cna1 881:Vic8a if it "'OII,Jd ~t
in a cost savin;pa thrcugb the City'_ r-.1 to \me fa..:
Sheriff's DepIJ:t:IIB1t services.
21. RIm DEdic:aticm ftIes.
Counc1l reqJeStecl that this tie pl ~ 00 the ~ of a
22. !l:nHd Waste IIanIninI¡ - di.-1 and ",,11..·HlW\.
In regard to recycljD¡J, Ccuncil directed staff to look at
the pcssibility of usjD¡J the City's Service center 00 M!u:y
AWI1.18 as a recycljD¡J center.
23. User fee DIYisri.
Ccuncil directed staff to place this at the agen::1a of a
regular City Counc1l¡.
24. Bcute 85 ~
Counc1l t'li..,.,- ed the p...~ time line and......... eel
c.......c&.1. regard1D:J meetin;J the pl."'t<sed date for the
~. 'Ihe City Manager inf... ..__1 Counc1l that
staff will c...........L..l1te 00 '"'q)editin¡ QJpert.ino's part in
the prelimina%y þ1.' 0("""8.
25. "Ihn..'" the T.r:affJ.c pa.h+irw¡ no-ittee tie r-+.i;¡Qted
and reYiøI alt..:.....tive traœpartaticn _11-oðB.
Counc1l felt that pm:haps it was time to rejuvenate the
Traffic Reducticn CCIIIIIittee. Items that oCluld be t'li..,.,"""-
would tie the ~ P..'-":I"....., the nca1 shuttle betllleen 1þIl100
and variaJs tusir-'-_. It was ~ that the shuttle
ÇQl11d tie i,.,1_ltecl tmen it makes financial sense -
pm:haps tmen the Praaetheus office towers are oœplet:e.
Counc1l directed that any exploratioo of this matter
inc1ur:1e fundin¡ san:ces. ~ a bra.inst.omiJq EI--"'ilY1
COIùd tie held with :tepl s _,L4tives fraa Tandem, AwJ.e,
Prcmetheus, the Qunnhør of Co ....-. ce and other tusi----es.
26. tbo1.. o:..ittee need.
CCUncil felt that 1990 would be an åw'-,¥"late time to fcma
a Citizens ("_1.. ChIonittee. 'Ihis wculd tie c1cnI:I after the
Navember, 1989 so new OCQ1Cil -rs will make
the a¡:poLd........UJ. nus "OO]Jd tie a l'YWmIittee that would
identify å1an;es æxI thin;Js to tie a..lh."'S'Ðd and OCiIùd
possibly 0CIIp1ete their tasks in two or three days.
27. Open ~ Prese1vat.ia1.
staff _ directed to do an inventmy of privately owned
areas for open space pot:ent:ial. After receivinJ the list
Counc1l would detemine if they wanted to plaoe a Jxn:I
1esue 00 the ballot for possible purdIase sha1ld these
areas Þec- ..... _i bhle. Discn-1oo followed regaIding
1inkinJ City open space into Midpen:insula Regiooal Open
Space District læxI or the County park system.
28. Cbam1el 53 Pi.'-":I".... t1þdate.
C>:Juncil requested an update æxI review of where 01annel 53
is goiIg, fUture plans possible æxI their ccsts. C>:Juncil
also su:JgeSt.ed that video taros regazdin;J such thin;Js and
services and disaster prE!pæ00ness be made with soorñ
tracks in various languages.
Route 85
Traffic Reduc-
tion Committee
Goals Com-
Open Space
Channel 53
Employees as
PR reps
Houslng stock
Child care
Monts Vista
Dog droppings
29. City ~ _ PR a.- LdU._.
n. CDmcil and city IfIInager t1i~- 115 CXIIIIIJIÛ.Cat: fla!I
in City Hall. Mr. C)linlan i.'"'I"-'Lt..Id that staff is
døII8lqrlzg a plan to kIIIp varicus Z8CIpticn œnt:er8 F'.Af~«!
and open durinI¡ all ofl'i... hcurs .tncJ.udiD;J lunch tm.. In
additial, train1rJ¡.. it'ftl an be1D¡ plamecl to aèJCh.
the .issue of Q.I8¡~....nee. '1ba city Mar~ uJœCI
CDmcil reg¡m1iDJ ~ of a no -wing ¡rntcy in
City Hall. Counc1l directed that this tie ¡-1a"- 00 a
fUture agønr:Ia
30. rr..... ,--.wq stx:JcI[.
C>:Juncil . directed that the Plann1nr:J staff CXII8 œck with a
..~l shcw1n] the jcœ,llD1sizç balan:8 new and as it will
tie with ):¡ni1dout. 'Ibe ..~t. shculd CXI1tain infœ:mat:ic:n
with arr;¡ additicrla1 steps the City can taka to increase its
halsizç stock.
31. n.i1d C1re.
C>:Juncil 11_.1 C'S felt that the City shculd not provide åU.ld
care b1t 00'1ld act as a by a1.1cwing i%A.-ltiw
bcnJses for praviciiD) care, i.e., not include the square
footage of the r+.i1 'j care arM in the density of the
døII8l~lt. staff ws directed to look at pc::øaible
32. ....d.a. Vista t--_L~l·iWJJ Plan AlcnJ ~._» Q. r_
Counc1l requested to see the lamsc:apiø;J plan and Wat has
been jJpJ.ementecl to this }X)int. Counc1l also requested the
plans to jJpJ._,l the ....~..... 00 stevens creek fraa B.1tb
RcIId to Mann Drive.
33. -1
Counc1l direct:ec1 that the prå)1811 tie ..--........ via
cbservat.ia1 and £~ls fraa the Sheriff's DeparbDent, 0Cde
Ent.....-.--Il Officers and 0Ipertin0 n--1IÛty services.
Infœ:mat.ia1 l'8IJI8Øt8d is Wwth8r or not there aw-" to be
an in:::reasecl p--- of -1-- in 0Ipertin0 and in Wat
areas. Counc1l felt this is a two-faœted prå)1811: that
of people in need and the effect of haDeless 00 the
c:haracter of the neighJxImcod.
34 . E:ix:IItic.rVEI'afu...
L - Del¡ Iktgdngs.
():Juncil requested that an articls 00 this i """':Ie be place in
the f"Imøri"inn scene and that the direc.:icn tie CXI1Sideratim
and c:nu:tesy to ywr neighbor. staff was directed to
."'. ,'.< .~ -" ,
......4act the ~ of no1i~ Cities for.1nfcmDatia1
regardinr;r orcUnanceII in ..Itb... cities ard eufl&-.--.L of
t:bœa ord1mnce8.
35. On..
...1 8II .. '''9 m or n.-t_...._....
Counc1l a¡p:'CMId a ..- "'inJJ in of nBIf
n.-I_1œm:". 'lhiø will occm' at a %"9'1- City Ccuncil
111118tiD¡J. no-i_i....... will be ..... T It...d with a
cmtificate of JRxili.I:...L. 'Iba I'hmo"\ity B8la'tic:II8
Officer is to,. for ~ to be taJœn. 'lhiø is to
be sci-'I,1ed for February 15 or March 7.
AdjCLa.I...adl.: 10:00 p.m.
City Manager
swe"ring in
of commis-