CC 02-02-87
Cl'IY C1P aJPERl'DÐ, STA'Œ OF c:::ALI1'tRfIA ~712
Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DeAnza Baulera1d
Interim Cbmcil 10500 H. DeAnza Baulera1d
0Jpartin0, Q 95014
Telepooile: (408) 252-4505
JŒ[D œ ft:IRJIIR! 2, 1987 Dr '.DIB IirUOlWl <XOaL œP~
10500 H. IE ANZA BXIIEVARD, ~, c::AI.DtRaA
6:00 p.m. - I.egislative RøIri8t a:.aittee - Cl...t'el__ axa
- Interim City Hall.
At 6:45 p.m., Kayar 8píu')cs called the I88t:in¡ to ard&r.
SAI.Im: 'lO '!HE FUG
CCUnc. P.I. S M.t:
Gatto, Jåu1scn, Pl\JD3Y, ~'" Kayar SpIIDs
~t Pl. fa iL:
City Manager tuinlan
City Clmk Camelius
DiJ:ector of FUblic N:D:ks ViskrNicb
DiJ:ector of Plannirg am DeII8l___.L Cowan
DiJ:ector of Finance Snyder
Assistant to the City Kã._ Brown
n-.nú.ty Relatia1s Officer SCurià1
Chief R,i'dinq Inspectar Antcnxx:i
City AttaJ:ney Kilian
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. ~.., ........ð.4 by CCUnc. J..b.-..1
and p"-rd unanimaISly to :n!IIICN8 It8I No. . 39 fraa the
l'r'n<'1_t1c:ns were read declaring ht:Œuuy as "Qùldr8t'.
Dental Health Hcnth" and Februuy U as "SUgarleee
We.::}¡....cIay. "
Ann An;¡er, Malta Vista DIprc\Iaœnt "'E'sc,..f atiat, ðdch. ad
CWnci1 regardinq a blight ordinance. '!he City JfanaI]er
infomed CCUncil that M has requst:ed a copy of n."1¡_1, '.
ordinance and that staff will l'¥J.LL bIc1c.
Item removed
Blight ord.
ABC license,
Sashimi St.
False alarm
Review COllI.
MD«m!S OF 'ŒE ,,~ 2, 1987 CI'1Y <XUICIL 1'IUiJ.'.uG
t1rAFY ~
1. Oral ..."'t'ULLB by staff _.J.... and ..-i_icn of writt81
AlcchalJc BEP._'"':I"" Licenee - :Aooc;r-t for: _.M_i
SL...~, 10457 S. DeAnza Boul8YUd; 8I:urøddc Bcwl,
20990 a:..teIId ibid.
It was IIICIII8d by CCUnc. Rcg8:t:.., .......cJt.d by CCUnc. Gatto antS
p"-""sli ~y to direct IJtaff to notify ABC of t!Ieir
re<'o .,.,-'daticn of 11œnse subject to lYWOp'iAl1C8 with
R'i1din:¡ Ocdø and establisbment of the facility as a
2. ~L en false ..,..."" hearin:¡ for waiver of fines -
MiJœ carey.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmscn, s.........cJt.d by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y
and p"a""" unIIrÙJII:iuSly to waive the fine as requested by
3. Ocdø Enf..............d. ~t. fraa Planninq Department.
'Ibe l........L was mceived.
CCUnc. Rogel.. IIICIII8d to ""Cp"Ai te reva::at1cns. 'Ibe IIIOt.icn
was w-';'~1'.èh.......
CCUncil directec1 staff to speed up reva::at1cns and SII1d
fewer 1et:tem prier to act:icn bein:¡ taIœn.
City Attamey 1W.ian was directec1 to "''''¥A L bIc1c regamin:¡
-wres that c:an be taJœn ciJrin:¡ the rtMX8ticn }'L' « .
ca.INCIL ~
6. 0UIc. Jåla-.... - Isqislative ~ Call1littee - It was
IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jämso.'I, s.........cJt.d by CCUnc. Gatto and
p"ee1!d ~y to taJœ the follCJllin;r actia1S regardin;J
}'L' ,ose.! 1egislat.:icn: P&>qI-t ocpi" of AB 318 (<mteee),
collectien of capital faci1itiee fees betwen p"h'it'!
agencies; AB 315 (I.ancaster), tort refom; AB 15
(stir1in:¡) , adj.....L.u..d.B to PEAS retizeœnt allcwanœs; AB
323 ()t:Iare), inclusicn of telA(' ·····nú.caticns facl1itiee in
specific plans; AB 169 (Hannigan) mjor ~ in pnp~r!f
and fIJnc:ti.aIin:¡ of IAFCDs. ~ AB 13 ( ,
restrictialS a1 city deve1'¥""'tt fees: cgx¡se N:A 4
MDÐ1'I!S or 'DIE l'!:BRJAR1C 2, 1987 CI'1Y CXDICIL J'JI:iIU.uG
(11.-..) , lDitatiaw and 8ICIIIIJI:iaw to utility U881'S tax
an1 iIalM tax. SID-ILl.. SB 23 CB-'~ 1m), halnity of
c1tie8 ~ '....h4Hty for injuries .....·-It! by nat:u:ral
cxn!itkn of UIÙJI(IrC:MId p1ÞHn iIL_toYI ~t. AS 61
(Elder), .,.-t......u..._.L 8Iployment of PERS 1'8tJ.mee.
(It is ~ that Items 9 t:brcu3h 2!5 be actecI en
shultanllcusly unl_ separate ..i....._ien an:J,Ior ac:t.icn is
~ by CDJncil, staff or J-er of the public.)
QJunc. lbp... nIIICY8d Item 13.
It was IIICMId by QJunc. Gatto, sec:'.:r....."<l by QJunc. J..m18Clft
and p" !:1 unIIIÚIIIaJSly to ClK'Lwe the balance of the
a..._ .L CIIl81dar as subllitted.
9. ~-t: for waiver of bJsiness license fee filed by CDt
World Ib1tes8ari Sc:t1col.
10. Rasoluticn No. 7072: "A Resoluticn of the City CDJncil
of the City of Qpertino Allowin:J 0IIrtain l"'I..i""" and
~dt. PByable in the Amamts and FraIl the PUnds as
H8reinatter Deøc:rlbec1 for General ani Misce1.laneaJs
Exp..li1ituree for the Period añinI¡ Jamaxy 16, 1987."
11. RBøo1ut.ia1 No. 7073: "A Resoluticn of the City Qucl1
of the City at Allowin:J 0IIrtain l"1..i""" ani
D '1C1s Payable in the Amamts and traD the PUnds as
H8reinatter Deøc:rlbec1 for Salaries. and WIIg8e for the
Payroll Period añinI¡ Jaruny 20, 1987."
12. RBøo1ut.ia1 No. 7074: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of Qpertino Autharizinq Exeo.1ticn of Grant
Deed Grantinq AFN 38-015-27 located in calaveras CDmty
to nr.~1_ A. Rr:aœe and Ann L. xrause, RJsband and
Wife, as JC'~ 'l'eœnts."
13. A¡pl!œt.icn ASItC 51,690.1 - Shirley <D1st:ructicn:
1ØpIstinq ClK'Luval of ~ plan for an office
bni Mh'¥iJ and parJdn:¡lst:orage area located at the
SCJUt:bwiBst ............. of ~1al AverJJe ani Iallita Averue,
10201 ~ia1 Awme. Iœo . ·,-.Idecl for ð¡.¢oval.
(RIIIDved traD a... ,L calen:Jar)
14. Rasoluticn No. 7075: "A ResoJ.utien of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizinq EKtsnsicn of Lease
with Darct:hy Varian for ~te1y 1.4 Acre located
Alcn;r CL-.....,t Read.
Item remove
Consent Cal
MINUl'ES C1P 'DIE ..~ 2, 1""'7 CI'1Y CØJNCIL ............uG
15. Resolu'"..!c:a No. 7076: "A RBsolutia1 of the City CCJunci1
of the City of ~ ~ a.,.,LLaOt a.nga
orcSIIr No. 4 for ~ Ct8ek Boulevam-stellin¡ ROIId
:n..-.~re-.,t;s, l'zoject 85-03."
16. Resolutiat No. 7077: "A Resoluti:a of the City CCJunci1
of the City of ~ Acc:eptin;¡ a Græ1t of'" - ,L
for staaa Drain PI11:¡x! IS frail Frederick c. ~ and sarah
S. ~1 lot 3, 'l'act 76661 IDeated en Oricn Place,
~y 0.01 Acre."
17. Reeoluticn No. 7078: "A Resolutia1 of the City CCJunci1
of the City of ~ Acc:eptin;¡ Græ1t of ---.d.
for PUblic utility PU1pc !II' frail Alan stoclr1 _i,.. and
JIIt-ra stoclr1"",i,.. C:irIsistinq of ~y 23.384
Sq. Ft. IDeated en CL..........d. RcIId."
18. Resolutiat No. 7079: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acc:eptin;¡ Græ1t of -~. iL
for ~ P\n}X:us Frat Alan stoc.1r'"",i,.. ani JIIt_~
$t"1Y"lr,,,,,,i,.. o::nIist:1n;r of ~y 23.384 st. Ft.,
~ en CL-.-d. RcIId.
19. Resoluticn No. 7080: "A Resolutia'l of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acc:eptin;¡ Græ1t of _.......... it
for ~ I\n.y !II' frail Alan stoclr,,,,,,i,.. and ~
st:oc'lr1"",ir o::nIist:1n;r of ~tely 1040.35 Sq. Ft.
IDeated en CL-.-,L ROIId."
20. Reeoluticn No. 7081: "A Resolutien of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0Jpertim Acc:eptin;¡ Græ1t of -.........·It
for ~ PlD:pcsBB trail Alan stoclr'"",i,.. ani Ronohom
St"nrolr'"",ir o::nIist:1n;r of ~tely 2.646 Sq. Ft.
I.oœt.d en 0Jp&rtin0 ROIId."
21. Resoluticn No. 7082: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin;J Exec:uticn of
Det.....-.! ~ d. with Alan stoclr'"",i,.. ani JIIt-m
St"nrolr1"",i,.. for the ~",,_,L of ~ Alcn¡
0I:dIard 0::Jurt at CL-.-d. Rœd."
22. ~_ of City ptOjects perfcmœd urxJer ..~,..t........'1::
(a) st8\Iens Ct8ek Boulevard-ste11in:¡ Rœd
:n..-....._Its, l'zoject 85-03.
(b) Misce1laneaJS water Main P.epl"---,'L, l'zoject
86-113 .
(No ~W ~ l...ln;r doc'I-1ts req.úred.)
IIDI7DS OF '!HE !'E:IRmRY 2, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL 1'IUa'.uG
23. Aooeptance of JlJnicfpal ~....e..-jLs: Tract No. 7842,
Rsgnart Rœd at aJtb Rœd, '!be Wi11i_ Day Q).
(No ~W...Unq .w.--.ts required.)
24. A¡:proYal of miraJtes of regular meet:in;r of [)Io( Je 9,
1986 (00-708).
25. A¡:proYal of miraJtes of regular meet:in;r of no.. J _ 15,
1986 (00-709).
Yszt§ J.L J ....... of the City CCUncil
AYES: Gatto, JåInsa'I, P1\JD3Y, RogIks, Spaxiœ
N:IES: Naw
ABSEm': Naw
l'lÐ6 REH7Jm nœ aH>m1' ~
13. ~ ASN: 51,690.J. - Shirley 0X1struct:icn:
RecpIstin¡ ðt¥LU'iëÙ of lamczœpe plan for an off1oe
h'i1dinq and pu:kin;r,lstaraga area locatscl at the
soot:hwest: 0CIl..... of ~la1 Aveme and Iadta Aveme,
10201 ~la1 Aveme. p...~. ".,-'Ided for _uval.
It was 1IICIIed by CCUnc. RogIk..,
ar.d 1'" ¡ j unan1mcusly to
51,1)90.1.å by CCUnc. J~-....
_we ARlUcaticn ASN:
27. Q:IIsidemtiœ of aes.œ-d.s to the UnifOI'lll Fire o:de
1ncludir.g IIBIciDJ a 60 ft. h,i1"irç a 'Life safety'
~,"i1 dinq.
(a) First rt!IIdin;r of Ordinance No. 1399: "An
cm:Unanoe of the City Council of the City of
~ Amendin:J 01apter 16.40 of the 0Jpertin0
Jbtit'!fpal o:de by JIdGptin;r "Unif0I'lll Fire o:de,"
1985 Ðiiticn, AppeJñioes I-A through VI-A."
Director of PlamiD:J and Devel..........,L Q:Iwan reviewed the
I&'~ cban;Jes with o:uncl1.
Chief ¡:111i1r'1i~ Inspector AntcnJcci 8lI!R.m...d questia1S of
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JåInsa'I, sec:xxñed by CCUnc. Gatto
aM P"~-ed unanimously to close the pmlic hearin;J.
ASAC 51.690.1
Public hear-
ing closed
First read-
ing of Ord.
MINUl'ES C1P 'DIE FEBII1AR! 2, 1987 CI'1Y a:oaL MEE'1'.t1Ð
It was IIDII8d by CCUnc. Jålnlla1, ~Idt.d by CCUnc. Gatto
and p--qlcl UI1aJ'1imI:uIly to read Ordinance No. 1399 by titl8
cnly and the City ClmK's readinJ to OCIIStitute the fimt
readinJ thm:eot.
28. ~icat.icn 9-Z-86 of 'lbrust IV, I1'x:. - RBza11n::J tJ:aa
B2 (Quasi-PUblic) to Rl-7.5 (Reeic1ent.ial, Sin;r].e-faIIIily
7,500 sq. ft. IIIiniDua lot size) and Rl-10 (Residential,
Sin;Jle-faIIIily 10,000 sq. ft. IIIiniDua lot size) int81t.
~icat.icn 21-'DH16 of'lbrust IV, I1'x:. - Tentative Hap
to subdivide bolo parcels into 20 parcels with lot sizes
ranginJ tJ:aa 7,f.00 sq. ft. to 14,000 sq. ft.
EnviraIœnta1 Review: 'IhB PlarInin;r thIon4_icn
1.'""" ,.,.ArJds the;J Negative [)e(o'..raticrw. 'IhB
subject prqJerty is located en the northwest and
sœt:hwest comers of Foothill Boulevard ani Bal_
Aveme. PAc> ·,.....,ùed for ~uv'al.
(a) First readin;J of Ordinance No. 1404: "An
Ordinance of the City Council of the City of
0Jpertin0 Amer1clin;r Sect:icn 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by
Rezaún::J ~~ty frail B2 Za1e to Rl-7.5 1.a1e and
Rl-10 Za1e; IDeated en the Northwest and Sc:ut:hwest
c............ of Foathi11 Boulevard and Bal_ AvenJ8."
Director of P1.annin;J and Devel..".....,.,L COWan reviewd the
ç1icaticn with Council.
Den Iapidus of 'Ihrust IV thanJœd the P1.annin; staff for
their assistance. He stated that neighbomcod ~"'i"lt:s
had CXIIIB tJ:aa bolo areas - the - bac1dJJ¡ art:o ~
Drive and the original BAS hcmes. He reviswed IICIII8
pcssible ~ to respcni to IICIII8 of the neigh!> ..1. <Id
~,..1nt:s. He aloo requested a 50 ft. all de ---, He
stated that the hcuIe pads ani the bIc1c yards were 10lll8r8d
for neighbomcod privacy. Mr. T"IpMn.. 1nfœ:med CCJunci1
that tbere were no seocnd stœy windcws VIBre they will
affect the neighbors. 'IhB setbacks of the hcuses vary to
avoid a rt:JiI look. 'Ibere are also varied elevaticrw.
Council was infamed that the followin¡ fees waùd awlY:
Ccniitien No. 14 - $7,000 for the ten years.
Ccniitien No. 16 - $10,500 for his share of the signal.
Mr. Iapidus expressed the q>inien that the $10,500 was
high. He infamed CCUncil that the P1aminq staff had
requested a wall and laJ"li""'"apin¡ aI his devel..".....,.,t that
'-'ClÙd be similar to that of BAS hcmes. He stated that he
MD«71'ES C1P '!HE rUItGJI\RY 2, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL l'mI!a:.uG
wculd 1iJœ to do 8CIII8t:hin;J better as far as the wall 9C88,
b1t it wculd be CXIIpSt.ible with tt. lII!jaamt sl\q8tcrle
walls. He also wculd prefer læm~in:¡ CCIIpItJb1e with
the _'Ii..".
It was IIICIIed by <h1nc. Gatto, &eCXI'Ided by CCUnc. JåulSCn
ani pot-ed unaniDcusly to close the public hearin;r.
It was IIICIIed by <h1nc. Jåmsa1, ~.dt.d by <h1nc. Gatto
and pot-ed unanimcus1y to ðW.&.uV8 the gI'IIl1t.inJ of Negative
rw.,,,,,,,,,,ticn for Appl1cat.icn 9-Z-86.
It was IIICIIed by <h1nc. Jåmsa1, &eCXI'Ided by <h1nc. Gatto
and p"......ed UI'IIII1iDDJsly to IIß1rCY8 ARùic:aticn 9-Z-86 per
P1.anniJx¡ ChrIfti_icn Reso1utien No. 2984.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, s-....dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto arxl
P"'-gd unaniDcusly to l'8I!Id Ordinmce No. 1404 by title ally
and the City Clmit's readin;J to CCI'IStituts the first
readin:¡ thereof.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jàu'Isa1, &eCXI'Ided by <h1nc. Gatto
and p"~egd unanJmcus1y to _we the gI'IIl1t.inJ of a
Negative "",,"b1"atien for Aw1icatien 21~86.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, secaldtod by <h1nc. Gatto
and po-ro with CCUnc. P1\JD3Y di~- ,Un¡ to _uV8
Aw1icaticn 21-'IH-86 per Plannin:¡ ChrIfti_icn Resolution No.
2985 with Q:niJ.ticn 14 statin;r $7,000, Q:niJ.tia1 16;r
$10,500 and with no d1ar¥;Ie en Q:niJ.ticn 19, with the
EDdùbit amesded to reflect 50 ft. cul de ---.:, the stamarcl
Rl setback req.Urements and delet.icn of refCeI.c6 to San
Jose Water WOrlcs.
App1icaticn 21-'IH-86 - Please see Item 28.
29. App1icaticn 18-'IH-86 of 01ar1es Masters - Tentative Map
to sulxtlvide 2 parcels into 10 parcels with lot sizes
ran:¡inq frail 6,200 sq. ft. to 22,000 sq. ft. and
EI1Irira1aenta1 Review: '!he Plannin;J ChrIfti -icn
reo· ·,·,-·ds the gI'IIl1t.inJ of a Negative rw.l"ntien. '!he
project is located en the north side of Rainbow Drive,
approximately 350 ft. east of Weymooth Drive.
JM. ,,_._._Ided for ~U"Ial.
Director of P1.anniJx¡ and Devel~d: Ocwan reviewed a
history of the a¡:plicatien and an explanatien of i...........
Public hear-
ing closed
Negative Dec
for 9-Z-g6
First read-
ing of ord.
Negative Dec
for 21-TM-86
Negative Dec.
for Ig-TM-86
MINUl'ES OF '!HE 1'~ 2, 1987 CI'1Y CXUIC:IL .lVil!a'uG
Marvin JriPhiy, 8ngÛ188r en the project, -..n6d ~
~ the IÚ.Z8 of the helIse..
It was IIMId by 0:Junc. Jàmsa1, seocided by 0:Junc. Gatto
and P"--nl UIIIIIÜJa.1sly to grant a Negative DIc.1aJ:at.icn for
~ l8-'DHI6
It was .:Mild by CCUnc. JciJnsca, .......dtd by CCUnc. Gatto
and 1'" Iii with CCUnc. Plungy <'Ii"'1" d.!n: to _.N8
~ 18-'IM-86 per PI.anning Reøolut1cn No.
30. ~ 31-u-&6 of Westfield O"1wty - RBview of
final cn-site cùt:ulaticm and pbasin:¡ for an apprayed
90,000 sq. ft. mall shcp aå:iiticn to Valloo Fashicn
Palit. Pe-:- ....Ided for a¡:proval. (staff requests
Clœed s- icn at this time. O:!de sectia1
At 8:15 p..., Council adjoumed to a clœed T icn in
accœ:dance with ~......L O:!de sect:ia1 54956.9(a) (lbBr
VB. City of 0Jpert1n0).
At 8:30 p.m. the¡ reccnvened in open s--"'icn.
CCUnc. Pi ø íL:
Gatto,, P1\JD3Y, Boget:s, Mayer Sparks
staff Pl d..:
City ..._ 01in1an
City Cleft OmIelius
Dh'8Ct:ar of I'UblJ.c WarkB Vi.sIa:wiå1
DJractœ of P1.ann1n;r and ~'1 tl. COWan
Director of Pinance snyder
A88J.atant to the City HIInIII:JBr Brown
~nú.ty RiB1at.i.cms Officer
City Atl..u-.f
Director of PI.anning and DeYeJ...........,L COWan reviewed the
Terry Fe1..._a, project architect for Westfield CO.,
reviewed the plan and staqirq of the deve1"'lA'""',L.
MDIU'1'ES OP '!HE ~...........,.R! 2, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL ~
c.....LLJ. va,...b1ri.., Westfield, addr It.'! CCUnci1 œgardinJ
the t:Jmetab1e. B8 stated that t -'.. <4.ð.&.y signaga will
indicate aY"Iibh'. ...d......1CeS ani pmdn;r dI.Irin;r the
MIme BIIncock of WIIstfie1d ana..æ:...d ~ regardin;J the
25 parkinI¡ etJao)M I8r sears. He said t:'- T 1YO"d œ-s.
4!IIp1.oyee parkinI¡ œly U a p:åÜBIa was <åerV8d.
It VIIS 1IICMId by Ocunc. J\.i,,-..., I!I8OCII'ICIed by CCUnc. Gatto
ani p---ed ~y to GK&uv'8 Appliœticn 31-0-86 per
Plaudrç n-o-i_iœ Beso1.uticn No. 2988.
It was 1IICMId by CCUnc. Gatto, -.....dtod by CCUnc. Jo..h-...
and p"e-9d l.InIIIÚXAISly to adqJt a MilIlte Order that the
traffic c:ircW.aticn and details of ~LL.1an JIICIYS&1t
shall CXIII8 back to staff for review.
31. Naw.
32. Naw.
33. Requestin;r GK&uY2Ù of a t--'I"I1.~ tent at an existiJIq
àJurcb for a 3 IIICI1t:h pericd. Iø::ated en the WEISt ø1de
of ste1.1inr¡ ibid, a¡:pmximately 700 feet IICIJth of
~ ibid. ('1bø Valley Cbm:b, 1088!5 N. st:el.linrJ
It was 1IICMId by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, seoCIilded by CCJunc. Rogerra
and p"--rd ~y to GK&uv'8 a t- 1<" tent and
security t:rai1sr for a three mr:nth pericd as per ~-t.
34. Repœ.t en recpøt traa United Cable 'LV of 0Jpe:rtin0jI.0e
Altos to 1lIOII'8 lccaJ. offioe traa 0Jpertin0 tc! 2111 Grant
R::8d, Los Altos.
Joe Wilcm:, ..~ of th!ted QIb1e, OJpe:L"t1no,
told 0U1cll be had no really good idea regardin;J the
aDr:IUl1t of traffic in the 0Jpertin0 offioe. He stated it
varies; Wrin;J the first ueek of the JIa1t:b it IYO'J" ta as
many as 30 PE""Ple a day, with maybe IÚX people a day later
in the mcnth. '!be purpose for the !'LT:eeJ 1lIOII'8 is
ecx:t.ciu!c. '!be faciHty av>tnab1e in Los Altos is cr-p-
to rent. Also it is ~aPúcally more ......¡ located.
Minute Order
re traffic
and pedes-
trian movemen
tent and
United Cable
move tabled
j¡:: appro-
Jlim..11. Mann, 01aiIpema1, 0Jpertin0 Cable 'l'eJAIVi.eJ.œ
Mvisary OaIIIIittee stated the OaIIIIittee's m1n ..........U WU
the ¡.... '1œed r-' i.".......,L of dw1ne1s. 'Ihe OaIIIittee is
requestinI¡ that a p.!blic he!Irin;J be set in the fubD:8 to
provide tJM to develop inf<mlBtia1 and a nK> .,.,....1datia1.
Ann Arqer, President, Jb1ta vista ~U'I&.uo:aIL Associaticn,
said that she .I. J c:ed \Mn the h,.l1d:1n;r a¡:pJ.icaticn CIII8
in. 'Ihe ~ I ,L offioe was I:W.1t for UUted
Cable. $pa<'i.., J:_Ldcticns WIIIJ:8 a¡:plied so that it 1III1Ild
not t.:..,- a warehcuse. She expressed the cpinicn that
they 11BY not be ..r""'....,d as she _ heavy trucJq¡ there.
C8J:01 SC:uriå1 infcmœd CCUncil that the staff needs to look
into this item. She said that IIIOJ:8 infOCDatia1 and
expertise needs to be ",~,i>'lSd, with i.......... identified.
'1ben pmi1aps a PJblic hearin;r cnIld be set.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, secc:rJjed by Q:Iunc. Jd..-....
ani poe-~ \II'IIII1imcuIly to table this item.
35. ~ of calendar for fiscal year 1987-88 bD;¡et.
By cc:n;ensus, Council a¡:prayed the followin;J så1edule:
6:00 p.m., FebruaJ:y 9, 0XIfe¡:....1Ce RIxm, City Hall -
study Ei--~icn to "i,"<,,,,,, City i....._.
7:00 p.m., March 11, OXIfbo......_ RealI, City Hall-
Review Five-Year Fu..èCaSt of RBven.!es, Expendituras and
Capital ~"",e...éaLs; develop guidelines and policy
7: 00 p... , 'nJeeday, JUne 9, 0:inf-.:l...A.7 J RealI, City Hall
- PJ:eJ.im1mJ:y review of anmal bo~.
6:45 p.m, 1bIday, JUly 6, Interim Council ~-
PUblic hearing en Reveme Sharin3 ani adcpt:.ien of the
anra.Jal h~.
36. Request for loan for the Bioentennia1 Call1littee.
Sam Bruni of the Bicentennial Call1littee adtJ:t: !S'ed CCJunci1
regardinq the request.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, secx:med by CCUnc. Jåmsa1
ani r""e~ed unæUmcusly to "M....we an <>t¥L"'l'Liatioo of up to
a total of $7,000 fJ:an the Ge1eral F\Jnj includin;J up-f%a1t
furñ:in;J of $2,340, the ba1ëU'1Ce to be expended ~ bills
received frail the Finaooe Director to pay as per estœted
KDÐrES OF '!HE ~ 2, 1987 Cl'lY CDJNc:IL ~
37. AnnJal aã:pticn of City'. InII_t..-1t Policy.
It WII8 IIICMId by CDmc. J-.b1koOO, seoon:!ed by CDmc. Pl\JD3Y
and poo--n1 UI'III!ÚDII:UIly to _we the City'. InII...t-d.
Policy _dt.d to shew that prier to any 1nII_t-d. in
mtual fIJrda, staff will CXIII8 to CCUncil for ð
38. nt"",,-it'a\ of pnaatble revisicn of the Floor ArM Ratio
(FAR) policy. cP-;r-t 1'raII Er1Yi1'tnœntal RB'Iiw
OCIIaittee. )
It was IIICIIed by CDmc. Pl\JD3Y, seoo.ldt.d by CCUnc. Gatto and
p"e-lI~ UI'III!ÚDII:UIly to dizect P1.annin¡ n-ni....icn reviøt of
pcssJb1e revisia1 of the FAR policy.
39. CDlsideratim of;J parldn;r en stevena c:œek
Bculevard by the post office - the south side of tbe
.LL....ot 1'raII Sa!à1 Way to 100 feet to west.
(a) n...-"iTJ) and Enactment of U....".....ý 0rd1J1ance No.
1405: "An ominance of the City CCUnci1 of the
City of 0Jpertin0 secticn 11.24.150 of
the QJpertino It.1nicipal o:xse, Relatin¡ to
stcg¡in;J, st:anding or ParJdni¡, en stevena c:œek
Boulevæ:d and Dec:lariD;J the u.l..".....y '1heœof."
(RBacMId. )
40. Naw.
41. SectIId readin¡ and erA..t..-,t. of 0rd1J1ance No. 1400:
"An 0rd1J1ance of the City of QJpertino C2Ia'çJt:er
3.12, Transient 1'noI1¡WICy Tax, of the OJpertino
ltJnicipal Code."
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, ~dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto ani
p" i:1 unanimcus1y to read ordinance No. 1400 by title cnly
ani the City CImk's readin¡ to CXI1Stitute the seooud
readin¡ thereof.
It was IIICIIed by CC'-Un::. Gatto, set:a1ded by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y and
I"'-9d UJ1IIJÚJD::Usly to enact ordinance No. 1400.
PC to review
revision of
FAR policy
Second read-
ing of Ord.
Ord. 1400
. .
Closed session
Togami agree-
. '., .,."~,...-..-.-,',?-~-~"Ç-~~~
MINUl'ES œ '!HE r~ 2, 1987 CI'1Y CDH:IL ~
42. Naw.
aœm ~æ
nafte1"%'lld A.....- it - 'l'r'v'ørMf
At 10:05 p..., CCUnci1 adjourned to a c1:rsl.'l .- -icn _ pc'
Gcvt. Q)de sect:icn 54956.9 (c) init.iat1ng Utigaticn, Mr.
and Mrs. Togami.
At 10:12 p.m., the meet.iD:J was reoct..'8rIBd in cpm s- len.
R:>IL a.u.
0Junc. ~ i ,L:
Gatto, Jd1.ISa1, Pl\JD3Y, Rogels, Mayer Sparks
staff PoL íl:
City Manager Quinlan
City Clmk 0:Imelius
Director of PUblic War)cs Vis1a:wid1
Director of P1.amin;J and Dev8l-.--,L 0::Jwan
It was IIICIIed by 0Junc. ~'" by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y
and p"--e3 UI1aIÚDD1sly to diJ:ec:t staff to ':. ~1C8
Utigat!cn for of ~_.e.-d. or a 1WII
At 10:20 p... the Mayer adjourned the.eetJn¡ to P'eI::Iruæy
3, 1987, 7:30 p.m., Interim City Hall <l..d:et.......... Roc:a for a
sbdy - ien with Marriott cmp. regardin¡ þ,i1ðinq
profile for )'L' 'i'~ full-servioe hat:el.
Ci Cl