CC 11-07-88 ~ ~.."·"·.c,_ ., .., "Y""·'.'.' _ '. C1'lY OF Q PERl'IH), S'IME OF C'AI..I!tAIIA 10300 '.LUKI<I!i AVI!HJE, UJ~.LlIO C'AI..I!tAIIA 95014 '1'.EIE9DIE: (408) 252-4505 00-755 MnÐ'.Œ9 OF '!HE REXmAR C1'lY a:oaL N¡lrönI'G HELD (If 1IJVEJmER 7, 1988, a:oaL am~, C1'lY HALL 10300 1'óK&œ AVI!HJE, UJ1'mCI:.uÐ, C'ALDtRaA '!he ~ was called to ......:Itu. at 6:50 p.m. by Mayor Ga1:tc. SAII1Œ 'ro '!HE FUG BCIL CArL CD.mc. Pres",hL: Jàmsa1, ~, Plungy, Regelll, Mayor Gatto Staff Presant: City Manager !)linlan City Clerk Camelius Director of FUblic ti:Jrks Vi.skcvià1 Director of Planninq anj DBYel___aL Cowan Director of Finance Sl'Iyder Director of PaJjœ anj Ra:.....-t..Lon Dcwlinq Assistant to the City Manager Brown Chm1111'Úty RelatiŒIS Officer Rrey City Att:arney Kilian ~ - None. CE:REHKrAL liMTERS - PRæENIM'ICH; ProclamatiŒIS of A¡.'preciation - Diane Kahan atxl Ken !b1tijo. Mayor Gatto pl S íLai the prccJ.amations to Diane Kahan atxl tçen Montijo and ~-ftsd the City's a¡:preciat.ion far their life-savinJ efforts. Repœ:t frail Ann Cleaver on behalf of the Sister City project - Ck1Ip1ter amp in Russia. . -1- · KDIJI'ES OF '!HE II:WJ!JœER 7, 1988, REX:VIAR C1'lY CØJNCIL :HEEl'J1Ç (00-755) Am Cleaver 1.4.... ."...... JUlie Fist£' of If:id8 J\miar Higb Sd1col. Ms. Fisher..c1l:b. 1:1 O.:amcil and 1.4...' .......... a slide sbœ depict.inq the trip to JIII-ia. Eric Naught. «ICp1Ai1Wd tba t"ou,JLCIIII and the perticipImta, life 1Ibile in JIII-ia. A student ~ Jared tti......---td with cnmcil future student anj tead1er exI:iIarJ}IIS. Harriett Qu.dI.... prcr.."...ded an update on the t"o-..".. - of exàIanges. Ms. Cleaver t"o lrted cnmcil with gifts trail Pereslav1-Zal8llB1ty to 0Jpertin0 and an ..".._4. that had been signed regardinr:J future exI:iIarJ}IIS. She annc:An:81 that O:unc. Iq:pel will be the 1 billtW\ bet:w8en the City and the Sister City grcup. Ms. Ga...:h.... gave ..,........., credit to JIoII""'''''l ~ and the students at ~ J\miar High far the A' i~ sbœ and a.X> .".anyin:J _ic. œAL CDHJNICATIœB - None. S'mFP ~S 1. oral repo..ts by staff ,,-,¡.t.. and S',¡""i-ion of written .&.~ts. City Kan2Iger ()1inlan 1.""I"4t.ed on a meet.in:¡ between lc:w tax¡no tax citiM and the Qu1t:y. Mr. ()1inlan, Mr. snyder anj COUJx:. Rrogera ......... s ¡Lai t:be City at that meet.in:¡. 2. ~L on i..,1..... ttdU.cn of P.., "",ition 73: n..opofgn fUr1diD¡ . COUJx:il received the l.""I"4L. 3. status """1"4 L regardinr:J "san Frarx:isco Bay Area Ridge Trail Oorridcr". CD.mcil received the """I"4L. rnm.i ....ioner Dean SIœels and steve Dcw1in) ..~ted. to Ocurcil on the "Battle of the Bams". Mr. Dcwlin) stated. that this had been an event of true çnmo"1ity involv........tt and noted that it had been quite S'.1OOO"'nfUl. -2- MDI1rES OF '!HE N::J\7ÐœER 7, 1988, REX;(JIAR C1'lY CXDfCIL 1'JUaC.uC (<X:-755) CD.mcil directed Mr. Dowling to thank the PImca and R8c:I:8atJ.on t'nIon1...ion for a geed jå:). Direct.ar of Public ti:Jrks v.is1crNid1 told thcøe t"o . L anj wat:àún¡ on television that ...........t..s regarding the HigtMIy 85 p"h'it' heIIriD¡ were 1IV"i1.hle in the FUblic ti:Jrks DepIrt:aInt. CXDfCIL ~ MeIycr Gatto recpsted staff get ocpieB of the drawiD;pI anj plans of wi.c:B1ing the existing portion of Highway 85, as WBll as the ccnstruction BåIedule of the Highway 85 extension frail Hc:IIIestead Rœd to Highway 101. CD.mcil wa1ld like to review and (, .,..-.d;. cx::mmr CAIam.\R staff r8IICMId Item No. 17 frail the o:œent caI.erœr. It was D:MId by CD.mc. Rcgers, BeCCI1ded by CDm::. Jd..-.... anj p-ø-«t Ul'llUÜlK:œI.y to a¡.¢\N8 the baJ.aooe of the Cl._ 4- Calemar as sutmitted. 9. Resolution No. 7657: "A Resolution of the City 0:m1cil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Appt't:7/iD] ~ O%:åer No. 1 for Handicap RaDp rnstallation, Project 88-4002." 10. Resolution No. 7658: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizing Execut.i.on of Traffic signal ReiDi:m:sement; ~.........L Between the City of 0Jpertin0 anj Joe V> P. Franco, Et. Al., HaœsteBd Rœd anj Franco Ccm:1:." 11. Resolution No. 7659: "A Resolution of the City 0:m1cil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Appt't:7/iD] (l..,l.&.aCt Cbm:.Je o..dt.... No. 1 far Sl.&.....d. Maintenance - Slurry seal, Project 88-116." 12. Resolution No. 7660: "A Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Appt't:7/iD] (l..,l.&.aCt Cbm:.Je O%:åer No. 1 far McClellan Rœd Widening, Project 4020." 13. Resolutiat No. 7661: "A Resolutiat of the City 0:m1cil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Lot Line Adj....L......L BetweBn 'l\Io Parcels of land Withcut a Parcel Hap in Acoordance with Section 66412(d) of SUbdivision Hap Act as Jlmended Jaruary 1, 1984, Am 357-17-24 and Am 357-17-26, Lallita AverAJe anj p;.~ AvenJe." -3- " MIWmS OF '!HE 1I:II.IÐœER 7, 1988, RmCIAR C1'lY CXXJNc:IL MŒl'DI:; (00-755) 14. Min1tes of the regular ~ of 0ct.c:iJer 31, 1988. lS. Resolution No. 7662: "A Resolution of the City ocuncil of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 Allowin:l Otrtain M..i_ and DIDands Payable in the AIIIamts anj fI:aa the lunds as Hereinafter Desc::ribed for Salaries and Wages far the Payroll Paricxl Endin;J oct:cber 25, 1988." 16. A¡:proval of Fine Arts n--i....ion minor guideline dwqe. 17. RieIIIaYed fI:aa the 0.._1 d. Calemar. 18. Request far ~ of $2,000 fI:aa the ."......ral fund far rnt:ergoYemment CD.mcil fundin;J of the County Hazæ:dcus Waste Mar1i:.:r-,,-oaL Plan. ITEM3 REHJVED m:H <XI'ÐNr CAIÐIDAR 17. Resolutiat No. 7663: "A Resolutiat of the City CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpe:rtin0 Dec:l.ar1n¡ Intent to O::n:hx:t: a FUblic Hearin;J to CD1sider Dec:l.ar1n¡ a J: ni1diD;J t1nsafel Located at 10224 Feninsula Bc:W.evaJ:d." By 0CIISE!l1BUS, CD.mcil à1an;¡ecl the date for their first meetinq in ['lei _,J....... fra:¡ De<:-,J.er 5 to Dec-·I.el 12, 1988. It was IIICIIIed by CD.mc. Plungy, sec:x:nBl by CD.mc. JåInson and pe'!!'Bed unaniJar::Qùy to adept Resolutiat No. 7663, aJIIelDej to set the PJblic hearirr;r far Dee -,~ E(I" 12, 1988. It was IIICIIIed by CD.mc. Rogers, sec:x:nBl by came. Jàmsa1 and I""-ecl unaniJar::Qùy to revise Resolutiat No. 7642 anj set the PJblic hearirr;r for the meetinq of De<:-.J E(I" 12, 1988. RJBLIC HEARIJœ 20. None. PIANNIlÐ APPLICATICH3 21. None. ARaIl'mCmRAL AND SITE APPm\7AL a:HaTl'EE APPLICATICH3 22. None. -4- MINIm!'S OF '!HE }I:m'MBER 7, 1988, JŒDJIAR C1'1"l CXDI!IL MŒl'DI:; (00-755) UNFJJaSHED HJSDŒSS 23. None. Nmi EmINESS 24. P<>c;r-t traa the Santa Clara cnmty Board of SUpervisors for a ncmiJ1ation for the Ccunty Library n--i ....ton. It was mved by CD.mc. Rogers, sec:aù!d by CD.mc. lfoppel and 1"" ell unaniD::a.Jsly to refer the r-;r-t to the 0Jpertin0 Library n--i_ion far 1.· .,.,-,1dat.ion. If tb8re is time, CD.mcil c:ii.rected that the n--i....ton'S r&:".,."-dat.ic:n be p,....wt on the a...-'íL Calen3ar far a¡:prcval. If not, it Bhculd be forwarded directly to the cnmty BœJ:d of SUpervisors. 25. ~L on bid cpming, 0Jpertin0 C'nmII"1ity center, anj awam of u..a ~.LaCt. CD.mc. Plungy and Regels gave a .L"'i'UL L reg¡m:Un¡ the review of the C'nmII"1ity center bids. Tall Eckman of E. A. Hathaway I"'rI!p>rty, told CD.mcil that they were looJdnq fotWaX'd to worJdn;J on the project, that they caISider it an cutstandin;J CXI1St:J:uction project. It was mved by Cbmc. Jå1nson, sec:x:med by Cbmc. Rogers and poo--aë! unanimr:aùy to awam the OCIIbined project with altemates to E. A. Hathaway """""'rty in the IIIIICUI1t of $4,963,782.00, appz:cpriated $300,000 traa the General !U1d and autbarized the use of $150,000 fraa P.ì,'vOBition 70 state .".....d.. monies. Mr. Dcwlin;J amamœd that at 1:00 p.m. on Nav.....t-. 21, 1988, there will be a brief ~ oeremc:ny on the site of the 0Jpertin0 l'nmII"1ity center. W1<J:J."J:I:l't <XIHJNICATIœs 26. P<><;p-t fJ:t.a Iso Bemard for waiver of standard ..L..aoIt iDprcMIœnt o:niition of a¡:prcval, J\R)lication 29-U-88. Mr. Viskaviå1 amcunced that the i.....X' has been resolved. œDINANCES 27. 8eccn:i readin; anj enacbDent: of ordinance No. 1457: "An Ordinance of the City Camcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 RelrisiD¡ 0Jpertin0 IUÙcipal Code C21apter 2.08.090A, Pertai.nin;J to Order of aJsi.ness." -5- MINtm!:s OF '1HB 1I)I.ImIBER 7, 1988, REX;(JIAR C1'lY CDJNCIL ='.UG (00-755) It WIllI IIICMId by Q:Iunc. Plungy, ..xx1èled by Q:Iunc. Bog&t8 and paft-sd UI1IUÚJIIaJsly to :œed ordinance No. 1457 by title only ani the City Clede'. 1"8III1inq to ccœtit:ute the 88CCI",,:l ~ th......uf. It was IIICMId by Q:Iunc. Rogm:., 88QQ,Aod by CD.mc. Plungy and p"'ø-gd unanhIcus1y to sIIICt ordinance No. 1457. 28. S8Cc:nI %IIIIdiD¡ anj er-.l...IL of ardinanca No. 1472: "An ordinance of the city CD.mcil of the city of 0Jpertin0 ~ S8ctiat 5.20.UO of the 0Jpertin0 Jb>i"ipel om ~ to the AppJi.....hiHty of the City'. RðH"itar Jnd p.M1er ardinanca to NaJ-O. -....1.al Speec' It 10IBS IIICMId by CD.mc. Plungy, 88QQ,Aod by CD.mc. Regel. anj paøni! unanhIcus1y to :œed ordinance No. 1472 by title only anj the City Clede's readin¡ to ccœtit:ute the 880ClUd re!Idi.n¡ the1:eof. It was IIICIIIed by CD.mc. ~., seoct).iad by CD.mc. Plungy anj paø_gd unanhIcus1y to enact: ordinance No. 1472. RE9OIIJI'Iœs 29. None. City Att:arney Kilian anncunced that CD.mcil wculd meet in a Closed ~ as per Gov............,L Code S8ctiat 54956.9 (b) (1) . At 8:00 p.m., CD.mcil adjcmned to a Clt:sscl S-eion. At 8:19 p.m., CD.mcil reccaJYened in qø¡ s-- ion. CDmc. Pres _L: Jå1nson, ~, Plungy, Regels, Mayor Gatto. staff PoL s 4.: City Manager 01in1an City Cledc 0........., i,1S Diœctor of Finance snyder City Att:arney Kilian City Attomey Kilian ~ that no action need be taJœn. It 10IBS IIICIIIed by CD.mc. Regel., seco.Aod by CDmc. Kq:pel am l"'CI'"ed UI1IIl'ÚJIII:Usy to adjwrn to 7:30 p.m., 'l\Jesday, NoI.....t..:u. 15, 1988, Jb1ta vista High SåXJol Auditorium. -6- MIklJ.m or 'Œ! tomœER 7, 1988, mxmAR c:rJ."l cx:ncn. ~.uG (00-755) '!he -.ting was I!djcmœd at 8:20 p.m. //?~ 4~.l. City~~-V -7-