CC 07-12-88
,4 ,
10300 '1\4..... Averua, 0Jpertin0, califamia 95014
Telep¡cne: (408) 252-4505
HElD (If JUIX 12, 1988, CXXJNCIL awmER, C1'lY HALL
10300 '.lut<t<lS AVENCE, UJ&'U<I:.uD, CAI.I:PœIIA
'!he was called to ....dIa at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor
counc. ~ s d..:
Iqptl, Plungy, Rogers, Mayor Gatto
counc. Absent:
Jàmson (out of town on ÞJsiness)
staff P.. Elant::
City Manager ()ún].an
City Clede Cornelius
Director of Public ti:Jrks Viskcvic:h
Director of Plamin¡ and DBYel___íL o:xen
Assistant to the City Man2Ir]er Brown
Director of Finance snyder
Director of Parks am Rec::reation DCJwlin;J
City Attœ:rIey Kilian
Also Present:
Ken Jœes, Bcni 0:Imsel with Jœes, Hall, Hill am
1. Rsvisw am consideration of varicus met:bcds of p' -1'"C)
the i .....Je of ¡mà1ase of open 8I*'E'/n......_ticn
facilities on the Ncr..~, 1988 ballot.
City Manager ()únlan reviewed different met:bcds of fundin:]
potential pn:å1ase of open SI""-"'E'/n......~tion facilities.
General <:bligation l:xX1ds recpire a 2/3 ~uVal of these
votin;J in the election. A disadvantage .....,,(1 be that this
is a speoiA1 tax levied the S2IIII8 as t"o'¥"Lty taxes.
'lherefore, inequities œJSed on ...------,t value woold exist
the same as in t"o'¥"L ty taxes.
Another method of fundin:] such pm:ct1ases wa1ld include a
separate ballot ..........u:e for a ~i.., tax so that eaå1
residential parcel pays the same aDDmt am eaå1 0 .,.,...'r'Cial
t"o'¥"LL)" wa1ld pay a same aDDmt. 'Ibis ..........u:e woold also
require the 2/3 vote.
MINUmS OF '!HE JULY 12, 1988, At\'J'aJRm) REX;(JIAR C1'lY
other alteJ:natives wa1ld inc1\XSe acquir1n:J and constJ:uctin;J
cpen space facilities thrcIJ;¡h lcn;r-tem leasin:¡ with a
_vi1ll1m rate bein;J d1arged. Problems with this partia:¡lar
JDBt:hccl wa1ld inclme the collec::tion of the rate bein¡
àJarged as this woold be via a regular billin:¡ t"o""'- and
not a tax bill.
Alf Modine, a resident of QJpertino, asked if such an
excise tax had been 0CI1tested in ocurt:.
Mr. Jones stated that it had been u¡i1eld in Nevada tut: 1'.as
been neither used nor ccnt:ested in Califomia. '!he City of
Vacaville will have such a N"9.tre on the Nc:IYeJd:)er ballot.
Dave Davis, QJpertino resident, also a.1h.=-sed CD.mcil
regardin;J the excise tax a¡p:œd1.
Mr. Jones "'Cplained that there is a difference in ccst of
1'undinj anj a different level of ratin:¡ beboIeen '::!""....c:tl
c:bligation lx:n!s anj "'XCise tax ratin;pl.
Ann An;Jer, H:r1ta Vista, asked half many residences in the
city were still under Prep. 13.
She was infcmœd that statewide, 47\ of the residents are
still under Prep. 13.
Ði HirBd1field, QJpertino Tennis Club, asJœcl if th9 rate
woold be the BI!III8 for residential anj (H'. -.cia1
t"o'¥"L ties.
He was infn1"1lWl that it ~ùd not be. '!here wa1ld be a'I8
rate far residII!Intial, a'I8 rate far industrial and a'I8 rate
far ,..,·,-·cial t"o'¥"Lties. 'Ihat ...,.,Id be also the same far
the oqpec...., tax cpticn.
Alf Modine as- if the excise tax pIan ~,ld be ccntested
prior to it passin:¡ in an elec::tion.
He was infcmœd it OO'ùd not be.
Mr. Modine stated that if l""ø"«1, it will be challenged.
Mr. Jones said that the due iIl'·~ - takes ðt¥LurI-tely 60
days. It can be "n""""ed and that is a JIUå1 1a¡ger
pt'0I)ðð8 _
MD«7I!S OF 'mE J'CJVl 12, 1988, ADJaRŒD RmUIAR Cl'l'IC
[)j EJCIJSSion followed regarclin¡ the CXIIIIÚ.ttee decisiŒlS far a
b:ni -"'JI'8. '1he -"'JI'8 wa1ld be on the NoITeIIIb£ ballot
and 1oIOIùd OQUaeUi itself with the broad issue of
"""1',i..ition of cpen ~ ani aoquisition ani iDpJ:t:Nemsnt
of :œ........aticn facilities in a $20-30 million range of
lxn3s. GenexAl ooligationlxn3s were preferred. It wa1ld
pr""hoh'y ccst the average t"o'¥"Lty owner ~tely
$100.00 a year.
City Att:arney Kilian stated t.'øt it ca.ùd request the
authority to sell lxn3s hIt not if it :results In more than
a $100.00 a year aE'!]oo"""""'1t. Borx:Is ca.ùd be i.....1ed as
areas develcp.
City Manager o.únJ,an reo:> .,..""<Ò!d that the total
authorizaticn far the bon:!s be spelled out in the meawre
so future CD.mcils woold be tomd by that. 'lberefore, it
shcW.c:l stip11.ate the """ti1ft"" to be collected eaå1 year.
Director of Public Works Visltavidl reviewed highlights of
t"o"i^-ssd t"o'¥"LLf values anj various scenarios.
5hara1 CoIman, PaDcs ani Recreat.icn o-oroni ....ioner ani "_,I-er
of the sulYYwmtittee, stated that she wished to clarify
certain matters. She did .."....... on the """"'''''Ire beiJ1g for
':!"" ooligation lxn3s ani not on ad valoI'UIII taxes.
HcwBver, Ms. CoIman stated that bath she anj Pat JacJœon
woold like to flesh out certain thin;Js that were
di .....,øø'9Ci. '!hey woold also like to explore a parcel tax.
Ed Hirsd1field asJœd hew risky the exrise tax WOlld be.
Mr. Kilian stated that the city may wish to establish ite
VIIHdity. He deferred to Mr. Ja'I8B on that matter. He
stated that his prå)lcm was that the collectim 1IIEIåIanism
is weak. He pllS ,íled SCIII8 ncn-Iegal wordin;J far the
Mr. H::dine asJœd if the tax rate is fiJœd at the tœ of
J:x:n1 i~.
Mr. Quinlan infœ:med him that the payment is f:iJœd; the
rate will adjust eaå1 year as a'.is-aed valuatiŒlS åIan:Je.
Mr. Kilian infœ:med Mr. !b:line that the Ixni rate is
established ~ it is 5C'ld.
O1arles Newman, Vallco Park, said that in Val1co Village
R1ase I there were at least six separate tax parc-els. He
felt scme consideration sho.1ld be given for t'Y"OIBnØrcial
properties .
- ·'-"-"'~"""~~Q"~"--:r.:"'."'~·'
anaL MŒl'IN:; (00-747B)
Mr. said it was done on square footage.
Reed Sparks, 10695 Merriman Rœd, referred to the "back
yard" . He felt that a 2/3 ðt¥Lwal woold be hard
to get.
Jåm Vidcvi.å1 of DeAnza PrcprtieB, stated that the city
BhcW.d identify its needs. He stated the City ru~-
revenJe and a hotel wwld be a geed SCIIJJ:'C8.
Mr. H:x1ine felt that the maintenance of any site _u~1I to
be ca1Sidered. He asked why golf courses c:w...""aUy JIII!Idn;J
J1ØVil'f woold be included in such a -"'mI.
He was infOIJDed they 1oII!!r8 included just in case they BhcA1ld
1Jec::. .,.. available.
It was IDCJIIed by came. Plungy anj seocn:Ied by Kq.pel
to call far a bcni election on No\ÆIIt)er 8, 1988 and that
the City 0c::Q1ci1 OCIBider a resolutiat at the JIIII8I:J.n;J of
JUly 18, 1988.
Ann Arx]er stated that the Mid Peninsula Open Space District
had collected over $23,000,000.00 in taxes durin;J the
1987-88 fiscal year. She SUJ:)adted that they BhcW.d
p.¡rå1ase the neoesElæ:y' open space.
DeI:Jorah Newman asked hew 1IIJd1 the City had ........,L on the
endeavcr to this date anj half 1IIJd1 it wa1ld oœt to Þrin:¡
to fruition.
She was infOIJDed that the _u-'lta survey ccst the City of
0Jpert.in0 $16,000.00 I:ut that this had not been done far a
She felt that any BhcW.d state BCJIISthinq to the
effect given the limited annmt: of 1DCI1E!Y, Were do yal want
it spent, å1ild care, tranportation? She felt the
met:hcc1ology of the survey was flawed.
Chuck JaociJsen of Citizens to save 0Jpert.in0 Rto......ation,
said that he had learned frœ the study that there was a
high priority for tennis in 0Jpert:in0. '!be survey also
pointed em: the iDp::Irtarx:e of adult recreation. He asked
\oi1at type of t"o'¥"Lty apartments woold be considered and
was infOIJDed 0 ....._, cW.
'!be JDCtion was adc¢ed unani:ar:Jusly.
cxurcn. MEE:rIR; (CD-747B)
)j .....'-icn followed regantin;J the cxntent of the JDeeI""JrIe.
CDJncil directed that at their meetiD¡ of JUly 18, they
wa1ld di.......... t"o' ~ OOI"""'t'Ls on the _mJl8 and a
haøIhold limit to be åIarged. '!he city Att.omsy ar Bend
cwnsel will do the final wmdiJJ¡ far the JP'>'!ICI\Jr8.
At 9:20 p.m., CDJncil adjcmneð to a clœed session to
<li..,...._ specific }AL"¥"Lties anj prices that ""'l]d be
At 10:05 p.m., CDJncil recx:nvened in the CD.mcil ~.
0Junc. P.I. E .IlL:
Kq:pel, Plungy, Rcgers, Gatto
statf PoL E" íL:
City Manager ()1inlan
City Clede OCIrnelius
City Kilian
It was IICIIed by Ocunc. Rogers, EIEIConded by Ocunc. Plungy
arr:i J?'"ø~ unaniJIoJsly (4-0) to oantiraJe the effort
regantin;J two possible bond ~.........., that a $20,000,000.00
General Cbligation bond i"'S'Je be considered with a
mechanism to limit the ë1IID.II1t of JlDt'B'f collected, to refer
this to the nI"OIIIIittee anj to be ~ seJ.t.ed. with advantages
and disadvantages and ~'¥'Sed types of wmdiJJ¡.
It was DDYed. by Ocunc. Plungy, secaxBi by 0Junc. Rogers
anj pa~iId unaniJIoJsly (4-0) to direct staff to cxntact Mr.
!\'en Jones regantin;J l¥ S_ILation.
At 10:10 p.m., CD.mcil adjcmneð to clœed session.
At 10:35 p.m., CDJncil recx:nvened.
It was IICIIed by Ocunc. Rogers, EIEIConded by 0Junc. Plungy
and passed unaniJIoJsly (4-0) to c:x:muct interviews of
carñidat:es far executive recruitment on JUly 19, 1988.
'!be meetiD¡ was adjcmneð at 10:36 p.m.