CC 12-12-88
10300 '1\.aQ(r; AVEHm, aJPERTDÐ, CA 95014
'l'EI.Eæ:tæ: (408) 252-4505
Mn«1mS OF '!HE RÐmAR C1'lY <XUaL ~
HELD ~ 12, 1988, C1'lY BUL CXIJNCIL 1»-
10300 'lœRE AVЫJE, WnoKJ.'.uO CALIl'œHl'
'!he IIII!¡ was called to .....dt... by Mayor PlUI'JjW at 6:45
CCUnc. IT! E 1.1L:
Gatto, Jàmson, ~l, ~.., Mayor Plungy
staff P1. s enL:
City Manager ().ú.nlan
City Cleñt COmelius
Director of FUblic ti:Jrks Viskaviå1
Assistant to the city Man2Ir]er Bram
Director of Finance Snyder
Director of P1.anniIvJ anj DeY9J.'I°·_·tt.. cowan
DiJ:ect:or of Parks am Recreat.ia1 Dcw1.irJj
C'nmonú.ty Re1atiŒIS Officer Kœy
Hcusin;J anj Services Coordinator Narlinq
a.rlldin:J Inspector casteel
Chief J!,i'din:J Inspector Ant:aux:i
City Attomey Kilian
Assistant city Attomey I.cpez
Grant A1:MøL.......~ anj JUdge Peter G. stc::na, Presic:tiD¡ J\d}8,
SUperior cant, santa Clara cnmty, c!d:h. 9d CD.mcil
regëmiin¡ Trial cant f\n:1in;J and urged that cities reaå1
an with the cnmty.
a::mmr CAIDIIIa\R
Mayor Plungy l'E!IŒM!d Item No. 17. It was DICMId by Q:Iunc.
Rcge1.s, seccuJò:d by Gatto and p8~IH:1 unanimcus1y to
~ the balaroe of the CCI1s ,L Calemar as BUbDitted.
n=.l'.uC (00-757)
1. Reøolutiat No. 7673: "A Resolutiat of the City oux:il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwing 0IIrtain t"'I.i_ æd
DEIImœ Payable in the A1Dcunts anj t%aI the !'UI1d8 as
Hereinatter DeIIc:riJJed for Salaries æd wages far the
Payroll Period ErIiirq Nav~ 8, 1988."
2. Resolution No. 7674: "A Resolution of the City oux:il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwing 0IIrtain ~..i_ anj
Dt:..a.ds ~e in the A1Dcunts anj fraD the !\mdII as
Hereinatter DeIIc:riJJed for General anj Misce1.lan8o.I8
Expend!turM for the Period ErIiirq NoII~ 4, 1988."
3. Review of AIoc:b;)J.ic Beverage (l..,L..úl J.ianIe
çlicatiŒlS: a) TerIaka, 10650 8alth DeAnza Bc:W.evard;
b) Mrs. Mariani's, 10991 North DeAnza Bc:W.evaJ:d; c)
sastúmi SL......t Restaurant, 10457 8alth ~
!DùevaJ:d; d) Palm Express, 10123 North Wolf. laid,
Space 1030; e) I. Magnin, 2044 Valloo Fashion PI!mt; f)
Kàúnoar IJñian ."i"ine, 20916 ~ Rœd, B.
4. Acceptance of qift of $212.70 for the 0Jpert:.in0 Seniar
t"nmom.ity Center donated by Citizens for Ra.spal8Jble
Park JInJ,i "ition.
5. Resolution No. 7675: "A Resolution of the City CD.mcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwing certain O..i- and
Demim:Js Payable in the A1Dcunts æd fraD the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described. for Salaries anj Wages far the
Payroll Period Entin; Na\ÆIIi:)er 22, 1988.
6. Resolution No. 7676: "A Resolution of the City Ocuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwing 0IIrtain C1...i- anj
DElu.uds ~e in the A1Dcunts anj t%aI the !\mdII as
Hereinatter Described. far Gerìelal æd Misœ1.1.an8aJs
Expeu:U.turM far the Period ErIiirq Nav~ 18, 1988.
7. Resolution No. 7677: "A Resolutiat of the City oux:il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwing 0IIrtain t"'I..i_ and
DEIImœ ~e in the A1Iømts anj fraD the P\mds as
Hereinafter Described. for General anj Miscel1.anec:uI
ExpenditurM far the Period ErIiirq ~:-,Joft" 2, 1988.
8. Acceptance of qift of $500.00 for the Battle of the
Bands trust fund donated. by 0Jpertin0 Kiwanis.
MDm!S OF 'mE ŒX:DBER 12, 1988, mxmAR cr1"i CDK:IL
MŒl'DI:; (00-757)
9. P<><;r-t far waiV8l' of I:iI.1su- license f_ and f_
far the use of the SEI\iar n-o"1ity CCIter fraa RIgnIIrt
E1.eIB1taIy Pm.
10. Pecl-t far wai·".. of tud.~ l1oeI.. f_ filed by:
a) '!he muted states Mission; b) A1IIIteur ~t..
'l'raininq Centers; c) Bay 8oa1t 1'.&...0,.. '30, Bays socuta
of AImica.
11. Appm\ral of mirI.1tes of the adjcumed regular 1IIIiIE!tiJJ:J of
NaI......... 15, 1988.
12. Appm\ral of mirI.1tes of the adjcumed regular 1IIIiIE!tiJJ:J of
NaI.~ 17, 1988.
13. Appm\ral of mirI.1tes of the adjcumed regular 1IIIiIE!tiJJ:J of
NaII~ 19, 1988.
14. Appm\ral of mirI.1tes of the adjcumed regular 1IIIiIE!tiJJ:J of
NaI......... 20, 1988.
15. Appm\ral of mirI.1tes of the regular JIIB8t.inq of Nav...........
21, 1988.
16. Resolution No. 7678: "A Resolution of the City ocuncil
of the City of 0Jper:tin0 Settin;J Date far o:nrlderation
of Annerxirç Area De8i1:Jnated '~l~P'r Av8nJ8 88-08',
Pì.'¥"Lli' Iocated on the 8a1th side of Alcazar Av8rue
Beb.'IeI1 0%ëm;Je lM!nJe anj Byrne Aveme; ~y
0.21 Acre, Clarlr,IIee."
17. RieIIDYed.
18. Resolution No. 7679: "A Resolution of the City ocuncil
of the City of 0Jper:tin0 Acœpt1nq ~...rt of --.....¡t
far p.:~ PUq-:UB trail IAao J. Bemard and r....-i...
BIImard o:awist.inrJ of Awo.' ..rh".otely 0.01 AcI:8S, Located
8a1th Side of þW"1-""" Rœd, West of 8a1th Ddnza
BculeYard. "
19. Resolution No. 7680: "A Resolutiat of the City ocuncil
of the City of 0Jper:tin0 AuthariziD) EIœcutic:n of
'~_d. far Maint:er1arx» of state HigtMIys in the
City of OJpert1no', Bab.reen the City and the state of
Califarnia DeparbDent of 'l'ranspartat.i."
20. Aooœpt:ance of lIIIlIicip"" bIprc::M!aent:s: vallco Pa%it
Ltd. , Marriott Ii:Jtel Project, stevens creek BooleYimi
and FiŒ:b Averue (No dtvo..-rrt:ation r-ø_ry) .
HDVl'ES or '!HE ~ 12, 1988, REX;(JIAR C1'lY CXUICIL
MŒl'DI:; (00-757)
21. RIøo1.utiat No. 7682: "A RIøo1.ut.iat of city 0cunci1.
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AppI:oIr1n¡ the PIIro8l _ of
p.,~l)' I.oœted on North stelling Rœd, AdjIK:8lt to
Ut........La1 l'8rX, DlMùq.r, City of 0Jpertin0 and
Autbarizin¡ the city Pn¡ineer to sign the Parcel _."
22. RIøo1.utiat No. 7683: "A RIøo1.ut.iat of the City 0cunci1.
of the city of 0Jpertin0 AppI:oIr1n¡ the Final M!Ip and
~~tl. Plans of Tract: No. 8126, IDeated on Villa
Maria Q:urt anj RainI:xJw Drive, DBYelq.r, Ia1ald W.
Jones anj Nol.....n E. Jones: C21arles H. PerJ:y, Jr. and
Sherralyn Peny, Accepting certain """- d.s,
Autbarizing Signing of Final Map and Plaœ,
Autbarizing EIœa.1tion of ~"""""L in o..........'tion
'lberewith. "
23. Resolution No. 7684: "A Rssolutiat of the city CD.mcil
of the City of OJpe1:tino Accepting Qu!t-"1Aim Deed anj
Autharization for urd8l~wrd Water Rights fraa Ia1ald
w. Jones anj L.._u E. Jones: C21arles H. PerJ:y, Jr. and
Sherralyn Peny, Villa Maria CDD:t anj RainI:xJw Drive."
l'IDI3 REXWED m:M cx:HŒm' CAIDm.\R
/7"2rh P<><;p-t far ðßIrCMÙ of "t¥L'"'l-'Llation far recc:.nfiguring
City Hall ¡iDle system, additia1al staff trai.nin¡, and
J""( !I%y hardware (call sequenc.i.rJJ -""'''¡J'I8, answering
device and 0CIIpIter).
It was IIICIIIecl by Jàmsa1, seo...~ by axmc. Bcgers
and po- ! i unanimaJsly to "t¥LuV8 the apprqrlat:icn with
the call '""'qI1eI'IOek to be ¡mà1IIsed i-'l....tely.
25. CDIsideration of åJjections to ....da...1nq atIat8B1t of
1JT .... .......1Aœd to be a B1isance.
It was IIICIIIecl by Gatto, seo...~ by 0Junc. Jåmsc:.n
anj I"''''-e~ unanimaJsly to close the pNic hearinr;J.
(a) Rssolut.iat No. 7685: "A Resolut.iat of the City
CD.mcil of the city of 0Jpertin0 ordering
Abat8œnt of FUblic Hu:isance PID:Buant to
ProvisiŒ18 of oràinarDt No. 724 anj Resolution No.
It was IIICIIIecl by Q:unc. Gatto, sec.....~ by Q:unc. JåmBon
and I"'--;~ unanimaJsly to adept the Resolut.iat.
MDClES OF '!HE t'I!X::DœER 12, 1988, R!ØJIAR C1'l'Y CXUfCIL
ftIZ'.L'.uG (00-757)
26. a:œ1deration of dec::J.aring a h,i'd!n;J unsafe, loœt.ed
at 10224 PIninsu1a BcW.8vaItl.
Assistant to the City ManIIger Brown ~ the Btaff
t"o' <-ø ft'ÙlmJed prior to this po1blw hearing.
Muit St"i---., santa C1aJ:a SL.....rt., verified that the
Jt- -Il. of Ms. BI:t:Iwn was bUI'I",,"y ............ct. Ba baa
~d the h,n"inq; the œtbroca hils bem tam dawn. :rt
is the cwner's intent to øpUr the hcuIe. He t"o . tt.ed a
letter statiJq that he anj the cwner did wish to IBka the
req.Ured repairs. Mr. S+:i~ told CD.mcil that the
kit.d1en and storage area has also been reIIDII8d anj will be
repaired. He is¡ a¡praximtely $1200-2400 far
the materials ,..........ø"ry, hcwever he did need a 1IIOr8
detailed estimate.
Assistant to the City MIInIIger Brown stated that CD.mcil JlIl1:f
wish to cx:.ntinJe the hearin1 to Dee-·i er 19 to allew Mr.
SH~ time to ~ with the Chief Bl1ndirg Inspect:ar
regarding' the list of ~ to be dale and _.......-t:a
It was IIICMiId by Gatto, ..........dt.d by Q:IUnc. J-.b.-.n
and p"'-nd unanhDJsly to close the p.Iblic hearing.
(a) Resolutiat No. 7686: "A Resolution of the City cnmcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Ch.dt...irg Abatement of p1b], ic
NUisazx. at 10224 IW1insu1a Bc:W.evard."
It was IIICMiId by Gatto, -......dt.d by l{qpù and
p"'ø...... unanhDJsly to adept: Resolut:icn No. 7686 .4.d8:t:inq
the ...,nd!n;J be -HRhM anj the debris reIIDII8d.
27. A¡:p1.icaticnI 7-Z-87 anj 37-FA-88 - Q,,1L..cù. Fire
Protec::ticn District - Rezonirg frail City Rl-6 (sirgle
fadly residIInt:ial zone) to City M (p1bJw "',i"'i"'iJ
zone) . EnvironI&Jt:al DBteminat.ion: '!he Plam1D¡
no-i-ion rAe:. -Ids the grant:irg of a Negative
DecJ.aration. '!he project is located on the scutbIi8Bt
.........-. of st~ Rœd and SØVW\ SprÜIJIt Rmaiay.
p.._._._~ far~.
(a) First J:'EIaI:lirg of ordinance No. 1474: "An
ordinance of the City Council of the City of
0Jpertin0 A1DendiJg section 1 of ordinance No 2 by
RszaùD;J I'¿,'¥".L ly FraIl Rl-6 Za1e to M Zone;
Located on the 5aIthwest: Q.....,IC.L of stellirg Rœd
and Seven Sprirçs Parkway (central Fire Prot:ecti.on
District - 7-Z-88)".
MDI1mS OF 'JHB ~ 12, 1988, REX;(JIAR C1'lY aoaL
1'IUa'.uG (00-757)
28. ~, of P1anni.n¡ n-i-ion'. _...,¡al of
3O-U-SS, azdù+act>1r8 of fixa &tat.1on to be lcœt.s on
the IICUt:bwII&t Ouu..... of st.eI.l.1Jq RaId anj S8Y8n Sprin]II
PEbIay; "A""" filed by J_ E. Jadœcn on behalf of
G1.~z Group, Inc.
Dimctar of P1anni.n¡ anj DBYelo , íL 0JI0Ian X8II1a8! the
ZCIÛnIJ a¡:p1iœtion anj architecture of the }onn':If"iJ with
It WIllI ~ by tbn::. Gatto, seo....dI.d by ltJg8r. anj
p"-td unIIrÜKIuB1.y to close the pl1h1 i", hearln;J for
App1.ication 7-z-87.
It was IIICMId by QJunc. Gatto, secc:nk!d by Jt¡gBrB and
p"'9nd unIIrÜKIuB1.y to _uV8 Applicat.ic:n 37-FA-88,
grlI!1tjn¡ the Negative no".1Aration.
It was IIICMId by tbn::. RogieIl.., seOCII);Jecl by ocunc. Gatto anj
J?"--ed unIIrÜKIuB1.y to ræd ordinance No. 1474 by title only
an:! the City Clerk's readirr¡ to constitute the first
rædiDJ tt~-.4..
Directar of PlanrúD;J anj DBYelo , -,-,L cowan reviewed the
~1 of the architecture pIan far the fire station with
Jill JadaIc:n, on behalf of G1.~i' Grcup, told Q:aJncil that
the G1.~z Grcup has no cbject.ion to the site ar bavirJ¡ a
fire station 1ocat.ed in Sellen sprln;s. He stated there was
OCb_ul reganIinçJ the steep vert:ica1 IUIj1e of the west
C21ris Gatley, Seven sprln;s Þ. llOAIJWœr and eIIplayee of
G1.~i' Group, aJ'ISl._..d questions rega1'dirJ¡ the walls and;s ala1; Sellen sprln;s PEbIay near the fire
Dick '1baxtcn, Assistant Fire Chief, ObuL..cù. Fire Pratectiat
District, told Q:aJncil that that side of the h,i' ,,:lrq will
not be 11881\ by neigbJ:xr:inJ pl.'¥"Lli' owners. He t"o s ,tat
rm1der:ingB of the h,ndin¡ anj llnElLm:êd CD.mcil questions.
Don 1iJnsaJœr, project architect, X8II1a8! the background of
the arciú.tecbJre of the t"o' ,oJSed h1'I'din¡ and t"o .tad a
sitelina drawirJJ t.rc:a the sevens Springs recreation area.
Rià1am 8taoIers, archi+..ect, .,... s &led cx::piee of ¡i1ctoB of
the area t.rc:a various an:¡les urDer various oc:niitiŒlS.
It was IIICMId by ca.-..1C. Gatto, S8CX11ded by Jàmson
anj p"'D-td 1.II1IU1iJIcusly toO close the p.mlic hearln;J.
MINt1l'æ OF '!HE œc::EJœER 12, 1988, RBJJIAR Cl'lY CXDCIL
MŒl'DI:; (OC-757)
It was IIICMId tIy Gatto, seoctded by 0UIc. Roger. and
p"·-lId ~y to _...... the ......i9n ... ariI;Jinal1y
t"o S 1 ,Led witbaut the vindcw on the WIlt aide and with
additional tL .. as t"o' 1. <: n" tIy the æ:å1it.ect. 'Iba.r.....,
the ~, 1011IIII denied.
29. Rsvieor of Aw1ication 53-t1-87 - Aroo Oil; lcx:ated on
Foothill Bc:W.evaJ:d.
It was IIICMId by ~.., secx:med by 0UIc. Gatto and
p"'ø"'ed unæúmcusly to 0CI'1t.inJe CX'I1B1derat.ion of this item
far 90 days.
30. None.
31. Update on prioritizat.ion anj hplEllll!l1tat:ion of
~ ..""""" L on P1.annin3 Depm:tIIIent:.
It was IIICMId by Gatto and secaì:1ed tIy 0UIc. RcgBrs
to direct: staff to pœpIr8 the follc:llidnJ:
A. Draft cmiinance and så1edule hearirçB to c:x:nJidsr
adcption of:
1. staff Adalinistrative A¡:p:cval p,t............
2. Zcninq AdIIIinist:rato Pl., < -
B. PlanninI:¡!eM study to be a:n:b::tad tIy Finance
Director beflÀ. pre1.iminuy J::¡o,,?,: pnparation.
c. Bid t"o" ~- -,. far: (staff will .,_it a eepuate
fundin;r r-q-t far each item folic:IIidnJ bid.)
1. RBvisicn of the file system.
2. Arciû.t.ectural åw1:}Bs to ........-."t cleriaIl
wadt "IJ:-" and create a self-service cx:amt:ør
3. 0::IIpJter systea to include land use dF"~,
zoninq, ""'qpirq anj MIS system.
It was IIICMId tIy 0Junc. Gatto and -......:1o:d by 0Junc. R:)gIørB
to direct: staff to include the follc:IIidnJ items in the
1988-89 h"V"t T""J-t:
A. l'Urtt1ase of dic:t.a¡ixI1e equipœnt.
B. CCIIp.rt:er ""J,iP""""d../soft:ware for Land use dF"1-a_,
zoninj, lDIIppinq and MIS system.
MDVIE9 OP '!HE ~ 12, 1988, REX;(JIAR Cl'lY a:DICIL
1'JUõ.L'.uC (00-757)
CD.mcil autharized appa:.priat:ion t%aa the Gen...cù, P\1nd far
the followin;Jl
A. $3,640 to hire a half-tima intern.
It was IIICMId by Q:¡unc. Gatto and seo...dbd by o:unc. ~
to direct that the 1988-89 Mid,IIcrIq Range Planning 1b:X
P1.""JoL..... be lIIOdified anj the 1989-90 P.L""JoL- be d8Y91cp1d to
prioritize the foliowin;J:
A. Update anj CXDIOlidate the Ger....CÙ, Plan.
B. Update anj codify the ZoniD¡ 0J:dinan0e.
C. Preparation of a Design standard Hamal.
D. Preparation of a !and use dab""".
DiJ:ect:or of FinIInce snyder ...~Led that in regard to f88Ø,
not all CDIts are able to be å'Imged J:eck to the "IR" :I~.
'!he motion was ackpted UI1IIlIiDø.Isly.
32. ConfiDlation of interviews far çlicants to advisœy
}yy' anj update on "Not:iœ of Intent to File"
sul:lDitted by incI....'CIa1.6.
By ...... seæus, CD.mcil set the date far J.nterviø,rø to
JamalY 10, 1989, anj reaffh- that they ~lld CCI1t:iDJe
with the po. !.!out. t"o"'" ø_ regarding aoœptance of
~ anj c:x:rxhJc:tjnq interviews.
33. P1. 1l d.ation of canvass of the votes far ....-...:Ire K on
NoI.~ 8, 1988, ballot.
(a) l'wolutiat No. 7687: "A Beøoluticn of the City
Q:Qncil of the city of Qpertino Røc8iving
DecJ.aration of Elec:t:ion Results, ....-'"'IJre K, ~
SpfIce and Recreation Bcn:l, NoI.~ 8, 1988."
It was IIICMId by ~'" seooud..d by o:unc. Jå1nson
and P"--ed UI1IIlIiDø.Isly to adept the resolutiat.
34. P.L, ¥ 'EI<Ù t%aa o:unc. Gatto to direct the PIIrlaJ and
Recreation C'hmIi -ion anj staff to develq) a strategy
for 0Jperti.n0' s recreaticnù t"o""JoL......
i'IUa'.uC (00-757)
It was JICIII8d by Cb.Inc. :AogIa1;8, secxlueJ..d by JIoh.-....
and P"-TI! unanhIcus1y to diœct that staff and the PUiaI
ani HI......_t1a1 ~i...ton døv8lcp a strategy far t:ha City'.
r-....a.t;lQt!cn .tM-~CIIII.
'!he Diœct:ar of IUiœ anj HI......-ticn will CXIa bI!Ick to
CD.mcil with a time frame for OCIIpletion of this project.
35. F<>c;r-t for P'"""'i_ton for "-'Ht.ic::n of COUey bcuø
lcx:ated at Jollyman Pa1ic.
City Attomey Kilian requested that this item be CI2IIddend
after Closed S---ion.
36..ARm:wal of n-"1ity Døvelol-,-·,l Block Grant Hc:Ju8in;J
Assistance Plan for ()ctd:)er 1, 1988, ~ sept _.14([
30, 1991.
(a) Resolutiat No. 7688: "A Rssolut.i.on of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a
HcuIIiD) Assistance Plan for the P8ricd of ()ctd:)er
1, 1988 t.hraJgh SepI"_,loer 30, 1991."
Hc:Ju8in;J ani Services Coordinator Norliø;J reviewed her
.."'t"'L L with CD.mcil.
It was JICIII8d by Cb.Inc. J..b.-.." seoc4L1ed by ocunc. ~
am p"ø-tId unanJmcus1y to adc¢ Rssolutiat No. 7688.
37. Adcption of Citizen Participat.i.on PL...."....... far Fifteenth
Year (1989-90) n-"1ity Døvel___tl Block Grant (am)
(a) Resolut.i.on No. 7689: "A Rssolut.i.on of the City
CD.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\dcpting' a
n--"1ity Part:icipat.ion P....."...... far P'ift.ee1th Year
(1989-90) n-"1ity DBYel"'t........L Block GLant (am)
FUnds. "
It was JICIII8d by J~..-.." ..........d..d by ocunc. ~..
and p"-nd unanJmcus1y to adc¢ Rssolutiat No. 7689.
38. IOlicy diar·"....ion on use of metal roofiJq mat:.eria1s
within the City of 0Jpertin0 - advisoJ:y referral frail
Arå1itectural and site .ARm:wal O:IImittee as directed
by CD.mcil.
Followin:] di~~'iJ8ion, CD.mcil by 0CI1SE!l1SUS de<'i~ to taIœ
no action.
KDI1I!S OF '!HE ~ 12, 1988, REGJIAR Cl'l'!C CDK:IL
MEE!'DÇ (00-757)
39. ~-t fraa the Califomia SåIcol NUrse 0J:ganizat:icn,
Bay 0:IIIst section, for waiver of use fees for: J:1uau-
IIIB8tJn:J at the QIpertim senior n--"1ity center.
Marilyn Nest, viœ President, Bay 0:IIIst section, Califamia
SåIcol Nurse 0t'g2Inizati0n, told CD.mcil that the IIIB8tJn:J
sc:J-""'ec1 far the senior l"nmo"1ity center pertained to druq
abI]N anj gan;¡s. She told Q:Iuncil that the arganizat.ia1 ie
serviD;r 0Jpertin0 and is na'l"'"t"oufit. 'Jbøy wa1ld hIIWY to
pay the janitorial f_.
Director of PaJ:iœ anj Recreation Dcwlin¡ said that there
was a $186.85 cut:~~ ccst far custodial services.
0Juncil ~ that the groop consider a så1col site far
a JDEIEItin¡.
Mr. Dcw1in¡ BU..H-;;ed various methcèIs by ~ the f_
rY'II'ld be rw'v-1. He will wœ:it with the organizaticru
therefore, CD.mcil need take no action.
40. Pe-. ···,-.dation !rail the PaJ:iœ and Recreation ",,-i-ion
xegardin¡ :iDprovement:s at SaIIIIrBet ScIJaœ PaDt.
It was lIDIIed by cnmc. Jàmsa1 and ~1I:1ed by cnmc.
Kqpel to "K'La1/8 the ""-i-ton re.> -Idations to update
and iDproIIe the puX, I:IUt not r:encvate it and to consider
1'undinJ œniD¡ the 1989-90 J-I"Vt t"o' '- .
P8rkB a>-1-erlain, stoIœs Averue, told 0Juncil that the
puX r-m better trash pickup and that there is a
maintenance p:cblem. He felt that 8CIII8 thin:p in the puX
axe not safe anj axe not taJœn care of. He t"o s tted
pictures and a list of p---ived prå)lems.
Director of FUblic ti:Jrks vi.skDviå1 stated he will revieIr
the list anj taJœ care of p:cblems as "K'L,¥"late.
Q1myl 1I.Iltr¡.úst told cnmcil that the puX wa1ld be used
more if it were ~c.dt:d.
'!he JDCtkn was adcpted unaJ'IiJJnJsly.
41. ~L anj di""'...·.....ion xegardin¡ x-;p-t for c:hæx;Je in
age rest:rict.ion requirements, C21ateau QJpertino,
AR>lication 36-U-86.
Director of PlarIrù1ç and Devel___.L Q:IWan stated that, in
his q¡inion, a General Plan A1DeIàuo:aíl is required sha.1ld
the age I_l.dction be dIan:Jed.
MIWmS OF 'DIE I"A .....~ 12, 1988, RI!CCIAR C1'lY auaL
J'IUa'.uG (00-757)
Alice Jt:Allútco, """t"o JI d..inq Jåm V1davic:b, dev81.cpør,
adi:b: 11 CD.mcil.
It was DK:JII8d by Q:Amc. Jcb......" seo...oC1I.d by a...".....
and p"--111 with MIIyar Plungy di ,LiD;J, to lcok at a
GenIIlàl Plan AJDw-A d.. anj directed that the pl.'. be
'"'Cl'"""~ted, J:ut not be given umue priority.
City Att:amsy Kilian CU1fimed that a h.i1din¡ pe:adt
cannot be i -- far IICIIIIJthiD¡ that is inccnsist:e1t with
the Germal Plan.
42. Fe-. ··,-mtion fraa the i'Ublic safety n--i_ion
regBIdinr¡ 81181._",1' ocst :recovery 1ÒII1 "driviD¡ umer
the infiuenoe" is the pra¡dmat.e cause of an auto
It was IIICIIIed by JåInson anj sec:...ð.d by
J&-g;Jel to fœ:waId the FUblic Safety n--i 1II8ion' 8
I"A . - dation to the City Attomey for c1raft.irJ¡ of an
City Att:amsy Kilian said that at this point, there has
been no cx:urt case to detemine the legality of the
reo· ,..-œ! ordinanoe. He had hc:ped there ....."d have been
a'I8 by now.
'!he IIIOt:ion was -V9d unaniJIaJsly.
43. Introduc:tkn of puX dev81cp1r's fee and 8IIttin¡ of
pJblic œarinI] to CXIr.Bider an ordinance eøt.ablishing
said fee.
It was DK:JII8d by Jcb....." seo.:.ð.d by ~.
and p"--'11 unanbIcus1y to set a p"b'i(! heBrin:J far Jmuu.y
17, 1989, to cxnûdør an ....._...1' ordinance.
44. O:ndderation of revision to the 0Jpertin0 ItJnt,.,iptI
COde, Q1IIpt:er 2.40, Disaster CD.mcil.
(a) First 11IIIdinr¡ of Ordinance No. 1475: "An
Ordinance of the City CD.mcil of the City of
0Jpertin0 ~ 2.40 of the 0Jpertin0
ltJnicipal COde - Disaster CD.mcil."
It was IIICIIIed by ~.., seo...ð.d by Kqpl
and }?"ønd unanbIcus1y to read Ordinance No. 1~75 by title
only anj the City Clede's reactin;J to CDlBtit:ute the first:
reactin;J thereof.
MDCl'ES OJ! '!HE ~ 12, 198t', REX;(JIAR C1'lY CØJNCIL
ftua'.uC (00-757)
1m ~.c=: 9:35-9:45 p.a.
45. ~-t far a¡:poL,l.-tl of a sal. tax CXI1SI.Iltant.
(a) Resolutiat No. 7690: "A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~
lImicipll Rasource Q:œu1tants as Designated
~ i rt..ative to _i". Bal. and Use Tax
~.:Js of the state BoImi of Equalization on
Behalf of the City of 0Jpertin0."
Diœc:tar of Finance snyder reviewed the t"o"i,........, with
It was IIICIII8d by Gatto, .........:1ed by counc. ao.,,-s anj
l'eIElsed UI'IIUÙJIIcUsly to adept: Resolution No. 7690 anj
autharize the City MIu1ager to execute a c....t......ct with
K.1nicipll :t1!S~ Q:œu1tants.
46. ~L on bid c:perùn;J far reconstruction of ants,
gutters, and s.¡..o~IBlJæ, Project 88-112, anj awaId of
It was IIICIII8d by counc. Gatto, s.........dt.d by counc. ~s an!
po--ed unanimcAJs1y to awam the .......ít......ct to Golden Bay in
the aømt of $153,442.00 anj "W'V'/8 a lot for
a total of $169,000.00.
47. Considerat.ic.n of an ordinance reJ.atiJq to IItcgdn;,
stan:iiD¡ ar pu:kiJJ¡ on stevens Creek Bculevard betwIm
stellin¡ Rœd an! DeAnza BculevaJ:d.
(a) Finrt readirg of ominance No. 1476: "An
ominance of the City CD.mcil of the City of
0Jpertin0 1I1DEInr.tiø¡ sections U.24.160 and
U.24.170 of the 0Jpertin0 IIJnicipal COde,
Rø1atJn¡ to stcH>inq, Starxiinq ar PII%icinq, on
steYens Creek BculevaJ:d Between stellinq Rœd anj
DeAnza Boulevard."
It was IIICIII8d by :Rcge1:s, secc::med by Ccunc. Jàmson
and pet_ad unanimcus1y to read ominance No. 1476 by title
only anj the City Clede's readirg to ca1Sti.tut:e the first:
readinq the1:.....!.
48. ~-t far PJb1ic hearinq to CŒlSider Certificates of
Part.icipation, SUnnyview I11theran HaDe.
MDÐrI!S OF '!HE ~ 12, 1988, RmCIAR Cl'1Y cx:oaL
1'IUiJ.'.uC (~757)
(a) RIIIolution No. 7681: "A ReIIolut.1.on of the City
CD.mcil of the City of ~ Sett.irq Janmy
3, 1989, for a pl1hHt'! BIIarinq to 0c:I18idør
Oert.ificates of ParticjpatJ.a1 - ~ IuthmIn
1i:De. "
Director of Finance Snyder Lì~' .11-' the t"o' ,..c-' to
Nancy RaybJm of smith-Bim1ey, told CD.mcil that the City
wa1ld act only as a pass-thraJgb. '!børe ....."" be no
financial effect on the City nor ....."d the City have ar'tf
liability .
step1en Tabor, Special <mnsel, told o:mxd1 that the 'l'EFRA
hearin:J was a teàmiœlity required by Feœ1:al law. He
told Camcil there was no œason they c::annot adqJt a
resolutiat on DE( ,J er 19. It III.1St: be dcne on the 19th
hoocat1Se the nr. 1IXy legal notices III.1St: be publi8hed
fœrteen days prior to the public hearing. Q1 Janmy 3,
CD.mcil OO'lld rescind the resolution if they c:hcse to do
It was JDCYed by 0Jurx:. Johnson, Soo..A.oikld by 0Jurx:. l\:xJ8rB
anj p"ø~ unanbIoosly to a¡:p..U'18 a pubHt'! hearin:¡ to be
Bà1eduled Jan.w:y 3, anj pIacin) adqJt:ion of a resolution
on the calerIdar for Dec-,J E>r 19.
49. Istter trail Nancy H. 9.1n'.Ll. regudinI¡ deIIIoUtion
peadt anj t"o S _íLation of Mr. JåJn vi.c1avich at
NOI....li_, 21, 1988, DI8EItiD¡.
Ms. !l.lmDLL thanJœd CD.mcil far p''''''in¡ her letter on the
ag¡enja and ~ if a deIIIolition peadt had bes1 i...."ad far
the DBAnza ~JSt Club site at this t.1me.
She was int......-'l it had not been.
50. Seccni reëIdiJxJ anj enactment of ordinance No. 1473:
"An ordinIInoe of the City CD.mcil of the City of
0Jpert.in0 A1Dendin;J 01apter 2.38, Enelgy C'nnni-ion, of
the 0Jpert.in0 ».micipal O:œ."
It was JDCYed by ~, seocuJ...:l by cnmc. Gatto IIlÙ
paElEl'9d unanimcusly to read Ordinance No. 1473 by title only
anj the city Clede's reëIdiJxJ to ca1Stitute the secx:ni
reëIdiJxJ thereof.
~..."."~~~ ?'f~,",.',,~'I""'1f.~' >~
Mn«71'J!S or '!HE ~ 12, 1988, ~ Cl'lY ~
MŒl'DI:; (00-757)
It was IIICMId by Ocunc. Gatto, eeo...oeJtd by 0CUIc. ~ and
p"-n(i UI1IUÜ:Iø.J8ly to Inlet om1nanoe No. 1473.
51. None.
52. oral by staff "_,IC. anj lI"hlli_ion of writt&1
CD.mcil received the l.........L.
53. Treasurer's ~L ud BJà;et ~L, NaI.~, 1988.
CD.mcil received the l:~l.
CD.mcil ...........t.ecl on act:icms c:xx:urrirJ¡ at varicus IIIII8I:in;JI
they have attemed.
At 10:43 p.m., CD.mcil adjœmed to ~s!!d session.
CD.mcil I'8CCI1II8I1ed in Ocuncil ~ at 11:30 p.m.
Ocunc. p~ L:
Gatto, J~-.." J&tpel, Regel.., Mayor Plungy.
staff ~ . L:
City MalI/yoL 0ùn1an
City ~edt Oœ:nelius
Diœctar of FUblic ti:Jrks ViskDlriå1
Direc:t.œ of P1.amiDJ anj eøv.¡. 1. d. Q:wan
City Att.......-1' IW.ian
It was IIICMId by Rogm.., seo....c1td by 0CUIc. Gatto and
P" ! ~ UI1IIIÚIICUBly to autharize tOe pm:base of the sJ.:as
}AL'¥"Lty and _"¥Llate $1.15 m..,Hra for '"<"l,i..ition of
that t"o'¥"Ll~ a<~L for a'I8 lot.
35. P<>tJ-t: far IJ-"'i-ion for.........1 ition of COffey hcuse
located at Jollyœn Park.
It was IIICMId by Gatto, by 0:Iunc. ~B and
~...Bed l.II1IU'ÚIDcAJBy to Iwtb:rize staff to .........lish the
COffey hcuse.
;7, ·-"i',·w,," ...,._.~.¡ ''''''"~~~'';__;'I!qò,~, ., ,#.'"t.I~¡rt,'f~~'~
MIND'rIB œ 'JBI ... ".. - 12, 1988, RIDJ[M C1'lY caJICIL
ftI>IU',uu (00-757)
At U:35 p..., ocuncil acljc:uzmd to 7:30 p..., ~- ~,
~: -~ 13, 1988, ~ Bic#1 ~-01, 10100 I'inœ
Av8me, ~, Califamia.