CC 05-16-88
, '
10300 oru...... Averua, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014
'l'ele¡haw: (408) 252-4505
HEW (If MY 16, 1988, CØJNCIL awmER, Cl'lY HAIL
10300 '.LU<i<IS AvæJE, aJPERrDI), c::AI;[F(RŒA
Mayor: Gatto t"A"ed the ~ to order at 6:45 p.m.
rou. CAlL
a:unc. p~ Siht:
Jåmsa1, I<'qp!l, Plun:JY, Rogers, Mayor: Gatto
staff P1.1S .it:
City Manager 0rln1an
City Clede cornelius
Director of Public Warks visJcDviål
Director of P1.arInin1 and DBYel~Jt COWan
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Director of Finance SI1yãer
Director l,f PaDœ anj aecreation ccwlin3
City Attorney Kilian
Mayor: Gatto annomced that a:uncil and staff ............ts wnW
be deferred to the en:! of the I8Øtinq and written
Cc1IIIIJI1icatiŒ18 Y"',Jd be consideœd after It8D No. 36 at
a¡p:aIdmately 8:30 p.m. a:uncil ØoJ.Laèd by oXiIEIIISUS.
Mr. Patrick It:Hsbon stated that cit.izerB in atta1danœ to
di ............. the ice rink wuld wait outside 0--'" '""t" until later
in the meet:in;J.
~ M1\:J.'.u:;K:j - ~œs
Procl......tions were t"o S Hd:ed by Mayer Gatto ani a:unc.
Rcgers to participants of Speoi.., Olyllpic G=<,......
Procl......tiœ hanorin;J IBvid Voss.
1mmES OP 'l\1E 1O.'l 16, 19ßß mmAR CI!l"l a:m::IL MEErIlÐ
Pro<-l-tion ha'o.....lnq Host LiŒlS Club of 0Jpert:in0.
Mayor Gatto am OUX:. lÐ;JerB pœsented PI'O"" -tia1s to
Mr. VC1!18 am lÐ]er p..i--s (...~iS uLin;J the Lia'l8) in
hcDJr of the armal Fish-A-'lhon.
S'm'F ~
Deferred to later in the meetinq.
caJNCIL 1<I!òtU(J.7:j
Deferred to later in the meetinq.
cx:tISENl' ~
<b.1nc. Rogers r8IDIIed Item No. 24. It was 1IICIYed by <b.1nc.
Rogers, MOaded by <b.1nc. JåInson anj p"'..ø,ed unanimculy to
~ave the balame of the Consent Calerœr as ...,hnitted.
8. 1IR>licaticn 81,003.618 am lo-FA-88 City of
0Jpert:in0: Location: Citywide - A Five Year Capital
~1.N_ít P......"....... including park devel~Jt,
J:'II1i1diß;s anj grcunds, -'li..1'\8 am 0Ir.............ssin;JJ,
..l.r.eet bprcM!msnts, traffic signals, and stmm drain
~. '!he t"o...."....... desc:r:ibes costs am œvenue
sources far capital inprcvements Wùå1 are intended to
i11p'......-,t the General Plan. EnvL.........4d:al Review: '!he
Planninq ....ion reo> . ,.,_1 Ids the grantin:J of a
Negative """"".~tion. R""O' ...,_IÙi!d far a¡:praval. ('Ibis
item is Envi.ra1mental Review only) .
9. Autlxni.zation to oontact Gill cable with a rec:;p-t far
them to sul:lllit a t"o' y)Sðl to the City regardin:J ....1eWal
of their cable TV frand1.ise.
10. Aloà101ic Beverage a...l.r.ul license: Cicero's Pizza,
20010 stevens Creek Bc:W.evard.
li. Mirart:es of the regular meetinq of J\pri1 4, 1988.
12. Mirart:es of the regular meetinq of J\pri1 18, 1988.
lmIJlIm OF 'mE m 16, 19BB RmJWl CI!l"í aJJtaL MrmlC
13. Resolutiat No. 7493: "A Rrsol,"'il'W\ of the City CDmcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Al1.cIIdn¡ 0Brta1n (O'I..i_ and
DEIIIands Payable in the ADø.mts am fma the !\mds as
Heœinaft:er Described for Salaries am Wages for the
Payroll Period F.rIdirg April 26, 1988."
14. Resolution No. 7494: "A RBBolutim of the City ocunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Al1.cIIdn¡ 0Brta1n (O'I..i_ and
DEIIIands Payable in the ADø.mts am FraIl the P\1nds as
Hereinafter Described for General and Misoe1.1.anecua
ExperIditures far the Period Endinr¡ May 6, 1988."
15. ASÞ£ Þn?' i....tion No. 51,785.1 - FEkJeral Sign (Valloo
Vi' , "ÇP stqpinq center) - P<>qI-t far awr\Nal of
JllCdified f~ far an existinq ~inq center IIICIUIIIIr1t
sign, anj E>-,,'Lion to Section 17.20.010 of the Sign
Code to pemit di "Pl'!y of an offsite identification
deviœ. '!he sign is located on that portion of the
Valloo Vi" "ÇP OCIIplex at the nartbwest ~Jèr of WOlfe
Road and Pruneridge Avenue. Rec:' ...,-'1decl for ~.
16. ASÞ£ App1ic:at.ion No. 51,712.11 - Ricardo Frat:arcang8li
(10417 lDt"kwcod Drive) - ~-t far GMALwal of
......-'Ii f'icatiŒIS to a previoosly ~ pIan far a
rn1pl.ex located on the west side of Drive,
~"""'-tely 225 feet SCA.lth of VOBS AWIIJe.
Re=.. ··-·.ð1.ded for a¡:p:oval.
17. ~-t for waiver of b1siness license fees for 1988.
a) Fri.erœ of the 0Jpertin0 Librazy;
b) AsBociaticn of n-orm"1ity organizations far Refcma
18. Resolution No. 7477: "A Resolutim of the City CDmcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Rat.ifyinq CDmcil
Autharization to Execute '0... s aL to Assi."._.t and
H:xlifications of far ~. "'.........inq Parlcinq
Citations' Betwen AIIIerican ~ Mar...." ,-,it CIatp.,
City of 0Jpertin0 and west-oœp.ttil C01.þ:ltAtion."
19. Rejecticn of t'!bim filed by state Farm Insurance on
behalf of 'lhcIIIas Zoland, James Brandes, Jeannine and
Dick Madsen.
20. Resolution No. 7495: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AR>ravinq IDt Line Adj.....'""-.L
B6tw en 'I\«) Parcels of Iand without a Parœl Map in
J\ccxJrtJance with section 66412 (d) of SUb:livision Map Act
as A1Deròad Jaruu:y 1, 1984; PrqJerty at the Northwest
Comer of ÐlpiIe Avenue and Grand Avenue."
MINrm!S OF '!HE Hl>.Y 16, 1988 ~ C!I.'N o:DI!IL 1Œ!!nC
21. Resolution No. 7496: "A Resolution of the City camcil
of the City of QJpertino Ext.enlliç the Existing'l'J:affic
Signal Maintenance a...d......ct anj ~ IncreIIs88 in
Certain Rates."
22. AcoEIptaJat of Dmicipal bprayements: Seeter CDJrt -
Jollyman AsSOC'iates II (Brian Kelly).
23. Resolution No. 7497: "A Resolution of the City camcil
of the City of 0Jpe.rtin0 A¡:pJ:ovin¡ the Final Map and
Iq...............d.. Plans of Tract No. 8117 IDeated on Blaney
Aveme, DBvelc:per Pariœide Lane, A Limited Part:nersJùp,
by Trilex AsSOC'1ates, Inc., General Pa.r.l...4., Accept:inq
Certain -...-.,ts; lIuthorizin¡ signin:J of Final Map and
Iq................t Plans; lIuthorizin¡ the ~1tion of
~.........aL in 0::r1necti0n 'Iherewith."
24. RemaYed frail consent Calendar.
25. Resolutiat No. 7499: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil
of the City of QJpertino ~ the Final Map and
Iq...UIfeIDeI.t Plans of Tract No. 8098, seven SpriDJs ~t
6 IDeated on 1'1.....pect Rœd, DBvelc:per '!he Gt.oøJO'tY
G:r:cqI,;J certain -""""""'1ts; lIuthorizin¡ signin:J
of Final Map anj Iq...U>ÆSDelít Plans; Authorizin¡ the
Execution of ~..........t in a.....-.."tion 'Iherewith."
26. Resolution No. 7500: "A Resolution of the City camcil
of the City of QJpertino A¡:pJ:ovin:J Final Plan for the
Iq...<.I\I.....e1ít of Fra1tage IDeated at 10300 Tantau Aveme,
Develc:per 'l'arŒm Q::IIp.1ter, Inc., Authorizin¡ the City
EnJineer to Sign the Final Plan; æxl Authorizin¡
Execution of A::ì1-èeíDe1ít in a...418Ct.i.on '!herewith."
27. Resolution No. 7501: "A Resolution of the City camcil
of the City of QJpertino A¡:pJ:ovin:J a...d....act Q1ange
order No. 4 for DeAnza Bc:W.evard and støvens Creek
BaJlevard Iamsœpe Iq........I!mehts - Project 3002."
28. Resolution No. 7502: "A Resolution of the City camcil
of ~'1e City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:pJ:ovin:J a...d...LaCt Q1ange
order No. 1 for Pavement Restoration, Project 88-107."
:I'l'Ð5 REHJ\1ED fKM CXH>ENl' ~
24. Resolution No. 7498: "A Ref;olution of the City camcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:pJ:ovin¡ Parcel Map æxl
Iq...uv_It Plans of Propert;y IDeated on the Northeast
Cbruer cf Portal æxl stevens Creek Bc:W.evaJ:å, Develc:per
Yamaoka DBYel""....""t, Inc. , Authorizin¡ EKø:::ut.i.on of
IDprovement Agreement.; Authorizing signing of Parcel
Map æxl I:øprovement Plans."
Mn«1l'ES OF '!HE MAY 16, 1988 RmUIAR 'rlY CDJNCIL n=J,'.uG
It wall IDO\I8d by ocunc. Rog8XB, S8CC1åId by ocunc. Jchnson
and porT stl unanbaIsly to adept the RBlicolution aJIIIIrded to
require that t... -- Ÿ1iå1 were put of the original
a¡:plic::at.ia1 be r4!P' ...wI.
30. a:nsidømticn of annexation of the area -"ignated
"RainbcIt 88-o1",BCUthwest ..........11: of RIÜ11bcJII Drive and
stelling Rœd (P..operty owner: 8urq) .
(a) Resolution No. 7485: "A Resolution of the City
ocuncil of the city of OJ¡'-m.ino ord8rin:J
Annexation of Area Designated IRaiJixIIt 88-01'
(8urq) . n
It was IDO\I8d by ocunc. Jàmson, secc:.rxB:l by ocunc. Plungy
and pa!'$"'d UI'III11imoosly to close the p.¡b1ic hearing.
It was IDO\I8d by ocunc. Jàmson, secc:.rxB:l by ocunc. Plungy
and p:"ftfted unani:aIcABly to adept the resolution.
31. oonsideraticn of _.c:bu...íts to the santa Clara cnmty
SOlid waste Manc.J>-, Plan.
(a) Resolution No. 7503: "A Resolution of the City
ocuncil of the city of CUpertino Apprc\riD¡ 1988
Aøø.c'lb-d.. to the santa Clara cnmty SOHd waste
MaJ'br.-¿t Plan to Irx::lu:1e the Recyclery as a
Designated T.ransfer/P1.ùC'~øin;;r Facility far
Hmicip"" SOlid waste.
Dh:ector of FUblic WOtiŒI V.isJo:wiå1 reviewed his Ieport and
the t"o' vJsed ~ with ocuncil. He infnnWI ocuncil
that it ......'1d be ~es~~'Y to adept bIo resolutions.
It was IDO\I8d by ocunc. Jdmson, secc:.rxB:l by ocunc. Plungy
and rt'ftfted unani:aIcABly to close the pWlic hearing.
It was DICIYed by ocunc. Jdmson, EIèCXIlde..t by ocunc. Plungy
and p"....ed unaniJø::IJSly to adept Resolution No. 7503
~ing the amer.:Jlue1¿t regardin¡ recycling and Resolution
No. 7504 ~ the amer.c:bu....t establishing the i'l~me
to halxile requests for ñi<\P""""" of ncri1azardcus solid waste
generated outside santa Clara cnmty at facilities located
in santa Clara Q:Junty.
32. Request: for Taxicab owner Permit filed by Emmanuel
Okwdili, Siliccn Valle-I cab.
"Rainbow 88-01"
Public Hearing
Solid Waste
Management Plan
Public Hearing
Taxicab Owner
MIl«1lES OF '!HE MAY 16, 1988 REa1IAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL __.UC
city Clexit cornø1ius int,.. -, ocuncil tMt the il"J011t
was ~ 1 s: ¡¡t and he had ~ a clœecl session.
City Attarney Kilian exp1Ai11ed the i&O;:US to CDmcil.
At 7:15 p.m., camcil adjc::Amled to the O21ferenoe Rcc:a far
a clœecl session in acooxdanoe with GaYeJ::\'IIIIEI o:Ide section
At 7:25 p.m., camcil I'ØCX'I'MII'ISd in aumil-Jer.
'!he City Attorney amcunced that ocuncil had indicated
GK'Luv'al of gr¡mt:inq of the P"""""it.
It was IIICIY8d by Q:mc. Kqpü, secc:nBi by Q:mc. Plungy
and peo~ unalÚ:IIICaJSly to GK'Luv'8 the request far I! taxiCJ"h
owner pemit.
33. A¡¢iœtion 1-V-88 - Fred Reinell - variance frail
section 8.3.2(c) of ominanoe No. 1374 to J:WI- the
required 2n:i stŒy set:bBc:k frail twenty (20) feet to
fifteen (15) feet. Ð1vircnDental Review: '!be project
is categorically ~-'\ ·L, hence no action is
'!he project is located on Sc:uth Blaney Aveme betwe en
laMar Drive anj ~ AWJ'IJ8. Re(. .,.,-œd far
Director of P1.annirç anj DBYel.........d. CXIWa11 and HI'. Reinell
:œviewed the a¡plication with Council.
It was IIDYeJ by 0Junc. R:JgeJ:s, eeoa:ded by CXJunc. J.JInøon
and p"ø....rl with Q:mc. Plungy ~i --¡ to grant the
variance, ilith the findilJ;J that there are spet'i..,
:xniitiŒIS and _~'tJ.ona1 characteristics in the t"o~ty
ani ~~ variance was nee- ~..-y far ~! s~rvation and
enj~ of substantial i&~ty rig.'1ts, and BUål a
variance wa1ld not ~- a materially ad\'8rB8 affect upon
the health ar safety of persons residiD¡ or woridn:.J in the
neighborbcocl of the property. Mr. 0:IWan po.'.nted cut that
__..,.ral of this variance does not ~.~ the 15 foot
34. A¡¢icatia1 6-U-88 - Iarry K. Yamao1ca - Use pemit to
q¡erate a bakeJ:y up to 3,200 sq. ft. with 10 seats
within an existin;J retail center. EnviJ:amIental
Review: '!he project is categorically e--",t, hence no
action is required. '!he project is located on stevens
cræk BaIlevard and Portal Averue within the Portal
Plaza ~in:¡ Reo ·,·,....ded for awroval·
Mr. 0Jwan reon.-s the application with Council.
!arty y~ stated that he was a'l"'i1~le to answer any
quest.ions CD.mcil 7IIi1'J have.
It was IDCMId by Plungy, ......iItd by Rogers
and p"øood UI'IIIl1i:aøJsly to ~W8 Appl.iœ.ticn 6-U-88 per
PJ.anninq n--i_~'2\ Resolution No. 4051 with the additicn
of O:niiticn No. 7 stat:in] that the awliœnt will BUJ:Dit a
bond to the City to CXIIIer the¡ of bIo L.. ! 1. He
was referred to staff to work CAIt the details of the
35. Applicaticn 45-U-87 and 46-FA-87 - carl Kan:her
Ent:eqJrises - Use pemit to CClb.L..1JCt and cperate a
drive-up service winbi anj vehicle lane far an
exi.s1:in¡ taJœ-cut restaurant. Envira1mental Review:
'!be PJ.annin;J n--i -ion reo· ....-'1ds the grant.irg of a
negative -., "1"ëition. '!he project is located on the
southeast .........d of HaIIestead Rœd and Franco 0CUrt.
PÞIO -·-·-rdal for ~.
DBYel___Jt of PJ.anninq and DBYel___ll 0Jwan reviewed the
t"o' ~ drive-up winbi locaticn and mitigatin;J -"'InIS
that have been taken to alleviate any traffic i1lp"""t. It
was IDCMId by Jàmsa1, by cœnc. Jb;erB and
adcpt:ed \IlIaJÚDDJsly to approve the grantjn¡ of the Negative
It was IDCMId by counc. Jchnson, by cœnc. PIUDr;JY
and P"~-ed \IlIaJÚDDJsly to approve the Application 45-U-87
per .t'lanning n--i~ion Resolutiat No. 4050.
36. Application 5-U-as and ll-FA-88 - Worthin:ftat Chsvrolet
- Use¡ the follc::JWin] 1""'rlif' to
a previcusly a¡:praved use pemit for an aut:.c:mJbile
Adjusted ¡ñasin¡ of future construction of a
slu....".. ga....-age and related iDprcvemente.
Relocat.icn of 150 sq. ft. clcein¡ office blildirç
in B1ase I.
Revision of pavement textures and on-site lightinq
Resiting of structures internal to the site.
'!be project is located on the rorth side of stevens
Creek Baùevard, a¡:proxjmately 200 ft. east of stellin¡
Rœd. Envircnoent:a.l Review: '!be PJ.anninq n--io...ion
reo .,..-œ the grantin:J of a negative declaration.
Reo ...,...rded for BRJI'OVal.
45-U-87 & 46-EA-8
Carl Karcher
5-U-88 & ii-EA-88
Worthington Chev.
Street sweep-
.' /no parking
App. 5-U-88 6<
MIl«11E9 OF '!HE w.y 16, 1988 RmVIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL 1'JI:iI:ir.uG
Mr. Q:Iwan a1'InCUIC8d that the .......... _ilatives trcD the
C2IsYrolet: dealeI:sIúp were not PL S IL at this tiDe.
It was IIIOII8d by CDmc. Jàmson, s...oon:Ied by CDmc. Rcg8ra
and p---1d urIIIIÜJIIaJsly to defer c:x::nùderation of this
a¡plication until later in the meet.inq.
City Attorney Kilian pointed art: that o:niition No. 30 of
the pL~«l o:niitia'lS of A¡:prcMü had an al...œ: in it.
'!he wcrd umer shculd be changed to unless.
37. ~.
38. ~.
39. I)jOl(:l'....ion regaxàinq the City's "ltt.......d; ~
paDdn:t' ordinance.
Mr. Viskaviå1 and Ms. Brown reviewed events that had
oocurred sinoB the SII.~ :pJn¡¡no puidn;J orcUr.ance had
been in effect.
Mazy Anne ~_11.., resident at 19905 Fiq Tree CDD:t, felt
that the no puidn;J far ..t........t BWI! ep,in¡ ordinance shculd be
2IIIIeI'ded to bIo hcurs rather than four hcurs as that ....."d
be IIIJå1 more CXI1YEI1ia1t: far residents.
It was IIIOII8d by CDmc. Jà1nBon, ~ded by CDmc. ~.
and pu"'( urIIIIÜJIIaJsly to _uV8 a :œduct:ion of no p"'fting
times far .t.......d; an spin¡ to bIo hcurs in the JIICII:J'rln¡ ar
bIo hcurs in the aftemcon.
CD.mcil directed staff to <XIIIe back with an ordinanc:e
revision at the next IIIIEIEItJn;J if r-øvy.
36. A¡:plicatiŒlS 5-U-88 and ll-FA-88
Kenneth J. Abler, let1t .SStrt:!n3 worthin;Jton 01evr0let,
infn1"1lWt CD.mcil that the potential Daihatsu dealership was
the intent of Mr. and Mrs. wise \/hen it was Yay O1evrolet.
Wc:Irt:hin;Jton O1evrolet does not inten:l to carry Daihatsus.
'!he display alaç North stellirg Rœd woold be miJœd with
trucks and cars and not limited to trucIœ.
ImIJJ:'IS OF 'mE Mr\'l l~, ~aa ~ C!Wl mMCIL ~
R. Mac Midd1etat, 7344 1'8rr8ira O:m:t, &....._tto,
q4 -gd OQ¡..-.11 regaIdiJJ¡ the transit shelter and the
filinJ of a letter of credit.
Mr. Abler subllittecl a drawin¡ of a new bJs shelter with
pl'¥"L"ty &.rIicaticn anj a drawin¡ of a new bJs shelter on
PJblic right: of way.
Mr. Middleton felt that the letter of credit was œally the
result of the City's lacIt of trust in the previc:us ......'er.
He urged CD.mcil not to penalize ~ 0'Isvr0let as a
letter of credit is ccst1y am not justified. He stated it
was also \JlI'IAo _øuy r...,.;'I1''"4i' this dealership œally does
want to do the \lark.
Mr. Abler reviewed his ~,¥:l1ed bJs step.
It was IIICIÆd by JOOilSon, seo...d.d by Plungy
am p"''i!s9d unanimcus1y to ~uv'8 the grant:inq of a
Negative nr."."'ration.
It was IIICIÆd by Rcç¡I¡4,¡¡, seconded by Plungy
am p"'ø-d unanimcus1y to ~...... ARIlication No. 5-U-88
per PJ.anniJç cn-i_ion Resolutiat No. 4049 (AIIIenda.l) with
the t:ypograpücal errors in Q:niition No. 30 o.............'ted an:!
with the location of the transit shelter to allow Bhrube ar
SCIII8 <J.L-my to be located behind the benå1, am that SCIII8
¡i1ase of ocnst.Iuct.ion is to start: within 60 days ar a
letter of credit be filed with the City.
Iany Miles, General consul far ~ 0'Isvr0let,
asbd if it any particular ¡i1ase of the iDprcveaents had to
be initiated or wa1ld it be sufficient just to have any of
it started.
CD.mcil infnnnori them that it was the latter.
WkL'~·.I.1:l4' CXlHJNICATI<H3
45. Request: frœ Patrick R. Mctfahcn far CD.mcil to såIedule
a "I{'eC'b 1 IIIIIet.inÇJ to di "'<',.... the ice rink at Vallco
Fashion Center prior to JUne 3, 1988.
46. Request: frœ F.1 babeth P. Hllford far a General Plan
A1De¡ÙI...ut hearin;J on Va1lco Regional stqpin¡ center.
letter frœ Nid101as Szabo requestin;J various CD.mcil
actiŒlS in eu........tim with the ice rink at Valloo Park.
Ic~ Capades rink
MIl«1lm OF a MAr 16, 1988 RfXmAR CI'l"i CXXJNCIL MEf.'1'J1G
Mayor Gatto X'Ø'n-l the gnide1ines for receivin;!' ir:pJt at
this -.t:inq e. õI8ll as the histmy of Valloo Fashion Perk
11M the ......¡; that he wa1ld use that evenin:J. He stated
he will tzy to keep this itEm within a a'I8 hem:' ran;J8.
Mr. Patrick JI::tfI!Iba1 of santa Clara iut..., ~--' Doris FlBDin)
Ny8 (1IIOt:h8r of Peggy FlBDin), Donna Boitano (mother of
Brian Boitano) and Lima Leaver (cό1 of Brian Boitano).
He infœ:med CD.mcil that 90 EIIplayees, merchants and
IIIIIn2IgBrB of IIhcpJ in Valloo have signed a petition to urge
the keepirq of the ice rink. In addition, he has collected
c:NW: 3,000 signatures on petitiŒ18 that state these peqlJ.e
will 1x:Iycatt Valloo if the rink is closed. He said in
rega%d to the t"o - :œJ.easa i....n(!ð by Mr. Riå1arc1 GL...... of
Westfield that they are closirq the ice rink becæ'.... it is
losirq IIIDIy and pec;p1n are net usirq it, he does net
believe this is true. He rec;pasted a p,¡blic hearirg for
the General Plan AIIIendI_aL and that if it can be held
within the next 30 days, that Westfield keep the rink cpm
until then. He .........itted the petitiGœ he had refen:ed to
Upon bein;J asked by CD.mcil, the Diœctor of PJ.anr1iD¡
stated that JUne 13, 1988, woold be the earliest date a
p,¡b1ic heari.rq n"II,'d be held at the P~ ,.,...,."i-ion
Elizabeth It.ùfcmi told CD.mcil that there is great
........."1ity EPJß" ....l far the ice rink. She also rEIIpISted a
Gene1al Plan AIDBI.cb..rall p'h'it! hearirq. She requested a'I8
in order that CD.mcil ocndder tà1ther or net Valloo shall
be limited to the area already develqøi shaùd they close
the ice rink.
Nick Szabo, speakin¡ as an individual, also requested the
p,¡blic hearirq. He S\)".......--ted that CD.mcil BRX'int a
n"III'IIIitee to investigate wys to keep the ice rink cpm. He
stated that Valloo Ice Rink is a'I8 of the mcst øJOOeS'i'fUl
rinks in the ccuntzy ""'...... on use. He said that by
previ.a¡s accx:unt.iø¡ 1IIBthcds, the rink was profitable.
Since there are only bIo ice rinks in santa Clara cnmty,
it is cbvious that the a'I8 at Valloo woold be used by
peq>le other than these 1Ò) just live in 0Jpertin0.
Kathy Nellis, f~ o::uncih_,i-E>t', also urged a General
Plan Allllmdllleht p,¡blic hearirq. She felt that n"III'IIIit....-lls
were made dI.IriD¡ the original Valloo hearin;¡s anj read frœ
minutes of theBe hearin;)s. She stated that the ice rink
was a l:x:nJs to t..'1e devel~ and was to be p,¡blic1y
oriented 'T'"ne. In aå:lition, there were to be seven
laro~ parks to be for dù.ld use. '!his was in lieu of
dù.ldœre. '!he mall was to be p,¡blic oriented spar:e.
MDÐ1!S OF '!HE w.y 16, 1988 REGJIAR C1'lY CDJNCIL J'ZI:òJ.'.utG
Jim Jacksa\, 7537 PeIIch Blc-.--:m, fODllllJ:" Cc:iuooi1.. J c- ,
spc1œ in IPJW íl L in a General Plan AIDer.œ....íL hearirI¡. He
felt that the issue to be aCkh....--~ is: of ~ value is
n.........tion ~; of ~t value is this ~ to
Westfield? He felt the need far the rink is there. Mr.
JacJœon stated that the oriqinal awliœnt tried to
persuade the ........."Ûty to aooept the mall. SplICe was
""t1IJed far Þoth IIIXI8tary anj ........."1ity uses. '!he CDD1cil
did not recognize the need to pin down the ........."1ity
space. He stat.ed that he felt the city At.tomey was
o...u,...:t; anj at this point, the city cannot make Westfield
1œep the rink cpen. Hcwever, if Westfield has the
~'Q1IÚbility far recreation space and ........."1ity space,
half can the City make them fulfill that :r:espousibility?
CD.mcil could a:DI!!IÙ the General Plan to b...L...1ct that
squ¡u:e footage. If that is to be da1e, it III.1St: be aIIIel'XBi
prior to a new ar aIIIE!11ded use pe:r:1IIit is~. He
stated that he had not seen any proof that the rink is
losinj IDCI'IIIIY. He said that the ~iIq center is a
J:uúness anj that the rink shcAùd be ccnsidered just a part
of ..øcpense of doiIq l:uJiness as IDal!Y other items are.
Bc:b Meyers, fœ::mer Cc:iuooi1........,J ~, said that as a
ocunoi ,~ durinq the tJJoe of the Vallco heëI.rirr:Js,
CD.mcil didn't feel they had to "dot i's and c:r:œs t's".
He said that after list:.enin] to Mrs. }fA' , i A and Mr.
JacIœa1, he's not sure that Vallco can develop further
withcut a General Plan A1DeI.œ....íL. He stated that he did
not ñD' i~ CD.mcil had a nt'IIIIIIit....:..íL that the ice rink
.....tld be there faœver.
Riåw:d GLa::n of westfield, said that he resi.dM in santa He œviewecl his psrsonal hist:aty with tbœe
pt: .s IL. Mr. GL....n stated that if the rink had a benefit
to the mall, he wa1ld keep it open. He ...,....itted the
fo1lcwinl¡ 14' ~: Westfield will prcwic1e funds in a
trust aoocunt far a recreational facility (ice rink or
other) prior to JUne 3m.
Sally Brennan stated that her OCXI08m was that this iCl9''9ð
wa1ld resolved with all sides heard and heard fairly. She
stated the need for a balanced ........."1ity.
Mr. It:Mahon inf~ Cc:iuooil that he woold like Doris Nye
to speak.
Doris FlE!I:\in;J Nye told Cc:iuooil that she is a youth
advccat.e. She t!OIp1:e8sed her d!ughter's ccn:::ern and
interest in sports. She feels that the ice rink is a
CII~Øt'ul l:uJiness and that Mr. Green shcAùd open his
books. She felt that the ~ City ice rink is not a
QA,,;nrion, Þ.Jt an a]J)atrœs Wùå1 was never blilt right.
She offered her assistance in gett:!rç figuœs t.raa
facilities that are cx:mpsrable to the ice rink in Vallco.
Linda Leaver, Brian Boitano's coaå1, told Q:Amcil sb8 was
speaJdn;J on ........,~ of herself and Brian. She said that if
Mr. ~....... were :really interest:ed in an ice rink in
0Jpert.in0, he shculcl leave the rink qø1, pIt the IIICII8Y' in
trust mi get one, then close the Vallco rink. She stated
that she wa1ld be lzW.i to serve on any lY'I'IOIIittee f---
regardin} the ice rink.
Jo Celio said that westfield keep the ice rink qø1 until
any new use is ~.
Dave Macf".owan, ice hcc1œy player, coaå1, anj referee, said
the ice hcc1œy players have accepted the rink clCl3Uœ. He
told CD.mcil that westfield has always been qø1 and ha1est
with the playeRs. 'Ihey have made monies 1IV"'i1~hle to the
rink in RedWood City Widl will be a full service facility.
stelle Shaman, hcc1œy player, said many rinks in shf::Hún;J
centers are closin;J. He _ e-'l gratitude far Mr.
Green's BUppo IL L.
Ken Harri.stine of Menlo Park, an ice hcc1œy player, said
that Vallco is the best ice rink and has the best staff.
He ~ -gd ðKlteciation far Mr. ~...'s offer and stated
that the RedWood City faciHty may be better and closer to
~ he lives. He wa1ld lC1/8 to see another ice rink
here. He was cuoMør,ed to see prtblems with the .........."1ity.
Russ 1tJghes, National Jlssodation of Ncwice HccJœy Players,
said that the ~ City ice rink woold be a superiar
facility ~ CCIIplete. He is loot behind the t.ruat fUrñ
far a facility.
Dennis Ølittalœr of 0Jpert.in0 stated that closure of the
ice rink will brin;J the qJality of life in 0Jpertin0 a'I8
notd1 dCJwn the , :oñnø'l". He recp!Sted a pJblic hearin;J.
J\1'IDando Walker, professional hcc1œy player, said he has
traveled many times to skate. He felt that the ~
City ice rink will be a better rink when it is c:x:uplete and
was a viable alternative.
Alexan:iria stegner, Alexardria I s mother speakin;J in her
behalf, stated that her daughter does IC1/8 to skate.
HIlCI!S OF '!HE MAY 16, 1988 mDJIAR C1'lY CXXH::IL h=.ulG
A gantl8lllm 1Ò) had ;œce¡.tly IIICII8d to 0Jpertin0 had been
told this cnmty was a drl1dren's paradise. He ~;E'~
di~LìI..,_at. that this (closure of the ice rink) was
beinq done to the å1i.ldren.
David Ho, an ice skater, said that in the last three IIICI1ths
participaticn at the Vallco ice rink had cpIdtupled. He
said that acccmtirY:J to westfield, they are 1csin;¡ $100,000
a year on the skat:in;J rink. He asked half this figure was
deteJ:JDined. He urged cam::il to ~tl...ul the rink throUgh
the use pemit t"o.....-.
came. I<'qpù stated that she wanted a General Plan
A1œ1du...IL hearing anj tœ.. Westfield keep the ice rink cpIr1
six IIICI1t:hs la&æ..
Mayor Gatto stated that thP General Plan AmendmeI.t wa1ld
~ly net ao:<:> ·"olish Wat was requested. He -1A-""':¡
suwart for the N0 ····-LJation that westfield keep the rink
q:¡en an additional six months.
Followin;J CD.mcil di"'<'llJC1ion, it was IIICJIÆd by came.
Jå1nsa1, seccu..]w by Rogers anj aàqJted unaniIIIcusly
that Ocuncil hold a Spec-i.., Q:luncil Meetin;J (a] 10
meetin;J) to consider possible solutions to the Vallco ice
rink closure. 'Ibis meetin;J will be held H::n:3ay, May 23, at
7:00 p.m. in a loc:al high sd1col. Notice of the meet:in;J
will be pcstecl in City Hall, the LibraJ:y and pIt on the
Gave1.........1L cable 0WInel. 'Ibcse pnseJ,t 1o'er8 also inf", ..A"1
they "",']d call the City Clerk's office to receive
infomation regardinq the location acquired.
RÐ~'3: 10:35-10:55 p...
Nœ HJSINESS (contirIJed)
40. oonsideraticn of Jchnson-Kqp-M::ntaya Initiative;
P1.~ition 73.
It was IIICJIÆd by Rogers, seoc:r1ded by Mayor Gatto an.1
I"'øaed unaniIIIcusly to oppose P1.~ition 73. ()"oIonI"1ity
Relations Officer was directed to 1IICJ:'k with the city
Attorney far wcrdin;J in the 0Jpertin0 scene regardin;J
CD.mcil act.:ion.
41. 1Iccept:anœ of resignation of Dennis L. Prouty, Parks
ani Recreation ,.,...,."i A..,ion, ani request for staff
Montoya Initiative
Bid openings
MIlÐ1'!S OF 'DŒ MA'i 16, 1988 ~ (!Wi ~ 1m!:1.'DÐ
By ...... rmsus, 0::Iuncil aooepted with x..."...L Mr.PJ:cuty'.
nsignat.ion and reqœsted staff to t"o........... a pJ"<1'- to 1)8
t"o s ¡Led to lÚJII at a future CktIncil JE8tiøJ.
CktIncil diœcted that the usual 1&' '0- far ÇP>Llt..-IL be
followed and that the ,V'"""i~ vacarcy be advertised.
43. Rq.u..L on bids openings and award of contracts:
a) water Main POOP'<,- "",,-}t, Project 88-109'
By OOIbB9sns, 0::Iuncil 00I'Jt:inJed consideraticn of this awani
to their meet:m:J of JUne 6, 1988.
b) PæI.......L Rest.orat:i.on, Project 88-103,
It was IIICMId by CCJunc. Rcgers, seCXIO.1ed by CCJunc. PlurIN
an;! p"'øøgd UI1IUÚJIICAJSly to award the oontract to NatIDan B.
Hcgue, Inc., in the i!IID.II1t of $65,500, aut:hc:Irized a 1st
ccntin;Iency, and GWL"'i'Liat.ed $75,000 .frc:m the General
c) Harv'liC"{' RaDp, Project 88-4002,
It was IIICMId by CCJunc. Plungy, sec:x:med by CCJunc. Rcgers
and passgd unani:aDmly to award the ~aL...ðIC;."t to AJ.dI...u
Q)a.........t.e in the ZIIIICUI1t of $19,065, aut:hc:Irized a 5t
ccntin;Iency and GWL"'i'Liat.ed $18,800 frœ the Gas Tax lI\md.
d) Slurry seal, Project 88-116,
It was IIICMId by CCJunc. Plungy, hOQuCà.å by CCJunc. RQgers
and peoø-ð unanbcusly to award the ......,L...aCt to Califarnia
Pav.......«. Maintenarøt in the ZIIIICUI1t of $262,707.48 and
autbarizecl a 1M cx:nt.iD;¡ency.
e) B1aney AVWUt Wi.denin;J, Project 4023,
It waa IIICMId by CCJunc. Rcgers, ...-..ded by CCJunc. PlurIN
and ps9ged unani:aDmly to award the ~íL...aCt to Anza
EnqineeriJq cu'l"4áUcn in the i!IID.II1t of $67,635.90 and
autbarizecl a 1st ocnt.ingency.
f) AnIUal OIIerlay, Project 88-115.
It was JIIOoI8d by Rcgers, seoaded by CCJunc. Plungy
and p"ø~'9d UMlÚJIIaJSly to award the ~aL...aet to oliver de
Silva, Inc., in the i!IID.II1t of $273,306, authorized a 1st
MINm!S OF '!HE MY 16, 1988 RmJIAR CI'lY cx:uaL J'IUa'.uG
~, deleted Bo1.J.irgIIr Rœd at no'''M~ cr.Jt
widenin.J project and transfered $200,00 into this project
and ~ $73,000 traD the General FUnd.
44. ~L on 1.onIrtem SOHd waste di"V"""" altematives.
Joe Renat.i, CDISUltant to IøI Altos t:oI""'gP ~'1Y, said
that II:1s Altos o.~ will do the - recycling t"o...."......
as BFI.
It was IIICMId by a..."eIs, seoc:alded by 0cuD::. Jà1nscn
and "K'Lwed unanbIcusly to authorize staff to cx:ntiruI
l.A.aíL..aCt negotiaticns with BFI far a 3~ ,,,...,..ity at
nBIII4::Iy Zsland as per the letter of intent with CCII1t:inIed
~L.mity to di......]SIJ recyclin;J. 0CJuncil also authorized
staff to """Tlete negotiations with !bmtain vieor to
.........i'late the PI::: ¡.It 1.A.a,L..aet:.
47. 8ec:x:id reading and en...;l-a,t of ordinance No. 1448:
"An ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of
QJpertino A1III!!ndi!q Sect.icn 1 of ordinance No. 2 by
Rezoninq P.L'¥"Lty traD City of QJpertino Rl-10 zone to
City of 0Jpertin0 Rl-7.5 zone; I.ocated on the West side
of '1\1la lane ~ite '1\1la CD1rt (Awlicaton 2-Z-88,
steve &mIydpcur."
It was IIICMId by 0cuD::. Plungy, BeCCI1ded 'J:I 0cuD::. Regers
and J?"'n"'«i unanbIcusly to read ordinance No. 1448 by title
only and the City Clede's reading to OCIIStitute the secx:n:i
reading thereof.
It was IIICMId by 0cuD::. Plungy, ...........dtoà by 0cuD::. RuJers
and !?",--ed unaniJIIcus1y to enact ordinance 1448.
·12. consi&.'Ation of limiting 1I-.les of advisory bodies to
bIo I.A.a H~1tive tenIs and "K'Luv'al of guidelines.
It was IIICMId by 0cuD::. Plungy, ~.dtoà by 0cuD::. ~
and defeated with 0cuD::. Yqipel, Jå1nson and Mayor Gatto
voting no to not limit temB of theBe servin; on advisory
Followin:J this action, CD.mcil reviewed the t"o' ,.";11"'00
guidelines regardin;J temB. By CXI'ISeI'ISUS, 0CJuncil
eliminated pl.~ guidelines No. 1 and 2, directed
revisiŒlS to No.3, ar,proved No.4, 5, 6, 7, 8 anj 9;
amended No. 10 to state that a¡:plicants cannot be related
SoUd Waste
alternati ves
Second reading
Ord. 1448
Ord. 1448
Advisory bodies
tenas & guide-
Route 85
1mIJ1!S ov g m 16, 19QQ mmwl CI!l"i am:IL tarI1Ð
by blood ar Jm:ri.age to any . -er ~ t:ba _, the City Mal_I ar t:ba IItaff
1*-_.(8) -igned to the partiaJlar ......-.Ittee, deleted No.
na, IIIIIIII'ded lIb to ned, "a......._tt . -'L" in their 8eCCt1d
ar later teDI 11M" be cons1derecl as in their S8CClId t.erJDII,
and deleted No. 12.
S'mFP .tœt'\.IW:j
1. Rcute 85 at Stø.IenI Creek BcW.evard.
It was III:III8d by CDInc. Roc}ers, seccnded by CDInc. Jcbnscn
and p---nt unI!IJÛJIICUBly to autbarize a letter be sent to
santa Clara 'IDffic Auu....lty statiJJ¡ that the -..jgn of
SbMnI Creek Baulewrd bridge and .L......t ~ dces
not differ fraa that to Wùå1 the City prøviaJsly .."......c1.
2. JfCI1tbly Activity ~t, April 1988.
CDmcil œœived the "'COJr'U.LL.
48. None.
caJtI:IL 1CIStUW:i
CDInc. J~...... - IsJisIative RBview - It_
.øv8d by o:amc. J~-...., -.....cIt.d by o:amc. Plungy and
p- ¡ ~ ~y to taka the falla.dD¡ actions œgardiJç
t"o" ~< 1!8d legislation:
C\,,"'" AS 1813 (FrI......"e), nq.ú.rin¡ inclusion of ~
and fJœncial analysis in an EIR lM-.........ed in 9'1.1' ~l of an
app1..t.c:atiœ far a døYøL 1: d. project, AS 3180 (cmtaøe),
EIR" - ~ d., 1Iitigation nparting, AS 2247 (Wrlgbt), EIR
.. -~ d. t.t. ~, AS 4547 (Sber), r ~oOI1IIe to.. d. %8
Hegativø Declaratia1 or EIR, SB 2072 (.. - .....'.. sen), state
n.:p..1:-d. of 1IoIJØiD¡ and n--"1ity Døwl. 1:-·-1t IÞwiJç
Rl. d. (::II,i"'" i... to):....· .,- IIIIIlÙIt:aI:y, SB 956
(S8yDøJr), hr11-1.rg b1an1c -1c to state to witw.n,., Jv'II-i"ll1
fUn!s fraa cities, h"~..iticn 65, ..."",-' of pnhHC ...,.,.~
- _~ itwt, and ACA 1 (EIdIIIr), t"o'¥"Lty tax, expmdirg
- ",tim frca revaluation far - pIrd1ased by per8CI'IS
CNer age 55. sn~,~....L p.l,,,,,,,,ition 70, WI'dHf'e, 0CIIstal and
Park land Bond Act, AS 4539 (oart:ese) , œorganizat:iat
t"o" -oe-1'....., and AS 3979 (McClintock), sta~ costs,
bpn. d.s in ",1Ai_ t"o,,:;HT.
'!he tegislative RBview will return with a
reo -·..-niation on SB 2581 at the next meetinq.
· '
MIJI7D1S 011 'lBB MAY 16, 1988 RIDJIAR C1'lY ~ ftUi.L'.uG
At 12:20 a..., tœ ~ WIllI adjcumed.