CC 10-03-98
.~ -~..', ,~_.
CITY or uwmu.uÐ, sr1æB OF C'AIiIFŒOŒA
10300 '.L~ AVJ!aZ, UJ~, C'AIiIFŒOŒA
'.1'J!:IEHDŒ: (408) 252-4505
KDI7l!S œ '1BE JBVUP. C1T!C caa::IL Niri.L'.ü'G
H![J) (If Ul,;,!,UXZ 3, 1988, ~ aÐ\MEII!:R, C1T!C mIl.
10300 ".LUQQ5 AVJ!aZ, uwmu.uoO, CAI.n'CIINIA
Inte:rvieif of ASN::. 8ß»)jt"Jlll1t:s and BRIOLal"."üt to cœaittee -
Calf_......... Real A - 6:00 p.m.
Mayor Gatto called the œetin:J to œ:der at 6:00 p.m.
Follcwin;J intervia..s of the eleven œnlidates..... . .do, it
was mved by ccunc. ~.., seccllded uJ came. Jdu1Bon and
l"'~~':!d unaniJIDJsly to ~int ~ J. Hoxsie to the
Arå1itectural ani site ApprcIral CCIIIDittse to fill the
unexpired term of Mimi Bi!Ica miå1 ems in JPnJI!JJ.Y, 1990.
At 7:16 p.m., the¡ was adjcurned to oooooil 0umW>.r.
At 7:21 p.m., Kayar Gatto ....,'ed the meetin;J to order .in
Ccun:::il C21aJd:)pr.
SAII1.Œ 'ro '!HE FUD
COJJx:. P.ì.. s
Jåmsa1, 1I'ø;pal, Plu:q¡, R..;r--.., l,t'".Yœ" Gatt-...(J
staff P..._Li.t
Dep1t.y City Cledc WOlfe
Director of pnhHC uniœ ViskDvich
Assistant to the City 1IIu_ Bram
Director of PJ.anniD¡ and DeWll. ,·,-do cowan
Director of Finanœ SII}'der
Director of lUtes anj Rt..........«ion Dcw1iD¡
n--11'Iity Ralaticns Officer Rœy
City Attamsy Kilian
~ - None.
Plaque of GMAl......laticr. to Na."IC'] P.œl=d f= !'.er service an
the Fine JI.rts lhIImi "Sia.1.
Mayor Gatto presented tt.e plzque t.o M!J. Rcsl\;,.n'i.
Certificates of i!RX>L,l.u::.tL to œv O"J':"'I"i""'icners.
Robert Hoxsie
appointed to
KDÐl!S OF 'lH! UI.:J.~ 3, 1988 Cl'lY cx:oa::IL J'IUa'.u«;
Mr. DIIvid a...A... rece1wd his 08rtif1cate of JIRIOLL-ad. to
the amœ anj RL..-tion no-i_i,..,.
Proc1aIIIation ha'.....!n;J ~ Li1:Ira1y JUnior Vo1unt:eem.
Ms. J\1lie DùIyJple, DEtbie 0Ian;J, MIuianne MI!Iddm IUd
EBtber Ben¡ received the prnn1-tion trail JtIyor Gatto on
behalf of the JUnior VoIunt:eem.
Pl"tv'!1_tion dec:J.ar1rq the week of octcber 9-15, 1988,
"Fire Pnlvention Week."
'!he prnt",-tion will be sent to the _"¥'olate party.
'Ibis portion of the D8!tiJq is reserved far penons wishin;J
to aðCh. the O:amcil on any matter not on the agenœ.
SpeaJœrs are limited to five 1IIin1tes. In IIICSt cases, state
law will prdUbit the CD.mcil trail DBkinq any ........~R't'fIS
with respect to a mt:ter not listed on the agenœ.
Ann J\n;er, Menta vista resident, thanked the Mayor far
resolvin¡ a lightinq prcblem.
5'mFF !<CótU(J.1::i
1. Oral l~ts by staff --rs and ...,hni!lU¡1ion of written
.&.C'tA& ls.
'It.e City Manager's RepalL was received.
2. ~L on 4th of J\1ly activities.
July 4 program O:amcil (!o .,..-1C1ed D1rectar of Pm:D anj Rt.........tion Dclflinq
anj the DeparbI&1t. staff far the 9'1(> -T of the J\Ily 4
oe1ebrat.ion. It was ~"..œd that pez:haps the IIIIJ1Y ethnic
gra¡ps ........ s_d.ed in OJpertin>'s pcpùat.ion wculd be
inteœsted in Bhari.n¡ their a1ltures as part of fUture
SWING program
3. Repu..l on students' Week in Neighl:xnhoo:l GaY....,.....uL
(&WIll;) t"o",:!"CIIR.
l'hIoIII"1ity RelatiŒlS Director R:rey answered questions
regarding the program, and <bmci1 received the ""'¥AL.
MIWmS OF 'DIE 0C'r0II1::R 3, 1988 CJ:'lY CXXJNCIL MEE:'l':Im
Director of PUblic works Viskavic:h l........ted that Diane
Mahan an:! Ken Ib1tijo, city eap].oyees, had perfOI1ll8d CPR on
a 1""1-,""" until pu'''-'''''''''' arrived on the.... A
p:r:ocJ../DIIat them will be i'" S l"t.ed at the next
ocunci1 meetin:¡.
April 8 was anncunced as the tentative date for the CharJ:y
BJ.·:ss::m Festival.
Ccunc:. Plungy req.JeSted remaval of Item 13.
It was IIICM!Id by Ccunc:. Jàmson, seca1ded by Ccunc:. Rogel.s
and ~eEle:l unaniJIø.Isly to a¡:prave the balance of the
Consent calendar as sutDitted.
9. Resolution No. 7628: "A Resolution of the City Ccunc:il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J Certain (O'\..i.... an:l
Demands Payable in the A1IIcunts and frail the PUrœ as
Hereinafter Described for salaries and wages for the
Payroll Period Enr:lin;J SepteIb!r 13, 1988."
10. Resolution No. 7629: "A Resolution of the City Ccunc:il
of the city of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J Certain CI"i.... and
DeIIIan:Js Payable in the A1IIcunts and FraIl the PUrœ as
Hereinafter Described far General and Mi£rn:>' , anea.1S
Expenditures for the Period Enr:lin;J SepteIb!r 23, 1988."
li. ("1"i1ll for """"-:7"" filed by Pacific Bell. Rev .,.,.....Jded
for rejection.
12. <D1fizmation of policy regardin; fees - '1'c:AD:rI2IIDe of
13. RieIDcIYed frail a... r 4. calendar.
14. Rssolutiat No. 7637: "A Resolution of the City Ccunc:il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizinq Execution of
Er.....--.!_4. Pel:lDit ~.........ìL Between the City anj
lb;er D. Anderson, 0Jpertin0 Read."
15. Application ASH:; 22-U-88 - Derk Hunter: Req.¡est for
"M"wal of architecture and lan:iscapinq for an office
tIuildin;J aãtition, in respalSe to c:xnlitiŒlS of use
Pemit 1SR'1.0Yal. 'Ihe site is located on the north side
of Valley Green Drive at Bearden Drive. Reo . ·,·,...rJded
for "M"U'Jal.
Cherry Blossom
Item removed
Consent Calen-
dar approved
MIN(7ŒS OF 'mE oc:roBER 3, 1988 Cl'lY axJNCIL MI!:I!:l'DG
16. Awlicat.ion ASItC 51,818.1 Service MeJ:d1an:iise
(Mardesiå1) : Request for ~aval of siting far mof
mcunt:ed inst:allation of a satellite ant8Ina
system. '!he site is the ard1ar tenant "',i1d1rç within
the 8IISterly portion of the CL..-.....eds Shqpirç 0Inter
(20558 stevens Creek BcW.evard). Rec, -did far
17. c·"'i... for tb..."'98B filed by Ruth watanabe. Rec. --Ded
far rejection.
18. Resolution No. 7630: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 ~ 0"',L........1. ~
Order No. 1 far 'I%affic Signal Modification anj SL..._t
~...._d:B, PnIneridge Avenue anj Wolfe Rœd, Project
19. Resolution No. 7631: "A Resolutiat of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 ~ o...,L...aCt
~ 0J:der No. 1 for 'I%affic Signallbiificat.ion at
Mary AvenJ8 and stevens Creek Bculevard, Project 5006."
20. Resolution No. 7632: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 ~ Paroel Map of
P.ì.'¥"Lty Located on Granada Avenue, DBYelqø: Teny
Brown 0x1structi0n Co., Inc., Autharizirg Execution of
~""eIuoa.t ~"""""'íL: Autharizin;J Signin;J of Parœl
21. Resolution No. 7633: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 Acceptin;J Quit-('] ..i... Deed and
Authorization for UI'Dergrcurñ water Rights 1'rc:III Teny
Brown 0x1structi0n Co., Inc., Granada Aveme."
22. ~-t far waiver of b.1siness liœnBe fees and fees
for use of Senior n-.m.11'\ity Center filed by DeAn7.a
LiŒlS Club of 0Jpertin0 for funcl-raisin;J 8IIe'lf.:.
~ - .-rded. tor ~U'/a1.
23. Resolution No. 7634: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 ~ Cant.ract Qw1;e
Order No. 1 far Rainbow Drive and st.el1iDJ Rœd Traffic
Signal Modification, Project 5008."
24. Resolution No. 7635: "A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizirg Execution of
~~íl ~""""""L Between the City and JCSE!Ii1 P.
anj Fl......._ E. Franco and Alfred E. and Madelyn Benzo:
HaDestead Rœd anj Franco CaIrt."
25. J\cxJept:ance of Dlmicipal:inprovements: Mid1ael E.
Pioetti Project - Rœd¡DeFoe Drive.
HDÐ11!S OP 'ŒE ~ua:.K 3, 1988 CITY CXXJNCIL NiI5J,'.uG
26. Resolution No.7636: "A RIIBolution of the City 0CAInCil
of the City of Qp8rtino ~ Lot L1na Mj....t-.t
!!eb.i1B1 'l\io P8rœls of Iæ1d withcut a Puœl MIIp in
J\cco1'dance with Sect:icn 66412 (d) of SI.1bdivisiat MIIp Act:
as 10IDerIded Ja:øzrry 1, 1984, Lot 27, 'l'rIIc:t No. 5915,
OJ¡'ertino J. -~,.., scenic BcWevard anj ~ a
Portion of DIIII8l.....-IL Rigbts."
27. C1aiIII far iJDIIIdty anj """"".-ataty œ1ief: Gerald
Cathey anj 'l'8rrie I¥m Cathey (RckhBhid J"-";').
Reo . -ded far denial.
28. Claim far iJDIIIdty am decJ.arat.ary relief: Gerald
cathey am 'l'8rrie I¥m Cathey (Fateœb A. Asli) .
Re.=" _._o.Arded for denial.
29. Mira1tes of the 1Ø;JUlar Meeti.DJ of 8epteDi:)er 19, 1988.
vote :Mo-,1 E'rS of the city t'rI1IY'!i'
AYES: JåInBa1, !'q:pe1, Plungy, ~s, Mayor Gatto
}I)ES: None
ABSœl': None
AæI1üN: None
rrÐt3 RÐt:J\/ED PRX CXH;ENl' <::AIDmAR
13. R.eqJest for waiVlilr of bcéAIer installation fees for
0Jpe:rtin0 Drug Abo_ QJurcll.
It was D:M!d by 0Wnc. Plungy, secc:.I1ded by 0Wnc. Jåmr.a1
am p"--d unanbIaJaly that the City sponsor the event, the
fee be waiwd, am that the bIImer be p1t: up for
a¡:proxbately two we1cs.
31. A¡:p1icat.ic11s 4-z-88 anj 29-FA-88 - QJpertino City
Center 1I'I'øc:ri~, A&D - RezaùD;J to ~ the land
use døsi9nation far the site frail cp!n ~ to
residential; to adjust the pexmitted 1IIixtuœ of
residential unit t.ypBs within the 50 acre City center
area to allow up to 200 additional residential unite.
A¡:p1ication 20-0-88 - USe Pemit to ~o::íL...x:t a 130
unit 3-4 st:my residential IY'WII"ex. IDeated in the
Prc:IIIet:beus project 'F' located at the saJt:heast;
~,..... of 8teIIenB cœek BcW.evaxd am DeAnza
BcW.evaxd. Envira1Dental Detemination: '!he P1.arInin;J
rnm.i -ion reo . .,.,oÞl ùs the grant:in;r of Negative
Declarations. Rt:>. .,.,.ÞI'Jded for ClWLUIIal. (Q:ntimed
frail meet:m¡ of J\ùy 18 am sept:.eDi:)er 6, 1988.)
Drug Abuse
Council banner
MIMmS Of 'lHB OClutltl< 3, 1988 CITY CXDaL MI1Z1'I!G
(a) First readin¡ of Ordinance No. 1457: "An
Ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of
0Jpørtin0 ~ Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 J:y
R8zcIùzq to QIm;;e the laM use DBsignation far
the site fxaa Cþan SplIce to 1Øidentia1 mút ~
Within the 50 Acre City center ~ to A1lcw up to
200 Additional Residential múts: Iocat.ed in the
PrϿthaJs Project Generally Iocat.ed at the
Bc:IUt:œast a.......... of stevens creek Bc:W.øvard anj
DBAnza Bc:AùeYa1ù (Awlication 4-Z-sa - QIpBrtino
city center Associates) . "
Direc:tar of Plannizç anj Devel___ít cowan t"o S llIlbed his
Mazit I<:roll, PraIIBtheus Devel___,L, L,L.", oiI1œd Rodney
Fri"'-", Fi~Friedman Associates, arårltects for the
project. Mr. Friedman shewed Q:Iuncil the IIIOdificatiŒIS to
the plan.
Joe Jac1œon, ",-,~ ofír of Q¡pertino Waterfall haaec7.rmers Board
of Dimctars, said that pecple t:haJght: there was to be a
park in the triangular shaped piece of lIUXI. Fallin¡ that,
he felt there sha11d be haJ:Dr::ny of devel___,L with the
BéIIII8 density as Waterfall anj Pinn Bros.
Mike Del Gl..........., 20326 Pinntage Parkway, said he wa1ld 1iJœ
to see a plan ~ the view frail across 'lbrra Aver118.
Fa%okh Dedoo, 10257 Nile Drive, ",-,~ oar of Q¡pertino
Waterfall h. ....... omers Bœrd of Dimctars, said he is
..............í-.d with the density. 'Ihirty to forty urùts waùd be
nx:u:e ~""1"Jate if there can't be a park. Traffic was
also a 000 "'-""Uh
Carol Bingham, Town center Vn,"'9" ~ Associat.ion
vioe president, said that with the new plan there will
still be two trait doors facirr:J three stories. M!Iny
seniors fJ.'aa Chateau Q¡pertino walk and '11I!rf be in dan¡er
with 200 nx:u:e cars.
Qmr1es Snyder, }AL'¥"Lty' owner in Waterfall, as1œcl if
density is the issue or is the issue st:icJdn;J to the
Genet;al Plan anj Town cenœr Plan. He as1œcl if the city
had dtt1e a traffic study.
A 1«IIIan 1Ò) resides at Waterfall said she also !xu;Jht:
t:hinkin:¡ there woold be a park.
Mayor Gatto asked staff to display the previous zoninq
plat. He '"'<I"ained the original ZOl1in¡ ëIR1I'O'la1. said the;J1e was never Za1ed as a park. '!he a¡:plicant wants to
transfer devel___íL fran ooe area to another.
MI1I1I!:S 01 '1HE OI.:luœ1< 3, 1988 c,m CDB:IL IIUil'J..G
Bill Griese, 10212 Nile Drive, Ifaterfall, asJœd 1It1y t:bI
>q:pH.-,; wnts to h,i1d U- units here ~ of 1iDIre
originally planned. He said he wished the a- anj ~
0Ql],d be Mtained. '!he ard1itect didn't CCDIUlt with
neighbors 1IØn d8tem1n1n¡ a " 8I'1Virc:nam1t. II He
~ Iii 0..........._ with pmdD¡ an! said all thJ:ee stœy
units Bhcu1d be eUminatsc1.
Mark Kr:oll stated that ecxt^"1cs am the variety of bcœinq
dictated the åIan;e of lccat.ion. '1ber8 is a ayinq need
for hœsinq in Q¡pertino. '1bœe ~ here have no right
to deir¥ others the .............L.mity to live here. Mr. Kroll
said he believes the projÐCt: is gcocI, it is an
award-winrúD¡ project. He said he has JDBt with the
A gentlellllm who lives at waterfall said he felt the mirror
image h'i1dinq was ~ for baIance.
An:b:ea Patton, waterfall resident, said the dsvelC:plJ:' only
cares about!lClll1llJå1 m:::ney he can 9'J-". œt of the little
area. She said she felt the døvD.)'1·,-,¡L wa1ld enccurage
noise, crime anj traffic. She also said she feels there is
a lack of pemœ in the City.
Mayor Gatto stated that he thinks Qpertino's ratio of
parks to P"P""ticn is high.
Mark ¡.i'YYb1Ù, Pim Bres. townhaDes, said he woold prefer 40
three-staxy units to 100 bio-stoIy units.
Bill 8.Ià1anan, 0Jpert.in0 Watsrfall, said he had been
f..t.u. ,ad with Wat PraIIBt:heus had dcnø in the ,. .,.,-.cial
portion 1m didn't thiJ>.k any IIICŒ'8 high density hcusirç
wa1ld be goin;J in. He that the aàti.tiona1 traffic
0Ql],d pose a dæJ;J8r to seniors.
Bob Jfnvaie, ~.".." laid, also felt that the mat.c::bin;J
h'i1dinq 1IIBS ---~""'.
Craiq, Watsrfall, said IIBybe the zaùD¡ shculd be
Mayor Gatto stat.ed that the ðt¥L-..'ed zaún;J anticipated a
certain density anj that tonight'. :æet:iJr;J is to CX'I18ider
Were the h,'!1dinq will taka pJ.ace.
In answer to Mr.'s question regardin¡ the }.v.' """11.....
for incœasin;J or decreasin;J densities at this point, Mayor
Gatto said that the City wa1ld initiate a rezonin;J action
or it could be dcnø t:hrc:ugh the initiative pl..........s.
Mr. 0Jtter offered that as a possible su;¡gestion because
peq>le are cOhc....ned and asJœd Ùlat ocW.d be dcnø to start
that pl.'. """'1%'9. Mayor Gatto said that the General Plan is
Public hearin
Appl. 4-Z-88
reviewed twice a year am if there is a significant feeJ.m;
by anyava in the lY'IIMO"1ity that 8CIII8 portion of the Plan
sha1ld be JDCdified the General Plan hearln¡ is the
6t¥L........1.ata 1IIeCtIanism.
Din'rel Ioeb said he doesn It live in the area bIt drives by
the area t.::ecpIntly. His 0CI1C8X11 is that the lot is full
of cars new - 1obIr8 will they go ~ the structures go up?
Mayor Gatto pointed aJt the allowances that have been md8
far parJdng.
Mr. DeBoo asJood haw WI can knew if later on the ~icant
will 0CII8 back anj want to 1:W.ld the mirror i-gp tJl1i1din;J.
Paul Franklin, Pinn Bres. townhaDes, asked if there is a
good reason Vty the mirror iJnage tJo,i' din;J Bhouldn't be
Mr. Frl...-.,..t... ft1!d that there will be ~Jate parJdng.
FollClfr.'ÍD¡ di......1S'Jion, it was DDYed by ocunc. Plungy,
secx:nB:i by JåmsCI'I anj pat'E'OO unanimc:uùy to close
the p,lblic hearln¡.
It was mcr.led by ocunc. P1ungy, seconded by ocunc. Kq:pl
anj p"'øø'>ð with ocunci "'_,J .elS Jàmsan am R1..gers;J to deny Aß>licatian 4-Z-88.
Mayor Gatto explained that the use pemit is no la~ an
issue since the zonin;J was denied.
32. Aß>licat.iaw 3-Z-88 anj 25-FA-88 - steve zankiå1:
zaúnq to Rl-10 Sm;le-family, Rss.ident.ial, 10,000 sq.
ft. miniDa lot size) zone. '!he t"o'¥"L"ty is located
~..,rI1IRtely 200 ft. west of Rae Iane, at the
BO.1therly 1:eDIIinJs of Par 'nu:ee Drive. Envircnœntal
Review: '!he Planning lhrrIi_i~ roll(, .,...""Iðs the
granting of a Negative Declaration. Re" ·,·,-·Ided for
(a) First readin¡ of Ordinanœ No. 1470: "An
Ordinanœ of the City o:uncll of the City of
0Jpertin0 AIIIen:lirK¡ Secticn 1 of Ordinanœ No. 2 by
zaúnq PrqIerty to RJ,-10 Zone; Located
~".i_tely 200 Ft. West of Rae Iane at the
Southerly TennimIs of Par'Ihree Drive (ZanJddl -
Direc..1:or of Planning am DBYel<¥D"'aL Q:Man reviewed the
staff l~t.
'-.";"111'.0 <""....,~.
MDCDS OP 'BIB ........UIZK 3, 1988 Cl'lY CXXJNC:IL
Ron SykIara, 22139 Rae lane, was t"o I L to .._ I L the
It was w:N«I by COUnc. JCIhnøcn, -.....dod by Plungy
and p"--Id unanDcus1y to "'lœe tbe po1blic bIIIIrJni¡.
It was Dr:M!d by COUnc. Jlla-...., ..........ð.cl by COUnc. ~.
anj 1"'--,12 unanimcus1y to grant a Negative Declaration far
the 1!IßIliœtion.
It was IDII8d by COUnc. Jd'Inson, secaildoBd by COUnc. Rogers
an:! 1"'--ett unanimcus1y to _we ArPlication 3-z-es per
Planning n-o-i_im 1Øolution No. 4100.
It was IIICMId by COUnc. Plungy, sec:x:r'ded by COUnc. Roc;¡.u.s
anj p"'ø~ unarúm:Jusly to read Ordinance No. 1470 by title
only and the Dep1t.y City Clede's readirq to CXI'ISt.itute tbe
first readiD;J tt..........l.
33. A¡:pliœticn 2o-u-sa - 0Jpsrtin0 City center Associates,
A&D. (s.. Item No. 31).
34. None.
35. None.
36. REport an:! r-;. -)dation fraa the s.üar Cit:iz&1
Hcu8J.nI¡ I\md Tedmica1 n-o-it;tæ on tbe r-qI'-t by
BaRK !'cJurdat.ion, !rIc. to -vii fY t8DIIB of the City/am
I.œns; $125,000 JœIde in 1987 far "'"9,iaiticn of
real t"o'¥"L Lx to establish a gtQJp baa far autistic
Director of Planning an:! DBYel. '1-'- ,L Cowan stated that
~i"'_·.Ier:s Plungy and Jå1œcn wre on the;tæ
Wùå1 Too\.oLkood with the Sp8%it Fwnr:1ation 1ÖeIn the .."...........,L
was signed. Mr. Q:;wan .."¥-'&.Led on the;tæ's f~
regardinq tbe t"o s ,L rtq.JeSt.
ÐœIa Berg, .....1hEoJ:: of the Spark Fwnr:1ation Bœrd. of
Directors, stated that deferral of the interest: until the
ten year due date wa1ld be good for Spark.
-",...~.. -. ,'--'.
Public hearing
Negative Dec.
for 3-Z-88
3-Z-88 approved
First reading
of Ord 1470
Spark loan.
deferral of
Jollyman Park
plan approved
Human Services
MIlÐ1'ES OF '!HE \A.:J.\nZK 3, 1988 C1'lY caJNC:n. ~.UG
It was IIICMId by 0CU1c. Jåmson, I18CCtdld by 0CU1c. Kqpl
and P"~-sl1 with 0CU1c.~. di-- ,Uzg to e.Uminat.e tba
4t interest: œarge on the $26,630 lean œ¡¡y with no c:bIIrqe
to the t8DIIB of the $98,370 lam, with Spuic to at-,.t. all
costs ACICII'("iated with JIICdifyinJ the lam dot'o-tts.
37. Presentation of the preliminaJ:y plan far JollYDBn J1Init
Director of Parks and Recreation DcwliIq stated that tba
Parks and Rt-.._tion n--.i....ion has a¡:prcved the plan. If
0CU1cil ~uves, the arå1itect will t"o" ~j with 1IICJ:'kinr¡
XU N:sy of R::Jyst:.on, HanaIDato, Alley and N:sy, project
aràú.tsct, t"o s .íLed the plan to 0CU1cil and arlllt._ad
cpBtions regardin¡ aDplification ~. and
Patsy I1misws1d 1Ò) lives at DmIas anj DeFoe stated that
she really likes the plan. She had 8CIII8 a.,;_-t!a1s
regardin;J plae:--, tL of piaù.c tables.
Aß:Irea Harris, 1052 'l\:scany, President of QJpertino
National Little Isague, ðÕJì.-~""" the issue of the use of
an lIIIplified sound systEa at the field. She explained that
it is only used in taJmament: situatiŒlS.
It was IIICMId by PIUD3Y, seccnded by Q:Iunc. J<lnlSCn
and P"~-'!Id unanimcusly to GK'Lwe tbe plan.
H1en as1œd about: a t:b& line far the project, Mr. DcwlinJ
said 1IICJ:'kinr¡ ~ Bhculd be ready by Janmy. He 110'1ld
liJœ to have the bid awamed and be ready to 1IICJ:'k by spdn¡
1hIn the weather is geod. 'Ihere is a pœsibility that the
park DIllY have to be closed dur..n;r the wrk.
38. P90. .,.,_. IdatiŒIS far R.1IDan Service fI.In:lin:.J.
It was 1IICIIIed by Q:Iunc. Jàmsa1, seccnded by Q:Iunc. PlUD3Y
and p"ø-'!Id unaniJIIaJ:ùy that $4,000 be ...-.rI to IlmIan
SelVi.oes D",,?,:, that all "1lrfi!';/ CXIIIB frail the ßIMnJ8
ShariJç rums, and that the rums be allocated as follows:
0Jpertin0 l'roIonI"1ity services - $8,700
0Jpertin0 seniar Day services - $3,500
'!he Food Bank - $4,200
IA:n¡ TeIID rfth_" - $3,300
Mid Peninsula so.w \L L Neb;crk - $4,500
().rt:reac:h and ~L - $7,012
Mn«JrES OF 'lBB \A.aUIZK 3, 1988 C1'lY CDH:IL JII!E1'.I1G
39. OJ ......""""ion regardin¡ length of City QJuncil III8EJt.1n;JB
and considm:at:ion of ~"tions to limit length.
']his IIBtter win be di"""---ed at the end of the 1DII8t:inI¡.
40. CknIic1emticn of mcpIBt to waive ItEIII No. 4 of
Resolutiat 7571 .v..hHmbl] rules gcvemirIJ QJpertino
advisœy -ies. ~-t filed by Jdm ,.,...~,
P1.ann1ng no-i -ioner.
It was 1IØ/8d by Plungy, seootded by ctIunc. aoga....
and p"--1c1 unanim::uIly to waive the rule --.......... of
"ext:raordinaxy clrcumstanoes." '!he City Cle:z:it was directed
to notify Mr. Claudy.
41. Notice of elect:.ion fiaa Asaoc::iation of Bay Area
CD.mcil œoeived the infODlllltion.
42. Letter frail Bay Area a:.mcu. ~ regimal ~--"ma
1 - Bri.dIJe Toll Refel.enèUI.
By ocusensus, the matter was referred to the Iegis1ative
Review O:mDittee.
43. second readiD;J and en..........íL of ordinaJDa No. 1471:
"An ordinaJDa of the City a:.mcu. of the City of
QJpertino A1I81ItiJIJ Section 1 of ordinaJDa No. 2 by
Rezon1nI;J 3.65 Net Acres fraa Rl-10 Zone to BQ Zone,
IDeated on the North Side of Alves Drive, 300 Ft. West
of Beamon Drive (7-Z-88, Hart:J1wBst ïICA)".
It was 1IØ/8d by ctIunc. Plungy, seocucled by ctIunc. ~..
and p"ø"'«'( unaJÙJIIr.Dùy to read ordinance No. 1471 by title
only and the Deplty City Cledc's readinq to constitute the
secald readiD;J thereof.
It was 1IØ/8d by ctIunc. 9ogel.&, seocncIed by ctIunc. Jàmscn
and p"--ad unaniD:Jusly to enact: ordinance No. 1471.
44. None.
Rule waived
ABAG election
Bridge Toll
Second reading
of ord. 1471
Ord. 1471
Fujii vs.
City of Cuper-
Change in
order of
business of
Council mtgs.
.' ~:~"...~-,!".__._,". -
kuiu'.&mt œ 'IBB Ul,;,l,UI:II:iK 3, 1988 C1'lY CDJNCIL 1'II:iI!õr.uG
t'!rnnn mf -o.a.(If
(a) 1WJ:tiø;J litJ.gaticn (Gav-.._L 0:Id8 section 54956.9(a)
- l'Ujii 'VII. City of ~.
upon dstaI:Ia1nin; that theœ .. no neecl far a c]"entt
. i,.." it was IIMId by Q:IQnc. PlurJ;¡y, aeoo..dI.d by Q:IQnc.
J\lk-... ant p" I II unanimcusly to the City
Jot+... '-Y'. po.. -mUm J:8gI!m!inr¡ II8tt:1.8BJt: as CXXJtainøc!
in a letter previously nlCsiwd by CCIuncil.
39. nj..........ion regardin¡ 1AnJth of City CCIuncil JIIII8t.iD;pI
anj CX'II8idm:ation of m.....,-"1:iaw to Umit 1AnJth.
Follcwin;J di....._ion, CD.mcil by ......_snsus directed staff
to pœpeœ an ordinanoa åIaJ1)iD¡ the ordm: of b.1siness of
City CD.mcil -.t:ing8 by.:win¡ staff ~Ls and camcil
~La to the e'd of the~.
At 10:40 p.m., the -.tinr¡ was adjcumed.
'f.-Lk 0 ?Jø¡L
Dep1ty City Clede