CC 07-19-88 . e . .' 00-749 Cl'.l'Y OF aJPÐn'IØ), S'm'l!: OF CALIFORNIA 1.0300 Torre Averue, 0Jpertin0, California 9501.4 TelØP'lcne: (408) 252-4505 MDI1l'iS OF 'ŒE SPfX:IAL C1'lY CXXJNCIL MEEl'Im HEID (If JUIH 19, 1988, CXIŒ'ERmICB RXH, CITY HAIL 10300 '.L\.W<IS AVЫJE, aJPÐn'IØ) CAI.iIPtRf.[A '!he meet.in:l was called to order :hy Mayor Gatto at 6:45 p.m. in CDIf......._ RealI A. CDmc. ~ s_tl: Jchnson, lfqpl, Plungy, RcgenI, Mayor Gatto. staff P.l.lS Jt.: City Clede Qm1e1ius PeJ:.........d Tec:bnicican Mazy Reasoner 1. DeteDllination of fim for rec::rui.tment of City Manager. Ms. P,-aœer briefed 0::iUncil regardiD;J the }11:ac-il11"8. CD.mcil irItervieoIed Jim Morrison of RaI.¡i1 Anderson & 1111-1 at., Rià1 aJghøs of aJghøs-Heiss, DIVid D::I1aldsa1 and Jim C1a%k of xcm¡Ferry and Jàm Shæ1r'Ion of Sha1ncr\ AI!''"'''("iaœs. It was IIICIIÆ!d by CDmc. Plungy, seoonded by CDmc. Joonson and p"'ø...... uaroi---'y to select Shanna1 Assodates on a o::niitional basis cx.rJt.inIJent upon refennoe d1eck. Ms. ~--"CD!r will cx:.nt:act all fiDlø reg¡mlinj CDmcil selecticn. Q:m1(:!i111_.I...uo Jàm Plungy anj 'Roo""m\ Rogers will d1eck refè1............ listed by Mr. Shanna1. CD.mcil directed that on the agenda of the meetiJ1q far !b1day, JUly 25, 1988, there be 1'''''- an item to ocnfim the City CDmcil selection and a resolution autharlzin;r exøcution of ..."............,L. CD.mcil acljcumed at 10:30 pm. ~4¿) City Clerk