CC 03-15-88
10300 Torre Avwue, QJpertino, CA 95014
Tel.........I8: (408) 252-4~
MINt1DS OF 'DIE RmJIAR Cl'1Y a:œcn. MEZ1'11G
HEW œ MARJI 15, 1988, CDJNC:IL awœœ, CI'1Y BALL
10300 '!Ut<tcIs AvœJE, w.t'U(J,·.u(), CAI.:IR:RaA
Mayor Gatto called the meet:inq to order at 6:45 p.m.
CtJunc. P.. s_ll:
JåInsa1, Kqpel, P1un;¡y, Reger.., Mayor Gatto
staff Pr,sult,:
City Manager Quinlan
DepIt:y City Cleèt '¡:)lfe
Director of PUblic WcDœ Vis1a:Niål
Directar of P.lannin¡ and IJeIÆ!],. ,..- ,l Q:Jwan
Directar of Parfcs and Rec:loocít.iœ Dcw1in:¡
n--"\ity RelatiCl'lS Officer Kœy
City Attomey Kilian
~ - Mayor Gatto amamced that at the Counc1l
meetin;J held 00 March 14, 1988, Itaa 17 regarãinJ Highway
85 had been 0CI1tinJed to March 30, 1988.
S'mFF ~:;;
1. Oral ..~Ls by staff _.~ ....... æxI $I,hni....iœ of written
..~ls - Hale.
2. M:I1t:hly Activity Repu..l, February, 1988.
Council received the ...."...... l.
4. Q:IuJx:. JåInsa1 - Legislative Review thmtittee - It was
IIICNed by ():Junc. JåInsa1, seoct.dt.d by ():Junc. ~s and
l"'-ed 1.IIWÚJIDJsly to taJœ the folladn] actiCI1S
regardin¡ }I""I<)6ed 1eqi.s].atiœ: ~~ AS 4521
(Hannigan) , transient "'"'<"1pal'1Cy tax, requirlnq
eazmarJdn;J of aIrž new or inc::reased tax and a t:w-thirds
vote SB 2740 (Kqp) , eJ!PEIl1Sioo of
definiticn of "f1nanciall:urden or detriment": AS 3838
Hlghway 85
ctivity Report
Review Com.
Sister City,
of y Hall,
PttR r..e~ds
Consent Calen-
dar approved
MINt7ŒS OF 'DIE MAmI 15, 1988 CI'1Y cx:o«::IL mEl'DÇ - OQ-739
(Roos), local /iy:a...-y Gam 1illlit, CPo authorized to
C' ·'·'-'108 civil act.iœ far enr""'.........d..; AD 3711,
(Polarxx) , expen1iture ~ of the 20 1'""L'*1t
hcœin;r set'"""i.... fUnd, th81y expenditures, and AD
3950 (Roos) , i'L,¥""l)' tðx l..GI..ter to "no- and
10w-pr0pert:y-ta cities" , rå.x:tia1 in transfer by
fume received by ~i.' district within a city.
SUpp II. l AD 1350 (COrtese) , capital facn ities fees,
narrcwiD] San Marco ~j sien. Direct that I.eague of
Wallen Vaters tie notified that ca1Sih.t ð:Uœ of
Spenc1in] Limits Act: will take pl_ at April 4 meet.iD;J.
6. ():Junc. P11.1rXJY - sister City P....."....... - ():Junc. Plurçy
anncunoed tñat the morioo duplicate is IYWIpletecl æxI
will tie shi~ to '1'oyok:awa 00 Miuå1 21, så1eduled to
arrive April 9. He also anncunoed the så1edule of the
visitors to QIpertino fran Japan.
- League of califamia Cities Peninsula
Divisicn - ():Junc. P1ungy anncunoed that the quarterly
meet:irr:J will tie held April 28.
7. ():Junc. Rcga.. reminded thœe i'L S dl tñat the
ra&w'ltcatiœ of City Hall æxI the Library woold take
place 00 April 16, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
<::aJroih_·¡'-ezs ~ æxI ßcgm:s ~.....d to work wit';;: the
c:œmittee fOImJlatinq the Parks and Recreatioo _u~1I
asS'::--·tL survey.
c:œsÐfl' CAIÐIDt\R
It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. Plungy, ...........dt.d by ():Junc. HogIars
and P"-ed unanimcus1y to _""" the 0..._ .l calemar as
8. Resolutioo No. 7440: "A Raso1ut1a1 of the City C>:Juncil
of the City of QIpertino AppJ:'cNinq o...ll..aCt QwJ}8
Order No. 19 for Civic center ExpBnsioo, Project
87-2003, City Hall, Library."
9. Resolutioo No. 7441: "A Resolut1a1 of the City C>:Juncil
of the City of QIpertino Dec:larin;J Its Intentioo to
Order Vacatial of a F\::n:'tiœ of Alcazar Avenue, East of
Oran;e Avenue as Prcvidec1 in Sectioo 8320 et seq. of
the Sl.....ä:s and Highways 0xJe of the state of
califamia, P'ixin1 Time and Place for Public HeIIriJ'q
and Providin;J for Notice 'Ihereof."
MINt1IES OF 'DIE MAlCI15, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL 1'lUiJ.".uG - OQ-739
10. Alocho1ic Bø\,...._ o...íl..vl a¡:plicat.iaw: 7-£J.AMm Food
stare '7.J03-20174 - 21220 HaœsteIIId RoIId, 10041 M.
Blaney Awme, 21490 J&oot"1"'11~ Reed, 10033 lIIoirt> WIly.
11. Resolutia1 No. 7442: "A - t:~ut.icn of the City Counc1l
of the City of 01pertin0 Al1ow1D¡ 0IIrtain ··...i_ an:1
DeIIIIuØ Payable in the A1Iamts an:1 t.r:ta the l'IJrIœ as
Hereinafter DIIIIc:r1bed for Salar1es and WIIgu for the
Payroll F8ricd EndiD¡ Jfarå1 2, 1988."
12. ('bd1ll far &'''-J'IIS filed by PatricJa 'lharstecl.
R& '" ....-rda1 tar œ:Jectiœ.
13. Request far waiver of Ø1siness license fees filed by
American war Veterans ~1 ief III!I'""'Ciat:ic:n.
14. ResolutiCl'l No. 7443: "A Reso1uticn of the City Counc1l
of the City of QJpertino 1IppJ:t:Ivinq o....L..aCt 01ange
Order No. 19 for DeAnza Ba1levcmi Wi.c:1eniIr¡, Project
Y2t§ Jot<>,.1 éLS of the City ~i 1
AYæ: Jchnsa1, Jtq:pù, Plungy, ßogers, Gatto
N:IES: Hale
ABSmIT: None
I'mI3 lmIJVED m:JI a::mmr WDIDAR
15. Hale.
16. Þw-l of P1ann1nq oa.i~icn ~isicn to ~
~ of utilities for .App1ic::at:ic: 1~,
""åinÇJ the northeast <::......... of PL· "!~ RJIId æxI
James Town Drive into two residential lets: "ß""'"
filed by Brian J. Kelly, President, Kelly Gœ:dI::In
Devel....,,--It cmp.
Director of Public a.duo VisJccvic:h reviewed his L'¥&t with
Brian Kelly, President of Kelly Gu..dt..... Devel"l-""""íl Q).,
"R""'lant, stated that theœ are no utility pol_ 00 the
pl.'-'l-'=ty in quest.icn. He also said that the lo'L_ty is
only 140 ft. 1cn¡ æxI that the ~ ...,.,1t'I include
goirq under the ..L......t. He felt that ~ in
this instance was urwarranted and p] aoed an undue hardship
Œl the project.
Public hearlng
Appeal granted
subject to
ord. requiring
in lieu fee
CDBG funds.
Monta Vista
Location of
MINUl'!S 01' 'DIE MiœaI 15, 1988 CI'1Y <XXR::IL 1'JUa".u«; - OQ-739
D1"""-icn followed regardjnq the lcc::atia1 of the l't'l- am
the possibility of enacting an cm:Unance .i,.ib,.. to the œe
San Jose has ""kb nq.dres a fee to be paid in œrtain
instances in lieu of unc1erg:ramdj.n utilitl..
It was IIICII8d by Ocunc. Jàu1scm, IleClQiAd by RogIa...
and v--eel unarrlmcus1y to close the p""'¡n h8arin:¡.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, seo...Ad by Rcga1..
and V"'nel \IrIa11imr:uIly to gmnt: the "IIP"""' 8Ubject to
ena...L.-.l of an œ:dinance ~ a f_ to tie paid in
lieu of~.
17. Infcmœt:ic:n and t'li""""..icn of i......... œqardinI¡ pigtway
85. (PaI:;p-t CXXJt:J1u¡ to meet.inI¡ of .._~- ~""Y, Marå1
30, 1988 if details not yet AVAilable.)
Previcus1y CICI1tinIed to Marål 30, 1988, 7:30 p.m.
18. Hale.
19. Hale.
20. Fa<:J--t for recx~..,.i~ of use of n--"1ity
Devel'¥""".l Block Grant: funds.
It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. ~., SIICCI'Idéd by o:xmc. Jdn-...1
and v--eel with CouIYrl ,_..1 -era JI'qptl and Plungy t'li -- L.d.Jn;
to 8f'Ñ>.in'e a p'~'1c hearinr¡ for œca-i¡#...."'t1a1 of use of
a port.iœ of thmo"1ity DBvel_ll Block Qadt P\Jnr:Is,
et.......t~, H':r1ta vista Area.
21. I.ocaticn of IIICIrla1 in Civic center.
It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. ~s, seoctAd by JOOnsal
æxI P""-d with ():Junc. lfqpel t'li -. -Un:¡ to retain the
Pl S _Jl locatia1 (Site 1 00 ¡:botos shewn) of the IIICIrla1
near the 1:1bra%y J:ut with a low wall P'''''ed bE.bÆan it and
the 1:1bra%y to set it off.
22. Repolt. 00 bid qIE!IÛD;J, Project 86-20A, DeAnza Bculevard
æxI Bol1in:Jer RJad traffic signal 1IIt'rli f'icatial, æxI
award of ........l..ë2Ct.
MJ:NI.1.ŒS OF 'DIE MARaf 15, 1988 Cl'lY <X1JNCIL M!E1'I}Ð - OQ-739
It was JIICMId by ():Junc. Pl\JD1Y, I!Ié..udtod by ():Junc. Jåmsa\
and ra9Md unaJÚ:IID1Sly to reject all bids 00 the QaIJis that
they WBl'8 too high, and to aut:harize staff to røviw am
readvertise the project.
23. Calsideratioo of a Sister City in the SOViet unicr1:
Pereslav1-Zalessky .
Ann Cleaver, COOldinatar with Harriet Ga..dI.... of Soviets
Meet Mid-America, said that she re.............ded a study period
to gather infœ:matia1 and facts regarcUnJ a p... spective
sister city. 'Ihere 1IIaÙd tie a team of ----"\ity leaders to
invest.iqate a "II-" of cities. 'Ibe three areas bein;J
described at taU.ght's 1IIeet.in1 are 1) CXIIp1ter caIIp, 2)
tead1er exc.han;¡e and 3) family exc.han;¡e. Ms. Cleaver
LIL...··'h~ Harriet Gardner.
Ms. Gardner elabarated 00 the CCIIp1ter caIIp. She said
ya¡rq people fraD Rùgaria, Italy, USSR and 0Jpertin0 ~d
be attending the caIIp in Au;Just. She...... v:!nd fOClliJ1g a
joint nt"OIO'IIittee with the sc:bools. awn as)r..rI Tobat kini of
BUppo:n:t the group was seekin], she said they wanted
E!IIr:Jt:.ia1al ~pœ. t.
Ms. Cleaver said. that families CXIIIinq trca the SOViet unicr1
00 the family --"¥¡J8 .....,1t'I CXIII8 trca all parts of the
cxamtry, IXIt just Paraslav1-ZIIIl......Jty. She said the
investigatinq nt"OIO'IIittee ....."d 1iJœ to have C>:Juncil
""'I-'" !: htatiœ among its", J .,..
():Junc. P1ungy said he .....ùd tie wil.1Jn;J to wèc with the
24. None.
25. Na1e.
26. None.
proj. 86-20A
bids rejected
Sister City
. .
Closed session
City of Cuper- i
tino vs. Perry I
Mendocino Elec- ¡
tric vs. City
of Cupertino
MIl«7IES OF 'DIE MARaI 15, 1988 Cl'l'\( OXJNCIL MEE'.1'I1G - OQ-739
M~ ""\'SSIœ
City Attomey Kilian announcecl that Counc1l ......"., -.t in
c'''ged sessicn n-o... of pm:!irJ;J lit.igaticn (GcMr...._d.
COde sect:ia1 54956.9 (a) to t'li........... City of 0JpIrtin0 VII.
Pen:y and Memocino Electric VII. City of 0Jpert:in0.
At 7:55 p.m., the Ccuncil adjc:m-ned to the lcwer leval
CXI1fer.u.~ nx.m for a clœed sessicn.
At 8:16 p.m., ():Juncil reocnvenecl in ~ sessicn.
came. Pi S _IL:
Johnsen, lfqpel, P1ungy, ~15, Mayor Gatto
staff Pres ¡l:
City Manai:Jet Quinlan
Deprt:y City C1~ Wolfe
Dimctar of Plannin¡ and DeYel"l-""""It, CCJwan
City Attamey Kilian
It was mcwecl by RogIQ...., secc:mecl by ():Junc. Plungy
æxI P""~ unanimcus1y to taka the follOlllirJj actia1s:
City of 0Jpertin0 VB. Pen:y - restate offer of $71,000.
MeI&:L..1no Electric VII. City of 0Jpertin0 - reject offer of
$3,900 am ratify offer of $1,500 or go to 8Ibitratiat.
At 8:17 p.m., the IIIII8tiD¡J was adjc:m-ned to 7:30 p.m.,
wed! n~, Marå1 30, 1988.
Dep.1t:y Ci clerk