CC 02-01-88 ....':.~--,. - -.. ',-..,.. '"'!" ,..~...~......-_. ',' -,~.""",,,",,,',~]I"~,':I":""'" :--'''_'--.'' "">r-I, '_ . . CI'.lY OF aJÆR1'DÐ, 8'm1'E OF CALDœNIA 10300 '1\........ AV8BJ8, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 Telepø¡e: (408) 252-4505 MINt7D!S OF 'DIE REXmAR CI'.lY cmNCIL I'II5ISX.UG HElD œ FEERJAR\( 1, 1988, cmNCIL awœER, Cl'lY HAIL 10300 '~1..1I<lœ AVENJE, UJI:'UU'.u«:>, CAI.iD'CRaA OQ-735 Mayor Gatto called the meet.in¡ to o...dta at 6:45 p.m. SAII1l'E 'lO 'DIE FlAG RJIL CAlL ():Junc. Pres lllL: Jabnsa1, Kq:pel, P1uny, Rogers, Mayor Gatto Staff I'reulit: City Manager Quinlan City Clerk comelius Director of FUblic works Viskr:wi.d1 Director of P1.anniD] am Dsvel. ,"._" (L CkIW!In Director of Parks anIi Becr8atic:n DcII11n::J Director of Finaooe Bnyde:r Assistanl: to the City Mi!Iœger Brown thmonùty Relatia1s Officer Kœy Assistant Plannin¡ Director pi.........~ Housing Rehabilitatiœ Coordinator NorlJD¡ Planner II Binnerñyk City Attorney Kilian ~ It was mavecl by ():Junc. Johœon, 6eOQo.:1td by a:.mc. Rcg81. æxI P"~~"'C1 UI1!IJÚJID.1Sly to cxnt.iJI1e Itaa No. 21 to April 4, to remave ItEIIB No. 19 anIi 32. c:::EREJDaAL Mlu".u:;aço - HŒSÐlIM'rœs Kathleen )fr9"-ïey, Vallco Fashia1 Fark; Kathy am., 0ùB Shcg>ing center and Kathy ~les, ~It.iV8 D:irect.Œ of the ~ of 0.............. pr:smled Counc1l with No.T sand ~:!BS - for the "QJpert.ino Celebrates Raœnce" Sbq) QJpert.ino pl......A.ioo. -1- Postponements "Cupertlno Celebrates Romance" I , I i , \ · DeAnza Racquet Club Bricks from Cali Mill · Highway 85 Morion Sign Regnart Creek · MDtUl'ES OF 'DIE I:~ 1, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL hu:J:.uG (OC-735) œAL CXHIJNICATIœ9 1M Hirshfield, 734 stenr:Iahl Iæ1e, 0Jpert.in0, requested that Counc1l p"""" an itaa 00 the agenda to ccnsider a ballot ""'EI9U%'8 for the purå1ase of the DeAnza Raapet Club ~"'I'"""ty for œ....._tia1 purposes. Kayar Gatto annamcecl that this WQJ],d tie t'li......,-.t in closed sessicn at the em of the 111118tin;J. James Price, 10771 Gal!lOOigoa Drive, 0Jpert.in0, au:.~ -.t;ed that 0Jpert.in0 såIool drl1dren clean and set the bricks reaavecl frail the site of the cali Mill æxI pl~ them at the 1iln'æ:y. Mayor Gatto stated that he did believ8 that P.raDetbeus Devel"l-""""d. saved the bricks and plamecl to use them in a walkway. STAFF ~::; 1. Oral reports by staff ".....1_.. æxI .."hni....iœ of written l.~ls. City Manager's ~l - Hic -y 85 - Ccuncil received an update 00 the A<~.......'1. of CXIIplet.i.œ for Highway 85. m reg¡mi to the 1IIC1'iat st:nJcture, Ccuncil c1irectecl that. t'li ..c"....icn and P'"""9ih 1 e acti.at 00 sendin¡ a mr:::u:icn to ToyoJœwa tie p1...- 00 the agenda for FebruaJ:y 16. staff was cUrectecl to filii cut if there is a cq:Iyrlght en the 1IIC1'iat. 2. Ril!pQ..l 00 status of 'Ibrust: N salem Hills sign. DiJ:ec:tar of P1anninÇJ and Devel"l-""""d. ocwan info.. ..-:1 o:unci1 that the developer had not CICI'Itactecl him prior to this meeting and the IIBtter has been l""3ferred to Q:Jde Enf\.I.L~lt. 3. ~l en ocntit!cms alœq Regnart creek and prioritizatial of ÚIpI:'cJY8Dents. c~ received the ..~l. -2- MINUŒS OF 'DIE ~~ 1, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL ftUa"uIG (OC-735) 4. Repœ.t at plan of Ib1ta Vista shcr.rdn1 ..L.....ot:B to be iJIprayed, tree locatJ __ an:! expected devel"l-""""d.. Counc1l recei\'8d the ...."...... L.. OXJNCIL ~ ():Junc. Jcbnscn - I-g:i.btive Review caœdttee - It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jcbnscn, seccn:Jecl by ():Junc. P1ungy and pelP"'«i \IrIa11imr:uIly to take the followirg actiCl'lS regarãinJ i'L' "..:sed 1egislatic:n: S\.1RXA.L SB SOl, traffic Cu.L..ul devices maintenance: "M-:JSe AB 2684 and AB 2688 (ax&), local agerd.es pråú.bitecl frail financin:J stadiums for professicnù sportin;J events; requestecl ocpies of SB 1741 ('fu........, nøtitWt an:! ~11---1l) , statewide i'L~- to license and ~íl..u1 vicious dogs; AB 2687 (Peace) , and SB 1795 (Rcberti) , toy guns: AB 2710 (Cortese) , waiver of devel...",.......IL fees for eart'~ recxœtructicn: and SB 2745 (Friedman), inclusioo of dùld care facilities in the General Plan. ():Junc. Rogers - It "'88 IIICIII8d by ():Junc. P1un:y, sec..t~ by ():Junc. ~ an:! J?"'--ed with ():Junc. :Rcgers abstainin;J to adept Rssoluticn No. 7423 SUR> 'LWn¡ ():Junc. ~.' a¡:poi.d~.....d. to the Executive caœdttee of ABN,;. o::tISENl' c:AI.Ii2IDi\R Itaa No. 11 was rEIIICMId by Nancy Hertert. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy , se."Q.dt.d by ():Junc. :Rcgers an:! p"--eel unanimc:uJly to a¡:prcve the balance of the CCI1sent calendar as suJ::mittecl. 10. Request frail 0JpertirÐ I'hmo"\ity services to waive fees for facility use of 0JpertirÐ Senior "......."\ity center æxI b1siness license fees - FebruaJ:y 20, 1988 event. 11. ReJr:: yec1 f:raa 0......... Il calendar. 12. Resolutioo No. 7414: "A Resoluticn of the City C>:Juncil of the City of 0JpertirÐ ~inJ O"'.l...,ct 01an:Je Order No. 9 for Linda vista Park, Project 86-il4." 13. Reso1utioo No. 7415: "A Reso1utioo of the City C>:Juncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~inq CaItract 01aI:ge Order No. 16 for Civic center Expansioo, Project 87-2003 - City Hall, Librazy, site." -3- Manta Vista plan Legislative Review Com. Res. 7423 adopted Consent Calen- dar approved MINt1I'ES OF 'DIE FEBRU1IRJ{ 1, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL MI!Zl'ItÇ (OC-735) 14. Reso1utioo No. 7416: "A Reso1utiœ of the City Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\ccepting' Grant of 1I'A-.....t for RœdWay Pu..1-<ses fmD craiq A. Clark and Todd S. ~ Ca1sistin¡ of A¡:praximately 0.01 Acres, Located 00 ~ AV8IJe." 15. Reso1utiœ No. 7417: "A Rasolutiœ of the City C>:Juncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AppttJvin¡ Pf1xcel Map and ~\I\ÆW¡IL Plans of p¡,~ti' I.ocated en ~ Aveme: Developer, Craie¡ Clark: Authcrizirq ExeaJt:icn of ~UY........l Ap...........L; Authorizirq Signi:nq of Pf1xcel Map æxI ~UYeluèill Plans." 16. Reso1utien No. 7418: "A Resolutiœ of the City Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;r Certain C!1..i""" and Demands Payable in the A1IDmts and frail the P\1nds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries æxI wages for the Payroll Pericd Erxiirq Jaruu:y 19, 1988." 17. Reso1utiœ No. 7419: "A Rasolutiœ of the City Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;r Certain C!1..i""" and Demands Payable in the A1IDmts æxI F1:aII the P\1nds as Hereinafter Described for General and Misoel1anecus Expenlitures for the Period Erxiirq Jam.m:y 15, 1988." 18. Applicaticr1s for Aloc:i1oJ.ic Beve1.~ License: P. J. H..ùligans, 19979 stevens creek Boulevard: UltJmate Slice Delica+- ¡- ?n, 7335-C Bollin;¡ler Read. 19. Reso1uUen No. 7421: "A Rasolutiœ of the rity Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 Dec1.arin¡ Intent to Ccn1uct a Fublic Hearinq o...---.uln;J a Nuisance, Tract 7277, 00 the East Side of 'l\ùa lane Northerly of SOla SL.....at." (Previoosly rEIIICMId fn:m agenda.) vote )10....1 .., s of the City ():Juncil AYES: Jåmsa1, JCq:pel, P1un;¡y, Rogers, Gatto lÐES: Na1e ABSENl': Hale AæmIN: None I'flM3 REHMD FKM c:x:NSENl' ~ 11. Reso1utioo No. 7413: "A Reso1utioo of the city cnmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizirq City Officials to ~"1 SUIIIŒuy Criminal History InfODDation for Employment, Licensirq, or Certification Fulp:ses." -4- MDIt1IES OF 'DIE FEBRJARI( 1, 1988 ClT\( OXJNCIL MEEl'DG (OC-735) Nancy Hertert, san JUan Read, _v-~ed her CClIC8lYl regarãinJ the bLÅ. T of the }'L,-¥Csed reso1utioo. She was inf~ that it was r--ø...y for Ccuncil to adqJt this resoluticn in ut:œ.. to do bIsckg:rcurñ åIecIcs for theBe çplyinq for certain types of pemits and licenses. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1urçy, seoaldecl by came. Gatto and l"'8"«1 unan1mcusly to adept Resolutioo No. 7413. lUBLIC HFARI1CS 21. Jl<>qo-t for "K"-u-'8l to operate a taxi servioe in 0Jpertin0 filed by EIIIDaruel OJcwudili, Siliocn valley Cab. (POssible closed sessioo) Previamly 0CI1t:imed to April 4, 1988. 22. Awlicatiaw lo-Z-87 æxI 55-FA-87 - BAS HaDes - Northwest side of Rainbow Drive ~u.rh_tely 600 ft. west of aKÐ laid - Rsza1.in;J fraa Al-43 (Agricultural, Residential, 43,000 sq. ft. minbula10t size) za18 to Rœ (Residential, Hillside) zaw. Applicatiaw 2~87 æxI 55-FA-87 - Tentative Map to Sl1bdivide 1 parcel into 5 sin;J1e-family lots with lot sizes ran]in;J fraa 9,950 sq. ft. to 104,500 sq. ft. EI1vi.ramøtt:al detetminatioo: 'Ibe Plannin;J ChIoni ....tœ rec> ····-tds the qrantjnq of Negative n...-,1 "'-ratiaw. Reo ....-.-äed for ClK'LU'IëÙ . (a) First readin;J of ordinance No. 1436: "An Ordinance of the City Ccuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AIDInii.n1 5ectioo 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Rezaùn;J P.t.....,....ty fraa Al-43 Za1e to R8S Za1e I.ocat.ecl 00 the Northwest Side of Rain1:x:M Drive Jow¡......n-tely 600 Ft. west: of a.ù:b laid; Applicatiœ lo-Z-87, BAS HaDes." Director of P1.anrúnq and Devel~«' 0Jwan t'li"""lesed the }'L"l. ooa] with Counc1l' includinq the ooei.....ic safety OOrJSiderat.iat. steve stern, President, BAS HaDes, int... .._~ C>:Juncil that the nqJeStecl density is below that allowed. In regard to Olive L.. H Wid1 the neighbors woold like preserved, he stated that if possible he '-'Wld be happy to keep them. He told C>:Juncil that the l"'''l<'6<Ù '-'Wld meet the requirements urDer the w.Y"'ICY cm:U.nan::a beinq ocndàered later in the agezœ. Feter M:::H:Jl........, Civil En;Jineer, rH...,·"ø--'l the boun::Jaries of the slide area with cameil. -5- Res. 7413 adopted Taxi service . Public hearing closed Negative Dec. for 10-Z-87 1O-Z-87 approved First reading of Ord. 1436 N"ve Dec. for 25-TM-87 25-TM-87 approved . MINt1I'ES OF 'DIE FEBRUARY 1, 1988 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL J'IUO.1'.uG (OC-735) 0Iar1es James, I.aPlaya QJurt, mged Counc1l to nq.¡ire the preservati.œ of the exist:iD¡ Olive L.. TJ. Mazy Rœe Mad<'a1:rcw, 21585 I.aPlaya cœrt, also urqed }AI. servatiœ of the Olive t.r: es. It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. Jåmsa1, søxn:Jed by cœn:. Fqpe1 ancl I"'9~'9d \IrIa11imr:uIly to close the ¡;d)lio hearlnq. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jdmsa1, sec:aDId by ():Junc. Rogm,a ancl p"''9sed unaniJlD.Js1y to grant a Negative Declarative for ~licaticn lO-Z-87. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Jåmsa1, sec:x:mecl by ():Junc. RogèrB ancl p"'ðð'9d \IrIa11imr:uIly to "W"u1/8 Applicatiœ lO-Z-87 per P1annin;J I'hmti....iat Resoluticn No. 4026. It was IIIOYecl by ():Junc. P1ungy, .......dtd by ():Junc. ~.. ancl p"'ð"«l unanimcus1y to read Ordinance No. 1436 by ~.itl. a\ly æxI the City Clerk's readin¡ to OCI'IStitute the first: readirç thereof. It was IIIOYecl by ():Junc. Jdmsa1, sec:x:mecl by ():Junc. Rogers ancl pal:'sed unanimcusly to grant a Negative Declarat.ic::a f-z A¡:plicaticn 2!HH-87. It was IIIOYecl by ():Junc. Jdmsa1, sec:x:mecl by ():Junc. lb; ers ancl I"'ððed unanimcusly to "W"uv'e Applicat:ic:n 25-'IM-87 per Plannin¡ ChIoni ....icn Reso1uti.œ No. 4025 with the exhibits shcwin¡ the pad locaticn as þ&. Sb..Lecl at the IIIII8tiD¡J ancl a cc:niitioo requirlD;J the preservati.œ of the Olive L.. u. 23. AJp:oval of 1988-89 thmonù.ty DeI/P..lqJr.....l Block Grant: p~~aw. (0) Reso1utioo No. 7406: "A Reso1utioo of the City Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 Modifyin;J the Project 5electecl for $221,900 of n-"\ity DevelV}oU....l Block Grant: F\mds." Director of P1annin;J æxI Devel"l-""""It. 0Jwan inf~ C>:Juncil that the prt'p06al $I,hnittecl1lW"lt'lif'1ecl the projects for the 1987-88 fiscal year. '!he project pr:selltecl wculd redo the ..L...e&t (~:ire Averue) æxI provide sidewalks æxI ('I1T'hR. Ann AtJ3er, President, Ma1t:a vista ~UYlelbehl Assoc'iatia1, stated that that ..L..cét has had sidewalks: hcwever, they are in a state of disrepair. -6- KI1«1.l!S OF 'DIE ~UK.IIIRï 1, 1988 CI'1Y <DJNCIL MEE:l'.IH] (OC-735) Dorothy Beck of EIIpire AV81'1J8 as- hClllII.1Cb of the f%aJt yards .....,1t'I tie lest and hCII III.1Cb it wco11d cost the residents. She also __ if there WOI1ld tie pu:Jd.n¡ at both sides of the ..L..-t. DinIct:ar of pnhl it! WOdœ ViskDviå1 stated that the 1IICdc wwld tie da1e at no cost to the residents. 'lhøre wwld tie no taJdn¡ of f%aJt yards unless it wre J'Ie':'~8_-"Y to relocate the pic1œt fences Wrlc:h are in f%aJt of sœø of them. 'lhøre 1o QI,1t'I be no c:hanIJe fraa the .... /J .l situat:ic:n of pu:Jd.n¡ Wrlc:h is 00 aw side of the ..L.....st cmly. Mr. VisJa:wid1 stated that the .l...-t "'CJI1lð tie 30 ft. wide, curb to curb, with a five ft. eP-1IIlJe 00 each side. Dorothy Beck......... eel OClUOèu. r:egardin:¡ hClllII.1Cb any fence might tie JII:III8d. She did not wish to lose her pu:Jd.n¡ area. Mr. V.i.skcvid1 said it WCOJld not tie nme than a matter of ind1es. Mr. Ocwan told Ms. Beck that it ~ tie r--my to t'Ii"'C'''''' the paxkirq area i-ue as the City dœs have an ordinan:8 that says """,icles are to tie paziœd 00 paved surfaces cmly. Ms. Beck stated that all ..L..~ in the area shculd tie brought to cxXIe or lICI18. NaaIIi Garcia felt there was a JRisurœrstandir betwean the pecple and t.'1e City Counc1l. She stated that the ........nûty was unaware of the ~ associat.icn æxI cmly residents of ~iœ AV8I'IJ8 wre notified regardiD¡ this matter. She ......... f:! the qdnim that the ToIt1n1. ........"\ity and not just al8 .l...-t ~11d tie iDprcMd. She also stated that if all ..L..-œ oculd not tie iDprcMd, lICI18 shaùd tie. Am Arqer told these pi. sant she was not tJ:yin:] to get anythin;J for herself. Mr. Ocwan ~--œd that this JI8tter tie ccntiJ'I.1ecl for nme time for œtJ:æå1. Eloise 'Ihmman, 10196 ÐIpire Averue, told Counc1l that up to 1987 she had been er.'lÙoyecl: b::M!ver. in JarI.1inY of 1987 she was laid off. At this point 818 cannot afford to i:q:IraYe her house Wrlc:h she had da1e up until that time. If the City is pIIVin:J the .l......:t thinkin3 that ~ will then ~codts their p:."P"Lty, she did not feel this woold be possible. She BU:J9lB.sted the City dc.rIate the JfØ'ìIílY to the poor. -7- HD«1.ŒS OF 'IHE FEE!RJAm!' 1, 1988 CI'1Y cx:mx:n. MŒl'DG (OC-735) Her daughter inrn1"lMW'l 0:u1Cil that U t:hø City took ally me foot it 1oIO'Ild tie nee! -ry to rE!IIIC\/8 a tree frail their }'L~ and if me foot were taJœn frail their driveway, she WCIIùd not tie able to park her car there. Jcsept Martin, 10159 ÐIpire Avenue, favored the }'L' ~~l. He told C>:Juncil that there were many elderly pecple Wo lived 00 ÐIpire. Al)'l:lne p,._~J"ÓlL, President, !b1ta visea HaDecwner:s Assodatiœ, inrn1"lMW'l Counc1l that her qra¡p.."¥,- s ¡l.. south !b1ta vista ally. She had heard aba1t the allocati.œ of funds "KIr-wi-:tely me week eqo. She felt that all 01 the qualifyinJ area shculd have received notice æxI not just Ðlpire Avenue. (a) Reso1ut1a1 No. 7404: "A Resolut.1a1 of the City C>:Juncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizing Snhnittal of F\Ji'Ii:1inq Pl.. t""""'1.. for the Fa1rteent:h (1988-89) Pl.""J"GIII Year of ì:he """"""\ity DeIIel"l-""""1t Block Grant P.t.""J"GIII." (b) Resolut.1a1 No. 7405: "A Resolut.1a1 of the City Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~""J".......hx1 $14,053.30 of Residual F\mds." Planner II Binnerñyk reviewed the }'L~1 for 1988-89 funds with C>:Juncil. Jane .~, 1301 FI:JRIY Way, a):)cm:d' J-er, Project Matdl, read a letter frail a senior 8\W ...Un¡ the Project Matdl }'L""J"GIII. She urqed C>:Juncil not to tum the mcney beIck to the comt:y for distrib1t:icn. Arlene June, Project Matå1 ElIBcutive Director, told C>:Juncil that they bad IB't:å1ecl 21 0Jpertin0 xesidents last year. She urqed Counc1l to fUnd Project Matål and $I,""itted an article frail the _11 SL...øt Jannal aba1t the CCb",..A. aba1t DBt:å1inq pecple for plD'-PC! es of residency. Margaret: BLII....er, HaJSing for Irdeper.:1t..lf:. Pacple, reviewed her r-]I-t for funds with Counc1l. Dick Rce, ExieC'rt:ive Director, Midpeninsula Citizens for Fair HaJsinq, also urqed C>:Juncil not to turn the l11C11eY back to the comt:y ~ to fUnd projects ~lves. Mary F1.an;Jan, President of the Sparlt FamdatiŒ1, stated that her aqa'C'f needs the mcney for aoquisit.Ü:n of a haDe for six autistic yoorg adults. -8- KIR11ES f1F 'DIE FEBRJAR\( 1, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL Jou:za-.uÐ (OC-735) A gent:l.EIœIn fJ:aa Growth and ~t..mity stated that his project helps t+oi1drvn of .........,ess p8q)le. He also urgøcl Counc1l not to tum the fun:!s bBcIt to the 0:u1t:y. ÐDir Be:rq, Project Dev8lcper, Spañt Fa1rdatial, told 0Xmcil that a.........IUy there is CI'I8 01peJ:tim œsident 00 their list of these tbøy might: serve. It was IIICIIIed by ():Junc. Jàmsc:n, secxnied by ():Junc. Plungy æxI p"'eeed unanimcus1y to clcse the pJblic hearin:¡. It was IIICIIIed by ():Junc. Jàmsc:n æxI secxnied by a:.mc. aogæ:.. to ca1t:ime itaa 23 (C) , go back to the """"'''\ity for dialogue with all areas directly affectecl. 'Ihe mtia1 and secx:ni were withdrawn. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1urr;w, secxnied by ():Junc. Jåmsa1 æxI p"'..eed with Counc1l _.1 er.. Gatto æxI Rcgers c:U.ssent.in:¡ to t'lapn-it $221,900 previcusly designated for ..L.....at iJJprovement in the Senior Cit.izen¡Han:ti(~>ecl Hcusin¡ P\1rñ (Reso1utioo No. 7406). It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. JåInsa1, seoc:r1ded by ():Junc. aogæ:& æxI I"'e"ed with Counc1l _..1 -elS Plurr;w æxI Gatto c:U.ssent.in:¡ to aw<-W8 $50,300 for bcusin¡ rehabilitatiœ administratial pmpc:Ðes per staff ,ee(. ....-tdat:ic:n (Resoluticr1 No. 7424). It was IWII8d by ():Junc. Jàmsa1, secxt.ded by ():Junc. Kq:.pe1 æxI 1"'-1Id unani:øD1s1y to .".....it $85,700 for aoquisit:ic:n and c:x:nstructiœ into the Senior Citizen¡Hanciio ""Ipe.;1 Per~J8 Ha1sin;J F\md (Resoluticr1 No. 7404). It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. JOOœcn, secxnied by ():Junc. Kq:.pe1 to adept Rsso1utioo No. 7405. It was IIICIIIed by ():Junc. P1ungy, secxnied by ():Junc. ~s æxI pa~'9d unani:øD1s1y to fun:l the followin;J (Resoluticr1 No. 7404): Project Mat.c:h - $4,000 Mi.dpeninsula Citizens for Fair Iblsin¡ - $10,000 Growth æxI ~t..mity - $5,000 a........:I"'......y Hcusin¡ O:x1sortium - $5,000 1m "''''5: 10:00-10:10 p.m. 24. Ccu1ty-wide vector ca.LLul district. -9- Public hearing closed Res. 7406 adopted Res. 7424 adopted Res. 7404 adopted Res. 7405 adopted e , I I I I I I Public hearing I , closed Res. 7420 adopted i. 54-U-87 approved . MINUl'ES OF 'mE FEI'RJMrl 1, 1988 cml c:xDCL MEm'I1C (OC-735) (a) Resolutic:n No. 7420: "A ß8IIolutic:n of tbe City Counc1l of tbe City of 0Jpert:in0 D8clarinq that the BamcJaries Ene, .."......tnq the City of 0Jpert:in0 Shall tie Incl1Üld WitÞin the santa Clara camt:y Vector o...lI¿ul District." It was IIKJVecl by ""me. Jobnsa1, e-.....ð:d by Q;unc. Rogers æxI p"aa..., unanimr::AJs1y to close the ~ic heaJ:iD;J. It was IIKJVecl by Q;unc. Jobnsa1, seoc:.nJed by Q;unc. Roga.... æxI p"a-d unanimr::AJs1y to adept Reso1utiœ No. 7420. PIANNDC APPLICATICHI Appliœtia1 2!HM-87 - !WI HaDas - see Itaa No. 22. 25. Applicatiat 54-u-87 - Eli H::Fly's - Use pemit to ..-.. .'IA' an existiJq restaurant by reoalfigurirJ¡ first and secx:ni near d1ninq areas and to QCt""L..oJCt exterior aråú.tectural lIXXiifiœt.ials. '!he project is located 00 the sart:hwest <::......... of DeAnza Ba1levard and valley Green Drive. Envha1œnta1 Review: '!he project is categorically m--·,·L per ~ t.:n-fr1A1ines. Reo" -.-.-kSed for a¡:prcval. It was IIKJVecl by ():Junc. Jdl........., seoc:.nJed by ():Junc. II'qpl ani p:oe'!9d unanimr::AJs1y to CIM"'\N8 Applicaticn 54-u-87 per Plannin¡ thrIni RSicn Resolutiœ No. 4031. ARCHl'mCmRAL AND SITE APP1ÐI7AL <XHŒT1'EE APPLICATICHI 26. Hale. UNFDŒSHED RJSDŒSS 27. Hale. NEJi H5INESS 28. O:nd.deratioo of cx:nb::t:in] a ~ic hearinq for possible closure of Alves Drive. Director of Public Wo:dcs Vis1ccviål reviewed his ..~l with C>:Junc11. Janice aJrriesci, Alves Drive, told Ccuncil the traffic cnmt was date 00 To- :1>oy, wech - r:lay ani 'Ihursday. However, the Target Store and Al¡i1a Beta MarIœt do mr:øt of tlYrlr bJsiness Friday, Saturday and SUnSay. Also the m::A bin;Jo game is SUnSay. She felt that the City shcW.d also do a traffic cnmt at weekends. -10- MDI1ŒS OF 'IHE .1õ'EERJAR!( 1, 1988 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL 1'IUiJ.:uG (OC-735) A resi~ at 22098 MIIgruIœ Drive, told Ccuncil that ... peqI1e igrxa:e the cnt wy 6l.......It: sign in the area am there is encugh of a gap in the bIIrrier for td1eel å1air ",. T that BIIB1l whic1_ am get thrœgh am they do so. It was D:MId by ():Junc. ~, sec...ded by ():Junc. J&t:pel æxI defeated with ():Junc. RcgEnzi voting aye, Ccuncil 1I_.iI ... Jchnsa1, J&'g)el, Plungy and Gatto voting no, to sc:t-"". a public hearin:¡. By o...._lSUS, Counc1l di.rectecl staff to ocn:b::t in a weeJœnd camt (Saturday and SUrDay) and CXIII8 back with that infamatial at the meetiD.J of Februa1:y 16. At that tima Ca.1ncil will detetmine ~ or not to ocn:b::t a p1b1ic hearin;J . 29. D1f:n'99icn regarãinJ a œremonia1 swearin;J in for new ChIoni ....ia1ers. By 0CI'1Sel1SUS, Counc1l a¡:prcved a œ..........1ial presentat:ic:n for the meeti.n¡ of Karch 7 at 104úà1 time nsw ChIoni -iœers will tie pl. s eut.ed with a Certificate of A¡:poL.t......¡ L tJ:aa the Mayor. 30. Ca1sideratial of revisin;J the Q.1pertino J.lJnicip'l Ccàe to establish ba1rs far solicitat.ia1. (a) th.'FI1CY 0J:dinance No. 1437: "An 0J:dinance of the City Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1I&1d1n¡ Q1i!Ipter 5.20, Pecti1ers and Solicitors, of the QJpertino Jb'ti cipal Ccàe æxI DBc1arln¡ the th.~__~ 'lbereof. " It was D:MId by ():Junc. Plungy, sec....dtd by ():Junc. ~.. ani l"'"8'S'9d \IrIa11imr:uIly to read 0J:dinance No. 1437 by title œly ani the City Clerk's readin3' to OCI1Stitute the reading thereof. It was IIICII8d by 0Juœ. ~.., BeOOi.dtd by ():Junc. P1un;nr and 1""8,sd 1.II1IUWacusly to 8MCt w''FI__-y 0J:dinance No. 1437. 31. Ca1sideratial of w''FI__Y ordinance amerxliJrj Rl æxI RBS ordinances addinq ......l..uls regulatin¡ size æxI ~~Jcp of sin;J1e-family t'lr.m11 in;¡s." -ll- Motion to set public hearing defeated Weekend count to be con- ducted Ceremonial swearing for commissioners Readlng of Ord. 1437 Ord. 1437 enacted MINUl'ES OF 'DIE ~ 1, 1988 CI'1Y caJNCIL JoJua-J.lG (CX>-735) (a) Tk__...-y Ordinance No. 1438: "An Ordinance of the City Counc1l of the City of QJpertino F.stabJ.iab.iJr Int:erim Zaún;r stamards for the Rl (HEIsi.dmtiai S!nq1e-family) Za1es IUXI RHS (RBsJdent1al, Jln,..idA Slq1e Density) Za1es, and Decl.ariD¡ the UL__...-y 'lbal.....f." Counc1l IUXI staff t'li ..............t the~.~ ordinance after whid1 Counc1l cpeneci the meeting to the p.lb1ic pl. Ii l.d... Bob Baade, 22237 !Þ::lellan Road, felt that .15 FAR wa1ld tie better than the .2 þl.!JOSecl for seoc:n:l floors. Jim WillIcre, 21574 I.aP1aya Q:Jurt, stated the cp!niat that althcugh .20 ..rnld tie a """vi...",,, he felt that is Iobat developers wa1ld use am the result wa1ld tie a huge hD.1se. He felt Counc1l shaùd make this a very strict 0Idinanœ IUXI if they åIœe to they cxWd make it less strin;JMt later. He also felt there was a r---eity to ........l..úl roof height. MidIae1 Meyer, Greenbriar Devel"¥"",,d.. Co. , told Counc1l that he was deve1c:pinJ a !Ol...... sd1co1 site, part of whiå1 is in san Jese am part of whiå1 is in the Ocunty. 'Ibe deve1"¥""".L will tie þo....:: 9d thra1gh the Ocunty. He as)rDd if the RlC Za18 in Santa Clara Ocunty wre ØIJlivalent to a PI) here. Mayer Gatto inf~ him it was. Dick oliver, Dividerñ Devel"l-""""IL Co., told Ccuncil he was in the p...: of deve1c:pinJ the Cali pl.'¥"":"ý. He said that Council was ~~inJ to cut the size of seoc:n:l stories in half. He said many have IIBde l'YOIOIIib-d.s bued at t:'18 a.n.......IL ordinance IUXI if this ......__...-}" ardinance is enactecl, he will lese ate lot and three JIICI1ths of t.hIø. Freel Reinel1 ~ -'9d 00.--..1. regar.iin¡ potential UI"AC:I"'" trea'bDehL. He stated these 1od1o CXD8 in later "IIII!lY not have so many rest:ricti.a1S as the interim arc:Unance. He felt that the slqle of J:'tX)fs was prc:œbly the IIaIt iJIporbmt i....... IUXI that .20 FAR 1UX115 ft. setbacks }'&.. ¡....t,],y At't1i""'18 the ():Juncil p.upcse. Hilda Wa1g, 14701 El Ø:rlte, I.cø Altos, said that citizens 1od1o want a certain style of liviD] shcW.d tie ccnJi..... ad too. Ekl Ford, 10853 Wil1dnsa1, was t'li""'RX>intec1 in the ordinance and felt it was too generœs. He stated it does not gcvem garage sizes. He suggested Counc1l require PI) for all devel"¥"""lt cuuc:¡ l1y in the mill. He said that 01pertin0 provides the highest profit dollar for developers. -12- MINUl'ES OF '!HE FEIRJARY 1, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL ~ (0::-735) Mr. Mayer, 10662 Miller, _ -'Sd c............h regarding his stan:1am of livinq. Dick Childress, 11701 Regnart ~ Drive, <' ....-.dt.c1 the px. ~EI. He felt that garages ~ to be a.1:h,-""«1 as 1v'o1S9S IIIJSt have ~te garage spaoe so that œrs are off the ..L......,¡t. Counc1l t'li..... 1:1 the .20 F7IR for the seoa1d story of a sin:.Jle family residaolC8, and the majority of Counc1l "_.1....... «():Junc. Plurr;w t'li- _.Urç) a¡:prcved. In regard to the )oIL' ",..sael setbacks, the majority of Council «():Junc. a.-. t'li - .íUrç) ~ -"'eel ~ t for a 15 ft. set:bac:k 00 each side with a 30 ft. setback at the fra1t and back of the unit. C>:Juncil also a¡:prcved, for the first floor of the t".,i1ðin:.J, a Za18 miå1 cculd tie develc:p!d sot. By 0CI'ISE!I1SUS, C>:Juncil dimctecl that cc.nsideratial of a standard ocn:U.tial of COWLuv'IÙ requjrin:.J fra1t yard larod~in:.J tie 1'1--' 00 the agenda for Februiu:y 16. Miuv XizXeby a.:1Ä !lei CQmciJ. regarãinJ the potential requirement of 15 ft. setback 00 eaå1 side and 30 ft. setback 00 fra1t ani back. He stated that this 1IICUlc1 not tie ~tib1e with other ~,ni1din;Js in QJpert.ino. Jan stoecJœnius, 22386 Q pertino Road, told Counc1l that he was hli1dirq his haJse 00 a cdd-shaped lot. 'Ihe )oIL'1:oCssel requizements 1oIa1ld DBJœ it diffia1lt for him, partiaJlar1y in saving L.. n that are cu.......ltly 00 the Þ'-""I'""Lly. Jeff H::Ðtdn, 10620 Merriman, requested that Ccuncil ø...........ider the .........cl story setback reqIÛreIB1t. Di "'C''''-icn followed regarãinJ revisin:.J the)olL' 1:< nel setbëlck.1 as well as dwtqin:.J the )oIL"! œ.ed F71R. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Rogers, secc:niecl by ():Junc. P1ungy and p=t-:ecl unan1mcusly to read U"'F".c.y ominanœ No. 1438 by title aù.y æxI the City Clerk's readin:.J to OCIIStitute the readin:.J thereof, with the ordinance amerñed to inclme illusb:atia1s, to revise the methcd of measurin:.J interior he:lght, with a .20 F7IR for secx:ni floor area """"¡".1111, a OCIIIbined side yard setback secx:ni floor area to eQ''''' a minim.1m of 30 ft., æxI fra1t and rear yard set"~ sec:.....cl floor area to tie 30 ft. 'Ihe fra1t yard setœck first floor area may cover up to sot of the fra1t !:Aùldable area located batueen the 20 ft. and 30 ft. fra1t setback lines. -13- Front yard landscaping Reading of urgency Ord. 1438 as amended · Urgency Ord. 1438 enacted First readlng O.d. 1439 Res. 7422 adopted Plan check fee Color of City Hall tþ MINt7.ŒS OF '!HE FEERJARY 1, 1988 Cl'lY CDJNCIL JoJu;.L'.uG (OC-735) It was 1IICMId by ():Junc. Jå1nsa1, seoctded by ():Junc. ~ æxI p".......... with Q:Junc. Plurçy dissentiD¡ to eœct U...........")' Olåinarx. No. 1438 32. O"'..........Wal GWLuv'al of the santa Clara ChInty Aut.aaated Fingerprint System. Previc:æly remcved frail agerm. 33. Q:asideratial of ardinarx:e rest:rictinq pmd.n;J 00 BianàU. way and 00 Pacifica Drive bettween œrtain limits. (a) First reediJr;J of 0J:dinan0e No. 1439: "An 0rdinaJx e of the City Counc1l of the City of ClIpert.ino A1IIer1dilq sectiœ 11.24.1.."O of the ClIpert.ino lI.1I'I.iI"iP'" Code, RelatiD¡ to stq:pJn¡, st:anr:Iirg or Pa%idn;J 00 Bianåd way am Pacifica Drive. " It was 1IICMId by ():Junc. Plungy, seoctlded by ():Junc. a..,,-. æxI P"'8-.;1 unaniDø1s1y to read 0J:dinan0e No. 1439 by title œly am the City Attamey's reediJr;J to CX'I'ISt.itute the first œadirq thereof. 34. Dissoluticm of ........~at.a status of 0Jpertin0 scene, Inc. It was 1IICMId by ():Junc. Plungy, secc:n8i by ():Junc. ~. am P"'~~ed unaIÚJID1Sly to adqJt Resolut:icn No. 7422 setting a "Ip"""i.., meetinq for the 0Jpertin0 scene Board of Dizec::tors. 35. ßespœse to 0CIIIII.DÚ.Cati 00 behalf of Qu,JU'-Y Groop reqardiJr,J City f_. It was IIICII8d by t'a1rX:. P1ungy, seoct.:1t:d by ():Junc. a...gms æxI pa~ed unaIÚJID1Sly that staff evaluate reductiœ of the plan d1eck fee for ""'i"Stitive plans and ""¥Al. back in 30 days with a user fee sc:þ.t'ln'. for the aùldirq Divisim. 36. Final 0CI1Sideratiœ of color for exterior of City Hall. It was ¡¡:oyed by Q:Junc. P1ungy, secc:mecl by Q:Junc. Itx; ers am p"'8~ed unanimcusly to ag:II'O\I8 that bath HEI) and the City share the cost of npaintin¡ with HEI)'s share to tie equal to its offer of npaintin¡ the additioo to the Libræy and the City to pay the differellOé. o:uncil directed that the repainting not be dale urœr the O"".....IL contract. -14- MDI1ŒS OF 'IBB ~ 1, 1988 Cl'lY CDH:IL 1'I&'.iISr.uG (OC-735) \tIKJ:J."Ull CXlHJNICATICIfS 37. Hale. c::RIDmNa!S 38. s......,d readinq ani en..;1 -It of Otdinance No. 1435: "An Otdinance of the city can::il of the City of Q]p8rtino AIDørIiirJ;J sectia1 1 of ordimnca No. 2 by Rezc:ming P.._l.f frcD Rl-10 ZaIe to Rl-6 ZaIe: Iocated 00 the East Side of Blaney AV8rI18 b8twan Regnart creek am Itxhiç¡ues AverIJe; A¡:pliœ1:icn 9-Z-87, Fred Reine11. " It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, IIèOCII'II:18d by o:.mc. Rogel. æxI P'"~-!'3 \.1I'IIUÛJII01sy to read 0Idinance No. 1435 by title a1ly and the City Attomey's readinq to ccnstitute the secc:n:l readinq thereof. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. ~, IIèOCII'II:18d by tJcuoo. P1ungy æxI p""'Secl \.1I'IIUÛJII01sy to enact 0Idinance No. 1435. RESOII1l'Iœs 39. Hale. ("f~ SESSIœ At 12:55 a.m., can::il adjcumecl to a closeel InIf-im. Counc1l recx:I'1IÆ!I1ec in cpen -T icn at 1:25 a.m. Negotiatj.aIs for pJRbase, sale, EIXå1an}B, cr ,....... of real l'L_ty and ocr-i"'-.c&t:ic:n of a p'1b1ic hBBrlng - DeAnza RaoqIJet Club - Ccuncil CCII1t11uId artI act:ia1 until Dm8 infarJllati.a1 is av-nahle and diJ:8ctecl staff to pursue an appraisal. 'Ibe IIIII8tiD¡J was adjcumecl at 1:30 a.m. -15- Second reading of ord. 1435 Ord. 1435 enacted DeAnza Racquet Club