CC 06-06-88 11.... -' C1'lY OF aJW.Rl'II«), smTE OF ~ 10300 '1bn:'e AvenJe, 0Jpert:in0, CA 95014 TelØP'lcne: (4C8) 252-4505 00-745 MIWmS OF '!HE REX;(JIAR C1'lY 0DaL ---,.~ HELD (If JtIŒ 6, 1988, CXUCL awœER, c:mc BAIL 10300 1\.a<t<1S AVDIJE, u.lnKI:.uÐ, CALIIŒIaA Mayor Gatto called the IIIeIIt:ing to ....dm. at 6:45 p... SAII1Œ 'ro '!HE FUG mIL CAIL CD.mc. Pr=s dL: Kqpl, Plungy, ~s, Mayor Gatto Came. Absent: Jàmsa1 (out of town on lJusjness) staff ~ s ,L: City MiuJagBr Quinlan Dep1ty City Clede Wolfe Dimctar of FUblic ~ Vis1cr::lviå1 Dimctar of PJ.anrùJJ¡ and DBYel........d. Q:Jwan Assistant to the City Man2Ir]er Btawn Direct:ar of Finame Snyder Direct:ar of F8rlœ and Recœation Daorling nr-"1ity Re1atiŒIS Officer Krey City Att:arney Kilian Iœ'I'RJmŒmS - None CERÐDIIAL JGU'~ - PRESENrATICH3 CD.mc. Plungy LL..1I1,_1 T,yoi"8 Hcniq of the sister City lhmIittee 1Ò) t"o s ud.ed. a .w".k to Patricia DeMarlo and Betty -~lt. Ms. DeMarlo than1œd the ~ttee on behalf of the student goodwill delegaticn, and LtL.'. 'hvWt stepIanie Wcn;J, a'I8 of the stucJt:.4.ø gojn¡ to 'nJya1œwa. œAL CXIHINICATICH3 - None. Sister City STAFF 1<U'\JK1::; 1. Oral l~ls by staff -....... and ...,-i-ion of written ~ls. City Manager's Report - By cx:nsensus, CD.mcil set JUly 6, 7:30 p.m., as the date anj time for an adjc:œned regular City Ca.1ncll meetin;J for presentation of altematives re '\ooe5S !ran nort:hbaJOO 280 to sart:hb:mxi 85 to stevens Creek Bc:W.evard. Highway 85 -1- , , , . .... Fourth of J_ Legislative Review Com. . e MrI71fS OF '!HE JUNE 6, 1988 CI'lY caJNCIL MŒ1'DG (00-745) DJ.xectar of PInics anj Recreation Dc:Nlin:¡ ...~ ted on plans far the Fa1rth of July ~""""CWI Wid1 will include OlyJlpio-type re1ayB. 2. It:I1tbly TreasUrer's anj aJdget Rq¡u...t. for April. a::amcil ðo· ~,t.ed the ...~ t. CXOICIL 1<&UW:i 6. Q:JUnc. Plun;¡y - IBgiBlative Review l'nmIittee - It was IIØI8d by Q:JUnc. Plungy, secx:med by Q:JUnc. Ri..gers and p---ed ~y to taJœ the follcwin;J actiaw regamin:¡ ~,~ legislation: Q:ntiJuJe to BUw'.... L AB 3838 (axe) , district attorney authorized to enforce city GarIn limit; SB 956 (5eyIDC:m"), hœsin:¡, blank à1eck to state to withhold hœsin:¡ assistance funds: SB 1725 (Bt:..... .!I en) , t"o_ty tax transfer for "no- and l~ cities", :iJlp:Jsition of "service test" and eltminaticn of all cities inc:m~ated after JUne 5, 1978; SB 2735 (McCorqucdale), prcpert.y tax transfer far "no- and lcw-p:rq¡erty-tax cities" , reductia1 in transfer by redevel___ít funds and elimination of 13 r-ítly ir........~4ted cities. D.iJ:ect consideration at next meetin:¡ of AB 3298 (Killea-cort:ese) and SB 2113 (Jt::rItc7ja) , IIIBIÐatory recyclin:¡ plans and t"o...."..aaB. Re<J-t 0CP.f of AB 4089 (Jchnsta1), inv....t.-:.d. of city funds, five year limit on remainin;r term to maturity; SB 2017 (C. Green), litigation, creation of to 1,""QIoII1er a...""iai:iŒlS to fund lawsuits against cities. UJ:ge GcMmIClr to sign lIIIJtœ:cycle he1JDst bill (AB 36, Floyd) . owœe AB 2802 (Hill) , cable television, c:œdit against franàùse fees to give cable qmat.œ:s an offsettin;J :œb::tion in t"o"'1""lty taxes; AB 3358 (axe) , redeII8l___ít, IIIBIÐatory expenditures far ålild care ~iHt.ies. SUWoo1.t AB 3149 (cmtese), ålild care, i.ncaIa tax c:œdits and refunds: AB 3396 (......." ¡ ...." ) , and SB 1759 ( TuUes), l'Y'OIOIII"1ity recreat:icn t"o...."........ for c:hildren: 1JR 62 (cmtese), å1i1d care services, resolution in ~lßY"rt of the Federal Act far Better Child care services of 1987. <DmNr CAIDmAR Q:JUnc. Plungy recpested that Item 17 be rem:wed frail the a..1& ,L Calendar. -2- MIR11!S OF '!HE JtJIŒ 6, 1988 C1'lY CXXJNCIL MŒ1'.I1G (00-745) It was IØI8d by CQmc. ~., S80CIded by CQmc. Plungy and p---.t'I unIIJÚJaJSly by thœe t"o S! at (4-0) to ~ the balance of t:h8 0..._ íL Calerdar as subDitted. 8. Resolutiœ No. 75CT7: "A Resolutiœ of the city Ocurcll of the City of 0Jpertin0 AutbarlziD¡ Ex8aJtia\ of ~ L with 10'"'' GrtIt:y, caretaJœr, H:Clellan Ranch iIu:k. " 9. Reso1utia1 No. 7508: "A Resolutiœ of the city Ocurcll of tbI city of 0Jpertin0 Makin;J DBt.eminat1aIB and Apprc:wiD¡ the Annexation of Territœy Designated- 'Manita Q; Urt 88-02' J _u¡l'i-te],y 0.56 JIcre IDeated on t:h8 North side of RaiJix:M Drive Between Manita ocurt: and stell1D;J Rœd, Jeffnly Wyatt¡Bruce BawIBn (Am 362-23-38)." 10. R9<;p-t far waiver of b.Jsiness license fees: (a) Sale of ~it'! Calendar 1989 - pL' <-""I" donated to Rcœld H:::Dcœld Bc:A1se Children's HospitalJ (b) CAIPIm fees for 1988. ll. ~-t trœ DeAnza 0Jpertin0 Aquatic SWim Club far waiver of ht'!iHty and b.Jsiness liœnBe fees far Art Auction on JUne 24, 1988, at 0Jpertin0 senior no-wdty Center. 12. Resolutiœ No. 7509: "A Resolution of the City cømcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Settin:¡ Date for o::nliderat1on of AmeIC1D¡ Area Designated 'Byme Avena 88-03', h'¥"L ty IDeated on the East Side of Byme Av8IJ8 B&Jtwa8l1 JL'-W¡ Aven.Je and san FernarxJo Av8IJ8, ~. ,....-tely 0.21 Acres, BattI." 13.A¡:prcNal of ~ of the Regular Møet:inq of May :Z, 1988. 14. A¡:prcNal of Mimtes of the Regular Meetin;J of May 16, 1988. 15.A¡:prcNal of M1Jutes of the Speci,,' Meetin;J of May 23, 1988. 16. Rejection of c1"im for tÙoI,"".}eS filed by sipata I.elutchi. 17. RiaaI::JYed trœ O"'......ít Calen:1ar. 18. Resolution No. 7510: "A Resolution of the City cømcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ CcI1b:act Qwqe order No. 6 for stevens creek lØ11evard ~\J\I......ít Project 82-17." -3- Consent Calen- dar approved KDÐ1'fS OF '!HE JCNE 6, 1988 Cl'l'Y OXJNCIL MEel'DC (00-745) 19. RH~uticn No. 75ll: "A RIIBoluticn of the City QU1cil of the City of QIpert.1no ~ Parcel Map and ~..,,_L Plans of P1.'¥"LLy I.oœted at ScutØI8øt 0......... of stellin¡ and RainbcIi, DIJY8lcper'1\ml;J-l\UanI¡ sun¡ and adn-Mei sun¡, Autbarlzin;J Exøcuticn of ~w\I-é.L A.".............d.; Aut:hari.zinq signinq of Parcel Map and ~.",_,L Plans." 20. ResrJlutim No. 7512: "A RIIBolutim of the City o::uncil of the City of QIpert.1no Autbarlzin;J Exøcuticn of Deferred At. ...........,L with susan A. 1\1j.imato and D8ID18 A. Ga...ch.... far the ~.",_íl of Frontage Alcn¡ the Nor:thwBst: 0......... of 0Jpertin0 Read and Hillc:rest: Read." 21. Rn:r1utiat No. 7513: "A RIIBolut.ia1 of the City QU1cil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing certain C1..i- and Demands P&yable in the A1Iamts and frail the i\mds u Hereinafter Described far Salaries and Wages far tba F8yro1.l Period EDilixJ Hay 10, 1988." 22. Rn:J.utim No. 7514: "A RIIBolut.ia1 of the City o::uncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1.1.c:Iwin:¡ certain ("]..1_ anj Demands P&yable in the A1Iamts and Frca the !\D1ds as Hereinafter Described far General and Misœllanecus Expendituœs far the Period Erñin;J May 20, 1988. 23. R[I~uticn No. 7517: "A RBsolut:ia1 of the City QU1cil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autbarlzin;J EIœCUt:ion of a...d....aCt: with RJgbes _i.... and AB9<x-iates to Perfam a Manai,.~'-~ Audit of the P1anninq Division of the Department of PJ.anninq and DBYel""1""""'&1L." 24. Res~utim No. 7518: "A Rn:rlut.ia1 of the City o::uncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AutbarlziDJ EIœCUt:ion of a...íL..aCt: with Barton-~ J_·n JlS9"""iootæ, ID:. to a:nu::t a Traffic Stuc!y of SL....et h . to the san Jose D.i.N" ¡ s P.&.'¥"L ty West of Fcothill Ba1levard." 25. Dn:J.ut.ia1 No. 7519: "A Resolut.ia1 of the City council of the City of QIpert.1no ~ a...d....aCt 01Im;I8 <h.ã.... No. 5 far ~støI.... Creek BaJleva:td I.ardIÞ:!iI~ ~",,_.L Project 3002." 26. Resolut.ia1 No. 7520: "A Resolut.ia1 of the City council of the City of 0Jpertin0 k'-:>.:¡.tinq ~...rt of --It for Roadway ~:pcsæ frail susan A. PUjilllcto and Deane A. Ga...cha:4., wife and f'l1CIhonä, as Joint Tenants CkI'Isist:inr:¡ of A¡:ptœrl-tely 0.058 Acres, Located Northwest <IN.1..n of 0Jpertin0 Rœd and Hillcrest Rœd." -4- ) MnI1IES OF 'lHE JtJNE 6, 1988 CI'IY CXXK!L MEE:l'OO (00-745) þ 27. AppJ.iœtJ.œ 22-FA-88 an1 81,003.618 - City of 0Jpertin0 FiV8 year capital ~"",_tt. project to widø1 Bt8v8œ Creek Bculevam trail OLaiq& AWI'UI to lbarlap DriV8 to provide far sf-"-'1alJaJ an1 biJœ lanes. Project lcx:ation: st:øv&1s Creek Blvd./orange AV81'1J8 to lbarlap Drive. EnvircnDental Detemination: Negative Decl.arat.ion. Reo .,.,....ded for~. (ApploYal of Negative """,,,.~tion only.) 28. A¡pli.œtion 23-FA-88 an:} 81,003.618 - city of Q]pert:ino - Five Year capital ~uvtell.elJt project to widø1 the nort:Øi8st ............. of stellin:J Rœd and Rcute 280 to pravide Si"'-ralJt an1 biJœ lanes. Project IDœtion: stellinrJ Rœd at Rcute 280. Ð1YircnIB1ta1 Deteminat.ion: Negative ~aration. R8<> .,.,.M1&!d far Appraval. (Approval of Negative Declarat.ion only.) 29. Resolution No. 7521: "A Resolution of the City Ocuncil of the City of QJpertino ~ Parcel Map and ~"'" d. Plans of ~'¥"L"'ty IDeated at the Scut:bweøt Cl.u..... of R. -'tead Rœd an1 North DeAnza Bculevani, DeY8lcpø: Mariani Group of CaIpmies, Autbarlzin:J EIœo1ticn of ~....e..... l ~.........ít; Autbarlzin:J signin] of Parœl Map an1 ~uo.ÆIIIeIít Plans." 30. Resolution No. 7523: "A Resolution of the City Ocuncil of the City of Q1pert.ino Authorizin:J EIœcUticn of Istt:er of ~__..L with santa Clara cnmty, QxD:dinat.icn of City and county HazarcbJS Materials Activities. " 31. aøject.i.on of l"1..i... for ~ filed by ~Thara J. 'IbaIIIIs. l'lÐIS RI!XJVID IRK CXHæfl' CAI.ÐIDo\R 17. Appli.c:at:1œ 1У 51,782.1 - Measurex C1A~ - ~ app:cwal of dIMtl,,··-at. pIan far a 40,000 stpma foot expaœion to an existin:J industrial/offica ""'"TI8IC located on the nart:1'MISt 00l118r of aJtb IUd JIrl"'I.., , '"" RcI!Ids in an MI. (light :iJùust:rial zonin¡ district), 1 RBBults way. R8<> ·,·,....ùed for Approval. Mayor Gatto aslred Ÿ1y the use P"'""it t"o' <.<-ø is not be1nr¡ used. DiDCtar of P1.annin¡ and DBYel'¥'&"Jt CXJwan npH"'" that the t"o'¥"LLz' is zoned MI.. D:iscn-ton follOWllld regantin¡ tba po-oibility of rezonin;J the J:'eIIIIÙnin] MI. t"o'¥"L ty to I'D. . QU.p;y, LIp, J!brlic:h-JaDin;¡er, architect for the project, Bhcwecl half the aråú.tect had ðI:kh. =........ oonœrns regantin¡ height, setba<::1cs and 1anj.....",pin:J. He stated that aà:litional J.aro""""pinJ will be :;n:ovided. -5- MDm'ES OF 'lHB JUNE 6, 1988 CI'l"i cx:œcn. Mœl'tNG (c.e-745) Dris ","""-en, t"o_t-ý owner, "i..,.,,--~ the dxdce of location of the bl1i1di1'1ÇJ as ~ud to the other nine acre site. She «xp,..i'!8d that tbere was a need far int-r... betwaen the engineering am IIBIketing pscple. o:mc. ¥qpl asJœd 1It1y the þl1i1di.n;J oCIIl11dn't be D:MId l:IIIck on the ¡.4.'¥"Lty. Ms. Bosson said that had been considered. Mr. J--Jp desc::ribec1 the exterior colors and mat.erials. CD.mc. Plungy said he was oc:noemed with the appearance of IIIasS at the o........r. Mr. J-'"Up said there 00I11<J be mare lams. '"ioØ sc:reeùnq. Ms. Boeosen stat.ed that they are 0CIISiderin¡ bIo levels of ~ pmdn¡; ead1 level will cx:atain 60 c:arB. She said it was IqIed that the new ""i1din;¡ will be the focal point w.re visitors will enter the ~ny. Mayor Gatto IIS- about: the possibility of DDIfiJIg the "',i1di-rg 50 ft. to the north to q81 up the -.uLU8r mare. Mr. Ji¡ Jp said it Jærf be possible to 1II:1II8 the þl1i1di11l1, bIt it w0ll11d ~ additional pIannirq. 'D1øy have .,.-.L IIIJå1 time studyin;J am feel this is the best: site. '!he an::hitect has tried to save the large exist:ilq t..:: i-. He said there are serious i "'9- related to ccst if the "',i1 di -rg is 1DOIIIId. Di ..,.,.....ion followed reç¡aIåiDj the possibility of œtumiD;r the appliœt:icn to ASAC. It was felt that 8CIII8 i:øprcMaent:s can be made even if the .",i' din;¡ is constructed at the t"o' ~ed location. Upon beiJq as.1-'I about: a I'<'"ible Irshaped þl1i1di~, Mr. Ji IJP said that a rw1lllN>~ of alternatives have been sto....i""'. '!he t"o' ~ud shape 10ICèœ best: bEIœ".,.. of the use. Ms. 8': -en said she woold be glad to have the ~tunity to cc:nb::t a tcA1r of the facility for CD.mcil. Mayor Gatto -.-rUed CD.mcil's cUrect:icns by statinq that cnmcil is .............ne.l with the 8IIDmt of b.1ildin:¡ at the -.uLU=. '!he IIICSt critical t:hiJq is to increase the q81 <I"" Hty there. Mr. Boo9m stated that the laro~in:J coold be mrrli flied. Ann An:;Jer, IbJta vista, provided BaDe DackgraJnd on Measurex in the ........."1ity anj said 0JpBrtin0 can thank the ,""",,,,'1Y' for the attra...""tive a¡:p!imU1C8 of that port.ion of B.1l:b Rœd today. -6- MI1Ðl'ES OF 'lH! JUNE 6, 1988 C1'lY CXXJNCIL ~.uC (0)745) It was IIICMId I:7.i cnmc. Jb;Jar., seocnded by CD.mc. Plungy anj P'"--'~ unanimaJSly (4-0) 1:0 cc:nt.iJ'J.m rU"""-ion of A¡:pl1catJ.a1 ASN:. 5J.,782.1 to the JUne 20 CD.mcil meet:1JJ¡ to be p'-.ad on the IIÇ IIIda under Architectural aM Site ~ CDIIittee ~icatiŒlS. ~c IŒ'ARIIŒ 33. P<>cJ-t far apprcwal of vacat.ion of staDD drain ...., d. loa...ted on I.ocJcwood Drive scuth of stevens Cr:eek 1bJløvard. (a) Beøolution No. 7515: "A Resolutia1 of the City CD.mcil of the City of CUpertino omerlnrJ vacation of a Eœ:t:.ion of StoDII Drain -- .6.d., IJxoblcod Drive south of st.evens Creek BculeYard, PI.1rBuant to Section 50430 of the GaII...........d. 0:Ide of the state of Califomia." It was IIICMId I:7.i CD.mc.:Rcgers, ~d041:7.i CD.mc. Plun;¡y anj p"'--,II unanimcus1y (4-0) to close the plblic hearln¡. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. RcgèLs, &&.....d04 by 0:iUnc. Plungy and P"'- ,:1 unanimcus1y (4-0) to adept Resolutia1 No. 7515. 34. O::nIideration of ~íL to the !':nHd Waste Mæla~ ,L Plan far Santa Clara cnmty and of the n..."c.Live dec1aration. (a) Resolution No. 7516: "A Resclutia1 of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertjn0 ~ 1988 :t. ~,L to the Santa Clara cnmty Solid Waste Mal.... d. Plan to n-nhine the 1i..o.th and (btl..al &:Ibr:egions, asnmae the scut:bwest SUbœgion and Provide ocntiDJed Aox to (' -'upe Mines lanIifill, aM PraIride far Anr1Jal Repart.in¡ R8gimUn¡ Waste BdJct:ion to ar+.i"'118 25t Goal I:7.i 1995." It was IIICMId I:7.i CD.mc. Plungy, secad04 by CD.mc. Yqpal and P'" ,j unanimcus1y (4-0) to close the pnhli" hearln¡. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Plungy, seca.d04 I:7.i 0:iUnc. Fq:pel and P"'- ,j unanimcusly (4-0) to BI4'l" u:.L the grantinJ of a Negative Declaration. It was IIICMId by 0:iUnc. Plungy, secall:bl by 0:iUnc. Fq:pel anj I'" ,j unanimcus1y (4-0) to adcpte Resolutiat No. 7516. -7- ASAC 51,782.1 continued Public hearing closed Res. 7515 adopted Public hearing closed Supported Negative Dec. Res. 7516 adopted KDmES OP '1\Œ :rnN! 6, 19S5 C!1'l"l cnmcn.. ~ tce-'745) PIANNDÐ APPLICATIC16 35. App1J.œt1aw 3-u-e8 and 8-FA-88 - Køn Kay Asøoc:iat. - P-cl-t to refine a previaIsly ~ Master t1IIe Pamit far tb8 TardeII 0CIIp.lter ~]S, incluclli¥ t....l8!er of døv8lo 1 -It credit bebrte8l1 ,·..f1ðhq sites, est:ablisbIDønt of shared pu:kinq allocaticns betve 811 varicus h,f1ði'"9B, eø....hH..m.-,t of ..L....""at and pnh'it'! qB1 ~in1 starœms, and eacpansim of t:ba Master use Pamit lx:Iunda1y to include sites on the 8II8t side of '1'anbm AwrIJe. '!he site aœa is ."........cdly loc:ated on '1'anbm Aven.I8 north of Interstate 280. Er1vircnI81ta1 DBteminati.on: Negative Dec1araticn. ~:. .....Iðed far Appmval. 36. ~ No. 7-u-88 - Køn Kay þ..........i..tes - t18a P'""""it to 006.L...oJCt anj cplrate a 40,000 8IpIr8 foot iråJstrial h"¡'d1ng ccnt:ainin] offices, laboratories, cbJal aneåIoic ..--... and a'I8 stœy lcti:ly 1.in1dn¡ to the 8Idstir1q stmcture on the site. EnvircnDøntal DeteaIinat.ion: Negative 1»r"laraticn. PJe. . .,.,-..død for ~. Direc:tar of P1.annirç anj DeYe1.'-P""11t cowan recpISted that Iteas 35 and 36 be considered together. Mayor Gatto stated that the primary i .....- were noise and the m1ationsbip of the t"o' v:>sed h'i1t'liY¥J to the residential þL~li' in santa Clara. Jon Bcy8s, ........ Sl tUn;J 'l'andII!III, stated that the puœls staDi indeperx1ent fraa a'I8 another in :œgard to pu:kinq. He di..... -;- the UI'I:JSed d8vel___1t credits. He said it was the int81tia1 to npli.c:ate a """"'18 8'I'IiraDsnt at tba site. PIml 1'Ia-", Køn Kay þ..........1 Ates, Bhcwecl CDmcil plaœ &pt.ct:ing' the inflatable dim and ~L...lan path alcn¡ the creek. Be r..-18d bell the læÒ"o ....in¡ and &i~-RIl1t alcn¡ North '1'anbm .....-ted a ochesive lock. In :œgard to A¡plicaticm 7~, be ....,~ about: the vieual scremüø¡, surv'- patt:ems, noise and 1.U1ifyin:J the new bnf1diY¥J with t:ba old a'I8. RidJam Wentz, r-idoor¡t at 320 Heward Drive, santa Clara, said that residents of the ..L......d. ha.i met: with 'l'andII!III and .."..-c1 that 'l'andII!III has tried to mitigate their oa...us. He said be is not asJdn;J far denial of the BRÙication !Jut wants it to go back to staff. '!he bnf1dinq is ~ in re1ation to the haIIes. Feqùe can lock dawn into haDes frail the parking lot. It was his c:pWon that 8CIII8 diœct.i.ons given at Planning ()"ImIi .....ion level wre lete. -8- MD«1D!S OF '!HE JUNE 6, 1988 C1'lY CXXJNCIL 1'IUa'.uG (00-745) unol-" and ..L......."ly requested that: the 8RIlJ,œtion be rwtumød to staff. Hø said that: the lccation of the )::¡niMi"lq __ be -Hied SO it is not 110 ('1088 to the h.- and that OCII1ditiŒIS i,-=ncl by the P1.anniD¡ n--i-ion __ be enforœd. Mr. ~- stated that '1'aråa has a fUll t:iJ8 II8CU1'ity farce. It was mved by CD.mc. Plungy, secakJed by cmnc. ~ and ~ni:1 unan1mœsly (4-0) to grant a Negative Dec1arat.ion far Aw' iA\tion 3-u-BS. It was mved by CD.mc. Plungy, seoo.dad by cmnc. ~ and poo--ed UI1IIrÛJIIcUsly (4-0) to GK'Lwe A¡:plicllticn 3-u-BS per Plar1niD;J n--i -ion Resolution No. 4057 with OxIditicn 19 deleted. It was mved by CD.mc. Plungy, seccn:Bi by cmnc. Rcgers and poo--ed UI1IIrÛJIIcUsly (4-0) to grant a Negative Dec1aJ:ati.on far ~ iœticn 7-u-BS. CD.mcil -.-. 9d ..............118 regarding the size of the hni'dirq and its ptn"i1llity to residences. Q:ux:. Plungy (> .,.,-,t:ed regarding 'l'arDEIm's willfn1ness to plant mare L.. r. and IIIC\I8 the loedirxJ dock. Uþa1 bein:J as- ~ the t.,i1iti"lq n"II,'d be mved closer to Tantau, Mr. J!=o- said the œlat.ionsbip betwen the bIo tl1i'din;ps ....."d be d1ffiallt, and pu:kjn¡ is at the rEq.Ûred level new. CD.mcil -.-. ,:'1 COb"..u. regarding security, noise and II.1isances if the parkinq lot were mved to the bIIck of the hn i1 din]. It was mcMId by CD.mc. Plungy, secakJed by 0CIunc. Ib}Brs and po !d UI1IIrÛJIIcUsly (4-0) to GK'Lwe A¡:pl.i.cation 7-u-BS with a conditicn AMMI that the windcwB !aciD¡ the resi..w1CeS ......, , have 5 ft. high .i" II. CÞmci.l directed staff to ~ with the develc:p!r regardiD;J the pcssibility that: the h,i1di"lq can be shifted. PI> __IC!: 9:40-9:50 p.m. ~ AND SITE API'KJVAL <XIIII'l'I!Z APPLICATICH9 37. None. -9- lIegative Dee. for 3-U-88 3-U-88 approved Negative Dee. for 7-U-88 7-U-88 approved as .edified , . . Contract to Pacific Underground Contract to Col11shaw Construction . Sister City Memo sent to commissioners Support for Slchie MIJCI!S OF '!HE JUNE 6, 1988 C1'lY CXXJNCIL l'IUa'.uC (00-745) tJNFIHISHED JI1SDŒSS 38. ~L on bid opIIÜD;J and award of ~d...CI.,:l: Water Main ~,.... do, Pmject 88-109. It VIIS KN8d by cmnc. Plun¡¡y, .......dbd by counc. Fq:ptl and po 83 unIIJÚJIICUIIly (4-0) to lllrard the ~It...__"t to Pl!llcific uw.....".....n:I in the aa.D1t of $233,010 and to "I't&"'" an additional apprqxriat.icn in the aa.D1t of $28,000 fraa the water utility F\md. 39. ~L on bid qxmiJ1g and award of ~d...__'l: Tmffia Signal Mcdif!œtia1 and St.......t :n..u.UV_lLa at ~ ani Wolfe, Project 4024. It was IXMId by cmnc. Plun¡¡y, seoad&d by cnmc. Keppel and p"'-1d unIIJÚJIICUIIly (4-0) to award the ~at...aCt to o:>'HIIhAw 0:r1struct.i0n based on their low bid of $147,199 and to aut:harize an expenditure of $161,000 inclUliinl¡ cx:.ntingency . NÐf JI1SDŒSS 40. ~-t fraa Sister City n-ittee to sell beverages at the """-"18 far Japanese visitœ:s on August 20, 1988. It was IDCMId by cmnc. Plungy, s....-.dbd by CD.mc. a..gerS am p"'-ed unIIJÚJIICUIIly (4-0) to ðt¥LuV8 the request. 41. n-i_ion Q:)de of Q:n:Juct. It was IDCMId by cmnc. Plungy, seocn:Ied by cnmc. ~ am p"'--ed unIIJÚJIICUIIly (4-0) to send the III!III) as drafted by Mayor Gatto to all n-i_ion -.er8. WKJ:J,'JmI aJHJHJ:CATIæS 44. T_""I" fraa Fine Arts n--.i-im (PJ:esident, Hancy 81"-19) ~ recOQuiticn of Sbanaå1ie. 'lh!s its was CX'IWi&.'ðd CA1t: of .....dt.... Jim Rivera of Sbaœdù.e gave 8CIII8 bac:::kgrc;md infcmaation on the grcup and told about: their 'V""'""irq visit to INland Went they will be ""'i'L S aUn} the United states at T"Ilb' ht's 1000th amiver&a%y celebration By .....- EIISUS, CD.mcil """t"'=soed su¡:port: a.'1d enocuragement for the graIp. Mr. Rivera thanked council. -10- 1mIJl.'fS OP '1\11 Dœ &, 1§~ CTN cmNC!IL ~ (~"45) [Ij .......1on ,..11 QJIIId o...-..1ÛlX] half to ~"1icate to the citiz8rw 1bIt. the City is doing and half to -.-....ate a .... of pride in tm Co "1ity. CD.mcil directed staff to briJJ¡ infaratia1 to the h~ meet:.i:rx:J regardin;J wys to t"o<:iuo.Jbl tm City. !ŒJf æmœss (oc:.nt.inJed) 42. ~ on wt.er œœervation effarta in the City of QIpIrtino and r8IpISt for adc¢ion of a resolutia1 UX9in1 wluntaIy conservation. (a) FlnJ<lutia1 No. 7522: "A Resolutia1 of the City CD.mcil of the City of QJpertino Dec1.aring the Ire.! far a.._ ilation of Water." It was ~ by CD.mc. Plungy, sec....dt.d by CD.mc. ~s and pa--I~ 1.II1IInbI:Iusly (4-0) to adept: Resolutia1 No. 7522. 43. Ao":~_ of nsignation of F.1i""lbeth Bingham ~ Fine Arts "'-i_:lon anj request far staff direction. It was a:MId by CD1nc. lb;Jers, seoo..dt.d by ctIunc. Plungy and pa B~ \II12IlÜIøJs],y (4-0) to 8(:,<...,t. the resignaticn with re."....Ls, to direct staff to prepare a plaque ~ ing ~ and to direct rec::ruib.....íL i_iAtely in oonjunct1cn with that far Parks and Rø.....ation thmIi_ion. œDINANC:ES 45. Hcne. RESOIIJ1'ICHI 46. Hcne. ~ncmn ~l. ~DIf At 10:50 p..., the meet:.i:rx:J was adjcu:ned to clœed s-- i"" (labor ..... .. iAtic:nl, Gc:IY8L......,L Q:)de sect.1a1 54957.6). At 11:00 p..., CD.mcil reconvened in cp!n s--sion with ctIunc. J'qIpel, Plun;¡y, lb;Jers and Mayor Gatto pl. s_jL, as WBll as City Mæ¡agm;, ()únlan, DepJt:y City Clede Wolfe, a....ieta.4. to the City Manager Brown, and City Attomsy Kilian t"o II íL. It was ~ by CD.mc. Rogers, seoonJed by CD.mc. Plungy and pa- B~ unaniJacusly (4-0) to direct staff to return to the varicuI eaployees' units anj mke the offer suggested in clœed session. -11- Budget info requested re promotion of City Res. 7522 adopted Elisabett, Bingham res- ignation Staff directed to make offer , ' tmm!S œ .. 3tI1I " 19U C1!1'l cmm. ~l1C (00-145\ At 11:05 p..., ~ -.tinq WIllI IIISjcumecS to 7:00 p.", ~A...._ Raca A, 'l" iAy, JUn8 7, 1988, far the ~ nY1w of ~ AnnJal øo~, inclUltinr¡ U8e of :aw._.a SbIJ:iD!J fUIdI. ~,¿- tfl,"¥ / 'DepJty city c::lmk -12-