CC 03-14-88 CI'1Y OF aJPERl'I1Ð, S'lM'E OF CALIRRf.IA 10300 'I\..u..... AVWJJ8, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 'D;I]-,.J_'1I'I8: (408) 252-4505 OC-738A MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE ADJaIRHED RÐDIAR CI'1Y <DJNCIL J'II:'óI:a'.uG HEID (If IWaI 14, 1988, Iamt rEVEL ~ RXM, Cl'lY H.\LL 10300 'lutU<lS AVEHÆ, aJPERl'I1Ð, CALIRRf.IA Mayor Gatto called the meet:.in:¡ to order at 7:00 p.m. R>IL CAIL 0Junc. PoL S lüL: Jåmscn (arrived 7:25 p.m.), Kqpl, Pl\1D1Y, ~., Kayar Gatto staff ~ S Il: City Manager Quinlan City Clerk COmelius Directar of Public 1b'ks V.iskcvich Directar of FiMnoe Snyder Directar of Plannin¡ and Devel"l-""""d. cowan (left 7:20 p.m. ) Directar of Parfcs am Recœat.icn Dcw1iDj Assistant to the City Manager Brown (arrived 7:25 p.m.) RlBLIC IIE'ARDC - HIGHWAY 85 Mayor Gatto annamced tbat he had received infaz:mat.icn reqardinq Hi.cþoIay 85 that afl...u__., and upon ccuncil determinaticr1 tbat the infcmaat.icn had been received after the postin;J of the agenda and it was net:" ary to taka actia1. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plunçw, seo...ìded by Cb1nc. ~s æxI adcptecl \IrIa11imr:uIly by t:bœe i'" S íl to c:xnt.1me the public heariDj for I'~c;t-y 85 that had been scbeduled for Marå1 15, 1988, to the IIIII8tiD¡J of Mard1 30, 1988. City Manager Quinlan reviewed both the 1ag-IëUJ; 8 Civic center Þ.1i1c:lin1 expansicn r' rØl'\'8, am the reserve for land aoquisitioo æxI rœd devel"l-""""íl. Be inf--- ():Juncil that a reserve had been set up for the certificates of Participatiœ debt service. Ccuncil rEq1eStecl that there be natice sbowin;J such intent so that future Counc1ls ..,.1ld tie aware of this. 'Ihere shaIld tie a statement sbowin;J the i""".......llage of yield am the ..........UJbe.ll. -1- MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE MARCH 14, 1988 AIXJ'ŒJRŒD RIDJIAR CI'1Y cx:xK:IL 1IUiJ.'.1J'C COO-738A) Dimctar of Finance Snyder P"--1Id cut a --"y of the Transient t'IrToI1p"Q1Cy Tax projectia1S. He 1IO:r-J-"1;ed that Counc1l my wish to cxœider bl1i1diJJ¡ up the ruair1/8 for :iœurance. He also pointed cut that projectia1S include an aàti.t.ia1a1 1/2 time pel:1:t()o. in COde Enf.....-..-....íl. '!his WO"lt'l rtt dt......._ the use of time for the Sberiff's Department. Mr. Snyder will ~ sLJl Counc1l with final 7""11\1__ regarãinJ the park and City Hall b::ni tax. He also stated that the 1c:nrtem t'liaability fund my need SCIIIB adjÙDt......íl. Counc1l recpestci the caveat regardjn¡ pe1:08111:agø yield be p' "Iœd 00 pItJ, S 4, 5, and 7. It shaJld tie pointed cut that this holds tJ:ue in regard to rnerves ClÙy. Director of PUblic Works Vis1ccvidl reviewed tbe Five Year capital ~"",e..-,l Pl...."....... with Ccuncil. Adju..t....../ls to the tJocI-1t incl1Üld IIII::Nirq the sentenœ regardiD¡ the DeAnza P>n;p-t Club 00 page 1 to the bottaa par-~~ 00 that page, reversirg a........ll year figuœs 00 page 10, aIIIE!l1Cliø¡ the total for 1988-89 fiscal year. Counc1l nq.¡est.ed staff dJec:k 00 the time frame for CXI'ISt:ruc:t:i of the seven Sprin;¡s Fire statiœ. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. P1ungy, seoct.dt..d by ():Junc. Rcgers to ~we the Five Year capital ~"".......ul P.L..."....... in c....~l æxI to AwLwe the Ì'L' ~ a1ld increases for this year. ~ will tie made at tiøIas of awanl of ~Il,¡,ca..~. OIarles ~.- .....\ told Counc1l he had been as~ to attend this IIIII8tiD¡J by the Q1-..1 ~ of ('\ - -. 08. He........ 1Id å:Jject.ia1 to the assuapt.icn of an increase to 10 ~íl in the 'l'r2Insi81t nnoo:pmcy Tax. Mr. IT--1'\ also ~ Bel OOIlO$ln regardin:J the~. . æxI the transpartat:iœ itEIIB in the Genè1.al Plan bein:J deferred. staff then aJlISLn..d cpISticr1s regardin:J the CIP. C>:Junci1 t'liooco' Bel the Transient OocIJpæx:y Tax and rer;p.1SSted that the staff ..~l for the April 4, 1988, public hearirg shell projectecl :nM!!nJeS at varioos percentages and that this ...."...... l tie made av>o i1 able to the p.¡blic. -2- '9 MDI7I!S CJI! 'BIB MIK2I 14, 1988 ADJŒJRŒD RI!DUIAR CI'lY CXOICIL ~.UG (OC-738A) Am ID¡JIIr ctJj~... to lpeC'i.' ~ grcqJS am tb81r r-q-t for tuaØ for tbIir partiaùar int-_-u cnly. aD:œl L.am:d, V-1100 Putt, iIq.d.œd as to tba status of the t'I-''t<IT:'I Bancbo RiI......~"oo nlCSøv91'l It project. '!be prøviaJs -xim WI; unanbœs1y adcpted by CDJnci1. '!be 1IIØIIt:ing .. adjcumecl at 9:45 p.m. -3-