CC 03-07-88 ~ . . þ þ . . CI'IY OF aJPERl'DÐ, S'IWm OF c:MJ:Pt'AaA 10300 Torre AverUI, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 Teler,bcae: (408) 252-4505 MINUœ; OF 'DIE RECCIAR CI'1Y CXDICIL MI!:I1:1'IlC HEID œ Miæai 7, 1988, CXDICIL aÐ\MBBR, Cl'lY HML 10300 'la<t<t; AvnIJE, aJPERl'IK), CAUPœŒA OQ-738 Mayor Gatto called the lIIE!EIt:mj to order at 6:48 p.m. SAWŒ 'ro 'DIE FlAG roIL CAlL ():Junc. Pnseø.ll: l{qipel, P1un;¡y, Rogers, Mayer Gatto ():Junc. Absent: Johnson staff I'reseø.lt: City Manager Quinlan City Clerk Dorothy CœneJ.ius Director of Public Works Vi.skcvid1 Assistant to the City Manager Brcwn Assistant P1annin:J Director pi "''"«"ki Director of Finance Snyder Director of Parks anci Recreat:ic:n DcwlJD¡ thmonùty RelatiCl'1S Officer Krey City Attomey Kilian ~ - None. CEREJDIIAL MA:1'~ - PRESnfrATICH9 Newly a¡:pointed _.¡.era of various ........i.ia1s wre given their Oath of Office anci wre t'"- s .Led with Certificates of Aßx>i1íb.....ll. ORAL CXlHJNICATIœs Kathy Myles, ~ItiV8 Director, QJpert:ino (t-...¡ ~ of C'nnmø't'Ce Pl S ¡jLed ():Junci' .._.1 ....... with the 1988 Ð:iitiœ of the ~ booklet entitled "QJpert:ino". Linda smith æxI other "'"¥L s Md.Atives frail thmo"\ity HoosinJ Developers presented the City with a "Golden Nugget Award" for the Ie Beaulieu Housin;J for the HaJYli.~~. smFF ~~ 1. oral l.q.¡urts by staff """"""'era æxI ...,.....i "'$100 of written reports . -1- , Truants Trash at Orchard Vly Mdt. Place . . MINtJl'æ OF 'mE W\Rœ '1, 19S5 crl'í cmNCI.L ~ œ-ns C>:Juncil requestecl activity figures reg:u:ding taki.rq tnIants to sd1oo1 tmen PicJœd up. City Manager QlWùan stated that the review of de¡:ut.ies av<'Iilable within the City of Q)pert.ino æxl1041et:her or not there was a need to ackl to this waùd tie }n. S~Il«l as part of the a.d3et Review. 2. Request fran Q1air of the Transit Authority for inp.¡t regardin;J transportatiat :I.....,.... at the Camty level. City C>:Juncil t'li......,..g'Bd the ...."......l æxI will provide any ,)o····_·lls they may have to the Mayor. 3. Repœ.l regardin;J trash at Oràm:d Val1E1)- MarIœt: Place, swtheast corner of stevens creek BcW.evard æxI Fm:1:al Avenue. steve p....'3eC'ki reviewed the ...."......l æxI a letter received frail the Center management. Geu..ya HaIris, 19731 Bixby Drive, expressed cax:erns regaJ:'din] staff r<>o ....-. L1atial. He stated that the oc:nlitia1s """""""'ary to maintain the shl:Jwin¡ center were already part of the aߌ'OVal i'L' <""""~. He shcwecl slides taken in NoveIIœr depict:in:J Franzella' s trailer, 1'XI.",.lClœed c:h.mpsters æxI debris goin¡ into the stoJ:m drain. Mr. HaIris told Counc1l that there is starin¡ of material goin¡ en in the back of the center. He also stated that Mctiart' s Pizza washes pizza pans in the back alley. Mark WiDDer of Oràm:d Valley MarIœt: Place said that these oc:nlit!cms IX) 1CD;Jer exist. '!he center is bein;J kept very clean am has a clean ""¥Al frail the Health Deparbœnt and the City. '!he only dt.mprter not enclosed is at Franzella's æxI that is bein¡ taken care of. He _""'-'"-"'d the qrlnicn that thin.:Js are not goin¡ down the stoJ:m drain æxI that the Health DeparbDent waùd back him up in this. Upa1 bein;J asked by Counc1l, Mr. WiDDer stated that the feooe will tie installed by Franze11a's within the next two weeks. Ccuncil directed that the use PØ'""it ocniiticns be enf~ am the center tie DlClÙ.tored. 4. Repœ.l and request for clli'ec::tiœ regardin;J establishiD¡ a fee to tie subaittecl with filin¡ of a notice of intent to ciraJ1ate an initiative petitien. -2- MINUI'ES OF 'DIE MAR:H 7, 1988 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEE'I'I}I; OC-738 C>:Juncil directec1 that this net be pJrSUecl. OXJNCIL .IC&U<J.~ 8. ():Junc. P1ungy: I.egi.s1ative Review ChIonittee - It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1ungy, sec:xn3ecl by c.ooœ. Bogem am !?'"ø-ed ~y by these ~LSlIlt (4-0) to take the followinq act:icas regarclin;¡ ~"l'csed 1eqi.slatia1: Request: CJq)ies of SB 407: AB 3348 (Floyd) , ABC definitiœ of "å1an;Je in mode or å1aracter of operat:ic:n": SB 2190 (Dills), amma:b...../ts to General P1.an law to increase fire protectioo review in plannin;r pt\X'ees: AB 3047 (Kelley) , new~. <:""'iIn-e created for set:t.irq water IUXI sewer st:arKÐJy charges: 1m 3312, 1m 3250, S.2023, and 1m 2640, Technical a..........."tiœs Act to the Tax Refam Act of 1986. SL.....~ly qpose N:A 27 (Jchnsa1) , requirement for voter a¡:proYal of fees and ....--.......,œ, IUXI AB 3075 (stir1inq), IIIaOOatŒy city l'""i~,L for sd1oo1s' provisiœ of crœsinq guards. C\1>OSe seA 37 (I.oc.tyer), ~,¥Ii'ed prc:perty tax e:--'I.'Lia1 ftaR d1an; es of ownership ~ for t'li ""bled haDea.mers, without a better definitiœ of "t'li "<'bled." ~ SB 1725 (Btoly......:n) , repeal of ~'-'J:'tU.ty tax transfer to "no- IUXI low _"'1"""ty tax cities" ; AB 2802: seA 36 (Green), requ.irin;J cities and counties to i~ and collect a tax in aJID1I1t of lt of value of OCI1Structioo IUXI to fund oc:nIb:'uctioo or rec......L..l.ICtioo of public sd1ools.; AB 2745 (f'nw>.1n..1'1), requ.irin;J cities to include å1ild care facilities as a 11UX1 use designatial in General Plan: SB 1741: and AB 923. SUß:<àt SB 2149 (Beverly), inverse CXIÜ!1Dnatiœ, """'t""rative fault; AB 2817 (O'CM.....u),~. í>' ""<'] for sate subYentia1 to replace cnmty prcperty tax reverA.JeS transfen:-=d to "no- and low _uporty tax cities": and SB 1904 (McŒgan) , allowinq a tax credit towards the cost of certain vehicles providecl urœr eaployer-spcœared ri.desharinq ~"Y"GIIID am private third-party ridesharinq ~"Y""""'. Request iz:p.rt: frail sdIool districts re SB 97 (BE:.." sm), requirinq sdIool districts to .."hnit sdIool facilities plan to cities for review 0CI1S1stent with General Plan, IUXI AB 112 (.-.....I.~l) , fees collected in - of these allc..v:i to district ocW.d tie fmwarded to cnmty SUperintendent of schools. Rsgardin;r AB 2710 (cortese), eartb:¡uaJœ reoc::t...L..l.ICtioo, request clarificatioo of "fees." Federal 1eqis1atioo - SU¡:port S.2062 IUXI S.2063, gas tax e>-,,,,uoo reinstatement: and the Technicalco........""tiœs Act to the Tax RefOJ:1ll Act of 1986 iJx:lu:iinq 1m 3312, HP. 3250, S.2023 and 1m 2640. Direct CJq)ies of bills with League aIlletin be forwarded to sd1oo1 districts . Leaislative Revlew Commlttee -3- . Consent Calendar . . MDI1ŒS OF 'IHB IWÐI 7, 1988 C1'l'\C CX'(JNCIL MŒl'I1G ~738 CXJISENl' CAIDmAR Mr. Amato nqJIIStecl that C>:Juncil J:8IICII8 It8I p~ 10, 1Idúå1 Counc1l did. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1un;¡y, seoctñecl by ():Junc. Rogm:s ancl p"'....'9d \IrIa11imr:uIly by these !"- S Hit to "I¥Lwa the balance of the (1.._ .l calendar as .."hnittecl. 10. Rem:IYed frœ a.._ll calemar. 11. l!ælicat:ic:n 36-u-a6 - C21ateau 01pertin0, requestinq a¡:pt'CMÙ of WWYti f'icaticm to the previously a¡:prcved pavinq treatment of the fire --.... lane servin¡ a 169 unit senior citizen retirement cœp1ex. '!be site is located 00 the east side of Tarre Aveme saIth of stevens creek Boulevæ:d.. Reo· ····.ArŒJd for apprcval. 12. Applicatiœ 48-u-a7 - west valley Shcg?ilq center, requestin;J "I¥Lwal of ~iJq ancl 1ightin;J as required by cxntitiatal \.1M pemit for a 37,000 sq. ft. expansiœ to an existin;r retail center. '!be sitø is located 00 the saIth side of HaDestead Bœd betws sn DeAnza Boulevæ:d. ancl FrëIn:x) ct. Reo· ····-ded for ðt¥'-wal. 13. Reso1ut.iœ No. 7421: "A ResolutiQ1 of the City Ccuncil of the City of 01pertin0 Declarin;J Intent to oc:nmct A FI1blic HeariDJ O"'......uirq a Nuisance at salem Hi".., salem Aveme and Foot:hi11 Boulevæ:d., 'Ihrust IV." 14. Resolut.iœ No. 7439: "A Resolut.iœ of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 01pertin0 Authorizilq 1o(""i'Lance of Deed for Real P1.'¥"L lý Located at 19810 Portal Plaza ani $3,000 fcrr -low KarIœt Cbligaticn æxI ~"in¡ EnI:::uIIb:ance 00 Five units in Tract 7575, Town center Prcperties. " 15. Reso1ut.iœ No. 7444: "A Reso1uticm of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 01pertin0 Amerñin;J Reso1utioo 5214 A¡:point.in:J Dep1t:y City Attorney." 16. Acoept:ance of IlUlÛcipal iDpravements: I.any Qly project 00 SilVe1.ðdu Avenue. (No EII't¥'" t..in;J ~1-rt:B required. ) 17. Resolut.iœ No. 7434: "A Reso1uticm of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 01pertin0 DesignatiIJ] Permit ParJdn;J 00 Byrne Aveme North of M::Cle11an Read." -4- MINUI!S 01' 'mE IWDI 7, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL IŒEl'Il«; OQ-738 18. Re8oJ.ut1a1 No. 7435: "A Re8oJ.ut1a1 of the City o:ux:.u of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:provin;J o...lL..aCt ~ Ckdt... No. 18 for Civic center Expmsiat, Project 87-2003, City Hall, Librazy, site." 19. MiJutes of the adjcmnecl regular IIIII8tiD¡J of JaI'UI%Y 11, 1988 (00-733A) 20. MiJutes of the regular IIIe8t.in¡ of Jam.m:y 19, 1988 (OQ-734) . 21. Mimtes of the adjcmnecl regular IIIII8tiD¡J of JaJJJ.UY 25, 1988 (OC-734A). 22. Min1tes of the regular IIIe8t.in¡ of FebruaJ:y1,1988 (00-735) . 23. MiJutes of the qpec-f;lll' IIIe8t.in¡ of February 5, 1988 (00-736) . 24. Mimtes of the regular IIIe8t.in¡ of FebruaJ:y 16, 1988 (OQ-737) . 25. Al<Xho1ic Beve1....".,. o...d....ul çplicatia'lS: 0JurtyaJ:d by Marriott, 10605 N. Wolfe Read: Pay1ess Drugs 14240, 20580 ~ Read. 26. Resolut1a1 No. 7437: "A Resolut.1a1 of the City Ccuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllowiD;J certain Cl..i- am Dt......db Pay8ble in the AIIIa1nte and F.rCIII the !\D'åI as Hereinafter Described for General and Misœ1lanea1s Expenditures for the Period Erñing FebruaJ:y 26, 1988." 27. Resolut1a1 No. 7438: "A Resolut.1a1 of the City Ccuncil of the City of Q.1pertino AllowiD;J certain ('J..i- and DIIIBrxJs Payable in the AIIIa1nte and frail the !\D'åI as Hereinafter Described far salaries æxI wages for the Payroll Period Erñing FebruaJ:y 16, 1988." ~ )fo....Ñn s of the City ChnY!i 1 AYES: lfqpel, P1ungy, Rogers, Gatto 1ÐES: Hale ABSENl': JåJllSOu Aæ:mIN: Hale I'1'Ðt3 REXNED PlQI cx:mmr CAInII:IAR 10. C1"i1l1 far ñ""""9"'" filed by Mr. C. J. Amato. P<><:- ....-'1ded for rejectiat. -5- Claim for Dama ge s MDÐ1ES OF 'DIE MARCH 7, 1988 CI'1Y <XOIC:IL MEE1'DÐ 00-738 Assistant to the City Manager BraoIn and Director of Public Wœb Viskcvi.å1 reviewed the h1st.aty of the..., ..i... with Counc1l. Mr. Amato Ì4 s ,Led AH"- shcwin:J the oœt., incl\liliJ¡ a guarantee, of l'I'p'-cin:¡ the L.. as. Mr. Amato stat.ecl that he felt the subc.....L..aCtar is respawih'e. Mr. axl Will:Lëmø of 'l'J:ee McIIers, Inc. was a\l"'i'Mle for any quest.ia1S 1'raD Counc1l and reYÚIo'IBd the ilL' .c~"t' of l'"'pl..cin:¡ the b. e s . City Attomey Kilian told Counc1l variaJs cpticms: closed sessicn ~1Se of potential lit1gatiœ), reject the t'!l..i1ll, qrant: the ...1JOilll for a diff6.._lllIIIICUI'Jt than that requested or direct staff to ilL' -:" j with anythin:¡ they '1IIq have planned. 'lbø City Attomey stat.ecl that the L.. H ware City L.. H and therefore he tIelÚMld the City had no liability for their J:8IICNal. Mr. WilliaD& told Counc1l that as far as a 3o-.inch box versus a 48-inå1 box tree, there was ~....n-tely a five year differential in growth. Mr. Viskcvic:n stated that the City was iIL~in:¡ ~ 36-inå1 b. ea. It was IIICII8d by Kayar Gatto, sec...ð.d by ():Junc. P1ungy to deny the ...bi1ll and ~u118 the plantin:¡ of ~ 36-inå1 L.. H. Mr. Viskcvic:n stat.ecl that the sub- ....1L..aI.."tor "",,1ld CXI1triJ::ute towards ~ 36-inå1 b. is. Fol1owin:¡ t'li ..........icn, the IIICticI1 and ...........:1 ware withdrawn æxI it was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, seoctð.d by C':IUI1C. Rog$.> 9 æxI P"'~9d \IrIa11imr:uIly to deny the ~..i1ll. It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. Plungy, 8eOC:Itð.d by ():Junc. Rcgers æxI p"ø-ed unanimousJ.y to %'lOp'''''''' the large tree with a 48-inå1 box æxI replace the other per n-,......., City~, ('....'111'"8. If Mr. Amato wished a larger tree than wculd r.....lIIdlly tie pl"œd 00 the a1Ib strip, he """1ld pay the dlffæ:eu.."". RmLIC HF.ARDa:;s 29. Applicatia1s 1-<õPA-87 and 52-EA-87, City of 0Jpert.in0, Citywide. General Plan Amendmehl: -6- MINUmS OF 'DIE )W¡Cf 7, 1988 C1'IY CXU«:IL PJU;.I:.uG OC-738 Clarificat:ic:n that the Flear Area Ratio lxn1s policy "W'i.. to the Traffic Intensity Parfl.Aula&bi standard area. QJœi&"aticl1 of policies requiring l'8Sidential ~ign st:andards regulatin;J hejght, b.Jlk, and IIIIISS of siD¡J.~faily haœs. Envin:nœnta1 DIrt:8I:m1natia: '1he Plann1n¡ ChIoni_i..., I'"'" . . ··-ds the grantin;J of a Negative n-larat:ic:n. Pee ¡ ....-D:a1 tar ~wal. (a) Resolut.iœ No. 7436: "A Resolutiœ of the City Counc1l of the City of 0Jpert:in0 AdqJting 1-GPA-87, a Genetal Plan AmelLb......l Clari.fyin;J Flear Area Ratio Bcn1s R:)1ic:y and Policies Requiring Oartai., Hesidentia1 Design stamards." Assistant Plaminq Director pI"''"''('Jd reviewed the ..~t. with Counc1l. It was IIICIIIed by ():Junc. Plungy, seoaù3d by CaIrx:. 1Ctypel æxI p"''!Jseel unanimcus1y to close the p.lb1ic hearing. It was IIICIIIed by CaIrx:. ~.., seooud,,:d, by ():Junc. Plungy am p"'''~ unarúmcus1y to ClW"uv'e the qrantinq of the negative dIr..laratia1. It was IIICII8d by <bmc. ~.., seoctd.c] by ():Junc. P1ungy æxI P"'''-ecl unarúmcus1y to aw.-u118 the çplicatioo per Plannin¡ n-o-i....icn Resolutiat No. 7436. 30. QJœideratiœ of ext:erñinq u..."......~ ominanoe N'IJdIer 1438: InteriJa 1.a1e, ~iB'M...1t and Resident.ia1 }lil'.i.... zavJs. (a) U.."""...y 0I:I:tinan0e No. 1440: "An ominanoe of the City Council of the City of 0Jpert:in0 Extendinq Ordinance No. 1438 Establisbinq Interim Za1inq standards for the Rl (Resident.ia1, Sing1~Faily) Za1es ani æs (Residential, Fil'.ide Slept Density) Za1es, am Declarinq the U.L."......-y 'lhere...f. " Assistant Plannin¡ Director pi "'",«,lei brought: ():Juncil up to date 00 the pr....".. - of the regular ordinarx:8 being planned as wll as the lEn1th of time being recp!Sted for the T1.L"""...y 0I:I:tinan0e. It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. Rogers, seoctd.c] by ():Junc. Yq:ipel æxI p"'....ed unarúmcus1y to close the p.lblic hearing. -7- Public hear- lng closed Res. 7436 adopted Public hear- ing closed . Ord. 1440 enacted . Pu4l!ac hear- ing closed KINUl'ES OF 'DIE MARCH 7, 1988 CI'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DG 0>738 It was IIICMId by counc. ~.., secaldecl by counc. Plungy and P""--ed UJ1iUÚJInISly to "WL\N8 ext:erxUn¡ the interim arc:Uœnoe. It was IIICII8d by counc. Plu.1gy, secaàJeà by counc. ~&, arxl P""--'" UJ1iUÚJInISly to read 0J:dJ..rIame No. 1440 by title Cl'ÙY and the City Clmit's reading to ocœt.itute t.b8 J:8IId1ng thereof . It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. PlUD; y, seccn3ecl by ():Junc. ~. æxI P"'--;eI UJ1iUÚJInISly to enact t1.ì.."......y ordinance No. 1440. 31. Review and çpraval of user fee sd1edI1le for 9,i'din:J Divisicn. (a) First reading of 0J:dJ..rIame No. 1441: "An Ordinance of the City Counc1l of the city of 0Jpertin0 AmaI1ciin¡ varlœs Cbapters of thü 0Jpertin0 H.Jnicipal 0:d8 Perta.inin¡ to Fees - Electrical, Plumbir.q, Meà!anical, R,i1t'1i>q." Director of Finance Snyder reviewed his ..~l with Oxmcil. He pointed a.rt: that 00 page 31-5, line 6, t.b8 wrd "identiœ1" s!nùd be deleted. Page 1 of the ordinance s!nùd be amerIdecl to read 1-1/2 haD:s rather than 2 boors. James Jac1œa1, r...... s ../t.in;J G4.D;IU"y Group, told Ccuncil that he has filed a protest and 1oIa1ld 1iJœ the 1&' "essel 1II.Ùti~ fee schedule made œtrœctive to time of filJD¡ the protest. Hr. Snyder inf"""'- Counc1l that he has no plans to do BO. 'Ihe City Attomey said fees pœvicusly ,'i1argecl are valid æxI did not knoll if the new fees ooold r.elate to pœvicus fees. He told Hr. JacJæcn that he 71JaY wish to ra1ØIIr his protest. Dick Qúldress, develcper, asJn>t'I what the definit:ic:n of repeat plan waù.d be. He has been kuildinJ the _ plan for 15 years. He felt that the repeat fee shcW.d tie higher. Hr. Snyder said arr;¡ devel'¥"""lt requirirq a new h,i1dirq pemit waù.d tie CalSiderec1 a new plan arxl therefore, full fees would be d1arqed. It was IIICMId by ():Junc. P1UD; y, seoc;njecl by ():Junc. lfqpel æxll"'~~ed UI'1aIÙJDcusly to close the pmlic hearirq. -8- MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE MAIaI 7, 1988 Cl'lY axa::n. JVòI:ò'.L".uG OQ-738 It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, seocn.ied by ():Junc. Rcg8r8 and P"-T'!Id \1I'Ial'ÛJIIa1sy to _..",. the cmtinance pr ~ ,Led. Council requested a that ~ of the ¡r"",I,'et prepu:ed by the R,i 1 dirx;r Dep!Irt:DøJt shcwiD¡ the step¡ involved in þL' >(" in:¡ tñe çplicat.kn be fcmmded to them for review. It was mcvecl by ():Junc. Plungy, seoaddd by a:.mc. Kqptl am ~.,.eed \1I'Ial'ÛJIIa1sy to read ordinance No. 1441 by title œly am the City Uetk's readin:¡ to CXlèltitut:e the first reading thereof. 32. O:nside.ratiat of røvisicn to the Transient Occupancy Tax. (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 1442: "An ordinance of the City Counc1l of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIenr:IJ.Iy¡ Q12Ipt:er 3.12, 'l'ransie1t nrv.1pImCy Tax, of the 0Jpertin0 JI.1ro1cipel Q)dø." Director of Fi1'Iance Snyder reviewed variaJs hotel tax rates arcun1 the area. 8.1rrel lBa1æ:à, 10050 North Wolfe 1bId, said that he has ~ko:d for a 1aq time to brin:¡ a major hotel to QJperti.no æxI is against any increase in the tax. Yvette Del Prado, President, ~..r of t'\_._._~-o.:s, ~A.....~ CXb.~.L1' regarãinJ a need for better CICIIIII1rÙ.Cat bebJ'f1!n the City æxI the (2\....1 -er æxI requested Ccuncil 1"-"'~18 ac:ticn 00 this itaa. Jåm Vi.daviå1, developer, said that he did not fesl an increase frcm 7' to at .....'ld ....- a ~_, but: if thent is an autaDat.ic increase fNfIrY year until the City n-t- a lot Transient nrv.~ Tax, that JIight __ a diff81...._. He ~ that the hotel tax tie used far the Sister City 1-IL"".:f"GIII am to assist the 0'-...1« of o -...-. ~. Marlt Kroll, Cl1pertjno City center As........i..tea, stated that he too was not CXI--....d that a U increase, but: waùd tie cx:...........-..d if the tax were rooi....tJ every year to lot Will Lester, Vallco Parle, said that QJperti.no does not subsit'li 7.e hotel CXŒItruct:iat, whereas SëIr. Jose and santa Clara have. Mayor Gatto informed these pl s ~hl that the Redevel............ll Þqercy in San Jose had actually subsidized the hotel. -9- Flrst reading of Ord. 1441 Transient Occupancy Tax Flrst reading of Ord. 1442 · Public hearlng cont. to April 4 Morion · Fine Arts grant rec. · MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE JWI]f 7, 1988 Cl'lY OXJNCIL MEE'l'DG ~738 It was also pointed cut that the City does ..~ Ja:ÐfIY eaå1 year tor tba Q\-··Jer of O····.A1oe. It was IIICII8d by O::unc. Pl\.nN, seocllded by O::unc. ~, and p"'-1d unan1Ia1sly to cn1tirue the PJblic œarln¡ to April 4, 1988 PIANNDa; APPLICAT1CHI 33. Hale. ~ AND SITE APIKJVAL CXHaTl'EB APPLICATIC16 34. None. ~: 9:35-9:45 p.m. UNFINISHED EIJSIHmS 35. Ia::atiœ of KŒicr1 in Civic center. Director of pl1hH~ ~kz:o Vi.sIa::wic:n .....,11 ,It.ed Counc1l with slides æxI pictures of patential1oc:atia1s for the marial. .Jan::y steele, amir of the Fine Arts ~i ....icn, said the prefm:ellOos of the ChIoni,,"..too was locatiœ 4 Wid1 WCI"1t'I tie located at the rear of the plaza at a pad. Counc1l did not mach a cx:œensus 00 either the locatia1 of the marial or 1Ibather or not it sha1ld have a water el.....:aIL. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1ungy, ...........r:1t.d by ():Junc. lb; ers æxI P"'-1d ~y to caJt:inJø ccœideratia1 of this matter to the P'gI,,,,...1III!IEItizq of Marå115, 1988. to EIJSIHmS 36. A¡praval of Fine Arts ChIoni....iœ grant reo:" ....-.1r:IaticI1s. thmo"\ity Relatia1s Officer R:rey J¡& IIU1bed the ChIoni_ion's 1:'&=" ····-d1datiœ to Counc1l. RiOOert:a Holli:øat, of the Fine Arts ChIoni....ioo, aJaæ:ed qJeSt.icr1S of Counc1l as did Director of P8rlcs an::l Recreatioo Dowling. Counc1l ~-ted that the ~t Gallery see if sc:hool blS9S ""'lId tie used at a :r<ot'II~ rate for their SUr.:l'J ~ field trip. -10- MnÐœ3 OF 'IHE K1mCH 7, 1988 Cl'IY <DJNCIL JŒE:1'DÐ CX:-738 It was JŒ:III8d by ():Junc. ~., -...o.ded by ocunc. Kq:ipel and po- BèI ~ly to ~....... $1,500 to the J\th1nIIya Sdxxü of ~, $1,500 to the Ð.I¡iIrat t:oo"EŒY, $1,500 to the Yan¡ 0XIse1:va1:my 'It....L.... of san Jœe and $6!50 to artists Alice Freunj am aui.stine amtwell. C>:Juncil also appraved that future grant n-:> .....M'JdatiaIs ~,. 00 the 0..._ It. QùenSar with all infamatia1 att-..rt-', 37. ~l regardin:J sale of all outstaJ1cliIq Gill Inr:Iustries stock to Heritage ImI.,..L......Its, Inc. Bc:b Hcsfeldt of Gill Inr:Iustries was av>&i bhle to answer any questia1S of ():JuncU. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Rcge.rs, seoc:I1decl by ():Junc. P1ungy am p"ø....... unanimcus1y to CXI1SeI1t to Gill IrdJstries sale of its stock to Heritage CDIIDJnicatiCl1S. 38. ~-t: for transfer of funds fraa the General J.e.1.JOI" to the ResC'lJrCe Recc:Ivery !\Di. Sale of Gill Industries stock It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plunn-, 6e(xuJe.l by ():Junc. KqpIl æxI P"--'EICl unanimcus1y to ~uv'8 loan of $125,000 fraa the General !\Di to the Resource Recc:Ivery !\Di. 39. ~l 00 bid ~, DEW 88-11, SL...eet &- í-er, and award of oouL...i:ICt. Req. for transfer of Gen, Ledger funds Bids It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plunn-, seoctùed by ():Junc. KqpIl æxI P"-'EICl unanimcus1y to award the bid to Mr. Air 9IÆ/pexS in the IIIIICU1'1t of $19,998. 40. ~t. 00 bid qørln;J, Project 86-20A, ~ BcW.øvIml and Bollbgar lbId traffic siqMl 1ft"rii f'ic:atiat, and award of .......L....::t:. By COIlS 111SUS, Council oc:nt.irued o::nrlderat:ic:n of this to their IIIII8tiD¡J of Marå1 15, 1988. 41. Traffic ...."...... l survey for Applicatiœ 36-u-87, I.eBculanger Bakmy. Counc1l received the .."...0.. l. App. 36-U-87 42. Award of ~.L...aet ani ~"¥,,iatioo of fun::Js for the re::reatial -- -- At:!!-~~ survey. Rec, needs assessment survey It JŒ:III8d by ():Junc. P1unn-, seca1decl by ():Junc. RI:>gerB to award the r.........atiœ r- ~... ..øør~ to Diana Tillin;lbast am ~"¥,,iate $8,500 frcD the General !\Di. -ll- . CDBG funds . Closed session . MINrJIES OF '.ŒB JmRCH 7, 1988 CI'1Y CXD«:IL h2;r.uG OQ-738 Director of RIzb and 8ec:L.at.1œ DcIorling 1U1BLæ::1aCl c;pIIIt:1aw of Counc1l. Counc1l requested that the ~". be tightened 1hIrøv8r possJble. '1b8 mot:i.c:n we ar:IqJted unam.:..ly. ~(J;.I..J.nl CXIIIJNICA'l'ICH9 43. Request trca Ann Ar9Ir far mo...-i.....·at.iœ of use of CClllll.DÙ.ty ~'I -It. "Jodi: Gt.cult fUnds. FollCNin-' Counc1l ..i....-1.m, Ann Ar9Ir requested that CaJncj' -""'. ar...tb.... public hearJn¡ 00 the mtter. It was IIICII8d by ChID:. Plungy, 88OCI.dbd by ():Junc. IfqJpel an:! I"'''!'sect unan1maJsJ.y to oa1Sider at the meeting of Mu:å1 15, 1988, 10bIther or not to have another p"blic hearJn¡ 00 this matter. œDINANc::æ 44. Ment. RæOWrrCHI 45. Hale. t"r~ SESSICIJ At 11:0S p.m., 0:u1cil adjcurnecl to a c]r:¡;eI E"---iœ at two matters. At 12:00 a.m., 0:u1cil recx:nwned in q&1 T iœ. City Attamøy IW.ian 2Ir1I1œncecl that no -i"'1 we t:aJœn. At 12:03 a.a., 0:u1cil adjcumed to Mu:å114, 1988, lower level ccmt'....__ rDCII. -12-