CC 11-15-88
10300 '.L~ AVEHm, aJH:Rl'DI), ~ 95014
'l'EIEæ:IŒ: (408) 252-4505
HELD (If lDI!JœER 15, 1988, IDfIA VIBrA HIGH sar.m.
ADDl'lœItJ(, 21840 ~Rrr~ RJM), '-Un>IU'.uÐ, CAIDtIIIIA
'!he meet:in;J was """ed to by Mayor Gatto at It:I1ta
Vista High Sà1col Auditorium at 7:35 p.m.
SAII1Œ '.ro '!HE FUG
C'cunc. PrES ul:
~l, Plungy, :Rogm:s, Mayor Gatto
C'cunc. Absent:
Jàmsa1 (alt of town on tusiness)
staff Pres d..:
City Maœget ()ù
City Clerlc Carne.lius
Director of FUblic works Viskaviål
Director of Plannin;J anj DE!I/I'II. i ..- IL cowan
City Attamey KiJ.ian
Mayor Gatto t"o Jt.ed a historical l""L_1:ive of the
devel___d.. of Rigtw.-y 85. He stated that CD.mcil has
ruled alt no q:JtiŒIS that are Ji1yBically yi-hle. '!he IIIIyar
stated that the meet:.i:rx:J .w.d be divided into four sectic:nJ
as follows: 8et:tion 1 - :k.~l f%aR staff, Sectia1 2 -
CD.mcil questicms; Sectia1 3 - p1h1iC .~._._._.d.s, Sectia1 4 -
CD.mcil delJœrat:ion. At arcurñ 9:30 p.m., theœ will be a
10-15 minute breIIk.
DiJ:ect:or of FUblic ti:Jrks Viskaviål told CD.mcil that the
gœl is to reach a OCI~eœus so that the pert...........Dt and
f.:I. ~ray ..."...........d...s can be executed arxi Highway 85 can be
ocnst:ructed ~ Q¡pertino. Six altematives were
t"o Behled whiå1 Mr. Viskaviål '"'(J""Iined. FactarB to
ca1Sider were œviewed inc1.~ the bpcto of the "no
'"""""""'"," alternative. saœ alt.ematives œviewed were a
MII«11'.æ OF '!HE lÐVÐmER 15, 1988, AI1JCIJRNED REX;(JIAR J'IUiJ.'.uG
t"o' ~: !led hook nmp, a Mazy Averue ~ø, an unrestricted
~itVad nmp at JtClellan Read, a restrict:ec1 ~fdM J:IIIIp
at !IX::lellan Read, a full interå1arJJe to a location scut:h
of st:evœ1s Creek BcW.evard and a no --.ø altematiw.
Mr. Viskcviå1 stated that DeAnza Q)llege is . OW' 'Bd to tba
full interå1arJJe altemative as it woold taJœ land - ......
for future EÐIpIU1Sion. He then SUIIIIIiU'ized the criteria and
q:Jt!ŒIS anj the þLuo..cDD of elimination of altemates.
At that point, Q:Qx:iJ. asJœd questiŒlS of the Dimctar of
FUblic Works. Uþon beúr;J asJœd to Ø1Cpbin the
environment:a1 ag~- --'aL, Mr. Viskcviå1 stated that the a'I8
used is Ed",i ';no to the one used by the City of ~'Xtino,
ha.Iever, it is l:Uœly that oaœú.ttees wtUld be f"""""'" lar
the devel"¥"""&t of the final plan.
Uþon bein;J asJœd if there caùd be a fœa right turn 10bm
exitinq frail Highway 85 arœnd the percolation pend, Mr.
Viskaviå1 stat.ed it was teåuùcally possible, but wa1ld be
,............ary to study fIIrt:her. In addition, it was "'Cp1Ai1"ted
that since the 196OB, state standards have c:t1arged in
regm:à to ~ which is why the CU1..I....&t ð0C' - to
anj frail Highway 85 at stevens Creek Bculevard cannot be
made into a full int:ert:ñange. Mr. Viskcvich stated that he
has been told there woold be no iDpac:t on the cm.......,t.
OCI1Struc:tion on stevens Creek Bculevard in that area.
Will KeIIpta1, Executive Director, santa Clara cnmty
Traffic Authority, stated that many of the alt.ematives
þL sShLed will ðl-¥L0aCh $10 million. 'Ibis DX:I1eY is not
av.of'able frail """""'JJ:e A funds. It woold require 8CIII8 City
~ at an ðl-¥L"'t"olate level. He urged œut.ion anj
requested that if no solution is fauxi at this tims,
CUpertino sign the b. eliay .."............d. so that the
OCIIStruction can cx:nt.ime on så1edule.
'!he Mayor then Cp!œd the meet.inJ to pmlic irp¡t. He
urged coort:.esy frail these þL S~aL and stated that he wa1ld
not l:1mit the 1en;¡t:h of tims for each parson to speak, but
later he may have to detemine what is repetitive. He
BIJ~ three or four oaae down to the podium and as a'I8
finishes, another oaae fozward. Mayor Gatto said he wa1ld
not rest.dct in¡:ut at this time.2
Joe I-J>\.1Ser, 21461 Milford Drive, urged a fair solution for
all of CUpertino. He stated no residential neighborhood
should be iJJpactej and safety should be a COIìCcLn. In
regm:à to envilou...culdl iJrpact, he felt that the highway
wa1ld create a noise prcb1em on both sides in his
nei.ghbamood. He stated that there is a noise
prå)lem in the area fxœ highways. He stated that, in his
qlinion, the no --" alternative is the best anj he I.IJ:'98d
CD.mcil to consider the ccst saviD3s. He pl. S!.t.Bd a
transpaœncy depictiD¡ driveways onto Mazy AV81JJ8 as thøy
cw.......IL1y exist. He felt that the Public Works 1:~L was
based on "..........,uŒlS that are not neoeEIElarily cau.....'"t. He
asked ,my, if Highway 85 woold not rrodI- traffic levels,
it was beiß.J b.1ilt. He then þ1: HI!I&teð. a transparency of
CXI1pm1tive criteria shawin;r pe.roe!ved differellces of
infcmaation in the staff lepo1:t. Mr. Jbn,........ stated that
plao:--·aL of Highway 85 a/X1eSEI on Mazy AverI.18 woold affect
the livability of the area am have a financial iJtpact on
haDes. He also expressed the q>inion that it woold affect
the aùtural heart of 0Jpertin0 am that evexythin;J oculd
IXIt be mitigated (speed, diesel fumes, devaluation of
haDes, etc.). Mr. Hauser stated that no ,,~.. was really
the only answer.
Gurœn Aral, 1040 Na\,...ø:- Drive, told CD.mcil he had just
seen the L"'tA'.L L that evenin;J anj, therefore, did not have a
big t"o S_íLation prepared. He felt that there were various
short:cc.mings in the ...~t anj i.....- anitted. He
expressed the q>inion that alternatives other than Mazy
AV81JJ8 were given short paragra~ in the ...étJ01.t. He
E!JIP1: -eel the q>inion that many i ..9'..... were sidestçped
such as emission of the location of southen1 Pacific tracks
anj that McClellan Read is often closed durin;J rush halrs.
Also the expansion of Measurex on McClellan am aJbb was
not ..dch.=sed, as well as the fact that three schools are
located near that particular ~,~ exit. He felt the
McClellan neighbomood wculd turn into a depression Za'18 if
the a~B were located there.
will Betd1art, 10455 B1ar lap Drive, urged that evæ:yone
keep a ........."1it:y-wide perspective. He did not fe91 the
.."'tA'.L L ðdr:h. -\1d ........."1ity issues or did IXIt have brad
encu;¡h in spece or time. He felt that the no!loX -
alternative did not seIVe the <'YWm'I"1ity. He urged CD.mcil
to inc::r:ease t"o on CalTrans. He believes that 40-50\
of traffic will go to Foothill anj back track if there is
not "~e to stevens creek Bculevaxd other than DeAnza
Bc:W.evaxd. He stated that the report art"""1"'S 1'IOI'Ià1alant
about the City signin;J an ay....c.......,t am then goinJ on good
faith. He suggested that Ca.mcil IXIt do this. Mr.
Betd1art stated that there are other alternatives available
to CŒlSider am suggested that Ca.mcil look for those
altematives. He t"o smted a secc:nlloq> alternative td1id1
he believes can be done witl.1CUt taJcin;J ~ hcl1SSS.
Hcwever, the City 0Dcll shedd be willinJ to make a bani
Qecoision far the benefit of the no'WION"1ity even if it has a
~ve iDpct on a few hcuseholds. Q10e again, he \m;¡ed
Q:Iuncil to ¡œh CalTrans far a solution.
'!he Mayar infcmœd theBe pr:s .4. that originally, 15-20
alternatives had been -i11ed incl\liin¡ the a'I8 t"o S &led
by Mr. Bet:dIart; hcweYer, they 1o'el'e famd to be unworkable.
OWen Þ-icJœr, 10467 Mary Aveme, ..""t"o; residents
of casa DeAnza, said that tlny will be IIICSt effected if the
Mary Aveme a...........s is bp1emented. '!bey are surroun.dec1 by
Highway 280 and 85 nCIW. He said that seven exits exist
onto Mary and theBe are the only exits available to these
areas. He felt that it was unfair to place the 1Ò)le
~ on one residential street. He pointed out perceived
discrepæx:ies anj .inc:a1sisteœies within the staff ........... t.
He said that no -~- will not increase CQ~ on
DeAnza BcW.evard. He felt that Mary Avenue anj stevens
Creek BcW.evaJ:d is a 'SpeC'b' part of QJpertino, the
cultural center, anj BhcW.d be preserved anj treasured.
CD.mcil stated that it did not aw;reclate the denigration
of staff wcrX.
Q1rist1na Cc11nell, 10386 Ansa\ Aveme, addressed the :issue
of safety on Mary Aveme and the increased :inconvenience.
GirImi Hcmes, develq¡er on Millard Iane, told residents
there woold be no c:haIJ;e on Mazy Averme. Ms. Cc11nell also
stated that the head-in parkin¡ alaq Mary was not
~ -sd and that it is cw.......,Uy difficult to make a
right: turn onto stevens Creek BcW.evard durirç heavy
traffic halrB. She said that Mary Aveme is her
nei.ghtmtxxxi anj there sha.Ild be no offraDp in aJ"IYtDt'.
Rim Slaaa, 21398 Meteor Drive, ...:kh. sed envirc::naa1tal
c...........JI8: noise, air and general livability. He stated
that the 0Jpertin0 General Plan establishes noise limits
and that """"aura A has starñards. Mr. Slaua said that
Eart:bmetrics had done a samd sbñy anj t"o S mt levels at
Glenbrook AparbDents are at 63 db. It is estimated that
that will go to 66 db withoot a Mary Averme offraDp anj
will be even higher with an offrcmp. He realizes that
safety """""'.IreS are :inp:>rtant, but stqI signs add to noise.
In regard to trocks, he remin:Jecl these present that trocks
makin;J deliveries woold be allowed on that offramp. Noise
mitigation is expensive and UJly. '!he increase on Mary
~, '"' " ""--'
Averue of air pollutants wcnld enocurage respiratœy
prcÐl-. He stated that it is o........."LIy a pleasant, low
..t.. ill area anj BURJ01:ted the no __ø solution. He teak
issue with the staff ...~t ægardinq an aoc ¡ - onto Mary.
Art ~inscrt, 21979 0aJcèell Place, q:posed the no a..: ;
alternative, as it iJJpact:s the entæe city. He said that
many pecple drivin:¡ to DeAnza C.Jllege åIcose Foot:hil1
Boolevard oftmDp and backt.rack down stevens Creek
BoolevaJ:d. '!his causes the ~!!'ity to drive extra 1fti1..
He felt this is a CalTrans prà:11em and they shcW.d solve
Was A1illips, 20739 SCOfield Drive, said he did not feel
the st:IXiy area was big encu;¡h. He spoke against a
~ellan Road a~l? He stated that ålildren go to
Bd1col in the area and there was a safety oa~. He
at¡Sl-'l Highway 85 woold ram""" traffic on DeAnza BcW.evard
anj su¡:p:¡:tted the no a~!!' solution.
Mr. Barry C21an;J, 7953 Cranberry circle, addressed cnmcil
regædinq the ~el1an Rœd restricted braid alternative.
He said there was lots of foot traffic in the area,
consistin] of school dù.ldren. He urged COOrx:il to
consider the ålildren.
I.ora1a Jones, 21550 niwaJ:d Way, urged that there be no
offraDp or i.nt:eråIan:Je saIth of stevens Creek Boolevard.
In regard to Alternative 6, she said it woold taJœ a'I8 haDe
and is unfair to Septeà)er Drive anj Rœe BlosBCID. '!be
.,ffraDp traffic woold have to crees railroad tracks. '1here
woold be a traffic tie-up. '!he Seven-Eleven store has no
saxtbbcurñ exit onto aJ'ti); traffic is :increasiD,J as
l:W.1din;J increases on aJ'ti). 'Ihe ~ellan and :aJtb Rœd
intersection wa1ld be hpK:ted. Also, Blac:kbeny Fa%ID is
for sale. Shculd that develc:p, there woold be even more
traffic. She felt the L~L did not CŒlSider traffic to
Bd1cols in the ~el1an area. She believes there is
inadequate ~ for any mitigation -"'1reB. She also
felt the no ..........ø altemative to be undesirable and spoke
in favor of the Mary offraDp with mitigation. She urged a
11D¡-terJD solution anj that if CalTrans cannot come up with
a solution, the city shcW.d sign ti'.e ðgleauent on faith.
Jåm Croll, 21786 Collingsworth, asJœd if no access were a
viable alternative. can CbmCil make that choice?
He was informed that CbmCil can do so.
MINUl'ES OF 'DIE !I:I\ImœER 1.5, 1988, ADJaJRNED mx;vIAR _....uG
Mr. CI:oll .dh. T1d Mr. vi.skr:Niål anj stated that with
t:cngue-in-dIeek, he was t:hanId.n; Mr. vi.skr:Niål far
imIIIg!native solutiaB. He stated that it ma]œs no sense to
PIt a t.t. v -y offraDp aaœs traa three sc::hcols.
Marshall GoJ~, 10401 castine, req.¡ested that CamcU
CXI'Isider all altematives in light of Iß1t is best for
CUpertino. He stat.ed that all Mm:y Avem.Ie speakers do not
SUß) ILL a McClellan RDIId altemative; that wa1ld just
transfer the prå:)lem frail a'I8 nei.ghborl1ocxl to another. He
felt the ..~t dœs not ad:Jress Mm:y Averue's specific
COIœms. COst and how it is to be paid needs to be
det:eJ:mined. He felt that bias is shewn in assuaptions made
anj that the ..~.. t is JDisleadiIç. He also stated that the
evaluation of the alternatives was ~lete. '!he City
CD.mcil needs to knew ccst to make a decision. No
alternative is viable in regard to ccst. Mr. Goldman
pl. !ShíLed his COI'IClusiŒlS that every Þl...eet will have
significant lower traffic tmen Highway 85 is CCIIplete anj
that no aooM9 is œally the DeAnza BcW.evard altemative.
ii:IweYer, he stated that lOBS of b.lsiness on stevens creek
Bc:W.evaJ:d because of increased traffic, wa1ld be bad. He
asked camcil not to keep residents in li:åJo anj not to
have inadequate studies done. He ~ the City
signing the fl._.RrI ay............/t with the DeAnza Boolevard
pI'Y"F..C:S: ¡¡: 00-11: 20 p.m.
Mayor Gatto urged that there be IIIi.ni1DJm repetition anj
reinforced previc::al ,. .,.,...,/ts that personalities and value
jnñJl""'lþ reg¡miin¡ staff .t.~u be Jæpt to a 1IIi.ni1DJm. He
reainded these t"o II d. that evezyone wants a solution.
_dell stepIerIs, 10397 Anscn Avem.Ie, _-4 that no 110( ft
was the best alternative. He cpXed <hJD::i1. ~ traa
the J'uly 6th 1IIB8tin:J. He ~--ted, that <hJD::i1. use the
IIIDIY that wa1ld be used far access for saœthinq else. He
felt that the Mm:y Avem.Ie alternative pl.!seJJted a safety
prå:)lem. Mr. step¡ens said that the City staff is not
trained to handle freEMay prå:)lems and felt that the
Cal'I'rans reo::,. ·,·,-<'dation of no access was the t"o~ a'I8.
'!he staff ler-ort was biased and i1~lete in his opinion.
c:ban3in1 Mm:y AverAJ8 frail residential to an arterial wa1ld
be breaItin:J a CXNenant. Mm:y Avem.Ie and stevens creek
Boolevaxd is a high pedestrian area and there woold be a
safety prå:)lem. '!he DeAnza alternative-no s~ø is
viable. Mr. step¡ens questioned the cost of the Mm:y
MIWmS OF næ NJ\IÐœER 15, 1988, ADJaJRNE[) RÐõUIAR ME:E'1'I1G
AvenJe alternative ani he I.a.::· ·,·,-,Ided the DeAnza
altemative first, follCMed by stevens creek¡Foot:hill and
the braided raDp at M::Clellan I.....t...icted as the third
choice. He urged that the divisive, dual ~ not go
A wœan frail Wildflower Way said that 0CIIIII1ters travel to
Saratoga anj I.oòI GatoB alCD} DeAnza Ba1levard anj it is
CUl.....IÍUy a 1DesB. She t'li"""').eeJ with the no A(Xlrp'
þ..."Y ""'!II. She urged Camcil to ca1Sider her neigl'Jb.n:l....A,
too. M::Clellan Rœd traffic is particularly bad. She also
~ ~--œd that CCUlx:il CŒlSider bike paths not located on
Gene Mid1aels, Meteor Drive, said the Mary Avenue ani
McClellan Road factions need to merge or they wwld not
81~ in their goal. He stated that with 4,700
signatures, CCUlx:il can be recalled.
Jerr¡ Kreger, 21485 Millard Lane, said that in April he had
called both Public Works Department ani CalTranB anj had
been assured there was no possibility of usin;J Mary Avem18
in the 280 or 85 i.nterd1an;Je. sewnt:y-five days later, he
heard it ca.ùd be used. In the meantime, he had p.1I'åIased
a !'ISo' haoe on Millard Lane. It was too late to cancel the
purå1ase. He stated that }fi"ard Lane is not mentioned in
the "''''iJULL. It opens onto Mary and. that is the only exit
trail Millard Lane. He urged Ocuncil to not aw=ve Mary
Averue ~EI, I::iut to aw=ve the no ~a alternative.
""'''''''''ra llla./Sky, 21363 Dexter Drive, a -,~ -er of Garden
Gate Elementary School PrA, ~ øed ccncem regard1n;J
darx:Jer to stujents frail a Mazy Avenue offra¡¡p. She said
that not all of the area has sidewalks. '!be
Greenleaf/stellin;J Rœd intersection is already a prcblem.
In addition, there wwld be incr:eased 1 raffic frail the !'ISo'
C'nmII"1ity center.
O1arles Berg, Limy Place, said he did not knew Wat other
alternatives had previwsly been t"o'"lued. He presented
10hat he CŒlSidered a solution an:i was infor.œd that had
previwsly been """""il'led ani there was a prci¡lem because of
mergin;J anj wavin;J.
City Manager ~an stated that CalTrans an:i the City
staff can recapture alternatives previwsly CŒlSidered.
'Ihese oc:uld be reviewed in the Public Works Department.
Dave Wheeler, President, Q>;>mho>t" of Canmeroe, said that he
had voted for Measure A because he wanted traffic relief
ëIIXi stated that the prcb1em was a regional issue. '!he
~ ot t"roIwnorœ feels that the Mazy AVIIIU! altemative
is the .i....,lest anj the best tor the "'-"-"1ity. He UIqed
the City to 8XBCUte the fretalay anj pertœ:manoe agre&D8I'Its
as soon as possible.
Bci) Haxllie, 22337 lÞ:1ellan Rœd, said that maybe others
were not here }>ecause they do not realize the bpct of the
no ~_.. altemative. He asked if the saratoga vote,
ðt¥LuV'in;J an offrmlp at saratoga, had any effect on
avai1able fI.1rœ.
He was told that saratoga had been fumed for a'I8
interc:hange so there is no effect an funds.
Mr. Hoxsie said many CCIIplain a1x:ut the selfishness of
Saratoga, new others are sayin;J, "No, not here." Mazy
Avenue, å:lvious1y, was built for more than a residential
street. No aooess has effects anj later CUpertino
residents will OCIIIØ with prcb1ems if Q:Iunci1 decides on the
no aa::ess alternative.
Bert Avery, Avery «:a1st.ruction ot Mamtain View, said that
in 1970 he had built the G1enbrook Apartments, Wich have
wa\ many awards. 'Ihere is a tendency to treat apartment
dwellers as seocni class citizens. Mr. Avery said that a
Mazy AVIIIU! offrëmp a:JUld seriously expose the area to
debilitatin:¡ conditiŒlS. He questioned the traffic bpact
anj noise hpK:t.
Mark Pacano of Earthmetrics said that he had prepared an
aocustical l~t for the Glenbrook Apartments usiD¡ the
sams method as he has used in preparin;J l~-ts for the
City anj others. He predicted a noise of 70 db whiå1 is
above the City's guideline-. He presented a ,ii~ay
illustratin:¡ t.ruck traffic alm¡ the highway. It is
estimated that each tims a t.ruck passes, the noise goes up
to 85 db. He is not sure that all mitigatin:¡ ...........Ires are
Mi.Iœ Gð.LdI-. ~ e¡l ~iatiCX'1 to ownc:il for their
patience. He a.:l:h. e¡l the iDpact of residential cœracter
of Mary AVIIIU! shcu1d the aooess be placed at that
location. He also stated that lower rents woold result in
the apartment CCIIplex of at least 5\. It woold also i'T"'<"t
the ambiance of the apartments and Mr. Avery's inv=L......rt.
of $1.5-3 million dollars a:JUld be :iJ¡p!cted. Mr. Gardner
stated that, at first, he preferred the no a~9
alternative, I::ut new prefers Alternate NO.6, the braided
ranp at lÞ:1el1an Rœd, restricted.
- -,'-:·"'·····t'~.-~···_\,...,.,~I".... ,.,. ."..
MINt7l'ES OF '!HE ~ 15, 1988, J\D1CXJRNED REGUIAR MŒl'DI:;
MiJœ aülock, HerIICSa AverA.I8, stated that he had worked
against JoIA:I\IZIJ1'8 A arxl was a _... er of the group å1aller¥Jfn;
HigtBey 85 environmental bpact ...~L. He said this
_ø shaùd have been in the EIR. Negative bpacts are
to be stat.ed as well as positive. He felt that CalTrans
was not an unbiased entity arxl Wtr,¡ didn't calTrans deal
with this in the first place. He felt that a su¡:plemental
EIS is _u~ed. He mged Council not to sign anyt:hiD;J. A
private consultant shaùd do an envira1mental study. It is
unacceptable that citizens are usirg their own mcney to do
studies. In the staff l~"t, Mary Avenue aooe&EI looks
like one of the best; subways c:a.1ld be I::A.1ilt to crœs the
...L.......t. He said that the ...~t cannot be taken at face
value because of a key ",,"...mpt:ion-traffic on DeAnza
Bwlevard. He woold like to see the acx:ess solution done
..........t"...'tly arxl felt that no ~~a is as good as anyt:hiD;J
Keith I<reft, 10843 W.i1kinsa1, said that M::Clellan Rœd is a
major artery for him. He· WJses the acx:ess on ø::clellan
anj cculd live with the no ~ø alternative. He feels
that nŒ1B of the pr:sent t"o'iJC"""'" solve the problem. He
cannot aooept that CalTrans cannot resolve the problem at
the þL .at location. He suggested. a loop joinin:J Highway
85 sc::utnboorxl with sout:h1::o.tOO 280 that shaùd affect no
haDes. He said he 'WaÙd go by the FUblic works Department
~ look at the alternatives previously CŒlSidered, l::ut
felt that Ccmx:il sho.1ld also do the same.
Joe Weiss, 10029 oakwood Place in the :RIar lap area, felt
the no a'~ø q:Jt!on 'WaÙd cause problems on Foothill
Bwlevard because IIICSt pecp1e woold choose the Foothill
offraDp anj not the DeAnza Bwlevard oftrcmp. However, at
that location, stevens creek BwlevaJ:d is a two-Iane road
arxl c:a.1ld not han:U.e a lot of traffic. He mged CD.mcil to
make Foothill/stevens creek Bwlevard less palatable.
Greq Karayan, 817 Sept:eIIiJer Drive, asked if Ccmx:il had
CŒlSidered p¡t;tirg out a ñnct""'"'tt of IotIat they have already
1oa1œd at. He said that rather than no aooee'!', onlya'18
mvement is actually affected. He expressed oanœm
regardin;J the a'~ø of September Drive residents to their
haDes and stated that ø::clel1an Rœd is already i1tpacted.
In the ø::clellan Read area, there are six sd1ools.
ø::clellan's safety arxl traffic iJrpact is as içortant as
Mazy's. He expresse::l the lq)e that the squeaky wheel
theory is not in effect because residents of ø::clellan area
have not squeaked for a lon;¡- ti1re.
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MIWmS OF '!HE 10JÐœER 15, 1988, ADJaJRNm REX;(JIAR MEEr_'1~
Joan J'~, City of SUnnyvale Transportation Plal'D1er,
thanJœd CD.mcil for JœepiD) SUnnyvale inf01:1llEd of what was
gain:] on. She ~ ¡ sEl9d COh......n regaminJ the Mazy Averua
altemative ~'se it effects the City of 8unnyvale in
both the noise anj traffic area. She stated that 8unnyvale
wculd 0CI1tinJe to work to B'~ðfully resolve the issue.
Gordan Jones, 21550 ÐiwaId way, urged CD.mcil not to sign
MrI aýl--..íts at this time. Mr. Jones said he had caae up
with a solution anj Bert has aJJnœt convinced 1rlm that it
wculd not 1r«X"k.
Ron Bowman, 10403 Mary Avenue, took exception to the staff
report anj stated that the eight oondaniniums mentioned in
the repo.. L is really sixteen. He said that he had
previoosly invited Ccurx:il to his haœ to see potential
iJJpact¡ that invitation still holds.
Jim Wilmore, 21594 LaP1aya COJrt, said that he had no dCAJbt
that anti-any alternative data could be a'='",.....hled. He
urged ðw'-<Ñal of the no "'......."¡O alternative as it does not
divide up neighLv.dAAJds.
Ann Anger, President, !b1ta vista Haœowners Association
anj 1\_.. ez of the Highway 85 Task Force, said that earlier
plans had included a Mary Avenue ovmpass for Highway 280
which exten:Jed to E1 camino Real. Haaestead High Så100l
was b1i1t instead. Mary Avenue residents are ttyinq to be
an island of trancpility. She stated that traffic was a
regional prä>lem and the Mary Avenue residents shct11d take
sane IespalSibility for what's ha¡:penin;J in santa Clara
Co.mty .
01ar1es Newman, 10960 IJJcky Oak <n1rt, Qpertin:>, stated
that regional transportation is iDportant to eveIya'1EI. No
.............ø is not acceptable. Mary Avenue arP""'I"S to be the
best solution as no displac-..... at or relocation is
required. He urged Ccurx:il to taJœ i","""",bte action anj
sign the ay..--..,ts.
CD.mcil r'I;.......ð~ed the prooe..s that woold foll"",. It was
Bl¥J98Bted that the heariD) be 0CI'1tiru.1ed until full cwncil
could participate in the decision. 'n1e JIIE!e'tin;J was
videotaped and the CD.mci, """"""'.r not present could view the
tapes. Ccurx:il 0 .........L1ed these givin:] presentations on the
quality of theBe t"o UlítatiŒlS and expressed displeasure in
seeinJ the camunity divided.