CC 10-03-98 _....... .~ -~..', ,~_. :'-,......";-~;..: . CITY or uwmu.uÐ, sr1æB OF C'AIiIFŒOŒA 10300 '.L~ AVJ!aZ, UJ~, C'AIiIFŒOŒA '.1'J!:IEHDŒ: (408) 252-4505 00-753 KDI7l!S œ '1BE JBVUP. C1T!C caa::IL Niri.L'.ü'G H![J) (If Ul,;,!,UXZ 3, 1988, ~ aÐ\MEII!:R, C1T!C mIl. 10300 ".LUQQ5 AVJ!aZ, uwmu.uoO, CAI.n'CIINIA Inte:rvieif of ASN::. 8ß»)jt"Jlll1t:s and BRIOLal"."üt to cœaittee - Calf_......... Real A - 6:00 p.m. Mayor Gatto called the œetin:J to œ:der at 6:00 p.m. Follcwin;J intervia..s of the eleven œnlidates..... . .do, it was mved by ccunc. ~.., seccllded uJ came. Jdu1Bon and l"'~~':!d unaniJIDJsly to ~int ~ J. Hoxsie to the Arå1itectural ani site ApprcIral CCIIIDittse to fill the unexpired term of Mimi Bi!Ica miå1 ems in JPnJI!JJ.Y, 1990. At 7:16 p.m., the JDBet:.in¡ was adjcurned to oooooil 0umW>.r. At 7:21 p.m., Kayar Gatto ....,'ed the meetin;J to order .in Ccun:::il C21aJd:)pr. SAII1.Œ 'ro '!HE FUD toIL CALL COJJx:. P.ì.. s ..tl: Jåmsa1, 1I'ø;pal, Plu:q¡, R..;r--.., l,t'".Yœ" Gatt-...(J staff P..._Li.t Dep1t.y City Cledc WOlfe Director of pnhHC uniœ ViskDvich Assistant to the City 1IIu_ Bram Director of PJ.anniD¡ and DeWll. ,·,-do cowan Director of Finanœ SII}'der Director of lUtes anj Rt..........«ion Dcw1iD¡ n--11'Iity Ralaticns Officer Rœy City Attamsy Kilian ~ - None. CEREH:IŒAL MATl!æ - PRESmJM'!œs Plaque of GMAl......laticr. to Na."IC'] P.œl=d f= !'.er service an the Fine JI.rts lhIImi "Sia.1. Mayor Gatto presented tt.e plzque t.o M!J. Rcsl\;,.n'i. Certificates of i!RX>L,l.u::.tL to œv O"J':"'I"i""'icners. -1- Robert Hoxsie appointed to ASAC . . . . KDÐl!S OF 'lH! UI.:J.~ 3, 1988 Cl'lY cx:oa::IL J'IUa'.u«; (00-753) Mr. DIIvid a...A... rece1wd his 08rtif1cate of JIRIOLL-ad. to the amœ anj RL..-tion no-i_i,..,. Proc1aIIIation ha'.....!n;J ~ Li1:Ira1y JUnior Vo1unt:eem. Ms. J\1lie DùIyJple, DEtbie 0Ian;J, MIuianne MI!Iddm IUd EBtber Ben¡ received the prnn1-tion trail JtIyor Gatto on behalf of the JUnior VoIunt:eem. Pl"tv'!1_tion dec:J.ar1rq the week of octcber 9-15, 1988, "Fire Pnlvention Week." '!he prnt",-tion will be sent to the _"¥'olate party. œAL CXJHINICATICHI 'Ibis portion of the D8!tiJq is reserved far penons wishin;J to aðCh. the O:amcil on any matter not on the agenœ. SpeaJœrs are limited to five 1IIin1tes. In IIICSt cases, state law will prdUbit the CD.mcil trail DBkinq any ........~R't'fIS with respect to a mt:ter not listed on the agenœ. Ann J\n; er, Menta vista resident, thanked the Mayor far resolvin¡ a lightinq prcblem. 5'mFF !<CótU(J.1::i 1. Oral l~ts by staff --rs and ...,hni!lU¡1ion of written .&.C'tA& ls. 'It.e City Manager's RepalL was received. 2. ~L on 4th of J\1ly activities. July 4 program O:amcil (!o .,..-1C1ed D1rectar of Pm:D anj Rt.........tion Dclflinq anj the DeparbI&1t. staff far the 9'1(> -T of the J\Ily 4 oe1ebrat.ion. It was ~"..œd that pez:haps the IIIIJ1Y ethnic gra¡ps ........ s_d.ed in OJpertin>'s pcpùat.ion wculd be inteœsted in Bhari.n¡ their a1ltures as part of fUture }&'"".::foLCIIID. SWING program . 3. Repu..l on students' Week in Neighl:xnhoo:l GaY....,.....uL (&WIll;) t"o",:!"CIIR. l'hIoIII"1ity RelatiŒlS Director R:rey answered questions regarding the program, and <bmci1 received the ""'¥AL. -2- MIWmS OF 'DIE 0C'r0II1::R 3, 1988 CJ:'lY CXXJNCIL MEE:'l':Im (~753) Director of PUblic works Viskavic:h l........ted that Diane Mahan an:! Ken Ib1tijo, city eap].oyees, had perfOI1ll8d CPR on a 1""1-,""" until pu'''-'''''''''' arrived on the.... A p:r:ocJ../DIIat ha......J.ng them will be i'" S l"t.ed at the next ocunci1 meetin:¡. CXXJNCIL 1Uit\.IW:I April 8 was anncunced as the tentative date for the CharJ:y BJ.·:ss::m Festival. <XIIS!Nl' CAImmAR Ccunc:. Plungy req.JeSted remaval of Item 13. It was IIICM!Id by Ccunc:. Jàmson, seca1ded by Ccunc:. Rogel.s and ~eEle:l unaniJIø.Isly to a¡:prave the balance of the Consent calendar as sutDitted. 9. Resolution No. 7628: "A Resolution of the City Ccunc:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J Certain (O'\..i.... an:l Demands Payable in the A1IIcunts and frail the PUrœ as Hereinafter Described for salaries and wages for the Payroll Period Enr:lin;J SepteIb!r 13, 1988." 10. Resolution No. 7629: "A Resolution of the City Ccunc:il of the city of 0Jpertin0 Allowin;J Certain CI"i.... and DeIIIan:Js Payable in the A1IIcunts and FraIl the PUrœ as Hereinafter Described far General and Mi£rn:>' , anea.1S Expenditures for the Period Enr:lin;J SepteIb!r 23, 1988." li. ("1"i1ll for """"-:7"" filed by Pacific Bell. Rev .,.,.....Jded for rejection. 12. <D1fizmation of policy regardin; fees - '1'c:AD:rI2IIDe of Bands. 13. RieIDcIYed frail a... r 4. calendar. 14. Rssolutiat No. 7637: "A Resolution of the City Ccunc:il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizinq Execution of Er.....--.!_4. Pel:lDit ~.........ìL Between the City anj lb; er D. Anderson, 0Jpertin0 Read." 15. Application ASH:; 22-U-88 - Derk Hunter: Req.¡est for "M"wal of architecture and lan:iscapinq for an office tIuildin;J aãtition, in respalSe to c:xnlitiŒlS of use Pemit 1SR'1.0Yal. 'Ihe site is located on the north side of Valley Green Drive at Bearden Drive. Reo . ·,·,...rJded for "M"U'Jal. -3- Cherry Blossom Festha1 Item removed Consent Calen- dar approved MIN(7ŒS OF 'mE oc:roBER 3, 1988 Cl'lY axJNCIL MI!:I!:l'DG (00-753) 16. Awlicat.ion ASItC 51,818.1 Service MeJ:d1an:iise (Mardesiå1) : Request for ~aval of siting far mof mcunt:ed inst:allation of a satellite cU.sh ant8Ina system. '!he site is the ard1ar tenant "',i1d1rç within the 8IISterly portion of the CL..-.....eds Shqpirç 0Inter (20558 stevens Creek BcW.evard). Rec, -did far ~U'/a1. 17. c·"'i... for tb..."'98B filed by Ruth watanabe. Rec. --Ded far rejection. 18. Resolution No. 7630: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 ~ 0"',L........1. ~ Order No. 1 far 'I%affic Signal Modification anj SL..._t ~...._d:B, PnIneridge Avenue anj Wolfe Rœd, Project 4024." 19. Resolution No. 7631: "A Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 ~ o...,L...aCt ~ 0J:der No. 1 for 'I%affic Signallbiificat.ion at Mary AvenJ8 and stevens Creek Bculevard, Project 5006." 20. Resolution No. 7632: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 ~ Paroel Map of P.ì.'¥"Lty Located on Granada Avenue, DBYelqø: Teny Brown 0x1structi0n Co., Inc., Autharizirg Execution of ~""eIuoa.t ~"""""'íL: Autharizin;J Signin;J of Parœl Map." 21. Resolution No. 7633: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 Acceptin;J Quit-('] ..i... Deed and Authorization for UI'Dergrcurñ water Rights 1'rc:III Teny Brown 0x1structi0n Co., Inc., Granada Aveme." 22. ~-t far waiver of b.1siness liœnBe fees and fees for use of Senior n-.m.11'\ity Center filed by DeAn7.a LiŒlS Club of 0Jpertin0 for funcl-raisin;J 8IIe'lf.:. ~ - .-rded. tor ~U'/a1. 23. Resolution No. 7634: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 ~ Cant.ract Qw1; e Order No. 1 far Rainbow Drive and st.el1iDJ Rœd Traffic Signal Modification, Project 5008." 24. Resolution No. 7635: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizirg Execution of ~~íl ~""""""L Between the City and JCSE!Ii1 P. anj Fl......._ E. Franco and Alfred E. and Madelyn Benzo: HaDestead Rœd anj Franco CaIrt." 25. J\cxJept:ance of Dlmicipal:inprovements: Mid1ael E. Pioetti Project - Boll.in:Jer Rœd¡DeFoe Drive. -4- ~ HDÐ11!S OP 'ŒE ~ua:.K 3, 1988 CITY CXXJNCIL NiI5J,'.uG (00-753) 26. Resolution No.7636: "A RIIBolution of the City 0CAInCil of the City of Q p8rtino ~ Lot L1na Mj....t-.t !!eb.i1B1 'l\io P8rœls of Iæ1d withcut a Puœl MIIp in J\cco1'dance with Sect:icn 66412 (d) of SI.1bdivisiat MIIp Act: as 10IDerIded Ja:øzrry 1, 1984, Lot 27, 'l'rIIc:t No. 5915, OJ¡'ertino J. -~,.., scenic BcWevard anj ~ a Portion of DIIII8l.....-IL Rigbts." 27. C1aiIII far iJDIIIdty anj """"".-ataty œ1ief: Gerald Cathey anj 'l'8rrie I¥m Cathey (RckhBhid J"-";'). Reo . -ded far denial. 28. Claim far iJDIIIdty am decJ.arat.ary relief: Gerald cathey am 'l'8rrie I¥m Cathey (Fateœb A. Asli) . Re.=" _._o.Arded for denial. 29. Mira1tes of the 1Ø;JUlar Meeti.DJ of 8epteDi:)er 19, 1988. vote :Mo-,1 E'rS of the city t'rI1IY'!i' AYES: JåInBa1, !'q:pe1, Plungy, ~s, Mayor Gatto }I)ES: None ABSœl': None AæI1üN: None rrÐt3 RÐt:J\/ED PRX CXH;ENl' <::AIDmAR 13. R.eqJest for waiVlilr of bcéAIer installation fees for 0Jpe:rtin0 Drug Abo_ QJurcll. It was D:M!d by 0Wnc. Plungy, secc:.I1ded by 0Wnc. Jåmr.a1 am p"--d unanbIaJaly that the City sponsor the event, the fee be waiwd, am that the bIImer be p1t: up for a¡:proxbately two we1cs. PUBLIC HEI\RIJŒ 31. A¡:p1icat.ic11s 4-z-88 anj 29-FA-88 - QJpertino City Center 1I'I'øc:ri~, A&D - RezaùD;J to ~ the land use døsi9nation far the site frail cp!n ~ to residential; to adjust the pexmitted 1IIixtuœ of residential unit t.ypBs within the 50 acre City center area to allow up to 200 additional residential unite. A¡:p1ication 20-0-88 - USe Pemit to ~o::íL...x:t a 130 unit 3-4 st:my residential IY'WII"ex. IDeated in the Prc:IIIet:beus project 'F'....ally located at the saJt:heast; ~,..... of 8teIIenB cœek BcW.evaxd am DeAnza BcW.evaxd. Envira1Dental Detemination: '!he P1.arInin;J rnm.i -ion reo . .,.,oÞl ùs the grant:in;r of Negative Declarations. Rt:>. .,.,.ÞI'Jded for ClWLUIIal. (Q:ntimed frail meet:m¡ of J\ùy 18 am sept:.eDi:)er 6, 1988.) -s- Drug Abuse Council banner MIMmS Of 'lHB OClutltl< 3, 1988 CITY CXDaL MI1Z1'I!G (0......753) (a) First readin¡ of Ordinance No. 1457: "An Ordinance of the city Q:Iuncil of the city of 0Jpørtin0 ~ Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 J: y R8zcIùzq to QIm;; e the laM use DBsignation far the site fxaa Cþan SplIce to 1Øidentia1 mút ~ Within the 50 Acre City center ~ to A1lcw up to 200 Additional Residential múts: Iocat.ed in the PrœøthaJs Project Generally Iocat.ed at the Bc:IUt:œast a.......... of stevens creek Bc:W.øvard anj DBAnza Bc:AùeYa1ù (Awlication 4-Z-sa - QIpBrtino city center Associates) . " Direc:tar of Plannizç anj Devel___ít cowan t"o S llIlbed his .L~L. Mazit I<:roll, PraIIBtheus Devel___,L, L,L.", oiI1œd Rodney Fri"'-", Fi~Friedman Associates, arårltects for the project. Mr. Friedman shewed Q:Iuncil the IIIOdificatiŒIS to the plan. Joe Jac1œon, ",-,~ ofír of Q¡pertino Waterfall haaec7.rmers Board of Dimctars, said that pecple t:haJght: there was to be a park in the triangular shaped piece of lIUXI. Fallin¡ that, he felt there sha11d be haJ:Dr::ny of devel___,L with the BéIIII8 density as Waterfall anj Pinn Bros. Mike Del Gl..........., 20326 Pinntage Parkway, said he wa1ld 1iJœ to see a plan ~ the view frail across 'lbrra Aver118. Fa%okh Dedoo, 10257 Nile Drive, ",-,~ oar of Q¡pertino Waterfall h. ....... omers Bœrd of Dimctars, said he is ..............í-.d with the density. 'Ihirty to forty urùts waùd be nx:u:e ~""1"Jate if there can't be a park. Traffic was also a 000 "'-""Uh Carol Bingham, Town center Vn,"'9" ~ Associat.ion vioe president, said that with the new plan there will still be two trait doors facirr:J three stories. M!Iny seniors fJ.'aa Chateau Q¡pertino walk and '11I!rf be in dan¡ er with 200 nx:u:e cars. Qmr1es Snyder, }AL'¥"Lty' owner in Waterfall, as1œcl if density is the issue or is the issue st:icJdn;J to the Genet;al Plan anj Town cenœr Plan. He as1œcl if the city had dtt1e a traffic study. A 1«IIIan 1Ò) resides at Waterfall said she also !xu;Jht: t:hinkin:¡ there woold be a park. Mayor Gatto asked staff to display the previous zoninq plat. He '"'<I"ained the original ZOl1in¡ ëIR1I'O'la1. said the tri.an;J1e was never Za1ed as a park. '!he a¡:plicant wants to transfer devel___íL fran ooe area to another. -6- MI1I1I!:S 01 '1HE OI.:luœ1< 3, 1988 c,m CDB:IL IIUil'J..G CCJ:-753) . Bill Griese, 10212 Nile Drive, Ifaterfall, asJœd 1It1y t:bI >q:pH.-, ; wnts to h,i1d U- units here ~ of 1iDIre originally planned. He said he wished the a- anj ~ 0Ql],d be Mtained. '!he ard1itect didn't CCDIUlt with neighbors 1IØn d8tem1n1n¡ a "IBU.gn 8I'1Virc:nam1t. II He ~ Iii 0..........._ with pmdD¡ an! said all thJ:ee stœy units Bhcu1d be eUminatsc1. Mark Kr:oll stated that ecxt^"1cs am the variety of bcœinq dictated the åIan; e of lccat.ion. '1ber8 is a ayinq need for hœsinq in Q¡pertino. '1bœe ~ here have no right to deir¥ others the .............L.mity to live here. Mr. Kroll said he believes the projÐCt: is gcocI, it is an award-winrúD¡ project. He said he has JDBt with the neighbors. . A gentlellllm who lives at waterfall said he felt the mirror image h'i1dinq was ~ for baIance. An:b:ea Patton, waterfall resident, said the dsvelC:plJ:' only cares about!lClll1llJå1 m:::ney he can 9'J-". œt of the little area. She said she felt the døvD.)'1·,-,¡L wa1ld enccurage noise, crime anj traffic. She also said she feels there is a lack of pemœ in the City. Mayor Gatto stated that he thinks Q pertino's ratio of parks to P"P""ticn is high. Mark ¡.i'YYb1Ù, Pim Bres. townhaDes, said he woold prefer 40 three-staxy units to 100 bio-stoIy units. Bill 8.Ià1anan, 0Jpert.in0 Watsrfall, said he had been f..t.u. ,ad with Wat PraIIBt:heus had dcnø in the ,. .,.,-.cial portion 1m didn't thiJ>.k any IIICŒ'8 high density hcusirç wa1ld be goin;J in. He ag1:...cl that the aàti.tiona1 traffic 0Ql],d pose a dæJ;J8r to seniors. Bob Jfnvaie, ~.".." laid, also felt that the mat.c::bin;J h'i1dinq 1IIBS ---~""'. Craiq Oltt.er, Watsrfall, said IIBybe the zaùD¡ shculd be à1angecl. Mayor Gatto stat.ed that the ðt¥L-..'ed zaún;J anticipated a certain density anj that tonight'. :æet:iJr;J is to CX'I18ider Were the h,'!1dinq will taka pJ.ace. . In answer to Mr. Oltt.er's question regardin¡ the }.v.' """11..... for incœasin;J or decreasin;J densities at this point, Mayor Gatto said that the City wa1ld initiate a rezonin;J action or it could be dcnø t:hrc:ugh the initiative pl..........s. Mr. 0Jtter offered that as a possible su;¡gestion because peq>le are cOhc....ned and asJœd Ùlat ocW.d be dcnø to start that pl.'. """'1%'9. Mayor Gatto said that the General Plan is -7- . Public hearin ¡sed Appl. 4-Z-88 denied . MIWmS OF '!HE ocroBER 3, 1988 CIT! CXXJNCIL MŒrnÐ (OC-753) reviewed twice a year am if there is a significant feeJ.m; by anyava in the lY'IIMO"1ity that 8CIII8 portion of the Plan sha1ld be JDCdified the General Plan hearln¡ is the 6t¥L........1.ata 1IIeCtIanism. Din'rel Ioeb said he doesn It live in the area bIt drives by the area t.::ecpIntly. His 0CI1C8X11 is that the lot is full of cars new - 1obIr8 will they go ~ the structures go up? Mayor Gatto pointed aJt the allowances that have been md8 far parJdng. Mr. DeBoo asJood haw WI can knew if later on the ~icant will 0CII8 back anj want to 1:W.ld the mirror i-gp tJl1i1din;J. Paul Franklin, Pinn Bres. townhaDes, asked if there is a good reason Vty the mirror iJnage tJo,i' din;J Bhouldn't be 1:W.lt. Mr. Frl...-.,..t... ft1!d that there will be ~Jate parJdng. FollClfr.'ÍD¡ di......1S'Jion, it was DDYed by ocunc. Plungy, secx:nB:i by CD.mc. JåmsCI'I anj pat'E'OO unanimc:uùy to close the p,lblic hearln¡. It was mcr.led by ocunc. P1ungy, seconded by ocunc. Kq:pl anj p"'øø'>ð with ocunci "'_,J .elS Jàmsan am R1..gers dissent.in;J to deny Aß>licatian 4-Z-88. Mayor Gatto explained that the use pemit is no la~ an issue since the zonin;J was denied. 32. Aß>licat.iaw 3-Z-88 anj 25-FA-88 - steve zankiå1: zaúnq to Rl-10 Sm;le-family, Rss.ident.ial, 10,000 sq. ft. miniDa lot size) zone. '!he t"o'¥"L"ty is located ~..,rI1IRtely 200 ft. west of Rae Iane, at the BO.1therly 1:eDIIinJs of Par 'nu:ee Drive. Envircnœntal Review: '!he Planning lhrrIi_i~ roll(, .,...""Iðs the granting of a Negative Declaration. Re" ·,·,-·Ided for _wale (a) First readin¡ of Ordinanœ No. 1470: "An Ordinanœ of the City o:uncll of the City of 0Jpertin0 AIIIen:lirK¡ Secticn 1 of Ordinanœ No. 2 by zaúnq PrqIerty to RJ,-10 Zone; Located ~".i_tely 200 Ft. West of Rae Iane at the Southerly TennimIs of Par'Ihree Drive (ZanJddl - 3-Z-88)." Direc..1:or of Planning am DBYel<¥D"'aL Q:Man reviewed the staff l~t. -8- '-.";"111'.0 <""....,~. MDCDS OP 'BIB ........UIZK 3, 1988 Cl'lY CXXJNC:IL Jv.ca-.uG (00-753) Ron SykIara, 22139 Rae lane, was t"o I L to .._ I L the a¡:plicant. It was w:N«I by COUnc. JCIhnøcn, -.....dod by CD.mc. Plungy and p"--Id unanDcus1y to "'lœe tbe po1blic bIIIIrJni¡. It was Dr:M!d by COUnc. Jlla-...., ..........ð.cl by COUnc. ~. anj 1"'--,12 unanimcus1y to grant a Negative Declaration far the 1!IßIliœtion. It was IDII8d by COUnc. Jd'Inson, secaildoBd by COUnc. Rogers an:! 1"'--ett unanimcus1y to _we ArPlication 3-z-es per Planning n-o-i_im 1Øolution No. 4100. It was IIICMId by COUnc. Plungy, sec:x:r'ded by COUnc. Roc;¡.u.s anj p"'ø~ unarúm:Jusly to read Ordinance No. 1470 by title only and the Dep1t.y City Clede's readirq to CXI'ISt.itute tbe first readiD;J tt..........l. PIANNI1Ç APPLICATIœS 33. A¡:pliœticn 2o-u-sa - 0Jpsrtin0 City center Associates, A&D. (s.. Item No. 31). A'RCHl'l'æroRAL .AND SlTE APPR:JVAL CXHŒ'l'lEE APPLICATICH3 34. None. UNFINISHED æmœss 35. None. Nmf HJSINESS 36. REport an:! r-;. -)dation fraa the s.üar Cit:iz&1 Hcu8J.nI¡ I\md Tedmica1 n-o-it;tæ on tbe r-qI'-t by BaRK !'cJurdat.ion, !rIc. to -vii fY t8DIIB of the City/am I.œns tota:I.in; $125,000 JœIde in 1987 far "'"9,iaiticn of real t"o'¥"L Lx to establish a gtQJp baa far autistic adcl~d.a. Director of Planning an:! DBYel. '1-'- ,L Cowan stated that ~i"'_·.Ier:s Plungy and Jå1œcn wre on the ...........it;tæ Wùå1 Too\.oLkood with the Sp8%it Fwnr:1ation 1ÖeIn the .."...........,L was signed. Mr. Q:;wan .."¥-'&.Led on the ...........it;tæ's f~ regardinq tbe t"o s ,L rtq.JeSt. ÐœIa Berg, .....1hEoJ:: of the Spark Fwnr:1ation Bœrd. of Directors, stated that deferral of the interest: until the ten year due date wa1ld be good for Spark. -9- -",...~.. -. ,'--'. Public hearing closed Negative Dec. for 3-Z-88 3-Z-88 approved First reading of Ord 1470 . Spark loan. deferral of interest . Jollyman Park preliminary plan approved Human Services Funding approved . '...,........,,.'~,,~ MIlÐ1'ES OF '!HE \A.:J.\nZK 3, 1988 C1'lY caJNC:n. ~.UG (00-753) It was IIICMId by 0CU1c. Jåmson, I18CCtdld by 0CU1c. Kqpl and P"~-sl1 with 0CU1c.~. di-- ,Uzg to e.Uminat.e tba 4t interest: œarge on the $26,630 lean œ¡¡y with no c:bIIrqe to the t8DIIB of the $98,370 lam, with Spuic to at-,.t. all costs ACICII'("iated with JIICdifyinJ the lam dot'o-tts. 37. Presentation of the preliminaJ:y plan far JollYDBn J1Init renovation. Director of Parks and Recreation DcwliIq stated that tba Parks and Rt-.._tion n--.i....ion has a¡:prcved the plan. If 0CU1cil ~uves, the arå1itect will t"o" ~j with 1IICJ:'kinr¡ drawiIçs. XU N:sy of R::Jyst:.on, HanaIDato, Alley and N:sy, project aràú.tsct, t"o s .íLed the plan to 0CU1cil and arlllt._ad cpBtions regardin¡ aDplification ~. and la1&oapiIq. Patsy I1misws1d 1Ò) lives at DmIas anj DeFoe stated that she really likes the plan. She had 8CIII8 a.,;_-t!a1s regardin;J plae:--, tL of piaù.c tables. Aß:Irea Harris, 1052 'l\:scany, President of QJpertino National Little Isague, ðÕJì.-~""" the issue of the use of an lIIIplified sound systEa at the field. She explained that it is only used in taJmament: situatiŒlS. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. PIUD3Y, seccnded by Q:Iunc. J<lnlSCn and P"~-'!Id unanimcusly to GK'Lwe tbe plan. H1en as1œd about: a t:b& line far the project, Mr. DcwlinJ said 1IICJ:'kinr¡ ~ Bhculd be ready by Janmy. He 110'1ld liJœ to have the bid awamed and be ready to 1IICJ:'k by spdn¡ 1hIn the weather is geod. 'Ihere is a pœsibility that the park DIllY have to be closed dur..n;r the wrk. 38. P90. .,.,_. IdatiŒIS far R.1IDan Service fI.In:lin:.J. It was 1IICIIIed by Q:Iunc. Jàmsa1, seccnded by Q:Iunc. PlUD3Y and p"ø-'!Id unaniJIIaJ:ùy that $4,000 be ...-.rI to IlmIan SelVi.oes D",,?,:, that all "1lrfi!';/ CXIIIB frail the ßIMnJ8 ShariJç rums, and that the rums be allocated as follows: 0Jpertin0 l'roIonI"1ity services - $8,700 0Jpertin0 seniar Day services - $3,500 '!he Food Bank - $4,200 IA:n¡ TeIID rfth_" P1.up.aw - $3,300 Mid Peninsula so.w \L L Neb;crk - $4,500 ().rt:reac:h and ~L - $7,012 -10- Mn«JrES OF 'lBB \A.aUIZK 3, 1988 C1'lY CDH:IL JII!E1'.I1G (00-753) 39. OJ ......""""ion regardin¡ length of City QJuncil III8EJt.1n;JB and considm:at:ion of ~"tions to limit length. ']his IIBtter win be di"""---ed at the end of the 1DII8t:inI¡. Mu'~·.LDf CXIIIIaCATICH9 40. CknIic1emticn of mcpIBt to waive ItEIII No. 4 of Resolutiat 7571 .v..hHmbl] rules gcvemirIJ QJpertino advisœy -ies. ~-t filed by Jdm ,.,...~, P1.ann1ng no-i -ioner. It was 1IØ/8d by CD.mc. Plungy, seootded by ctIunc. aoga.... and p"--1c1 unanim::uIly to waive the rule --.......... of "ext:raordinaxy clrcumstanoes." '!he City Cle:z:it was directed to notify Mr. Claudy. 41. Notice of elect:.ion fiaa Asaoc::iation of Bay Area GaYel11aents. CD.mcil œoeived the infODlllltion. 42. Letter frail Bay Area a:.mcu. ~ regimal ~--"ma 1 - Bri.dIJe Toll Refel.enèUI. By ocusensus, the matter was referred to the Iegis1ative Review O:mDittee. œDImWCES 43. second readiD;J and en..........íL of ordinaJDa No. 1471: "An ordinaJDa of the City a:.mcu. of the City of QJpertino A1I81ItiJIJ Section 1 of ordinaJDa No. 2 by Rezon1nI;J 3.65 Net Acres fraa Rl-10 Zone to BQ Zone, IDeated on the North Side of Alves Drive, 300 Ft. West of Beamon Drive (7-Z-88, Hart:J1wBst ïICA)". It was 1IØ/8d by ctIunc. Plungy, seocucled by ctIunc. ~.. and p"ø"'«'( unaJÙJIIr.Dùy to read ordinance No. 1471 by title only and the Deplty City Cledc's readinq to constitute the secald readiD;J thereof. It was 1IØ/8d by ctIunc. 9ogel.&, seocncIed by ctIunc. Jàmscn and p"--ad unaniD:Jusly to enact: ordinance No. 1471. RE9OWl'ICIIS 44. None. -1l- Rule waived ABAG election Bridge Toll Referendum Second reading of ord. 1471 Ord. 1471 enacted . Fujii vs. City of Cuper- tino Change in order of business of Council mtgs. . ~ .' ~:~"...~-,!".__._,". - kuiu'.&mt œ 'IBB Ul,;,l,UI:II:iK 3, 1988 C1'lY CDJNCIL 1'II:iI!õr.uG (00-753) t'!rnnn mf -o.a.(If (a) 1WJ:tiø;J litJ.gaticn (Gav-.._L 0:Id8 section 54956.9(a) - l'Ujii 'VII. City of ~. upon dstaI:Ia1nin; that theœ .. no neecl far a c]"entt . i,.." it was IIMId by Q:IQnc. PlurJ;¡y, aeoo..dI.d by Q:IQnc. J\lk-... ant p" I II unanimcusly to ~..ve the City Jot+... '-Y'. po.. -mUm J:8gI!m!inr¡ II8tt:1.8BJt: as CXXJtainøc! in a letter previously nlCsiwd by CCIuncil. 39. nj..........ion regardin¡ 1AnJth of City CCIuncil JIIII8t.iD;pI anj CX'II8idm:ation of m.....,-"1:iaw to Umit 1AnJth. Follcwin;J di....._ion, CD.mcil by ......_snsus directed staff to pœpeœ an ordinanoa åIaJ1)iD¡ the ordm: of b.1siness of City CD.mcil -.t:ing8 by.:win¡ staff ~Ls and camcil ~La to the e'd of the~. At 10:40 p.m., the -.tinr¡ was adjcumed. 'f.-Lk 0 ?Jø¡L Dep1ty City Clede -12-