CC 09-16-88 .. 't· 00-751 C1'lY OF C1JPERl'DI), STAn: OF CAIDtRUA 10300 T......L.. Aveme, CUpertino, CA 95014 Telep¡,cne: (408) 252-4505 KDIUlES OF 'IHE REmIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL ftI:¡¡:¡J;.uC HELD (If 1:i&'.LUIIZK 6, 1988, CXXJNCIL amMBER, C1'lY HALL 10300 'J.UIU<ri AvmrJE, aJPERl'DÐ, CAIDtR([A '!he IIIeet.in;J was called to order :by Kayar Gatto at 6:45 p.m. SAWm 'ro '!HE FUG mIL CAIL Came. PrlSMJt: Jchnsa1, ~, Plungy, Regels, Gatto staff Pl. S dL: City Manager OJinlan City Clede c:omelius Director of Public WorIœ ViskDviå1 DiJ:ect:or of P1amiJ'r;J and DBwI.. 1 aL Cowan Director of Finance snyder (Left 7:30 p.m.) Director of Parks and RBc:reat.ion Dcwlin¡ (Left 7: 30 p.m.) l"nmII"1ity Relatia1S Office Rrey Hwsin¡ and services Qxnùinator NarlL>q City AttoJ:ney Kilian ~ - Request contimance of Item No. 47 to Sept'''''''¡'er 19. It was IIICIIeð. by CD.mc. ~s, --......ded by Came. Plungy and 1""ø...... unaniJoaJsly to continJe Item No. 47 to the meetin] of sept- 19, 1988. CE:REH:tIIAL Mlu:J.J:K:j - ~æs CD.mcil t"o S !l&Led Mayor Gatto with a œJœ in ha1ar of his birthday . ORAL CXHIJNICATIæs - Na1e. 5'mFF l<U'\.IKJ.1:) 1. oral L~"ts by staff mo:omhers and 9l1hni....ion of written :t:ê1J<.>Lts. Camcil received the City Manager's :t:eport regardin;J C1annel 53. It was SU:H=""tÐd that the Q1erry Blossan Festival in late April might also be considered for cablecastin.J . -1- · Legislative Review Commi t tee · Cupertino Heritage Parade Consent Calendar · MIWmS OF '!HE SEPl'EHBœ 6, 1988 RmJlAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (00-751) 2. lb1thly Treasurer's anj ~YIgPt ~L - J\ùy, 1988. CD.mcil received the .............. t. Director of Public Works Viskaviål. gave an update on last meet:.irq's oral CCIIIII.D'Iiœticn fran Mr. Warrel regardin:J the p1~....&t of the power pole on his þlcpelty. Mr. ViskcNiå1 .............. Led that the power pole had I:Ieen IDCIIIed approximately eight (8) feet whiål. "'It""'red. to be to Mr. Warrel's satisfaction. It was anncunced that City Manager Rd::Iert ()1inlan has I:Ieen selected the GraM Marshal of the 0Jpert.in0 Heritage Parade. CXXJNCIL 1<taU(J.::; 4. came. Johnson - IBgislative Review o:mnittee - It was IDCIIIed by Counc. Jàmson, sec:x:nded by came. P1ungy and ~'i''i '9d unaniJIø.1sly to taJœ the followin;J actiŒlS regardin:J 1J.L~ leg!slaticn: Request the Gavemor's signature on AB 3132 (Harris), abanjoned vehicles and SB 2084 (Beverly), additional fI.uñiD] for sdIool districts with declinin.J enrolJ.ment. CD.mcil nq.1eSted that the GCJllemor veto SB 2225 (Dills), bi, 'nn..rds, rsIIDIIal of ro...L..ictiŒlS on flashirq illuminated bi' , ho<>rds alCDJ state highways and SB 2896 ('I.'u......_) , ...",L..ufit of highrise 1:uilc1iD3s with sprinkler systems, pn.euption of local ...eL.....fit ordinances. Director of Parks and Recreaticn steve Dowlin¡ ...~bad on the 0Jpert.in0 Heritage Parade planned far sept _,J ex 24, 1988. He anncunced that it will start at 9:00 a.m., and the J:QJte will consist of 1.7 miles. Friday night there will be a CXI'ICBr~ at whiå1 the Marine COIps DruID and fU; 'le Band will "IJ?l""'.... a::R>ml' c:AI.ÐiDAR came. ~s removed Item No. 14. It was IDCIIIed by came. Jàmson, BEIOCI1ded by came. Rcqers and peleøed unaniJDaJsly to ðt¥LW8 the balan::e of the CC:œent Calendar as sl1hnitted. 8. Clatm for damages filed by Bill weisan:l. Rec:> .,...-ded for rejection. -2- · . .- 1mtJl'ES or' '1\tE SEPmœER 6, 1988 mmAR Cl'l'Y cxuaL MEm'IOO (00-751) 9. Jœt:p-t far waiver of bJsiness license f_ filed by M2IråI. of DJJEs Birth Defects Fcurliation. 10. ("hoim far ~"""g118 filed by Colleen Davis. Deo ···,....åId far rejecticn. li. C"1..im far ~""'Ç 8S filed by stella Y. Yan. Reo·,·,....åId far rejecticn. 12. Review of recpISt far Alccholic Beverage o...tl.....I1. 1i.œnB_ - Pizzeria uno, 19930 stevens creek Ba1levard, Di Mattia'. Pizza to Pasta, 10123 North WOlfe Rœd, No. 989, Fin......... Ffn; ers, 21250 stevens Creek Ba1levard (Flint oent:er)l Arxh'ea's Deli, 102li sooth DeAnza BcW.evard. 13. CJ..im for ~"""98B filed by BNce Meym'B. Reo· .,.,....Jded far rejec'"..ion. 15. Mirutes of the adjc:umed œgular ~ of August 16, 1988. 16. Resolution No. 7588: "A Resolution of the City owncil of the City of 0JpertiJxI AllOldrç certain Cl..i.... and DEIII!uDI Payable in the 1I1Iømts and frail the :runds as Hereinafter Desc:ribed for Salaries and wages far the Payroll Perlcd En:iin:3 August 16, 1988." 17. Resolution No. 7589: "A Resolution of the City owncil of the City of 0JpertiJxI AllOldrç certain ("]..1.... anj DEIII!uDI Payable in the 1I1Iømts and FraIl the :runds as Hereinafter Desc:ribed for General and Mi.soellanec:Us EK ;)eIditures far the Perlcd En:iin:3 August 12, 1988. II 18. Resolution No. 7590: "A Resolution of the City owncil of the City of 0JpertiJxI AllOldrç certain CI..i.... and DEIII!uDI Payable in the A1IøJnts anj FraIl the RInds as Hereinafter Desc:ribed for General and MisoellanecUS Expmditures far the Pericx1 En:iin:3 August 26, 1988." 19. Resolution No. 7591: "A Resolution of the City CCAmcil of the City of 0JpertiJxI AuthDrlziD) Execution of '~......a.ts for Allocation of Foorteenth Year (1988-89) t"romIntity Devel~Jt Block Grant :runds for Fœr B.mBn service Agencies' . n 20. Aßù,ication 'AS1tC 51,810.1 - Scbrato Devel'¥""'.t: Recp!St far ~ of architectural and l~inq nollfications to an existin;J off!cejimustrial hl1i1dirg located on the west side of aJl:tI Read, ~corl-tely 1,000 feet north of H:::Cl.ellan Read, 10341 aJl:tI Rœd. 1Wc, .,.,....Jded for AßIroVal. -3- þ MINt7l'ES OF '!HE SEPIDœœ 6, 1988 RmUIAR CI'l'Y CXXJNCIL lou:ó&:;..L'.uC (CX:-751) 21. Resolution No. 7592: "A RerJOlution of the City 0CUncil of the City of QJpert.ino I\CIOeptin; Quitel..im Deed and Authcrization far th.drcu.."...:A.UXi water Rights frail Rœs ¡c.i- an:1 Ter%y L. JC(>i_, Alcazar." 22. Resolution No. 7593: "A Resolution of the City 0CUncil of the City of QJpert.ino Acceptin;J Grant of ---do for ~ P\D:pCH< frail laS }(Ai....,.. an:1 'l'erzy L. ¡c.i- Q:ndst:ing of ~urI-tely .001 Acre, IDc:ated on Alcazar Aveme." 23. Resolution No. 7594: "A ResOlution of the City 0CUncil of the City of ~ Acceptin;J Grant of --4. for ~ Pu1p:ses frail catherine Ann Wo1Ja:Jw, oc.æist.in;J of A¡':prcIximately .001 Acre, Located on Alcazar AVI!rI]8." . 24. ResOlution No. 7595: "A Resolution of the City 0CUncil of the City of QJpert.ino Acceptin;J Grant of -- 4. far si"'-ralk p"b:pcn6 frail PIli lalli TBanq, T.tustee, Located on the ScA1th side of stevens Creek Bculevard West of Blaney Aveme." 25. ResOlution No. 7596: "A Resolution of the City Ocunci], of the City of QJpert.ino ~ Final Plan far the ~UY_.t of FIa1tage Itx:ated at 20100 stevens Creek Bculevard: DeIIeloper, PIli lalli TBanq, Trustee Un3er '!'.rUSt Aj............tt. Dated Jaruny 30, 1974: Authorizin::J the City En:Jineer to Sign the Final Plan: and Authorizin::J Exeo1tion of Aj............4. in o........c..tion 'lbereWith." 26. Resolution No. 7597: "A Resolution of the City 0CUncil of the City of QJpert.ino A¡::pravin; ' the Final Map and ~...._¡t Plans of T%aCt No. 8118 IlX:ated on wilkinson Av8I'D8: Developer, Dividen:l Devel'1, At. a....~ation: Acceptin;J certain -......-rtts: Autharizin::J signin::J of pinal Map and ~...._ít Plans: .Aut:hari.zin:: the Exec:ution of Aj..-...t in Q,.uø::tion 'lbereWith." 27. Resolution No. 7598: "A Resolution of the City 0CUncil of the City of QJpert.ino Acceptin;J QuitC'J.dm Deed an:1 Authorization far U'ndergroUnd water Rights frail First Baptist 0Iurd1 of Matta Vista, san F'ernaIJ:k> Aven.18." 28. Resolution No. 7599: "A Resolution of the City Ocunci], of the City of QJpert.ino Acceptin;J Quitcl",im Deed and Authorization far U'ndergroUnd water Riqhts frail Jim D1ffera:1erter, ~in Diffenderfer, and ROOert !tX I.ec:n;l: san Fernando Aveme." . -4- MIWmS OF '!HE SEPInÐ3ER 6, 1988 REX;(JIAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL ME:El'IK; (0::-751) 29. Resolution No. 7600: "A Resolution of the City ~ of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoeptin;J Grant of b_I....,}t far Pœdway FlnpcS98 f:raR First Baptist QUJrå1 of Monta Vista C1:I1sist.in:¡ of ~....,ri-tely .0054 Acre, I.oœted on San FetnæD:I AverAJe." 30. Resolution No. 7601: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoeptin;J Grant of ~......- íL far ~ FlnpcS98 frœ Rà:lext}t)k Iecn], Jim S. and Rcbin Diffenderfer Consisting of A¡:praximately .0054 Acre, IDeated on San Ferna1'xIo AverAJe. II 31. Resolutiat No. 7602: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:prc\IiD;J Final Plan far the ~U'<........íL of Fra1tage Located on san Femando Averua; DBYelcper, Rå:)ert }t)k Iecn], James S. Diffenderfer and Rcbin Diffenderfer; Authorizin;J the City Erqineer to Sign the Final Plan: and Authorizin;J Execution of ~_IL in Q........tion 'Iherewith." 32. Resolutiat No. 7603: "A Resolutiat of 'the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoept:in;J Grant of b_-íL for Pt'wiway Pl.D:pcses f:raR Palo vista Inv_L...c.abs, Inc., and Margie M. Jeffrey and Jack Jeffrey, Consisting of A¡:praximately 0.017 J\c:reB, Located on santa Tnt"!i.a Rœd." 33. Resolution No. 7604: "A Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoept:in;J Grant of _..... it. far ~ I'I.D:pc:sss f:raR Palo vista Investments, Inc. and Margie M. Jeffrey and Jack Jeffrey Consisting of A¡:praximately 0.069 Acre, Located on santa T'V"!ia Rœd." 34. Resolution No. 7605: "A Resolutiat of the City cnmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoept:in;J Quit-,.,,..,,,. DBed and Aut:harization far UIñergramd Water Rights f:raR PI!Ilo vista rm_L...c.tts, Inc., Margie M. Jeffrey and Jack Jeffrey IDeated on santa T'V"!ia Rœd." 35. Resolution No. 7606: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ the AJDenjed Pamel Map of P.L'¥"Lty Located on Manita Ca.lrt: DBYelcper, JBK Venture II, A California CoJ:polation and Authorizin;J the City Erqineer to Sign the AJDenjed Parcel Map." 36. Resolution No. 7607: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~in;J Q::I1tract 01an;Je Order No. 1 for Traffic Signal Detector Installation of Various streets at Various IntersectiŒlS Project 1lD-996-733." -5- . App. S-Z-88, 3_-88 Public Hearin closed First reading of Ord. 1468 . MJ:Nt1l'æ OF '!HE SEPl'ÐœER 6, 1988 IŒØJIAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DC (00-751) 37. Acœpt:anoe of IIIJIÚ.Cjpal iDprovBae:nts: Tract 7277, '1\1la Lane (HoffDBn Project). (No ~ ti.'"g dot'o.-,ts ne:-n rllry. ) 38. Resolution No. 7608: "A Resolution of the City camcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Derñin;J Resolution No. 7489 Declari.n:¡ its Intention to Sell SUIplus Real PL'¥"Lty." (staff requests remcwal.) ITÐIS REHNED m::H cx:tISENl' CAInmAR 14. Mi1I1tes of the regular meetin:l of August 15, 1988. It was 1IICIYed by <hmc. Jàmsa1, secc:rx3ed by <hmc. Rogers and p"ø9'ed unani:mcusly to ~ the minutes with Page 15, thiJ:d par_...,il frail the battaD aIIIE!OOed to state that the 0Jpertin0 City camcil SURX<tts Highway 85. RJBLIC HEARIH:;S 40. AJ:plicat.ions S-Z-88 anj 31-FA-88 - James C. Q1en anj Assodates, Inc. - Rezc::I1in:J frail City B2 (01asi FUblic arl.ldiDj) to City Rl-6 (Residential, 6,000 sq. ft. IIIinhum lot size) Za'I8. Environmental Det:eJ:mination: '!he P1.anrrlnJ t"hmIi -ion re. H,.,_ ds the grantin;¡ of a Ne:;Jative 0-' .......tion. 'DIe project is located on the west side of Miller Averme, 100 ft. north of AthenIood Drive. R&~ -···-·ded for a¡:p:aval. It was 1IICIYed by <hmc. Johnson, seoaded by <hmc. Plungy anj PE'~-ed unanimcus1y to close the public hearinq. It was 1IICIYed by <hmc. JàInson, secc:nB1 by <hmc. Rogers and p"'ft-a:l ~y to COWLU1/8 the grantiD;J of a Negative Declaration. It was 1IICIYed by <hmc. JàInson, seoalded by <hmc. Rogers and P"""- unarúDDJSly to COWLU1/8 the a¡:plication per PlanniJ'ç t"hmIi_ion Resolution No. 4098. (a) FiIst readin¡ of Ordinanœ No. 1468: "An ordinance of the City 0c:Amci.l of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1DeIrx!iD] Section 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Rezonirg P.t.'¥"L'ty frail B2 Zone to Rl-6 Zone: Located on the west Side of Miller Avenue, 100 Ft. North of AthenIood Drive (0Ien - S-Z-88)." It was 1IICIYed by <hmc. Plungy, secc:nB1 by <hmc. Rogers and passed unarúDDJSly to read Ordinanœ No. 1468 by title only anj the City Clerk's readin;J to CaJStitute the first readin;J thereof. -5- MIWmS OF '!HE SEPIUmER 6, 1988 RmJIAR C1'lY exu«::IL n=.l'.uG (00-751) 41. Awlicati0n8 6-Z-88 anj 33-FA-88 - acbert I.ecn¡ Prezaùzr,¡ of 1.0 acres frail City of 0Jpertin0 Pre-A (Prezone, Agriaùtural) to City of 0Jpertin0 Pre-Rl-6 (Prezone, Residential, 6,000 sq. ft. IIIinimJm lot size). '!he t"oU}'OlLly is located on the west side of st:ellJn¡ ibid, 500 ft. sa.rt:herly of Carriage Circle Ccu:rt. EI1vira1œnta1 Detemination: '!he Planning t'hmIi -ion re(. ....- dB the grantin;J of a Negative DecJ.arat.iaot. :pe.~" ····.A.aded for Cl}¥-Lu.Jal. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. Jàmson, secc:nied by CD.mc. JL,¡elS ani 1?"'!!'9sd UI'IIUÛmcUsly to close the p.lblic hearin;J. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. Jàmson, secc:nied by CD.mc. RcgeI's ani p"'ø'Md unanimcus1y to ðkJ1,v-Je the grantin;J of a Negative DecJ.arat.iaot for JlRùication 6-Z-88 ani annexation of the t"o'¥"LLi'. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. Jàmson, sec:x:med by Cb.Inc. Regels and I?"'ø-sd UI'IIUÛmcUsly to ~v-Je the a¡plication per Plannin1 n--i_ion Resolution No. 4099. (a) First: readiD¡ of Ordinance No. 1469: "An Ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIendinq sect:.ion 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Prezcnin;J 1.0 J!cre frail City of 0Jpertin0 Pre-A Zone to City of 0Jpertin0 Pre-Rl-6 Zone; I.oc::ated on the West Side of stellJn¡ Rœd, 500 Ft. 5a.Jt:herly of carriage Circle Ccu:rt (Ieonq - 6-Z-88) . " It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, seoctJded by CD.mc. ~s and 1?"8nd UI'IIUÛmcUsly to œad Ordinance No. 1469 by title only and the City Clede's readiD¡ to ca1Stitute the first reading th81:eof. ~,2. ~] of Planning t'hmIi ....ion ---i.sion reqardin¡ JlRùicat.1on 25-'DH17 (Revised) , Pen:y & Ja'I8B DBYel___aL and request far clarlfi.caticn of pœcise pad di:aø1sions anj setbacks. P"''¥''LL}' located on the narthw8st side of Ra1nbcw Drive ~"""tely 500 feet west of a.1I:b Rœd. JIw-" filed by Ra'Iald W. Jones. DiJ:ect:or of PlarJn1n;J and DBYel~íL cowan infOIJDed CD.mcil that the 'ZI1I1""'ry þL sUlLed on Page 5 of the staff "''''io'V.LL refers to a previous ...... ¥ ...., anj not the latest one \biål is beJn¡ CŒlSiåeled. Mr. cowan presented the O""'...""ít .....' ¥=""ð1 velbally ani Bhcwecl transparerx::ies. -7- App. 6-Z-88, 33-EA-88 Public Hearing closed First reading of Ord. 1469 App. 25-TM-87 . M:INt1rES OF '!HE SEPlÐmER 6, 1988 RmJIAR CI'l'\( axINCIL MŒl'DI:; (œ-751) Rcn Ja'I8B, 105 LiJDestone Iane, santa cruz, J:'8IIieIow:J. the project plans anj the request:..ckh. -tId in the oq:p-'. He stated that he was tJ:yin¡ to be sensitive to the nejghbar'. 0CI1Cè1.11S anj txyiD;J to keep the devel~tt. as closely as possible to that 1mich was aw;kwed, J::ut wculd liJea 8CIII8 flexibility. He said that he had famd more L.. as on the t"o"'i""Lty than first camted. He requested that CD.mcil allow !Um to shift the tui1d:in:] pads five feet to the west with a two-foat leeway on each side. J.im Wi:1.mr&, 21594 Ia Playa CCm't, thanked Mr. Cowan far his time anj the notificatiŒIS given to the neigh1:xmI. He suggested that the pads be shifted the five feet to the west, J::ut the developer not be allowed additional footage. He lead a letter ð;lh,-i'm to the Planninq lhrIIIi<zsion into the reou..d. Mr. Wi:1.mr& c:bjected to the pl.x->If and the atteDpt to rE!IIX:III8 the olive L.. --. He said that a call to the Planninq DepIrbœnt had brcught Mr. Q:Iwan and a'I8 other staff "_,J er to step tree remaval. He expreIVJed oo....e.1.n regarãj.n¡ the use of the tem "mimr" as far as revisions WII!I1t anj also ~ - _0'9d OCIlOeru regaminq CCI1t.1med devel___íL. He SlYn=-ted that the City establish a t"o" - - that the developer anj neJ.gI1OOrs get together and what cannot be -.k.,d art: between them brcught to the Planninq lhrIIIi<zsion and City CD.mcil. . Mr. Omrles James, 21614 Ia Playa CCm't, stated sane olive L.. Ti had not been camted. at IDt 4, a'I8 was 1IIi....:in:], J::ut three others weœ ~ OOl.........tiy. He stated that wit:haJt that a'I8 tree, there was no priwcy on his t"o'¥"L ly. He had camted nine olive L.. ~ s and a'I8 walJut tree. . Don utz, 1641 North First SL........t, San Jose, of Civil ~ A~iates, stated that the intent was to keep all of the olive L.. . He said it was hard to sc:ale off of the print and that the originallllllp was not dimensional. It was DDYed by Counc. Plungy, seccn:1ed by Counc. Jàmsa1 anj P"--ed unanimcusly to close the p.1blic heari.rJ¡. CD.mcil was infcmœd that this partiaùar 8R?lication falls un::Jer the interim zaún3 ominanœ. CD.mcil di""""--ad the mass of the seocni story, identification of L.. T and conoerns includin:] privacy. It was DDYed by Counc. Plungy, seconded. by CD.mc. Jåmson and p"....'9d unani1lln""Jy to awrave ~lication 25-'IM-87 (Revised) per Plannin;J Camnission Resoluticm No. 4102 with Condition No. 1 éIIIIE!l'Œd to state that the pads may be -8- Public Hearing closed MDIm!S OF '!HE SEPlDœER 6, 1988 RmVIAR CIT!! <XXJtCL ~.UC (00-751) Bhitted five feet to the west: tut: net expmœcJ and the rear ....been on IDt:s 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be 45 feet. Ccn1it.icn. No. 31 _Iliad so that the r-......d ~ reBds, "All oliw to. r within said area shall be J:8tained." O::iuncil encc::IImIIIJed that the dialoq cc:ntime between the døIIa1.cper and "..i~. 43. A¡:.plic:ations 3-z-as and 25-:>A-8a - steY8 Zan!d.å1: Zc:.Iùng to Rl-7.5 Sin¡Jle-family, ResidmJtial, 7,500 sq. ft. JII1niDua lot size) zone. '!he t"o~ty is located _. ......-tely 200 ft. west of Rae IæIe, at the ElClUt:h8rly tm:miraJs of Par'Ihœe Drive. Environmental awiew: '!he Planninq lhrIni -ion reo .,.,-, ds the grant1n;r of a Negative Declaration. Bee' .,.,-œd far _wale DiJ:ect:or of Plannin¡ and DBYel___aL COWan stated that it wa1ld be l1"'- .ry to re-edvertise this heIIr1n;J anj it will be braJght beck to CD.mcil 0c::t:åJer 3, 1988. CD.mcil stated it wa1ld take test.imcny. MImr Kizkeby, civil en;Jineer, stated that there had been a previcu¡ delay beca11Se of adYertisin¡J and he was gettjn¡ frustrated. He had no c:bjecti.on to an Rl-10 zonin¡J. Ra1 Sykm:a of Rae IæIe, cp!Stioned the t"o~"". He asked if the mp n"11lld be recœ.ded. prior to zonin¡J. He was inf"""- that it <:'O'lld net, hcwever staff stated it wa1ld a1CI""'ite the t"o' ('ð"'a as JØJCb as possible. It was m:MId by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, secaœcJ by came. a..gers and p---'c1 unanimc:asly to cont.irJJe this item to the CD.mcil IIIIiI8t.in; of octå:Ier 3, 1988. 44. A¡plicat.icn 4-Z-88 and 29-EA-88 - 0Jpertin0 city center :&........iates, Am - Rezonin;J to d1an;Je the land use ~il:Jnat.icn for the site frœ <:pm "IJ?""'" to resi&.nt:ial¡ to adjust the I""""itted mixture of residential \D'1it types within the 50 acœ City center area to allaor up to 200 additional residential \:nits. A¡plication 2D-U-88 - Use Pemit to u::aDL...1.ICt a 130 \D'1it 3-4 stcny residential n-wop'ex. I.ccated in the PraDetheus project generally located at the saIt:heast ........,..... of stevens creek Bc:W.evard and DeAnza Bc:W.evard. EnviIonmental Determination: '!be PlanninJ lhrIni-ion reo .,.,-.1àIJ the grantinq of Negative !'Io>(-laratiŒlS. Re(. .,.,_lœcJ for awraval. (continued frœ IIIIiI8t.in; of JUly 18, 1988.) -9- App. 3-Z-88, 2S-EA-88 App. 4-Z-88, 29-EA-88 MIWmS OF '!HE SEPIÐœER 6, 1988 REX;VI.AR ClTY CDJNCIL m:.a:a:.uC (00-751) MIu:ic Ktoll of City Center DBwl".,-,4., told cnmcil that the ,.~ of units next to QJpertino waterfall project had been ¡oMIvWI. With the e1JJDination of the t.cp stŒy, t:bIIAe h,i'd!ngø were noor lower than the waterfall units. He stated that the Pim Brothers' units were either the _ height as the t"o'~ buildin;pl ar higher. He _.....d to "umesignated zoniDt' for the future apar\:IIIent site loc:at.ed west of the sphitheater. Ron F.I.-'''-l\, amutect, shewed cnmcil -,.. of the dwIBllin;p¡ alCD] the Q]pertino Waterfall J:xmœry. He told CD.mcil that it was noor 120 total units anj 220 ~ far UI.c1t:..."......mcl parkin¡. Mr. Kroll said 120 of thœe ~0E"5' were behind a security gate. In aåii.tion, the devel<.pUlOlíL does have security guanJs. Mike It.11holllUXl, 10237 Nile Drive, said that he had IIXMId to QJpertino .......",..... he had heard that the quality of life was œspe:;ted. He did not expect ~ and other cxnUtiŒIS that are occ:mrlng He m;¡gest:ed a reallcx::ation of the lan:I in the devel___;t. Mr. H..ùholland was infn1"1ll<lt'l that the park on the corner of stevens creek Bc:W.evaJ:d and DeAnza Ba1levard had always been part of the project and the trian;Jle piece loc:at.ed near the easterly I:x:mñuy was never designated a park. Bill Halsted, 20286 Pinntage Paxbray, felt the density of 120 units with two cars per apartment was too 1II.ICh. He __øed the (X:&ìI.:::é~u that an uman ghetto woold be ..........d:ed. He urged CD.mcil to make this area a park ar at" 1DCSt, a low density devel~;t. He stated that ü. PJ:aœt:haJs devel___íL that has occ:m:red is good. F. l19Boo, Boimi of Directors, QJpertino Waterfall, said tber8 is already a traffic problem in the area. Mike DelGrœso, 20326 Pinntage Paxbray, said PraDBt:heus is doin¡ a good jœ, hIt the t"o,v=ud project is too dense. He asked that PraDet:heus be directed to go back to the drawing board and <XIIIe back with DDre open spaœ. Bill Griese, :'0212 Nile Drive, urged cnmcil to deny the awlication. He stated he did not believe a project of this density cx:W.d read1 this level. He felt it was a breach of the quality of trust. ,~ he Jxo;¡ht in the 0Jpertin0 Waterfall, this use was not scheduled. F.e stated that it was not the usual type of develcpœnt allowed in 0Jpertin0. He mq:¡ressed oCClcern regardin;J the quality of -10- KnÐ1ES OF '!HE SEPIDmœ 6, 1988 REX;(JIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL hu;~'~ (00-751) life - traffic, vieor, density. He felt that Torre, Rcdrigues anj ~ 1tL....dI:s aJ.ready have traffic prå)lems and that peqlJ.e 111"8 frustrated by the J'1I1IIIN,r of cars and an;p:y with crowdinq. He also stated that 0Jpert.in0 B,-6'1 to be gett.iJq a skyline. He \m}ed that if CD.mcil cara..A. deny this request that they look at traffic and pazX:1D¡ IIIOt'8 closely. Felbaps the 1Ò)le project Bha1ld be tuilt tmergrcurñ. Carol Bin;¡ham, 20290 Pinntage Parkway, said that faD:' units are facin:] the parkin:¡ lot. PraDetheus has been halest, kut several units in the Pinn Brothers devel___,L will have lack of privacy. 'Ibere is too 1II.IåI. density anj traffic. She stated that the neighbors are williD;J to work with PraDet:heus. It was IIDY8d by CD.mc. Plungy, BeOa1ded by CD.mc. JåInsan and l""Cls9d unaniJŒ::usly to close the plblic hearin;J. CD.mcil exp--,9d the c:pinion that the t"o'')''JB&J project was too dense. 0...---.1. was _--1 regardin;J pazX:1D¡ far visitors. CD.mcil (> ""'-'jLed favorably on the arå1itectural quality of the devel..."....."L. It was m,..,,-""tecl that if density were r...int"ed, peIhaps the units on the Pinn Brotl'.ers boundary sho.ùd be I"E!III:M!d. Mr. xrou stated that evexyme aclcncwleà:]es the need far hcusiD;J. He felt that this wa1ld be a very gccxllocation. He said that 110 units oould be a pcdi\IDI project, however with the reduction to 100 units, he was not sure it wa1ld be feasible. He asJt"'" if CD.mcil OOIåd give ÇPI:'CIVal subject to review. CD.mcil was reluctant to do so. '!he majority of CD.mcil stated that a 100 unit UI1'I9a "'CI"'d t"o...htbJ.y be acceptable, kut all P81Xin:J shaùd be cn-site. It was IIDY8d by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, seo.:..:à.d by CC:unc. Rcgers and P"',9d with CD.mc. Plungy t'liø- ,Ling, to 0CI'1t:imø ca1Sideration of this application to the meeting of 0C:t:.åJer 3, 1988. PIANNIR; APPLICATIctIS 46. ApplicatiŒlS 8-tJ-88 anj l5-FA-88 - Cali rand - Use Permit to CXIIplete exterior m:xlificatiŒlS to an exist.irç 8,600 sq. ft. b.1i1diD;J, to demolish an -11- Public Hearing closed App. 8-U-88. 15-EA-88 . App. 16-U-88, 26-EA-88 . App. 23-U-88 . MIWmS OF '!HE SEP1ÐmER 6, 1988 RmmAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (OC-751) existirg 6,000 sq. ft. ('0 ·,·,-.clal h,i'din:J and OCh.t...\JCt a 29,000 sq. ft. retail office sb:uctu:J:8. '!he ~ is located on the BCUt:hwest: quachant of Blaney Averue and stevens Creek Bc:W.evam. Envircnaental Review: '!be Plannin:¡ no-t_im reo:' .._~:Js the grantiD;J of a Negative Declaration. p.o.:- .,.,_'}Jed for denial. (CD1tirJJed fran IIIEI8t:1n¡ of August 15, 1988.) CD.mcil felt that their majar oCllom:ns have been ðdch """,s'l!d.. '!hey requested that the awlicant review the use of a JDBtal roof a.'1d cont.iDJe toIODdn:¡ ra pe¡rJdn;J. It was JŒ:JYed by CD.mc. Plungy, secx.....:.ed by cœnc. Roge1:s and pooø-td unanimcusly to refer the a¡:plication to the Plar1niJJ; no-i"""ion alonq with their ('o.,...",. ts. 47. Awlication 16-U-88 and 26-FA-88 - stowers AsBCX'iates - Use Pemit to oc:....t...\JCt a one-story 5,450 sq. ft. o ·,·,-·clal h,of1din:J. '!be þ1.'¥"Lty is located on the northwest .......,..... of DeAnza Bc:W.evard and ~..".." Rœd. Environmental ReIlleY: '!he PlaI1niD] rnm.i """ion N("o ·,·,-.Ids the grantiD;J ot a Negative Declaration. Reo .,.,_ItJE,d for approval. (<::attim1ed fran meet.in:J of August 15, 1988.) (PreviaJSly oont.inued to Sept-er 19, 1988. ) 48. Application 23-u-B8 - union oil n-o.p..ny of Califamia - Use Pemit to ~te an existirg gasoline service station on a 24 haD: per day basis. I.ocated on the southwest comer of a.11:Ib Rœd anj stevens Creek Bc:W.evard. Environmental detemination: '!he project is categarically e:·_..~,L, herD! no action is required. PA~~ ....-æ.l for ~U'Ial. )t)rt Sherin, tJnocal, adJr~"'ed CD.mcil and infi.. ..-'I them that Mr. Bi!IrnbaIII is the ]....-æ/dealer. , Mayor Gatto requested that Mr. Sherin and Mr. Biu:nbaIII di""",..... the request regarclin;J ha1rs for the service stat.icn to bEl c:pen. ~9: 9:40-9:50 p.m. Mr. Sherin said that the ~ny was 100Jd.rq for 6:00 a.m. to midnight for the station's regular inIrs. 'Iheir CuL.L...íL ha1rs are 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. He stated that the ~ is willin¡ to go with the security booth with 6:00 a.m. to midnight. ha1rs. He also di."...,lSS'I!d. an exact c:han3e policy . -12- . MIWmS OF '!HE SEPInœER 6, 1988 REX;(JIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'Il«.; (0::-751) DiJ:ect:or of PlarIning and DBYel.........../t cœan stated that security -"'1reS as listed in O:ntiti/;n No. 4 were standard far st:atic:r1S open after 11:00 p.m. 'I'aD Bamham, dealer, said that a sean:ity booth shculd protect the person wrIdrg anj not just the 1Ia1EIy. 'Jh8re had been several mldl1p'" at that pIIrt.icular service stat.ion. '!he last ...- rc:t:a!J:y cxx:un:ed at 9:00 p.m. He requested that the awlication be denied ar that all security -"'.u:es be required. He .........-~ød safety OOiAoola,LllDe . Mr. Sherin said that the 6:00 a.m. cpeninJ wculd t"o...bdbly be aoceptabJ.e to Mr. Dan1ham Mr. Bamham stated that he is ~ SS'l«.1yopen fraa 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. He was inf·.. .._1 that withcut security """''''n:es, the City cmiinanoe allows only 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Arrf other hQmJ require all sean:ity """<!Iwres. It was IIDYed by CD.mc. Jchnsan, wc.....dt.à by Ccunc. Rcgel's and p"'ft_'!Id unanimaJs1y to awrove the awlication per PlanninJ n--.i....ion Resolution No. 4092 mrYIif'ied to IIIBIœ all sean:ity -eures listed;.n O:ntiticn No. 4 IIi!IIDat.aty if the staff extends hQmJ beyaxi 7:00 a.m. to 1l:00 p.m. It was clarified that CD.mcil has given _....nù for 24 hour c:peninq with all sean:ity measures IllæXåtŒy. ~ .AND SITE APIKNAL CXHIl'l'.ŒE APPLICATICIiS 49. None. UNFINIsHm EŒINmS 50. None. Nœ IIJSINESS 51. Request filed on behalf of Faùway 0::r1structi0n far l'8View of requirement to raise a portion of Rainbow Drive (21091 Rainbow Drive). Dimctar of FUblic 1b.k.o Viskavic::h reviewed the arr-l with CD.mcil. . Art ~lSer, t"o'¥"L ty owner, expressed his oonœrns and request to CD.mcil. -13- . . Executive Committee for bond measure Date for Civic Service award . : I. MDÐftS OF '!HE SEPlÐmER 6, 1989 REX;(JIAR C1'lY <DJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (00-751) Upon being as1-' by CQmcil if the City had a greater legal liability if the area was not braJght to standarå, the city Att:arney stated it did. Jåm Q:Mard saið. that when the t"o'¥"Lty was "'1bdivided, ~ had been p.tt in in geed faith. 'Ihcøe iDprayements had been accepted by the City; fees had been paid. Mr. Q:Mard stat.ed that when II1II-', Ruth & Gain¡ saið. that the drivinr¡ factor to the iDproyements is the spTr~ limit. 'Ibese have not åw1ged. App8rently, this was either Clllerl()(.\IrM ar there was a diffe!:~!b_ of cpinion. CD.mcil di an---ad the possibility of the City payiD¡ far the iDprayements. Mr. Þ>ser stat.ed that there is a.n.....uLly a driveway on :both parcels. Arr¡ anm anj gutters ~ùd have to be configured aroun:l the driveways. It was IIICIIIed by CD.mc. Plungy, 8eCa'Ided by CQmc. lI'qpe1 anj passed with CD.mc. Jàmsa1 di - _tLhq to authorize the City to pay far the hprcvements, inc1udin;J s:\"""~' anm, gutters, etc., on that side of the tiL...-ot (inc1\1iin¡ the neighbors -'$9 of tqpeeb, ciJ:amøtances. It was IIICIIIed by CD.mc. Plungy, 8eCa'Ided by CQmc. J&ypel anj p"p-ad unanimaJsly to authorize the use of Minar Rœd DIprcvement FIJn:i far this project. 52. P<><J-t. far GK'Lwal of þ..~s¡¡d "'OœC'tt.ive lY'OIWIIittee far bond """"'!¡ \JrIe. Upon bein;J as- by CD.mcil, the City Attar:ney stated that all CXJU 'V!i1.. J....... "O'ùd be listed as indivir'h",'.. on the bond ...".,.ittee ani they oalld meet as "_,J «:8 of an ad hoc OCIIIIIittee. CD.mc. Regel.. rEqJeSted that Dick Amerson anj carol }oHh.D" also serve on the tv'01II1Iittee. CD.mcil received the list of ,,_.J -ers of the OCIIIIIittee as infœ:mational. 53. Selection of date for the Civic Service Award. By consensus, CD.mcil selected 'Ihursday, 0c::tå:Jer 27, for the awards œ...........tf. -14- KIlfJŒS or 'mE SEPm4Bm 6, 1988 mmtAR crl"l a:œ::IL ME:E:1'Im (00-751) 54. ApprcNal of Fine Arts rwmoi_ion t"o'~U"Ø far III.IrIÙ. far City Hall. It was IIICII8d ~ CD.mc. Jàmsa1, II8Ca'ded by CD.mc. Regels ani l""--ed unani:D:Jusly to "WL\N8 the þLwC"'<:'IU"Ø as 9"~itted by the Fine Arts (hnni ....'\.on. 55. Selec::tion of date for interviews of applicants far Arc:::hitectural ani site ~ CCIIIIIittee. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, II8Ca'ded by CQ.1nc. Roo, e1.,;: ani P"-.:;'IId UI1alÚIDI:AIsly to interview a¡:plicants on ()ct:d:)er 3, 1988, either 6:00 or 6:15 p.m., dependent upcI1 the 1"''''''''''' of a¡:plicants. 56. C21ange of date for seocn:i CD.mcil meet.izJ;J in ()ct:d:)er. By OC:ILenBUS, CD.mcil resàIeduled. the seocn:i meet.izJ;J in ()ct:d:)er to Jb1day, October 31, 1988. 57. Aß oùd....a,L of CD.mcil -net: to the North a...L..al and Narthwest Flood Q....L..ùl zone Advisory CkmIdttees of the santa Clara Valley Water District. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. Johnson, II8Ca'ded by CQ.1nc. Plurçy ani l""-ed UI1alÚIDI:AIsly to 8¡p)int CQ.1nc. Kq:pel to the North Q,.íL..al ani Narthwest Flood (l..,L..ul zone Advisary CCIIIIIittees. Mr. Viskavic:h ani Mr. pI".......Jd will cc:ntinJe as altemates. 58. Prel.iJl1na!Œy di"<"....ion oo.---..dn;J len;¡th of CD.mcil ~. It was IIICII8d by CD.mc. a....,,-s, ~.dt.d by CQ.1nc. JduJa!l()â and p"-1d UI1alÚIDI:AIsly to CXI1tiJut this itea to the JIIB8tin¡ of ()ct:d:)er 3, 1988. At that time, CD.mcil anticipates reœivinq %'Ac) -" - dat:ions frœ the CXI'ISUltant a......d1lly WDJ:kiJr:J on an III.Xiit of the P1.anrú.n;J Department. WKJ.'J."J.:Ul CXHIJNICATICHI 59. Letter frœ Spark Famdation requesting c:han; e in repayment of $125,000 loan received frœ City of QJpertino. Mazy Flanigan, President of the Spark Famdation, &ddì. --,,-<:'ed CD.mcil. -15- City Hall mural ASAC applicants Spark Foundation loan . Second readln Ord. 1459 . Ord. 1459 enacted Second read in Ord. 1460 Ord, 1460 enacted And read in .. 1461 MINUŒS OF '!HE SEPlDœER 6, 1988 REDJIAR C1'lY cx:ocL MŒ1'nG (00-751) It was IIICMId by Ca.n::. JoolIson, s..CClU,Jed by Ca.n::. Rogm:s and P"--'Bd UI'IIUÚJDC:AJSly to authorize Ca.n::. Plungy and Directar of P1annin:¡ and DBYel""",,,,*1t o:.wan to rT ~"h1iAt\ the ad hoc ,.,..,."ittee Wùå1 originally awaxded the fI.Ims. CD.mcil also directed the oaœdttee to "'''¥'.L t back to CaIrcll. Mayor Gatto recpISt:ed that the IDs Altos ,.....n-:r ~'1Y'S request far a public ~ to extend their cw........íL 1'ranàúse be p1~ on the agen:ia far ca1Si.deration at the Sep" J er: 19 meet.in¡. ~ 60. Seocni readin;J anj enactment of ordinarx:e No. 1459: "An ordinarx:e of the City CaIrcll of th9 City of QJpert.ino Amendin:¡ Sections 2.32.020, Established, and 2.32.020, '!'em of Offioa of )L,JelS, of Chapter 2.32, P1annin:¡ n-wroni -ion, of the Q¡pertino JlJnicipal Code. It was DDII8d by CD.mc. Plungy, seccuded by Ca.1rX:. ßogers and pot-ad UI'IIUÚJDC:AJSly to read Ordinance No. 1459 by title only and the City Clede's readin;J to c....Dtitute the seccni readin:.J theroeuf. It was DDII8d by CD.mc. Roge...s, seconded by Ca.n::. Johnson and P"-~ unan1mcusly to enact Ordinance 1459. 61. SecclII:1 readin:.J and enactment of ominance No. 1460: "An ominance of the City CD.mcil of the City of QJpert.ino A1IIEnii.n¡ Sections 2.36.010, Established, and 2.36.020, '.l'eI:IDB of Offioa, of Chapter 2.36, PæiaI and Rt......-.ticm n-wroni -ion, the Q¡pertino JlJnicipal Code." It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Plungy, 68Ca)()ed by Ca.1rX:. Jà1œon and p"--sd uœnimcus1y to read Ordinarx:e No. 1460 by title only and the City Cledc's readin:.J to oo...titute the seccni readin:.J tba.......l. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Riogers, seccudeol by 0Ju00. Johnson and V--gð uœnimcus1y to enact ordinance 1460. 62. Seocni readin:.J and enactment of ordinarx:e No. 1461: "An ordinarx:e of the City Ca.n::il of the City of QJpertino AJDendin;J SectiŒlS 2.38.010, Established, and 2.38.020, '.l'eI:IDB of Office, of Chapter 2.38, Energy n-wroni~ion, of the 0Jpertin0 MJnicipal COde." It was DDII8d by Ca.1rX:. Plun;¡y, seconded by Ca.1rX:. Johnson and I"'''''3ed l.1I'Ial1.Ürø.Iy to read ordinance No. 1461 by title only and the City Clerk's ~ to oo.~.titute the seccni readin:.J thereof. -16- MDmI!S OF '1BE SEPmœER 6, 1988 RÐ:mAR crl"i CXDCIL MEE'l'DÐ (00-751) It was IIICMId by Ocunc. Rogms, seocnded by Ocunc. Jù..~ and ~<;<¡,ed unIIrÚDØJIIly to enact ordinance 1461. 63. 8ecc:n:l r&I!Id1n; anj enacbDent of 01:di:nanœ No. 1462: "An oràinance of tbe city CD.mcil of tbe City of 0Iper:tin0 A1IIIn1i.n¡ Section 2.44.040, Established, of QKIpter 2.44, ArdUtectural anj site ~ 0DDitt., of the 0Iper:tin0 H.micipal Code.., It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Plungy, secx:I"ded by Ocunc. Jù4¡&oo and 1"''''9«\ UI1IIIÜJIIc:aùy to read ordinance No. 1462 by title only and the City Clede's readin:] to CXI1Btitute the ..eoGiod readin:] thexeot. It was IIICIII8Cl by CD.mc. Rcgers, SðC...dt.d by Counc. Johnson and P"Iftnd unIIrÚDØJIIly to enact ordinance 1462. 64. 8ecc:n:l I'8IIdiD¡ and enacbDent of 01:di:nanœ No. 1463: "An oràinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Iper:tin0 A1IIIn1i.n¡ Section 2.60.010, Established, and Section 2.60.020, Tems of Office, of C1Iapter 2.60, FUblic safety n--i -ion, of tbe Q¡pertino HJnicipal Code. " It was IIICIII8Cl by CD.mc. Plungy, seocnded by Counc. Johnson and P"'-'!Id UI1IIIÜJIIc:aùy to read ordinance No. 1463 by title only and the City Clede's readin:] to CXI1Btitute the -..otld readiJJ:J thereof. It was 1IICII8cl by Counc. ~&, secouded by Counc. Johnson and P"'--sl1 unanimcus1y to enact ordinance 1463. 65. Sec...d r&I!Id1n; and en-t....c.1L of 01:di:nanœ No. 1464: "An oràinance of the City CD.mcil of tbe City of 0Iper:tin0 A1IImfiDJ Section 2.68.010, Established, and Section 2.68.020, Tems of Office, of C1Iapter 2.68, Librazy n--i_t.on, of the Q¡pertino Itmicipal Code." It was 1IICII8cl by CD.mc. Plungy, .......dt.d by Mayor Gatto and l"'IeBed UI'IIUÜlIøI8ly to read 01:di:nanœ No. 1464 by title only and the City Clede's readin:] to ca1Stitute the woou:! readin:] theœof. It was 1IICII8cl by Counc. Regers, Beoouded by Counc. Plun;w and P"ø-d unanimcus1y to enact 01:di:nanœ 1464. 66. 8ecc:n:l readin;J and enacbDent of ordinance No. 1465: "An ordinance of the City Ocuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AIDen:iiJy,J Section 2.74.010, Established, and Section 2.74.020, TenDs of Office, of C1Iapter 2.74, Cable Television Advisory Ccmnittee, of the 0Jpertin0 ø.micipal CXIde." -17- Ord. 1461 enacted Second reading Ord. 1462 Ord. 1462 enacted Second reading Ord. 1463 Ord. 1463 enacted Second reading Ord. 1464 Ord. 1464 enacted '. Second read in Ord. 1465 Ord. 1465 enacted Second read in Ord. 1466 Ord. 1466 enacted . Second read in Ord, 1467 Ord. 1467 enacted . .1 ·1 ., MIWmS OF '!HE ~1UIIZK 6, 19'38 REX;(JIAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL Mœ.l'IR; (00-751) It was 1IIOYed by CD.mc. Plungy, .........c1td by ocunc. JåInscI1 an:! p"·-It1 1.IMJÚm::IUsly to read ordinanoa No. 1465 by title only an:! the City Clede'. :reading to cxnstitute the II8O'm readin;J thelwu!. It was 1IIOYed by CD.mc. ~., seoo..c1td by ocunc. Jdì&...., anj v-nt11.1MJÚm::1Usly to enact ordinanoa 1465. 67. Seccn1 :reading anj _-..t.-íL of ordinanoa No. 1466: "An Ordinance of the City Cciuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Den:lin;J section 2.80.010, Established, and section 2.80.020, )ro."i.et. - 'l'etIDB, of QIapt:er 2.80, Fine Arts l'hmIi_ion, of the 01pertin0 !9Jnic~1 COde." It was D:MId by CD.mc. Plungy, secx:n!ed by ocunc. JåmBa1 anj p"ø<Jed ~y to read Ordinance No. 1466 by title only an:! the City Clede'. :reading to constitute the seoClud readin;J thereof. It was IIDIIecl by CD.mc. ~.., secx:n!ed by ocunc. Jchnson and p"-'!!d \InIIJÚJIØ.Is1y to enact Ordinance 1466. 68. Seoc:rId :reading anj enactment of Ordinance No. 1467: "An Ordinance of the City ocuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Den:lin;J Section 11.24.150 of the 0Jpertin0 lIJrIicipal Q:de, Relatilq to ~in¡, stan:liD¡ ar Park:iD¡, on Blaney Averua." It was 1IIOYed by:"amc. Plungy, seoc:med by CD.mc. Jàmsa1 an:! p"'CI"'«1 unanimoosly to read Ordinance No. 1467 by title only an:! the City Clede's :reading to constitute the seoaJd :reading thereof. It was 1IIOYed by CD.mc. ~s, IIEICCI1ded by CD.mc. JåInscI1 an:! p""I!'9d \InIIJÚJIØ.Is1y to enact Ordinance 1467. '!he IIIB8tinq was adjœmed at 11:20 p.m. Ci -18-