CC 03-30-88
10300 Torre AvenJ8, ClIpertino, CA 95014
Telep¡coa: (408) 252-4505
HEW (If IWCI 30, 1988, axJNCIL amMBER, C1'lY HAIL
10300 '.lut<t<l:õ AVENUE, aJPERl'DI), c::ALIR:RaA
Mayor Gatto called the meetin;J to order at 7:30 p.m.
ROLL CAIL Present:
Jchnsa1, I<'qpel, Plungy, Rcqers, Mayor Gatto
staff Pl.15 eHt:
City Manager Quinlan
Dep.1ty City Clede WOlfe
Director of FUblic War'ks viskaviå1
Director of PlanniIY;J and DBYel~.t cowan
City Attomey Kilian
Mayor Gatto ~ that taUght's meetiD;J is the fixst
of bIo or three meetin;¡s for t'li.".."so;>!on of Rcute 85 and is
designed primarily to Ld.LcQI....... the subject of Rcute 85 and
the parameters that gcvem bath the b. I!'IMY ãyL.......e1.t and
the perf0maIX.8 ao,L.....oe1.t that will be entered into. 'I1ø:e
will be explanatiŒlS of 1id1at these ao,L.......e1.ts are, 1id1at
they entail anj 1id1at the 85 project consists of thrcujl
CUpertino. He stated that it was not the intent of the
CD.mcil to CCJIIEI up with any fizm dedsiŒlS at this
meetiD;J. '!be ¡:mpœe of this meetiD;J is to receive inpJt
and allow the i .......... to be aà:b:ess4jd by the plblic.
Director of FUblic War'ks visJa:l'liå1 t"o 1 S' tWd. his L........l
regarc1iD;J the ao,L.......e1.ts. '!he t.t.lEPuay ao,L-uiII.t is with
Caltrans anj the State 'l'ransportatio Department; the
perfOJ:JDaJX:e ~.....œnt with be executed with the Traffic
Mr. Vis1ccviå1 gave SQIIB backgroond on Rcute 85, includirg
the fact that it J::¡e. -..... a reality in 1984 when Me"mJr8 A
was awroved. '!be Traffic Authority was established in
order to uarltor and administer the fur¥liD;' for the
projects awroved by """"""Jre A. ~ has been
scheduled for April 21, 1988.
MIlUm) OF 'mE MMŒ 30 I 1988 ADJOORNE() RFmrAR Cl'lY
Mr. vi.sJccviål said the strateqic Plan established by the
Traffic Authority develcpild priorities far the highway
i:qIravements within the cnmty and develGpeCi a strategy for
local monies to leverage Federal and State fUrñin;J in .....dtr...
to CCIIplete the fUll """"AlIre A )Uo\ALCWI.
'!be Rcute 85 Envira'IIIental ~ Statement was apprcMId in
0C:tà:)er, 1987. Na\,~, 1987, the project was çpraII8d by
the Authority for fUrñin;J.
As part of the EIS, a Final Preferred Alternative was
develcpild with ........."1ities alm¡ the corridor, establishinq
guidelines far Rcute 85 - a six-lane t.t. F!I..ray, 46 ft. -'Ii""
with reservation for future transit, high ooco1pMCy vehicle
(B:N) lanes in ~ direction, ban on medium- to
heavy-t.ruc:k traffic, and CXI1Sistent ~liœtion of
mitigation """"'9'JrIeB thraJghalt the corridor. Mr. viskr.::Niå1
cut1ined eaà1 of the three mitigaticn levels. He stated
that visual design guidelines (lan:leœping, design of
bridges, scun:l walls, retainirg walls, etc. ) were
established with i."t'LEsmtatives frail eaà1 city. Finally
came the Rcute 85 corridor study p.Iblished in late 1987
toIú.å1 evaluated bpacts "'czant'OV\ted with elimination of
certain i.nt:erchan;Jes alm¡ the corridor.
Mr. viskr.::Niå1 said that the next major E!ßIi1asis of the
t"o' -cese is ~'tion of the f1. 9'I.ray ani perfœ:mance
~..........LB. He stated that the f1. 9'lray .."...........ít, a
standard ~èoauoaít used thraJghalt the state, defines half
the state will treat the local &t........:ts (closures, detours,
oonnections to the t.t._¡¡ay). '!be perfœ:mance ä."..........4ít
allows eaà1 ........."1ity to .",.." cut certain requirements
that they woold like to iV-- as part of the Wole J:.1l.x-ø
(profile, envira1mental i..........., scun:l ~'iÙl locatials,
design aesthetics, bike lanes).
Mr. Viskr.::Niå1 Bhcwecl the pIan depictm;J the portion of the
fl.EF!l.ray in 0Jpertin0 (including i.nt:erchan;Jes ani profile).
He said that t.onight I s main thrust "IIIAY be to :œview the
alternatives and q:JtiŒIS ëIV"Ii1able. Q18 cption "IIIAY be to
not t"o' ~ with si.gnirq of any oo,u............d:s until after the
election in Saratoga when it will be deteJ:mined Wether
there will be an int:ercharga in the Saratoga
jurisdiction. '!he ather cption is to awrave the
ðÇ1.....Gue1.t, peIhaps pbt'!tn;r saœ re..t....lctiŒlS and cx:n::1i~
on the ~U'Ial suå1 as deferring 'the decisim on the
KIlIJNS OF 'M MMß 30, 1988 AI1JOORNE') RÐmAR Cl'lY
exu«::IL MEEl'I1G (00-739A)
~ until a later date. 'Ihis .....,,... allOll
const:ructi.on to taJœ place and right of way elO'l"i"'Bd, 1:ut
"IIØ:f .......... lœs of lewrage in fUture negot.iat.ions.
'l\IO ct:her c¢ions not menticrIed in the staff ..~t. WIIX8
(1) -...... b. ~I'I'Y _.......a.(c, leave a sect.i.on of the
rœc:'M:y cut Wùå1 .....,1t'I precluœ the I7"""'tbility of tyiøJ
the road into the min line in Saratoga and assure that
there WCI','d not be thra¥;h traffic through 0Jpertin0
without &eX¡ to the f1:!SII1aY7 (2) sign frealay __d..
and have per!cmIII!Ino8 _.......t. state that no min line
roedways WCl'ùd be built at this time 1:ut only t.,al
intez:t:harJ;e .
Mayor Gatto requested that Mr. ViskcNiå1 ~"'''''''''''te on the
DeAnza and Pl.. eprt a.ntitiŒlS, i.dent.ifyin;J tmiå1 legs can
be built and 1Ò) has jurisdiction CNer the legs and varicus
CXIIi:):inat.ic:r1s of these two int:ersect:ions as well as right of
way that is - ~"":l.
Mr. viskaviål said that stage 1 is what: can be built today
with evm:ya18 agreein}7 stage 2 ~ùd 118 the final
CU1figumtion of the roadway. He outlined what ocW.d occ:ur
in each stage.
Mayor Gatto acJcncwJ""?,, that Mr. will KøIpt:cn, Ex8cutive
Director of the Traffic Autharity, and Jå1n 8ltheø.1th,
caltnns, were in the "..Yli enoe. He then opened up the
meet:irx:J far cpISt.icms fJ:aD camcil ,,-,~ era.
Mr. KøIpt:cn (\ .,.,-dad staff on a clear and ooncise In answer to a ~ fJ:aD Cou'1C. RcgerB,
Mr. !{aptœ said the b.-"'JaY will be ~""L.....x::t..'Ù in fœr
"""9"- Its with as JIIJå1 as ¡:ossible built e......' ~ùy.
()Jest.i.ons regardin;J the followin] matters \iIIeXe ansIooered by
City ..L.......tB that woold be clœed - Cleo "IIØ:f be
closech stevens creek, stelling r..n:l It:Clellan woold be
-rli f'ied7 BaDe fra1tage roads 10ICUld be constructed;
Cleo,lRairixlw wa1ld be affected.
Rúå1 cities have signed both _..........tta - saratoga,
("~"1.No11. Mr. KeI:.:pta1 said those _...........ts woold be
t"o s .&ted to the Autharity on April 4 and he
antil"!ipo,ted that they woold be adc:¢ed by the
Authority .
MIWmS OF '!HE )Waf 30, 1988 AD1a.JRNED REX;(JIAR C1'lY
CXXK:IL MEErJ2Ç (œ-739A)
SUnnnyvale-Sara Rœd, instead of~, off-1......
sœt:h bound t.rca t.t. llliay to SUnrIyva1.e-6ar Road, all in
OJpertino's juri.sdict.ion until 1018 knell åt will cxxm' in
saratoga. Mr. ~ said ther8 had bem no d1I1C1-ia1
of this altemat:1ve to date. other altematives haw œ.t
di .....,,,"I'IId.
If Saratoga ......1.- on a'I8 ~ at saratoga
Averue, ""',,,. 1018 have a dillllnrWJ1 at saratcga~
~, withcut: braidinr¡ - Mr. VUI1a:w1d1 said
that wa1ld 1IICJ:'k.
Barrier lIS traffic ' . - - off 280 onto 85 - Mr.
VisJcr:Jviå1 says alllllCl/88 are po-ei1;)le there ""~""'L far
nart:hbaJnd 280, IIIIIIdD¡ the tum and wnt.inq to go to
stevens creek.
Right of way -<l,illit:ia1 - all ~ nry t"o'¥"Lly bas
been plt'dwIed if pIan shewn is i~l-rt:ed.
Mcdific:aticn to Rainbcw - Rainbcw on OJpertino's side
wa1ld oont.irIJe as it is today and taka a scuth8rly
shift anj <XIIIe em: at an int.ersø::tion with
Saratoga-Bunnyvale Rœd just sœt:h' of its t"o T IL
i.nt:ersection. FreD the San Joøe side, it .....,'~
intersect narth of its þL I do intersection with
Sarat.cga-Bumvyala Rœd.
ti1at h..u..... if the o.....~._i..., J.. not ."...,'eted by
the expirat:ia1 of the T.raffic Aut:bcrlty - Mr. ~l
said that tha -.blinr¡ 1.egialatia1 cr::nt:irI-. the
Authority thrc::iuI#1l997. 'lba ~,1. beinr¡ PJX8U8d far
this project ant:ic1p:rt:e8 CCIIpleticn of the project ðJ1d
cpning the zœd far traffic in 1992 ar 1993.
Profile of tL ""'Y rises to go 0\/8l' Santoga-Bunnyvale
Rœd, drops to go under Pot' epect - tJ.""",,,1Ain 11......
pr8II8I1ts t.t. N"RY t.rca goiJq under saratoga-sumyvale
Mayor Gatto cpened the meet:in;J to the p,lblic.
All' Mcc1ine, 10385 Prune Tree lane, said it is his qrlnion
that saratoga will not cave in unless 1018 really put the
pressure on thBa. He pointed em: the ccnfigurat:ia1 he
preferred as an interim solution.
Mayor Gatto inIpired about: the effect on the level of
service at DeAnza if saratoga ð9ci~ to only put an
int.erà1arqe at Saratoga Averue. Mr. Viskaviå1 displayed an
exhibit shcwin:;J service levels at several intersectia'18
with varioos ~.
~ta Hollimon, 11155 IaPalaaa, asJr"'" Ocuncil to thinJc of
all their cx:nrt:ituents. She has been waitin¡ 27-1/2 years
far the t.t. lI!lJay. She also asJœd CD.mcil to ..._,_.1 -6L all
the peqùe 1Ò) voted far """"aure A and expect,Iay 85
and to think of ~'s good far the cnmty, --
ultimately that will be good far 0Jpertin0.
JåU1 SCbrato, 10600 DeAnza Bc:W.evaJ:d, Vice President,
Gavcu..aaø;:¡tL Relatia1s, Qurrnhø...r of (\ ····-..ce, stated the
Q1'""""'- pref........._ for half interd1anges at both
Saratoga-sunnyvale and Pl.oep&-"'t Rœd. Mayor Gatto stated
that 1It1ile 0Jpertin0 and san Jose wa1ld both 8\4POl t that
CU1figuration, Caltrans woold not. Caltrans' position is
that there - ~.. to be a full int:eråIan:]e at a'I8 ar the
ather of these locations, and if saratoga refuses to have
an i.nterd1an;¡e the bn:den wa.ù.d fall on 0Jpertin0 to have
a'I8 at saratoga-sumvyale Rœd. Mr. scmato read into the
x........d the Q\-..I..r's position ~1t.1nq a'I8 ar maxe
interd1anges in all cities alcn;J the oorridor.
Kathy Nunes, '!be oaks Shc:gIin; center, asJœd ccuncil to
t-,_,I~ the tusiness l"Y'WIIIIII"1ity. 'Ihere is a need for
peq>le to be able to get off 280 goin; north and onto
stevens creek Bc:W.evam..
Mike a.1lloc:k, 21831 p,o,.""".,. Aveme, spoke against Rcute 85
oc:.min;J thJ:cu;Jh a.~. He stated his belief that
~ anj h,ndinq the ftH!t.ray will not provide traffic
relief~. A citizens group has filed suit
å1allen:JiD¡ the EIR far Rcute 85 ~1N they don't think
peq>le .....'1" SUWO...l a ft_.!I¡ay if they knew it wa1ld make
traffic wœ:se, and they don't this enviroraental '1'''''1 ity
laws shculd be brcIœn. Mr. a.1lloc:k said that a laM use
åIaJJ)B in San Jose wa1ld be trlq;eœd by a¡:praval of 85 and
that there <'O"ld be 11,000 maxe haDes there. In his
c:pinion, the final EIR sbculd not be allowed to stand.
Ann Arqer, H::I1ta Vista shared o.....A.CL11S regardin;J alX'H- to
H::I1ta Vista frœ the north and sooth. Mrs. Arqer
inquiJ:ed about: the leR3th of time requiJ:ed to D"i1d the bIo
miles of t.t._!1!Way frc:a 280/85 to Saratoga-sunnyvale Rœd.
Mr. Keapton said that CŒIStruction ......'1d first focus on
sa.n:lwalls and CII..............siJ'gs with midline oonstruct.icn
initiated in 1989 with cœpletion såIeduled in 1992. She
said a¡pertino shcW.d make it as ta.Jgh as possible for
Saratoga to get the the nortt..
D:Ive Radtke, 7449 RDlliI~ll Drive, said he was
with the fL !!'tray goin; up and over Saratoga-5unnyvale Rœd
and asked abart: ~ possibility of brin;in;
saratoga-5unnyvale Read umemeath the it I!'t JaY instead.
MINt1l'æ OF '!HE MAICf 30, 1988 ADJ<XmIŒD RmUIAR Cl'1Y
cmNC:IL MEE:l'nC (CC-739A)
Mr. KeDpton said that fioodin;J of ..t..._;;s ar t.t.__ay JI'iæž
occur !n the f1~"i" area if they are depressed.
Bob Haxsie, 22337 M::Clellan ~, asked if \J1'UO(Io}....,I..h1.
levels of service wa1ld occur at DeAnza B:W.evard if
saratoga refUses to have an :int.erà1an:Je in their city, and
if so, wootIdn't the state find this to be an unacoept-_h),e
Mr. KeIIpton said that tho Traffic Autharity will i4-(iI:)Ioohly
ClK'Luv'8 saratoga's perfat'lllB1'X8 ..".._d. and that the state
wa1ld prå:)aÞly çprcve their t.t.: ~my .."...........d.. He said
bath entities are ocuœum with the levels of service.
'!he Traffic Authority ..t.......,¡ly urged saratoga to a(.:~'L at
least a'I8 int:eråIan;Je within their jurisdict:ion, as did the
Dept. of Transportation. However, the goal is to get the
mainline facility oc:aplete:1. If it is not milt with
"""" A fUnds, it will not be milt. Mr. KeIIpton said
the Authority hqIas that the electarate of Saratoga will
ClK'Luv'8 an int:eråIan;Je SCIIII!WtIere in their jurisdiction.
Mr. Haxsie asked if begi.nnin] of const:nx:tica woold have to
wait until after the Navember election. Mayer Gatto said
that at this point the answer wa1ld be yes. However, SCID8
alternatives have not been pJShed yet ~ ooold allœ the
t.t. eI.ray .."...........IL to occur well befœ:e NoIr~.
Mr. Haxsie stated he wa1ld prefer a full int:eråIan;Je at
DeAnza and saratoga, not:hiD] at ~...epect.
Dave KLinger, 7538 Waterford Drive, as1rori about: mitigatiat
'o41e1:e the t.t. ~iay is abaIIe ."..aeJr.. Mr. v:iskr::JVià1 stated
there 'Io'tII''''' be bath and visual mitigation. Mr.
KlJn;er urged c:nmci1 to hold CAlt until the best: solut1a1
is lIV"i bhle befœ:e they sign an .."..........Jt.
Arthur Harris, 1052 'l\Iscany, had questions about: noise
mitigation. Mr. Viskcviå1 stated that the Traffic
Authority has guidelines regarc:lin;J w.ill.s Wiå1
provide mare mitigation that is requimd by Federal and
state gnM..1ines. Mr. Harris said he hq:Ied that 0Jpertin0
~d 1IICJ:'k far the c::ptiJII.¡m soon:i mitigation -<:IJreB.
City Manager Quinlan stated that the rY'OIOIIittee st:Iñyin¡
visual design stated that Wen in dcubt, favor the visual
issue frail a residential stanjpoint rather than a drivirç
Mayor Gatto informed those present that there are two types
of wall incl\Jded in the ðyLeemeI.!t - a visual sc:reeniJr;J wall
.1Id a soondwall.
0XJNcrL MEEl'DÇ (CX:-739A)
Jåm Marshal, 11101 S. stellin¡ Rœd, stated a ootlOeni with
the stel1.inI¡ CMN........-1n¡. He as""" if the creek n"II,1d be
lowered. Mr. Vis1cr:wid1 said there is no way of ~ i1'll1
the ."..adt. of R8gnart Creek any lcwer ~'" it .....'ldn't
flOli. He said that a'I8 of the cxn:iitions of any ðo,,&._/L
woold be that there wa1ld be no int:errupt:ion to thrcugh
traffic I detcurs wa1ld be b1i1t far use durinI¡
Mr. Harris expI.......~ CCI10eXTIS about: en!~.L of the ban
on trucks and nort:hJ:xuxi traffic gettinq off 280 to stevens
Creek. He said he wa1ld not be in favor of acquirinq any
additional right of way. Plungy asked who woold bear the ccst of acquisiticn
of additional right: of way if it occurred. Mr. Vis1cr:wid1
said that in this case it WOIùd be the Traffic Authcri.ty. Plungy was also inftn"lMW'l that 0CI'11d
taJœ p1 - at stevens Creek at the pl. S IL int:ersecti.on
with 85 witha1t it bein.J closed at alll there wa1ld be a
detaJr .
Greg' Miltcn, 515 Boynton Avera.J8, San Jose, said he is a
student at DeAnza arxl 'WCèœ at '!he 0Bks. He was ootìOlUned
regardin;J closure of "",....... to stevens Ct'eek frœ 280/851
he said there III.1St: be a way to allOli ",.....,.,ø. Jàmsa1 asJœd \hm more information regardin;J the
stevens cree1c;I280/85 question woold be _ibhle.
Mr. KeIIpta1 said that the OCI1SUltants are trying to develcp
a solutim. Alt.ematives can be analyzed within a matter
of uee1œ.
Mayor Gatto told theBe pr: s ¡ íl that CD.mcil has insisted
that the .......-ø to stevens Creek frœ 280/85 be maintainedl
witha1t that assurance di 0IÇI1"""iŒ18 will not be c:xmt.inIed. ~.. asked if the ~ .....'ld taJœ pl-
witha1t a signed ~"""""".tl she was infœ:1uo:d it woold. She
said S',)8 woold like to see a \IOI'1oJp of the qd.on she had
t"o 1t14.ed earlier an off map frœ 85 to
Saratoga-Bunnyvale whid1 will allOli IIa1thbc:un:1 traffic to
exit the b. ~1aY anj woold not lock us into an interà1arv;a
solution that we don't want.
Mr. Visla:wi.d1 said eveIya'I8 ST-" to be in ðÇreelbel.t that
stage 1 can be b1i1t nc:N; stage 1 is the 0CIìCt:D1.
MINUrES OF 'IHE MMaf 30, 1988 AD:TamNED REX;(JIAR CI'1'\!
CXJNCIL MEE:l'IlÐ (œ-739A)
Mayor Gatto a4&- -~ the q¡inion that const:ruct.i.on of the
half of the interå1ange in QJpe:rtino's jurisdic:tion .....,'~
help US V8.."y 1IUC.b.
~. Plun;JY ~......d with Jåmson that there is no
point in ccnU::t1zg another meeting until more infamat1a\
is iIV'" i bh Ie.
Mr. Keaptcn said the Autharity can œact to t"o' ¢"""1. on
the table within a'I8 or bIo weks. '!hey have been 1oIOrkin;J
on a solution to the prå:)lem at 85 £nd 280 far quite saœ
time and have had d1ffiwlty find!nq a solution that fits
within the right of way. '1here are q:Jt!ŒIS ilV"'i1~le that
wa1ld invol''8 additional right of way.
0Junc. Plungy~ if bJ:ai.diD:J had been considered in that
area; Mr. KeIIpta1 said this cption might involve acx¡uirirq
more right: of way. He said the Autharity has 100- at six
cpt.ions. Gatto ~4:ed that a meeting be scheduled April 19
or 20.
Q1arles Ne\-", QJpe:rtino resident, said it s,--...., that
CD.mcil was tJ:yin¡ to sd1edule the meeting aram:l the
ability of the Traffic Autharity and Caltrans to <XIIIe up
with a solution to make the IIICIIÆ!IIIent fraD 280 ncrth to
stevens Creek withcut affect.:in;J any additional right of
way. He asJœd if CD.mcil were qivinq direction to the
'l'J:affic Authority and Caltrans that they woold only ~
a solution that does net recpire t-.he t.aJdng of additional
right: of way. He di «I"') with this and feels that more
right of way will be ---""""'. In his q¡inion, CD.mcil
sÞt'o']dn't preclude a solution Wùå1 is a 'IoIœ:Xable
enqineerinq solutiat Wùå1 prtWides far regional traffic
and serves the local ........."1ity just ~..... it may require
more right of way.
Mr. Keaptcn said there are solutions bein;J ili.""øøecl that
do involve t.aJdng right of way.
Mr. N~-"t said he wanted t.:> get on with the project.
Mr. ViskcJlTiå1 told CD.mcil that what \Ie are tryin¡ to do is
to assure ourselves that there are no alternatives that fit
in the right of way. Once all the alternatives within the
existin;¡' right of way are exhausted, others will be weighed
in texmB of i"{"'cts an the c::œmJñ.'l.:y.
1.~·i"'''''''-'''-'''~''''':~-"''''''~ '?',-. ~'''~:'''''''''' "^"f'~\r~~'1,,"-'''.. '¡I.-'~~""'7!!'.>:',-'":""'7'·!I;'·,_"""";-;¡~·":'"
CXXK:IL NiIU".uG (cc-739A)
Mayar: Gatto aid 0:Iunc1l wisbM to Jœep a realistic t:1me
.0._ 1meper1d..£ of 1m ground bræJdD¡.
It was JIICIV8d by ''Cune. Rogm.a, eeoc:o:Jtd by 01Inc. Jœ-n
and 1"'--;1 unanhr::ully to ccnt:ime the bearin:¡ to April 13,
7:30 p...
:f~ ¿,)? ~
Dep1ty City Cledc