CC 05-02-88 .. . C1'lY OF aJPERl'nÐ, S'1ME OF CALIFCRfIA 10300 Torre Aveme, 0Jper:tin0, CA 95014 Telepba1e: (408) 252-4505 00-742 MI1I1ŒS OF '!HE REXmAR Cl'lY <XDI:IL JŒE:1'IlG HELD (If M1\Y 2, 1988, CXXJNc:IL awœER, C1'lY BAIL 10300 '.1\.1t<1œ AVENUE, aJPER1'DÐ, CALIFCRfIA Mayor Gatto called the meet:inq to UL~ at 6:47 p.m. SAII11'E 'ro '!HE FUG K>IL CAIL Q:Jmc. PoL S íL: Johnson, Kq:pe1, Plungy, ~s, Mayor Gatto . staff P.I. unt: City Manager ()únlan City Clede COmelius Director of Public Worlœ viskaviå1 Assistant to the City Manager Bmwn Director of Parks anj Recreaat:ion DcIIlin¡ AsSOt"iate Planner caughey City Attomey Kilian ~ - Mayor Gatto was inf.·· .......~ that Mr. Jot'" 'er will not appear under oral caœun.icat.ions. CEREXtIIAL Mknuç,¡ - PRESmrATICHJ Vice Mayor Plungy read the proc.laIIIation hcnœ:ln¡ the sister-college Relationship between De Anza Oill.ege and Bepp1 university of Japan ani an exåmn; e of gifts toa1t place. œAL CXlHJNIC'ATICHI - None. S'I1IFF ~~ 1. oral L~ts by staff 1N>III1 ca ani ...,""i....ton of written L~ts. City Manager's ~t - Hazardc:aI waste Mar-JM,.....¡t Plan. By c:œsensus, CD.mcil sd1eduled a PJblic hearin1 on the t"o,¥sed plan for their regular meet.iD:¡ of J\1ne 20, 1988. 2. Up:3ate on ocominatin;J the Hcudn:] COde with other City l"I"YiøcI . . Cœncil received the update. -1- - Legislative Review Commit tee . Consent Calendar . MINUl'ES OF '!HE MAY 2, 1988 REX;(JIAR C1'lY CXXJNC:IL MEE:l'DC (00-742) 3. Altemative uses for Mary AVEnJa ov...............irq of Highway 280. CD.mcil received the re"...u.t. Water 0:I1Bervat.i0n - CD.mcil received the .L'¥At trail the Director of FUblic Wrn:ics and referred water OCI'ISEIrVaticn to the Energy n-ni-ion. 0XJNcrL ~~ 5. Q:¡¡,¡¡}c. Jàmsa1 - Iegislative Review o:mnittee - It was DX:Wed by CD.mc. Jàmson, secxn:3ed by CD.mc. Plungy and I"!9sÐd UMlÚJDcUsly to taJœ the follCJWin¡ act:i.ons regardj.n¡ pl.' ¥;sed leq!s1aticn: Qwose SB 2827 (L. Greene), mamfacturad hamirq, city ability to designate its location remaved¡ AB3341 (Flayd) , discipline of PJblic safety officers¡ AB 3499 (Mamtjay), 1::Juil~ code enfœ...........íL. ~L AB3979 (McClintock) , state IIIaI'Idateci ccsts, bIprayements in ð".i.... pl.'. .....~. Referred to staff SB 2741 (Kq:p), limitation on city Pl' -C-1i'irq of JDaJUlfacturad hamirq; AB 2247 (Wright) , mandated soopirq meetings; AB 4547 (Sher) , written respalSe to <> """'"'íLs by pmlic agencies; AB 3180 (COrtese) , reportin;¡/IIIatorirq þ.LU\ .Lc2111 for mitigation measures, and AB 1813 (Frizzelle), ec........dc and fiscal analyses. It was DX:Wed by CD.mc. Rogers, seconded by CD.mc Plungy to qJpCSe the Jchnson-Kq:p-Mcntoya Initiative. It was ~ that rOi...."Til review a OCIIplete "clean" c:qJy of the initiative anj t&~ matter be placed on the agenda of the next meet:.i:rx:J far action. '!he DDtion and sec:xn1 were withcJrawn and staff 'JaS directed to place the mattter on the agenda for Kay 16, 1988. a:tISEm' CAIÐmAR CD.mc. Rogers remaved I"CE!III 13, CD.mc. Kqpù remaved Items 17 and 28 anj CD.mc. Plungy remaved Item 25 frœ the Consent Calendar. It was DX:Wed by CD.mc. Rogers, seconded by CD.mc. Jàmson and I"'"'",Ðd 1.Il'Ial1.ÚID.11y to a¡:prove the Consent Calendar as sul:mitted. 9. Resolution No. 7475: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Awrovin;J Risk ~.t Policy. " -2- ~ MIWmS OF '!HE w.y 2, 1988 RmCIAR C1'lY exu«::IL 1'IUa".uG (00-742) 10. Denial of Application to ?ile a tate ClAi... - ICar1 T. steimagen. li. Alcxi10lic Bevetage Cl.d....ul Hoellses: (a) RJsty PR1 iOJm Rest:auræ1ts, Inc., 10741 North Wolfe Rœd, (b) Ely H::Fly, Ltd., 20630 Valley ~-n Drive. 12. PAc:r-t fma Kiwanis Club of 0Jpertin0 far waiver of facility and bJsiness license fees far anmal c:rf~ tournament. 13. RII1ar:7.Ied frcIII Cl..._ Mal Calendar. 14. Resolution No. 7491: "A Resolution of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Adjustin¡ the Fcurteent:h (1988-89) Year i"romo"1ity DBvel___/L Block ~...it Allocation. " 15. Ratificaticn of OJpertinojBank of Vittoria. City Attomey actia1S - City of America, QrItractar - GII8tano Di . 16. Resolution No. 7476: "A F1esa1utiat of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Bettin¡ Date far Q:nd.deration of Annexi.n) Area Designat.ecl 'Manita CD.1rt 88-02', ~'¥"L Lj' IDeated on the North Side of Ra.i.nbow Drive between Manita CD.1rt and st.e1linrJ Rœd; Jtw..urI-tely 0.56± Acre, Wyatt¡Bcwen." 17. RII1ar:7.Ied frcIII Q:œent Calerxiar. 18. RascJ.ution No. 7478: "A ReElt'lutiat of the City CD.1ncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AuthariziD¡ ExBcutia1 ';""'_aL Regardinr:¡ Er......· ....1. IL P8z:JDit' bebJ8en the City and ChJa Lin far the Er......--.l.......t. into City P.L'¥"LLj' far ~aXy use - stel.1IIrIS Creek Bculevard." 19. Resolutiat No. 7479: "A Resolution of the City CD.1ncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AI:.:~tin:¡ Grant of -.....-/L far ~ PIJ11--BaS fraa W. Reed SpIIrks and Joan Sparks ~ of Jtw..u.n-tely 0.073 Acres, I.ccated MeJ:rlmn Rœd and santa T'Y"ia Rœd." . 20. Resolution No. 7480: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Dec::1.ariD¡ Its Intention to Order vacation of a Rrtion of a stœ:m Drain F.:o~ Within the City of QJpertino Pursuant to section 50430 et seq. of the Gavemment axle of the state of Califomia, Fixin::J Time and Place for Hearln;J and Prc:wi.diIr,¡ for Notice 'Ihereof: I.oc:kwocd Dri'"8 scuth of stevens Creek Bc:W.evaJ:d." -3- e . Permit Parking Orange Ave. & Delores Ave. . I MINIJI£S OF '!HE w.y 2, 1988 mmIAtt ClT'i CŒINC!IL ~ (œ-742) 21. Resolution No. 7481: "A Resolution of the City aamcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AppI:oVin;J a...tL....ct: Cbu9a omer No. 3 far De ArIza Bauløvard and stevens creek Bauløvard IæxJscapin¡ ~",^",-íls, Project 3002." 22. Resolution No. 7482: "A Resolution of the City aamcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AppI:oVin;J P8rœl Map and ~uy.e.u...íL Plans of P.&.'¥"Lly Located at JUI8IItcIwn Drive and P..~ Rœd, Dev8.lcper Fruitvale samtcga AVIiIrUI ABeodat.es, Autharizin¡ Executicn of ~uy_d. J.p............d.; Autharizin¡ Signinq of P8rœl Map and ~,,",~IL. Plans." 23. Resolutiat No. 7483: "A Resolution of the City aamcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllClWilx¡ certain CI..i.... and DeIIIaJÜI Payable in the AIIIcunts and fraa the i\DÙI as Hereinafter Descri.œd far Salaries and Wages far the Payroll Feriod Endin:J April 12, 1988." 24. Resolution No. 7484: "A Resolution of the City aamcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllClWilx¡ Certain CI"."" and DeIIIaJÜI Payable in the AIIIcunts and FreD the i\DÙI as Hereinafter Descri.œd for General and MisœJ..lanecus Expenditures for the Period Endin¡ April 22, 1988." 25. RiemaYed frœ 0X1sent Calerœr. 26. Mirutes of the adjcm'ned regular Deetinq of Marå1 30, 1988 (00-739A). 27. ResoJ.ution No. 7489: "A Resolution of the City aamcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Dec:1.ariD;J Its :rnt:s1t.ion to sell SI.D:plus Real P.&.'¥"Lly IDeated at 19810 POrtal Plaza, Q.1pert.ino, Califamia." 28. RiemaYed frœ a..._ Hit Calerœr. 29. Resolution No. 7490: "A Resolution of the City aamcil of the City of Q.1pert.ino ~ øin¡ 9..w-",L for 'Ie Ta1r D1 Val' Bicycle 'l'oJr F\Jndraiser far the American IJm¡ Al<El<x"iation to be Held JUne 25, 1988." l'1ÐtS REXJ\1ED HU( CDISENl' CAInmAR 17. Resolution No. 7458: "A Resolution of the City aamcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Designatin¡ PelIIIit Parkirq on orange Avenue and Dolores Avenue. II -4- þ MINUl'æ OF '!HE w.y 2, 1988 RmJIAR crI"l cnmcn. ~ (CC-742) Rcbin DD'~, 1390 Pr1mrose way, am a gentleman 1Ò) resides at 22451 Prospect, bath Bt1dents at Monta vista High ~1, œIpISted reIII7ial of paIic1lq limitations on all neJ.gbJ:x:IriJq PJblic sl.oL..ets. '!bey inf.......-d CcImcil that the Bt1dents did cmpool, tut activities and ~~tIIIIS create different såIedUles anj do net make it always po-ibJe. Fenton Hill, F1.........L unified High SdIcol District sœ.., ',,_,1 er, c:bjecteci to the pL' p»ed pem.it paIic1lq. Janil1e staxk, pr1Ir~pal, Ib1ta Vista High SdIool, told coonci1 that part'. J per¡uits have net Þeen restricted bec-_ the feel. '':I is that to do so wa1ld :t1!SUlt in eapty paIic1lq p1~ on """",,,IS anj 1n::reased paIic1lq in the neighJ:mhcod. Not all stuients drive every day am therefore, it is better not to 1...l.oL1ct PJrldn;J. Upon beirq as,1rM by Mr. Hill Wrrž pemit paIic1lq is done in residential areas, the Director of FUblic wœ:iœ :œviewed the histœ:y of såIcol am restaurant paIic1lq am the prcòlems resulting in the surrcundin;J neighbo:thccds. Mr. Hill stated that the pa:tidlI¡ prà)lem arcurxi Monta Vista High SdIool is a .........11Úty prà)lem and it is not a b.1siness prcòlem. '!he students are residents of 0Jpertjn0: if they park bloc::1ciD¡ driveways, the Sheriff's Depart:IIIent has the right either to cite ar to!or the cars am in reg¡m1 to any litter prå)1em, the såIcol can 1oIO:t'k to ......ít...ul it. He pointed cut a lack of PJblic transportation and said that there was no såIcol today and he had ~- the .t......st paIic1lq. He foorxi all driveways eapty with only one car parked on Ch.GI~ Averua. Followin:I a SJrVØY of other surrcunr:!iD) .t.......ts, he foorxi that 8CIII8 .t...e.Bts did have a few cars per1tM and SCID8 didn't. JobIt driveways were eapty. 'lb8refore, there did not __ to be a need far .t......t paIic1lq ØXl:q't. for the students. He stated that pos9~h'. solutions that the såIcol c:nùd <XIIIe up with ~1lð be rE!IIICMÙ of recreat.ia1a1 areas for additional paIic1lq, use of part of the fire aooess road, use of the neJ.gbJ:x:IriJq ~CIIIUIðr såIcol paIic1lq facility. Menta vista will also tty to nli--' the existinq pa:tidlI¡ lot Wiå1 might result in ume paIic1lq aœa. He Sl¥J=-œd this matter be ocntinJed. Elaine Adkins, 10421 orarçe AvenJ8, stated that she felt the students carried on a lot of maliciOJS :mischief am as1œd Wrrž there was no pa:tidlI¡ on M:Clellan Rœd in front of the sc::bool. Ann Arger, Monta vista resident, said that she has two daughters at university of Califomia, ravis am in that l"'nI1Ift11Úty the students either walk or ride a bicycle. -5- . BKR Housing . I I I I I App. 9-U-83 I Seven Springs I I I I I ! Res. 7492 adopted . MIWmS OF '!HE MAY 2, 1988 mx;mAR ClTIC CXXINCIL Mml'DG (00-742) Janina st:a%k, the prir.cl.11Sl of McI!1:a vista High Sd1col, said that sc:bcol repre.CJentatives ~1JtI be wi.J.liD to JEØt with the neighI:xmI to !:x:r to CXIIIB to a solution to the prà:ù_. By 0CI1S8nSUS, 0D1c1l reIIICII8i this item fraI the calerdar an:! direct:ecl that sc:bcol district: ......... s tlatives met: with the neighI:xmI an:! t"o.,....re a plan that will be ready to be i:ap1emented in sept _.1 oW thin så1col starts anj that the meetinq BhaJ1d include incc:.IIdn;J student body offiœrs. o:ucll direct:ecl that a p*,lic beBrin;J reg¡m:liD¡ all l""""it parkirJ1 in the area be sc::heduled for the first meetin;J in lwgust. 25. Rejection of clAim filed by Ma%k Fantozzi. It was IIICJII8d by came. Plungy, seccnBl by came. Rogers and ~.......... unarùmcAJsly to œject the t!bim. 28. Resolution No. 7492: "A Resolution of the City Ccuncil of the City of Q pertino Pravidinq for ~ Met:hcds to satisfy Below Ma%ket Rate Hoosi!q P1.~_?articipat:icn Requirements AffectiJq the DøYeJ., \ .,-, It !heWn as Q1ateau 0Jpertin0, .AppraYed under A¡p1.iœtions 21-z-B7 anj 17-tJ-83 (Revised) . " came. Fqpl 8l'II1aII1C8d that because it is anticlpated that a relative will be resi.cllir:l at Q1ateau Q pertino, she will aœtain fraI any act.1cn in this itelll. It was IIICJII8d by came. øcgers and BooCaded by came. Plungy to adept Resolution No. 7492. Sally Breman of QJpertino """""núty services adch. 9d o:ucll reg¡m:liD¡ use of the fee Bhcu1d the deYelcper åXXJS8 to pay a fee rather than pravide JMR unite. She ~--œd that any fee be used to subeMi ... a senior at O1ateau Q pertino. '!he motion to adept the resolution was GWLwed with came. Fqpl abstain1n;J. 13. Appliœtic:n No. 9-U-83 (Amended) - rA"":JfJ.LY Group (seven Springs Ranå1) - Requestin:J GWLwal of aràútectural p.larø for a ~ yard and .............ation hni1dirg an:! aß]t'CY8l of a ~...bensive lard~ plan an:! far a residential planned devel___ít project. Project 'JØlmallY lcx:ated on the south side of Rainbow Drive be.t.\¡een upland way an:! the Scuthem Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Rev .,..-œ:l far a¡;proval. -6- 1mIJ1'm OF 'lm 1O.':l 2., 19aa mmIAtl CI!1.'i <X:JK:IL MEErOO (œ-742) Greq Ericssa1, of the Ck~y Grcup, J:8Vi.eMId the t"o' "cnd åmß;Jes with Camcil. It was JIICIII8d by CD.mc. lb;lers, seocrlded by 0CU1c. JànIcn and J?"--1!':1 with 0CU1c. lqpel and 0CU1c. Plungy ð.issent.1n¡ to ~\N8 the "W1j~tion per ~ Resolutiat No. 1374 with ca1diticn 12 aD&'Ided as follcws: '1hixd sent&108 deleted; seccn:l sent:81ce ðWH,B1 to read, "'Ihe app' il'OA11t; shall ...,.....it revised plans tar røview and ~...ral of Aråù.tectural anj site A¡:proYal o::mI!ittee." It was pointed a1t that Camcil c1ceø have the right to ~, ArdUtectmal site A¡:proYal O::IIIIIittee actions. PUBLIC HF.ARIH:òS 31. Awlication No. 2-Z-88 anj 5-EA-88 - St:øv8 saraydpcm' - Reza1irç t'J:aa City Rl-IO (Rssidlmtial, Sin:¡le-family, 10,000 sq. ft. 1IIirrlm.JDI lot size) to city Rl-7.5 (Residential, sirçle-tamily 7,500 mini:øua lot size) zone, located on the west side of '1\1la lane q:¡pœite '1\1la 0Jurt. Envin:nDental DBteI:JDination: '!he Planning n-oroni -ion rec:, .,.,-dB the grant.in) of a Negative Declaraticn. aec- ·,·,-rded for a¡:prcIIal. (a) First readin¡ of ordinance No. 1448: "An ordinance of the city CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Darñin;J Section 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Rezonin;J ~"'1'""-"ty t'J:aa City of 0Jpertin0 Rl-10 Zone to City of 0Jpertin0 Rl-7.5 Zone; ItJeated on the west side of '1\1la lane t\¥>Site '1\1la 0Jurt (Awlication 2-Z-88, stelle saraydpcm')." It was JIICIII8d by 0CU1c. Jàmson, ....OCiì:'led by 0CU1c. ~ and P"'-'1C! unaniDrJusly to close the p1blic hearin: . :It was JIICIII8d by 0CU1c. Jàmson, eéOCtdeJ by 0CU1c. ~ and pe¡,.ø'Sd unaniDrJusly to grant the Negative Declaration. :It was JIICIII8d by CD.mc. Jàmson, e..oa-.Jed by 0CU1c. ~. and P"'-";¡ unan.iJDoosly to approve the çplication per Plar1r1iD) n-oroni_ion Resolution No. 4048. :It was JIICIII8d by 0CU1c. Plungy, seccnied by 0CU1c. a.."ars and paøø'Sd unaniDrJusly to read ordinance No. 1448 by title only and the City Clede's readin} to ca1Stitute the readin} thereof. 32. Consideration of annexation of the area designated ''Rainl:x:Iw 88-01", southwest comer of Rainbow Drive and stelling Rœd (Property owner: 8unq) . -7- App. 2-Z-88 & 5-EA-88 Public hearing closed 1st reading d. 1448 - Public hearing continued to 5/16 Nuisance at 22303 Regnart PAc hearing ~æd Res. 7486 adopted Public hearing closed Res. 7487 adopted . MINUDS OF '!HE M1I.Y 2, 1988 REGUlAR C1'lY CDJNCIL MEEl'DÐ (00-742) (a) Resolution No. 7485: itA Resolution of the city ocuncil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 0rd8rirJ¡ AmIIxat.ion of Area Designated 'RaiJ1bcI.r 88-01' (SUB¡) . " It was IØ\/8d by Q;unc. Jàu1son, seconded by Q;unc. Regen and p---'9C! unan1mcusly to 0CI'ItinIe the public hearinr¡ to the regular IØItJø; of May 16, 1988 as per the City Attœ:nøy'& Iec:~-·-·-œti:1. 33. PI,hH.. misance abatement heIIrin;J regardinq -il. haI8 at 22303 Regnart Rœd. (a) Resolution No. 7486: "A Resolution of the City ocuncil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 ozœriD;J AœtAII81t of FUblic Nuisance at 22303 Regnart: RaId. " Assistant to the City Manager Brown reviewed her ...~t with ocuncil and stated that as of 3:30 p.m. this afternoa1, the JlK:bile haI8 was still on the t"oOf?e1.-ty. It was IØ\/8d by CD.mc. Jàu1son, seconded by Q;unc. Plungy and FM~ unan1mcusly to close the public heariDJ. It was IØ\/8d by CD.mc. Plungy, seconded by Q;unc. Jàu1son am 1""øø"'d unan1:aøJsly to adc.pt Resolution No. 7486 œ:derinJ the abatement. 34. o:ms:iderat1a1 of vacation of a port1cn of Alcazar Averue. (a) Resolution No. 7487: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Dec1arlnÇJ Its Inbmt:1a1 to <kdør vacation of a Particn of A1....~:r 1MIrua II:X:at.ed East of <kcuga AV8Ut as Prcwided in section 8320 st. seq. of the SL........I1:s and Ø1~ Oodø of the state of Califamia, Retai.nin::J It as a FUblic utilities -...~.t and 1I1.1tbari.zUJ; the Ex8cution of a 011+-,.,,..i1ll Deed of said Particn to the Adjacent &'¥"L ty owner." It was IØ\/8d by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, seconded by Q;unc. Plungy and J'<II"ð~ unanimcusly to close the pmlic heariDJ. It was IØ\/8d by Q;unc. Jàu1son, seconded by Q;unc. Plungy and p"aø'Bd unanimcusly to adc.pt Resolution No. 7487, authorizin;¡ execution of quit-(:~"'im deed with the prcw1sion that ............. right of way be retainecl as a pmlic utilities A:llaørnAI"Jt . -8- MINUl'!S OF '!HE w.Y 2, 1988 REX;(JIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL hua'.uG (00-742) PIANNIH:; APPLICld'IQIS 35. None ~ AND SITE APIR:NAL <Xhu...a"a;15 APPLICAT.IQiIS 36. None tJNFDŒSÐED JIJSINESS 37. None. NÐf JIJSINESS 38. ~-t far park fee credit for De ArIZa p¡,~ties senior citizen}gJs1n;J project, located in city center, Torre Avenue and ~ Averue; amt.eau 0Jpert.in0. CQmc. KqJpel stated that she .....\Jd atstain far this item also and she left Q\....¡ ...r. It was IIICIIIecl by CD.mc. Johnson, secaded by Q:Iunc. PlurIJY and P"'---'" with Q:Iunc. KqJpel atøt:ainirJ;J to aC1t..¥L the resolution as per the æoeIœl Exhibit A. Q:Iunc. 1fq:pel retumed to (t.....J... 39. o::nü.deraticn of ent:er:in¡ into an ~.........d. with the cnmty and other cities to cbtain z,o,:: 1 1:0 the Califomia Identifiœtia1 SysteII and CIWI-",!&1atiat of funds. (a) øesolution No. 7488: "A øesolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Autbarizing the City Manager 1:0 Negctiata and Enter Into an Aþ............t. to Provide ~l taw Enf""---'IL 1qea::y AcoœEl to the Califomia Ident.ifiœtia1 SysteII and to ~..,.&1ate and Ser1d. City of OJpert.ino's Financial oont:ribIt.ion far the SysteII to the City of san Jose FinancB Department." It was IDII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, seoct'!ded by Q:Iunc. Jd....oo and po--¡¡iI unani:øIcuJly to adept Res"lution No. 7488 ....fcto> is effective far a'I8 year and CIWI-",!&1ate $7,340.50 far lS87-8S and $18,946.55 far FY 1988-89 due by JUly 15, 1988. 40. ~-t frœ Target store far use of t--.1.....ary trailers far bIo month period; located at 20745 stevens Creek Bc:W.evard. -9- Park fee credit Res. 7488 adopted "I - WS on the 2nd reading Ord. 1446 Ord, 1446 enacted e KIWI.'PS O? B m 1, ~QQ tmJWl CI!l'í aJH:IL MŒrIl«i (00-742) It was JII:MId by Q:Qnc. Jcànson, secalded by ocunc. a...,,-- and puli'ed uœrWacusly to "W'o..,,/8 the ~. \>au'~'J.Ul CXJHJNICATICJIS 41. REq-t frail santa C1.ara cnmty T.raffic Authority far SUW ... t of initiation of right: of way acquisitial of Rcute 85 core t"o"""",ties. It was JII:MId by CD.mc. Rogers, secx:n3ed by Q:Qnc. Plun;nr and P'"ø~....t unanimcuIly to Snpp)l;t the T.raffic Authority'. request. 42. Letter frail santa CJ.ara cnmty '.l'rëInSport:a Çrormi-ion for ~ on their preliminary t"o'¥"""'" far t'Y'OI'IIIi ....ion restmc:turiD;r. It was JII:MId by CÞ.Inc. Rcgers, secc:nSsd by CDmc:. Plun;nr and P'"ð~....t unanimcuIly to authorize the Mayor to use his d.isc:retion to vote as he feels "W'o~1ate. ocuncil detemined that the followin;J item came up after the post;iD;J of the agenda and required action prior to the next regular meetin;J of ocuncil - Hams on the Arts. It was JII:MId by Q:Qnc. JcbnBc.n, secx:n3ed by ocunc. ~"}?8l anj pas~....t unanimcuIly to ~~1ate $2,000.00 fraD the General :F\md for "Hams on the Arts". œDINANaS 43. secxni readiø;J anj enac:bDent of 0l'dinaIx8 No. 1446: "An 0l'dinaIx8 of the City ocuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIenr:ling sectia1 1l.24.l5O of the 0Jp&rtin0 Hmic1I""" o:Ide to PråUbit ParJdn;J on Blaney AV8r1J8." It was JII:MId by Q:Qnc. Pl\D1Y, secx:n3ed by ocunc. Rog8r8 and pat"~....t unarWu:usly to read 0l'dinaIx8 No. 1446 by title only and the City Clede's readin:J to constitute the e.::..AId readin:J thereof. It was JII:MId by Q:Qnc. Rcgm"'B, secx:n3ed by ocunc. Plun;nr and peoø"'ed unarWu:usly to enact 0l'dinaIx8 No. 1446. 44. secxni readiø;J and enac:bDent of 0l'dinaIx8 No. 1447: "An 0l'dinaIx8 of the City ocuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIenr:ling sectia1 1 of 0l'dinaIx8 No. 2 by RezaÙn;J PrqJerty frail BQ Zone to Rl-7. 5 Zone; IDeated. at 21971 !Þ:lellan Rœd betwen !Þ:lellan Reed and san Fernando Avenue (~ication 1-Z-SS, Ma1ta Vista Rih'e 01urål) . " -10- MD«m!'S OF '!HE MAY 2, 1988 REGJIAR c:I'lY CDJNCIL J'IUa'.LI'G (00-742) It was IIØV8d D:i CDmc. Plungy, 880aded by Q:Iunc. It)g&m and P"--,~.manhIausly to 1WId ordinance No. 1447 by title only and tbe city Clødt'. reed1n:J to CXI1Stituta the .......d reed1n:J tboo....of. It was IIICII8d by CDmc. Rogers, seootded by Q:Iunc. PlUll]Y and p"--It:'1 unanimcusly to enact: ordinance No. 1447. RESOW1'ICHI 45. None. ("[ncn:'I"I ",~~rœ At 9:10 p.m. CD.mcil acljCJUJ:ned to the a:nf..uluoe Rcca far a c1œecl _ion regaxding labor negctiat.ions. At 9:20 p..., CDmcilx........ened and it was IIICII8d by CDJnc. Rogers, ........ded by CDJnc. PlurIN and p"'ø...... unanimcœly to authorize staff to . . -1Ce as per CD.mcil inat:ruction& regantiJ1g 0 ·"1e:øat.icn. At 9:25 p.m., CDmcil acljCJUJ:ned. -ll- 2nd reading Ord. 1447 Ord. 1447 enacted Closed Session