CC 06-20-88
CIT'í OF cmmmc, m!ATE OF <:'J.ImRŒA
10300 Torre Avwue, Q.¡pertino, CA
Telephone: (408) 252-4505
HELD (If JtINE 20, 1988, OXJNCIL awœE:R, C1'lY HALL
10300 '.l\4CKl!i AVDIJE, aJPERl'11Ð, CALIFCRaA
Mayer Gatto """ed the meetiD;J to Older at 6:45 p.m.
SIW1Œ 'ro '!HE FUG
O::x.n::. Pl__IL:
Jàmsa1, Kq:ipel, Plungy, Boge1;s, Mayer Gatto
Staff P.t. s e,1/t:
City Manager o.ùn1an
City Clede COrnelius
Assistant to the City Manager Brown
Assistant P1.anrÜD1 Diœctar pI--lei
Assistant City Eh)ineer tI1itten
City Attomey Kilian .
n--"1ity RelatiŒlS Officer Krey
"asociate Planner CaIxþey
It was DXMad by O::x.n::. RcgeIs, seconded by O::x.n::. Plur~
an:! ~t'nd 1.II1al1iDaJsly to remove Item No. 36 fraD the
Plaque of ~.....J.atia1 hcr....1n:J Dennis Pra1ty - Parks an:!
Re.....c:ðtion lhmti....ton. Mr. Pra1ty a<x'"!'Led the plaque.
1>1. s ,ílatia1 of prr"CJ-tions - DeAnza 0Jpertin0 Aquatics:
Tony Barnes
Greq Davis
Mr. Barnes and Mr. Davis aooepted the p1'YY'] -tiœs.
Heather Dean anncun::ed an '1p""'W"i"óJ event of ti'.e DeAnza
0Jpertin0 Aquatics Team.
CD.mcil wiIIhed Rtl1"hm1 KL:Wel a happy birthday and
t"o S tt.ed her with a œJœ.
S'mFF ~~
1. aral ..~ls by staff -il.era anj 9"hlli....ion of written
'!he City Manager's ""'iA'" t was received.
2. Mcnthly Activity ~L, May 1988.
CD.mcil received the Activity Report.
3. Repo..,L fran the City Attorney - status of PencliJ'q
Litigation (Privileged anj o:nfidential).
CD.mcil received the ..~t and stated they woold ask any
questions in Closed S--ifYl.
caJNCIL 1<I:it'UK1~
5. Jå..-.son - Isgislative Review 0CIIImitt:ee -It was
IDCIII8d by o:unc. Jå1nson, secx:njed by o:unc. Plungy and
pt-'9d unanùx:usly to taJœ the follc:JWin; actions
regaIàin:;J t"o"¥JSEd legislation: 0¡pJse AB 1452
(J:eaœ),;J local goII.....llU1C1.1t'S legislative
powers by] its right to eminent ÑwIIai,,; AB
2802 (Hill), œble television, credit against franchise
fees to give cable cparators off-settin;J reduction in
t"o'¥"Lty taxes; SB 956 (5eyDDD:'), hcusirq fUI'œ; SB
2747 (F.11i..), bprowment districts, œstrictia1s on
fcmaa1:ion anj bp1øaentation; SB 2735 ~'f'''''''''e),
t"o'¥"LLf tax traœfer far "No- and Low-P.rqIerty-Tax
Cities" , reduction in transfer far redevel...J}...auL and
elimination of cities incœ:}'W.coted after June 5, 1978;
AB 4536 (Polamo), ~"'.:I""Y<'te livirq health facilities
far AIŒ patients; SB 269 (Kqp), Prep. 65, l""J?""'" of
public agency e--'l'Lion; and SB 2072 (bI:L:J1sm),
ge¡¡.....cù plan, hcusiD:J e1Eme1&t. Request cq>ies of AB
3234 (Hill), cable television, credit against franåú.se
fees, ",e--.-..,t pract:iœs d;~.tte; SB 2871 (Marks),
adcption of unifam arlldin] Code, b1i1din] code
st:amards; anj SB 2896 (Torres), smoke anj fire alëmll :requirements, b1i1din] code stan:3arås.
MINtms OF '!HE JUNE 20, 1988, mJIAR crT'{ <maL MEEl'OO
<XHŒm' CAIÐmAR RcgIm:s recpstecl that Items 18, 23 anj 25 be r8IDIIed
frail the 0CnIent Calerœr. It was IDCIII8d by CDJn::. Rogers,
seccn:1ed by~. Plungy anj I"'--ad UI'IaJÙJDcUsly to ~U1/8
the balance of the Cl.._ ,L Calemar as 9',hnitt.ed.
9. Resolution No. 7524: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllcwiD¡ Certain ("1Ai_ an:i
DeIDards Fayable in the A1Dr:atts and trail the P\m:!s as
Hereinafter Desc:ribed far Salaries and WIIIges far the
Payroll Period EndiD;J JUne 7, 1988."
10. Resolutiat No. 7525: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllcwiD¡ Certain t'1..i_ and
DeIDards Payable in the A1Dr:atts and FraIl the f\Ims as
Hereinafter Desc:ribed far General an:i MisceJ.J.aneoos
Expenditm:es far the Period EndiD;J JUne 3, 1988."
11. Rsvieri of Applicati.on 53-u-87, Aroo oill lcx:ated on
Foathi11 BculevaJ:d.
12. AwraYal of grants reo .,..-"Ided by the cable Television
13. t' for ~"""J8S filed by Rokhshid Raudsari.
p.:.. "····-rded for reject.icn.
14. Resolution No. 7526: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Appravinq Cl..íL..aCt ~
order No. 1 far BoJ.1Jn;Jer Rœd an:i DeAnza Bc:W.evard D.p.w........,L Project 86-20A."
15. Resolutiat No. 7527: "A ~s:¡¡ution of the City ocuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ""'~ Offer of Dedication
for Daergency Ve.hi...,,,.,. h:.: frœ 'lUr¥J-1Q.IanI¡ SIJrJ¡ and
aün-Mei SInJ, on stelling Rœd and Rainbow
Drive. "
16. Resolution No. 7528: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizing p..i~..........,L to
'!be Gr.~:l Grcup frœ Master stoxJD Drain PU1d for
stoxJD Line cmstJ:ucted in CXI1junction with seven
Springs DBYel___,l."
17. Application ASH; 51,788.1 - Jà1n Jt.D:Ply: Application
requesting çprayal of a single-stoJ:y addition to an
existin;J duplex located at the southIoIest oœ::ner of
Randy lane and Hogue CCIurt, 10129 Randy lane.
Rec" ····-rded for lq:pn:Mù.
Hnm'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 20, 1988, mxmAR c:rl'i cnH::IL 1Œ!mÐ
18. RiEIIr:Ned fn'III the O:msent Ca1.endar.
19. Alccbolic BBveracJ8 CM,L...à License - McHart'. Pizza and
Grill, 19732 stsveœ Cœek BcW.øvard.
20. far ñA..""JE18 filed by Rasheedah }ti)le.
~ .. -···'-decI far reject.icn.
21. ~-t far waiver of b.18iness liœœe fees filed by
'!he Intsmational MissiD} n.i1ðren'. Fcuœtion.
22. Re80lutiat No. 7529: "A Resoluticm of the City CD.mcil
of the City of QJpertino AuthariziD} cmt:inJaticn of
Expellditures until Adc¢ion of 1988-89 F:1scal 1'11~."
23. RieaIMJd frœ the CM..l ,L Ca1.endar.
24. Aooeptance of City project pert.., ......1 under .....íL..aCt:
RBcc:I18b:uctio of 0lIb, Qltter and SP-Ja1Jœ, Project
88-101 (Heed ~dticn).
25. RieaIMJd frœ the CM......,L calendar.
26. Mira.ttes of the Adjcmnecl Regular Meeting of JUne 7,
18..A¡:p1ication ASAC No. 51,790.1 Hibam Hoover
P%qIerties (Elisabeth Griffin;J!r) : A¡:plication
nq.¡estjD;J ðwLuv'IÙ of azàú.tectural and site
.........i f'ication to an exist:inI¡ industrla1 b1ildin] located
on the 10IeBt side of aJ1:b Rœd, _....n....tely 700 feet
south of stevens Creek Bculevard, 10131 aJ1:b Rœd.
R& ,,-- -œ1 far A¡p'ova]..
It was JIJII8d by Q:Iunc. Regers, seca1de.1 by Q:Iunc. Plun;y
and p" B i unanimcusly to ðp¡UC11/8 the ëSRÜication per ASAC
Resoluticm No. 1381.
23. ~ of date for inteIview of
8A>'''. ..,.ct..
It was IICMId by O::unc. RcgeI's, -xided by Kt:gIel
and I""-9d unanimcusly to aw<-0.N8 the ëSRÜication A____' ine
of August 5, 1988, and inteIview the ëSRÜicants at 7:00
p.m., August 16, 1988, in the Lower Level c:aú'ereuoe RoaIEI.
25. MinItes of the Regular Meeting of JUne 6, 1988.
It was IIICIIed by O::unc. lÐ;Jers, seca~ by Q:Iunc. ~l
and I""--9d unanimcusly to ~a\18 the mimteB.
28. RINiew of santa Clara cnmty Hazardous Waste MIu'Ia9 ,_I it
Plan an:! request. far ." ....-.«s.
Ka%X caugby reviewed the staff reo:· ···,-'Jdation with o:.mci.l.
It was IŒMId by 0::A.I00. Johnson, seex:uded by 0::A.I00. ~s
and I""øø-' unan.iJInJsly to close the PJblic hearin).
It was IŒMId by 0::A.I00. Johnson, sec:x:med by ~s
and. 1?"'-'9d unan.iJInJsly to adept Resolution No. 7531 findiD:J
the draft pIan oonsistent with the General Plan.
29. Aßùication No. 1-<DPR3-88 - scott Design As'3OCiates
(Mtytle 01e1bay) - Request to oca.,.t.l1.lCt a residential
triplex (3 units) oonsistin;J of awraximately 5,100 sq.
ft. '!he site is located on the southeast o..4.1Jér of
Salem AvenJe and. Alpine Aveme. Envi.ronmental
Detemination: categorically ~L. Rec' .,.,-''Yded far
Denial. (To be heard in CXI1jUJX:tion with Aßùication
Aßùication No. 3-V-88 - scott Design Assodates
(Htytle QJe1bay) - ReqI-t for a variance frœ Section
10.2 of ordinarx:e 779 to allCil a three st:œy structm:e
in lieu of a bIo st:œy structm:e; frœ Section 10.7 of
ordinarx:e 779 to allCil a 20 foot first floor rear
setback in lieu of the recpired 27 feet; frail Section
10.7 of ordinarx:e 779 to allCil a 23 foot secxni floor
setback in lieu of the recpired 37 feet. '!he t"o'¥"Lty
is located on the southeast -.uL,.,æ of Salem Averue and.
Alpine AvenJe. Envi.ronment:al Det:eminaticn:
categorically E).-'1'L. Reo" _._.~ for Denial. (To be
heard in CXI1junction with Aßùication 1-<DPR3-88).
Assistant: PlaJmin;J Director PiasecJd. reviewIEId the ....,.mt
with o:.mci.l.
scott amningh2ma of scott Design Assot"iates requested that
if CD.mcil were goin;J to retum this to the pJ.annirIJ
n-i -ton, it be for the Plamin;r n-i """ion meetiJq of
JUne 27, 1988.
It was IIICM!Id by 0::A.I00. ~ and. .....oa1decl by 0::A.I00. Yqptl
to refer the a¡plication back to the Plamin;r n-i -ion
for the meetiJq of JUne 27, 1988.
It was IIICM!Id by cwnc. Plungy, sec:x:med by cwnc. Johnson
and. p"'....ed unaniDnIsly to close the ¡:Wlic hearin;J.
MIl«1l'!S OF '!HE JtIæ 20 I 1988, mmAR Cl'lY <m«:IL MfZl'n«ì
'!he prøvicus IIII:Jtion was adcpted unæúmcus1y.
30. ~ 81,004.18 (Rl), 81,004.121 (A, Al),
81,004.8 (RHS), 2-EA-88, 3-EA-88 anj 4-EA-88 - City of
0Jp8rt:in0 - Ameldílt!lít, of the follc:JWirq resiœttial
ZŒÛ.rJ) ardinances:
Rl - Resiœttial, Single-family
RHS - Residential, Hillside
Al - Agricmtural-Resident:ial
A - Agricmtural
Said l!lllleldø.:.íls '1lIll';/ inc1me revision of the ~
pert.ainin;J to setJ:øc:ks, height, ):¡ni'dirç area, taillc, lot
size, J..a1ù:r,:ðþirç, definitiŒlS, and uses. Envirc:nœnt:al
Det:eIIIIinat:i: Negative Decl~raticn. Location of
Plq)erty: Citywide. Fee. ·,··-rœd for AßIrc/Iral.
Assistant Plannin;J Dizector pi ,........Jd reviewed the hist:oxy
of the ZŒÛ.rJ) ordinances.
CD.mcil ~--œd a definition of apiaries be incl\D!d in
the ordinance pert.ainin;J to Rl zones.
Ann Arger, Jb1ta Vista, told CD.mcil that p1annec1
devel___d. zones (m) were confusirç to her.
Dick n.i1.h. -, 11701 Regnart canycn Drive, felt that the
residential ordinance as t"o s_lLed met the å:Jjectives of
the City and was reasonable.
Jan, 22386 0Jp8rt:in0 Rœd, encc:uraged CD.mcil
to provide a fairly laq overlap between the interim
ordinance and t:bcøe t"o s bad.
It was IIICMId by Q:Iunc. Plungy, seoot)j¡"d by o:unc. Johnson
and r---tcl unanbIcus1y to close the p1blic l1earin¡.
It was IIICMId by Plungy and seccnCIed by o:unc. Rcgal:s
to ClM'Luv'Ø a FAR of .40 includirç garage area instead of
.45 anj that a twc-car garage ca1Sist of a miniDImI square
footage of 10 x 20. (Clede's nata: ¡:ús pertains to the
Rl ordinance).
'1hat motion was held in abeyance.
It was IIICMId by Q:Iunc. Plungy, seoot&Jed by o:unc. Regels
anj !?,,-n':1 unanbIcus1y that there be a minim..DR of 10 x 20
far ead1 ~ in a garage with a miniDImI of 400 square
feet for ead1 two-car garage.
MIHJrES OF '1BE JUNE 20, 1988, RmJIAR C1'lY caJNCILl'IUiJ:.uC
It was 1IICMId by cnmc. P1ungy, seconded by cnmc. ~D
and the 1IDtia1 was defeated with Or:urx:. Kq.pel, JOOIISon,
and MIIyar Gatto di -- aL1n;J and Or:urx:. RcgmD aI:8t:ainiD:;J
that there be a .40 FAR inc1\1iin¡ the garage.
It was 1IICMId by Or:urx:. Jå1nscn, seconded by Iq:pel
and p"'red with Or:urx:. Plungy and Rcgers di -- _aL1n;J that
the aràinance mad .45 FAR.
It was 1IICMId by Plungy, seconded by JåInsc:n
and p"--eC! unanim::uùy that there be a surd1arge of at
least five (5) feet of the 15 feet designated to a side
yam ar divided êIIIICOiJ side yards.
It was 1IICMId by Or:urx:. Plungy, seconded by KqpJ
and the IDCIt:.ia1 was defeated with Mayor Gatto, Or:urx:. Rogers
and JåInsc:n dissentin:.J that 6,000 sq. ft. lots have no
laJ:ger than two-car garages.
It was 1IICMId by cnmc. Plungy, seconded by ~D
and p"-sd with Mayor Gatto and Jåmson]
that any footage used for garage <XIIIe frœ the total
It was 1IICMId by Or:urx:. Jå1nscn, seoonded by Or:urx:. ~s
and p";ud unanim::uùy to approve the grant.inJ of Negative
Declarations on AR>licatiŒlS 2-FA-88, 3-FA-88 and 4-FA-88.
(a) First readin;J of ordinance No. 1449: ".An
ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of
0Jpert.in0 pop- 1 in¡ certain ordinances outlined
in -1c:a 2 anj Estab1.ishi.n;J an ordinance
Regulatinq RB8idential, Si1qle-FaIIIily (Rl) Zones."
It was 1IICMId by Plungy, SéOOi.clt.d by Or:urx:. JI.l.._lu
and POO--!C! unanimcus1y to read ordinanoi! No. 1449 by title
only and the City Cledc's readin;J to oaò:ótitute the first
readin;J as _d..d thereof.
(b) First readin;J of ordinance No. 1450: ".An
ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of
0Jpert.in0 ~1 in¡ certain ordinances outlined in
sectiat 2 and EstablishiD¡ an ordinance Rsgu].at.iJç
Residlllntial Hillside (RHS) Zones."
It was 1IICMId by Plungy, seoaJded by JåInsc:n
and p"'--sd unanimcus1y to read ordinance No. 1450 by title
only anj the City Clede's readin;J to oalStitute the first
readin;J as amesœJ. thereof.
M!1Ð1m OP 'mE JUNE 20, 1988, RmJIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL Mœ1'DÇ
(c) First: readin] of ordinance No. 1451: "An
Ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of
0Jpert.in0 poop- 1 in¡ Certain ordinances Q1t1ined in
Section 2 anj Establishinq an Ordinance Regulating
Agricultural-Residential (Al) Zones."
It was IIICMId by Plungy, seoc:njed by Jctmson
and p"'--e:! unanimcusly to read ordinance No. 1451 by title
only and the City Clede's readin;J to CD1St:.itute the first
reI!Idin¡ as amended thereof.
(d) First: readin] of ordinance No. 1452: "An
Ordinance of the City cnmcil of the City of
0Jpert.in0 ~1 in¡ Certain ordinances Q1t1ined in
Section 2 anj Establishinq an 0rcU:nan0a Regulating
Agricultural (A) Zones."
It was IIICMId by Plungy, secc:oJeod by Jàmsa1
and l"'''-d unæúmcusly to read ordinance No. 1452 by title
only and the City Clede's readin;J to oo....titute the firBt:
reI!Idin¡ thereof.
(e) First: readin] of 0rcU:nan0a No. 1453: "An
0rcU:nan0a of the City CD.mcil of the City of
0Jpert.in0 ~lin¡ Certain Sectia1s of Various
Ordinances Q1t1ined in Section 2 and Establishinq
Definition of 'l'eJ:JDs A¡:pl!ed thifomly in the (A)
Agricultural, (Al) Agricultural Residential, (Rl)
Residential, Sinqle-FaIIIily and RHS (Residential
Hillside Slept Density Zones."
It was IIICMId by Jcbœon, &éCo.a.dtld by ~..
and p"'-.d with Plungy di -- .Linq that staff prepare
an w.."......y ordinance allcwinl¡ a three IIICI1th averlap and the
IIUI1II8ttiD¡ of the interim ordinance. 'Ibis will be brcught
back to CD.mcil at their next regular 1III!I8t.iD;J.
31. Þ£p1ication No. 3-V-88 (please see item no. 29).
32. A¡:plic:ation 13-u-a8 and 2o-FA-88 - '.l'an:Jem Qzprt:ers,
Iœ. - use Pemit to .........L..\JCt an 8-Btoty office
~:..i1diD¡ equallin¡ Gl-¥Lu,rI"""tely 300,000 sq. ft.
EnviJ:a1mental Review: '!he Plannirg lhmIi -ion
reo ···,-,œ the g:rantin;J of a Negative Declaraticn. '!he
prcperty is located on the northwest oœ:uer of stevens
Creek Bc:W.evard anj Tantau Aveme. Reo ·,·,-Ided far
tmtm'S OF H JUN2 20, l~ßß, mmI.AR em ontC!IL 1Œ!I'1m
ABs!stant Director of Planninq and Døvel___,L Fiasec1d
reviewed a staff ........... L with cnmcil and identified two
i_....:;J structure and J.anj~1.nq.
Mid1ae1 Kelly of stone, Marrcc:ini and Patt:erson Architects,
c.cJch. -,Ii CD.mcil and _ lIV"i1able for quest!ŒIS. expr gd oo.___-n regardjn;J the wst erxl of the
p..·t-<ud h,i'dinq shoold the Marriott Hotel not be tuilt.
JåIn Bayes, TanSem Architectural Design Manager, reviewed
the cxn:U.tiŒIS t"o' ~:l by the PlenniD;J t'hmti "",ion and
reo:- _..,- ded that in Ckniition No. 13, the word "side" be
revised to "site" and requested that Ckniition No. 32 be
à1an;Jed to state that the CSRÜicant may request up to a
three year extension. He also requested a change in
Ckniition No. 33 regardjn;J the tree specimen at the
soot:hwest oœ....... In regard to Ckniition No. 28, Par~...,h
E, pert:ainin¡ to plråw¡e of a fire truck, he stated that
TanSem was wil1.iD;J to participate in SCIII8 device with sana
equitable ftmm'''' and ~ wardin:J that as a part of a
devel___íL açp:.........rt. the CSRÜicant is required to agree to
cc:r.trib1te a pro rata share based on an equitable ftmm"..
aocxmiiD¡ to benefit received. 'lhis shoold be done with
saue provision for reiJIbn:sement. In regard to CCn:lition
No. 31, he ~-~gd c.gxJSition to a $2.00 fee.
CD.mcil requested infaDIBticn as to Were the pl...1JOS'd
density was CXIIIin¡ frœ - was this frail t.~ base ar was
this a tx:nJs. CD.mcil identified their i"'9lJE!S of 00.---...
as the fire truck, ~ the density was derived frœ the
base ar a tx:nJs, and paxXin;J CU1fi.guration.
It was IDCJII8d by Plungy, seoaoJed by JåmBon
and poo--eli ur.aroi"""II1"'Y to cx:nt:inIe ca1S:ideration of the
applicaticn to 'l\Jesday, J\1ly 5, 1988.
æ-: 10:00 - 10:10 p.m.
33. None.
34. A¡:plication ASAC 51,782.1 - Heasurex Cœ:~Cltion -
~ ~wal of dsvel~íL plan for a 40,000
square foot expension to an exi.stinJ industrial/office
cœplex located at the n:Irthwest oœ.l.... of a.ü:b anj
M:JCl.ellan RœdB in an HI. (light industrial za'ÙnJ
district), 1 Results way. R9c..,.,....ded for Approval.
1mIJl!S OP B J\1NE 20, 1988, RmJIAR c:rr£ anaL MŒl'OO
steve pi--Iri !:8'oTiøwed the a¡;pliJ2tion with cnmcil.
Bob Evans was lIV"'i 1Ahle anj answered quest.ionB of CD.mcil.
Daria AI 1ft stated that MeasureIC ......M be warJdn:J on
1ÓL.......d; L.. and lm(\....:-.pir¥J. 'Ihere is also a plan to!Ip. "I. the pel'CX)lation pond.
other items di..... !:1 inclmed L.. -- alcn::J ~lal AWIIJe.
It was JIICIV8d by o:Am:. Plungy, secaded by o:Am:. J.h~
and p---ul urenimcus1y to awo-.,,¡e the ~ per AS1JC
Resolution No. 1379 (A1DerX3ed) as per pr:esentation and
incl\liin¡ la1&-:a¡'ir¥J of ~oolation pond and b.: 1: alcn::J
:n.".....1al AwnJe.
35. O::IIsideraticn of awo-uVal of Cal Train Shuttle Service
to industrial area in Valloo anj a¡:prqxriation frail EIR
(a) Resolution No. 7530: "A Resolution of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Ipertin0 Authcrizin;J
Execution of ~........ent To PrCIVide Shuttle service
to Industrial Area in Valloo. II
It was JIICIV8d by o:Am:. Rcgers am secadedby o:Am:. to adept Resolution No. 7530.
au:re.l. leonard, North Wolfe Rœd, told cnmcil that he
a......_Lly sees .p;y tuses alcn::J the ztL......ts and øpects
the _ fraa this atteII¢. He urged that ",""lld the trial
pericd be a fi ........, QuIcll net 0CI'JtiJua SIJß.o.... t of the
City MaœgBr Quinlan told QuIcll that staff will be
monitor:inr¡ use of the BImttle.
COlleen McCarthy, n--u Ooordinator far Hewlett Packard,
said that HP has m¡my sployees 1Ò) will be usin;J tile
'!he lIOtion was adc.pted unani:ør:a.1sly.
36. ~t on bid cpmin;J for maofilm eqnil""""';t am awm:d
of ......aL..aet.
'Ihis item was previc:usly reax:MId.
37. A¡:poL.t,.....;t to santa Clara cnmty Transportation
n--i ....ion.
HIH1JÐ; OF '!HE JUNE 20, 1988, mx:u.tAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL MEE1'DG
It was JIIC70Ied by came. Plungy, -..aided by came. JÙ41Sa1
and P"I1"""'1d unæú:ar:uùy to ~int Mayor Gatto to the
santa Clara 0U1ty TJ:8nBpOr'taticn no-1....ion.
38. RsvisiŒ18 to fOIDBt and editoriul staff of l"'I.........t'.inn
City Attomey Kilian t"o S íted his NO< ·,·,-·ldation to
cœncil and answered their questions.
It was JIIC70Ied by came. Plungy, s..oc:rIded by came. ~s
and I?'" -ad unani:øIamly to grant the city Manager ar his
designee exclusive power to aveL"SM, pJblish anj mail the
1"'1..........1"'" scene.
39. O:nJi.derat.ic.n of an ordinaIx:e pIåÚl)itin;J parJdn:¡ alc:.n¡
various ~IS of stevens creek Bculewrd.
(a) First readinJ of ordinance No. 1454: "An
ordinance of the City camcil of the city of
QJpertino A1IIerIiiD;J section 1l.24.l5O of the
QJpertino ø.micipeo' Code, Relat:in¡ to stq:piD;J,
standin.J or Pa11dn:1, on stevens creek Bculewrd."
It was JIIC70Ied by came. Plungy, s..u:.aJed by came. ~s
and paElW unanimwsly to nøi ordinance No. 1454 by title
only and the City Clerk's readiD;J to c::œstitute the first
readiD;J thereof.
camcil noted. that City Clerk Dorothy camelius serves as a
"_,J -er of the Isgisl.ative no-ittee for the City Clerk's
AsSOC"iation of Califamia.
council _ ~ ~ to Director of Public works
visJa:wià1 far his SOOC" øful no.."utiat.ons with CalTrans so
that u tums are "', ,~ cn:8 again at the intersection of
H:::Clellan Rœd and DeAnza Bculevard.
40. None.
41. None.
42. None.
· . .
MIWmS OP '!HE JUNE 20, 1988, REX:;UIAR C1'lY CXUCIL JI'.&'.òI:a'.uC
At 10:50 p.m., CD.mcil adjourned to a closed _ion
regardin¡ labor negotiations and pmñin;J litigation (City
of QJpert:ino v. Perry, Mendocino Electric).
At 11:37 p.m., CD.mcil œo::nvened in the CD.mcil O'-..~er.
Ck'Im'x::. ~ B IL:
Jå1œon, ~, Plungy, Regels, Mayor Gatto
staff P1. Hnt:
City Ma1~ ~
City Clede a....u..lius
City Att:arney Kilian
(a) Penr:i1rq litigation - Memocino Electric.
It was IIICJIÆId by Plungy, secx:nded by counc. ~ð
and p-"'-d UI'IIIlÙDDJSly to 8Wl' $4,918.00 frœ the
General F\JrJi and dizec:ted staff to obtain a ñi.....i-al with
prejnñi "'9.
City of QJpert:ino v. Perry - It was IIICJIÆId by Ck'Im'x::. Plungy,
seccnJt.d by Regels and p-~-ed UI'IIIlÙDDJSly to
ðt¥L"¥Llate $70,917.00 frœ the General F\JrJi.
(d) Ia!)ar negct:iations - It was IIICJIÆId by Ck'Im'x::. Plungy,
secx:nded by Ck'Im'x::. ~s and p-øøed UI'IIIlÙDDJSly to _uV8
all tentative J01s far all personnel.
CD.mcil adjourned at 11:40 p.m.
-£2~ â¿;·,ù
City Clede