CC 08-29-88 · C1'lY OF aJPERl'Il«), S'I7lŒ OF c:AI.iIFŒINIA 10300 Tw...... AvenJe, 0Jpertinc, California 95014 Tele¡i1cœ: (408) 252-4505 MINt1l'æ OF 'IHE ADJŒJRNED REXmAR Cl'.l'Y CXXJNCIL MEE1'Il1:; HEID (If AU;UST 29, 1988, I.OiŒR IEVEL CXIŒ'ERENC:E: RXH, Cl'.l'Y HALL 10300 'lUl<l<rO AVEKJE, aJPERl'Il«), au.IFCRŒA 00-75OB Mayor Gatto called the ~ to ulœr at 7:30 p.m. in the IDwer IsYel CCI1f-.lahC.. RealI, City Hall. 1ÐU, CAIL 0:Amc. p~ B .1l: Johnsa1, ~1, P1ungy, Rogers, Mayor Gatto Staff Pres_íL: Deprt:y City Clede Wolfe Assistant to the City Manager Brown 1. Oral lhrm"Ù.catiŒlS - Na1e. 2. Jetm Shannon of Shannon Associates rega'!:àin;J executive search for a new City Manager. Mr. Shannon c:utlined the three ¡i1ases of taUght's 1IIIIet:iJ'g: 1. Look at the prOc:::e$S, where we are in the pl,«-ø and ~t is left to be done; 2. DBYelq> a profile for the new City Manager: 3. Di.."C".... speC'ific points of recrui~&t strategy. Mr. Shannon intL..'h~ steve Kin;¡sford of Shannon Asscciates, statinJ that Mr. Kin:PJford wcrJœ in in tl'..e areas of orqa:'1izational devel~¥ISht and strategic p1ann:in]. Mr. Kin;¡sford' S bIo roles c:lurln;J this recruit.uE!i.t are ~ with O:Amcil to develop the profile and setting perfcmDaJX E\ objectives for the new mnager after hirirq. Mr. Shannon noted the fan- key ¡i1ases of the rec:ruit.....:4&t prOC' øø, '!he first ¡::base is devel___d.. of a candidate profile ~ in::l\X1es three tasks: (1) In:tividual interviews with ead1 O:Amcil -..r. (2) Work session this eveniD]. (3) Þ.ctual docI""""1taticn of the recruit..u:.,L profile anj strategy that will caue cut of taUght' 8 effort. t '!he secax:l phase will be the active outreach recruit......&t ¡::base in::l\liin¡ the placing of advertising, ~lication of broà1ures, identification of carxtidates, followirx] up with potential carxtidates, screening interviews, backgrcurG d1ecks and rec' ·,·,-œticn to cœncil of a suggested group of finalists. -1- '. KINt1l'ES OF '!HE AInJST 29, 1988 CIT'l 0XJNcrL MŒl'DI:; Mayor Gatto said he feels that the manager is viewed as the bridge bEJtween the CDmci1 and staff in iDp1ement.in;J staff's policies; CD.mcil ,,_,J .as do not interact with staff as 1II.ICh as the manager does. CD.mc. ~ said that <hmci1 m.-.,J .as are very depement upon the infcmoation they receive frœ the city manager and that they need to trust the manager. She also said that the trust had to be deserved in that CD.mcil ne -~... to receive all the infaDIBtion, not just Wat the manager ålo<JsEIS to give them. Mr. Kin;Jsford as1rDt'l CD.mcil ......res to think about: the future of the City anj the organization by imaginin:] that they have left town anj have retmned. after ten years and envisionin;J Wat they wa1ld like to see Wen they retum. He also asJœd thP.m 1Id1at they woold look at as evidence of 1Id1at had hçpened durinj the ten years - Wat thirx]s oool1d they see, Wùå1 peqlJ.e '«"lId they talk to. '!be followiD;J were listed: Highway 85 c:x:mpleted, maybe light rail as well; .t........It. cxn:litiŒlS; parD - peqlJ.e usin:] them day anj night; døv8l___íL on the west side of town; neighboxtxxJds - ~; redevel___it of old shq:pin:] centers; cxn:litiŒIS in IÞ'Ita Vista, Gim:!en Gate, Rancho; ridgeline; 0CIIIILIter traffic; ànJrå1es and scb::Io1s (å1arJ]inq ~), Q\ðm1 ex ot 0····-- Cê, persa1 at ttkaát¡ Valloo¡ police; r-"'II~¡:"""., 0Jpertin0 Scene; GerJél:ðl Plan. Mr. Kin;Jsford asked CD.mcil ,,_,J .era to bear these indicat.orø in mind anj list theBe t:hin;pI they 'NOOld like to see and hear. City gcN....,.......rt. responsive - staff anj cnmcil doin:] a geed jå:>. High activity level in p.Iblic p''''-- - parD, s.'1cg)in:] - kids and ycun;J families. Da1blet:res and Marriott hotels bill.t and tusy - local peqlJ.e usin:] them as well. City owns the fOlr prtp!rtieB mentioned in the J:xni 'l"ftAAaI..D:8. rhmII"1i.ty is clean, ccurt:ea1s, safe and alive. F~"Y BO.Ind. Traffic better here than in neighborin:] cities. COg~-.rell CX>llege exparoed and with a good. rep.Itatian. -3- , t MIWmS OF 'mE 1ItXDn' 29, 1988 CIT'i cnJNCIL ~ HIase three is the selection ¡i1ase 1o'hen CD.mcil int:ervieWB the NO:' ...,-'Ided finalists. Shanncn AsSOC"iates will develop the material for the 1nterviewB. '!be selection of the city manager am negotiation of an eøp10yment ~...e......ít. are also included in this ¡i)ase. '!he final ¡i1ase is the devel___Jt. of perfatmanœ å:7jectives. Mr. K:in;plford said there are fcur å:7jectives of tonight's 1DIIEItiD¡: 1. To create a vision of the preferred future of 0Jpert.in0 (the city and the organization). 2. To identify the å1allenges ani factors to be dealt with in attaining the first å:7jective. 3. To identify the prer..........d p&r&....al style for the new city manager (IotIat kin:i of ..........., does camcil want to work with and have supervising staff). 4. To revieor the recruitment ,pL'>CeSEI. Mr. K:in;plford stated that he had read the administrative 9'"""'" anj policies drawn up by department heads am had tried to derive BaDe fumamental values 1'rcIII the docI...-,t.. Mr. K:in;plford shewed CD.mcil a list of these values Wich he believed were a ...~ s ~ílatia'\ of the ~.Lc:&~t 1IIa1"b.r""--tt cutlook, style ani values. He stated that he saw items in the th-o""""1t whiå1 indicated to him that CD.mcil has a real leadership role in the ........."1ity - camcil creates i-"" and ¡mpœe and is not a ru1iJer staDp for the city manager. Mr. K:in;plford asked for Ccu1cil møÑ"..œs' reactiŒlS to the chart. þ Assistant to the city Manager Brown said the 9"""" am å:7jectives wre intended to be a renection of the cw........t value system 1'rcIII an administrative perspective. Mr. K:in;plford asked CD.mcil to react as to whiå1 of the 9"""" and cèjectives seem to be ooog:ruent with their sense of the organization and Were they want it to go. camc. Jåmson stated that camcil had to agree with the values listed beca1æe they are basic values. Mr. Kin;¡sford asked if there wre anythin¡ on the list that anya1B felt very ..L......~ly about:, that Bha1ld be a care value for an organization. camcil indiœ.ted that proactive plannin;J was iDportant. þ -2- '. MDI1lES OF '!HE AtGJST 29, 1988 C1'lY a:mcL ftUiJ.".uC Well maintained older - - pride. 100<,. .,.,.,jation to growth anj arrival of varied ethnic ~. City ...L......ts well 1.anèI9 "iA!. EIIplayees ¡m:ui think t.hsy wœ:k far a good orqani.zation, feel organization is a good ........."1ity. seniors well pravJded for - less pr -1J:1t far survival --,:1"'. less druq use. Balanced ............uty jà::ø, shqpinq, hcusinq; ~tunity - not a one-iD3ustJ:y town. Asians speakinq ED}lish and inYalved in n"IINIO"1ity. Qnm::hes healthy. PUblic art. To'Crlœ. DeAnza COllege thriving. Q1e cable TV system. Utœrgrc::uIñ utilities. RealI for startup .. ·'1:>Ndes. OWn protective services. Mr. KiD;lsford then .,....,. o:xmcil. lea to inticate 1ob1å1 of the ~.....~i1'Ç items they felt JDOSt: .t.......,¡ly about. '!he items.1... --' by CD.mcil -.I.etS aJ:8 as follCIII: City gcv....,4ue1.t. z:æponsive - staff and o:xmcil doing a good jc:b (5 votes) High activity 181181 in p1b1ic p,........ - p¡niœ, shqpinq - kids, yam} f_ni_ (4 votes) Fi......"y sam1 (4 votes) Traffic better here than in neightIorinq OCIIIILV1ities (4 votes) Balanced ........."1ity jà::ø, shqpinq, hoosinq; ~ tunity - not a one-imust%y town (5 votes) -4- MIl«1Im OF '!HE ~r 29, 1988 C1'lY CXD«:IL l'IUa'.UG FUblic art warJœ (1 vote) cœ c::able syst8I (1 vote) 1m K.CI: 8:20-8:30 P.M. Mr. ~ then asJr-' ct:Iunci1 mat facta:8 they """, i..,. will affect the SI)(J( of ~itg the t"o-:-'i'11 9"""-. Eca~, local and nat:icnal - der..e indusb:y; t"o LD:eS re growth and intensity, traffic. GJ:cwth 1IIU1&s---d.. Keepi.n;J mjar 1n::bItri.es. Reøcurce piJ1å1 - reII1!Il'IJSS VB. service ccsts - gap ~·--·í'-. Water lIURIly. Regia1al oac::.t......t.<\tia1 VB. "effective partrl'>i.., i...." care of infrastructure. Involved p.¡blic - a benefit. Influx of Asian pqW.ation (Chinese). Aging' P"1"'1Ation - stable age grcups. Increased hœsirq costs - haDe is prim¡u:y mv....L..u..íL. P... IJI'B for hcusiD¡ density - """'''in;J height. ScIIIB sensitivity to åIaD¡irJ:J architecture. Increased traffic prå:IJ-. In relation to personal style of DliD'laeJ ,-d.. and leadership, CD.mcil --ooeIS c::bœe on a scale tIaa 1 to 5 be,blsE!I'1 the folladrq paizs: 1. Balanœ of initiative bebleen manager anj oamcil - CD.mcil .....~ -e:I.S dxliœs indicated they pref.........éd a manager Iid10 is fully iœ1.u:1ecl in the leadership þXOC"""'CI l:ut that CD.mcil is in å1arge. 2. Administration anj policy - what is ct:Iunci1' s role between policy anj ac:tually adIDi.nisterirg - o:uncill S -s- " MnI1Iß9 OF '!HE A1UJST 29, 1988 Cl'l'!C exu«::1L MEErDG l...apŒIIIl!Ir indicated that thBy prefer a 1IIIUV.Ig8X' 1Ò) --JIM staff 1oI1ile a::mcl1 sets policy and does not give .taff diœctionl 3. Task (t-.h.wogy, plan) and œlaticœhips (pq'l., marale, CCIIIIImica'tia) - a::mcl1 indicated a desixe far gett:iDJ the jà:l done tIUt with tact and sensitivity. Follawin:¡ aœ traits a::mcl1 feels aœ bportant in a city JIIID1ag8r: (> .,I....tencyl integrity (1øIestY - tells cc:RJIdl the bad nEIWB as WBll as the good, credibility) I finarlcial backgramdl 'v-t and positive (cneerleac1er) I sense of huIIIcr, not uptightl even t--,, , +ted, good loser anj good winnerl c. .,.,. "' senseI (lady or gentleman in the sense that they POSEI. - dignity, 8OOi.., skills). o::amcil MIIIIBd the folladn;J specific experi.eIx» anj sJdlls desired in a city manager: ExpBrienœ with finance. GerIBral experience as a manager ar assistant 1IIIUV.Ig8X' 1Ò) has had a wide ran;J8 of experience in p1annin:J, pIblic 1III:IècB, etc. Intention to stay It\-q-t.em tIUt not "trainee" (mid career) . Interest and activity in cn-"1ity (_i 8"',""Y) . ("..oed at CCIIIII1ni.œtin can maJœ effective ..,t.s ntations - able to deal ŒI6 cn-<I'I8 as WBll with large gra¡ps. ExpBrienœ in conflict resolution. Prof.--itwlal trai.ni1'q in ~d.. Negotiation sJdlls. FraI1 area .i'llli , ..... to Bay Area - m:œn experience - f.....iH..... with envirorment a."Ù prà:llems (BUå1 as 'JI" .+w.Je) . Able to majntain reveme sources (keep b.Jsir -¡- here) . strategic/tactical thinIœr. Good administrator. -6- L HIH1l'ES OF '!HE JIIX;tJS'l' 29, 1988 CIT\C CXXJNCIL MEEl'ING Mr. Shannon ditl( '-'1d with COJncil the geogra¡iúœl area fraD Wùå1 they preferred the manager to be åIcSWI and BUIIIIIIrized CD.mcil'. pref....a.oe& reg¡miirg experience. '1b8 possibility of the final caJñidates meetirxJ with 4OII8œtive staff and"Iar of havirç a citizens' selection ",..,."ittee wre di.....--'K'I. CD.mcil w_·J.œ:s felt that there is ~Wnity far citizen iJp.¡t anj that they are ~Live to that iJp.¡t. Mr. Shannon cutlined the timetable far recruibuent anj hirin¡. Shannon Assodates will þ¡.q¡ere anj p,....... the ads in _øn1 City ""'9'\Zine and the Ie». newsletter as wall as ~ the broànJre text. '!he text will be ...,hwitted to CD.mcil far .,. ·'·'-'at and"Ior IIICdi.fication. Di.Sf"J'....ion followed regardin] the requirement that the city manager be a resident of 0Jpertin0 and whether there might be saoe assistance with ha.1sin;J. '!he position will be advertised with salaJ:y negotiable. Mr. Shannon stated that the next step in the ~,~'!' is evaluation of the NS'........ and åIecIdr.J of candidates' backgrounds, after Wùå1 a group of GMJ.Lwi1Mtely 12 will be å1œen by Shannon APSQC'iates. '!bat list will be ~1n<ri to frœ six to eight pl!q)le who will be interviewed on NaIreIIiJer 19. '!he interviews will ead1 be ~wi1Mtely 90 mim1tes laq. Selection of the new city manager shoold be 0CIIpleteð. by NoIr~ 25, after whiå1 ~íL.....ct negotiatiŒ18 will taJœ place. '!he newly hired manager will start work near the first of the year. -7-