CC 10-31-88 , ,._~"... ~'";-'.;r'~..';'''-' CIT!C OF UJ~'.uÐ, STATE OF CAI.:IFC:RIIA 10300 'ltæRE AVÐICE, UJ~.uÐ, CAI.:IFC:RIIA '.l'ELEHDŒ: (408) 252-4505 00-754 MIlÐ1'ES OF '!HE RIDJIAR C1'lY CXXJNCIL ftI:iI:a'.LIG HElD (If lAauaI:õK 31, 1988, CXXJNCIL aÐ\MBER, C1'lY HALL 10300 'J.U<t(IS AVÐICE, UJ~.uO, <::AI..DœÐ:A '!be JIIB8tiDJ was ....11ed to order by Mayor Gstto at 6:45 p.m. SAII1l'E 'to '!HE FlAG mLL CAIL Came. Pr98 .ad.: Jàmsa1, Kqpü, Plungy, Rogers, Mayor Gatto staff Pres Elít: Ac:t.in} City Manager Viskaviå1 City Clerk cameJ.ius Director of P.I.anni.n) anj DBYel~&t cowan Director of Finance Snyder Assistant to the City Manager Brown (n.....rdty Relations Officer I<:rey Hoosin;J and setviœs coord!nator Uorlin:¡ City Attorney Kilian ~ It was mved by Ct1.~. Plungy, seca1ded by C'our:!::. Rogers and l"'....9d uœni:mcusly to continJe Item 1~0. 41 to the regular JIIB8tiDJ of Na....e!Dber 7, 1983. By consensus, CIcuncil fCDlled a S',¡y.,.".."ittee CŒlSi.st.in;J of coone. Rogels and coone. PIUIYJY and Mr. ViskDIrid1 to review the altemates far the t"nIwN"'Iity center and 9l1h11it; a L"'l"-'LL to CaIncil. CEREHJIIAL Mlu'J.1:òKS - ÆESmrATICIIS Presentation of First JI.lU"'...13l Dist.inc;uishæ Artist Award. Nancy steele, 01air of i:hÐ 0Jperti."Y-I 1"i..."Ie A..'1:s CŒI\Iission, presented the awæ:às to salvatore Pecoraro ar.d Nile Næ1:an.' Presentation ...,~ ca.xtificate of ;'~illt-:.\L to ~t. Hoxsie, Þ..rchitecl:t:.:-al a.>rl site ;\;p~Rl Cc!mni.ttæ and Robø..rt Lerner, Fine J..."i:~ O:mr.issicn. , -...- .. . . Legislative Review COIIDDit tee Consent Calendar . .. :....,.;~.-.~''''- MIlI1ŒS OF '!HE OC'IUlZK 31, 1988, mDJIAR CI'lY CXXJNCIL )zr;r.uC (Œ-754) Kayar Gatto ~ s 1L.ad the certificates to Mr. HcxBie and Mr. Len.. ProclzaBtia1 hor.o.!n;r AS'S' ,lolyman O1arles ()JaCJœn1:uIh. Kayar Gatto ~ ad the City's ~ and pres tt.ed the pt:CClaartion to Ass ,1 'lyman ()IaCIœnbush. aw:. CXJIDŒCATICKS - Nme. fn:AFlI ~ 1. oral ............ls by staff -..hers anj ...'toni-ion of written l~ls - None. 2. lb1thly Activity ~L, sept'---, 1988. CD.mcil received the ............L. 3. lb1thly TJ:euurer's and aD;et ~t., sept-,lc, 1988. 0:Amcil received the ............t.. CXXJNCIL ~ 5. CD.mc. Jàmsa1 - I.egislati'l."8 Revieroi Call1litt.ee - It was 1IICMId by 0:Junc. JåInsan, seconded by 0:Junc. Plaçy and p"" n'l unanimcus1y to SURH.L Reqio.'1IÙ """""'Ire 1. cx:tmm' C'AIÐIDAR It was II:MId by CD.mc. Plungy, seocI1ded by 0:Junc. Jchnsan and Y' 1:1 unanimcus1y to ~U'l8 the 0.._ d. calendar as subllitt.ed. 9. paq-t far waiver of Þ.IsJness li...-_ fee: (a) A1IIBriœn cancer SOC"iety for 1989; (b) Girl SCcuts far Jarmary 20, 1989 throogh April 15, 1989. 10. M..i.. for damages filed by Cataria L. Barnes. ~,,-.-.-.L1ed for rejectiCl1. u. RiBclution No. 7638: "A Resolution of the City 0:Amcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Makin;r I:etezminatiŒlS and A¡:provin;J the Annexation of Terrltcxy Designated as "stellin;r Rœd 88-05"; ~"CIXi:mately 0.979 Acre I.cx:ated on the West Side of stellin] Road Between 0r0gran:3e Place anj carriage Circle - Herano (Am 359-6-58)." -2- MIWmS OF '!HE ocroBER 31, 1988, RIDJIAR Cl'lY OXJNCIL MEE:I'nI:; (00-754) 12. Resolution No. 7639: "A Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q.Jpert:ino Makin:¡ D8t:eminatia1s and A¡:pr:cwing the Annexation of TerritŒy D8Idgnated as "HcCl.ellan Reed 88-06"; ~...rI-tely 0.31 Acre Iccat.ed on the North side of ~.." A1\ Rœd Be.tuøIn Byzna Averue anj 0ran:18 Aveme - Hanrao (Am 357-14-6, -7). II 13. Acceptanœ of lIIJTIicip"l ~: By8r Project, DeAnza I!aJlevard east: of Bollin3m' Rœd. (No dnt-o-ution r--øaxy.) 14. JIcoeptance of City projects perf... ......iI urx!er .....íl.aCt:: a. Harñicap Raap, Project 88-4002 (Andere O"'.......le). b. Pavement Restara1:ion, Project 88-107 (O'Grady).. c. DeAnza¡Bo11.iJg Rœd St..-t ~U'IeIIIeI.t, Project 86-2OA (Hogue). d. PIIIIeme1/l Restoration, Project 88-113 (Hogue). e. Slun:y seal, Project 88-116 (California PEw_íL MaintenarDa) . f. Am.Ial overlay, Project 88-115 (De Silva). (No dnt-o""""1tation J"<V""'C!"¡UY.) 15. Resolution No. 7640: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of ().Jpertino Authorizin;J Execution of ~uV"'uL JyL.........aL Beb.een the City am DBYeloper, ~ a.vro:Let:; Ioœtion, stevens Creek BaJlevaJ:d. " 16. Resolutiat No. 7641: "A Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of ().Jpertino Acoept:iD¡ Quit-cl..im DBed and Autharizaticn for ~ Water Rights fxaD Paul E. weiss anj J!oI,"""ra H. weiss, stevens Creek Bc:W.evaJ:d. II 17. Resolution No. 7642: "A Resol\.>tion of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpert1.~ Declarin:J tJU~lI Growin¡ on Certldn Described P.I.'¥"Lty to be a FUblic Nuisance." 18. Iœsolution No. 7643: nA Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of ().Jpertino Allowinq certain t"1..i.... am Demands Payable in the JIJID.D1ts and frcm the P\mds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries am wages for the Payroll Period Erñinq Septed)er 27, 1988." -3- MINIJl'ES OF '!HE I,A;J,UDO.K 31, 1988, REX:UlAR cr:ri caJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (00-754) 19. Resolution No. 7644: "A Resolution of the city QxmciJ. of the City of QIpEIrtino AllowiD¡ certain Ç1..i..... an:! Deman::!s Payable in the A1Damt:s an:! frail the :t\In:Js as Hereinafter Described far Salaries anj W2Iges far the Payroll Period Erxiin3 Oc::t.c:.œr 11, 1988. 20. Resolution No. 7645: "A Resolution of the city CD.mcil of the City of QIpEIrtino AllowiD¡ certain C! ..i..... and Deman::!s Payable in the A1Damt:s and fraD the ~ as Hereinafter Described far General an:! Miscellanecus Expeniitm:es far the Period Erñinq October 7, 1988. 21. Resolution No. 7646: "A Resolution of the city CD.mcil of the City of QIpEIrtino AllowiD¡ certain l"'1..i..... and DI!JDanjs Payable in the A1Damt:s anj fraD the fUrœ as Hereinafter Described for General anj Miscellanecus Expeniitm:es far the Period Erxiin3 October 21, 1988. 22. Review of mquest for Alccholic Beverage n..íU.ul liœllS!!EI: (a) Mort's Deli, 1059 North Wolfe Rœd, (b) Am. J\np,i..ition a....~ation, 10122 Bamley Drive, (c) C.L.S. Restauræ1t:s, Inc. (Senor Papa's), 21275 st:svens creek BcW.evaJ:d. 23. J>.esolution No. 7647: "A Resolution of the city camcll of the City of QIpEIrtino Authorizin¡ Execution of '~.........4. Regardin;J Erx:road1ment Pemit, Slope 1:'.:o...--¡t' Betwen the city an:! Martan Mann and F.1 habet:h Mann for the Erx:road1ment into city p¡,~ty for ~azy Use - scenic BcW.evard." 24. Resolution No. 7648: "A Resolution of the city CD.mcil of the City of QIpEIrtino Authorizin¡ Executia1 o! '~.........4. Regardin;J EncrœåmIent Pemit, St.....at Right-of-way' Between the city an:! Martan Mann an:! Elizabeth Mann far the Erx:road1ment into City P.L'¥"Lty for 'l'eIIpmu:y Use - scenic BcW.evard." 25. Resolutiat No. 7649: "A Resolution of the city camcll of the City of 0Jperti.n0 ~ contract ~ order No. 2 for Traffic Signal Modification an:! St.......t ~<Iv_d.ð, Pruneridge Avenue anj WOlfe Rœd, Project 4024." 26. Resolution No. 7650: "A Resolution of the City camcll of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin¡ Execution of DIprovement h;p...........4. Setween the city an:! Developer, Arthur an:! ""'9P"'r L. Rauser, Location, Rainbow Drive." -4- MOOl!S or '!HE œrottx 31. 1988. RÐmAR crt'í anaL ftUiJ.'.LftG (00-754) 27. Resolution No. 7651: "A RssoJ.ution of the City o:ux:i1 of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Acœpt:inq Quit-,." ..im Deed and Autharization far undsI:grcun:i Water Rights frail ArtIm" and noç.-.,. L. Jbo1""9r, Ra.inbcw Drive." 28. ~-t tn:D Hwlett-PacJœrd far app:~ far a t- ~. ...azy trailer far a period of six DD1ths far the ~ of pravidin;J an aàtitional oonfereuo.. roaa, located at 19310 Pruneridge Aveme. 29. Resolutiat No. 7652: "A Resolutiat of the City o:ux:i1 of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Acœpt:inq Quit-,.,1Joi", Deed and Autharization far tb:Jt....."......mi Water Rights tn:D A~ DBYel___,t, Inc., Jt:Cl""an Rœd." 30. Resolution No. 7653: "A Resolution of the City o:ux:i1 of the City of 0Jpert.in0 ~ Parosl M'2Ip and ~""........,L Plans of Prciperty Located on H::(']""'"'1 Rœd; DBvelqJer, AVMI\C DBYel___íL, Inc.; Autharizin¡ Execution of ~we.ue.It. ~..........ít.; Authorizin¡ S!grdn¡ of Parcel M'2Ip anj ~",,_ít. Plans." 31. M..i", for damaqes filed by Wendy Shiun¡. ~:. .,.,....Ided for rejectiœ. 32. Minrt:es of the regular meet.in;J of Qctd:)er 3, 1988. 33. !':I.......}S anj ~"""'""'P'..int: cathey v. City of 0Jpertin0, Fatemeh A. Asli, at. ale Reœ1ve. l'IUI9 1ŒXIVED FRK cx:æmr CAIÐmo\R 34. None. PDBLIC HE'ARIlŒ 35. OXIsideration of extension of fraIxhise with Iœ Altos r...,+-.Je ~ny far an additional ten years (to year 2000). Act.iJIj City Manager Viskaviål reviewed his l~L with CD.mcil. Jim )bot.., "~I\, GeIIeral Manager of Iœ Altos r...,~ n"leI1Y, dian-...ed INXD's histoty of service anj .........núty service in 0Jpertin0 and iu~" 'II......... Joe Renati, ca1SUltant to INXD. Ann Arqer, President, Menta Vista ~ As""""i"ticr, ~ HI EJI.IWOll far extension of the franchise. She,.lso SlW...L.ad mandatoxy picloJp. -5- Los Altos Garbage franchise - Pui>lic Hearing closed . Res. 7654 adopted App. 8-U-88 6- l5-EA-88 . MDÐ1'ES OF '!HE OCl'Oaœ 31, 1988, JŒX;UIAR Cl'I"l CDJNCIL M!Œl'IH; (00-754) A gentleman We is a 0Jpertin0 haDecwner as- qœøticnI regardin;J rates anj rental of bins. He asJrat' if they were ~tive m:l are the rates published. He stat.ed that he had å1e{o- with other 9"""""9'" {..·,~nies anj faJnd their rates à-.;oer. Mr. Vi.skcv1.å1 "'Cp""i'1ed that if the 9",1-.J8 . ..,,~hY has its cwn lIUXIfill, thejr rates wa1ld be ~I however, that situation will be ~. I.ecrIarcl stefanelli, waste ~ít of North A1IIeriœ., ~-œd that the City wait anj see WIat SUnnyvale bid results are before extendin::J the c::w....,..L tr.mc:hise. Mrs. Bolick, a QJpertino resident, sutmitted a letter of BIJßJOrt of IAGCD. It was IIICIIIed. by CD.mc. Johnson, seoc:I'Ided by came. Plungy lni p"'ø'*'<i unani:aoJsly to close the public hearin;J. (a) Resolution No. 7654: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q¡pertino AuthoriziJ'Ç Extension of Franchise Ap..........,t, with IDs Altos r....""""? ~ny for the COllection anj I)j~l of Refuse in anj frail the City of Q¡pertino." It was IIICIIIed. by CD.mc. Plungy, seoc:I'Ided by came. Rcgers and p"'......", unani:aoJsly to adept Resolution No. 7654, extendin::J the fran:ñise an additional ten years. PIANND«; APPLICATIœ5 36. Awlicat.ions 8-U-SS and 15-EA-88 - Cali !.and - use FeIlDit to CCIIplete exterior 1Irñi i'ication to an existing 8,600 sq. ft. l"ni1diJ'Ç, to &onnHodt an existing 6,000 sq. ft. ,...·,-·cial };ni1diJq anj oc....L..\JCt a 29,000 sq. ft. retail office st:ruc:ture. . EI1viramm1tal Rsview: '!he P1ann1n:J t'hmIi ...ion reo "..,-),]a the grant:iD¡ of a Negative Declaration. '!he project is located at the sœt:hwIBst quadrant: of Blaney Aveme and stevens creek Boulevard. ~:w -···-ded far aw;t:CNal. Director of P1.annin] and Devel"'i....t:ut. Cowan reviewed his report with CD.mcil. Gary SdIDIitt, awliœnt, ëùJrffe'ed c.amcil regardinj CcniitiŒlS 16 and 25 as t"o'~ and subnitted a saaple of the blue metal roof material to be used. It was 1IIOYed by came. Jàmson, seccn1ed by came. Plungy and P"'~øed \Il'1alÚ.IIIOOsly to ~ the grant:inJ of a Negative cec""ration. -6- MIWmS OF '!HE OCIOtIt;K 31, 1988, REX;CIAR CITY CDJNCIL ioJua'.uC (00-754) It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, seccnSed by CD.mc. ~. anj l"'ø"'«i with CD.mc. ICr{pel dissentin:¡ to "WLuVe Applic::ation 8-u-88 per Planni.nq n-oi -kn Resolutiat No. 4113, with o:niition No. 17 amended to œad "fcmllll" rather than "infaDlBl" 1'8Vie.r by ASAC. 'Ihis revision will require the J.ar.ds. ~.irç to <XIIIe back to CD.mcil on their CD1Sent Calendar far final a¡:proval. By 00a nIlSUS, CD.mcil requested that the Aråú.tectural and site AßIraYal Calmittee 1'8View use of roofirç materials in the City anj l¥LL back. CD.mcil wa1ld like to see a variety of roofirç materials enocm-aged for use within the city. 37. A¡:plication 2~8 anj 34-EA-88 - Pa~ DBYel___d. Group - Use Pemit to OCX1t.L...\JCt and QpeIate a ",i""'" use CXIIIIIerCial, office, anj residential h'i1dirç EnvL....._alcù Rsvieor: '!be Planni.nq n-oi ....ion reo .,..-'1ds the grantin¡ of a Negative n-, ..'P'!ttion. '!he project is located at 10050 P<"~ Averue on the east side of PA~ mid block œbleen stevens creek Bc:W.evaJ:d anj Granada Avenue. DiJ:ect:or of P1.annin] anj DBYel,.'i....,,¡¡L COWan reviewed his l."¥o'LL anj }AL suA.ed a renderinq, transparencies, anj a """""', of the t"o'~ deYe1'¥""'IL. lbJer Griffin, ~: aLJ.D] Pa~ Dev8l'¥'C'å; Group, stat.ed that the pIan is to have a split ownership between the Uß er anj lower levels. Upon a ,:> ·'·'-'íL fttm CD.mcil that the fom of the 1::Jui1c1in;J provides enough activity and that the accent wa1ld be better Wite rather than natural H......, Mr. Griffin stated that he .....'ld be ham' to taJœ another look at it anj will CXIII8 back. Ann Arqer, President of Menta vista ~ Association, ~--9d BlIRJOll far the project. It was IIICMId by CD.mc. Johnson, seoc.dtd by CD.mc. Plungy anj l"'ø-9d unalÚJID.1sly to aßIrOY8 the gra.'1tirç of a Negative I'1roçlaration. It was IIICMId by Counc. Johnson, seoc:med by counc. Plungy anj p"--OO unalÚJID.1sly to ðß]roYe A¡:plication 26-U-88 per P1.annin] n-oi....i.on Resolution No. 4117, with o:niition No. 24 amended to read "faDlBl" Aråú.tectural and site ~ 1'8View rather than "infomal" . '!be laJ"oli""'""'l'irç on this deYe1___íL will also CXIII8 back to council on their CCI1sent Calerñar for final awraval. -7- App. 26-U-88 & 34-EA-88 . App. 12-U-88 - Pizzeria Uno . Res. 7656 adopted , First reading ofl , Ord. 1457 . MDI71'ES OF '!HE U\,;J,\JIZK 31, 1988, REX:CIAR C1'lY a:acL MŒl'DI:; (00-754) AR:Hl'œC'lURAL AND SITE APIRJVAL CXHa'l'lEB APl'LICM'IaIS 38. None. tJNFINISIŒD HJSIN!SS 39. Fat;p-t 12-u-s8 qIeration. Directar of PJ.annirJ] anj DBYel___ít. CcMan stated that the AIoå1olic Bsve1:_ o...L.T.Ù has requested clarification regardiD¡ the hems of q¡eration far this restaurant. to cJ.arify O:niition 14 (C) of Use P8mit Pizzeria Uno pert:ainiD¡ to hems of James JacJœon, att:arney l"¥'o S ,at.iD;J the aß)liœnt, ~- -ed SUR>- ...L for the 1A,¥Jsad resolutiat. Victar Dervin, 10109 Mello Place, referred to his letter regardin¡ items he perceived as diffiaüties. Arthur Qmther, aß)licant, zeviewed the hist:Œy of the re1at.ionship between Mr. Dervin anj the project. He stated that the ~ restaurant visit is 1-1/2 hems. Mr. Dervin said he has not been harassin;J the a¡:plicant, hIt saw no need not to còject to items he was not in favor of. It was IIDYed by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, secondecl by Ccunc. Plungy anj I""~E'~ UI'IalÜJIa1sJ.y to ac1q!t Resolution No. 7656, clarifyin¡ hems of q¡eration. Nœ HJSIN!SS 40. R8Yisicn of .....dt... of tuliness at ~ of the City CD.mcil, p'''' 'IL of staff and Ccuncil ~L..I at the en:1 of the Deet:in]. (a) Fh'st :reëIdin;J of ordinance No. 1457: "An Ordinance of the City Ccuncil of the City of Q.1pertino Rsvisin;J QJpertino ItJnicipal Code Qmpter 2.08. 090A, Pertai.nin] to a..ä... of B.1siness. " It was IIDYed by CD.mc. Plungy, secondecl by CD.mc. Jb; ers and p"--s1 UI'IalÜJIa1sJ.y to read ordinance No. 1457 by title only and the City Clerk's :reëIdin;J to OŒISt.itute the fh'st :reëIdin;J t!&:.....uf. -8- MIWmS OF '!HE \A;.LUIZt( 31, 1988, REXJJIAR C1'lY CXXJHCIL n=J:.uG (0)754) 41. ~L at bid cpenings, n--"1ity center, and award of o.AAIL...aCt. (Pr8Vicusly CCI1tirJJecl to Nav...ti:c., 7, 1988.) 42. a:ms:Weration of revision of 01IIpter 5.20 of the QJpert.1no H.lnicip"l COde pertain1n) to hcurs of ....., icitation. (a) First readiJJ¡ of Ordinance No. 1472: "An ordinance of the City cnmcil of the City of CUpertino A1IIEnlliq Section 5.20.nO of the 0Jpertin0 JIJroicipal COde R8lat.in;r to the ARùicability of the City's SOH..itor and pooNI'er ordinance to Na"r<". ...._F ~ ~- T "i1. II It was DCYeCl by CD.mc. Plungy, secx:n:Jed by CD.mc. Roç¡a... and !?",-gd \JI1ëIIÙJIa1Bly to read Ordinance lio. 1472 by title only and the City Clede's readin] to CICI1Stitute the first readin;J thereof. 43. p¿"VJØed åIIUJ]es in Gperat.inJ guidelines of Cit-¡'s 1bBiD¡ Rehabilitation Pl...."........ Hcusin¡ anj Services COordinator Norlin¡ reviewed her .L~L with CD.mcil. It was DCYeCl by CD.mc. Plungy, secaded by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, and p"ft?gd \JI1ëIIÙJIa1Bly to adept Reso1.utiat No. 7655 adc:1ptjnj the revised guidelines. 44. Request frcm Public Safety n-or...i....ion for CD.mcil ca1Sideration of enact:JEnt of a ~i ....i C Safety Ordinance. It was DCYeCl by CD.mc. Plungy, secaidtod by Q:Iunc. acgws and p"-nd unan1:ar:œly to adept the :tee" ...,..rdaticn t"o S íled as policy and to direct that it be i"l"__.,led thraJgh a Uhifam Rl1i'dirJ¡ COde ordinance revision. 45. Acoeptance of resignation of Rcbe1t. E. P8c:k frœ the QJpert.1no Energy no-i....ion and ClXlBideration of _i f'icatiaw of ordinance to rod- no-i -ion to five ~·J~l:h It was DCYeCl by CD.mc. Plungy, seoo.idtod by CD.mc. Jåmsa1, and p"a-d \II1IIlÙJID.1S1y to <'œept no-i_ioner P8c:k's resignation with l.o:y.L..L. It was DCYeCl by Came. Plungy anj sec:aù!d by CD.mc. Kqpl to direct the City Att:arney to prepare an œ:dinance revisiD¡ the Energy n-or...i,,-sion to five "-,¡...œ. -9- First reading of Ord. 1472 Housing Rehab. Program guideline changes Res. 7655 adopted Seismic Safety Ordinance . . Cupertino Drug I Abuse Council I i : . Second reading & enactment of Ord, 1470 . MINI1l'ES OF 'DIE Vl,;J.~ 31, 1988, RmVIAR Cl'lY CDJNCIL MŒl'DI:; (00-754) Fo1.lclwing "i"",,_ion, the moticn anj secx:n:i __ witlA:l...... anj Assistant to the City M'anIIg8r Brown was directed tak8 the matter of ;rori""t.rr¡ the size of the n-....i -ten to the Enel'd n-....i -ion far their iJplt. ~J.·azl CXlHJNIc:M'.ICH9 46. pooq-t; frca QJpertino Dr\I;J ~_ 0Juncil far sanction by the City of QJpertino. CD.mcil diœcted a letter be prepared for the MIIyar'. signature __ irq INppo ... L for the arganizaticn '. 1IICJ:'k against: the use of drugs, maJcinq clear that the City does not o....,~úl nor can "ß"""'''' to oo.í~ul any of their I activities. Q¡unc. lfq:pe1, Assistant to the City Manager Brown, and City Attorney Kil:Læ, were directed to meet: anj establish ~ the City can do in the way of sanct:.ionin;J ar SUW...1.1n1 a grœp witbcut expœiD¡ the City to liability. 47. Request frcIII James E. Jackson on behalf of Ral¡i1 and Ba1:bara Hardman far r..c.....:oideration of abim:knDent of p:qIerty . It was JIICIIIed by CD.mc. Jàmsa1, f'eOŒ1ded D.i Q¡unc. lfq:pe1 am p"'ft-'I!d unæUmcusly to dixect staff to \IOr.k with Mr. JacJœon to detemine if ~ of reciprocal ---als I amcn;J t"o'¥"Lli' owners coùd be aåúevec1. If not, the pl.'¥"Lt)" owner will be requested to """'icats the portion of ~........, Rœd in lp!Stion as a public sb...et. œDDWfCES 48. 5ecxn:l reIIdinq and enactment of Ordinance No. 1470: "An Ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIBnr:llnq Section 1 of Ordinance No 2 by Zc:niß;J P.L'¥"Lli' to Rl-10 Zona, Located ~"""'-tely 200 Ft. west of Pae lane at the southerly'l'emir&Js of Par 'lbres Drive (Z2Inkiå1 - 3-Z-88)." It was JIICIIIed by CD.mc. Plungy, seu....dt.d by CD.mc. ~.. anj P"-'I!d unanimcus1}. to read Ordinance No. 1470 by title only anj the City Clede's readin:¡ to oc:I1Stitute the ..éCClUd readin:¡ thereof. It was JIICIIIed by CD.mc. Rogers, sec:xmed. by Q¡unc. Plungy anj I"I~~'I!d unæUmcusly to enact Ordinance No. 1470. -10- , , JOa1.IZiD OF 'DIE 1Aa.- 31, 1988, RmmAR C1'1Y CXDICIL --~I··C (00-754) ~.!Ir,¡,'~ 49. Ncne. At 9:15 p.a., CDmc1l ar!jcumed to CCI1faL__ RoaD A far a c'---" I ion pø:ta.ininI;J to the l'!1Ai.. filed by S. J. A.......-.. CkII8t:ructic:n, Inc. At 9:36 p.a., CDmc1l J:'8CCIMnICl in 0"-..1_. staff Polo r L: ActiDJ City ._ Vi81ccvicn City Clerk ~ City Art> ...,-f Kilian It was II:III8d by o:amc. Ro9-8, sec:x:nded by 0CUIc. Plungy anj p"-eli ~y to .~ Dr. W'I"i- Y. L. Ma and _........Late $70,000 fraa the __.....al fum to be used in the City's defense of t:bia ..'.i... At 9:45 p.a. CDmc1l ar!jcumed to 10:00 a.m., NcI'.-t-. 5, 1988, CCIIfe:L__ RoaD A far an !lldjcumed 111118t:iD]. Æ(2~~,~ City ede l -ll- Closed Session