CC 05-23-88
. .'
10300 Tu...... Aver'I.1Ø, QJpertino, CA 95014
Tel.,..¡....IEI: (408) 252-4505)
HEW (If MAY 23, 1988, AVW:.LutU~, anmrDI) HIGH ~.
'!he meet:.irg 10IU ....."ed to order by Kayar Gatto at 7:00 p.m.
SAWm 'ro '!HE FUG
0Junc. P. ~ ilL:
Jàmsa1, ~, Plungy, RcgeIs, Mayor Gatto
staff PrH~ht:
City Manager 01in1an
city Clede COmelius
Director of FUblic ¡u,koo Viskaviål
DiJ:ect:or of Plann1n1 and DBI/el___&t COWan
Director of Parks and Rsc::reation DciiliDJ
city Att.omey Kilian
Mayor Gatto reviewed 1IŒt had been done during the ~
since the last CD.mcil meet:.irg. He stated that he does
share the ~o.qILion that the ice rink was part of the
Vallco approval. He also stated that westfield lxuJht the
shqpiDJ center tJelievin;J that they oculd use the ice rink
area for ""'·,·,-rcial putp:ses.
Rid1ard Gk.-n read a letter frœ westfield, Inc. stating
that westfield will extend the ex:istin;J rink cperation
Wile a t"o~ far a new rink is f......." ated. '!he letter
contimed that it was Jnprtant to westfield that the City
~.....s its williD:Jness to e.xpo::ñite the lJtóC~ø to the
greatest extent poaaible and to 1IICJ:'k with them to resolve
such -I.......... as the location of the new ice rink, the re-use
of the rink epaoe and the remainirJ] site
~___IL potential. '!he letter also stated that in no
way does the abaIIe statement preclude westfielC:' s legal
right to close the ice rink.
J.1m Jackson a.;lh...-~'!!d. camcil stating that what the
situation is new is an interim ço>:> with the spirit
of CClCpeIation.
MDÐ1E9 OF '!HE MAY 23, 1988 _:£AI, C1'lY CXQ«:IL I'IUa'UM
1QItby ~, , i........ .: bE' çprciat:1cn to tha 0tU1Ci1 far
lJatmiD;J to tha peep... and ~ CXIIIIIJniœ.t.1 b8tt11m
p"........-.s ~ end tha ---"1ity. Sbe aJJIo....... r .IS bE'
gratitul:Je to Mr. GL_..
Liz JIJlfatd aid tbank ycu on behalf of the skate. of
~ end othcw in the œgicn.
~trick Mr:Hahcn aJJIo....... B IS his thanks to 0tU1Ci1 end
Mr. (h,VlaI.
CD.mcil was t"o IT ,Lè with J:x:io'CJJ8bl of tlOWlml an! a
stamin;¡ ovation.
Wi" ....... AndI:4......, of sunnyvale, father of a yeung lady
skater at the VA"oo rink, asWw't if a joint effort with
other ---"1it.ies were p-aih'e. He was inf---' that it
Another gentleIIIan 1åBt t+oi 1d skates at Valloo....... -,,'I
sJœpticisIa. Be .....,,,. 1iJœ a Genetal Plan AIøe\.db-k. ~ the
rink ....."d be t"o rnm until a new rink is b1ilt, either
that ar the rink aœa net: be used far anyt:hilq until that
David Ho ~ -ld CCI......, regarding the situation as th8re
was no guarantee as to hew laq the rink ~1lð be ]œpt
qB1. He stated that be felt Mr. ~een did. this -- he
n"1111dn't get 10Imt be wanted. He said there DUSt be a
-.......d rink before the t"o S d. rink is closed.
Mr. Mr:Hahcn inf---' Mr. Ho of Ÿ1at had ocxmred prior to
his lata arrival at the Eetin:¡.
Mr. Ho thanked ~ and stated that he really just
wanted a p,...... to 1Ikata.
Muk Troll, 0Jpert.in0 ho:- "-z' play8r, t.œe skater end VA' ,~
.... u...l, than1œd ~ t"o d. and stated if it _ net:
far the ---wùty, a sol\o"tia1 WIIJld not have been ~1
aJt:. He infcmaed 0CUncil that interestad parties will net:
go IlI!tIaY and a final resolution is 11"'-~""'.
Mi]œ H::OocJœy (1), a' . -9r of the figure skater group (his
daughter skates), was ~ ! i:l with ttA graciœs offer of
Mr. GL..en. He urged EI\niŒya18 not to aver100k the
~ of the location of the seocni ice rink and that
location be clarified as q.Uckly as possible. He stated
~ OF '!HE w.y 23, 1988 SPfX:IAL C1'lY axJNCIL ftUi&,UW;
that a 1IIi1Hon and a half do''''''' will go qnkJrly if it u
ne; l'Iry to b1y land. He also stated that thœe t"o S £t
shculd not ......- that a .......d rink wo1ld r--øuily be
located at VIII" 00.
Rúl Alger, a new resident of santa Clara Valley traa
..--, i'l), minois, stated that in Illinois his son bad
berm a 111 1 er of a tea that won the st:at:e å12mpia1Bbip in
ice hccIœy. He df...... n:1 the varicus costs of an ice rink.
Sbculd the ~ s d. rink close, he SU.1J'01'-œd Mr. GL~
dcnat:e the.......... "'. t.owaz:ds the new ice rink as wall as
the ",i"ion anj a half dn,,..,,..
Mr. K:trahc:n said that five more speakers my speak and then
he wa1ld be ccnductinq a rally altside the au:1itoriUIII. He
reviewed Mr. GL.......'s offer far thœe 1Ò) arrived late and
stated he sees a solution in sight.
'Du:ee yam¡ girls then..&h. -ed CDmcil explestJin; their
A 10IaIIan Bb::g)er at Vallco also thanked the City and Mr.
Green. She ~--ted that far the 30,000 square feet to
50,000 square feet ~ far a rink, the City give Mr.
Green ðwLuVal to add that 8(}Jar& footage on the other side
of Penney's. If l"e(" ary, a variance <n1ld be granted ar
a t:wo-story parJdng sb:ucture far the requimd
parJdng places.
Sbanrx:n 1tú.te, a yam¡ ice skater, thanked CD.mcil.
A yam¡ girl ice skater told CDmcil that she realized the
City CD.mcil dœs not pay attention to å1ildren We talk
about: the rink, bIt they do caœ and want the rink open.
Rich Beatty, a .,_.1 er of "In Self Defense" , a rights
œ:ganization, uzged CD.mcil to find a 1'ICI1CC8roive solutiat.
Mayor Gatto read Rssolution No. 7506........ øi1q suPP ",t. far
the contiraJation of an ice rink at the Vallco Fashion 1\mc
f,,<,ility. '!he resolution also stated that the City cUd
œceive the letter traa Westfield indi.c:atin} that the
~ -,L will exten1 the operation of the p1: IS .d. ice
rink and desires to explore alternatives to the elimination
of an ice rink and that the City wcW.d ~fte and
f.....iHtate the PI'::- 1ot.ereby the COOncil and the owners
could resolve 1$91"'" related to the ice rink and the future
site devel___«. potential of Vallco.
f .
. .
huaI.&mJ or '!HE MAY 23, 1988 ~ C1'lY CXXH::IL -.,...UG
It .. mv8d by cœnc. Jehu......, lJ8OCIað.4 by cœnc. Plunay
IIId _.....1Id unanUaaly to adept the r.o1.ut1at.
~ - tin!¡ Idj~ at 8:03 p...
~ d/..:.
City Clerk (