CC 07-06-88 , CITY OF aJPERl'OO, smn: OF æLIRRUA 10300 Torre Aveme, CUpertino, CA 95014 TelØP'lcne: (408) 252-4505 œ-747A MIWmS OF '!HE AD1a.JRNED REX;(JIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL ftua'.uC HELD (If JUIH 6, 1988, CXXJNCIL CHAMBER, C1'lY HALL 10300 'lœRE AVEHJE, aJPER1'nÐ, CALIPœNIA Mayor Gatto called the meet:.i:rx:J to order at 7:35 p.m. SAII1Œ 'ro '!HE FUG mIL CAIL CD.mc. ~S' _IL: Jàmsa1, JCtypel, Plungy, RcgeIs, Mayor Gatto þ staff ~BeJ.t: City Man2Ir]er ()únlan Dep1ty City Clede Wolfe Dimctar of FUblic ti:Jrks Viskaviå1 DiJ:ect:or of Plannin;J anj DBYel___.L Cowan City Att:arney Kilian RJBLIc HFARm:; FUblic Hearilq regarãj.n¡ HigboIay 85 incJ.udin:;J present:aticn of altematives far --'8 frœ nort:hI:Icund highway 280 to Ba1thbcun:i Highway 85 to stevens Creek Bc:W.evard. Mayor Gatto gave bac1cgrcund infomatiorl œgarc:1iD;J the Highway 85 extensicn anj """"9'JrIe A. He said that about: three IIICI1t:hs ago Caltrans inf..... ..-, the City that the IIIIM!IIII!I1t: fraa nat't:hl:nm 280 to 85 to stevens Creek was Ji1yBically i,.. ......i}ùe to do. Caltrans was recpast:ecl to look far WIIYB it n"II"" be ... <, ·'I,1iRi1ed. '!he MaJ:y Aveme off map is just a'I8 of the altematives Wùå1 has been e:h....ied. CD.mcil has to <XIIIe to grip¡ with the t.t. ~1aY ~""""'IL. Mayor Gatto stated that evexyme III.1St: pull together to find a BOlutiat that will benefit the ........."1ity. Dimctar of FUblic ti:Jrks Viskaviå1 J:'8IIieIow:J. his l~L. He identified the bIo i........... Wùå1 need to be resolved: 1. '!be potential lOBS of the a"","",EI fraa nort:hI:Icund Rcute 280 to stevens Creek Bc:W.evaJ:d via Rcute 115. 2. '!be future CU1figuraticn of the interc:h.m;¡e at Sarat.oga-5unnyvale Rœd anj Rcute 85. CD.mcil also nl!-~" to review the q:JtiŒlS as to half to deal with the fiA..¡.ray anj perfOI1lBnOe agl..........ls. will KeIIpta1, ~V8 DiJ:ect:or of the santa Clara cnmty Traffic Authority, explained the role of the Authority: to administer the 1/2\ s.ù.es tax provided for by Measure A anj to serve as a facilitator between the Transportation · MIlÐl'!S OF '!HE JUIX 6, 1988 C1'lY 0XJNcrL MŒl'DI:; (œ-747A) ~ anj local jurisc:U.c:tiaw. Mr. Ifsapta1 defined the t8DIIB curw radii, ."..adIooo, super elevation, tæ9:alls, JIIBt'gin¡ ~ anj weavizr;J oontlicts. 'IWBlve separate altematives have been JnnIrad at by the Authority. Paul HmIsley, Caltrans, Bbcued drawings depi.ct::iD;J the t"o IL situation anj 8CIII8 of the altematives ItWNri at. He "'<P'''1ned the WEIaVin¡ prå)lems anj pl' ",sed solutions. CD.mcil was !nt... ..-d that IIICSt of the altematives won't 1IICJ:'k ~.... of lack of WEIaVin¡ distance. other altemat:ives have negative visual JJIpICts ar ~ additional right: of way. '!he MaJ:y Averue solutiat .....,,,. 1IICJ:'k fraa an en;ineerin;J point of vieor. Mr. Hensley said that a¡:prcadately 2-1/2 acres of HcIIIestead High SåXJol }AL'¥"Llj' .....,,,. be TIS .,.",. '!he ccst of the map woold be $2.3 mi11ion excl\liin¡ ¡mà1ase of right: of way. Mr. Viskcvic:h stat.ed that it woold taJœ 18-30 IIICI1t:hs to just get the ðt¥Lwal to t"o'. 'Mi with the map. Mayor Gatto told theBe t"o s .L that CD.mcil is tJ:yin¡ to find a solutiat anj asked them to help identify the pres and ca1S of all the altematives under di""""-ion. OWen TassicJœr, 10467 Mazy Aveme (Casa DeAnza) Bhcwecl ~~ depi.ct.inJ iDpacts on the residents .in the Mary AWIIJe area. CD.mc. Plungy asbd Mr. þ....f.dœr if he had a preference far any of the other altematives. Mr. TassicJœr said he had no c::.piniat ~'" of the Bhart tiDe he had had in Wùå1 to review the infaDIBticn. He said he was sure there were a lot of peqlJ.e pl 1 IL 1Ò) wa1ld be pJ .......... to fom a l"Y'WInittee to watit with CD.mcil in seeJdn¡ solutions. Bc:b Hawn, 10411 Castine, asked if traffic coW.dn't distribrt:e art:o DeAnza Bc:W.evard as well as it oo,,'ð en SbMnI Creek BaJJ.evam. He said there is already a lot of traffic on Greenleaf. He stated that he and other parents am 000---.1.:4 about: their kids ri.diD] their bikes <Xl MaJ:y on their way to sdIcol at Kaa...cly and Ib1ta vista. Mr. Hawn waldb...,a Ÿ1at wa1ld t¡A. .,- of the overfla.r paJ:icinJ area on Mary. He also ~ gd OCIb..-.u about: the safety of the ...... E"lIIIJIÜk at stevens Ct"eek Bc:W.evard, additia1al traffic on stelliD,¡, fire and -...."..,.....-y a.........." ..........8 to the a.....}'UL..tion Yard and the storage facility, the credibility of CD.mcil's ..~ s_.lation to the deve1cper of the Gera%d hc.mes, the validity of the caltrans study which originally -2- ) 1mÐl'!S OF 'mE JtIDl 6, 1988 C1'lY cx:œcn. JUl'm; (00-747),) indicated an off rëIIIp was either not ~ ø__-ry ar that an exit was not ~my in this area. Mr. Hawn t"o s .Led a petition signed by 655 :œeideuts. I 01ristine CDInell, 10386 AnBca, said she is oc............clu a 1IIDth8r, a 8'> .:JeJ. oœål and a Pm'" J .ex- . Sbe said MaJ:y ...,.1ld not be a safe J:CUte far students goin;r to If........cly ar Menta vista Så1ool1.. Pacple fraa that area can exit only onto Mazy ar stellin;r. 'lhere axe other altematives - traffic "O'1ld exit at Foothill ar DeAnza Wiå1 are "-i/]I18d far CCIIIIUt:ers. Nœ:m Kcbayashi, 21425 lUDford, said he 1Ø\188 his neighboJ:hccxl. He stat.ed that the Gerud deveL 1. -It on )Ii' , "rd has only a'I8 exit Wùå1 is onto Mary. He asJr-' if the potential far acci~ wa1ld be increased with an off map. He cited ~'¡dør,t figures far Mary Aven.va, and said it is a very safe street at pt. s .L. In::reasin;r traffic by 450 cars per hour will increase the AÇOi"-tt rate. He quoted frail the n-, ..ration of Indepelldenoe. Upcn beiD;J asked abcut the yellcw riJ:ix:rIS arcum the !mill of peqlJ.e in the ...YliE'l1C8, Mr. Kcbayashi said they signified the solidarity of their position. Mayor Gatto stated that the pl.' .:-~ takin] pÙ'oe is a healthy a'I8. An cpen farua was also desired by em' forefathers. Joe }bu,......, 21461 Milford (Nathansa1 Ranc:h) MIlled all the exits frœ the t.t. IllrayB to 0Jpert.in0. He said far a city this size there are plenty of exits. '!he ........."1ity is t.t..."..-IUå by the exits. An off MaJ:y off map wcolld ,.,.,- Dm:8 traffic on Tn~ anj Meteor. He said theBe cc:IIIin1 traI outsiãa the City to DeAnza and the atiI Rœd industrial ~ .....'ld be the only a'I8B conwnienœd by the off map there. He did not hA' ievø A¡ple, '1be Oaks ar theBe 1Ò) live in other perts of 0Jpertin0 .....,,,,. l:ølefit. 0Ipert.in0 citizsw deserve to be CX'I1Biderec1 CM!r outside int:erests. saratoga doesn't want any exits; 0Jpert.in0 a1rædy has 9 ar ll. He asked the CD.mcil to CXIISider leavin¡ the t.t. llliay the way it is withcut: that exit. Marshall r~'~", 10401 castine, said it is an hct1ar to live Were citizens can expœss their views wit:haJt fear. He said CD.mcil has a difficult and tharJcless task. Mr. Goldman said he had spoken with CD.mcil -,¡ eJ:S and Mr. Viskaviå1. In his cpinion the change woold ~....d.ate the sense of ........."1ity Wid1 exists in the area new. It wco,'d be a 1IIistaJœ. He believes there are other altematlves and he doesn't '\ooept the "no altemative" answer. Caltrans sb::W.d go back to the drawin;J!:œrd. '!be prcblen sb::W.d have been solved 20 years ðI:JO. He said the neighbors have -3- MIWmS OF 'IRE JULY 6, 1988 C1'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (00-747A) safety "'--....-.... just as Caltrans has safety ocn::ems. Kæ:y Averue is an asset as it, not as II. "'--"......'1:ion to an off map. Don Elliott, 10426 Anson asJred 1à!t the altematives are. He doesn't see the traffic pattem beinq iDpravecI. If Rcute 85 is exten:Jed beycn1 stevens Creek BcW.evaJ:d, he believes IIIJå1 of the traffic 1«:Uld go thraJgh town. Brian Avery, Glent...uoÀt AparbDents, said the apartments have 2,200 ft. of !my AV8IUB fmnt:age. '!be apartments were ccnrtruct:ed by his father. He received the notice ~ the MetiJJ;J on JUne 27. Mr. Avery said staff had told him that the Kæ:y AverJJe exit is the only altemative. o:ntli.ct.inJ infODllll.tion was received fraD staff. He said there is only a 15 ft. setback to 100 bedL......... 10hiål face Maly. He said the staff l.........L is ridiculcus. He feels there is pressure or a sense of ......"...a..-y on the City to finalize the 1I.gl.........IL. He asJr-'I if the traffic figures in the staff l~L are CUl.....hL. He asJr-'I half safety CCJ.Üd be provided far pllàe&t..d.ll.ns. He said 1,000 cars wa1ld be IIIaJdn¡ left turns onto Mazy cut of Glenbrook each 1IDl1Ún:J. '!he parXirç overflew anj biJœ l.anes woold probably be elbRinat.ed. Mr. Avery said that staff had infnl'"lllA"'l him that the Maly Aveme altemative does not have the distance "... -~-ty for weavilx¡ either. He said he kncwB the ........."1ity is "'--ElM. '1bey c:Udn't have time to do their þ- 1 _À. '!here was no tiœ far t"o~tion or eduœ.tion. His reaction was to get legal, to get attorneys anj t.xy to stop the off nmp. He wa1ld rather taJœ the 1ID1eY and help the City toward solutiŒlS. WaAill. stephers, Anson Aveme, saið. he CCI1Biders the Mazy AV8I1Je area to be the leisure and cultural center of 0Jpertin0 Flint center, DeAnza, the Senior center, MeL....lal Park. He said he ccW.d see no poøitive advantages frœ and off nmp to any of the 3,000 peqlJ.e 1Ò) live in the area, only dLawcd:ic: sacrifices. 'lbere is heavy pedeBt.rlan and biJœ use in the area. Mr. stevens said more hurdl€4 Bhculdn't be creat.ecl. He beli8Y8d the prå)lem is a'I8 of st:an:3ards. It's good that Call.cus has staOOards. All reei~ and 1:Jusir-'3I!B I::Iuilt in the City have III8t the stamard set by CD.mcil. New it's up to CD.mcil to maintain the stan:Jards anj not spen:l a neighboIhcod to solve a Call.cula prå)lem. Mr. stevens said it is not right to invade nei.ghbœ:boods anj a bad enviroraental solution is not -, ~. He ðÇI.&......c1 that there is more than an adequate 7'1~ of exits. He:reo:- .,.,-'1ded that CD.mcil maintain stæmrds for st......ts anj residences and make Caltrans solve their prå)lems. -4- · . KDÐmS OF '!HE JUI:l 6, 1988 ClT'l cmNCIL MŒl'nC (00-747A) SImIh 0cr1nell, 10386 Anson, said evm:yane was talking aJxut !dds; safety, she was worried about parents' safety. John C'ollllllln, 10331 Stokes (SaIIerBet Square) said he had just IDCJII8d into his hcuse in April and wasn't IIIIam 10tIIn be received the -.tirç notice that his area IIight tie affected. He had œnvassed the neightmhcod and ciJtained 240 signatures on a petition asJdn¡ far a delay in JDaJdn¡ any -i.ion 80 people can gather !ntœ:mation. walt V.....l.aam, 10391 Stokes, said he was in fIIvar of the t.t. e¡¡Rty œt . "",lied to taking of }AL'¥"Lty anj elevat.ed t1. "<fY CX'I1IIt:zuctio. He said he was askin;J for the __ ca1Sideration as was received by applicants at last night'. -.tirç. He asJœd for delay of a r\eoision on the off map to give people t.iJB for adequate study. CD.mc. ~. said that she knew of no plans to put anyt:hinr:J in the aa....et Square area. Marilyn Vaillanocurt, 10330 stoIœB, said she had heud J:'UIII:IrB. She enccuraged CD.mcil to PJb1,icize Ÿlat is gem;, on re Rcute 85. She is also a CCJIIIIJter. Mary Averue is nat a solutiat. Safety of residents III.1St: be put first. RcÐerta Hollimcn, 11155 Ial'alaaa, asJœd Camcil to ..._,_,J oft the .........nüty at large. With eaå1 alternative, en-.. lœes, œt the greatest lOBS wa1ld be no fi. ~JaY. Lonnie 'l'oensfelclt, 21640 Fitzgerald, said she SIW ~ts the t.t. e¡¡ r«y anj doesn't want delays. She said at this point she has DDr8 cp!Stions than answers - half many DeAnza st:1.deirt:s are:i:apBct:ed? Will the cloverleaf be taJœn cut? Ø1at is the ccst of taking Jx1'uu? ~ 0WIIInB, Mstear Drive, asJœd if 10tIIn the ~ was designed it Et standaJ:ds. Mr. Hensley said it ã:un't 1IICJ:'k noli. Mr. 0U8ns said that even t:haIgh old ~ don't meet today'. st:andards they CXI1t.inJe to <:prate. He felt Caltrans shculd waive Balle st:andards and h,i1d the t.t. ~r«y as originally designed. HaJ:old Ha'S'9a1Nnoq, 10709 Nathanson, had questions regardiD;J the use of right of way. Bob Meyers, 21324 Dexter Drive, said this is a t:aJgh i......18 affectin:¡ Saœrset SqJare ani the rest of the ........."1ity. He stated the c.pinion that a Mary Aven.18 exit is nat the right solution. He is not in fl!Nor of shift:in;J i"P"""ts wiå1 is what wa1ld be ~ is Mary Averue is used. In his c.pinion, all the alternatives have nat been explored. CD.mcil Bb:W.d stay with the policy of no intrusion of high -5- \ 1otIWI.'2S OF 'mE JUUl 6, 1988 C1T'i CDJNCIL HEEl'DÇ (00-7471.) ~ :1 traf~ic into neigbbœ:hoods. He urged 00unciJ. to look at additicnaJ. alternatives, or the ----vUty can live with Ÿ1at it has. Tim Hyboer, 10463 Noel, urged leCXIa.ideraticn of 8CIII8 of the altemat:ives regardin¡ weavinq. RA-ra Jones, 10380 Castine, said she drives to the a...klan area regularly and l12IIIIed the altemate routes she uses to avoid traffic. She said 8CIII8 groups have no other altemative ~L to use Mary. Dick Weaver, 21416 Rumford, Bhcwecl half aJbb Rœd n"II'''' be used as an altemative to Mary Averue. Carol }oWW.a", 10422 Noel, said that MaJ:y Averue had been designed to be a _jar artery to go 0II8l' 280 to SUnnyvale, but citizens persuaded CD.mcil to stq) the 0YetpBBB. She cited other instances W1ere citizens g%OOpS had "PP""" ed to CD.mcil. She said QJpert.ino needs to be a ........."1ity. '1h8r8 is only a'I8 way in ani cut of SaII8rset Square West. She said an EDdt is -- -- ~ in the west: side of town. Evmyt¡ody has to Bhareo. Anna Black, GaJ:œna Drive, said CD.mcil is net alwys in tuns. She felt uninfn1"llllOd, ani had heal'å no mention of a Mary AverJJe EDdt until very recenl.ly. '!be envircnœntal and traffic :bIpacts will be terrific. Ms. Black said she rides her bike to get to the tennis cxm'ts. She asked if there were net ena¡gh noise ani pollution fX'tm 280 ani if a stmy by a professional had been done. Mayor Gatto said that Highway 85 has been p.Iblic IcncwlecJga and there have been ¡::uhH c hearings. Ckr1sideraticn of MIIzy AV8I'QS as an altemative was iut.....1I'Oed in FebI:umy. '!he p.l1:pose of this hearinq is to get infaDIBtion to the pnhUo ani to detemine direction. CD.mc. Plungy said he -:;-~oed infaDIBtion frœ cit.izens as well as frœ caltrans. He mentioned the possibility that cars may be drawn off DeAnza into the neighboxhccd. Mr. Plun:JY said he had many unanst..eral questions and w.s net willin¡ to maJœ a "et-ision given the pnnul alternatives. CD.mc. Jàmsa1 said many valid points had been made and he ~ -, with many. '!he alternatives IIIJSt be evaluated and none Bhculc1 be excluded at this tims. Further _--.1Jes are _u-i<ñ and the þ<'. ....... needs to be ocntinJed. No decision Bhculd be made taú.ght. CD.mc. ð.p.....d tims. ~ asked tmat is best for the City as a ~e and that enough infODDation is net I!V" i , ~\:)le at this '!he evidence may Bhcw that a MaJ:y Aveme off map is -6- MnmES OF 'mE Jtrul 6, 19S5 erN cmNCIL tame lœ-141M not the ~. She, . ....-'Ided the efforts of the gra¡p and said they had IDIIIde a dif!bo......... She said, she wa1ld like a detailed analysis of the prà:ùems and if thr¡y can I:Ie solved. QJunc. ~ said she lives in West 0Jpertin0 am without the MaJ:y AW1'1J8 exit she .....'ld use Foothill or DeAnza to H::Cl.ellan, tt......sb¡ iJpII::t:iD¡ that neighbomood. She stated she is not ready to maJca a .--i..ion at this time. Msyar Gatto said that Rcute 85 is vital and nec-ø."Y to relieve traffic. He felt that Caltrans am the Traffic Authority have '-.1Iood beya1d ~" ....., efforts to find a solutiat anj that MaJ:y AWr1.18 was a L..........kJous ~ trcD ~ the '--"1ity had ~. '!he I18ighbamcod has c..._ted patt.ems -- of the aII8XpIISS not being' oæpleted on MaJ:y Averue. He ~ -d the c:pinion that a Mazy 1MInJ8 off map is a bad idea am that traffic belŒIJB on arterials. QJunc. Roge1:s a&1-' men a tVoc:-ision III.1St: be ID!.Ide regardin;J the t.t. Elliay ..".._.L. Mr. KeIIpta1 said that cxnrtruct.ion of the structure at stevens creek BoolevaJ:d is undexw.y. '!he"drc:p dead" date far right of way is this 1IICI1t:h. '!bey woold like to ",11" the structures at stellilq am H::Cl.ellan anj then t"o' ....-....Ii to Samtoga-Bunnyvale Rœd, but: are lClOJdD;J at BeYeral mcnths Losfu..... they have to deal with that. Mr. KsIpton aJ1BI.ar.ðd ~ regardin;r the pu:d1ase of the land trcD the lid\. -oJ. district and said that ewn aft:ar the 18-30 IIICI1t:hs nq.Urecl far ~..,.¡aJ. of the MaJ:y AWr1.18 map, thIIre is no assurance that the Federal gcY............L 1IIOI'Ild _U118 the t:aJcinr¡ of recreational land and an alternative tbat involves that unlEs they are ccnvinced that there are no other reascnal:Ile alternatives. CD.mc. Plungy stat.ed that he is against: the takilq of any t"o'¥"Lly am wants to stay within the t"o s ..L right of way. Msyar Gatto .."........d that it is ~ to stay within the right of way. He stated that the standards that preclude SCII8 of the altematives need to be dealt with. CD.mc. Plungy as.1-1 if variances were granted trcD these standards regardilq WEIaVin¡. Mr. KeIIpta1 said that they need 1,600-2,000 ft. weavin¡ distancs and only about: 750 ft. is ayAi1Ah1e; therefore no eJ<,~,Lion owld be requested. Mr. KsIpton said that raq¡s brllt to previous Btan:lards are new being' closed am that if a ra:øp doesn't meet today's standards, it won I t I:Ie brllt. -7- MIlf11'ES OF '!HE JUI:l 6, 1988 Cl'l"l cmNCIL MEEl'OO (œ-747A) CD.mc. Plungy stat.ed that he wa1ld be in favor of CX'I1t:iru.inr¡ to evaluate the altematives far _ø to Stevens Creek Bculevard traa 280 with primary E!II{.basis on st:ay1D¡ within the right: of way, anj of meetinq with pecple in the ........."1ity to get their ideas. Mayer Gatto said that the effort has been 1IBde to 8tay within the right: of way, and that this point w III.1St: leak at the cptions that are realisti....11y lIV>Ii1Ahle. CD.mc. Plungy said that he wants more infClt':llBt:ion on the Mazy Aveme altemative bIt with primaxy..p¡asis on the other. He is not ready to rule cut either a'I8. Mr. Plungy said bpact:s on the rest of the ........."Ûty III.1St: be considered. He said that he "'O'1ld liJca staff to pravide infClt':llBt:ion on 10tIat the design .....1ld be liJca on the Maxy AvenJe altemative, anj ~t wa1ld ~I to the pecple on the west side of Ruy, incJ.1.ñinc¡ the Service Center. He said he ---"",-, infaDIBtion on ~t type of protections wa1ld be r-:- ary. CD.mc. Ro;ers said that in additicn to writ:t81 infat'lllll.t.ion, ."......... and charts, she woold liJca to see ~ of half it wa1ld look at different points (pe:d1aps at an intersection and on a straight st::œtå1). CD.mc. Plungy --., that staff n"II,'d respad to the ,. .,.,-,.ls and 00............ rAi"'8d at this meetinq as to half they oculd be adh- !'d and if they can be adch: ad safely. CD.mc. ~.. asJrad half BOCI'I the infClt':llBt:ion migbt ~ 1IV>Ii1~le. Mr. Viskaviå1 said that the i.......... are known anj it depen)ed on half q.åc:Jcly the Traffic Authority OOIIùd pnpal'8 the infOllBt.ion. Mr. X&Iptat said the Authority .....,11'1 as x8SpCiøive as poeøi~e and said it wa1ld taJœ 60 days to pit t.oget:her the kind of .L......... L beinJ I1qJeSted. CD.mc. Plungy said he is JIDItly .................c1 traa a City standpoint with 10tIat the off map means to the residents aesthøtically and in regard. to safety, not just 1oi1øther it will1ll'adc traa an ~ standpoint. Mr. Viskaviå1 asJrat' half CD.mcil wanted the Mazy AvenJe situation evaluated - did they want CX'IIp!Irisons made with others in the City suåI. as McClellan and stellinj. CD.mc. Plungy said he wanted to knc:JIi half the design will be handled. -8- HnI.'mI OF m: JUI3 6, 1988 CI'lY CXXJNCIL HŒm«; (OO-747A) City Manager Quinlan asltar1 if CD.mcil wanted to look at any ot:hør i .......... at alt8l:natives. Mayar Gatto said be bel1øved they sha1ld ccnt.imø to explore all altematives within the right: of way and that this can be done int:erna1ly up to the point 1ÒIr8 10IIEI need to involve the Autharlty. He said if citizens wnt: to volunteer their services anj efforts on a task force ar n-oIOIIittee, that .....'1d be wl~. Mr. Quinlan said the City DIllY haV8 to JII!I)œ œrtain mitigation ..........D:'M to mint:ain the o......._n. 18Y8l of øm:vice on local .L...-ts in case CD.mcil deci...... to 90 to no &:1(' . FollCJWiD;J di""'-ion of the staff ............1:. figures on l8Y8ls of service at variaJs intersectiŒlS, staff was directed to prcwide detailed infat:mation on WItt tbe inpK:t of IIIOI:e cars on DeAnza, stewnJ creek Bc:W.evard ar Fcot:hill Boulevard wa1ld be on such _L...-ts as H::Clellan, stellUq, etc. Mr. Vis1cDvià1 said staff Ç1"'I']d have the infaDIBtion by the end of August. cwnc. Plungy BlìJ'J"'D""ted that the public be notified in the Sept'_,i -er amertino Scene that the staff ............L will be av:oi1Ahle on Sept'_,i e: 1 anj will be di......,øø'Sd at the SEpt_,i -er 19 CD.mcil meet:.i:rx:J. 01ristine 0D1ell said she didn't think that gives enc:u;¡h tiDe far the ........."1ity to respañ ar get profess1alals involved. By ......_snsus, CD.mcil set '1'- 'lAy, sept_.ie: 20 as the date far a ~i.. 1 JEBtinI¡ to oont.i.raJe cx:r:øideration of the &0' questicn and other Rcute 85 illlfJl""'. '!he JEBtinI¡ will be held in a larger auditorium. A i.er: of the .......i«1C8 recp!St.ecl CD.mcil to also study bell the ~ at DeAnza BoulevaJ:d wa1ld affect the traffic that is ~-h1y 90Uq to the aJtb Rœd and foat:hill ~ and WItt inpK:t that wa1ld have on the nOlI of traffic trc:a this particular ~. Mr. Quinlan -.-rizecl 1Ðat had been ~ fraa staff: look at the MaJ:y Avwua aspect of it prDmily trc:a the stampoint of ......191'1 and cira1lation mII8IØ1tf ctI1t:.1me to 1IICJ:'k with the 'IDffic Autharlty and Caltrans to find a solution within the existiD;J right of wayf look at no &0:< and WItt that œ- to the ..L........t syst:8a fraa a traffic i"t"lrt stampoint and 1Ðat might be done to llitigate that. -9- MI1«1mI OF 'lIfE J"úIJl 6, 1988 CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEE'.l'IlG (00-747A) Ocunc. Plungy -- that the ..""t'ULt Bha.11d also ðdr:h. 8CIII8 of the cpest.ions that wøre %'A i «led by the people at this ~. Mayor Gatto said that these peqlJ.e in the "'--"Ûty W10 are J.nt.m-.ted in l00Jdnc¡ at the tedmical aspects of tba situaticn shcu1d leIMt their MIIIIiIS with the City MIInag&r and he will pmIU8 the ru..-.tion of a task farce. REi ~: 11:08-11:22 p.m. Mayor Gatto announced that this port.icn of tha IIEI8t.irJ¡ will deal with the Saratoga-6unnyve Rœd ~. Mr. Vis.1a::Iviå1 told CD.mcil the bIc q:Jtia'I8 they have at this time: (1) Defer _wal of the design of this int.erc::hange until after the election in Saratoga in 1fcM!Id:)er. (2) """'""'1"8 the ~ CU1figuraticn new by selecting the di"""""d ~ design. By oal2!. uwus, CD.mcil åIœe the secc:ni qJtion. Mr. Viskcvich outlJned the fcur q:Jtia'I8 avooi1'1)'1le tar the t.t. ~ray and perf.............. ~.........d:s: (1) DBfbo..uood.. (2) oonst:ruc:tion of stlUctures at H:.1Clellan and st:ellJn;J. (3) ~-'d..ð.tion - leave portion of f1: ~ray UI'\o:' ·'1'leted. (4) ~ ~.........IL. Following di"""',....ion, Mr. Ifsapta1 said that a 60-90 day delay wa1ld have no hpact on the oc:.nrt.ruction ~,' e. He ERIr.r.--œd that CD.mcil awtl.N8 qJtion 1 with a caveat that in the event the Authority has a så1ecJule prr>hlem they ~11" <XIIIe to CD.mcil anj they .....11d ca1Sider recpISts fraa the Authority. By ......_IDIUS, CD.mcil apprcved qJtion 1. Mayor Gatto stated that he 00'ù.d not ER '1~ L the st.ipllation in any t.t. ~iay ~...._..L that na18 of the t.t. v'!IY will be cpII'Ied until it is built frœ stEMnI Creek to Higœay 17. As SCXI1 as the t.t. ~ray is built through 0Jpert.in0, TIle will use it. Mr. V:isIa::wid1 said that J.an; uage woo,". be p''''''' in the perf.........¡œ ~ It-. At 11:4'5 p.m., the IIEI8t.irJ¡ was adjoumed to JUly 12, 1988, 7:30 p.m. Wcl!µ¡9- -10-