CC 07-18-88
C1'lY OF aJPERl'I1Ð, STAn: OF au.nœŒA
3.0300 Terre Aveme, QJpertino, California 9503.4
'I'elePø1e: (408) 252-4505
MINm'ES 01 'lBE mmIAR C1'lY aJJNCIL MriZl'IlG
3.0300 ',L\.&QQ5 AVDIVE, UJ~.uÐ, ~
'!he meetin¡ was l"JO"~ to .....da.. by Mayor Gatto at 6:45 p.m. p~ r IL:
Johnsen, lfqpel, Plungy, Regels, Mayor Gatto
staff p., S Mtt:
City MaJ~ Quinlan
City Clede oameJ.ius
Directar of FUblic Works ViskDIriål
Directar of P1.anrún] an:! DBYelU}oll&'líl. ca.rcm
Directar of Finance SI1yder
Directar of Parks an:! Recreation CCWlin:J
City Attorney ICilian
It was JIICY8d by ocunc. Jcàn9a1, seoaaal by ocunc. Plungy
an:! P"~""" unanimcusly to :t'E!IIICJ\/8 Item No. 9 fraD the
I'rn<" -tion
anniveI'IBmY .
Measurex on its 20th
Doris an:! David B::ssen. acü"¡,¡Led the prnt",-tion.
Recognition of 1wi4.o.- Brisco, retirin:J City E!IIployee.
Mr. Brisco's BCI1, Ji:aay, was t"o S_at to accept the gifts on
behalf of his father.
Intemational CXIIp1ter cæp.
Ann Cl~, JUlie Fisher, Matt Qúorini, Shara1
'l'ennyson, ani Jared Marsalli told CD.mcil of their
~ trip to P"....ia to atten:l a c:x.mplter cæp.
MDI11'I!S OF '!HE JUVl 18, 1988, RECUIAR CITY <DJNCIL 1'IUò.l.'.uG
1. oral ...........ts by staff "_,Ie. and SI1h1,.h_ton of writt&1
'!he city J.Ianager's ..~t was received.
2. It:nthly Activity ~t - JUne, 1988.
cnmcil received the ........... L with an update of 0CIIpleti0n
for peJXlin;J projects.
6. Came. P1ungy - Legislative Review CCIIIIIittee - It was
mcved by Camc. Plungy, seoonc1ed by Came. JåU1san and
I"'.""~ \.InaIÚJ1IOOS1y to su¡:P ILL SB 2600 (Kqp),
increasirg the gas tax begi.nnin;J JUly 1, 1989.
caISENl' ~
Items 18 anj 19 were :rE!IIICJ\/8d by ........n...-s of the p.1blic
! t"o s~&t. It was JDCJYed by Rcgers, seoc:n:1ed by Camc.
~ anj passed \.InaIÚJ1IOOS1y to approve the balance of the
Consent ca.leldar as Sl1hnitted.
8. Alcoholic Bel"::&...".. O...,L...ul license ~ication:
O'Malley's, 10555 S. DeAnza Ba1levard.
9. Resolution No. 7551: "A Resoluticn of the City Camcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizirg ExeoItion of
'~,L.....ct of Sale' BBbJeen the city of 0Jpertin0 and
Ràoert Saiål and Ralph saidl, for the City to Pw:d1ase
a strip of Iæñ - 0......... of stevens CI:eek Ba1levard and
st:elling Rœd. " (P.r:eviaJsly :rE!IIICJ\/8d frœ the o:ment
ca.lerdar. )
10. Resolution No. 7557: "A Resolution of the City Camcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Sett.inq Time and Place of
Hearirg for Qnsideration of ~l and Assee....-,t List
of Abatement of iT!~" Declél'red to be a Public
NUisance. "
Resolution No. 7558: "A Resolution of the city Camcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin:J Certain Clahs and
DeIDaIX1s Payable in the AIDoImts and frail the F\mds as
Hereinafter Described for Salaries é!Jrl Wages for the
Payroll Period Enr:3.ÏD1 JUly 5, 1988."
12. Resolution No. 7559: "A Resolution of the City camci1
of the City of QJpertino Allcwin1 Certain CI..i.- anj
DeIIBrX3s Payable in the A1IIrD1ts anj FraIl the !\Jms as
Hereir.aft:er Described for General and Mi.soeJ.laneœs
Expenditures for the Period EI'IdinJ JUne 29, 1988."
13. Resolution No. 7560: "A Resolution of the City camci1
of the City of QJpertino A¡:provin;J Parcel Map anj
~O\/_&t Plans of Plq:>erty Iacated on Manita O::m:t,
Develcpn" JBK Venture, a California General
Partnership, Authorizin;J Exec:uti.on of ~O\/_&t
~.........,L; Authorizin;J S~ of Parcel Map and
DIpru\IeIIent Plans."
14. Resolution No. 7564: A Resolution of the City camci1
of the City of QJpertino J\coeptirJ1 Grant of 1õ'Jo""""""'1t
for ~ P\D:pcses frail JBK Venture II, a California
General Partnership consisti.n:¡ of ~i_tely 0.023
Acres, Iacated on Manita O::m:t.
15. Resolution No. 7561: "A Resolution of the City a:A.1nCil
of the City of QJpertino A¡:prc\Iin;J Parcel Map and
~""'_jL Plans of P.L~ IDeated on stevens creek
Bc:W.evard at Tantau Avenue, Develcpn" G!:œvenor
International, Managin;J Partner of Gl' Associates, a
California General Partnership, Authorizin;J Execution
of ~uv_at. Aop............1t; Authorizin;J signin:] of Parcel
Map and ~V'I_,t. Plans."
16. Resolution No. 7562: "A Resolution of the City camci1
of the City of QJpertino Acceptin;J Grant of 1õ'Joaanør1t
far RœdI-y Plnpc:B'!'S' frail James H. Sisk, consisti.n:¡ of
~..,n-tely 0.026 Acres, Located _ire Avenue anj
Grand AveI'IJe."
17. Resolution No. 7563: "A Resolution of the City camci1
of ~ City of QJpertino ~ the 1JIprcMmIent of
Fra1tage IDeated on _ire AwnJe and Grand Avema,
DBYelcpn", James H. Sisk, and Authorizin;J Execution of
~.........d. in O...aleCtion 'lherewith."
18. Remaved frail the 0X1sent Calendar.
19. Remaved frail the 0X1sent Calendar.
20. AwlicaUon 1IS'AC 51,798.1 -sta1esOn Devel~ -
Requestin;J a¡:proval of rem:JVal and replacement of ash
trees located at 'Ihe Oaks Center (=mer of stevens
Creek Ba.1levard anj Mary Avenue). ~uE!t1ded for
33-U-87 I
BAS Home 8
MDI11'!S OF '!HE JUIH 18, 1988, RmVIAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL l'IUa".uG
18. A¡:piication No. 33-u-B7 - Bethel IJ.Jtheran Cbm::h-
Requestinq a¡:plaval of siting' an:l architecture far a
storage shed far an å1Urch located at the
øcut:miIest ........d: of Finch an:l Su......_ an AwnJe.
Rec.. -.-ó-rdec1 for A¡:praval.
B:i> ~'8II11œ, 595 Park Avenue, San Jose,..d::h. ,,'lid CDmcil
œg¡mlirJ¡ the awlicat.ion.
Ð:l Glysscn, president of the BtooJrrbo' e JJ' -'1Wn8rS
ABsociat.ic.n, ........ øed COlO8l11 reqardin;J the location of
the st......._ shed. He su.._._--ted it be IIICJ\/Ød to the
southwest ..........r of the pañd.rg lot.
i!oI-ra Itjers also reo .,.,ÞI'!ded a åwY;e of location.
Mr. SdJwenJœ told these pr æ.s ~l1t that the pañd.rg lot had
been redesigned per the City CD.mcil "WLuIIal to include
the shed at the t"o S _aL location in the plan.
Richard ibaxtal, CbaL...cù. Fire Protection District:, said
that chLu..J_ are inclmed in the District's inspec:tion
PLwy.¡.aw, inclu:lin;J cutI::Jui1ciin;¡s.
It was IIICJ\/Ød by counc. Jàmsa1 anj secx:n3ed by counc.
Kcg)el to "WLuv'e the awlicaticn per ASAC Resolution No.
1393 (A1DelxBi) to include a cxniition that the shed be kept
'!he mctia1 was adcpted UI'IaIÚIDC:AJSly.
19. Application ASAC 51,794.1 - ¡w; HaDes - ReqœstiD;J
"WLuval to aå:i canvas signage awrtin;¡s to an
h,i'dinJ located at stevens c:ræk Bc:W.evard and
p.:o""""-1a AverI.J8. Reo .,.,_. dad far A¡:praval.
Don Ruggiere, l.~rasH&tiJq ¡w; HaDes, told CD.mcil that the
awrtin;¡s originally t"o'~ woold also be signage far the
Ann Arqer, president. of the Ib1ta Vista ~""........&t
Association, said that the awrtin;¡s looJœd very niea an:l she
had no OOjection to them.
It was IIICJ\/Ød by counc. Plungy, seconded by counc. K/::g)el
ani peI"'~9d unaniJIIcusly to ~ the ;ç:plication per ASAC
Resolution No. 1391 with condition No. 10 aIIII!J'Ded to delete
the portion of the sentence st.artin::J, "Items 1 an:l 5 ..."
\/hidt woold then allow the 101IXtiin;J to ~ on the awnin¡.
22. App1ic:at.ions 4-Z-88 anj 29-EA-88 - 0Jpertin0 City
Center ASBOdates, A&D - RezoninÇJ to chan;Je the land
use designation far the site cpn space to
residlmtial: to adjust the PØ""itted mixt:ur8 of
residlmtial unit types within the 50 acre City Center
area to allow up to 200 additional residential units.
A¡pliarti.on 20-u-88 - Use PeIlDit to oa...L.\X:t a 130
unit 3-4 stœy residential ",....,lex. Iocated in the
P1:aDet:heus project ." located at the southeast:
~,.... of stevens Creek Bouløwrd and DeAnza
Bc:W.ewrd. Emtira1Dental Deteminat.i.on: '!he P1.anninq
n--i_ton 1:«' - -Ids the grant.inq of Negative
Declaraticn9. R&" -.-.-Xded for A¡:proval.
Director of PlanniJJ;J anj Devel~ cowan reviewed the
awlication and the histmy :r:egardin:¡ the tri.an3ular site.
He inf--- CD.mcil that there sbculd be an additional
oc.nHticn of <IWIouv'IÙ :r:egardin:¡ security in the underground
pa:r:Xin:¡ structure.
Mark Rroll, 0Jpertin0 City center AsElcx"iates, thought that
the "bookJœepin:J" aspect of cnmt:iD;J had been reexlII:::iled.
He also read frcm his letter of 8ß3J:'CVal dated JUly 1983
~ the t:rian:Jular-sh piece.
Rodu&y Frl..m"","1, architect, reviewed a 3-D mockup of the
þ<-' ~sed apartments.
Paul Iatierrle, larx.'I""""'I?'" architect, said that the plans
were to keep an md1ard effect. 'lbere woold be redwcod
tl. n and a spa.
Mark Rroll had cp!St.ions :r:egardin:¡ the mirrar i""'ÇP
apartment h,i'djrIJ that was originally planned and
ca1Si~...c1 and an integral part of the plan. Mr. la:'oll
said that althcugh the tuildin:] will be different, it will
Aß"""''' to be the same.
Jåm Vidavich SlW ILlecl the idea of more hoosin;J. He
stated the t"o~ h'i1di.'Y;J was of high quality. He said
a.......".&tly there is a ~ prà>lem in the area. AlthaJgh
pa:r:Xin:¡ is available in the I.II1deT.grourñ lot, it is not
convenient. 'Iherefore, pec:ple are I"'OOD:J elsewhere. Mr.
Vidavich told CD.mcil that if he has any hoosin;J credit, he
has not ~..."j to give away anyttù..n:.J he owns.
Joe JacIæa1, President, 0Jpertin0 tiaterfall fhnarwnerB
As"OC"iation, stated that any t"o....."'Jsed blildin:] sha1ld not
ela;H:1 bIo stories anj that area really sha1ld be kept open
App. 4-Z-88
and 29-EA-88
App. 13-U-88
and 20-EA-88
~ OF mE JUI:i 18, 1988, RmJIAR CITY cx:um. ME!l"nG
Another J:ep1: C Sð.tive fraD the Bœxd of Directœ:s
stJ¡pu.Led Mr. Jacksa1's ("-·-·-·tls. He had been inf.'··'-1
that that partiwlar trian:]le piece was supposed to have no
devel,¥"""Lal potential. a...-.-.118 eacpr.....~'9d œgaxded
traffic and views frcm the balconies that will be blocJœd.
Bob Tarrin,)ton, Waterfall res1tiørtt, stated that the
facility in which he lives is Vf!r'j nice. A past i_. of
the omertino scene had said that the t.rlan;¡u1ar piece
\IO.Ild ):,eo lIoA a park shortly after the CD.mcil hearinÇJ. He
had envisioned high density with small parks si"," 1 ~r to
areas of Ðm:pe. Residents had previoosly ¡:ut up with
CXX1Btzuction noise anj new there will be JIm'e. He foond it
distasteful that views woold be bloc:Jœd.
Roo...mra 1hIr1ett, Waterfall resident, said 16 ~
have livinJ I'OaIIS, d.inin;r I'OaIIS and kitchens that will be
facin;J the OCI1Stn1ction. She felt it was iDp:Irt:ant to
maintain views on that bon:1er of the devel___.t.
'!he architect inf"""""'" her that they wa1ld not be facin;J
the backs of bnn din3s.
It was IDCMICl by Jdmsc:n, seccn:1ed by Plungy
anj I"'ø,>,'9d UI'IëIJÚJJDJsly to close the pmlic hearinq.
Kañt Rroll requested that 0Juncil cx:nt:inue cansideration of
this application.
It was IDCMICl by came. Plungy, seccn:1ed by Rogers
and p:>øø'E!d UI'IëIJÚJJDJsly to ocnt:inJe cansideration of this
application to the regular meetinq of'l\1esday, 5eV-..lEQ: 6,
1988. '!hey further dizected. staff to look at A1i"'''11aticn
of the to_"lOl:,uy parJdnJ lot i__iAtely.
R!' ··~s: 9:05 p.m.-9:20 p.m.
24. A¡:plication 13-u-B8 and 2o-EA-88 - Tandem Q:IIp.ltsm,
Inc. - Use Peadt to ......""t...\JCt an 8-stcny office
bni1din;J equaJ.liIç ðt¥L...n-tely 300,000 sq. ft.
Envira1menta1 Review: '!he P1.annin¡ l"nIofti -ion
reo . .,.,-.Jds the granting of a Negative Declaration. '!he
prcperty is located on the northwest eu."...... of stevens
creek Bc:W.evard and Tantau Avenue. Reo ·,·,....ded for
Director of Plll1'l1'ÚDl and Devel~íL COWan reviewed. the
application and square footage of Vallco with
Cameil requested an exhibit shewing allocation of the
square footage.
Assistant Qú.ef '1haxta1, o..rt..Ldl Fire Protection District,
reviewed a letter frail Qú.ef Sporleder with cameil.
Michael Keller, architect, þl:l.!Líted a historical overview
of the awlication. He t"o S it.ed a -, shawin:;J revisiŒ18
that had been made as a result of the city CCAmcil meetinq
at Wùå1 the a¡:¢ication had been reviewed. until such
tims as devel___.t of the neighbarin;J parJdn;J lot b::: u
were Mtùw1 alcnJ the westem elevation.
Jon a:,yes of Tandem, told CD.mcil that the $2.00 per square
foot ani the fire truck were still iam...... He ~ _øed
OßJOSition to the payment of $150,000.00 towards a fire
truck. He felt that value of the project ani the taxes
that wa1ld <XIIIe to the Fire District ani the City shcWd be
enœgh. He said that Tældem will CCI1triJ::ut:e $2 1/2 million
a year of t"o~Li', personal t"o'¥"LLi' eales ani lioensin:J
in taxes. He stated that be does 'MJ068 the $150,000.00
far the fire truck, :but if it IIIJSt be ccnUtioned, the
truck should be BI.1pp<:o1.t.ed by a larger base of b1ildings
than just two.
Assistant Qúef '1haxta1 said the vertical b1ildings are
theBe Wùå1 trigger the need for the type of truck
requested. It can be used, :but is not IIIaOOatory, far wider
nni1dings that are not as tall.
In regard to the design of the b1ildirg, the CCAmcil was
pJ --. CD.mcil recpgsted JIICII'8 infcnmation regarding
taxes and increased J:'8\IWUIS fraa the ¡"',i' dirg. Ca1ld IICJIIB
be ~, 1«1 to urDnwrltirJ¡ of spec...., eqnil"'-"L?
By c..._!!!I'IBlIS, CD.mcil ..."......d to leave ocniition No. 21-8
pertai.niJç to the fire truck as t"o E' 1t.ed. CD.mcil will
<XIIIe back to this again at another tims durinq this
awlic:at.ion review.
Di......'~ion follCMld regarding ~t is considered "point of
sale" far sales tax pul1JCEls.
City Attorney Kilian stated that an ..."............ít pertaininq to
....] es in 0Jpertin0 woold be valid far pn:pcses of sales
It was JDCJVecl by Came. Plungy ani SðCaù&J by Came. ~
to ~U118 a """"'''"'''' fee of $2.00 per square foot with
mitigatirJ¡ factors that cx:W.d cause reduction. 'Ihese
factors woold inclu:1e such tl1in]s as sales, etc. '!be
JDotion was defeated with Mayor Gatto, came. Jåmson am
Rogers q:posed.
o\pp. 4-V-88
1mm.'m OF 'mE JUUl lS, 19S5, Rmn:AR crl"l cmNCIL m:roo
It was mved by Counc. JåmBon anj secaœd by Counc.
Fqpl to awrove a fee of $1.00 per square foot. '!he
motion was pasEled with Counc. Plungy and Rogers diø-,dt..1nq.
City Attorney Kilian stated that the ¡:mpcse of that fee
was to mitigate ~ includin:], Þ.1t not limited to bus
transfer stations, a shuttle, a jitney anj off-site
I.any !t::RsyrxIldB, Hillcrest Rœd, told Council that a lot
of cities in the East Bay d1arge traffic i:JIpact fees He
particularly cited an ordinance that was in effect in the
City of Livenlm'e.
CD.mcil requested that a "flœtiD;J pool" of allocation of
square footage in Vallco be maintained.
C21arlee Newman, vice President, Vallco Pæit Limited, stated
that he did not agree with staff's figures. He said he had
prcwided staff with infœ:mation. He ...,hftitted a ~ to
CD.mcil for their revieIi.
It was mved by Counc. JåmBon, BeCCI1ded by Counc. Plungy
anj pass'9d unaJÚJD:IUSly to continue CCI'ISideration of this
~ication to the regular meetin;J of August 15, 1988.
25. Awlication No. 4-V-88 - Bruce and De1:bie Bonfield -
Request far variance at Parcel B of prcp!rty located on
the east side of stellin;J Rœd, west side of Kirwin
Lane, ~a¡ri--':ely 100 ft. BCUth of Erin way tJ:œ
~ No. 1374, sect.icn 7.2, to allœ a 56.5 foot
lot width in liEu of the 1IIinbua required 60 feet.
Environmental DBtemination: categarically E--'Iol.
~,. ...._lå:Id tar ~.
Bruce Bonfield reviewed his plans with CD.mcil.
CD.mcil urged that he be sensitive to the neighbomcod.
Mr. Bonfield s'\;at~ that he had been ~ with the
neighbors sima April.
It was mved by Counc. Plun;¡y, secxn2l by Counc. JåmBon
an:i passed unaJÚJD:IUSly to awrove the a¡:plication per
Plannin;J rn..ni_ion Resolution No. 4076.
MI1IJ1!S OF 'DIE JtJUl 18, 1988, RBmAR crI."{ axJNCIL MŒrnG
(a) Resolution No. 7565: "A Resolution of the City
council of the city of 0Jpertin0 ~
VIIriance to BI:uce anj DeJ:i)ie Bonfield fraa
ominanœ No. 1374, Section 7.2, to Allow a 56.5
Foot Lot width in Lieu of the Mini:øum Required 60
Feet; Located on Parcel B, East side of stelliD¡
Rœd, West Side of Khwin Iane, ~...n-tely 100
Feet sart:h of Erin way."
It was IDCIIed by <nmc. Plungy, secxn]ed by <nmc. RcgeI's
and 1""......... unaniJzDJsly to adq!t Resolution No. 7565.
26. Application 13-U-81 (A1IIendecl) - united cable 'IV of
0Jpertin0 - Use Pmmit to IDCIdify previaJSly i'TCaM
cxniitiŒlS of GWIoU'lal to allow ovemight parkin] of
~ vehicles on the east side of Inparial Averme,
~u...h....tely 100 ft. sooth of stevens creek
Bc:W.evaJ:d. Envircnmental DeteDnination: categorically
Ð- ''i-L. Reo-···-rded for~.
Joe WilCXIX of united cable 'IV of 0Jpertin0, reviewed his
l"""1-t with cnmcil. He infnnnRñ them that united ccW.d
store materials at DeAnza COllege, 1::A1t cannot keep vehicles
Ann ~, Menta vista resident, said that united cable has
been in violation of their cxniitions of GWIoU'lal for seven
years. She urged council to maintain the current
cxniitiŒIS and enforce them.
Mr. WilCXIX expressed the opinion that this matter had been
blown art: of t"o"¥"'Lion. Mrs. Arqer has lY'IIp'ai11ed three
times in seven years. Isolated incidents have been
hamled. It is legal to park cutside on the ..L....eet, 1::A1t
not in the lot ~ it is less unsightly. other shcpI on
the ..L.......t have vehicles pañœd in the bIIIck ~ they can
be BeSl.
Mrs. ~ stated that united cable is not a nCl1-ocufom:in¡
use and the otners are.
It was IDCIIed by Jå1nson to deny the i!R>lication.
'!he motion died for lack of seccni.
It was IDCIIed by Plungy, seoonJed by came. ~
and 1""-..... with Mayor Gatto and came. Jå1nson;J
to GWIouole the i!R>lication per P1.ëIr1IUn¡ n-.m.i """ion
Resolution No. 4075 (A1IIendecl) to include a cxniition that
the City camcil shall review the i!R>lication in six
IIICI1ths .
App. 19-U-88
and 9-TM-88
MnIJl'FS OF 'mE JUIX 18, 1988, mxmAR crl"l aJH:IL ME!mC
27. AppJ.icaticIn 19-U-88 anj 9-'lH-88 - Id.nst (I.''".....y - use
Pemit to ........t....x:t a fQ11:' unit t:øwnhouøe dø<Ml_d.
on .31 ......... of land. Tentative Map to subdivide 1
parcel i11t:o 4 lots mn;Pn¡ in size fraa 2,200 8q. ft.
to 3,200 sc¡. ft. '!he t"o~t.y is lcx::at.ed on the
~ ....:M...... of PeI~ AwnJe and I.cIIIita AWIUI.
Enviroraenta1 Detemination: cat:egarically ~L.
F&:JO -·-·-œd far Approval.
wn 1'1 - Id.nst, '"fPJ il"J011t, aJ'IIL~eã questions regarding
urxJerground pu:icin¡ and the 1:ui1din.J fam.
It was m:M!d by CDmc. Regels, uoouded by Jàmsa1
anj V-ad UI1IDÜII:Jusly to "W'oU1l8 the app1.ication per
Plannin¡ "" Røøolution No. 4073.
28. None.
29. None.
30. Rq.¡u.,L on Traffic Authority strategy Plan.
Will Ke\pta1, -..,..,Jtive D:iJ:ectar, santa Clara cnmty
Traffic Autharity, said. that t... project is JIICWin:J ahead so
quickly it is no l~ possible to "PaY as we go.. He
reviewed the stmtegic Plan with CD.mcil ard stated that
there is an ... . less for traffic frœ nart:hbam1 I-280
to scutbl:x:md Ri~ 85 and stevens CI:eek BcW.eva1'd.
CD.mcil........ e is <:0..-..-11 reg¡miin; the way the 0Jpertin0
portion of the Ricp-y 85 project had been bro1œn down i11t:o
various _i...,. in the .L"'¥'L t..
Mr. Ke\pta1 stated that this was done because it was better
for the t"o' -: .
CooIr.J.l eun--ud that there be a pre¡mi:)le to the Highway
~",,_,L h...."...... referrin;J to the project as a whole and
statin¡ that it is not a se]J'-,d..ed project. CD.mcil
di",<"ø-1':'I the P""'""'ibility of ~ the next p"hHt!
heBrin;J regarding Highway 85 to a date after the NaI.~
election. '1his ~ùd partiC'.1larly be -1~ of bIo
mat:t.erB: a'I8, the ballot
KINtJlIm OF 'IRE JUIX 18, 1988, Rm1IÞ.R CI'lY cmNCIL MEEI'Il«i
-CIIJrIe in Saratoga, and two, the reopenin;r of DeAnza
Q)llege far fall c]"~~'!!S. C'cUnCil directed that this i......
be p"'- on the agerx3a for diClt"'''-ion at the ~ 15
31. o:msideraticn of a 1I"""aura regaIàin¡ use of bc:nds far
pm:hase of qIE!l1 spaœ¡œcreation facilities to be
p'''''- on the ballot of the Nav~ 8, 1988 electiœ,
dixec:tin¡ City Attœ:ney to prepare an i:øpart.ial
analysis and "W'-"'t"o.1.ation of tums.
CD.mcil was infomed that the cœmittee I'eo:' .,.,-dation is
far a ........aura for '.:!""¡m:al obligation bc:nds of
$30,000,000.00 with $60.00 per year per $100,000.00
,,"'-- ed valuation bei.n:J the ."""n....... levy. '!he 1I""""'JrIB
shcW.d also state BlacJd:)eny rather than Bluebeny Golf
CcurBe and the quarxy shalld be revised.
DIm 'D1aDas, 10900 North Blaney Aven», .._, of the
Q\-n.lC of t.. _._.~r 0$, stated that the ~..J .er does not have
a position on the at this time. It will tie
forwarded to the Q>..,,~ .er's task force far l'8View.
OIarles J'aoå:Isen, advccat.e for Al:qJisition and P'- nrvation
of q&1 SpIIœ su¡:.þ \L led the r...· .,.,""'1dation. He stated that
he "'O'ùd be able to recz:uit volunteer ,,_.~ .eJ:S far a Slrt¥ \L L
Baa Jones, stevens Canyat, stated that the sites mentioned
in the ordinance are not on the 1IIi!Irlœt. If the bcni
J?""--,d, was Q:u1cil p1anninr:J to use eminent .v-.iT\.
She was inf~ that at this timB, owrx:il is not.
Pe1:baps negotiatiŒlS 1«I'lld be entered into.
City Attœ:ney Kilian pointed œt that the use of EIIII1nent
.n-i" is not preclmed, hcweIIer.
Ann An;Jer, Ib1ta vista resident, asJ<at'I if owrx:il were
p1.annin¡ to put an appraised value of each piece of
t"o'¥"Lty mntioned.
She was inf~ it was not.
Ð:i Hirsd1field ca~LC1tulated owrx:il on the measure. He
stated that his organization IiKUld also help the t'Y"OIOIIittee
to t"ouWt:e pasE'arJe.
John Vidaviå1 ocmœnded camcil on its spe.:1. He requested
clarification regardin;J use of eminent ñnn;oi".
He was infomed that was still cp!I1.
Bond measure
for open space/
Res. 7566
ASAC vacancy
County app.-
Dev. Co.
He asJœd if CDmcil ~ùd set a policy on this matter.
(a) RsIIolution No. 7566: "A :Resolution of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 CA 11 in¡ far an
Electicn to be Held on NaI/ed::)er 8, 1988 for the
PInpcse of¡ a ...........Jr8 to the Voters and
J\dqItiD;J Previsions of Califomia Elect:icns COde
section 5014.5 - Reb1ttal Arguments."
It was 1IICM!Id by OUIC. JåInBCI1, B8CXI1ded by OUIC. ~s
anj pa~sed unaniJDI:g¡ly to adept RsIIolution No. 7566.
It was 1IICM!Id by OUIC. Plungy, B8CXI1ded by OUIC. ~s
anj p"--ed unaniJDI:g¡ly to read ordinance No. 1458 by title
only anj the City Clede's rei!IIdirg to ca1Stitut.e the first
readiD) thereof.
CD.mcil set 6: 30 p.m. , Jofonday, J'uly 25, in the CD.mcil
",,",..¡.er for an adjourned regular meetiD;r.
It was 1IICM!Id by OUIC. Plungy, B8CXI1ded by OUIC. Kq:pIl
anj I!Idcptecl unaniJDI:g¡ly to "WL'-¥Llate $3,800.00 trail the
General !\md far election p.u.~s_.
32. ResignatiCX1 of Mimi Baca frœ Architectural and site
~ CCIIIIIit:teA.
By 0CI1SenSUS, CDmcil accepted Ms. Baca's resignation with
...~..t, aut:harized staff to t"o~ a pl.atpe and p.lblir-,""
the qøúD;J. A¡:plic::ations to fill this ~ will be
accepted until SEV-,J ~ 16, 1988. '!he date of int:erviewB
will be set at a future meetiD;r.
33. consideration of nq-t trail the 0Jpertin0 of
o .,.,-. __ far assistarxB with the anruJal "0Jpertin0
CamtJ:y Festival."
It was 1IICM!Id by OUIC. JåInBCI1, secx:med by OUIC. Ro.jers
and p""-,, unani:mcusly to "WLUIIe the request of the
Q\;mIhø.r .
34. CD.mcil reviEw of cnmty ëlß>lication:
DBYel___.t co. - COyle SChool site.
Mike Meyer of Greenbriar Devel...'}....eoht Calpany, said that he
is dealin;J with many agen::ies in regards to this
application anj asked for Camcll's rærcy.
Janet D=;ey, L"'t"o_entin;J the neighboIDood, spoke in
support: of the project.
C2u::1t JNrlwen as""'" if any cpen spaœ was in the area.
Be was inf"'- there is a pool anj recreation area.
It was IDCMId by JàJnscn, seoaded by ~.
and poo- ! If unanimcœly to lIUtharize staff to fClWal'd a
lett:8r to the axmty findJn¡ that the applicaticn is
ocnsistent: with QIpIIrtino'ø Gé Plan and requeøtiJq
that the cnmty warIc with the applicant: to aCkh.....s i .....-
of traffic and neighb... I. <:d ,..,t(!Ubility.
35. Di.....-ton of u. s. Iœtal service.
It was IDCMId by Cbmc. Plungy, ...........:1eo1 by::....;. Koppel
and por--ed uœnimcusly to lIUtharize the Mayor to send the
Postal ser-!iœ a letter œgardin;J octlO8D1S of the service
in QJpert1no.
36. latter frœ DeAnza P.L~ties œgardin;J DeAnza Paoqœt:
Club requeøtiDJ the City hold heariJ'çs to IIIDel1d the Plan anj ZoninJ ordinance on pre'.»rty located
at 2l1ll stevens creeJt Bwlevard.
It was IDCMId by Plungy and secxn:BI by O:iuoo.
JWISQ{l to ca1Sider init.iatin] a General Plan A'IIIerdu.:r.aL
after the NovEmber election.
City Att:.omey Kilian said that if the City CD.mcil
....p'--.,Ls the General Plan i"',-o-a, they shcW.d clarify
that they are not favarinq a ~.
Di.....-ion follQWed regardin;J the t"o(-("I""'ø for a General
Plan AIDeId.....,L.
Jå1n Vidr:wich said ho cJœø ~"Y\Ll the J:x:ni iEJl'ØJ8. If it
f..n"" he cJœø not want to be left with i'L'¥"Lty for Wùå1
he has not been inf"'- of the legal uses. He is still
asJdnÇJ far clarity on allowed uses.
D!Iv8 Davis stated that it woold be GWL,+,,-iate to have a
heariJJ;r as t"o,-",¥Uy as pn-ible. '!he P1.ann.i.n] l"'rwmIi -ion
and City CD.mcil considerecl this previ.oJsly. Mr. Vidalriå1
had VAt'!i, , ..ted with recreation groops in 0Jpertin0 and with
O:uncil. '!he people want 1..........ation there regardless of
the J:x:ni aIt:oaoe.
MiJœ JtJlcay urged CD.mcil to deny the request for a General
Plan AIDeIklb....,L and zonin.J ~ and to define allowed
U. S. Postal
General Plan
, '
MI1I7l'ES OF 'DIE JUIH 18, 1988, REX;UIAR Cl'lY ODICIL 1'IUa'.uC
'1h8 motion and secxni wt'8 withdrawn. B:i OCUli BIISUIJ,
CD.mcil dinIct:ed staff to otIII8 back at their meet:iJr¡ August
15 with uses allClWllld far the za'ÚD1 of the t"o'¥"LL~ lcx:ated
at 21U1 stevens Creek Bculevard..
It was IIIt7II8d by lb,¡a.... anj &..OCbied by lb,¡a..è
and seo....4.d by Iqpü to consider in 1JaI,~ the
pcøsibility of init.iat1n;J the General Plan 1111& - do
i'L";: . '!he mat:ion P"'-9d with 0tmIc. Plungy and Mayar
Gatto ""--ldUn:.J.
37. S8ca1d readinq and er-..L....:.ít of ordinance No. 1455:
"An ordinance of the City ocuncil of the City of
0Ipertin0 A1IIen:iirq section 11.24.150 of the QJpert:ino
Itmi...ipal COde, RB1atin¡ to stq:piD¡, standinrJ ar
ParIciD;J on Blaney Avwme."
It was IIIt7II8d by Ocun::. Plungy, eecaded by 0tmIc. Rogers
and P"'-9d unanimcusly to rem Ch."dinance No. 1455 by title
only and the City Clede's readinq to ooustitute the ...........d
readinq thereof.
It was IIIt7II8d by Plungy, seccnBi by 0tmIc. ~..
and 1"'--;11 unanimcusly to enact ordinance No. 1455.
38. None.
'!he III88t1n¡ was adjœmed at 1:30 a... to JUly 25, 1988,
6:30 p...
City Clede