CC 08-16-88 CITY OF Ct1PmI'DÐ, S'lME OF rALIRRaA 10300 Torre Averœ, O1pert1ro, califonúa 95014 Tele¡i1cr1e: (408) 252-4505 MINf1l'æ OF '!HE ADJOOmŒD REX;(JIAR ClT'l CDJNCIL MEEl'DG HELD (If AInSr 16, 1988, CXXJNCIL awmER, C1'lY HAIL 10300 'Item AVEKJE, aJPERl'IIÐ, CAL:IFtIRNIA o..."'-75OA Mayor Gatto calle::l the JIIIE!etin¡ to order at 6:03 p.m. SAIIJl'E 'ID '!HE FUG R:>LL CAIL CD.mcil ~ S .aIL: JàU'Isa1, Kqpl, P1ungy, RogeuI, Mayor Gatto staff PJ.1S:ht: City Manager ()1in1an City Clede camelius Director of FUblic Works viskr:wi.d1 Director of P1.annin;l and DBYel..........¡t cowan City Atbrney K'lian UNFINISHED aJSIlŒSS 54. Report on uses allowed under zcninq designation of "outdoor r..........ation". Zoning desig. outdoor rec. '!he PJ.anr1iD] Director reviewed his ...~L with o:uxrl.l. He stated that the an ordinance oould be written to ma)œ a Dm'e definitive list of uses under this zcninq designation. It was established that the racquet club and ccndaniniUIIIS were çprcMId as a totality. A ~ of use for the Z"""qIJet club wa1ld requiJ:e a ~ of use pemit anj zcninq. City Attorney Kilian pointed cut that theBe were bIo separate powers: zcninq is a'I8 power; EJltbdivision is a'I8 power. By allc:JWin} subdivision of the t"o'¥"Lty, the City may have said that it wa1ld allOll this t"o'¥"LL)', i.e., the racquet club, to stand on its own and therefore the City will CtI1Sider that use M-d on a reasonable use situation, whatever a reasonable use may be. HcweYer, that site ~ùd be treated separately. It was ~ that Mr. Vidavic:h may wish to reE"~~'I"Cb. to see if there is any tie of the racquet club to the rest of the devel'-'l-"&"íL. -1- · .' , t þ MDIJl'fS OF 'lHE mET 16 1988 AD.'JtXM) mmIAR crt'í cx:oIC:IL MEErIN:; (CC-750A) Ta1y I.agorio, attonIS'I""tAL uL.lng Mr. Vidavic:h, told o:am:il that the lobster Plan and zoniJ1g ordinance do not list "P-"'ittecl use." He asked Wat IIpImaittecl use" WCIIùd be in a l.........aticn zone. He asÞw4 if the City had sud1 a list. CD.mcil recpast:ecl that staff more clearly define the zone a.........Lly on the DeAnza Racquet Club t"o'¥"LLy- and clarify uses that ...,,11d be allc:JWll!ld in t:hat designation. Mr. Vidavic:h stated that he still felt a General Plan d1ange '«"1Id be ðWL'"¥L1ate as he oculd not my on either the Jx:n:l passin) nor the City Ølyinq the t"o'¥"Lty shculd the Jx:n:l pass. He wa1ld like to awly far 8CIII8 use of the þ&.~li' that is oœpat.ible with its ZCI1in;r, sc:methiJq that might be an interim use. He infnr'lllat"l OCAJncil that he does haw 8CIII8 ideas far uses that wa1ld not ham the t"o'¥"Lty nor the ........."1ity and wa1ld like to pro-:-¡ tel with a'I8 of theBe uses Ÿ1ile waitiD] far 8CIII8 sort of dstemination. It was su",,-4:ed that Mr. Vidavic:h <XIIIe to the Camcil with a t"o' .oOEIal to either expend the residential use of the site or t"o' vJØ9 8CIII8 other l.........ation use as it was within his right: to .."....it an a¡:plication. Mr. Vidavic:h said he did not want to 1IICJ:'k on develcpin:¡ sc:methiJq that City CD.mcil does not want; however, he .....'Jd like to get 8CIII8 :1nc...... frœ the t"o'¥"Lty. City At:tomey Kilian stat.ed there was not "nathiDJ" on the t"o'¥"LLy-. 'lbere is nct:hin:.J to shew that the existiD] use is not a reasonable use. Mayor Gatto þL s ..Led a historical }'OOI.~1:ive of the ~ r 40 de\Iel.,·....,It. '!he t"o'¥"Lty ca1SiBt:in¡ of the DeAnza ~Jet: Club and the adjacent ootd..Jniums had been brought:. to the City as a total devel___4o. '!he City reviewed the ent.i%e plOject at a'I8 time. '!he raa¡uet club was m."JeStec1 as an ðw&-~1ate neighbor to Mt........1al Park and a "quiet use" of the ooxuer of stellin) Rœd and stevens Creek Bc:W.evard. '!he Club woold be sc:methiJq that oculd be a pleasant (, ·".anion to the cxn:kminiums. '!be ootd::miniums and the racquet: club had been p.Jt together as a package. If a 1IIrrli1'ication to any a'I8 of the ':"''1.:11ellts to that project were to be made, it \>'aÙd be iDp:Irtant to review the original a¡.proval. It woold be ~"azy to make a dete1mination reg¡u:àin;J what has d1anged since the original "WLU'lal that woold warrant a charge to that -2- MINt11'ES OF '!HE 1I1DJS'1' 16, 1988, ADJaRŒD Jm11AR C!I.'1'i CXXJNCIL MŒ1'DG (00-75OA) .............. '!he t"o'¥"LLi' CIWI18r has the ~Wnity under the original ðw-Laval to seek an ~íL to the use pem1t. '!he OOluer piece on Tot1id1 the raoq¡wt club sits has been envølc:ped into the General Plan with a recreatic:n designaticn. If the use of the <::.A..-.L is to be mt'i flied, it _u..... a General Plan A1DI!rrìdIu...íL. Mr. V.idcwiå1 stated that it is nee ~'Y to have a Genøral Plan hearin¡ for a General Plan Ame.I.dIu.a,L. He told CbmCil that he wa1ld liJœ to brizç in a use that it wculd pemit. 'lhat is Wrr:i he wa1ld liJœ a list of acceptable uses. He wa1ld then CCIIIB in with BaDet:hirJJ that is .......,..tible with the ocnkminiums. Oouncil stated they could request: a III1t'8 defined list of pemitted uses under the p¡:asEl&t zoning and/or Mr. vidavich 00'11d <XIIIe back with a use anj CD.mcil oc:.ùd then taJœ action. Mr. Vidaviå1 stated that he felt the City is cbligated to tell him 1o!Iat uses are pem1tted. 'lben if he cxW.d mitigate any cbjections to his t"o'~ use, they wa1ld have to grant the use. Director of planninq am Devel~,L Q wan stated that he believed that a d1an3e in zoning w:JUld have to go cancurrently with the charJ3e in the use pendt as Ccn:iition No. 16 of the pem1t was quite specific. He stated he OO'ùd prepare a perfomanœ indicat:ar matrix. '1his w::W.d shelor 1o!Iat uses might be allCMld beo9«i upon acreage, vicinity of s:iJJ¡l....family dwe1lin]s, etc. Mr. Vidavich said that a'I8 of the t"o' Y ....,.. he had in mind far that ............. was a first-cJ.-- pb,,,,,, far recreational vehicles to stop. Petple parking their vehicles there wa1ld have ~ø to the tennis ocurts. '1his cn1ld be an interim use that ....."d not mquire BU!:&tant:ial iDprovements to the t"o~ ty. He was inf~ that under the cat.egcry of cutdcor réC:l..ation, his t"o'¥)I'Ia] s- -,." (' .,,, etible, I::ut council was not givin;J its bless:iJJ¡ on that type of use. Director of Planninq am DBYelq- d. Cowan said that s- __i to be a gray area. '!he t"o'¥"Lty woold need rezoning, I::ut not a General Plan AD.ei.dlu.a,L. '!be rezaù.ng am use pemit oc:.ùd be considered oc:ncurrently. ()jSC'1SSion follCMld regaIdin; staff pnpsrin] a matrix that woold CCIIIB directly to CD.mcil for initial viewin;J. '1his matrix w:JUld define the exist:iJJ¡ zoning. -)- " . Commission & Committe.. changes . Res. 7571 adopted Fine Arts C_ssioner a.-nted MIWmS OF '!HE NX»Sr 16, 1988, ADJCCRNED RmmAR C1'lY cx:a«:IL J'IUi.L'.uG (00-75OA) Raferrinq to a letter trca the Director of Planrdng ard D8I/ti.1 íL, Mr. Vidav1å1 as)r"d if UII88 II81ticned in the letter WBr8 ""owed UII88 on the t"o_ty beinI¡ "illC'-......, He was infcmaed they are not ~1" that site is zoned a <lpØC"ific way anj includes the tennis cc:urts. 1Jr:/ å1ange requires a l'8ZCI'WxJ. By CXI'II!I8I'ISU8, staff was directed to prepare a matrix that ,,'O.1ld oaae direct to CD.mcil at their ~ of 8ept_,I.øor 19, 198,8. 57. Review anj adcption of """"'''"'"''Its to hplement c::harJ]es in l"nrII1i-.ion and CCIIIIIittee t"o' <-"...... as previ.cuIly a¡ptOY8d by CD.mcil. cmsidention of revision of the Fine Arts l"nrII1i ....ion. (a) R8solution No. 7571: nA Resolution of the City"'- 0:u1cil of the City of QJpert.ino F.atablishilq Rules GcIIIerniD¡ Appoiut..-11. anj"" 1 t:oOi..t..-,t to City Mviaoty _i_.n It was IDCII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, secadl.1 by o:ux:. Keppel and penle! unanimcusly to incl\Di pt'å1ibition of 8¡p)intinq bIo people 1Ò) cxtIabit to the 82l1li8 ,.,..,."i-.ion ar ,.,..,."ittee. It was IDCII8d by o:ux:. Plungy, seootà:1t:4 by o:ux:. Fqpol anj p"..1III unanimcusly to adqIt Resolution No. 7571, establi.shin;J rules gDII8I'JÚnI¡ 8¡p)L.t..-ìt anti nu,:poLtt..-,L to City advi.sczy h-rli_, At 7:05 p..., CD.mcil acljc:umed to the 1cwør 18Y8l CD1f....__ I'OCIIII to intervieor ~, i'"'V'lts for the Fine Arts l"nrII1i -ion ard Pa%D ard RI.....-«.:Lon l"nrII1i -ton. CD.mcil I:6.A..IW18d in the low8r 181181 CXI1f....__ I'OCIIII. At 7:05 p.m., Mayor Pro ~. Plungy called the ~ to '4d... o:ux:. PL TilL: Jà1nson, Fqpol, Rcgers, PI.uIW staff p,,- S _íL: City Clede COrnelius FINE ARl'S CXHfiSSIŒ It was IDCII8d by o:ux:. Rcgers, seccn3ed by CD.mc. Jà1nson anj I""!¡'9«! unanimcus1y by theBe pr is i,ít. to awoint Rr:::bert Lerner to the Fine Arts r,..,."i....ion. MDI(]I'!S OF ']HE AP;I:1S'l' 16, 1988, AJ)JCI(RIE ) RmUIAR CI'l'! caJNCIL ftUiJ.'.uC (~75OA) PAR1(S AND ~(If CDlaSSIaI It 10IIII8 1r.MId D.i came. Yqpl, MOOIded D.i came. Jc:bnøon and pllS8fd unanimr:a.Jsly by thœe t"o S d. to 8RIOmt Dr. David 0CI!Ja1 to the P8rlCB and Recreation n-w-i_ion. Parks & Rec. Co_issioner appointed At 8:35 p.m., CD.mcil adjam1Bd to camcil n.....i.er. CD.mc. P... S dl: Jå'4.s.on, Yqpl, Plungy, RcgerB staff Pl 5_4.: City Clerk Cœ:nelius Director of Pl.annin;J anj DBYel~ít. cowan Mayor Pro ~.. Plungy announced the results of the election to the Fine Arts l'rwmIi....ion and the Parks and Recreation n-w-i....ion. (b) First reading of ordinance No. 1459: "An ordinance of the city CD.mcil of the city of 0Jpertin0 A1IIenclinJ sections 2.32.010, Established, and 2.32.020, TezID of Office of J&-,¡ .ers, of 01apter 2.32, Plannin¡J l'rwmIi ,"",ion, of the 0Jpertin0 M.miclpal Cede." It was JDCNed by came. Plungy, seccnJed by came. ~ and 1""-gd unanim:uùy to read ordinance No. 1459 by title only and the City Clede's rædin:J to oonstitute the first reI!Iding thereof. (c) First reading of ordinance No. 1460: "An ordinance of the city CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1DendiD;J sections 2.36.010, Established, and 2.36.020, 'l'eDIB of Office, of 01apter 2.36, P8rlCB and Recreation l'rwmIi ....ion, of the Q¡pert.ino )IJr1it'!il""1 Code." First reading of Ord. 1459 It was JDCNed by came. Plungy, seoondecl by came. ~s and 1""--'d unanimcus1y to read ordinance No. 1460 by title only and the City Clede's readirg to constitute the first reI!Iding thereof. (d) First readin:.J of 0J:dinance No. 1461: "An ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the city of Q¡pert.ino A1IIenclinJ sections 2.38.010, Established, and 2.38.020, 'l'eDIB of Office, of 01apter 2.38, Energy C'nIIIIi....ion, of the Q¡pertino Hmrlcipal Code. " First reading of Ord. 1460 -5- , . . . First reading Ord. 1462 F_ reading of Ord. 1463 First reading of Ord. 1464 . MINI1l'E9 OF '!HE AlXitIST 16, 1988, ADJaRŒD RfXõUU.R C1'lY aAJNCIL nu;,¡:.uC (CC-7!5OA) It was 1DCI\/.t by Ocunc. Plungy, ........A4 by Ocunc. ~. anj p---,':t \InIUÜJIØJIIly to J:8IId ~ No. 1461 by title only am the City Clem'. readinq to constitute the first œadinq thel...t. (e) First readinq of ominance No. 1462: "An ordinanoa of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q.1pert1no A1I81dinI¡ Section 2.44.040, EIIt.abl.i.Bhed, of Qmpt:er 2.44, ArctU.taoctural an! site ~ OCmaittee, of the Q.1pert1no IIJnicipal COde." It was JIICIY8d by Ocunc. Plungy, secali3ecl by Ocunc. Jch.1SCI1 anj p"·q-ed unIIIÚID.18ly W J:8IId Ol'dinance No. 1462 by title only anj the City Clede'. readinq to constitute the first readinq thereof. (City MIInaqBr 01in1an, Director of FUblic Works Vis1a:Jviå1 an! City Attorney Kilian arriwd.) (f) First readinq of Ol'dinance No. 1463: "An ~ of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q.1pert1no A1I81dinI¡ Section 2.60.010, F,F-hH-., anj secticn 2.60.020, 'l'eD& of Office, of Qmpt:er 2.60, FUblic SIlfety n-ni_i.on, of the QJpert:ino Jtlni...ipool COde." It was JIICIY8d by CD.mc. Plurçy, seca~ by Ocunc. Jch.~ anj p"'""'711d unIIIÚID.18ly to J:8IId Ol'dinance No. 1463 by title only anj the City Clede'. readinq to constitute the first œadinq thereof. (9) First readinq of Ol'dinance No. 1464: "An ~ of the City CD.mcil of the City of QJpertino A1I81dinI¡ Section 2.68.010, Established, an! ~tt'Ð 2.68.020, '1'e1:IDB of Office, of ampter 2.69, Libra%y n-niqion, of the QJpertino JIJroi c:lpa1 COde." It was JIICIY8d by CD.mc. Plungy, r.eoo..;Jt,d by CD.mc. ~.. anj p-""-,~ ~y to J:8IId Ol'dinance No. 1464 by title only anj the City Cledc'. readinq to constitute the first œadinq thereof. (h) First readinq of Ordinance No. 1465: "An Ol'dinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of QJpertino A1IIerx:tin¡ section 2.74.010, Established, anj section 2.74.020, '1'e1:IDB of Office, of C1Iapter 2.74, cable Television J\dvisozy Ccmnittee, of the 0Jpertin0 IIJnicipal COde. H -6- HDI71E9 OF 'IHB AL~'I:IE 16, 1988, ADJŒJRŒD R!D.JIAR C1'1Y CXUIC:IL ~.UC (00-75OA) It was IIIOII8d by Ocunc. Plungy, MOCIiIC1lod by CD.mc. lfq:pl and 1'" 11:1 unaJÚJIDJ8ly to J:1IIId ord1nanca No. 146.'1 by title only and tha City Clerk'. remiD¡ to cxœtitute tha fint I1IIiIdiD;J the1.-.4. (i) Firat: remiD¡ of ord1nanca No. 1466: "An ominanoe of tha City 0::Iuncil of the City of QJpertino A1IBII!inq section 2.80.010, J!:F..hH'"'-'I, and section 2.80.020, JL J ...... - ~, of a.pter 2.80, Fine Arts n-o-i -ton, of the QJpertino Ib!icipal 0xSe." It was IIIOII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, seoo.:died by c:œn:. JåmBon and 1"'-1Id unanimcusly to read ordinance No. 1466 by title only anj the City Cledc'8 readinq to cxœtitute the first: readinq thereof. 58. Di.....-ion of t"o' v.-.d policy to di """"'.1r21g8 ar prøv81t IIIIIall lot sJn;la-faJDi1y :r.identia1 døv8l_ít.a located in Planned DBvel_d. ZCIÙJ1;J districts. Director of P1.anniJq and DIMa1,. 1. d. CDIan stat.ed this ita was on tba agenda -- of 0.......-.._......... -1Id by 8CIII8 of the c:::a.D"""!i 1111 J 4Cl.. First reading of Ord. 1465 First reading of OTd. 1466 Dick ChildrEs, U701 Regnart Rœd, ..dèh. Md CD.mcil regud1n;J tba matter. By 0...._1œu&, CD.mcil dsteI:mined that the t"o s .íL policy a.1h a8 the 0.......-.._ of tha City CD.mcil. 60. ax-iÑ.'àtion of an ardimnce pertaining to pIrIdnq pttIbibition on eat: IIi.œ of Blaney Aveme betwlln stewrw c:r.k ~ and Price 1MnI8. (a) FirBt: readinq of Otdinance No. 1467: "An Otdinanca of the City CD.mcil of tha City of ~ A1IBII!inq section U.24.l.'5O of the ~ JIJroi~pll QxiI, R81.atinq to stqpinI:¡, st:anI!in; ar PIsrJdn;J, on Blaney Aveme." It was IDV8d by CD.mc. Plungy, eeoGioIdied by CD.mc. J~..-..l and 1"'-'11:1 unanimcusly to pràúbit parXinq on the east side of Blaney Aveme between stevens Creek Bc:W.evam and Priœ Aveme. First reading of OTd. 1467 61. P9cl-t far "I¥Lwal of fee inc:re!Ise for the cnmty SOlid waste ~'-íL ~u.;¡.aIII. -7- Fee increase Co. Solid Waste Mgmt. Program . Res. 7586 adopted Bid openings . League of Calif. Cities delegate . , I I I ! MDIm!S OF 'IJŒ Ai.~;o 'If!. 16, 1988, ADJaJRNED RI!X:CIAR C1'lY caJNCIL ftUa'.uoG (CC-7!5OA) (a) RMolution lb. 7586: "A ReIIolution of the City ocuncil of the City of 0Jpert.iJr.) ~ !We IncrM8e far the cnmty Solid Waste MI!IrD,,-. d. Pj.~CIIK. " It was IXJ\I8d by Q::IUnc. JWIØ(Ií¡, seou.dIod by Q::IUnc. Roger. ani P"--ut unanimcusly to adept RIIIIolutiat lb. 7586. 62. Rq.u...l on bid c:penings ani aard of oontracts. (a) Traffic signal ~ii'ication - Mary AV81'1J8 and stevens creek Ba1løva%d. It was IXJ\I8d by Q::IUnc. ~., secc:nBi by Q::IUnc. Jå1nIIœ and P"--ad unanimcusly to aard the project to Rumdin Electric in the IIIIICU1t of $28,619.00 ~sed on the 10WlllSt: bid anj to ~ the CX'I1tingency of $3,381.00. (b) Traffic signal wwYlif'ication - Rainbow Drive and stelling Rœd. It was IXJ\I8d by CD.mc. Jåmsa\, seou.dIod by Q:Junc. a..,,-. anj P"'--ad unanimcusly to waive the irregularity, ~ the bid anj aard the .....,L.....:t to R:nudin Electric in the IIIIICU1t of $39,731.00 and to "K'L....... the ~ far the total project of $43,000.00. 63. Designation of vot.in;J M'agat8 far anmal c::x:at......._ of I.eIIgu8 of Califomia Cities. It was .:MId by Q::IUnc. J\là_d, seoo.dIod by Q::IUnc. Rog8Is and P" ~ unanimcusly to a¡:point Mayar Gatto as the vot.in;J M1"'gate and Mayar Pro ~. P1.\ftnr as alt8mate. \oau'.l"azI aJlDIICATICHJ 64. Peq--t traa cnmty of santa Clara Grand i1IJry far any , " &u on the findin;B ard 1'.'9< . ···,-ldations on the Final Rbt-L on PImdnq Citatiaw. '!he ...........L was received ard noted. c:JRI>IN1INC:m 65. None. RESOII1I'Iœ8 66. None. -8- t I I MIlI7.æS œ 'l1Œ ~.1' 16, 1988, Ama1RNm RmDIAR C1'lY <XO«::IL ~.&.nG (00-7!5OA) At 9:15 p.a., CD.mcil adjoumed to 7:30 p..., A19Jst 29, 1988, IaMr: I8Y8l o:mt......_ 1txII. ~~; -9-