CC 09-19-88 C1'lY OF CIJPER1'DÐ, ST1lŒ OF CAI.tRRŒA 10300 '~UKI<IS AVEKJE, aJPER1'IN:), au.tFCAaA TEIEæ:IŒ: (408) 252-4505 ~752 MINt1ŒS OF '!HE mmAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL I'IU¡J;.uC HELD (If SEP.IDœER 19, 1988, CXXINCIL awœœ, C1'lY HALL 10300 '~utCt<IS AVEKJE, aJPER1'IN:), C':ALIFCRŒA '!he meet:.i:rx:J was called to order by Kayar Gatto at 6:50 p.m. SAIl1Œ 'IO '!HE FUG roIL CAIL Ccunc. r-1I mt.: Jàmsa1, Koppel, Plungy, Regels, Mayor Gatto staff Present: City Manager ()únlan City Clede Q:Ime1ius Director of Pm) ic w..doo Vis1cDviå1 Director of Planninq and DBYel___It. cowan Director of Finance snyder Director of PfU:iœ and Rb....._tion Dowlinq Assistant to the City ManacJer Brawn Chmll1'Uty RalatiŒlS Officer R'J:ey Assistant City At:tarrey Isslie rq,ez ~ - None. CERÐDIIAL MA:l'l~ - FRESEN.lM'ICR; Proclamation declarin;J October as "Paratransit !b1th. n Mayor Gatto anncunced that the prtY"'l_ticn had been ......i'ed to the cnmty. Pr:S!l/taticn of AM ~Ldan safety Award to City of QJpertino by .::l.iff Hawkins, District M'ImageJ::, œAA. Mr. Hawkins i.Jr 1i d..ed the City with a pIaqœ. ORAL CDKJNICATIæ8 - None. STAFF l<UU(J,::; 1. orcÙ lqA.JLts by staff ....."¡.,,.'"S and .."hni.....ion of written reports . -1- MDÐl'J!S OF 'DIE SEPlD!BER 19, 1988, RmJIAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (00-752) CD.mcil receivt.d the City Manager's l..........L pertaininI¡ to COde Entw.-.-..aíL, a refUrxi of $9,000.00 frail Los Altos r...,~ 0 ·'leJ1Y, the Iægue pcsiticnl on certain NaIr...ti-. ballot -wres, a letter frail ~ J ..1ymn COrtese, ani "Yam) Au:tiences Night". CD.mcil directed the thftmo"1ity Relations Officer to t"o~ a ~''''''''tion far "Yam) A1ñielD!S Night". 2. Monthly Treasurer's anj aJdget ~l - Au;Just, 1988. 3. Monthly Activity ~L - lwgust, 1988. 4. AnraJal Affizmative Action Repent. 5. Update on united cable facilities. CD.mcil received the ...........LB. Director of FUblic WaDes Viskaviå1 reviewed a t"o,-y.:lied timetable for the Highway 85 t"o' 0(" - prior to the Nav...tiJ.... 15th p.¡blic hearinq. He stated that five altmnatives will be shv'lied. Althcu:Jh a'I8 of these altmnatives has been eliminated by the State, CD.mcil will be presented. with infaDIBtion regardin;J that altmnative. D:iJ:ector of PaJ:iœ am Recreation Dowling reminded these t"o Ii .íL of the QJpertino Heritage Parade scheduled far satmday, Septeui)er 24, 1988, am the OCiIlCe.l.t to be held in Memollal PaIk the night before. Nancy steele, 0Jpertin0 Fine Arts n-o-i-ion dmir, aJ1nIUICed the recipients of the first arnJal Dist:in:1uished Artists Awiml. '!he t"o Ii dlation of the awards will be Bä-i"'ed far the Oc::tcber 31st City CD.mcil1llS8tin]. ~- of citizen interest and quest.iœs, the City Manager was directed to prepare a ........... t on the City street SIo-;pinJ t"o"':joL..... anj the "no parkin:J" signs. '1his will be pl. Ii íLed to CD.mcil at a future meetinq. COOnc:il may wish to maintain the exist.in:J policy, "w....H f'y or make saIIB adju..L-Ils. 0XJNcrL .t<UU<J.~ - None. -2- '. MDCJES OF '!HE SEPlDmER 19, 1988, REGJIAR C1'lY CXDNCIL MEEl'IlÇ (00-752) CXIISÐfl' CAI.ÐmAR 0Wnc. ~ reIDCIIIed Item No. 17. It was 1IICII8d by 0Wnc. ~, &éo.aded by Q:Amc. Jåmson aM pa7-¡tl unanimcusly to GMo'I-""" the bùanœ of the 0-41iÐ ,L Calerœr as EP'....~ :t:ted~ 11. Jluolution No. 7608: "A Resolution of the City 0t':aIrX:il of the City of 0Jperti.n0 Alladn:J oart:ain O..i..... and Dtaueu.ds Payable in the AJDc:m1ts and frcm the !\JrDI as Hereinafter Described far Salaries ard wages far the Payroll Period Erdin;J August 30, 1988." 12. Resolutiat No. 7609: "A Resolution of the City 0t':aIrX:il of the City of 0Jperti.n0 Alladn:J oart:ain 0.."..... aM DeIIIæÜI Payable in the AJDc:m1ts and FraIl the !\JrDI as Hereinafter Described for General and M1soell.ar1eœS ExpeMitures for the Fericd Erdin;J sev-·1...... 9, 1988." 13. Request far ~uIIal of grants as 1:&:> .,.,ÞrV3ecl by the Fine Art 0--" -ion. 14. Resolution No. 7610: "A Resolution of the City 0t':aIrX:il of the City of 0Jperti.n0 AIDendin;J Resolution No. 7489 Dec:J.ariDJ Intention to Sell 8mplus PL~." 15. Resolution No. 7611: "A Resolution of the City CcuJX:il of the City of 0Jperti.n0 Authorizin¡ Destruction of ~ds - Parks an:! Recreation Depart:ment." 15. AßIlication AS1tC 9-t}-83 (Amemed) - ~~y GrCRJp - RetJ-t far ~uval of a design far eastern }'L~ line I.arxJsœpin:) an:! fencin;J and of a pIan far dt.u......tive entry walls an:! IIIorIIIIIIi!nt far tl"e Seven SpriD; B Ranch devel,+""",aL. Project site is ge.odrally bounded by Rainbow Drive, Upland way, PL,.spect Rœd, and the SCUthem Pacific Rai1rœd right-of-way. ~ .,.,..-rded for ~uVal. 17. RemcYed frail the Q:I1sent Calendar. 18. A¡:plic:at.ion 51,817.1 - Motivational Systems, Inc. (~égOly Groop) - Request for ~ of an ~.uon frail the Sign Ol:àinance to allow a ~ -'1.. ,.ary off-site dizectional sign for the seven ~ Ranc:h devel~.t. Sign to be lcx:at.ed at the sart:hwest \AJl.uer of stellin:) Rœd an:! Seven SpriJç¡ Pa%iarIay. Reo .,.,-'1ded for awroval. -3- Consent Calendar ~ MnI1lES OF '!HE SEPIÐœER 19, 1988, RmJIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL MŒl'I1Ç (00-752) 19. P-cl-t far 8ßIl'CPrlation frcm the 'JO'I-'cù flm:l far the purpose of bJ.riJç an a&titional buiJ.din;J inspector. 20. Acceptance of lIJI'Iicipal iDprowments: (a) Williaaa nwin Project, 10247 ~1al AV81'1J8 (No dcc::umentat.io r--øv.y). 21. Resolution No. 7612: "A Resolution of the City 0c:m1cil of the City of 0Jpertin0 App:ravin:j a..íL...aCt 01aDJe 0J:der No. 2 far Misca1J.aneoos water Main p.opb, -....,t. Project 88-109." 22. Resolution No. 7613: "A Resolution of the City 0c:m1cil of the City of 0Jpertin0 App:ravin:j Parcel Map of P.t._ty I.ocat.ed at stellin;J Rœd am Kixwin Iæ1e; DBYeloper, Bruce I. am DeLœ.ah c. Benfield; Autharizin;J Execution of ~""'_IL Þ.,¡..---'Jt; Autharizin;J Signirq of Parcel Map." 23. Resolution No. 7614: "A Resolution of the City 0c:m1cil of the City of QIpertino Autharizin;J Execution of Þ.,¡..~d. Betueen the City am Bruce I. am Debomh c. Bonfield, Prcvidi1g for the tJndergraJrñin: of utilities on a Deferred Basis at stellin;J Rœd am Kixwin lane." 24. Resolution No. 7615: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acceptin;J Quitclam Deed am Authorization for UXX1ergramd Water Rights frail Bruce I. anj c.a......db c. Bonfield, Located at stellin;J Rœd am KiJ:wi.n lane." 25. Resolutiat No. 7616: "A Resol·.Jtion of the City 0c:m1cil of the City of 0Jpertin0 App:ravin:j Parcel Map of P.t.'¥"Lly' I.ocat.ed on Tula lane; DBYeloper, 'l\1la Estates; Autharizmj Execution of ~UV_It. Agx......elít.; Autharizin;J Signirq of Parcel Map." 26. Resolutiat No. 7617: "A Resolution of the City cooncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acceptin;J Quitclam Deed am Authorization far UXX1ergramd Water Rights frail 'l\1la Estates; I.ocat.ed on 'l\1la lane." 27. Resolution No. 7618: "A Resolution of the City c:ux:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~in;J ~uv'eIIIel1t Plan for P.t.'¥"Lly' Located on MircmaJte Rœd; DBYeloper, H. W. & AsSOC'iat.es Imi_L...,¡\t. ~ny; Authorizin;J the City ED;Jineer to Sign the ~'^'_ít. Plan; am Authorizin;J Execution of ~.........,L in o:.......::tion 'Iherewith." -4- MIWmS OF '!HE SEPl»mER 19, 1988, REX;(JIAR C1'lY OXJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (CX:-752) 28. Rssolutiat No. 7619: "A Resolutiat of the City c:ø.mci1 of the City of QJpertino AcœptiD;J Grant of F.>I.... IL far FUblic service PID:p:S9S frail H. W. & Ae........ortes :rnva.l:u....íl ~, IDeated on Minmr::m:e Rœd." 29. Rssolution No. 7620: "A Resolutiat of the City c:ø.mci1 of the City of QJpertino AcœptiD;J Grant of F.>I IL far ~ Puq>JSSø frail H. W. & ABsodates Inv_t.-4. ~ny, IDeated on Minmr::m:e Rœd." 30. Rssolution No. 7621: "A Resolutiat of the City ocunc.u of the City of QJpertino AcœptiD;J Qu.i~,,"'i1ft Deed and Authorization far t1rœrgrcund Water Rights frœ H. W. & ;.-tates Inv_I:u....,L 0CIIpmy, IDeated on MirmDcnte Rœd. " 31. Request for waiver of b.1siness license fees filed by Citizens far a Better EnviramIent. 32. AppraYal of an extension of time to OCIIplete st.ellin¡ Rœd iDpravements far WarthilxJton OIevrolet. 33. Resolution No. 7622: "A Resolution of the City ocunc.u of the City of QJpertino Settinq Date far Ca1sideration of Anr1exi1ç Area Designated 'McClellan Rœd 88-06', Pl'¥"Lty IDeated on the North side of McClellan lUId Bet:wen Byme Aveme anj ~ Avenue, ~wrlmoot.ely 0.31 Acre, Kenneth am ~"Y Manrao (ARI 357-14-6,7)." 34. Resolution No. 7623: "A Resoluticn of the City c:ø.mci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Settinq Date for Ca1sideration of Anr1exi1ç Area Designated 'stellin:¡ Rœd 88-05' I P.I.'¥"Lli' IDeated on the West Side of stellin:¡ laid Beb.een O%cgrande Place am Carriage ch'cle, ~tely 0.979 Acre, Taneo anj Kiyoye Hirano (ARI 359-6-58)." 35. P-;r""""': for waiver of bJsiness license fees filed by muted Way of santa Clara c:wnty. 36. Resolutiat No. 7624: "A Resolution of the City ocunc.u of the City of 0Jpertin0 AR;Irovin:¡ Lot Line Adj",,"t.-lt Be.tueen ~ Parcels of laM Withart: a Parcel Map in Accordanœ with section 66412 (d) of SUbdivision Map Act as AIDeIœ.I Jaœazy 1, 1987, Propert.y IJx:at.ed on Northwest COmer of CU1Den Road am Janice Aveme." -5- I JmI1lES OF nm SEPmœER 19, 1988, RamAR CI'lY CXXJNt:IL MEmm (CC-7S2) 37. Reøo1utiat No. 7625: "A Resolution of the City axmcil of the City of QIpertino A¡:prøvin¡ Lot Line Adj...........t B8t~ 7'010 Parcels of Land Withcut a P8rcel HIIp in JIcoardanoe with Secticn 66412 (d) of SUbdivision HIIp Act as AIDeIdtod JarJJa%y 1, 1987, PJ._ty I.ocat.ed on SaIthwest COl..... of Blaney AvenJ8 anj Forest Averue." 38. Resolution No. 7626: "A Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of QIpertino Autbarizin¡ Execution of a a...,L.......-t for Sbuttle Services anj ~,¥dation of $10,000 fraD Envira1menta1 I:DpIct !\n:l." 39. MinJtes of the adja.u:ned regular meet:iD;J of ~ 29, 1988. 40. MinJtes of the regular meet:.i:rx:J of Bepted::Jer 6, 1988. l'm!S REXIVED F1DI <XHŒm' CAUmi\R . 17. Application ASAC 7-u-B7 - Wi"....'" H. Avery - Reques'G for AWLuval of lamscapin¡ plans for foor sJn;Jle-family haaes within a Planned DIMIl",,",",",al zone. Site is located on the wst side of Ittlellan Rœd, a¡:prcximtely 200 feet sc:uth of Mira vista Read. p... "-·-·-·rled for apþ¿.wa1. App. ASAC 7-U-87 . COJnci1 had questiŒlS regardin¡ the wall alan;J Ittlellan BaIlevaJ:d anj tha 1.arD~in¡. Director of Planning anj DBYel",,",",",1l Q:Jwan pl. S5íled photos of ~les of the type of wall ~ t"o'lJOS8d. He stated that it woold pråJably look staJ:X the first year ar so before the plants grew. Ray RcoIœr, ard1itect ...'"¥'o....entin;J Mr. Avery, told axmcil tbat the wall was a natural ............t.e material. It will be planted with gI'QJßi 0CMIr-t:ype mterials in several varieties, bath ."......my an'J flowerl:q plants. I!c:Ð HclxBie, 22337 lttlC'.llan, eç- ...... oouœ.."TIS regardin¡ the ard1itect:ure anj t11Ø lan:Jscapirx¡. He had questions regarding two and thrrae-stœy sectiŒlS anj the major rooflJne. He ~ -ed OCo*--.u tbat there were no eaves on the roof. He told 0Junr::1l that he had expressed these saJDB 00&...-.... at Aràù.t.ectur-.ù. anj site A¡proval Qmldttee. Mr. RcoIœr shewed a -, to axmcil statinq tbat these were not ranàl OOolSes, but were more fOIJDal. BeœJwe of the design, there is not a lot of mass; there wa.ùd be dense ~in¡. -6- MnIJl."iS OF 'IIIE SEPmm 19, 19BB, mmI.AR CIT'í anm. MEE:l'IH# (0::-752) Mr. Haxsie ~ -ad the opinion that the ~'¥JSed la7v'....,.tnq EI--~ good am he was pleased with it. He q4. : nad oo.........n for an exist.inJ tree that he wa1ld like saved. He did not feel that fCAll' houses shoold have been a¡:pmYed am felt that if it was necullaxy to ~....J.se the .......1J]n to DBIœ fcur þro'-T- fit in the area, it Bhculd net be da1e. He said that an 1S1!C ,,-.1 E([ had stated that since fcur had been apprcyed, it wa1ld be neoeI!'Elary to .................1se to fit t1øm in. Direc:tar of Plann:1n¡ anj Devel~d. CXIWan reminded Cbmcil that the devel~,L had been rowiIroed. frail five to fcur lots previcusly. It was IIICM!d by came. Jeimson am seccn1ed by came. Rogers to ~U'18 the a¡:plic:atiCl'l per ASAf:: Resolution No. 1421. '!he lIOtion p"ø-ad with came. KcgJel am came. Plungy r1i-- líUn¡. In reg¡m:I to the TcumIIIIIent of Bands, a letter had been received requestin; waiver of fees am à1arges. '!be City Manager stated that staff was þL' .~i11;J with the TaIrnament of Bands as camci1 hI!d .........V'Ied last year. '!he TaIrnament was respalSible far payin} out of pocJœt coots. Ccuncil. felt that this policy shcu1d remain in effect am that the City shculd provide an a1-i}:)in;J t....~y. cameil directed that act:.i.on on this itea be sd1eduled for the Oct:c:œr 3m meetin;. RJBLIC HFARIlŒ 42. ArP""1 of Ardútect:ural anj site ~ Ccmnittee A;-..-licat.ion 1S1!C 51,809.1 for a bi"......n:l to be located en the west side of Saratoga-sunnyvale Rœd ~y 35 feet north of Wildflc::JWBr Avem.18. AI¥'" filed by Ray Villareal, GaUl..LL cut:door ~1'\Y of Nort:hem Califomia. Direc:tar of Plann:1n¡ anj Devel~,L Q: wan reviewed the "'R"""" anj action at 1S1!C with CD.mcil. Ray Villareal, 777 North First st....""",t, san Jose, ...~:II_JLin:J Gannett cut:door Advertisin;J ~ny of Northem Califomia, þ&. II d.ed CD.mcil with the backgn:A.Dñ of the rEIII:IIIal of the oriqinal bi"......m. He stated the ~ny had lost abo.rt: $25,000.00 in revenue alene with the remaval of that sign. 'Ihe p1.,-\osed sign is a tri-vision structure smaller in size than the old style billboard. '!he t;¡"hoard no 1COJer has a frame; the CXIf1':/ area rotates. '!be ~ed sign waùd be used as a shcM::ase in Santa Clara <hmty. He stated that one of the faces of the -7- ASAC 7-U-87 approved Tournament of Banda fees waiver ASAC 51,809,1 appeal . Public Rearin closed ASAC 51,809.1 denied . App. 7-Z-88, 24-U-88 . MDI1l'fS OF '!HE SEPlD1BER 19, 1988, RmJIAR ClT'i CXJH::IL MŒl'DI:; (00-752) rotat1nq sign oculd be used for a PJblic seJ:Vioe . 'Y a QOI1p1e of times a year. He felt this wculd --,'ent P',},11t'! ~tiaw far the city. He also stated that the ('0 ·'1 elty was willinJ to WOJX with the staff to lcw8r the height of the sign. Mr. villareal said that he had recpIBted ~ to CX1IIB to a veta rather than study other cities' ardinances; basically, cities do net lJJœ bi, u'....rds. It was IIICM!d by came. Jåu1son, ........c1t.d i:Iy QJunc. Plungy anj p"'--sd unaJÚJIa1Sly to close the PJblic h6arin:]. It was IIICM!d by came. JchnBa1, BeCXI1ded by QJunc. Kq:pel anj pelElved with came. ~ am Mayor Gatto ciissentJJ:g to deny the "f'P""'" citinJ incŒISistency with the sign 0J:'dina00e restriction of off-site signs anj the size of the .....'~.sed device am to diIect staff to study bi1'''''''''Id and off-site sign regulations. '!he results of the study will be fœ:warded to ~ to be used in CŒlSideriDJ a possible sign 0J:'dina00e IDIII!IdDe.Jl. Mayor Gatto clarified that his veta resulted frail the fact that he did net feel it was neoeE''Juy to do a study, he siDply wanted bi"hmrds pråÚbited. Director of Pla1'll'ÛJJ;J anj Devel...........íl cowan stated that s--41ete aramd the lllickne of Deo:-,J ot'r he waùd be œtm:nin;J with a ...... 'lvsed 0J:'dina00e. 43. ARùication 7-Z-SS anj 24~8 - Northwest »D. - Rezc::Nnj of 3.65 net acres frail Rl-10 (Residential 10,000 sq. ft. 1IIi.niJII.mI lot. size) to BQ (0"'Cl1 pI11o\11t'! AI1i1dinJ) . App1icati.on 24-u-88 - ~ »D. - UIIe Pemit to allcJw phased eçanøion of a ""-1IÙty recreati.onal center frail 13,400 sq. ft. to an ult.iate area of 48,500 sq. ft., anj to pemit variaJs athletic activities, ecJucationa1 seminars, ""-1I'Iity œet:.inga anj PJblic birqo games on the pr-i -1T" , '!he site J.a located on the north side of Alves Drive, 300 ft. wst of Bearda1 Drive. EnvL.........d..al Review: '!he plar1ninI;J n-..issiœ NC' .,.,....¡ds the grant:.in;J of Negative na,.b>'atiŒlS. p.... -·àJed far "M'Luv'IÙ. Director of P1.annin} anj Devel___JL cowan t"o s 1ted the ~ to CaII1cil. D1so.....ion followed reg¡miin;¡ the parXinJ available in relationship to peak periods of use, such as dI1rin;J birqo games. Assistant city Attorney IDpez said that .me did net þo>1 i_ that a U4J.ral of a birqo pemit cnùd be denied ): o:>ç>nlse of -8- MDK7l'!S OF '1HE SEP1'ÐœER 19, 1988, REX;VIAR Cl'lY o::aaL MŒl'DI:; (CX>-752) , parIdnq, however, the Ocuncil cx:Wd tie the parIdnq into the use pmmit. Pm:hapø a limit to the 1"'......... of part:icipants in the bingo game cx:Wd be :in::1uded. I<'svin On:rin, Director of the Nart:1MIst »D, ðdch. I ~ Ocuncil regard1D¡ the ¡ilasiø;J cx:niition rec· .,.,...rded far Applic::at.ion 54-u-aa. He PL S íLad an OII8J:View of the t"o....".,CIIID lit the y. Jcim Hackforth, aråú.tect, 400 mœsaa Hill Rœd, IaI Gatos, cpestioned the need for O:n1ition No. 15 mquir1nq an additional parkinq study. He reviewed the aråú.t.ectme of the addition t"o'~ anj the mteria1s that .....,'<'1 be used. ""or the re...u..d, COUnc. Jå1œon stat.ed that both he an:! QuIC. 1fqpl are on the Board of Direct:arø far the Nart:1MIst »D. As they haw D) eoo.....J.c interest, the city Attamey's Clfice has advised them that it is not J'lA7 !IZy to abstain f1:aa either di..........ion or votinq. It was IIICIYed by COUnc. Jciul11M" IIEIOOoAod by COUnc. Rogers anj P"-'9d l.IrIIUÙm:IUsly to close the p¡blic hearin;J. It was IIICIYed by COUnc. Jåmsal, SE!Ca'Ù!d by COUnc. ~s and l""-'9d unanimcus1y to ~U118 the gDmtinq of a Negative now-'e¡raticn for JIRI1,icat.ion 7-Z-88. It was IIICIYed by COUnc. Jà1nsca" BeCXJldtod by COUnc. Ro.,¡...... an:! P"'-ed unanimcus1y to _U118 the 8RÙication per Planni.Jx¡ C'nmIi_ion Resolution No. 4093. (a) First readin:.J of Ordinance No. 1471: "An Ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpert:in0 AIIIendin] section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Reza1in¡ 3.65 Net Acres f1:aa Rl-10 Zone to BQ Zone: Located on the North Side of Alves Drive, 300 Ft. West of Beaxdon Drive (7-Z-88, Nortbwest: »D)". It was IIICIYed by CD.mc. Plungy, SE!Ca'Ù!d by COUnc. Bcgm:s and l"""'E'ed unanimcus1y to read Ordinance No. 1471 by title only anj the City Clerk's readin:.J to CCI1Stit:ute the first readiD¡ thereof. It was IIICIYed by COUnc. Jå1nson, SE!Ca'Ù!d by COUnc. ~.. anj l""a-'9d unanimcus1y to _U118 the gDmtinq of a Negative Dec1arat.ion for 1IR>1ic:ation 24-U-88. -9- Public Hearing closed App. 7-Z-88 approved 1st reading of Ord. 1471 . App, 24-U-88 approved App. 16-U-88, 26-EA-88 . . KINUl'ES OF '!HE l:iJ:ót'aI'UZK 19, 1988, RmUtAR c:rn' CXJCNC:[L MEEl'DÇ (OC-752) It was IIICV8d by 0i:U1c. J1J416o..61, aecou:B1 by 0i:U1c. a.."..... anj 1'"' -,:1 unanimcusly to ~...... the a¡:plicaticn pc' PJ.ann1n; ",-i_ion RI8olution No. 4094 with ocn1ition No. 14, ..eoo..c1 psr-_....., d1aJ1;Jed fJ:aa three years to fiw years anj ocn1ition 15, pu_....l 2, IIIIIIIIråId to incllX!8 the follClWin; senteroe: "In the event that MAc;rJata œ-sita ar off-sita puidD¡ is not ¡m:wided cmin:J peak activity perioœ the project's qmatars shall be subject to a limitation upc:.n the ,..- of participm1ts cmin:J t:hc:;¡¡e peak activity periods." PIANNI1G APPLICATICH9 44. A¡:plication 24-u-a8 - Northwest YJCA (Please see It.Ea No. 43.) 45. A¡:plication 16-U-88 anj 26-EA-88 - stowers AP-iAtes - Use Pexmit i;o OQ...¡t....x::t a one-stœy 5,450 sq. ft. ,. .,.,-.cl.a1 bl1ndin¡. '!he t"o.........ty is located on the ncrthwest: ............ of DeAnza BaJlevard anj McClellan R:Bi. ErIIriraDental Review: 'Jm PJ.ann1n; c::n-i -im rec> ·,·,-TIds the gJ:8l1tiD} of a Negative Dec1arat.ion. Reo ·,·,....Ided for approval. (00nt.iraJed frca meet.irçs of August 15 anj SEpt-,J.er 6, 1988.) Director of PJ.annin¡ am Devel~at. ccwan reviewed. the c:harJ;¡es with cwncil. Ra1 Cali, Vice President of Cali Financial ~íL, t"o s _;tAd a JDOdel anj .......c1t:.dn:¡. Riå1æ:d stowers, of stowers am APeoc-:l~tes, t"o s ibed a col~ anj å1an:Je8 that have been DIåe sinoB CDmcil's last revieor. He nrpIBted that cwncil revise a ccn:U.tion regaminçJ tree ~ in frc:nt of the "',i"'i'1l) ...,.... for the three .t......at t... -- alCD} DBAnza 1!cIuJ.eIra%d. He wa1ld lilœ the cleImeBt lines pnaaibl. to sb::III the si:øplicity of the ...,ndi'1l). Mr. stowers felt that this ...,ndinq -''''''y was a better design than the pœvicus a18 --- of ita shp"'''ity. He stat.ed that so ~ ...,ndiD3s aT ...., to be designed to draw att:.ention to tbøII. It was IIICIIIed by 0i:U1c. ~s, s..........:Jt.å by 0i:U1c. JIJ....orl anj po:--sii unanimcusly to GW.LU'oI8 the gJ:8l1tiD} of a Negative """"''l''<tt1on. It was IIICIIIed by 0Junc. RcgeI's, ~L1ecl by 0i:U1c. JIJ..-..n am p"--'d unanimcusly to GW.LU'oI8 A¡:pliœtion 16-U-88 per PJ.annin;J ,..,..,."i -ion Reøo1uticn No. 4084 with OcI1dit.ion No. 17 deleted, Condition 19, Items 2 am 3 deleted anj a ocndition ..Marl that wa1ld request tl'.e ro.mdin:¡ (slight JID.II'Xiirq) of the fra1t lawn. -10- MINU'lES OF '!HE SEPl'EJœER 19, 1988, R!XJJIAR Cl'IY CXXJNc:IL n=J.'.uC (œ-752) 46. JIRIlicatiat 1.5-U-88 - Jcbn ~ - Use Pemit to oo....L..1.1Ct a 1,790 sq. ft. expansion to an exist:iD¡ retail store and to c....øL..uct: site 1D1ific:atiaw. '!he site is located on the west side of south Baratoga-6unnyvale Jad, ~y 200 ft. south of wi1dt1~ Way. EI1vircnœnt:a1 F8Yiew: '!he project is cat.egoric:ally ~L, hence no action is requiœd. p,.. ,-~ far ~UIIal. Ray RcoIœr, architect, p¡.-esented the 1'&.' y:e.ed expansion to o::mcll. o::mcll inquired abcut the harse that is ........" y in f:ta1t of the store. John auist:ensen, a¡plicant, told o::mcll that the harse's MIlle is Bruce. Bruce is loaned to varicus groops 10Iban not on di"lplay in f:ta1t of the store. It was IIICMId by COUnc. RcgeIs am BeOCI1ded by Ccurx::. Jàmsa1 to ~U'/8 the çlication per PlanrU.rq l'romIi -ion Resolution No. 4103. FollOiidn:¡ ñi .....''39ion, the mXion and seccn:i wre amended to state that if technica11y feasible, the new roof material shall also be p' "'''EId at the exi.stirq roof. '!be amended mXion was pa"~9d unaniJJDJsly. 47. ARIliœtion 25-U-88 - Milton J. Pagonis - Use Femit to ocnaL..1.1Ct a 1,700 sq. ft. siD¡le stoty addition to an exi.stirq dental OCIIplex. '!he site is located at 10383 Torre Averoe, scutherly of Town center lane. F.r1vircnæntal Review: '!he project is categariœlly ...........L, hence no action is recpired. PA . - ""'Ided far ~UIIal. 'l\:III Boyd adch. u9d CD.mcil regardin;J re .t.L..1piD¡ of the pm:Xin¡ lot. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, ~.dt.cl by CD.mc. Regels am P"'''-'9d unaniJIIJusly to AwLU'/8 the a¡pliœtion per Plannin;J l'romIi....ion Besolution No. 4104. ARælTEC'IURAL AND Sl'Œ APPIÐI7AL <XHnTŒE APPLICATIQIS 48. None. UNFINISHED IIJSINESS 49. Description of possible uses for area(s) zoned "cntdoor :recreation. " -11- App. 15-U-88 App. 25-U-88 Outdoor recrea- tion zoning . . . Los Al tos Garbage public' hear ing ! I reques t ' . . MDÐrES O'P 'IHE SEPIDœER 19, 1988, REX;UIAR Cl'l'!' axø:::IL MEE:1'DC (00-752) It was 1IICMId by <nine. Jœ.ISon, secc:n:ied by <nine. Rcc;¡ers and p"-1Id unani.JIaJsly to c:lli:ect staff to start the t"o' <" I ø anj heIIrin;pI far _-..t.-.L of an ordinanos. NEH EnSINæS so. P..'...,osed _ä....,Ls to National. Mmir.ipeol Eblicy and 8epsrate 11Bsolutia18, Anrual (M"P- ø of Cities, Bost:cn, Kassachusetts, De- _,I -er 3-7, 1988. CWrx::il reoeived the 1:~L anj detemined that each O;uY!'!11r_,I..... will hanðle as neoeseary. 51. OX1Bideration of a req.¡est frail IDs Altos I"....'"'-;JP ~ for a p.¡blic hearin¡ to ooosider extension of their ~.I..:atl. tranc:nise. Joe Renati, ccnsultant to IDs Altoø I"....'"'-;JP n-oopor¡y, ..:kh. 111d cnmcil stat.inq that effective on or about oct:c:œr 3, 1988, the ~ny will be transferrirç 9"''"'-;JP to Newby Island. '1beœ is a need. to restore equjpDent. '!he ~ has initiated no rate in.::rease since 1983 and does not plan on one at this time; hcwever, in order to plan for the future anj invest the 1ID1I!Y in equipDent ~, the ~ny feels that they need to have the .......íL..aCt extended at this time. 'Iherefore, they are request.irJ¡ a p.¡blic hearin.J to ooosider sud1 an c.xt..<msion. city Manager ()1inl.an infœ:med <nIneil of Wat is bein} done at this time in the area of the di~' .......íL..aCt an' the type of services bein:J offered. CD.mcil was infœ:med that a eurvey of citizens is goin:J to œ done and that mcst l:Uœly inc1udin) it with a 9"''"'''''';JP bill Wtl'ùd be the best: 1DBIInS. Jim ~ "~'1, General Manager of IDs Altos I"....?tv..:ø n-oopony, said that right new in that particular blsiness, ,\ lot is goin:J on and it's very cœplicated. At this tin'€. there are two years left on the franchise with the City OJ: 0Jpertin0 anj the ~ny is facinq a ocup1e of serio:s i...."....: the Newby Island landfill anj the fact that ~ Cl.u.Lt,üt three-ïær labor .......íL..aCt expires in Februar.f. He stated that the Gavemment COde allows that if the Ciq' is satisfied with the present sm:vice in areas of cost and service, it is rIOt l""""""'ð~'\'Y to go art: to bid. Mr. ~ stat.ed that unlimited service, which the City of 0Jpertin0 is reviewin;J, cuts down on recyclin:J. He st...H=-ted that a recyclin:J pl"'JLC2ØI œ started first and this may have an iJIpact regardiI'J;J the need. for unlimitedmservice. He stated that the 5unnyvale issue seems to œ the major oa1œm in the staff report. He asJœd if -12- · t MDIm!S or '!HE SEPl'ÐœER 19, 1988, REDJIAR Cl'l'Y cxuaL ft=¡:.uG (00-752) Bunnyvals ðoes 8C.1118thiD;r, does 0Jpertin0 autaaatic:al1y want to do it? p,a stated that they are different cit.itw with different needs. He offered to keep the ~_tl rata far at least anatbør 18 IIICIrJths and to match 1dIatev8r is offered in 8unnyvale (CXIIp!rin) an a¡:ples to a¡:ples situation) far unlimited service. Di"C'-ion followed :reqardin;J unl.imited service. It was IIICMiId by CD.mc. Johnson, BeOC:I1ded by Cb.1nc. RegaS anj 1'" ,::'I urIIIJÙDI:Iusly to ccn:Juct a pl1"'Ht! hearin;J on oct.å)er 31, 1988, to cx:nlider extension of the City's fmndúse with I.cs Altos r....""""'gP (1.,1. ""¡y. 52. RIIIriøI of City of San Jose's t"o'l"-~ revision to QIIIptsr 7, sitiD¡, and revised. map (HazaMcus waste Mana., --íL P1.UI:j&oalll - Tanner ODnittee) . cnmcil di"C'......... San Jose's ~"'1œed revision anj c:Uxected CD.mc. a:y.... to l."'i"-'LL their 0CIt1lOe1.11S about: potential iJIpICts and to reqœst a model ordinæx1e far local iDplement:aticn. 53. RIIIriøI anj request for a¡:praval of ___........./L with G1."¥A:I Grcup, Inc., relative to park dedication fee. (a) Resolution No. 7627: "A Resolutiat of the City cnmcil of the City of Q pBrtino Autharizinq EIœa1tion of ~..........ð.. with Gl."¥Ai' Grcup, Inc., Pa1X Dec1icat.i.on Fee, Seven Springs Ranch." Upc:a ÞeiJJ.J as- by cnmcil, Director of pn}-:1it! 1fœjœ VisJo:wicb stated that Seven Springs Ranch had a 4.28 acœ ~ anj çpmmtly the 4.78 stat.ed in the staff .L~L ws a clerical aL.Lu.L. It was IIICMiId by Cb.1nc. Johnson anj .........üd by Cb.1nc. Ro9=.. to IIdqJt: Resolution No. 7627 to autharize the reiDbIrsement of $1,289,996.00 plus interest estimated at $69,464.00 to be rebbmIeð. at the time of -....""". ca.mcil di"C'U'~Ðd 0CI1CE!mS regaminJ leavinq these parœls as qJen space for a potent:.ially 1m;J period of time. '!hey requested that sigœ statiD¡ such as "future heme site" be placed on the parœls. '!he previaJs motion was adc¢ed ~ly. -13- ...~ Gregory Group park ded. fee Res. 7627 adopted " . . . ". . 2nd reading Ord. 1468 Ord. 1468 enacted . 2nd reading Ord. 1469 Ord. 1469 enacted . '.~'~~~~.,,' ~."":",,..,~..- MIlÐlES OF '!HE tiU'.=oIIZK 19, 1988, RIDJIAR Cl'lY CXOICIL ru:.I:i.1'.uC (00-752) Wtu:~..u:zf CXJHJNICATIa6 54. I'faw. œmN1INCI1S 55. 8ecxni reeIdin¡ an:! en2IoCtDø1t of ordinance No. 1468: "An ordinance of the city a:ucl.1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIIIrñirJJ section 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Rezaún;J Pì.~lž frca BQ Zone to Rl-6 Zone: IDeated on the West Side of Miller A'V8I'U8, 100 Ft. North of AthenIcod Drive (Q1en - S-Z-88)." It was maved by 0Junc. P1ungy, seo..tr;;bl by 0Junc. ~. anj p"øøed unaniD::Jusly to read ordinance No. 1468 by title only anj the city Cl.eèt's readizç to cxt1Stitute the secxni reeIdin¡ thereof. It was maved by 0Junc. ~, seoaded by Came. Jahuscn anj I"""'!"ed unaniD::Jusly to enact the ordinance. 56. 8ecxni ::eadin;r an:! enac:t:ment of ordinance No. 1469: "An Ordinance of the City a:ucl.1 of the city of 0Jpertin0 A1IIIIrñirJJ section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Prezcx1in:3 1.0 J\cI:e f1:aD city of 0Jpertin0 PN-A Zone to city of 0Jpertin0 P.r:e-Rl-6 Zone: IlXatEd on the west Side of stellÙXj Read, 500 Ft. scutherl}' of carriage Circle cnn:t: (I.ecn;r- G-Z-88)." It was maved by 0Junc. P1ungy, seccn:Jecl by CWnc. ~ anj P"""ed unaniD::Jusly to read ordinance No. 1469 by title only anj the city Clede's readizç to cxt1Stitute t.he secxni readinq thereof. It was maved by Came. Rc:igeJ:s, seccn:Jecl by O'.AInC. Jàmson anj ~'9'ged UI1IIIÜJIIcŒùy to enact the ~. RESOII7l'ICIiS 57. None. At 10:20 p.m., Q:).u::il aðjœrned to 6:00 p.m., Oc::taber 3, 1988, Conference RcaIIA, First Floor of city Hall. -14-