CC 08-15-88
Cl'lY OF aJPERrIl«), S'm7E OF CAI.DtR(IA
1.0300 Torre 1Mn.Ie, Q], California 95014
Tele¡:òa.: (408) 252-4505
HElD (If AIUJST 15, 1988, amaL awIBBR, C1'lY HAIL
10300 '~\4<i<IS AV!2IJ.B, aJPER1'I1Ð, CALIFCRŒA
Mayor Gatto called the IIIBet.iD¡ to at 6:45 p...
Jàmsa1 , Kqpù, Plungy, Rogers, Mayor Gatto
staft P.... ~L:
City Manager ()únlan
City Clede OJrnelius
DiJ:ect:or of Public Works Viskaviå1
Dimctar of Plannin¡ arxI DBYel___,t. 0:Jwan
Dimctar of Finance Sn1-'der
Dimctar of ParD and Recreation DcwliD;J
Assistant to the City ~ Btcwn
l"nrII1Imty Relatic::nJ Officer Krey
City Att:arney Kilian
~ - None.
CEREH:mAL M¡b:~ - ~CIIS - None.
S'mFF ~
1. Oral l~ls by staff ,,-·J-elS and CI"hni-ion of written
'!be City Man2Ir]er J:'8IIieIow:J. his l"¥'Ll and his trip to
Sa..............Il..) regardin¡ "no ~lcw tax" legislation.
2. Monthly Activity ~L - J'uly, 1988.
CD.mcil received the .L"¥'LL as p:i:HL,íled.
City owned
Report on
analysis reI
bond measure
KnIJl!S OF R mmr 15, 19P,P, ~ CE!'í <:rnm. ømu
3. status ...........L on t"o'v»ed sale of Cit:y-owned\DII located in PCrtal Plaza, stevens c:œek
Bc:W.evaJ:d anj PCrtal Avenue.
It was mved by 0:Junc. Pluny, seccn:Jed by 0CImc. JCIbœcI\
anj p"'....9d unæúmcusly to authorize staff to sell the unit.
4. Repo..L on su!'wi-ion of i:apartial analysis by the City
Att:arney for the City's J::x:n:i """....1%'8 on the NcJI,...ui-, 8,
1988, ballot.
CD.mcil received the ...........L ani expr e:l CClIC81:n ~
a clear definition ~ t"o~ use of any monies,
particularly in regard to the DeAnza Raa¡uet Club. It was
also stated that there Bhoold be a clarity reqardin;J methcd
of fI.1ncliJq; Le., a line of credit.
5. Mc.nt:hly Treasurer's ani BJdget Repalt - JUne, 1988.
'!be l~L was received as pcsmted.
CD.mcil requested that staff review cc:niitiŒlS of ~..,,¡al
of a project on stevens Creek Bc:W.evard near st. JOS8Iñ's
QnJrå1 (DeAnza Bc:W.evard) in rega1'å to regulatiŒ18 far
deliveries/oo deliveries in back of the ~~ center.
Dimctar of ParIœ ani Recreation Dowl~ annamced that on
saturday, SepI"-,¡.. 24, 1988, there will be a 0Jpertin0
Heritage Parade. Notice of the parade will be published in
the QJpertino SCene ani plaœd on the à1aracter 'ja.e1."'ator.
7. Jàmsa1 - I.eqislative Review CCIIIIIit.tee - It was
mved by 0CImc. JIJ........." seconded by CDmc. ~D and
P"'-ed unanimcusly to taJœ the follcwin¡ actia1s
regardirg t"o'I)( ,ed legislation: 0I:PœEP AB 3341
(Floyd) , """'I""1~ ani bi.ndin;J amitration; SB 1393
(I<'c.g:) , annexation, vote by entire district; and AB
3354 (Floyd), alcOOolic beverage wamings, state
þ¡.~ls local ard1nances. Request veto of SB 2827 (L.
~.......) , 1IIII'A1facture 1nIs~, pl.t~on of lccal
œgIÜation; ani SB 2356 (Ellis), (I'......_..i- sigœ,
1DIU1datœ:y ~ amortization. ~L AB 2763
(VaBOCIX8llos), state-mandated cl..i......, "HI"'...¥dat.icl'ls
far payment; and AB 3979 (M:JClintcx:k), state1mldated
costs, iDprovements in the c",i...... t"o,,'.....a,
, .
0HŒlll' CAIÐmo\R Rogers remcved Items 24, 27, 28, 39 and 40. It was
IIIaYed by lb;ers, S8CXI1ded by cnmc. Plun;¡yanj
paeeed unaniDD.Jsly to apprcIY8 the balance of the a..¡,.e¡!t
Calendar as sutmitted: Plungy atøtained on Item No.
11. Resolutiat No. 7572: "A Resolution of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpert:in0 Authorizin¡ Execution
of Tri-city A/:;p:..........íL far Residential HazaJ:å11s waste
Q)lJ.ection P'-....".._."
12. Resolution No. 7580: "A Resolution "f the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpert:in0 ~ a..aL...aCt
01an3e Order No. 2 for Pav.........aL Restoration, Project
13. ARùication ASN::. 51,800.1 - ARùe 0:IIpIter (Delta sign
and Crane): Request far a¡:prtMÙ of an EDC(""i'L!on flail
the sign 0låinaJX1e to allCil a grourñ sign far an
existing industrial office 1'.I1i1di1J11ocated at 10061
aIbb Rœd. ~> .,.,-'X8i for ~.
14. ARùication ASN::. 51,804.1 - Apple 0:IIpIter (Delta sign
and Crane): Request for _wal of an earoeption flail
Sign Ontinanoe to allCil a grcun::l sign for an existing
industrial office b.úldin¡ located at 10260/10280 8.1bb
Rœd. Reo> ····-rded for Approval.
15. Alccholic Beverage a..íL...ul license - Ma1ta vista Inn,
10014 Peninsula Averoe.
16. Request far waiver of œsiness license fee filed by
Knights of ColUIIbJs.
17. (!lAi", far ro.,,""JeS filed by Ellen I.aIIelady.
~:> ·,·,-·Ided for rejection.
18. Resolution No. 7573: "A Resolution of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpert:in0 Makin¡ DeteminatiŒ18
and ~ the Annexation of Te1:rltoxy Designated
as "Alcazar 88-04:" ~y 0.45 Acres I.oc:I.ted
on the North Side of Alcazar Averoe Between 0I'anJe
Averoe and Dlperial Averoe, Rœs C. lCAi-t' and Teny
L. lCAiRer, Catherine A. WOlkcw (Am 357-19-21,
19. Resolutioo No. 7574: "A Resolution of the City
Oauncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Adoptjn; Form 13 of
ABI\G Plan CO:qx>ratioo p.ejectin;J a Claim Filed Beyaxi
the Six-Mcnth Statute of Limitations."
KINUl'ES 01' 'DIE ~ 15, 1988 REX;UIAR C1'lY CXJJNCIL MEE'l'I}Ç
20. Resolutiat No. 7575: "A Resolution of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allow!nq Certain
M..i_ anj Dbua.1ds Payable in the .A1IDInt:s and traa the
!\mds as Hereinafter Described far Salaries and Wages
far the Payroll Period Endin;J J\ùy 19, 1988."
21. Resolution No. 7576: "A Resolution of the City
cnmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowinq certain
M..i_ am DrIIIands Payable in the .A1IDInt:s anj FraIl the
!\mds as Hereinafter Described far General and
Misoel1anecus Expenditures for the Period Endin;J J\ùy
15, 1988."
22. Resolution No. 7577: "A Resolution of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowinq certain
l"'1..i_ and DrIIIands Payable in the .A1IDInt:s and frail the
!\mds as Hereinafter Described far Salaries anj Wages
far the Payroll Period Endin;J August 2, 1988."
23. Resolution No. 7578: "A Resolution of the City
cnmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allow!nq Certain
l"'1..i_ anj DeIIIðnds Payable in the .A1IDInt:s and FraIl the
!\mds as Henúnafter Described far General and
Hi-11aneœs Expenditures far the Period Endinq J\ùy
29, 1988."
25. Apprc:Mù of MinJt:es of the regular meetin;J of J\ùy 5,
1988 .
26. Apprc:Mù of Mimtes of the adjam'led regular meetinq
of J\ùy 6, 1988.
29. Apprc:Mù of Mimtes of the spec-i.., meetinq of J\ùy 19,
30. Apprc:Mù of MinJt:es of the adjcumed regular meetinq
of J\ùy 25, 1988.
31. Resolution No. 7579: "A Resolution of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ ()
Deed am Authorization for ~ Water Rights
frail J. H. sisk, Grani AVt'.1'1.18 and Ð Avenue."
32. J\coeptance of city projects perfrvr-'l. under ~aL..aet:
DeAnza Baùevard/steYens Creek Bc:W.evarð.ù;capin]
Project 3002 (Herzer).
33. Resolutiat No. 7581: "A Resolution of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A;prOIfing CCI'Itract
01an}e omer No. 3 for Bollirçer Rœd anr::1 DeAnza
Bc:W.evard I!Ip¡;aIfI::wo::¡at., Project 86-20A."
34. RBøolutiat No. 7582: "A Resolution of the City
0:JuIcll of the City of 0Jpertim Accept.~ Grant of
1PJIO....,_,L far ~ FU1.~·=ns frail Jan H. W.
st:oet-Jœnius am JUlia J. W. Tien, CkrIsist1D¡ of
A¡:prc:Ddmately .01 Acres, I.ocated on 0Jpertim Rœd."
35. RBøolution No. 7583: "A Resolution of the City
0:JuIcll of the City of 0Jpertim Acceptin¡ Quit",....m
Deed am Authori.zat:ic: for tJrœrgrc:1urñ Water Rights
frail Jan H. W. stoecIœnius anj JUlia J. W. Tien,
0Jpertin0 Rœd."
36. RBøolutiat No. 7584: "A Resolution of the City
0:JuIcll of the City of 0Jpertim Autharizin;r Exea.1tion
of DBferred ~UY_aL ~.......e.&t with Jan H. W.
stoec1œnius am JUlia J. W. Tien, 0Jpertim Rœd.
37. ~-t far waiver of fees for DeAnza Kiwanis Club far
furdraiser at 0Jpertim senior Center.
38. A¡plication 1ISÞ£ 51,802.1 - Bob's Big Bey - Marriott
OOl~..tion: Rscl-t far "W'ouv'al of ard1itectural
JDCdificatiŒlS to an ex:istin;r restaurant tl1i1dirq
located at the ooruer of DeAnza Bc:ulevard
am Alves Drive, 10145 North DeAnza Bc:ulevard.
Reo '" ····-rded for ~.
41. A¡plicaticn ASAC 51,807.1 - wells Fargo Bank (smith
anj smith Ardù.tects): Request: far "W'ouYal of
architectural am lan.'I~ JI"'Y'Ii i'icatiŒIS to an
existin;r bank bl1i1diyog located at the SCAltheast ~......
of stevens creek Bc:ulevard and FiJxh Avermø, 19300
stevens creek Bc:W.evard. p... . .,.,-œd far ~.
42. JIRIraYal of inteIpret:ation of Public B.1ilc1i.n;J (BA)
zone relative to speco""1ized liquor license for the
Flint Center.
:rnMS REKNm !KH cœsENr ~
24. JIRIraYal of Hin1tes of the regular meetin:] of JUne 20,
It was JICIIed by Ib;¡ers, secxn:1ed by came. Plungy
and I"''!7'5'ed unanbDaJaly to ak>LV'Ie the min.1tes with Page
24-9 8IIIeIŒ!d to include the parkin;r CU1figuration in the
CD.mcil's list of OCiìC04J1S.
27. JIRIraYal of Hin1tes of the adjoorned regular meetin:]
of JUly 12, 1988.
MIWmS OF '!HE AtaJST 15, 1988 REX;DIAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL Joz.!:;.1'.uG
It was IIICMId by Regels, B8CXI1ded by ocunc. Plungy
and p"-1d unanimcus1y to the minutes.
28. ~ of MiJUtes of the regular meet.i.n;J of JUly 18,
1988 .
It was IIICMId by lbJers, B8CXI1ded by Plurxnr
and pr--1d unanimcus1y to "K' the DIin1tes amended as
follCJWB: Pðge 28-7, par-_~. 7, last sentence _~ to
Bhcw that they will CX'III8 back to it again at another time
during this "WH"<'Iticn review; Page 28-9, last ~a¡.h,
to read, ".. ~ and pel".......,.."
39. Application ASN:; 51,805.1 - Kina otani (K. C.
lIe9OC1ates, Inc.): Request for a¡:praval of a ~d
stoIy 2åtiticn far a sin;rle-family haDe in a RlC zone,
located at 20192 Rcdrigues AveruJe. ~ ...,-'1ded far
Direct:ar of P1annin;r anj DBYel"l-"""'.t Q:Jwan reviewed the
awlicat.ion with CD.mcil.
Alan Br:inJœr, 20202 Rcdrlgues AvemJe, said that the plans
that had been ~ ,íled to the ~IS Association were
net the same as theBe bein;r ~ Ii! L ItI:ed to CD.mcil. Mr.
Brinker said he was net t"o II' :l.t when this was reviewed by
the Arå1itectural and Site ~1I:'aVallhnnittee ÞeœJ!H he
had been c:1irected to the CD.mcil ~ where the plannin::J
lhnni_ton was DEeting. He sutmit'œd pictures shcwinq fbI
~...rcù of this çplication wa1ld have an i'V'rot on his
haJse. He stat.ed that the t"oq.UM 2åtition will block
sunlight in the II:Iminr:; and his view.
Ksvin QJuo], arå1itect, said that height has been rMovWI
frœ the original plan. '!be owner of the haDe has six
peqlJ.e in a thrIea Joa.1,....... boose and m-~'" m:::Œ'8 spaœ.
a...........Le has been laid in the back yam far a årlldrens'
play area. Mr. Brinker's haDe is behi1Xi bIo t... 1 and
therefare Mr. 0Jurq feels that the 2åtition wa1ld have no
i~ on his haDe. He stated that the neighbors' œeds
and .::............... have been considered.
Mr. Br:inJœr stated that in regard to U. - , there is only
a'I8 -" olive tree and a rose !:lush on the property.
It was IIICMId by Plungy, sec:x:med by ocunc. Kq:pe.l
and r-ø-1 with Johnson c:lissent:in;J to "K' the
awlicatiat. CD.mcil urged the architect and prc.perq.
owner to work with the staff in regard to exteriar
materials that will blerxi in with the existin:] banes.
~ ~ g mm 1.;, l§99 ~ t!rN CØH!n. øua:.uC
40. A¡:p1icat.ion AI31C 4-u-B2 - DeAnza Par.l....... (Hare,
Brewer (, lfalley): Request far ~wal of gJ:tIltJn¡
far exterior walls far bIo exist:inq office h,'!1dJDJø
loc:ated at the northwest 00....... of stevens Creek
I!c:Iu1.øIIæ:d and DeAnza Bc:W.evaJ:d, 10001 North DeAnza
Bc:W.evaJ:d. Reo -..,- œ1 for Approval.
Bill Ka....d.Y of Hare, BL_&r (, Kelley, Palo Alto, said that
the awlicant wishes to grœt the brick We ~ISØ SCIIIB
have fallen off. It is also lie='- Hary to seal the We as
there is a small prtblem with leakage in the b1ildin;r. Mr.
K6,.....d.Y stated that the missiD] bricks will also be
r'"'p1~, bIt he is not .........itiD] to the iDpravements
volunteered by Awle.
It was 1IICMId by Plungy and secx:I1ded by came. Yq:pe1
to ~U'0/8 the t"o. ~sed grcutin;J and other iJIprcyement:s.
D:I"'C'''''8ion follcwed regardj.rq eHlDination of the awnin;¡s.
'!he motion and secenI were JDCdified to elmimte the
requin!ment of awnin;¡s. '!be aIIIE!n3ed mot:ion ~--i~
Mr. Wayne warrel of Oak .....-~ Can:t:, addressed cnmcil
regardj.rq a telØP'lcne pole that had been 1IICMId closer to
his pool as a result of a clevel___«. oocurrin;J in his
area. Mr. Warrel said that the pole å::IStruct:s his vieor.
Director of FUblic ~ Viskcviå1 stated that it 71aY be
P""'Sible to be able to WŒit a.Jt a new loc:ation and Mr.
Warrel nooùd cx:nt:riJ::ute to the ccst of IID'Iin:] the pole.
Mr. warrel said the pole was not on his t"o'¥"Lly priar to
this døvø.L l.-·-.L occurrh4-
CD.mcil directed staff to review the matter ani ............t back
at the next JIIEI8tJ.n;r.
44. Hearirq to CCI'IBider c:ha%ges for weed
¡.AL" <_8.
(a) Resolutiat No. 7585: itA Resolution of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpert:.in0 Pra\,-idi.n;J far
Lien J\sr-- - ,La ani for the Collection of SallIe
ResultiD] fraD the Abatement of P\lhl it!
NUisances. "
App. 4-U-82
Weed abatement
Public Hearingl,
Appeal of i
App. 18-U-88 I
Res. 7585
KtlIJ1!iS OF m ~r 15, 19QQ lm1U\\ C1!t'l a:nrn. MEml(;
It was IDCIIeCl by Johnsa1, _..,..u~ by CCA.Inc. a..y.......
and I""'$~ unarúJIIcusly to close the PJblic hearinq.
It was IDCIIeCl by Johnsa1, seccn!ed by CCA.Inc. ~.
anj I""~'!Id unarúJIIcusly to adept Resolution No. 7585.
45. ~l of cx:ntitions of COWLuVal of Awlication
18-t1-88; st. Sava Sel'bian ort:hodaIc amd1, 7811 Orion
lane, QJpertino. ~l filed by Jà1n G. Bjeletiå1.
DiJ:ector of P1.anninq and DBYel___,L ocwan and Director of
FUblic ti:Jrks vis1cDviå1 reviewed the a¡plication and ~ 1
with CD.mcil.
Jotm Bjelet:.iål, >q:p>11..'1t, told CCA.Incil that the patio had
been with a pemit. ~ the å1urå1 gra:rp closed it
in, they felt it was a benefit to the nei.ghiJoIhood. He
felt that the si-"~Jalk in front of the å1urå1 was better
than the City's. He stated that rather than :reIII:JII8 the
þrlli .,L si-"-~ and plt in a smaller a'I8, the group wonId
:reIII:JII8 the waJ 18 frœ aramc1 the patio. '!here are
cw...._íU.y mature ~ b: -- on the prq»rt:y and the
dAðiœtion the City is requirin:¡ wonld eliminate 8CIII8
parkiJy;J places and jec:pardize the b::!Ii.
'!be City Manager ~--t:ed that the sidewalk cxuld be
tapered in on the west side to blezñ in with the next
Di ..........ion ensued œg¡mtin¡ the policy Wùå1 triggers the
iDplementation of stamaJ:d cx:ntitions.
It was IDCIIeCl by Plungy and .........Ided by CCA.Inc.
JcinIcn to .".....d. the ~J with O:niition 1-b of the
P1.anninq n--i_ia1 Resolution No. 4082 -Hied so that
the WIIIStem edge of the si-"-Jalk is tapm:ed to the fi'1/8
foot City stamaJ:d to blezñ with the neighbar1D¡
Public HeariJ It was IIICMId by Plun,¡y, _oellded by CCA.Inc. a..y.......
closed 1 and p"8...... unarúJIIcusly to close the public hearinq.
'!he motion g:rantin:J the ~1 as JOOdified I""øø'!ld
Permit park-
ing-Orange &
Dolores Ave.
46. Review of pemit parkinJ in an area of ifa'rt:a vista High
Så1oo1, 21840 K:JCl.ellan Rœd, and consideration of
request for pemit parkinJ on west side of oran:;¡e
AvenJe and a portion of Dolores AvenJe.
MOO1't'S OF 'ŒE mmr 15, 19BB mmIAR CIT'l cmrn. MmOO
(a) Resolutiat No. 7458: "A Resolution of the City
Ccuncil o~~ the city of CUpertino Designatin;J
PlmDit PaJ:Xi1q on Oran;e AV8r1J8 and DolOI'M
Av8nJe. "
Director of FUblic ti:Jrks Viskaviå1 reviewecl pemit parking
and the a..........L request with CD.mcil. He stated that since
sàJcols haw not been in " ion, H:r1ta vista High SC:t1col
had not yet: iDplemented any policy à1an;Jes.
Janina stark, Principal of H:r1ta vista High Sc..'1col, was
avooi1'1ble to answer quest:iŒIS fraD CD.mcil.
Mr. Togæd, a resident at 10445 Oran;e AV8r1J8, ðd,h-........
CD.mcil reqæ:dinq litterin;J pnblEIIIS. He said that he had
called the øcbool and received no help. He also called the
BCbool reg:ardin;¡ parldn¡ in his driveway. He requested the
city pIt: up "No loitering" signs.
A gent].EIIIU1 residh~ at 21820 Dolores Aveme, said that the
students fraD the hign øcbool park in frt:.nt of his mail bax
and he can't get mail dielivered.
Bob Vitro, 10480 Oran;e AvenJe, \.m;¡ed CD.mcil to allCM
pemit pïD:'Jdn;J as the a.......,.íL pnblem results in seriCAJS
degradation of t"o'¥"Lty values.
Mr. Liu, a Dolores AV8r1J8 resident, said that there is no
wa1JdD:J "CpaOØ in the area ~"*' of parked cars. Cars
park very close to the intersectic:n and on-oanin;J cars are
not visible. He stated there are litterin;J, 10iteriJr:.J and
safety prnn'-. He felt that solvin;J the prå)lems lies
with the perents and the øcbool. He t"o s_aLed the opinion
that there was a lack of di.....ip' i118 and learrùn.:J to c::qI8
with real life. He ~-œd that everytI'I8 practice
environmental ooncems, sharirq and restraint. He also
~-œd that anpoolin;J be E!I'ICC:Uraged.
A gent].EIIIU1 residi1'J:1 at 21917 Alcazar Aveme asked half
pemit p¡uk:in;J really helped the neighbœ:hcod. He felt it
just IIICNed the prå)lem to the next ..t...coðt.
Mary seaver, 10455 OLCII9s Aveme, said pemit parking
really does not 1IICI\/8 the prt'blem because the students dat't
want to walk. '!he ..t...aáts requestinq pemit parking do not
have eP-1allrs. She said there are spaces at H:r1ta vista
High SC:t1coI, tA1t the students are just not parking on
A gent].EIIIU1 residi.n;J on the 00l11er of CIran3e and Dolores
Aveme, said that there is both parking and litterin;J in
frt:.nt of his hcuse. He SlJRX)rts the pemit parkin:;J.
Public Hearing
, closed
Res. 7458
App. 13-U-88,
MIWmS OF '!HE AInJST 15, 1988 REX;(JIAR C1'lY CDJNCIL hr=.'.uC
A 1IIaI8n res1dJn:J at 10445 ~ Aveme, said that the City
....."., be against: them if they don't get
permit puicin¡ mm other petitioners did. She also
........ 9d prå)lems with vandalism anj 10iterin;J and urged
"No Loiter:l.nt' signs.
Cblrles EIær, 10420 Ch....ç¡e Aveme, ~ T1Id ~-.....
regard.irq pJblic safety. He felt that there was lip r:1irq
and a lot of traffic on the ..L.......It:. He inf..1 ..-:1 ocuncil
that a'I8 neighbor had BOld his haDe and IIICM!d ~~ he
was intimidat.ed. He also felt that by the City
establi.shin¡ this permit pmcirq, the prå)lEII was bein;J
~."..,. on the Q:amty.
It was IIICM!d by Jàmsa1, se.......:1..d by ~&
and poop-ae! unaniJIaIsly to close the p.1blic hearln::J.
It was IIICM!d by Jå'mscn, se.......:1..d by ocunc. Rogia1:.
and P"--ed with lfq:pel di-- ..Unq to ~L
RB80lutiat No. 7458. CD.mcil SUlTJBSted the schoollcak at
open va. closed......",... anj enoau.aged the school to CXI1duct
a survey as they have þ>-"",:eeci.
City Att:arney Kilian su.r---œcl that prcprt:y owners n"II'ld
pest "No n.=I7"....iDf' signs on their t"o~ty. 'Ihese n"II"d
be enfaroed by the Sheriff.
47. Application 13-U-SS and 2o-FA-88 - Tamem CCIIp1ters,
Inc. - Use Pemit to ~...L....\.ICt an 8-stary office
h,'!1din} "'Cl"""in¡ aw..'~-tely 300,000 sq. ft.
Envira1ment:af RBIri_: '!he Plannin:J n--i -ten
reo:· ,..-.c'bo the g:œnt.irr;J of a Negative Declaration. '!he
t"o'¥"Lly is loc::ated on the northwest -.uu.... of stevens
Creek Bculevard and Tantau Aveme. Rec, ·,.,-.ded far
Director of Plannin:J anj Devel___ít COWan reviewed the
"lIP) ication and CD.mcil's previ.cus actiŒlS with them. He
stated that the cnmty 1\SEI-9ar woold need 8CIII8 time to
prcwide the infaDIBticn CD.mcil had requested regaràinJ
taxin;J factors.
O1arles 11«-", Vallco Park Limited, said that his¡ new agl 5" with the Planninq nopoT1llP1'1t's in
rø;JiU'd to the area sart:h of Highway 280.
Jàm Boyes of Talñem CkIIp.Jters, Inc., addressed cnncil
reg:ardin;J QnlitiŒlS 30, 21, 29, and 31. He requested that
KINUI'ES OF '!HE NnJSr 15, 1988 ~ Cl'lY OXJNCIL 1'JUi.L'.u«;
Q:n:titiŒIS 21 anj 31 be eliminated. Mr. Boyes stated that
Vallco axrt:ri1::utes to an envircnDenta1 fund Wid1 the City .....íL...úls. 'IhBre is, at this time, $500,000.00 in
that fUnd.
It was IIICIYecl by Jàmsa1, seoaded by Kq:pel
and J?""ø-:d unaniDa.1sly to the grantinq of a Negative
It was IIICIYecl by Jcbnson, sec...A.d by <nIoo. }I;qJpeJ
and I?"'-.:d with QAmc. Plungy di--!!l&t.!P.J to GK'.L\Ñ8 the
lIß)licaticn per Plannin;J n--i_ion Resolution No. 4062,
deletin1 Q:n:titicn No. 29, amendin;J Q:n:tition No. 31 to
$1.00 per square foot rather than $2.00 per square foot, to
leave Q:n:tition No. 21 as t"o S _íled anj directed that the
recu..d sOOw that the benefit f",.."",'" referred to in this
Q:n:tition is meant to incl1X1e such thiD;¡s as taxes paid,
etc. (City Clede's Note: Plungy stated far the
rec.Ad that his nay vote on this IIIOtion was a result of
1IŒt he OCI1Sidered an inequity regardin:J the $1.00 per
square foot.)
RE<~S: 9:35-9:50 p.m.
48. AR>lication 16-U-88 and 26-FA-88 - sttNers As<¡;()(":lates -
Use Pemit to .......L...oJCt a one-stoxy 5,450 sq. ft.
o .,......, clal h,i' din¡. '!he t"o'¥"L ty is located on the
mrt:hwest corner of DeAnza BcW.evard and MoClellan
Rœd. Envircnœntal Review: '!be Plannin;J l"nm1i -ion
I'EK' .,.,-. ds the grant:inçJ of a Negative r..:..-o""..-ation.
Reo" -..._Ided far 1qp.'oval.
Dimctar of P1.arIr1in;J and DeY8l"¥"'=lít CDIan þrES .at.ed the
t"o' i' ~l to CD.mcil.
DJ'"O'1CIClion follaill!ld regardin;J right tum in and right tum
out only far exits onto )IrrI..".." Rœd.
Tall O'Dcnnell, attœney frail san Jose, was lIV"'i1Ahle far
Dick Stowers, ardlit.ect, was also lIV"'i1able far any
Ip!Stions CD.mcil might have. He di......,-'9d the r......t.print
of the tuildin:J.
COOrx:il ñi""",-~cd the DeAnza Bc:W.evard fra1tage, the need
far as 1IUà1 relief and _"_ as possible on the ~uer
of DeAnza Bc:W.evard and MoClellan Rœd.
App. 16-U-88,
App. 8-U-88,
It was IIICIII8d by o:unc. ~s, seccn::Ied by o:unc. Johnson
arñ pe1V,'I!d UI'IIUÚJDCUSly to CXI'1time CŒlSideration of this
a¡:plication to the;J of sept~ 6, 1988.
49. Application 8-u-88 arñ 15-FA-88 - Cali land - USe
Pemit to CXIIplete exteriar lIIOdificatiŒIS to an
existin¡ 8,600 sq. ft. I:,,,i'din], to &on.-.lish an
existin¡ 6,000 sq. ft. o·,·,-·cial h,i'dm;J and
0CI""t...uct: a 29,000 sq. ft. retail office strucbIre.
'!he t"o'¥"Lty is located on the southwest quadrant of
Blaney AWIIJe anj stevens creek Bc:W.evard.
Envi%a1Dental Review: '!he plannin;J ,..,...i -icn
"" . ·,··-œ the grantin;J of a Negative D-1ATaticn.
Rec~ _·_·~deJ far Denial.
Directar of PJ.anrúJ'q anj DeIIel'¥""'ít 0Jwan stated that new
plans have been .,""'itted by the a¡:plicant that aftemoc:I1.
'1bere were minor architectural ~.
Ga%y SåmIiàt, awH""'"'1t, stated that there were significant
arå1itectural ci1a1'ges.
'!be City Attomey stated that if the ~ are
significant, the~, iœtion BhcW.c1 go back to the p1.anning
,..,...i ....ion.
Mr. SåmIiàt stated that there are 1IIÙtiple owners of ead1
parcel Wùå1 has 1IBde this a difficult project. He stated
the project dœs œquire the 1:x:nJs square footage to maJœ
it .............iCA"y f......ible to do.
Council ~-tecl that rooflines be 1IBde Dm:8 ha%DI:I1ius and
that there be additiaW. lanc1~inq. Council also
BU..H--t.ed there be less mass arñ density, with no
deficieŒ:y of parXin¡. Parkin;J ca1SideratiŒIS are also to
include a ~ ratio off the prcperty line, surface
parJdn:J far <' .,.,_. clal use and undergJ:curxl perkiD; far
office use. CD.mcil requested there be additional 1IICJ:'k
with design arñ the oolar palette.
It was IIICIII8d by o:unc. Plungy, seccn::Ied by o:unc. a..gers
am pal!'sed UI'IIUÚJDCUSly to cxnt:inue CŒlSideration of the
a¡:plicat:i.on to the meetinq of sept:eIIiJer 6, 1988 anj that
the a¡:plicant BUtmit the revised plans to staff one week in
advaooe of the meetinq.
o:uncil anncAII'a!d that hAr-;o'1Se of the lateness of the boor,
the agerœ wa1ld not be oœp1eted at this meetinq. o:uncil
will ca1Sider Items SO, 51, 53, anj 56 am cxnt:inue to 6:00
p.m. the folla.rln;J night.
HIKJl!S OF 'lHE mJST 15, 1988 RmJIAR Cl'lY a:m::n. MŒl'OO
50. Application 17-U-SS - Riå1axd Scott - Use Pemit to
....._L...x:t and '¥"La:Le a bIo story office/retail
)::¡ni1dirg for d'lliIP''!IY and stu....".. of cabin8t%y
prccb::ts. '!he t"o'¥"LLý is located on the east side of
DyoLial AverJJ8, scuth of stevens creek Bc:W.øvud.
Envirc:nIIenta1 D8temination: 'Ihe project is
categariœlly e:I ~(., hence no ac:t:ion is m--.
R&.. -.-.-.L1ed for ~.
It was IIICMId by 0CU1c. Plungy, &ecxx1decl by 0CU1c. ~
and pe'-ed unanimcus1y to "K'Lu1/8 the a¡¢ication per
PJ.anniø¡ n-noni_ton Fln;J.ution No. 4086 anj that staff
provide Ocuncil with a .L"'t'ULL on the use pemit in six
51. Awlication 22-u-SB - Derk K. amter - Use FexlDit to
add a 1,300 sq. ft. secc:n:i stoJ:y element to an e:xist1n;J
sin¡le stoJ:y office h,i'd!n;J. '!be ~~ is lcx:ated
on the northeast ......,..... of valley Gl:::een and BeaIda1
Drives. EriVi.ra1IIIIen Detemi.nation: '!be project is
categorically e,. ~ ol, hence no action is nii:1ed.
Reo·,·,-·ded for~. (See Item No. 59)
Director of Plannirg and DBYel___&t 0CMm reviewed the
awlication with OCU1cil. He inf... ......1 them that 1.3 trips
were transferred fraR st. JOSE!Iil's 0n1rch site to the
office site.
CD.mcil stated they wa1ld not look favorably on
L..Glâfexrin;J trips so far frœ the å1urd1 site and
reqJeSted staff to monitor thesoa transfers. Ocuncil
......... i~ oa¡œm regardin:j ardù.t.ect.ural features and
~-ted softenin] the ardù.tecture on the north and west
sides. J?emaps shadiD¡ ar soorinq ar pat:1:ernin;J on the
wall ....." d be "K'L"'¥.L.1.ate.
Cede Bmter, awlicant, stated that major lamsœpiD¡ on
the site wa1ld be difiiaùt as this is a zero latline
camcil diJ:ec:ted that the Arå1itect:ural and site ~
n-nonittee deal with the ardù.tecture and that it 0CIII8 back
to the CD.mcil on the O..L Ll&t Calemar.
It was IIICMId by 0CU1c. Plungy, seconded by 0CU1c. ~
and I""'øøed unarùmcus1y to CW.Lwe the application per
P1.anniJç n-noni -ion Resolution No. 4087, with O:niition No.
7 revised to eliJninate wœàin;J that landscapiD¡ shall serve
as a vertical screen on the north wall.
App. 17-U-88
App. 22-U-88
Tra ffic Inten-
sity Perf,
Policy Manual
Amendment of
Agreement á
Conditions of
Approva 1 for
App, 5-U-88
MD«m!S OF '!HE AlUm 15, 1988 RmJIAR C1'lY CXXH::IL 1'IUa'.uG
59. A..-.c1I...r.íL of certain text in the 'l'raffic Intensity
Perf0DØnC8 st:arxJams FOlicy MImJal adqJt:ed JUne, ]977.
It was IXMId by Plungy, seOOb:1o.d by Oc:unc. Jcbnscn
and po<--eli unanimr::AJsly to "K'Luv'8 the deletion of perØJo'.~
2, page 3, of the ID!IIUÜ per PI.a11nin¡ n-i...ion Resolut.ia1
No. 4090. camcil dizect.ed staff to mcnitor these trip
52. None.
53. "PL'¥"Lli' USe anj ~uVeDelít ~.........aL" - worthin1ta1
Chsvrolet P:Jssible æ..eI.di..:.íL of ØJo'..........&t and
o:ntitiŒIS of ~ of 5-U-88 involvin¡ ØJo'.èeweI&t to
iDprove a certain portion of the Warthingt:on Chsvrolet
Direct:ar of Plannin;r anj DBYel___aL COWan ~ that
o:ntition No. 15 of the use pemit be -.'Ii ~ied.
Mac Middleton of WorthirxJton Q¡eyroiet was ClV'"i bhle for
It was IXMId by Plungy, secc::rIded by Oc:unc. Jàmsal
and ~"Ted unanimr::AJsly to amend o:ntition No. 15 of
A¡:plic:aticn s-u-as to read as follows:
15. I'HA'mC
'!he follOlliD¡ hprovement¡additiŒIS indicated on
Exhibit A shall CXI1Stitute :Ebase I of the ~
use pemit: ~ diqp'''Y areas on stel.linr:¡
t:ra1tagIa; 1"" i od\ and "Get Ready" cancpy; stel.linr:¡
Rœd larrlIÞ .....lrq ~.
Ib!Ise n ~ include the shcwroaD near
the east }AL'¥"Lty line; additiŒIS to the IIBin
shcIwroaIVoffices; the service CURtaœr cb.,,¥-,ff
cancpy; stellin:J Rœd closin:J offices, det:ad1ecl
and,Iar attad1ec1 offios; new servios stalls and the
DlÙti1eY81 st.....<:aJ'S garage. With the ~.Lion of
the storage garage, 1o.'teYens creek di"lay, <'] anj Ø1ase I ~ ste1.lin:J closin]
offices, :R1ase n i:nprovements are ~ in
v..IIa.qJL only and are subjer:t to future
ardUtect:ural review by the Arårl.tectural
O::IIIni.ttee, Plann:in:] n-;~..ion aro. City CD.mcil.
'DIe SEŒVice stalls shall ir....u..I-"-LClLt:e design
featuœs, IIUål as a solid north wall, to minimize
noise JJIpICts on nearby residents. '!he œtdoor
di 'Ip1 ~ on stevens Creek andjar the Ibase I
st.el1in:J Rœd clcsin] offices have been
qp-ifically ðt¥Luv'ed anj my be 8ßÙied far at
any tiDe.
DJrinc¡ the first ¡i1ase bprayement stage, the
tq:pH'"'"tJt my rEp'ace the¡ gl.....J1 pipe
.....,,"t'ds with 1Im'8 aråú.tecturally pleasin]
.....,,-ds as a¡:p:tMId by the Arc:hitect:ural and Site
Approval O:mIIittee. '!he;J bollards shall
be rEIIIr:MId prior to ut.i1ization of the J1IEIII
st.el1in:J Rœd dispIay i:øprcvements. All bo11ards
shall be rEIIIr:MId in oonjurx:tion with the
inst:al1ati.on of Ibase II di'T'''Y and larXIaœpin]
i~ for the stevens Creek Bc.ulevæ:d
55. By 00& reœus, CD.mcil will not sà1edule an aà:iitional
JDeetJ.n;J in ~.
56. of å1an;Jin] date of sd1eduled hearln;J on
Highway 85.
By o...._EI1BUS, CD.mcil cancelled the hearln;J far Highway 85
that had been Bå1eduled for SEpt'_,J «t: 20, 1988. DeipeJ'Idin]
upon _i 1Ahility of high BChcol auditorium, CD.mcil set
the hearing far mid Nav~, preferably Nc7v.......... 14 ar
15. If It solution is aå1ieved prior to that time, staff
will t"o J IL it to the City CD.mcil.
will Jr-V".on, ~ve Director of the santa Clara cnmty
Traffic Autlmity, will state that the delay is ÆK"""''''ny
to allow t.bIe to gather ne<-"ny data.
'!he 0Jpertin0 City CD.mcil BlJl:palls Highway 85, but: does
have o....A.CLU œqarding the ~ Creek Bc.ulevard access.
'!be Mayor aJ1I'DInCed that at 6:00 p.m., 'l\',,:1ay, August 16,
1988, in CD.mcil ~, CD.mcil will meet to di~,.... the
rE!IIIainin¡ items on the agerœ.
At 11:55 p.m., CD.mcil adjc:urned to a closed session to
di""""",,,, pœs.ible litigation - Gannett l\dvertisin].
Hwy. 85 meeting
i Closed Seas ion
MnI7JIS at '1HB 1twJl:¡J.'~, 1988 RB1JIM CITY CXUClL ftI:;r;&.uG
( CX:-'7(0)
At 12:10 a.a., Ccunc1..1 X'8CICI1Ver1eCI in (2\-..... eJ::.
oounc. p~ . L:" RIppel, Plun;¡y, Regels, Kayar Gatto
St:att Pl. J 1 tf-Þ:
City MIlIa".... 0ùn1an
Cit:y t'J.~ a.....,,..:t i,.
D:I.øctar of P1b1ic ti:Jrks V!skrNid1
D1DCtar of P1amrlD:¡ anj DBYel___IL Cowan
City Attomsy ICilian
City Attomsy Kilian anncunced that no action was taken.
At 12:12 a.a., CD.mcil adjamm to 6:00 p.m., August 16,
1988, City CD.mcil Q\~..i ..r.