CC 02-05-88 ·. .- ". t· CI'1Y OF aJPERl'DÐ, S'IM'E OF CAI.IPtRŒA 10300 Tu...... AVWJ18, 0Jpert1n0, CA 95014 Telepø¡e: (408) 252-4505 MINt7l'!S OF 'DIE SPJOC:IAL CJ.'lY CXIJNCIL MEEl'I1G HEID œ FEIRJAR\( 5, 1988, CXJŒ'ERENCE RXII, CI'1Y HAIL 10300 .~\.aei<I!i AvmlJE, aJR:Rl'IlÐ, CAI.IR:RŒA OC-736 Mayor Gatto called the 1IIeE!tin] to order at 5:05 p.m. RJIL CAlL Counc. PoL sAIL: Jåmsa1, Kq:Ipel, P1urçy, Rcgers, Mayor Gatto þ staff P.ì.__ll: City Manager 0rln1an Dep.Jty City Clerk WOlfe Mayer Gatto annamced that the meeti.n:]' had been called to t'li """',.... sendin;J the mricn or a 00f1:/ to 'lQyokawa. City Manager 0rln1an}IL selJtecl a ..~t art:linin3' ocst:s of variaJs alternatives. He stated that there is a limited aIIICUIt of time. He believed there are two cx:nsideratia1s: 1. Do '-'8 want to sen:i the mcrioo? 2. Do '-'8 want to serñ the original ani maJœ a 00f1:/ for us or maJœ a 00f1:/ ani serñ it? Counc. P1urçy said that the square in 'lQyokawa \I1ere the mricn woold tie located will tie dedicated aram:i the first of JUne. a¡pertino's delegatiœ is guinJ to 'lQyokawa in JUly. City Manager 0rln1an said a pattem is beinJ made at this time. 'lbeJ:e are still questicns about whether the sc:ulpture was ccpyrighted. Mary QJay, a¡pertino resident, asked Wy 'lQyokawa wanted that particular sydIo1. ():Junc. P1urçy said it is SCIIIet:hin:] that ""¥L r d:s 0Jpertin0 in their city as the sta1e lantems will I"¥L J.S mt them in a¡pertino. -1- . MINUTES OF '!HE FE!RJ1\RJr 5, 1988 ::;.t=.:IAL CI'1Y a:uaL MEEl'nÐ (00-736) Ms. QJay u)œt'l Were the lantemS wculd be located. Mr. P1ungy a111ØL~ed that tentative plans have them at the Senior 0Bntar and n-om."\ity Center. Ms. QJay said in her qlinia1 0Jpertin0 was get.tiD¡ æ.;ay fmR its SpImish heritage. ():Junc. Plungy said that 0Jpertin0 is an Italian I'121III8 and many other et:lmic qrcups am .Lepus ntecl in OJpertino's J?"'P,1>tt:ic:n. By sen:iiD;J the moria1 we wculd not be hcr.....ln:¡ a18 particular culture, just sen:iiD;J a remin:Jer of em' relatia1ship with a18 particular culture. He said the sister city ~~ had begun durin¡ President: Eisenhcwer's tbœ and was fQ1lÙld to help pecple 1eam aba1t other cultures. Mayer Gatto said this is an ~ of gifts rather than an eshh' 'fill_it of a cultural link. It is the tsJth anniversary of the sister city re1atia'lShip bebJ8sn 0Jpertin0 and 'l'ay\::Ikawa. cnmc. ~s stated that em' relatia1ship with Tayokawa does not preclude a shni'ar relatia1ship with ather cities. Jenny1ia 5epJlveda, resident:, stated she was against serñln:¡ the original sculpture cut of the City. She was not aware that the City was CXI1S.iderirg sperXIin:J m::œy. She stated the qliniat that it s,---' like an exho%bitant price for a gift. ():Junc. KI::Ig)eJ. said that Tcyakawa has spent ~urI""'tely five times JKr8 than 0Jpertin0 has 00 gifts. Ms. 5epJlver:la as.1-'I aba1t the dedicatiœ of the ..-.- ·"""ed City Hall and was told that it was ac:beduled for April 16. Ms. 5epJlver:la said she was in ftNOr of sen:iiD;J a CX1f1ž and doesn't feel the original sha1ld leave the City. She asJœ(! if we WC\1]t'I sacrifice em' "heritage" to establish a relatia1ship. Mayer Gatto :r£IIIinded these ~:s .t that altematives am beinq explored at this meetin;J. Ms. Sep.1lveda asked where the funds would CXIII8 !ran and was infcmoed they would be êIWL,-¥"iated !ran the General fUnd. -2- MDI7ftS OF 'DIE FEP.R1AR\( 5, 1988 SPECIAL CI'1Y CUJNCIL 1'IUa".u«; (OC-736) Nancy steele, Qmir of the Fiœ Arts ~i_iœ, said the ChIoni -im feels that we shcuJ.d Jœep the original and serxi a cx:py to ToycJaIwa. saûa Q)Qk, :r:wi",",,*, saidsbe feels it is a travesty to sem the arig1nal as it is the perfect syDixI1 of DeAnza's famding of 0Jpertin0. She said 88I1Itin:¡ a cx:py ......,'(1 tie f:ine if 1118 can afford it. She said she was shct-1rWI with the '::I"".........ity of TayaIœwa \itB1 they)'" S dLecl the City with 200 C11eny l.. --. She bad ......- that the mariœ wculd tie located in the plaza. Ms. sep.ù.veda ~ as to WIet:her the mar1C11 wculd still tie a famtain. City MIInager Oú.nlan araarecl that the pœvicus CI1B bad never ~ W8ll. ():Junc. Begets stated that a famtain has not been ruled out, hcw8v8r. Kayar Gatto as1rWl if ToycJaIwa wntecl the legs too; Mr. Quinlan said yIIS. It wo.üd )"'.J:.dbly tie sent: in pieoeø and .e_ -k''Id in Japm. We 0QI'1t'I þL.~eb]y make the legs different -_ TayaIœwa ckeSll't plan to have a famtain effect. Ms. steele said in that case JBybe 1118 dcn't have to 10IenY about a cx:pyright if w're mJc:iJJ¡ it different fraD the original. RDlæxI QRry, r-i"",,*, stated the cpinicn that firdinq out about the cx:pyright might not be ..i-..,' e and the artist: may want a siz"'1o\1e amount of ..-y to allow a cx:py to tie made. 'Ihat figure is not iml,- in the City Manager's cost ""¥-,,,l. He feels that the IIr1a1 shculd tie ayJOIn..ñ'e for the City Hall p'....r'licatiœ. Mayor Gatto stated that 1118 are tJ:yiø.J to see if 1118 can ha10r the schedule that was ~"""tecl by Toyokawa. Arr:I dedsicn made at this meet:Jn;J wco1ld tie subject to åIan:3e pen:lin;J the cx:pyright searà!.. ():Junc. lfqpel as1rWl hew 1cn:¡ it will take to make a pattern. Mr. Oú.nlan said 1118 have three mcnths to ~lete the project. He also 1IISI'IticnId that ¡h:.ne ...11.. bad been receiV8d as1ciDJ that 1118 Jœep the aric¡inal marioo in 0Ipert:.i00. ():Junc. P1urxy read ..........~ùence regardiry;J the maricn. It was m:M!d by Ccunc. P1ungy, seoaded by Ccunc. Johnsa1 æxI p"'e.,.ed ~ly to ha10r the request to send the mo.ri.a1 syDiJol as a gift to Toyokawa. -3- Will honor request to send marion symbol .. , e· Duplicate to be sent Relocation of morion e . MDI1lES OF 'IHB ~~ 5, 1988 ~ Cl'l'!r a:uaL Joiua".uG (00-736) It 10IU IØI'8d by QU1c. Plungy, --..ð8d by QU1c. ~. am P---1e1 ~y to crete a ~,..'i~.ubject to the cx:pyri.gbt c:learanI:» am IIhip the """'-t in faJr ¡Eta am the 1egII in fcur J.D!iviðual pi..-, œqu1riD¡ both t:ba """'-t and the 1egII to tie . 1 ..1.... in Japan. ():Junc. Kqpl said she btped the IIICIricn will tie in its final p'- for the rededicatiœ of City Hall. Kayar Gatto t'li...... -eel the J:8!ISCI1S that the 1IIOria1 was p'..-t'I ~ it is near the lim:aJ:y. Mr. ()linlan said it 1Ø1ld tie helpful to leam CD1nC1l pref......._ new tlefore the 1.and& "'I,i'l'q is cxmpletecl. staff was dizected to place 00 the Februaxy 16 2IgIIIIda a t'li......-icn of possible œlccat:ic:n of the 1IICIricn. Mrs. Q1ay asJœd about the po-iÞUity of the 1IIOria1 bein¡ in the center of the plaza. She was inf"""- that at this tœ the plan was that the p' ...~ tie lanèI!r -1-1 with gJ:US. In IU'ISL.!'J:: to cpast:iaIs, ():Junc. 1t)gerS lU'lSLaœd that the møet:irx¡ was at this tœ t-- it was the œly tœ oamci1 0CI1]t'I get together. 'Ihe møet:irx¡ was adjou:mecl at 6:00 p.m. ~i./ ú/o/r- -4-