CC 12-13-88
10300 '.L\.Wœi AVЫm, aJPER1'IJÐ, CA 95014
'ŒŒPfDIE: (408 252-4505)
IŒU) IB::2JmER 13, 1988, u.œuu:.LIIO HIGH SCB:X]L W£U'.L\.AftiuoI
10100 FINal AVЫm, \AJn;KI.'.uÐ, c:::ALI!tRaA
'!he meetinq was """"ed to .....dt... at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor
Plungy .
QJun::. ~ S .5.líl:
Gatto, Jàmsa1, Kq:pù, Ro9=..., Mayor Plungy
staff Pi. s mt:
City Manager
City Clerk cmnelius
Director of PUblic ti:Jrks ViskDviå1
Director of PJ.anniJ1g' anj Devel,¥"""íL Cowan
City Att:arney Kilian
Mayor Plungy reviewed the histmy anj backgrcund of Highway
85. He SUIIIII!Irlzed the citizen arguments fJ:aa the previcus
hearlrg anj altamatives pert:ainin;J to MaJ:y Awr.ue,
)i;Clellan Rœd and "no --.e". He asJœr1 theBe t"o s ,L far
new infaDIBtion.
'!he Ha.....ctble MarX Hanlœ, City QJun::il1\-..¡~r, SUnnyvale,
spoJœ on behalf of the Mayor anj City CD.mcil of sunnyvale.
He stated that the City had cx:rIducted a public hearin) and
di .....1P'S'Sd the issue and felt that the Mary Avenue lIOC -
wa1ld have the IIICSt hpIct: on sumyvale. In particular,
there woold be vision anj noise iDpacts; hcwever, the
CD.mcil felt that the "no ___9" alt.e:mative was not
Dr. R::ibext DeHart, Pl'eBident, DBAnza College and resi"'-lt
of 0Jpertin0 on Rà,...b.t Deep Cliff Drive, said the ~
College site had been selected primarily n..,.",,_ of a
transportation master pIan that included a full diAW'WÙ
int.ercban;¡e at st.evenB Creek BoIùevimi. MaJ:y Aver"Je was to
be the major arterial and the main eI'1traooe and '"""IpJS
roads had been lined up with Mazy Avenue for that reason.
'!be college had spent IIICŒ!y to widen roads araJIÙ the
ç;mpo.lS. He stated that "no ~e" was no solw..1on. Dr.
DeHart ex¡n:eesed the qlWon that he felt the brajðed loql
pl. : S Ills a prà:>lem to DeAnza, I::ut ocW.d possibly be made to
ImI1IZS OF '!HE ~ 13, 1988, AIl'JaJRŒD RmVIAR C1'lY
CXXINCIL 1'IUiJ.'.u'IG (00-757A)
wark. '!he MaJ:y Awn.18 altemate pl.;. ,La no pråJ1_ far
DI*Iza (bUege. He stated that cw.......íL enro1.b81t at
DIIAnza is çprcadmately 26,000 anj that students can att.ld
!rail ~ anj am no la'J381" ~ to live within a
certain district.
Mayor Plungy as1œd if anya18 1oI8J:8 III . .d. !rail CalTrans.
Paul Hensley, SUpervisor of Transportation, CalTrans,
stat.ed that he is respalSible far CMSI:I:~ -,iJJ;J ....-"Ul'8 A.
Mr. Hensley stated that there is insufficient distance
betw 111 85/280 and stevens Creek Bculevard far a full
ili"""'"Ù int:erå1anre1 it is short about 1,000 feet. He
stat.ed that he has ] tWNri at mny variations, but the
distance is just not ay:oibh1.e. He is willing to look at
any altematives IIh.:_-ted. '!he r~ ~ray is to be designed
for 2o-year traffic volUllll!S. He stat.ed that the t"o E' ,L
loœti.on of ~ to stEI\Ie",3 creek BculevaJ:d is too Bhart
of the requirement to even be CŒlSidered.
Ari strod stated a preftn....._ for "no i!'''''"'e'''':In. He also
stated there was no need for a two-lane exit as 1"'~.
CalTrans BhcW.d go back to the drawin;J board ani see Wat
they can do. '!he ~ BhcW.d stay ~ it is.
Ken Rice, 906 Liberty Calrt, 0Jpert.in0, ~ r~9d CD.mcil
regardin;J the practicality of the t"o~eed bpiilail
r_l....1cted off-.._. He stated that the 9"""'" anj
priarlties of CD.mcil ....nn1il be as follOolB: 1) the
resids1ts1 2) IIICVÙIg traffic. Undes.trable features to be
near an off-map wa1ld be ra.ilrœd tracks, loq:ø that
reg.Ure cars to go into ..l....øts twice, crœswallCB and
så1cols. He started there are already pråJ1ems in the aJI:i)
and McClellan area am felt that it wa1ld be iDpract:.ical to
pit an off-"""¥ there. He ~-œd that the Master Plan
be updated.
HiJœ vandeœn, l!eI:kelay, said the project as """""igned
BhaIld not anj III.1St: not be b.d1t (the t.t. E!'tiay). He
~ ad .............. regardin;J air cpality. Mr. 'Vm.dt.uan
stat.ed that the air in 0Jpert.in0 is not fit to breathe. It
does not mest either state ar federal standards. He stated
that the project violates the Clean Air Act anj federal
law. upon being asIœd by Mayor Plungy to .ùh. the it.elll
far mid1 the beIIrin;J was being held, Mr. Varñemæ1 stated
that there is fiee.Lu of ~ -n in this ocuntry anj he is
going to speak.
· ,
c::aH:IL .......,....1J'Ç (OC-757A)
Mayor Plungy infcmœd Mr. VardEaan that he is a 1::Ie1iøY8r
and t-,..+wr of tree sr-;i1, hcwever, there is a limit. 'Ih8
Mayor ruled Mr. vandsIIan out of UoLdt... anj directed him to
1811V8 the podiUIII.
Mr. \'andIIIIan stated that state anj federal laws are bein¡
vio1at.ed anj the peqùe shaùcl knoIi.
D!V8 RadtJœ, 7449 ~ll,j.r;;rø" Drive, rypoeed the "no
--.ø" q:Jtion. He stat.ed that the pec.ple are in t1WI
sorry state ~1SØ the CCJuncil failed to c!Üh. the
negative JJIpICts of Highway 85. '!he CD.mcil has been
''hear, B8B, anj IIp8IIk no evil" ~_ they did not want to
hear, B8B or IIp8IIk negatives aba1t High.oray 85. He stated
that 85 had Ioem1 forced dcwn the throats of the pec.ple. He
~ -eli the hqJe that there wa1ld be øeric:us à1allengeø
to the City CCJuncil in the next election: not ~ is
100kinq fanrard to the t.t. v 'ay. He stated that t1WI
pJ:'I::Ðlfll is CCIIIin;J up now -'... no different viewpoints
were heard.
Francis '1\1, 926 NEw Haven COIrt, Q¡pertino, crlticizeð
CalTrans anj the l"'J:'u.LL of the Director of FUblic Works.
He stated that the ...~L is biased anj has aùy two
solutiats listed. He does not believe that CalTrans cannot
CCIII8 up with an int:erchange with an exà1an;Je in ite t"o s .!1&t.
locat:ion. He ~ s 29 points far ~ variaIs
altematives. He subDitted a petiticn whiå1 states, "We
are against the }AL'I" '!Id. "F.&. ~JaY Exist" at the )W'"1A""1'l
Rœd near aKtI. '!he CalTrans study was ir.c:, "\ .lete. '!he
safety of aD:' å1ildren in L1nco1n ElE!lllentary, Ka....ay Jr.
High, and Ib1ta vista High is not CD'ISidered: the s:æR
railroad blockage durin} rush hcurø is not even mentioned.
A two-lane residential rœd is never possible to hanIile the
"F~ Viay Exit" with that IIIIU1Y peqùe on foot: anj bicycles.
Please do a few days study far p..;:bLdans, cyclists an:!
cars (aD:' lElllSt oota..'eth) at the :intersect:ion of JtX:l.ellan
and aKtI..." anj stated it contained 454 signatures.
Jeanne Machado, 10487 Ansa1 Aveme, stated that if the
off-map is located on Mazy Aveme, it will set a pr~&t
as bein¡ the first off-raup into a residential area. She
felt that this was an issue of trust: Wen she baJght her
haDe, she was told that Mazy AveBJ8 cx:W.d go thrc::u:Jh to
SUnnyvale, nxt not that it woold be a .f1. BIray.
Gurcan Arul, 1040 NcYeaber Drive, requested that CD.mcil
reOGh.ider the "~ft issue. He stated that this is
creatin¡ a feud within the ........."1ity. ~ an altemate is
not viable, it Bhcu1d be dL"M-Ed. He expNSSed the cpWon
that the JtX:l.ellan Rœd altemate is not a real altemate.
He requested that the City study each altemate equally.
MIWmS or 'lHE I:EX:l!:œER 13, 1988, ADJaJRNED RmV:UR C1'lY
CXU«:IL J'IUa".uC (CX>-757A)
Nick Szabo, 10235 Q,_t..... Drive, told CD.mcil tbat "no
a.x II is not a sol'Jtion anj }AL 8 It.Id a a.n-""ted
altemate. Mr. Szabo inf~ CD.mcil that be bad not bad
tiDe to stu::ly the issue in detail, l:ut beliøwd his
51 ..:.-tion is a solutiat in Wiål no a'I8 gets 1nIrt.
MiJœ atl.lcx::k, ßé¡... _ Aveme, in;tuired regarding IIt1
enviroraent:al bpact ............ L.
Mr. V.i.sJo:Jvich said an envircnIII!!nta "ø----,t will be da1e
to det:emine if an EIR is ~.
Mr. atl.lcx::k expo....... Nt!d the q¡inion that i d.."" Y this ....." d
be kncwn anj understood prior to IIIIIkinq a "ec'ision 80 the
envL.........al4l effects 1YII'1" be CXI1Biderec1 as part: of that
decision. He stated that CalTrans had prepared an EIR on
the fi. 8'I.ray. A ""1ß)J -rt:al draft needs to be dent. He
in;tuired as to the baseline traffic.
Mayor Plungy stat.ed that the heariDJ psrtained to aex
Œ1ly and not an env1.ra'III!I1t ~"-- -¡L. Be mt... .,..,.A Hr.
atl.lcx::k that the CD.mcil will aooept his infcmœtia1, l:ut
not at this point.
Mr. atl.lcx::k stated that the City just did not want to hear
dissent.iJxJ views.
Mayor Plungy called for the next speaJœr.
Delbu..ah J-iam, 21346 a..t....d Drive, ___ 1:2 the cpWon
that an EIR is -- ""-t. An issue is noise. '!he __ in
Wiå1 she lives is i.",.......-, frail t.t. Buay noise noli. If an
off-map is CXII1Sb:ucted in that area, the noise ....."d
beo:- .,... urØarable. '!he incc:Invenis1œ of CCIIIIIIter:8 ~ not
lY'OIp"r8 to the dest:ructia1 of "",igt>t-. ~1......c1t.. SbI.tated
she was frightened to think of the air pollutiat i,--.t.
"No ao II is not no "". as Mi:" T wa1ld be _ibhle
in other areas. She urged CD.mcil not to sign an ...".. aL
on 85 until this issue is resolved. She said that the
hni,di.n1 of the t.t. Bliay her, b1t: the signin:¡ of the
..."............,L woold won:y her JŒ:Ite.
Harold F>o-n..."'g, 10709 Nathansc:n Averme, told CD.mcil he
~ -,-,~ years ago Wen the City CD.mcil said that if
Mary ever WE!J1t through, it WO'ùd be pedie.oLdan only.
A gentleman residin.J at 21371 COlUllhls Averue ___ Id
oc...,.-n that an exit only on DeAnza Bc:W.evaJ:d will t"o&._tt
sb 'J:¥OL'S frail 8hcwÙXJ in QJpertino as they woold get tired
of dealÙXJ with the traffic.
MIlCDS OF 'IHE œ:uœœ 13, 1988, ADJWRIŒD RmUIAR C1'lY
CXUICIL 1'IUiJ.".LI'G (00-757A)
MiJœ Field, sunnyvale, ~ ,;1 ................ regamin:¡ the
iDpIct to ~ High Så1col that wa1ld result traa the
HaJ:y Aveme off-map. He referred to the ,"",~L of
creepinJ Oz....¥' are nice, I:ut
off-raapI are better. Ma1y Aveme off-ra:øp talks about:
taJdn;J part of ~ High Så1col land whiå1 is n! ~--
far athletics. Mr. Field also _ - 9d ocuoem regamin:¡
sports activities occ:u:rrirq in the Bhadcw of an off-map
particularly in light of air cpüity. He urged CD.mcil not
to ruin an¡ Bå1COl.
'!he Mayor infœ:med Mr. Field that if there were to be a
takiD] of land, it woold be an exå1an;Jin;J of land so
HcIIIest:æd wa1ld not lose ~VJ:.>O:'lty.
Mr. Field _ -1d \.4~1, that it might not be in the
right shape ar the right: p1aœ.
~ ~, 21387 Meteor Drive, said that they were
really taJ.Jdn;J about: pecple. '!he prløm:y asset for IIICSt
pecple's later years is their haDe. Decline of t"o~ty
values affects the way pecple will live later. 'Ihere '1NtY
not need to be moœ than the <\0: --æ planned. He stated
that CD.mcil cxW.d literally wipe wt the equity in the
haDes of the Ma1y AWI'I.Ie area pecple. He urged CD.mcil to
look dcwn the road ten years traa new anj see if theœ
really ~ to be amt:her stevens Ct:eek Ba1levard ~ø.
MIIrBhall ~-..., 10<.01 castine Averue, 'l'eIIp:Ira%y 01air of
the Mazy Aveme COIùition. su1:mitted petitiŒIS consisting
of 683 signatures. 'Ihese petitiŒIS ~ the original
"'We""ø altemative with a solution within the
existiJr;J right-of-way.
CD.mcil stat.ed that they wa1ld pœfer that the a.x be
within the existiJr;J right-of-way. Mr. Go'-., was as'-'l if
the petition ðdCb: 9d BhaJld be done if theœ is not
a solution -.i:'.+.h!n the existiJr;J right-of-way.
Mr. Goldlllan said that the petition did not go that far,
that that '<1Q1lld have to be done with cal'l'rans. As lcn;J as
CUpertino holds wt Mazy Aveme or McClellan Rœd as
solutials, theœ's no reasa1 for cal'l'rans to pursue the
issue. '!he citizens are IDIId at the City CD.mcil _.....
they are taJdn;J respcœibility for findin;J a solution. He
~ ,-9d SI.1ß> \L l that Cal'l'rans pIt: the 11ØØ';/ for a
solution in ...........voI until a solution is He urged
camcil to reject uœooept:able altemates.
RàJert Meyer, 21324 Dexter Drive, said that he felt
Cal'l'rans has taken the stand that is the easiest for them.
'!be ''no aC' T " altemate is the least ccstly. He stated
that he was on the City camcil, Cal'l'rans had cane to
MDI1ŒS OF 'lHE œc::œBœ 13, 1988, ADJam!ŒD REGJIAR C1'lY
<XU«:IL MŒrD«; (00-757A)
0Jpertin0 anj iuL..., .....-, ræp JIIBterin¡ Wùå1 IDCMId a
pltIblEIII fraa the t.t. FI'!IY to City .L.......te. 0Jpert:in0 bas
taIœn many --urea to pmt:ect: neight- ..1.'Ods fraa traffic.
If an off-1:~ intrudes into a ~..I-.oo, it .....'1d be
the first: in santa Clara valley. 'lbere shaJld be 8CIII8
capability to solve the ~EIII in the existiD;r
right:-of-.y area.
REo ---S: 9:55-10:08 p.m.
Mr. Bert Avery, MaJ:y Averue, Gleù......... J\part:IIIBnt:s,
........ gd ~........u that renters will leave and the t"o'¥"LL~
will deteriorate.
James Purdy, 7950 McClellan Rœd, McClellan Tw...._
Apartments, pl. s d.a! a petition q:¡posinq an off-raap on
McClellan Rœd. He stated that 0cuIcil n"II,'d not duIIp that
kind of traffic on a neigh1:xq:hood. He reç. .,.,-'!ded that
Q:Junci1 chmp the pr:å:)lEIII back an CalTmlw to solve.
Don stetbins "'<¥L s ILinq Hewlett-Plllckard, Wolfe and
Ifaœstead in QJpertino, felt that "no aoc -II altemata
wculd have the b~ iIIpICt anj MaJ:y AvenJe off-........
wculd have the least: bpIét on the City.
Joe weiss, 0I!I)tl....f' Place, expt eel ~........h regudinq
potential Upct on Foot:hill BcW.evard. '!be existiD;r
_ø to stevens Creek at the existiD;r location has the
least iDpIct on the least: ro......... of peqWt. Shculð. it be
r---ø."'Y to ¡:urå1ase IIm8 right:-of-.y, peqlJ.e wculd be
,. .'!«!Sated far their hcIIIes.
Peter s. Showman, 10915 Dryden Avwme, 1II.q_--œd that
CD.mcil h1y the f., hcuses that wa1ld be i "'¡;oL-ted by
wideninq the right-of-way.
A gsntleœn residin¡ at 10018 oakleaf Place, spoJœ egainøt
the t"o' ~<'Md "no ao II altemata and urged Q:Junci1 to
solva the pltIbl_ now.
Jåm SOOrato, DeAnza Baùevard, stated that peqùe need a
way to get to warIt. '!he "no ~-..II altemata is not
viable. He urged CD.mcil to make a .-,tsion anj a4u--......
the need for easy _ø to stevens Creek Bc:W.evaJ:d.
Greg Karayan, 817 SeptEIIi)er Driva, .ùh-~gd CD.mcil
regardin;J the possible pm:hase of hcIIIes for aàiitional
right-of-way at the existinq location of the stevens Creek
MINU.I'J!S OF '!HE ~ 13, 1988, ADJaJRtŒD RmDIAR C1'lY
a:xJNCIL MEI!:l']]Ç (CC-757A)
BcW.evard r.oc . He __ fS'Bd the opinion that CalTLans
is not. opø;J with the IIICSt ops1 of 1IIims. He as1œd if
there were 8'nž feasible solutiaw anj su.,;._--œd the
fomat.ion of a cit.izew's to CX'III8 up with
solutions anj evaluatiŒlS.
Keith Kreft, 10843 Wi.llcinson, said that he had atta1ded a
previoos D88tirxJ with staff anj a CalTrans ~t"o s _d.4tiw
to explaœ ideas. HcweIIer, he felt th4t CalTLGI_ had
di~ ideas. '!he Director of Public Worb anSl._..ct
cpestions instead of CalT.L...1B al'Ifft..I>.:1n;¡ thœe qœstiaw.
Also, no City O:uncil · J..18 were t"o S d.. Mr. KL..!'t
stat.ed that he had þL s &tad a stq_tion that Cal'l'ralw had
not. ]tWNri at. Cal'l'rælB' ................ was œsically the ocøt of
a piaed Off-rl!lllp7 eo they did not WI!Int to look at that.
He stated that Cal'l'rælB has certain :rules anj cit.izew
aren't aware of ~t they are.
Dick Fester, 937 Liberty Ocurt, said he felt a spirit of
ooc::peration with speaJœrs tJ:yin¡ to find a eo1ution. He
stat.ed that the public hearin¡ had btwght up previously
unknown cx:n:litions. Salle traffic will d1anr:J8 ~
northboun:! 280 to northbcund 85, therefore, there will be
fewer cars on 280. Mr. Fester 0CI'1tendecl that very f_ cars
will be on 280 go1n;¡ to the target area. He stated the
opinion there is no easy solutiat to the prcblem.
Mr. Viskaviå1, DiJ:ect:or of FUblic Works, told thœe t"o S at.
that CalTrans is loa1d.rg at varicus thirr;ps; hcw8Y8r,
nat!liDJ has been det:elIDined at this time.
It was 1IICMId by J.....-..I, -.....:J...d by came. Gatto
an:! ~"sed unIUÚDDJSly to close the public heariJx¡.
CD.mcil reviewed C' ·,·,-Ils an:! i....._ as follows:
came. Gatto reiterated that the northbcund 280 to
sout:hI:K:a.Dñ 85 exit to stevens Creek Bc:W.evard was the only
IIICM!IIIeJ1t under di "<"....ion at this 1III!Ietin). He reviewed
~t had occ::urmd at varicus other 1IIeet:irI]ø. Mr. Gatto
stated his ....Hef that Higboray 85 means the I'EIIIICYal of a
large percentage of .........u traffic frœ Q¡pertino and an
bprcvement to the quality of neiIj!bœ:hcods. '1herefore, it
~ùd be a travesty to !id...' . iI"", traffic into any
neighbœ:hcod. CalTrans is NspCIlBible far the prcblem,
therefore, they shcu1d pay far the eo1ution. FL SllJayS do
redist.riJ:Jut: traffic. He ~4:ed the elimination of all
new '"Ç"""O"1 points into the . ..-m"1ity, bath}t:Clellan,la.ll::b
RioeIds and Mary Aveme and SUo;y=ted that a relocation of
~ø or the pll.9E!11t location be pursued. '!he goals are:
1) tranquility of neighhœ:hoods; 2) IIICNin;J traffic. '1here
. .
MD«71!S OF '!HE ŒX:DœER 13, 1988, ADJaØŒD RmUIAR C1'lY
<XOaL J'IUa'.üG (00-757A)
sha.ücl be no bpIct: on nei.ghJ:Iœ:b:x:. In regard to an ad
hcc citizen sbñy graJp, Mr. Gatto stated he t"(I\\ld su¡:p... L
IIId1 a group. He 1'8(0 ·,··-·œl locJdn¡ at an alternate
within the existing right:-of-way. ~ Oill.ege 18 an
hpartant pm:t of the tTOION"'Iity, tut ~ a lot of
traffic. If possible to get ~ Oill.ege traffic
diœct1y fraa the t.t. sHay to the """"., that ala'18 ".",,,.
lessen traffic on city ...t.......1:8. He SUJ':P'D-ud a study group
start and look at the exist:..rg right:-of-way. All other
altemates sha.ücl be eliminated. Jàmsa1 stated that the least attractive altemate
was ~ Rœds anj that "no ~-" wa1ld not be
the werst of all possible wrldB. '!he IIICSt desirable
solut.ia1: a'I8 within the existing right-of-way. Next,
wculd be the "no _a" altemate. Mr. Jàmsa1 stat.ed he
was not yet ready to di.......>'I'j, the Miuy Avtn.18 e\'"OeeEl. Regel& also expressed IRJRXILl far a sbñy to be
done. She also stat.ed that the potential envL...........íLal
iDp!ICt Bhculd be 1oo1œd at. She preferœd an __ø within
the existing right-of-way or close to it and stated that
anythin;J else woold be unacoept:able. ~ stated she did not IRIA> ...L "no __en nor
wa1ld she di-t'd. the <AÆ""",¥L of a Mazy Aveme ---, She
wa1ld also still CŒlSider the ~ Rœds
restricted alt.emate. Ms. Vq:pel stated she ....,.,ld like
~ of the ather alternates llVAi1Ahle at the next
meeting as wll as data shcwin¡ the 1"'- of cars exitirç
northbcurx! Highway 280 to ~ Highway 17.
It was menticned that the off-......... at Rai.ntx:IIi exits into
DeAnza BcW.evaJ:d anj not Rainbow Drivå.
Director of FUblic ~ viskaviå1 stat.ed that is not
OCIIpletely resolved. Rainbow and the off-map J1J1J.Y be
CX1Ii)ined to a'I8 int:ersec::tion at DeAnza Bc:W.evard.
CD.mcil asJr-'I 10hy this Wi:iB bein:J braJght to them prior to
CalTrans havinq final plans.
Mayar Plungy stat.ed that he has ruled. aIt the Ø:JClellan/-
a1bb Rœd'" --: . He clirected that <IIX to stevens Creek
BcW.evard be pJrSUed. in tr.e existinq right-of-way with the
possibility of eliminatirç one of the lanes t"o' '^ sed for
the off-nmp fttm sc:ut:hboun:t 280. He stated that "no
--'!'" was not viable because it woold affect
neighbœ:hcx)Js. Mayor Plungy also stated he has not ruled.
MIlI71!S OF 'JHB ~ 13, 1988, ADJaJRNED RBJJIAR Cl'l'!C
<XOICIL MŒrDÇ (cr-757A)
cut Mazy Awrue, tIUt _ 111 ..........,u ngardin;J caa De
Ana. 'Ibl1IIyar al80 that Mazy Awn.18 <"""'" be pit
~ to 8umyYale mic:b m1tJt help traffic.- Auot. III
al80 8I~ that Cal'l'raJW pit aidA Iœ8Y far
~ of IIttf lIOlution to tm pr:d:>1..
n- to be ]tWNri at are: òo:': within tm m.t:in)
ric#Jt-of-way, fcmIatia1 of a stuI!y gz:cup, elJJIinatin¡ cœ
of the bIo lane8 t"o' ",sed CXDinI¡ off Ri~ 85 (J.ccJt at
iIpICt and ocøt) , a pocI8ib1e locp off-.L...... (ocøt and
hpIct), expuwion of right-of-way and half that ~1J"
affect s..-.....dl SCJRI%8 anj thB CCBt, a dh:ect ðo<:.: to
~ COllege. '!he Mazy Av8nJe 60:< was net e1Jminated,
!Jut was a law priority. '!he Jt::Clellan,lal1::b Read ",. was
aH..i'1ated (CCAmc. Iq:pel ili-- 4JtJ.nq). It was ....J'~
that the t"o' ~~nd CCIIIIIittM CX'II8ist of six to eight people
with all quadrants of the City .L_ ~ I d.ed. FWl......
interest.ed in servirg on that ---itt. sbculd subllit their
11111118,..c1èb. , anj b!Ickgrcund aø w1.l _ times !IV" i 1ah' e to
.-t to Di1'8ctar of FUblic WaècB Vis1a::wiå1. '!he structure
of the ~ittM sba1l be p'''''''' on the IIgIKda far cœncil
_i..., De-: I.- 19. en JIUUI%Y 17, the ~it:tee ....."
.L""t'UL"t to Camci1 with infœ:matiat zæ;r ~ their
study of cpt:.ia'I8 !lV"i 1ah' e.
'!he meetin:¡ was adjaImllCi at 11:40 p...