CC 03-15-88 CI'1Y OF aJPER1'DÐ, 8'm1'E OF CAI.I!tRŒA 10300 Torre Avwue, QJpertino, CA 95014 Tel.........I8: (408) 252-4~ MINt1DS OF 'DIE RmJIAR Cl'1Y a:œcn. MEZ1'11G HEW œ MARJI 15, 1988, CDJNC:IL awœœ, CI'1Y BALL 10300 '!Ut<tcIs AvœJE, w.t'U(J,·.u(), CAI.:IR:RaA 00-739 Mayor Gatto called the meet:inq to order at 6:45 p.m. SAII7I'E 'lO 'DIE FlAG R>LL CAlL CtJunc. P.. s_ll: JåInsa1, Kqpel, P1un;¡y, Reger.., Mayor Gatto staff Pr,sult,: City Manager Quinlan DepIt:y City Cleèt ' ¡:)lfe Director of PUblic WcDœ Vis1a:Niål Directar of P.lannin¡ and IJeIÆ!],. ,..- ,l Q:Jwan Directar of Parfcs and Rec:loocít.iœ Dcw1in:¡ n--"\ity RelatiCl'lS Officer Kœy City Attomey Kilian ~ - Mayor Gatto amamced that at the Counc1l meetin;J held 00 March 14, 1988, Itaa 17 regarãinJ Highway 85 had been 0CI1tinJed to March 30, 1988. CERÐDIIAL MM'IERS - FRESmrATIæs - Hale. œAL CXHIJNICATIœ8 - Na1e. S'mFF ~:;; 1. Oral ..~Ls by staff _.~ ....... æxI $I,hni....iœ of written ..~ls - Hale. 2. M:I1t:hly Activity Repu..l, February, 1988. Council received the ...."...... l. OXJNCIL ~:;; 4. Q:IuJx:. JåInsa1 - Legislative Review thmtittee - It was IIICNed by ():Junc. JåInsa1, seoct.dt.d by ():Junc. ~s and l"'-ed 1.IIWÚJIDJsly to taJœ the folladn] actiCI1S regardin¡ }I""I<)6ed 1eqi.s].atiœ: ~~ AS 4521 (Hannigan) , transient "'"'<"1pal'1Cy tax, requirlnq eazmarJdn;J of aIrž new or inc::reased tax and a t:w-thirds vote reqilien.a.lt: SB 2740 (Kqp) , eJ!PEIl1Sioo of definiticn of "f1nanciall:urden or detriment": AS 3838 -1- --~--~---_.~ Hlghway 85 discussion continued ctivity Report egislative Review Com. . Sister City, morion Peninsula Division Re.cation of y Hall, Library PttR r..e~ds assessmfmt survey Consent Calen- dar approved . MINt7ŒS OF 'DIE MAmI 15, 1988 CI'1Y cx:o«::IL mEl'DÇ - OQ-739 (Roos), local /iy:a...-y Gam 1illlit, CPo authorized to C' ·'·'-'108 civil act.iœ far enr""'.........d..; AD 3711, (Polarxx) , expen1iture ~ of the 20 1'""L'*1t hcœin;r set'"""i.... fUnd, th81y expenditures, and AD 3950 (Roos) , i'L,¥""l)' tðx l..GI..ter to "no- and 10w-pr0pert:y-ta cities" , rå.x:tia1 in transfer by fume received by ~i.' district within a city. SUpp II. l AD 1350 (COrtese) , capital facn ities fees, narrcwiD] San Marco ~j sien. Direct that I.eague of Wallen Vaters tie notified that ca1Sih.t ð:Uœ of ~i.gn Spenc1in] Limits Act: will take pl_ at April 4 meet.iD;J. 6. ():Junc. P11.1rXJY - sister City P....."....... - ():Junc. Plurçy anncunoed tñat the morioo duplicate is IYWIpletecl æxI will tie shi~ to '1'oyok:awa 00 Miuå1 21, så1eduled to arrive April 9. He also anncunoed the så1edule of the visitors to QIpertino fran Japan. - League of califamia Cities Peninsula Divisicn - ():Junc. P1ungy anncunoed that the quarterly meet:irr:J will tie held April 28. 7. ():Junc. Rcga.. reminded thœe i'L S dl tñat the ra&w'ltcatiœ of City Hall æxI the Library woold take place 00 April 16, 2:00-4:00 p.m. <::aJroih_·¡'-ezs ~ æxI ßcgm:s ~.....d to work wit';;: the c:œmittee fOImJlatinq the Parks and Recreatioo _u~1I asS'::--·tL survey. c:œsÐfl' CAIÐIDt\R It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. Plungy, ...........dt.d by ():Junc. HogIars and P"-ed unanimcus1y to _""" the 0..._ .l calemar as subaittecl. 8. Resolutioo No. 7440: "A Raso1ut1a1 of the City C>:Juncil of the City of QIpertino AppJ:'cNinq o...ll..aCt QwJ}8 Order No. 19 for Civic center ExpBnsioo, Project 87-2003, City Hall, Library." 9. Resolutioo No. 7441: "A Resolut1a1 of the City C>:Juncil of the City of QIpertino Dec:larin;J Its Intentioo to Order Vacatial of a F\::n:'tiœ of Alcazar Avenue, East of Oran; e Avenue as Prcvidec1 in Sectioo 8320 et seq. of the Sl.....ä:s and Highways 0xJe of the state of califamia, P'ixin1 Time and Place for Public HeIIriJ'q and Providin;J for Notice 'Ihereof." -2- MINt1IES OF 'DIE MAlCI15, 1988 CI'1Y OXJNCIL 1'lUiJ.".uG - OQ-739 10. Alocho1ic Bø\,...._ o...íl..vl a¡:plicat.iaw: 7-£J.AMm Food stare '7.J03-20174 - 21220 HaœsteIIId RoIId, 10041 M. Blaney Awme, 21490 J&oot"1"'11~ Reed, 10033 lIIoirt> WIly. 11. Resolutia1 No. 7442: "A - t:~ut.icn of the City Counc1l of the City of 01pertin0 Al1ow1D¡ 0IIrtain ··...i_ an:1 DeIIIIuØ Payable in the A1Iamts an:1 t.r:ta the l'IJrIœ as Hereinafter DIIIIc:r1bed for Salar1es and WIIgu for the Payroll F8ricd EndiD¡ Jfarå1 2, 1988." 12. ('bd1ll far &'''-J'IIS filed by PatricJa 'lharstecl. R& '" ....-rda1 tar œ:Jectiœ. 13. Request far waiver of Ø1siness license fees filed by American war Veterans ~1 ief III!I'""'Ciat:ic:n. 14. ResolutiCl'l No. 7443: "A Reso1uticn of the City Counc1l of the City of QJpertino 1IppJ:t:Ivinq o....L..aCt 01ange Order No. 19 for DeAnza Ba1levcmi Wi.c:1eniIr¡, Project 86-20." Y2t§ Jot<>,.1 éLS of the City ~i 1 AYæ: Jchnsa1, Jtq:pù, Plungy, ßogers, Gatto N:IES: Hale ABSmIT: None ABSTAIN: Hale I'mI3 lmIJVED m:JI a::mmr WDIDAR 15. Hale. RJBLIC HF.ARDQ 16. Þw-l of P1ann1nq oa.i~icn ~isicn to ~ ~ of utilities for .App1ic::at:ic: 1~, ""1bd1.vi.åinÇJ the northeast <::......... of PL· "!~ RJIId æxI James Town Drive into two residential lets: "ß""'" filed by Brian J. Kelly, President, Kelly Gœ:dI::In Devel....,,--It cmp. Director of Public a.duo VisJccvic:h reviewed his L'¥&t with COUncil. Brian Kelly, President of Kelly Gu..dt..... Devel"l-""""íl Q)., "R""'lant, stated that theœ are no utility pol_ 00 the pl.'-'l-'=ty in quest.icn. He also said that the lo'L_ty is only 140 ft. 1cn¡ æxI that the ~ ...,.,1t'I include goirq under the ..L......t. He felt that ~ in this instance was urwarranted and p] aoed an undue hardship Œl the project. -3- . Public hearlng closed Appeal granted subject to ord. requiring in lieu fee . CDBG funds. Monta Vista Location of morion . MINUl'!S 01' 'DIE MiœaI 15, 1988 CI'1Y <XXR::IL 1'JUa".u«; - OQ-739 D1"""-icn followed regardjnq the lcc::atia1 of the l't'l- am the possibility of enacting an cm:Unance .i,.ib,.. to the œe San Jose has ""kb nq.dres a fee to be paid in œrtain instances in lieu of unc1erg:ramdj.n utilitl.. It was IIICII8d by Ocunc. Jàu1scm, IleClQiAd by a:.mc. RogIa... and v--eel unarrlmcus1y to close the p""'¡n h8arin:¡. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. Plungy, seo...Ad by a:.mc. Rcga1.. and V"'nel \IrIa11imr:uIly to gmnt: the "IIP"""' 8Ubject to ena...L.-.l of an œ:dinance ~ a f_ to tie paid in lieu of~. 17. Infcmœt:ic:n and t'li""""..icn of i......... œqardinI¡ pigtway 85. (PaI:;p-t CXXJt:J1u¡ to meet.inI¡ of .._~- ~""Y, Marå1 30, 1988 if details not yet AVAilable.) Previcus1y CICI1tinIed to Marål 30, 1988, 7:30 p.m. PIANNIØ; APPLICATICH3 18. Hale. ~1URAL AND SITE APfRJVAL CXIRlTID: APPLICATICH3 19. Hale. tJNFINISHED IIJSDŒSS 20. Fa<:J--t for recx~..,.i~ of use of n--"1ity Devel'¥""".l Block Grant: funds. It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. ~., SIICCI'Idéd by o:xmc. Jdn-...1 and v--eel with CouIYrl ,_..1 -era JI'qptl and Plungy t'li -- L.d.Jn; to 8f'Ñ>.in'e a p'~'1c hearinr¡ for œca-i¡#...."'t1a1 of use of a port.iœ of thmo"1ity DBvel_ll Block Qadt P\Jnr:Is, et.......t~, H':r1ta vista Area. 21. I.ocaticn of IIICIrla1 in Civic center. It was IIICII8d by ():Junc. ~s, seoctAd by a:.mc. JOOnsal æxI P""-d with ():Junc. lfqpel t'li -. -Un:¡ to retain the Pl S _Jl locatia1 (Site 1 00 ¡:botos shewn) of the IIICIrla1 near the 1:1bra%y J:ut with a low wall P'''''ed bE.bÆan it and the 1:1bra%y to set it off. 22. Repolt. 00 bid qIE!IÛD;J, Project 86-20A, DeAnza Bculevard æxI Bol1in:Jer RJad traffic signal 1IIt'rli f'icatial, æxI award of ........l..ë2Ct. -4- MJ:NI.1.ŒS OF 'DIE MARaf 15, 1988 Cl'lY <X1JNCIL M!E1'I}Ð - OQ-739 It was JIICMId by ():Junc. Pl\JD1Y, I!Ié..udtod by ():Junc. Jåmsa\ and ra9Md unaJÚ:IID1Sly to reject all bids 00 the QaIJis that they WBl'8 too high, and to aut:harize staff to røviw am readvertise the project. lmi HJSINESS 23. Calsideratioo of a Sister City in the SOViet unicr1: Pereslav1-Zalessky . Ann Cleaver, COOldinatar with Harriet Ga..dI.... of Soviets Meet Mid-America, said that she re.............ded a study period to gather infœ:matia1 and facts regarcUnJ a p... spective sister city. 'Ihere 1IIaÙd tie a team of ----"\ity leaders to invest.iqate a "II-" of cities. 'Ibe three areas bein;J described at taU.ght's 1IIeet.in1 are 1) CXIIp1ter caIIp, 2) tead1er exc.han;¡e and 3) family exc.han;¡e. Ms. Cleaver LIL...··'h~ Harriet Gardner. Ms. Gardner elabarated 00 the CCIIp1ter caIIp. She said ya¡rq people fraD Rùgaria, Italy, USSR and 0Jpertin0 ~d be attending the caIIp in Au;Just. She...... v:!nd fOClliJ1g a joint nt"OIO'IIittee with the sc:bools. awn as)r..rI Tobat kini of BUppo:n:t the group was seekin], she said they wanted E!IIr:Jt:.ia1al ~pœ. t. Ms. Cleaver said. that families CXIIIinq trca the SOViet unicr1 00 the family --"¥¡J8 .....,1t'I CXIII8 trca all parts of the cxamtry, IXIt just Paraslav1-ZIIIl......Jty. She said the investigatinq nt"OIO'IIittee ....."d 1iJœ to have C>:Juncil ""'I-'" !: htatiœ among its", J .,.. ():Junc. P1ungy said he .....ùd tie wil.1Jn;J to wèc with the nt"OIO'IIittee. WRlTl'EN <XIHJNICATICHS 24. None. œDINANŒS 25. Na1e. RESOWI'IOOS 26. None. -5- proj. 86-20A bids rejected Sister City in USSR . . , . Closed session . , City of Cuper- i , tino vs. Perry I Mendocino Elec- ¡ tric vs. City of Cupertino '. MIl«7IES OF 'DIE MARaI 15, 1988 Cl'l'\( OXJNCIL MEE'.1'I1G - OQ-739 M~ ""\'SSIœ City Attomey Kilian announcecl that Counc1l ......"., -.t in c'''ged sessicn n-o... of pm:!irJ;J lit.igaticn (GcMr...._d. COde sect:ia1 54956.9 (a) to t'li........... City of 0JpIrtin0 VII. Pen:y and Memocino Electric VII. City of 0Jpert:in0. At 7:55 p.m., the Ccuncil adjc:m-ned to the lcwer leval CXI1fer.u.~ nx.m for a clœed sessicn. At 8:16 p.m., ():Juncil reocnvenecl in ~ sessicn. R>IL CALL came. Pi S _IL: Johnsen, lfqpel, P1ungy, ~15, Mayor Gatto staff Pres ¡l: City Manai:Jet Quinlan Deprt:y City C1~ Wolfe Dimctar of Plannin¡ and DeYel"l-""""It, CCJwan City Attamey Kilian It was mcwecl by a:.mc. RogIQ...., secc:mecl by ():Junc. Plungy æxI P""~ unanimcus1y to taka the follOlllirJj actia1s: City of 0Jpertin0 VB. Pen:y - restate offer of $71,000. MeI&:L..1no Electric VII. City of 0Jpertin0 - reject offer of $3,900 am ratify offer of $1,500 or go to 8Ibitratiat. At 8:17 p.m., the IIIII8tiD¡J was adjc:m-ned to 7:30 p.m., wed! n~, Marå1 30, 1988. '-...,.f/) ~A.~/l¿(/~ Dep.1t:y Ci clerk -6-