CC 04-18-88 · - þ C1'lY OF Wn;K1'.u«>, S'm'm OF CALIRRŒA 10300 n....... Averuø, QIpertino, CA 95014 Tel~....I8: (408) 252-4505 MnI7lÐ3 OF '!HE RmmAR Cl'lY au«::IL J'IAI:i1'.uÐ HELD (If APRIL 18, 1988, CDJHCIL aIA""""\, CI'1Y BAIL 10300 '~ut<t<ti AV!HJE, ~, CAI.1J'CRIIA 00-741 Mayor Gatto called the meet:Jn:¡ to .....dør at 6:45 p.m. SAII1Œ 'ro '!HE FUG roIL CAIL CD.mc. P.I:: s Il: Jå:IIl8OIì, Kqpl, Plungy, DJgers, Mayar Gatto t staff P.I:: s Il: City Manager 01in1an City Clede Camelius Dimctar of Pt,h'in ti:Jrks Viskaviå1 Directar of P1aminr:¡ and DBvelo, tL CDoIan Directar of Finance snyder Directar of Parks am Rec:Let.t!on Dciilinr¡ Assistant to the City Manager Bz:own City Attœney Kilian romammns - None. c::EREH:IaAL M1u.~ - PRESENIM'ICHJ CD.mc. ~ 1Ð.:,,-1:ed that a reøalution of CIf:¥1.éCiaticn be fanlBrded to QIpertino Service 0!IIter. Mayor Gatto stated that he will do so. œAL CXlHJHICld'ICIIS Father VazJœn of the st. Andrw Aøøù.an Qmrå1 on st:el1.inq Rœd told CD.mcil that services and other fUnct:.ions in the àmrå1 will be IIICVinq in preparation of oonst:zuct:J.a1 be1D) done. He as1r-'l if the àmrå1 OO',ld DI:J\I8 into the hcuse owned by the City of QIpertino far COWLwi-t.eJ.y 9 months. 'Ihe Mayor requested that he send a letter to the City Manager stat.in:¡ the request. STAFF ~ þ 1. Oral ..~LB by staff """"¡'ers am ...,....i....tm of written L~LB. -1- . . Legislative Review CODDDittee Consent Calendar . MIWmS OF '!HE AmIL 18, 1988 REXDIAR C1'lY caJNCIL 1'IUò&.uG (00-741) City MIInagIBr'. Rlllpœ.t - Califomia Identifiœ.t.J.or¡ SyBt8a. 'Ibis matter will be p'-" on the May 2, 1988 ¥lå far action. 2. Ma1thly Activity Rlllpœ.t - Marå1, 1988. CD.mcil recsived the l"'lA"-t and requested that the estbBted date of oœpletion for naIIIing' locatiŒIS after CCItpC1t'at.ion be éIIII!!I'1ded. 3. Ma1thly Treasurer'. and "'''''SJPt Report. CD.mcil recsived the l~L. a:u«::IL .I<I:it'U( ,~ 4. Mayor Gatto - '!he Mayor diOU::01"~ matters that hao.1 CXIII8 up durin¡ the last Mayor'. I1Jnd1ecn and su..-.--œd that the portion en the agerx!a entitled "staff Rlllpœ.bI" be used for funneliD¡ .........i_ton items to CD.mcil. If the ..........i....ion felt a specific need to meøt with CD.mcil, they OOIlld request it. 5. CD.mc. Jàmsa1 - Legislative Review t"nnftittee - It was IIIaYed by cwnc. Jàmsa1, seconded by cwnc. Plungy and ~"''!'9d unani.mr:usly to taJœ the follc:lWi%q actions regaJ:'CliD¡ t"oq;œoed legislation: ~ SBl741 (Ton-) , vicious dog' definition t"o........Led; SB2092 ('II..........), ........ka....' ,> ·'I""nsation, cancer in ¡: - officers; and SB2177 (H:::Corqucdale) , ili_i-nl of PJblic safety officers, standard of proof: 9' 'II - ...l AB3045 (Floyd), PJblic \IOrks ocntracts; and AB2958 (BIIder) I fines and forfeitures, limit on ccunty use of unsupexvised 81-"1' prc:œtion to divert city røveraa to the ccunty. cœsENl' CAInmAR It was IIIaYed by CD.mc. Plungy, seconded by Oc:urx:. ~. and P8'ò'sed unani.mr:usly to ~ the Consent Caler1dar as BUtlllitted. 9. Request frail the Fine Arts I'"rmrnkcoion far a $4,600 aw.,.,,¥dation frail the General nmd. -2- MIWmS OF '!HE APRIL 18, 1988 RmJIAR C1'lY CXXH:IL lozra'.uG (00-741) 10. Besolution No. 7468: "A Besolutiat of the City 0:uIcil of the City of QIpert1no AllcwiJq 0n1:ain ~..i.... and Db.-Ids Payable in the AIIIoUnt:s and FraIl the P\m:!s as Hereinafter Described far Gerletal ani Misœ1.lanecus Ellpendituœs for the Periccl Endinq April 8, 1988." 11. Besolutiat No. 7469: "A Besolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of QIpert1no AllcwiD¡ 0n1:ain CJ..i.... and DeIIIan:!s Payable in the AIIIoUnt:s and 1'I:'tD the P\Jnds as Hereinafter Described far Salaries anl WIIges far the Payroll Period Endinq March 29, 1988." 12. ~-t far pemit parld.nc¡ on orange AV8IUI and Dolores Aveme. (Request oc::ntinuanœ to May 2, 1988.) 13. Acceptance of City projects perf~ by c.....L...aCt: (a) HaIIesteað¡Ho11enbec:JVst.ellin:¡ Traffic Signal Ibtificaticn, Project 4017 (Win]ard Er¥¡ineer1ng). (b) Civic Center Expansiat, Project 87-2003, City Hall, Library, Site. 14. Besolutiat No. 7470: "A Besolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of QIpert1no ~ Final Plan far the Vallco ParJa.Iay Traffic Signal Installation, DBYelcper, Westfield, Inc. , Autharizin:¡ the City ED;Jineer to Sign the Final Plan; and Autharizin:¡ Ex8cut:ion of ~.........Jt in 0cn1ecti0n '1herewith." 15. Resolution No. 7471: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of QIpert1no J\¡p:'aIrin:¡ a..d...aCt amnga Order No. 2 far DeAnza IbJlevarcl anj SbMIns Creek BculevaJ:d rams.~. ~UIIeIW!i\Ils, Project 3002." 16. Besolutiat No. 7472: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of QIpert1no ~ a...L...aCt Qmnga Order No. 21 far Civic Center Expansion, Project 87-2003, City Hall, Library, Site." 17. Resolution No. 7473: "A Resoluticn of the City 0:uIcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin:¡ ~èo=uo:t&&t Betwe en the City of QIpert1no and the cnmty of Santa Clara far the Resurfacin:¡ of Findl AV8IUI Betwen Calle De Barcellona and aúl lane and Pavement p.op.i.. of Findl AverJJe anj Miller Avenue." 18. Request for waiver of aminess License fees far GreelI"""'..... for period of April 20, 1988 to May 30, 1988. -3- e CDBG Funds . Public Hearing closed Res. 7474 amended Public nuisance, Thrust IV . MD«7l!S OF '!HE APRIL 18, 1988 REXDIAR c:rIY CDJNCIL ftua'J.ØG (00-741) l'DXS RDIJIJED FR:II CXHŒNl' CAIÐmJ\R 19. IUBLIC BFARIHà':J 20. Recoa...IÑ>1,--aticn of use of "'-"1ity Deve],.1",-"L B1.ocx Grant !\Jrœ - H::I1ta Vista ..t........t iDp:avements. (a) Resolution No. 7474: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q.Jpert.ino RescindinI¡ Resolutiat No. 7406 and ReallocatJn¡ SUbject !\JIÜJ to St....-t ~....._.Ls along _he Averue." Directar of FUblic ti:Jrks Viskavich reviewed costs am t"o' V"""'" with CD.mcil. A ~ 1Ò) rwi-- at 10206 santa Clara Averue U"" far clarificaticn ~ definitiŒIS of slurry seal am cverlay. He infaxmed CD.mcil that water drains into his t"o'¥"L ty in the winter as there are not gutters in the area. It was IIICJYed by CD.mc. Plungy, secanded by came. Jàmson and P"'~ unaJÚJIr::JUsly to close the public hearln;J. CD.mcil ~......-œd that a revolvinq fund be established. It was IIICJYed by CD.mc. Jcbnscn, SElCXllùed by came. RcgIem anj P"'--M with CD.mci "'_,1 cs Plungy and Fq:pel di -- ltUn¡ to adqJt assolution No. 7474 8III&Iniied to include both ÐI¢re AWIIJe and Q;and Aveme and directed staff --tgn cmb, gutters, cverlay anj ..P-'!ÜJœ. Mr. VisIa:Niål WI!III J"A(J......bécl to <XIIIe back to CaJncil with figuræ reqaminI¡ inst:al1at1on of lJi"-1a1Jcs. 21. HeariD¡ re: Declarln¡ signs located at Salem Hi".., ~ Aveme anj Foct:hill Bculevard, '!must IV, a P"~' it'! misance. (a) Resolution No. 7453: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the city of Q.Jpert.ino o..dt...inI¡ Abatement of put,] fc Nuisance at Salem Hills, SalED Aveme and Foothill Bculevard, 'Ihrust IV." Assistant to the City Manager Brcwn reviewed the issue with CD.mcil. -4- MDI1ŒS OF 'DIE APRIL 18, 1988 RmJIAR CI'lY CXXINCIL l'IUiJ,'.uG (00-741) Director of CD.mcil with di..,...-ion. signs. Don Lapidus of 'Ihrust rv stated that the du'onolcgy }AL iEl1ted in the staff report was inc. ·'I.:Jete. He mad frail a letter he had sent staff statiD) Wat was beinr::J done and requested that staff CXI1tact him if they had any questiaw. Mr. T"PMn.. inft11'1lWt CD.mcil that he had àJtained r--øary pemits ani wnt to two Arå1itecb1ral and site A¡:proval CCIIIIIit:tee meeti.rçI for aw'\Nal. He stated that the plans ~ cx:ntained detailed c:!raw:iD,JB of the signs. He felt that the City had a¡p:cved the signs. Mr. Lapidus read Q]pert1no's JlJnicipel 00c1e section 17.24.030 and stated that he did CU1fom to that code section. '!he lI2IIII8 of the project is "BalED Hills by 'Ihrust rv. " He said the signs were installed in good faith. P1anr1inq and DBYel.......-IL 0CMIn t"o S 4.oId four pbat.ogra¡iuI shadJq the signs urœr He also pr ¡ s al.ted a viewgraph depict:JD¡ the Mr. Lapidus pl. u1ted the followin:¡ altarnatives: He &U:};,-1:ed that if the City is unha¡:py with Wat the fh:m has done that it use SCIII8 of the JT.rSSY he had Ñ{oQSited far laR.'Iaœpin:¡ maintenance of the area to orNf!fJ: the sign. He stated that he did not feel the signs are a PJblic rW.sance and that they are not a hazard to health, safety and welfare. 'Iherefore, he urged cmrcll not to pass the t"o' 1>< sed resolution. n:i9C'.....ion follCMld regardin:¡ the lI2IIII8 of the Slmdh,ision. Mr. T "PMn.. said the "BalED Hi1,.. by 'Ihrust IV" is the IIBrJœtin;J lI2IIII8 of the devel___IL. J. B. lI::Q,i...., of DeAnza oaks, said that he was att:endirJ¡ the hearin:¡ as he had seen the notice the City had pcsted regaxãin:¡ the !xùdinq of a PJblic hearin:¡ far rW.sance abatement. He said he hates to see the city cmrcll speud tiDe on minor matters such as this. He felt that a c:twge of sign woold throw off the &yIwoo:/tty of the intersection. Mr. ~,i.... felt that 'Ihrust rv had done a terrific jcb and that it was a beautiful subdivision. He said that in this era \41ere peqlJ.e are strivinq for .........11enœ, it was ~"'t"olate that 'Ihrust rv took pride in their jcb and that the City shculd forget about: åIanJin:¡ the signs. Jàm 'l'rollJDan, 10255 Ant:ha1y Place, c:o,µ.....J with the feelin:¡ that this was tiDe wasted. He said that he felt that the signs installed were tacky and woold set a bad pl~..t. He also felt they were crass and ("'·''''''l'''Cial. -5- . Res. 7453 removed from calendar . First reading Ord. 1447 i ! Public Hearing i closed ! . ' MIWmS OF '!HE APRIL 18, 1988 REGJI.AR CITY CDJNCIL 1'ZI:iJ.'.uC (00-741) A w::IIIan residinq in DeAnza 0IlkB felt that a geed .-....-.' ........ wa1ld be to plant larger plants that ""=,,ùð cœcure the "'Ibrust IV" part of the sign. It was JIICII8cl by 0:uIc. JåInson, seoaded by o:An::. Plungy and P"'-'3C! unan±mr:AJs1y to clœe the PJblic l1earilq. After c:bec::1dD;r the final map of the IPJbdivision, Mr. Viskaviål infnr1lWl CD.mcil that no filP'""i f'ic J1IIIII8 had been assigned. It was JIICII8cl by CD.mc. Plungy, ~1ded by FqJpel and p"--sd to l1IIICI\/8 the resolution fraR the caI.enœr and direct that oo...ì._-ticn be IIIi!IIde by ~~.1.ate 1.amscapinJ approII8d by staff with the dev8lcpr to bear the cost. '!he døveJ.q)er shall also file a sign awlication with the Planning' Director at no ccst. Mr. T"PMna stated that it bathers him that BCIII8th.in;J in the project might: be tasteless and that he was wi.l1.Jn¡ to oœply with CD.mcil direction. '!he motion was approII8d unani:øDJsly. 0:uIcil directed staff to revise the sign ordinance to eliminate fUture oonfusion. 22. ~1iœticn l-Z-88 and l-FA-88 - Ib1ta Vista Rih'e C2IID:å1 - RszcmiDJ frœ BQ «)wIi-FUblic) to Rl-7.5 ( Single-family, Residm1tial, 7,500 sq. ft. 1Iin1Dm lot size) zone. Environmental R8YieII: '!he P1.annin¡ ~i_ion reo - -Ids the grant:irç of a Negativa Declaration. '!he t"o..".t.y is located at 21971 ~A""11 Rœd between H::Cl.ellan Rœd and san !'en1aJÜ) AvenJ8. Re(" -.-.-"ded tar çpraval. (a) First readin¡ of ordinance No. 1447: "An ordinance of the City 0:uIcil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 A1DEn:Ung sect..ion 1 of ordinance No. 2 by RszcmiDJ ~'¥"LLi frœ BQ Zone to Rl-7.5 Zone: Located at 21971 H::Cl.ellan Rœd betwen H::Cl.ellan Rœd and san FemaJù) Ave1JJ8 (Þfpl i.....tion 1-Z-88, JI:I1ta vista Rih'e C2IID:å1)." Mr. ~t Leon tolc1 CD.mcil that he was ~ with the d1urå1 on this project and was av-oi'able for questions. It was DICIYed by Ocunc. Rogers, seconded by Ocunc. Johnson and p"øøed unanimcusly to close the p.¡blic heariD;J. -6- MIWmS OF '!HE AmIL 18, 1988 RmUIAR ClT!l CD1NCIL ftua'uG (0)741) It was II:JII8d by Ccunc. Jetmson, seocn:Sed by Ccunc. ~ and p"--ecl unarU.:œly to grant a negative M(olaratic:n and ~...". per Planning n-.....i_ion Resolutiat No. 4044. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, seoc:med by Ccunc. ~. and p"'-nd unarU.:œly to read 0J:dinance No. 1447 by title only and the City Cledc's reading constitute the fixst reading theLeof. PIANNIm APPLICATICHI 23. AJplication No. 36-U-86 (Amended) and 6-FA-88 - De Anza Pt'¥"Lties - A1DBndme1Jt of previously approved use permit to delete a 110 1.DÚt apartment CCIIple:c, and add 51 1.DÚts of senior citizen ha.1siD¡ with paDcinq garage, and relocate a prev!oosly approved 45,000 sq. ft. office J:Juildin¡. Envirtnœntal Detendnaticn: 'Ihe Planning n-.....i...ion No> ·,·,-Ids the grantiD¡ of a Negative ¡w.,"'œt!on. Rec. .,..-'1ded far denial. Mr. Vic ~, Chair of the P1.anr\iD¡ n-.....i...ion, q4 1:1 0............ regarding the reduction of residential1.DÚts. Jàm Vidaviå1, a¡:p1icant, t"o If mted a ocpy o.f the Ger.e1M Plan AlDesãu...Il. to CD.mcil and the previous oc:n1itions of "K'Lwal. He stated that o:ntiticn No. 13 Phwlc1 reed 220 ca'lQ.o....,pt& ha.1siD¡ 1.DÚts and that o:ntition No. 15 was inow........--t in regard to paDcinq. He stated that the reciprocal 11.".. ;:jeg1. - oc:n1ition is standard b.tt: did not M'i..". that CD.mcil really wanted that. In regard to IMR 1.DÚts, he said that the t"o' -.< nd El camino CCI1t:irJJi.n;J care Residential þt'!i1 ity, Wùå1 was a 1'1on-'ptofit facility, has been sold to another døvelq¡er and is bein:] '1f'EIœled. He does not M'ieve that devel___It. has to CCIIply with the !IIR .l&-~CUII. Dale Bray, President, American Residential OIateaus, said that so far them are 140 reservatiŒlS for the 169 1.DÚts. Denis Henmi, ardú.tect, reviewed the pJ.annin;J OGtiOeJ:lls of the facility and answered CD.mcil quest!ŒIS in regard to office J:Juildin¡, design and paDcinq. 1b1 Led1ner, la1vùoœpe ardú.tect, a.:kh.-.,.Hd CD.mcil regardinq the fire ..,.........ø lane. If the project were a¡:prcved, he wa1ld liJœ to el:iJninate a portion of that """"''1 lane. He stated that O:.I~CÙ Fire Protection District has requested certain things that cannot be prcIIided . -7- App, l-Z-88 and l-EA-88 pproved First reading Ord. 1447 MIWmS OF '!HE APRIL 18, 1988 RIDJIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL MŒ1'DIJ (00-741) Mr. Cowan infcmœd CD.mcil that the o.íL..al Fire Pmtectia1 District had CD1tacted the City and rec;pest:s that the fire lane be kept as is. 0I::A.I00. Plungy IIICMId to deny the a¡¢icaticn per PlarInin;J rn..ni_ion Rssolutiat No. 4045. Mr. Vidaviå1 said that he wœld &~L a ccntinJance if the i~ CD.mcil pel......ives as ¡xroI:)J - were solvable. Mayor Gatto ~-œd that the office tJl1i1di1X be scaled down. rn..ni -toner Adams asked if the project were scaled down, tomt .....'1d happen reg¡miirq trip allocatiŒlS. CD.mc. Plungy -if'ied his DDticn to refer the a¡¢icat.ia1 bac:k to the Plannin¡J rn..ni-i<n. '!he _if'ied motion was seoa.Jed by CD.mc. ~.. anj pr--õd UMJÚJDCœly. RE) '~:sS: 9:47-9:52 p.m. 24. AR1lication No. 2-GPA-88 - Prc:IIIet:haJs DøII8l___d. ~tIY - ~-t far inteJ:pretation of the General Plan reg¡miirq increase ~ residential ....., 1 i11gB in City oønter DeveJ., 1-·-~L. Directar of PlarInin;J am ~'I"·_·.t Cowan J:'8IIieIow:J. his ""'iA'LL with CD.mcil. Mark R'roll, QJpertino City oønter A"""'("iates, was lIV'"i1abJe far any cpesticn¡ CD.mcil might have. CD.mcil _ _øed .....-...'n regardjnJ the "acccunt:int' in regam to the .......CIIJl'8 of traffic and am.mt that can be allowed in eaå1 p1annin¡ area. Dj.-...at.on followed regardinq the t:riangular-sha parcel at the sart:heast 001...... of the site. 'Iher8 is a +-'t' ...ary parJdn;J lot in that locaticn at this tiDe. original cxnli.tiŒIS of a¡:prcval1Bintain that area as q&1 spaoø. Mr. R'roll asJn:w'I if BaII9 aàtitional units 0CNld be àsvelcped far oa&j.L"": Cite care. He also stated that he wanted to use the ~ piece far residential units. He wanted to develop that particular piece first and then b.ù.ld another mid-rlse b.ù.ldin¡ Wùå1 wa1ld be a mirror i""'9'" of the a'I8 already Wilt. -8- JmÐmJ OF _ APRIL 18, 198t' Jm1IAR CITY cx:m:::IL JfŒl'llG (00-741) Jåm vidavid1 Aid that .. a d8v81cp8r, he lived within his trip ........t...aint, and did net nœiva 8Jr.{ bcnIs trlps. He stated that the p-p'. on the P.L..-1:baJs ð8YeJ." do WIre usJn:¡ perJr.iJIg ~:w on lWI œv.¡., do. Mr. Etoll r-c;r-"-' that cœncil clarify their dir8ct1œ and the p-.r of A"......~. units. '!he majority ____ filii .W...L far the P1.annin¡ n-.i_:lœ rec:> -Idaticn and no General Plan ~at ""'l1d be nee; uy as lcn;J the total p--- of units in the Town omter d8v91. , do does not --II j 600. 'I11eœfaI:8, use permit heariD¡pI -.y be held. '1b8 majority also ~...v'8d the pnesihiHty of CCIJI1tJ.n; "trips" far oc"''':I''~ care !..mHtJ.es at a lcwer rate than other residential !-iH":!es and atated tbey ~1]" consider the po8tI1biHty of use of the tri.anqle far residIntia1 units. CD.mcil ~"ized the iJa¡Iort:anca of q81 l1li-". ~ AND srm APPR:I\1AL 1.U'ft.&,"J,".&:Ui APPLICATICIIS 25. None. tJNF.IHISIŒD IIBIHmS 26. None. HÐf ID3INESS 27. A rac;r-t to initiate pl1hH... IJearilIgs to oons1der _~d;. to the Planned Dllv9L, do Ordinance, the Arålifo_~ and Site A¡p:øval EnablJD¡ Ordinance and the ~al (\ .....Ja1 ardinanoa to facilitate .t...-., i>Unr¡ the a¡pliœt.ion t"o'. . Kathy "'les, ---.1tive D:imct:or of the 0Jpertin0 0-....,1 +:J:: of n _._._r \.ia, told CbJnci1 that tbø t't\-..J ex ~ùd 1ika to particjpate in the d8\1øl., ·,,Q,,do of ~ the aw1icaticn t"o' ,:-ø if pnesihle. It was IDCJII8d by CD.mc. Jdmscn, -.....èII.d by ocunc. Plungy æñ p"--eli unanbI:IUs1y that hearin;pI be så1edUled to oonsider _dIoød.s to t"o' ~.... ardinanœs to st:rea1ine practices as per staff l.........L and directed staff to 1IICJ:'k with the Q\-..J fi ~ 0. -- 0.. 28. Q:nJi.......cd.iœ of 'w."""",ž ardinanoe œstric:tin¡ parkin¡ on Film AwnJe (Bøt:hel Iut:høran RÅVw'\1). +- Planned Dev. Ord.. ASAC Enabling Ord. I I. e First reading Ord. 1443 Ord. 1443 enacted Solid Waste Mgmt, Plan .sP. 2000 Req. for appropriation Rec. Needs Assessment Survey . MIWmS OF '!HE AmIL 18, 1988 RmUIAR C1'lY OUICIL MEEl'DC (00-741) (a) ---~i1'JJ anj eMCt:aB1t of tk_....y ord1nanca No. 1443: "An ordinance of the city Ocuncil of the City of Q pertino Amerxiinq sect.ia1 U.24.170 of the Q pertino Ib>icipal Or:de to R...¿t....1ct: Pm.idD¡ on Finch Averue and Dec1.aring tba UI.__y 'lh.óL....t. " It was IIMId by Cbmc. Plungy, s.-..dad by Q:Qnc. ~ and p"--ed UI1iUÚ.IDaJBly to read ordinance No. 1443 by title only and that the City Clede's readinc¡ .....lDtituta tba only readin¡ th..........t. It was IIMId by CD.mc. ~III, secxalded by Cbmc. Jcbnson and p"'ø-1d UI'IIU1inIaJsly to enact: ordinance No. 1443. 29. ~-t for Cbmcil direction regardiD¡ IIIIISI.cJa-Jts to the EIo1id Waste ~·-.L Plan far Santa Clara ownty. It was IIMId by Cbmc. Plungy, s.-..dad by Cbmc. ~ and p"--1d unaniDøJsly to conduct a p,hHn heariD¡ at the regular meetinq of May 16, 1988. 30. ~L on Transportaticn 2000 and I'""1-t far dixec:tia1. It was IIMId by cwnc. Jàmsa1, ~de.1 by Q:Qnc. Plungy and 1""-sd UI1iUÚ.IDaJBly to BlJWOlt the HwIe II 9'-")' 1::~L and strategy c:ut.lined far i1lpl-~.taticn of '1'2000 pIan. CD.mcil also directed that a letter be pœparecl to SUpervisor Wilson, 01air of the steering n--ittee. 31. Repœ.t on bid cpmirJJ far ~ Ba1levard and Bol1.JD; er Rœd SL....at ~~íL, PJ:oject 86-20A, and award of o...Laet. It was 1III:MId by CD.mc. Jcbnson, __dad by Q:Qnc. a..gers and 1""--1d with Cbmc. Plungy di .LJ.rq tc award the oouL.....::t to Hogue in the auømt of $56,969.46 beI-' on the lowest bid and to autborize a 1St cx:ntin}ency far a total of $65,500. 32. Fo>o;r-t far ~ of funds to increase Ra..........«ion Needs survey """Tle. It was IIMId by Cbmc. Plungy, s...::a.Jecl by Q:Qnc. BJgers and 1""-1d UI'IIU1inIaJsly to ~"¥L.Late $8,450 f'raI the General !\md to increase BaIIple size. 33. Ccnsideration of an 0I'dina00e rest.rictin:¡ pmdJ'q on Blaney Avenue. -10- MIWmS OF 'mE APRIL 18, 1988 RmUIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL m=,".u«J (00-741) (a) First ~ of ordinance No. 1446: "An 0rd!nIIn0e of the City CD.mcil of tha City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIendiD¡ Sec:t.ion 11.24.150 of the 0Jpertin0 II.1nic1pal 0Jde to PråUbit PaIicing on Blaney Averue." It was JIII:MId by CD.mc. Plungy, seoeuded by CD.mc. Regel. and P"-eð. unaniDø.Isly to read Ordinance No. 1446 by title only. tcaJ:.I.".LUi CXHI.INICATIœs 34. None. c:mmw«::ES 35. Becc:n:i readiJq and enactment of Ordinance No. 1445: "An Ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AIDIJIñiD¡ sections 11.20.020 Veld"'''''',. stop and 11.20.030 AU Directional Vehkul.ar stop at Rcdrigues Averue and Torre Averue." It was JIII:MId by CD.mc. Plur.gy, secxxlded by counc. lbJers and p"ø~eð. unaniDø.Isly to read Ordinance No. 1445 by title only and the City Clede's readinq ...c.atitute the secxxd readinq thereof. It was JIII:MId by counc. Bcgers, secxxded by counc. P1ungy and pa'!'sOO. unaniDø.Isly to enact Ordinance No. 1445. RESOII1l'ICK9 36. None. ('f~ sæsI(If CD.mcil adjourned to the conrt:o...._ ReaD far a closed s-aion at 11:20 p.m. '!he closed session ~-cained to significant EÐtpOSUr8 to litigation. camcil reoonvenecl in Quoo"~.er at 11:25 p.m. It was JIII:MId by CD.mc. 8cgm:a, secx:nB:l by counc. Plungy to authorize the City Attamey to CXI1tact the tADJUl-i GraJp attamey infOllDiD} him that fees have been recalculated per his l'""1'-t and that CD.mcil wa1ld a.:\:~ the recalculated figures if desired by Gr&.,¡u..ý GraJp ar they woold collect fees as oriqinally dete1:mined if they wa1ld prefer. '!he motion was adcpted UI'1alÜJ!Ioosly. -11- Firat reading Ord. 1446 Second reading Ord" 1445 Ord. 1445 enacted I I I C10aed Session j MDÐ1'I8 ~ 'IHB ~ 18, 1988 RBmAR C1'lY auICI~ "!Z1'DG (00-741) At U.28 p..., tba tJD;J.. ac!jCJlJDWd. -12- ß