CC 02-17-87
CI'1Y C1P UJk'UU".uD, S'.I7aB œ CALIPæNIA 00-713
Interim City Hall: 10430 S. ~ Bculevard
Int:erlJI 0CUncil ~: 10!500 H. I~ Bculevard
QIpertino, CA 95014
Tellfhol.: (408) 2!52-450!5
MDÐI!S OF 'næ RBmAR Cl'1Y auaL MI!mDI;
6:00 p.m. - Tøcp_'..t:J.W RBvi&r CDIIittee - 0CI1fe:t:._ Roc:III
- Interim City Hall, 10430 S. ~ Bculevard.
At 6:50 p.m., the Mayar """ad the -.tinr¡ to œ:der.
CCUnc. ~ s_aL:
Gatto (arrived 6:52 p...), Jcà1scm, Pl\JD3Y, BogaL..,
Mayar SpIuiœ
staff P.I:: S ,IL:
City ManagIer ()1inlan
City Clmk 0:Imelius
Director of PUblic WaI:ks visJø::wid1
Director of Plann1n;r and Dew],., d. Cowan
Director of FinImce snyder
Director of ~ am a-......tia1 IÞilin;J
.!\ssistant to the City IfarIa9- Brown
n-.-nú.ty Re1aticnJ Officer
City Attamey lW.ian
(City Clmk's Note: CDJnc. GatXo arrived at 6:52 p.m.)
It was IIICIIIed by CDJnc. J..b.-..l, 1iI8OC¡~ by CCUnc. a..,,-.
and 1""- B II unarùmcusly to ~~.. agen:Ja Itsa No. 29 to
the regular -.tinr¡ of MIŒà1 16, 1987.
<::EREH::If.['A MATl'ERS - HŒSœI7d'ICH;
Proc1ar:aticn dec1arln;r MIΈ1 8-14, 1987 as "Naticnal
Wcmen's History Week..
Mayor Sparlcs ~ S .,Led the prn<"'-tien.
PL lHoIldticn of p]~. of ~tien to Ray ~.
Item contin-
Blight o..d.
Vehicle Code
on private
False alarm
MDÐl'!S OF 'DIE ~ 17, 1987 CI'1Y c:xacn. ~.U'Aj
Kayar SpuD .... I tt.ed a P"'c;r- to Ray snyder 1ib) had ju8t
"""T19ted b1a !SOOth victory as a h1gh ec:bool ~'1
Ann ArqIr, Pree1dent, Hcnta vista ~...........L Assoc1atia1,
àð:iL lid ocunci1 regardirIq the IIIIW Brown Act. Sba stated
she had..ðh I~ ocunci1 at the last meetirJ¡ regardirIq tba
City of 0."1.'''''' '. blight ardinance. MI. ArqIr was told by
Council that infcmaaticn regarding that ardinance wcuJ.d be
p' ""9d en the agenda as socn as P""""'iñ, e.
Mr. Medfard ~" SI1yåer regardirIq the sign ardinance
perta1ninq to støvens creek Bculevard.
Mr. snydsr was not pl.l!! [.t.
f1rJæF !WIIA<.UJ
1. Oral ...~la by staff 1'F-.l~. am œ' of written
CCJunci1 received the "q>W.L.
2. V.,¡,i"'e Qde enfo..""""""d. en private ..LL.....-t.I in
subdivisiaw - l'eIp!St for clirectia1.
It was IIICMId by Q:Junc. JàInscn, ...........c1t.d by Q:Junc. Gatto
and po Ie! unIIlIi1ID51y to detm:mine vo.),4"'e cc:de
er.fu..-..--d. C1 private ..t......d:s in subdivisiaw en a
case-by-œse œs1s.
3. ~L en false .., ...... beIIrin;J - Rcn BJ"""""" - ani
recpIEIt for waiver of fine.
It was IIICMId by Q:Junc. Gatto, ......o..c1t.d by Q:Junc. J~-.A\
and pa--'d unanhøJs1y to waiV8 the $63 ~ee.
4. n:easurer's ~L for mcnth of Jamary, 1987 ani
ad3&t status ~L.
CCJunci1 received the "'q>W.t with page 4-3, New :rm.-t..-.ts,
~ """.'T
KDI11'!S OF '!HE l'u:av..IIIRf 17, 1987 Cl'l'Y CDJNc:IL 1'J1'o1'i.&:.uG
7. CCUnc. J~..... - I8gislatiV8 RIIIriøt a:adttee
It was IIDV8d by CCUnc. J..ø..Qo., ....c...œd by CCUnc. Gatto
and I"" it'l ~y to taJœ the followin;J IICtic:ms
regaxdiø¡ I"-'~ 1egis1atia1:
$IW ... L AD 315 (Ianœster) , tart 1ICtic:ms: sett.1.eamt of
suits. 4:.\1""" AD 15, retireIIIent ""owanœ adju..I:-.d.a.
o::nt.imø or::nù.deraticn of AD 169 (Hannigan), ~
act revis1aB, to MIIrå1 16. C\')p:)H AD 323 (Meara),
~itic plannin¡ law. SliP ~L AD 318, utility user fees.
AdqJt Resoluticn No. 7090 in fIIW...L of AD 36 r8CJÛ.rlD1 all
matorcyclists to wear """-ts. qpœ. SB 269, hazamcus
cœsmr CAIÐma\R
(It is recpasted that n- 10 thraIgh 27 be acted en
sbW.tar-a...,y unlees separate "i'"C'1S8U:n lIJ'Ið,Ior acticn if
mquested by CCJunci1, &taft or J.l.. of the plI):>H",.)
CCUnc. Rogers rBIICM!Id rt. No. 27.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secx:nded by o:amo. JÙIl.....
and P""-Tetl ~y to _uV8 the balance of the
c... r ít. caJ.enjar as sutmittecl (Q:uI<::. Pl\JD3Y abstaining en
Item 27 cnly).
10. Resoluticn No. 7083: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0JpertiJ1D Allc:IIorinq Certain t"'I..i_ and
n......r:!I. Payable in the 1I1aamts and FJ:aa the !\1råI as
Hereinafter Deøc::I:'ibed for Gsa..cìl and Misoe11anecus
Experdituree for the P8ricd Eh:tin;J JIII'IJUY 30, 1987."
11. Resoluticn No. 7084: "A Resolut:.icn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0JpertiJ1D Allc:IIorinq Certain ,.......- and
DEo..a.Itls Payable in the 1I1aamts ani t.rca the !\1råI as
Hereinatter Deøc::I:'ibed for 8alariee and WI!ges for the
Payroll P8ricd Eh:tin;J FebruaJ:y 3, 1987."
12. Resoluticn No. 7085: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AR=Nin:J Pcstin;J of Agendas
in ~CL1Y IJ:x:atien DJrln;J Closure of Librëny (MIIrå1
8-April 6)."
13. Resoluticn No. 7086: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AR=Nin:J Cart:ract Q1an;e
Order No. 4 for DeAnza Boulevard wi.deni.n3 Project
86-20. "
'C;-_" ...w..··
Item removed
Consent Cal-
e:1dar approved
KINt11ES C1P '!HE FEER.'Q\,R! 17, 1987 CI'1Y OXJNCIL MŒl':DÐ
14. Rasoluticn No. 7087: "A Rasolut1a1 of the City CCJunci1
of tl1e City of 0Jpertin0 AR¡Ircvin;r o...,L...aCt Q1an;J8
Order No. 1 for saratoga-Sumyva RaId Wi.denin;r
Project 85-01, 'l'J:affic Signal H:Jdific:aticn PMject
15. Rasoluticn No. 7088: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ o...,LLaCt Q1an;J8
Order No. 4 far Linda Vista Pa%ic PMject 86-114."
16. Rasoluticn No. 7089: "A Rasolutien of tl1e City CCJunci1
of tl1e City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Final Plan for the
~...._.L of Fra1tage of P~_t.y Located North of
HigtBRIy 280, west of Wolfe RaldJ D8II8lq:c", vallco
Pa%icJ Autharizin;r tl1e City ED:;Jineer to sign the Final
P1am and Autharizin;r Executicn of ;,.,..............L in
o.....-.."ticn ~th."
17. Rasoluticn No. 7091: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0JpertjnJ AR¡Ircvin;r Final Plan for the
~...._,L of Fra1tage I.ocated en stevens CI:eek
Bculevard at Janioe AvenJ8J D8II8lq:c", B. Margaretidu
Autharizin;r the City ED:;Jineer to Sign the Final PlanJ
and Autharizin;r ExBc::ut:icn of ~...........t. in o.........."ticn
18. Rasoluticn No. 7092: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0JpertjnJ Autharizin;r Executicn of
Deferred ~_d. with B. Margaretic:h for the
~av_d. of Fra1tage Alen) stevens CI:eek Bculevard
at Janioe Avwut."
19. Resoluticn No. 7093: "A Resoluticn of tl1e City CCJunci1
of the City of 0JpertjnJ AR¡Ircvin;r Final Plan for tl1e
~....._d. of Fra1tage Located en Alcalde RaldJ
D8II8lcper, 'l'eny Brown ocnstructien CO., Inc.,
Authorizin;r tl1e City ErJ;Jineer to Sign the Final PlanJ
and 1Iuthorizin;r ExBc::ut:icn of ;,.,...............t in o.....-::t:.icn
20. Resoluticn No. 7094: "A Rasoluticn of tl1e City CCJunci1
of tl1e City of 0Jpertin0 Acoept:JnJ Grant of b__d.
far ~ PI.1r[< r frail wayne Joseph Byrne 0::rvIi.stin;r
of ~.·.rI-tely 0.07 Acres, IDeated en the SaJt:h Side
of Alcalde RaId West of Alicia ct."
21. Resoluticn No. 7095: "A Rasolutien of the City CcI.;ncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acoept:JnJ a Grant Deed of Real
Prc:perty rrca Unicn oil CO. of Califamia dba UNX:ALJ
~tely 0.0174 l\cre IDeated at the sœtheast
Comer of SaJt:h DeAnza Boolevard and Pacifica Drive."
MIl«11TS OF '!HE FEBRIARY 17, 1987 Cl'l'!( CXX1NCIL MEE:l'IK;
22. Reeoluticn No. 7096: "A Reeoluticn of t:be City CCUncil
of t:be City of QJpert1m ~ i8roel Map ani Plan of P>.~ty Iccated en the West Side
of st:e1lirx¡ RcI!Id South of o.....".....odto; Dev8lq¡er, DtILc'OJ::
o............ticn; Autharizin;J EIœcut:icn of :n.-""¡.._uL
~_d.; Autharizin;J signinq of Perœl Map and
~,^,~L Plans."
23. J\¡:pH,.,.ticn ASIIC 51,692,1 - P.I:aDst:heus Dev8l.....-.L Q).,
Inc. : BBIp!stin:J an exœpt:.ic:n to the sign œ:dinance to
allow two project ~ 1:.6........s at an apartment
h,ndin; located en t:be south side of stevens Creek
BculevIIrd a¡:praximately 650 ft. east of DeAnza
BculevIIrd . 20350 ste\,è!l1S Creek Boulevard. p.o.:... -'IISed
for aamwaJ..
24. ClaJm for larwia' i,v.~ (Kaiser O"""'.L a..............t:.icn)
en san F8lipe RcI!Id and ~ for Council to reject
said claim.
25. Apprcyal of m1mtes of regular City Council meet:in;r of
Jaruny 5, 1987 (00-710).
26. Apprcyal of m1mtes of adjoomed regular City CCUncil
-un¡ of JarJ.IUy 6, 1987 (OO-71M).
27. Apprcyal of m1mtes of regular City CCUncil meet:in;r of
JaJ'UIZy 20, 1987 (00-711). (RemcYed frail c..., .t.
Y2t§ ....,1...... of the Citv 0::Junci1
AYES: Gatto, Jd........., Pl\JD3Y, Jb)e:t:$, SparlCB
RES: Naw
AEmN1': Naw
AI!S'mIH: Naw
27. Apprcyal of m1mtes of regular City Council meetin:J of
Jaruny 20, 1987 (00-711).
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Rcgers, seo...ð.d by CCUnc. Gatto ani
l"'-'!Id with CCUnc. Gatto abstainin;r to _""8 the minItes
with t:be last par-_aPì of item No. 25 ameuded to clarify
that aùy t:be QJpert1m High Så1col Booster Club still
~ to subDit ~.La¡~L ~~.
Jan. 20 min-
utes approved
as corrected
JwoarJ.]2j C1P '.!HE FEERJARY 17, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL MI!Z'1'IJÐ
29. 0::I1Sideraticn of "R""'" of Plar1r1in;r l"roNtIi_icn ~ó.'al
of 1I¡¢icaticn 20-'D1-86, Kelly-<;ardcn D8II8l.....-.L
cmp.; Joe an:! Mzny H::n:I1a1d, "PP'"""YJts. 'Ibis
applicaticn cœates a fœr-lot subdivisicn en the west
side of ste.llinr¡ lad ~y 150 ft. scuth of
0Bk JIfa.sor\! W 0:I.Jrt.
(Previously ccnt:.1D.Jed to the meet:in;r of Maxå116, 1987.)
30. QJnsideraticn of "R"""'. filed of Plar1r1in;r l"roNtIi...icn
decisicn ~ 1I¡ 18-u-a5 (A1IIIIuded) and
~ Applicatiœ 35-EA-85 of Apple 0::IIplter.
'Ibese ðßIlicatia'lS pertain to use of Nan Allen SdIool
site en Portal Aveme as a year-ztIUnd day care foni' ity
for use by J\ßIle Q:Iaplter employees.
(a) ~1 of BRJ1'CIV&l of Applicatia'IS l8-U-85
(Amen:Jed) and 35-FA-85 filed by Godt.rey 1Imqal.
(b) Aw-' of _uval to ~, i....t.ia'I 18-u-85
(Amende.l) filed by Mzny C. Ro-. .... _yer.
(c) Aw-' of OCIIditials of ..........wal filed by Apple
0::IIplter, Inc.
CCUnc. Gatto stated tbat he 1iQJJ.d aJJstain frail votiD} en
tbis item ani 1iQJJ.d net particlpate in the tH.....-icn as
aw'e is the sole tenant: of a h1i1ili"Ç in \tùc.t1 he bas an
DJrectar of PJ.anrù.rq ani DeII8],1. d. c-n ~ the
bistmy of the applicaticn ani "PP"""'. with CCJunci1.
DJrectar of PI.Iblic 1I::I1:D Viskcri.cb aoih --'lid Council
regard1n;r -..n:>le rœtee durin¡ the mamin;J and evenin;J
~ hcurs.
T-He Ai4_s of J\ßIle 0::IIplter told CCJunci1 that there is
a 1acIt of gcod cplity day care in~. She stated
tbat ~tely 1M of the Awl. ..-........l are 0Jpertin0
msidents. She felt that eaplcyers are - T;'IAd to ptOI7ide a
solutia1 to the day care problem. lis. A.4_B told Ccunci1
tbat J\ßIle bas 10aJœd at ather sites, and they have 10aJœd
at splittiD¡ the facility. 'Iheœ is no roc:m for this
~iHty en the Apple .-..pIS. Apple plans to EIIqiwIize use
by infants and ~t1M, em; therefore b.ls1n;r 10IaÙd be
diffiallt. She understocd that the majority of neighbors
were ocnoemed aJ:x:ut traffic. She stated that Apple will
pay far ramd tdp b.Isinq of sdIoo1 d1i1dren livin:] in that
MDII1I'ES C1P '!HE ~ 17, 1987 CI'1Y <nJNCIL MEBTDG
aœa with the bJsin;J to be da1e by the sd1col dist.rJ.ct.
A¡:ple will prcI'I1de for crœsin¡ guaIds ani o.õL' -1ISlkII.
A¡:ple 10Iœld limit.."... to a right t:um aùy aJt of the
Nan Allen parJcin;r lot via saDB III8IInB suå1 as a barri8r.
A¡:ple 10Iœld install a Jœy card system fraa the
MBrritt¡Mariani aœa for sd1col district whiclee. Þß'1.
10Iœld CXIIIStantly CXIIIIUnic:ate to ~ the r.-l to stay
off neighJ:xmxxxi ..L.......ts, arñ them 10Iœld be 24 !leur, S8V'C1
day a week øecurity CXI'ISistin;J of a øecurity guard that
10Iœld maJœ rcunds fNery tToio hairs. In additia1, the
.nUdirq 10Iœld be elecl:ra1i.cally seoIred. Ms. AI.èh._
iJtf-.......d CCJunci1 that eaplayees do haV8 fiexi):)le 1IIODt hairs
so all vehic1ee 10Iœld not be en the tlLL.,øt at the _
time. 'Ibe day care center would cr:Nf!Ir twelve hairs. Sba
also stated that a park-1i1œ set:tirq W1Ild be installed.
John Dlvivier, Hm ardrltects, pns_,Led drawin;s of the
site and of the þ¡.' ~ _"~n"'''' addit.ia1.
Albert Eisenstadt, Aßl].e Senior vioe President:, said that a
cptlity day care center is a high priority with Aßl].A. Be
eapw.ized that Apple eaployees eat, shcp and 1IIODt in
QJpertino and therefar:e are really _..a -ere of the
........."'Ii.ty. He stated that Aßl].e takes the City's ~
for its citizens seric:us1y. 0JpertiJ10 is facin;J prob1-
of growth, not just traffic.
Godtœy ØJngal, 10286 North E'Ortal Avenue, "IP""..r¡t,
reviewad a histaIy of this site arñ stated that msidents
of Portal Avenue do not q:pœe day care. He stated that
Nan Allen had 60 <+OUtb-en arñ 12 eaployees. Be told
Council that Aßl].e has stated that it would taka 150
dù1àren to break 8\18\ eocuc:mically. He _ e9d the
qdnicn that that is Wy Aßl].e does not want to split the
site. Hr. JI.Jn;al told CCJunci1 that E'Ortal Averue already
prtWides DBJ1Y services inc1udirq sdxIols ani palD. Be
uxged that CCJunci1 reverse the P1.annin;r l'hmIi....ien ded..i...,
and rechJoe the J'IJIIbJr of àrl.ldren allowed back to that
~ for SIIIIùl Warld. He stated that he has written
tToio letters to Aßl].e and has received no respc:nI8. Be
å:ljected to the ",. .,.,..., cia1izatic:a of the neighbcnb:xxl."
Mæy C. HM~, 10450 N. E'Ortal Avenue, "lP""IU'It,
_ ad ~ehearted ~.........L with Hr.!bJgal. She said
that day care center arñ Apple are not in cp!Stic:a. She
felt that the flex hairs of Apple III8IInB an inpact all the
time rather than just certain hairs. Mrs.}fA· "-'-j8'r
stated that the residential area is in fragile ocniitia1,
particularly since Ocuncil has just ~ an additien to
Valloo Wich III8IInB an inpact c:a North E'Ortal. She stated
that traffic in the neigbb.....l..........1 is very stressfUl arñ the
KINUl'ES C1P 'DIE ~ 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL .......,..;J.£G
residents feel pcwørlees. She ~ that camci1 ,jo
IICIII8t:hin;r to belp theII. She said that at this tiI8 t'"A1:8
1& IX) c...·"...c1al œ North Portðl, it 1& loœted alcnJ
steII'ens Creek Bc:W.ewm. She urged CCJunci1 to ~ the
applicant as the nqJeSt is too massive for a r.id8ntial
SUsan Silver, 1492 ~,1not.. ct., SUnnyvIIle, vice ~,
0Jpertin0 SåXIOl District, said that the Board of Ei:b:atia\
is in Øt......4 ~1i.p...L of the A¡:ple applJ.c:atia1 ani that the
District was in en the p1annin¡ of this ðq care
She felt that the use of the Nan Allen tac'Jity wculd belp
evetyaI8 and will create less of a traffic iDpIct than
otb8r potential œee.
Yvette Del Prado, SUperint.ement of the 0Jpertin0 QÜa\
SåXIOl District, said that traffic is always an issue and
that she had 1nJ''--ud the use of Nan Allen SåXIOl for this
ðq care œnter. Mm. Del Prado told CCJunci1 that there is
ally a five Y8ar lease for the facility ~- she
believes that the District wi...ll then haV8 to recpen ~
ani Nan Allen ~,.. to ~y 1,000 studIIInts.
Den Allen, banJœr and reei~ of 0Jpertin0, C21air of the
SåXIOl site ni"V""'iticn Call1littee, spo1œ in SU¡þ ...t of the
A¡:ple appli.caticn.
Jdm y,,'''''''''In, A¡:ple eap1.ayee ani 0Jperti1 D reei~, urged
Council to help the t+oi1m,m of the ........."'Iity and awl.:N8
~e's "ß'""""
&D:nard JaeJœ, 10500 Baywccd CDJrt, w:t:ne.r of Herritt ani
Baywod, said that he had IIICIIed here traa Iœ AngB1ee
--- he was si.cIt of traffic. He ~: lid the qñnic:r1
that if A¡:ple bas reeD for a gymasiUIII, they shaIlcl haV8
rccD far a ðq care œnter. He stated that tc him cpIlity
is not IIm'8 trafiic, it is pr-- ani CJ1iet.
~:rA Hc:Iward, J\¡:Ip1e eap1.oyœ, 0Jpertin0 ree1ðønt at 1!>428
Fcathi11 Boulevard, inf...-.-'l CCJunci1 that she is a BiJIgle
parent ani that A¡:ple camot use the BæIiley faciHty far
ðq care -- there is not ena¡gh green qp-- 88
recp.ù:ed by state IN.
l¥le 'l'q.tJam, 10154 N. POrtal Averue, said he did not 1iIIInt
the ..t.......t in f%a1t o~ his hcuIe used. He said he -
~ ~ ~«l by the "threats" of the Board of Ðiucatien. He
felt that car poolirq ani flex time are not 0CIIpI!1:ible as
pecple are not CXIIIiz1g and going at the same time with flex
time. He told CCJunci1 that the traffic OOImts subnitted do
not inc:1\X3e A & W traffic as it has been closed, nor does
it inc:1\X3e the ntN deIIe1,¥"""l still to c:pm.
'r~·~.'._" ,_~,_
JmÐ1ZS OF '!HE æ~ 17, 1987 C1'lY CXXJNCIL -=.UG
Kathy MatulIIdcz, 10574 Ck...~ 'l-r. lana, told CCJuncil tbat
8be liwø near MEritt Drive ard urged that them be no
IIICII:8 tmff!c in that~. She said that the
.....u.... near c»,H,. is very dar-J81'OU8 and urged thøI to
veta "rd' in ngard to the 150 c:Iù1dœn.
PIIII Bersbøy, a JIW n-f"-lt of QpertJno J:Widf~ at 19698
1IIeata1 Drive told CCJuncil that 8be bait three dU1dnn 1Ö:)
walk or bJJœ the 3/4 1Iile to sd1col. 'DIøir ages are 7, 9
ard 11 ard she ðoe8 not wnt thøI to be blJsed as the
t+oi1"'"øn tmjoy ridinq their bJJœø.
Kathy Jå1arnI, 7628 SbI!IdcMûll Iane, said that she ball
b'_ to othsr ðlt::i care center and they are in 1Il1W'''' t of
the AßWt center as it will free up slots for other
residents of Qpertino to use. She told CCJuncil that
q.W.ity ðlt::i care is ~ and that the users will go en
stewns creek Bculevard. She is against luIinq to the day
care center.
M:Uœ Jå1arnI, 7628 SbadcI4ù11 lane, Qpertino resident and
Apple eaplayee, said tbat he had ~..,- to directars of
local ðlt::i care centers and said that they had had 0CI.œD.
regardin;r tmff!c prQhJ - b1t these did not materialize.
'DIe tmff!c is an ~irwml issue.
st:øv& Pear1m!ln of lit. View, an AßWt eapl~¡ee, said he is
in Qpertino JIICBt of his time and does shcp in 0Jpertin0
and t.eacbes gifted t+oi1"'"øn at POrtal SåIcol. He felt tbat
AßWt eaployees bring IICIII8tbiD¡ to the tTOIONnú.ty _f~
the tax .....11....... He urged GWLuVcÙ of the ðlt::i care center
ard stated that iœtitut:.i.cns œøi to åIan;Je.
Betty MæIn, T""'9'_ of 1bI8n voters, spoJœ in EIlI1$'" l of day
care centers ani the ....' y.:>Se() site.
sally BœnnIIn, Qpertino resident livin;r next to POrtal
Parle, stated that sucb a facility at Nan Allen ......'ld
benefit the area. She urged cnmci1 to B\JR>'...L J\ß'1.·.
"It"""" .
Kathy Itflee, ~ Qunoh:w- of 0. .....,.... 8 tted a
resolution of Sut¥ ...t for the ......$.JSed ðlt::i care center.
Joel Spiegel, San Jose, an Aqùe euplayee, said that
c.pùity ðlt::i c:arP is hard to find. He felt that this is
1oot1at Apple prrmoi -118 to provide. Mr. Spiegel stated that
Apple is the JIICBt ethicall'Y'W1Olllnú.ty-oriented ~ he has
'«Irked for ani _ -oyO the opiniŒl that ~le 10ICUld 1oIOrk
to resolve prc:blems.
KDI71'ES or 'DŒ n:JRJAR! 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXOIC':IL J'JUa".uG
H1ylli8 Taylor P1anJœ, 10117 N. Portal AverJJ8, said that
there are IBI1Y .........-,œ in that area. She UIged 0U1Cil
not: to 1r..... -, tœ p......... of c:tú1dren allowed. SbI al80
stated that c:rœain;r guazds wcu1d be ~ year round, all
EII8lyn n_i"lp, PœBident, Bumyvale-QJpert1no 1IIII8riœn
Asøoc1at.ic:n of tbiV8lBity NaIIIIn, 811 E1mira Drive,
SUnnyvale, .1ß- (kled A¡:ple'. "R"""'.
Huylee D........, ati) ibid, said she felt the CJII8trl.dinI¡
i8aaa is good CJ.I&lity day caœ am expressed "lIP ",t. for
SUsan Nixcn, an A¡:ple eaployee, also BIW...t.ed Awle'.
"R""" 1 .
Kathy Mollett, A¡:ple eaployee,........ -ed the .:¡pinicn that
there is a need for geed CJ.I&lity day caœ am she wcu1d
taka ~ rcut:e she wcu1d be instmcted to taka. SbI
said that she bad ....,- to a work mate and thII!Iy wcu1d
drive t.cgIItha" to the day caœ C81tsr ~ wcu1d eJJminate
cna car en the ......_t.
Lindsay o::ac, 3312 casa GtGlœ Drive, san RaIIal, also
"W",led the need for a day caœ center. He said that
A¡:pla is a phiJ.ant:bzqrl... -,,-.~ and has ccntrib1t:ed IIUCh
to the lY'OIOIII"1!ty. He stated that he wcu1d not use
r-"fþt1- ..LlJUUd aL.._ts.
Alfred sauter, 10300 N. Partal Avena, said that a day caœ
C81tsr is urx!eøirable in that area and that it was not fair
to asJc his fmdly to suffer.
I.awr81ce Tan, 0Jpert:in0, said that he was "'''¥L B ..Un¡ the
puwJts of 1a1r mi1m-en (A¡:ple Class of -r..................). He
said he does not work for A¡:ple. He does have c:tú1dren in
the 1a1r ~..."...... and does SUR> '" L the A¡:ple "R"""'. He
~ Id the c:pinicn that the prOOl_ ccWd be 1ouLkod
~ t. Pet:8rsc:n ad.:h. ad CCJunci1 am said that he and his
wife are both eaployees of A¡:ple. H:Jst families haV8 both
parents ~ for· ,- and need good åúld caœ.
Mr. Petersen told CCJunci1 that A¡:ple eaployees are
l'espa!SJb1e people and if directed to OŒ1Sider the oa~u
of the neighbors, that will be dcne.
David l"Jo--nes, A¡:ple eaployee, said that he lives in a
fragile neighbaxhcod in Palo Alto and wœld 'Æloane a day
caœ center liJœ this in his neighl..oll~.
pIIn'C<"~ 10:05-10:15 p.m.
It was 1IICMiId by Q:Iunc. Vi\JD3Y, secxu;],,d by CCUnc. Jchœon
and PO-,d with CCUnc. Gatto abstaining to close the pnhHC
00uncil t'li"C'-"1'9d the fcmuatia1 of a user CCIIIIIittee
CCI1Bisting of resJdents,.......... ulatives frail the City, the
Sc:bool District and A¡ple. 'Ihe CCIIIIIittee CXAJld .I......... L bI!Ick
to 00uncil six mcnths after the site is in use.
It was 1IICMiId by Q:Iunc. P1\JD3Y, seOQ..,Jo.d by CCUnc. Jå1rJscn
and p"~-ed with CCUnc. Gatto abstaining to deny the ~1.
of Plannin;J ChmIiR9icn decisien ðl¥<""in3 ~licaticn
18~-85 (A1rën:.ied) as filed by Godfrey H..IIJ;a1 and MIRy C.
It was 1IICMiId by COï...ïC. Pl\JD3Y, BeCX:I1ded by CCUnc. Jàmscn
and p"e-1!d with M'ayt'æ- Sparks t'li~- _1Lin;J and Q:Iunc. Gatto
abstaining to ~U'/e the A¡ple ~, with deJ.eticn of
Ccnditicn No.9, with tiW3 ~uVal limited to A¡ple
tenancy and inc1\Xlinj A¡ple cxntrib1tien of crœsin3 guards
ani crœswalJœ, right turn ally cut of the Nan Allen
puXinq lot, installatia1 of a key card system for sc:hoo1
district vehicles frail the Merrltt-Mariani area, 24-hcur,
seven day a 1IIeek BeO.Irity gu¡ml and el.:.;L....J.c BeO.Irity for
the facility, payment for ram trip tusin3 of sc:hoo1
åú.ldren livin;r in that area to be dcne by the scbJo1
district, and fcmuaticn of a user CCIIIIIittee;J of
msidents, the City, scbJo1 district and A¡ple. 'Ibis
OCIIIIittee will ...........t to CCJunci1 six mcnths after the site
is in use. staff will look at possible locatiCX1S for a
step sign if CX1S is nee: !I%Y. Council retains the right
to review the use pemit at time of user CCIIIIIittee ...........L
to add fUrther mitigatiat -'"'JJ:'eS if ne<:"""s_ty. CCJunci1
directed that A¡ply OCI1Stantly ~nú.cate to Employees the
need to stay off neighJxn:bcod ..L.....ts.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jå'Insa1, sec.:..:Jo.d by Q:Iunc. Pl\JD3Y
and po-1!d with CCUnc. Gatto abstainin;r to deny the "R'"""
of 1<¡:pl icatien 35-FA-85 filed by Godfrey H..IIJ;a1.
Uþ:I1 the mentien of a referendur.1 petit:.ia1, the City
Attomey stated that this was not a legislative actien, it
is not referendab1e as it is not subject to the legislative
3l. Awlicatia1 39-U-86 of DeAnza Prq¡erties - Use PeJ:mit
to amend an exiting use pemit (~licatia1 2-U-86) to
Public hear-
ing closed
User committe.
and Mungal
appeals denie.
Apple appeal
approved with
Hungal appeal
of 35-EA-85
MINUl'ES C1P '!HE FEE!RUARJC 17, 1987 CI'1Y <XUICIL J'II:oI:i.I.'~
31. (cc:ntin.wad)
0CI'IV8rt 4,400 sq. ft. of offioe speoe to œta1l IIpIICIII
and EnvircInI8rt:a1 Review: 'Ibe project was previø.Ialy
.-- Iii, hence no envirc:nDenta1 acticn is 1"'; fry.
'1ba À&_Li' is located en the north side of Stav8w
creek Bculevard, ~y 400 ft. east of D*Iza
Bculevard. :-. -.)jed for awo-.nal.
It was IICMId by CCUnc. Gatto, 1IéC>..IIA.c1 by CCUnc. J..b.......
and P-- B d UI1IUÛII:JU8ly to awo-uV8 A¡plication 39-U-86 of
Ddnza ~_tieø per PlanniD:J n-o-i_icn Resoluticn No.
Jåm Vidcvi.d1, a¡:plicant, aŒiressed CCJunci1 regarding a
recpsted lIIOCtificaticn to the ~.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1 and SEIOCI'Ided by CCUnc. Gatto
to 1'E!IIICIII8 the asterisk note and parameters listed clli'8ct1y
abav8 en pIIIg8 31-4. 'Ibe mct.icn and seccn1 ware withch.......
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoctA.c1 by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and
P"'- eli UI1IUÛII:JU8ly to ðWXuV8 ÞßIliœtien 39-U-86 per
PJ.ar1nin;r n--i....iœ\ Resoluticn No. 2S~2 lIIOCtified to _.....
any œta1l that ~.....ateG offioe level or less pecUtted
32. AßIJ,icaticn 4-u-&7 of Hcbil Oil OOl~atien - Use
Pemit to qleLate an gas statiat 24 hcurs a
day and Enviza1mentaJ. Review: 'Ibe project is
categarlca11y ~l, hence no envira1ment:a1 acticn is
I""':- My. '.DJe prqJeJ:ty is located en the scuth side
of SbMIns creek Boulevard beb/ee'. Miller Avenue and
East Estates Driw. Reo:-· ··-Idtod for awo-.nal.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, s-....A.c1 by CCUnc. J......-..n
and p"--11i with CCUnc. ~ ..i- ..LlD¡ to awo-we
AßIJ,icaticn 4-u-&7 per PlanninI] n--i llUJicn Resoluticn No.
33. Naw.
34. Naw.
.. - ... .:>",..,~
MINUl'ES œ '!HE ~ 17, 1987 CI'1Y <XXH::ILJ'IUoJ:.uG
35. F-q-t traa "the 0akB" far reooglliticn of the 4th
arnal 0Jpertin0 a.ny BlonaD Festival as an official
cultural festival of the City and other a&8istance.
It was IIICMId by CCUnc. ~'" ~dtod by cmnc. Gatto ani
P"--td unaniJIIcusly to· _uv'8 recogniticn as an official
cultural 8!.W'It of 0Jpertin0, to waive the fee for bmnBr
and to 8WLwe no puXin;J signs en the north and æst sides
of Ka1y for saturday cmly.
36. po.oç--t traa the Iægue of ca1ifamia Cities for ilplt
regarding tbe!r )IL' ~~ ~ and dues increase.
It WIIS IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, -.....dtod by cmnc. Gatto and
po"-ed unaniJIIcusly to _we the increase in fees.
37. Ca1sideraticn of an ....."""...:f ominance relatin;J to no
pazkin;J and rest:rlct:ed puXin;J en stevens creek
Boulevard in the vicinity of the post office.
(a) th.""""-'Y Ordinance No. 1405: "An Ordinance of the
City Council of the City of Qpertino A1IIen:linI¡
Secti.aIs 11.24.150 and 11.24.170 of the QIp8rtino
ltmi"Ípal QxJe, RB1atin;J to stqping, starding or
ParJci.nJ, en stevens creek Bculevard, ani Dec1ari:ng
the th.".....y 'n........t."
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl.un;nt, SèOo.Adtod by Gatto and
P"-lId unaniJIIcusly to rem Ordinance No. 1405 by title cmly
and the City Cledt's reacU.n:J to CXßItitute the reacU.n:J
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, BeCXI'Ided by 0:u1C. Pl\JD3Y and
P"--sð unaniJIIcusly to S1aCt Ordinance No. 1405, and to
direct staff to look at the p""""ibility of IIICI'IirJ;J the
~ racks.
38. QJnsideraticn of an ordinance requestinq falX""WY
veÞlc"b"t' step at Rcdriguee Aver'1J8 and '1'orr8 Aver'IJ8.
(4) First ~ of Ordinance No. 1406: "An
Ordinance of the City CCUncil of the City of
QIp8rtino A1IIen:linI¡ 5ect:.ien 11.20.030 of the
Qpertino Itmici~ COde Relatin;J to All
Direc::t:.icnù Vehicular step Required at CertAin
IntersectiCl1S. "
Blossom Fes-
League of
Cities fee
Reading of
ord. 1405
Urgency Ord.
1405 enaeted
First read-
ing of ord.
Budget session
date changed
iiII.rm Dis-
.-ge Study
Second reading
of Ord. 1399
Ord. 1399
MDI71D or 'Dm rn-LJllR( 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXDaL 1'JIW:a'.uG
It 1IIU 1IICMId by Ocunc. Plungy, ~ð4 by 0:Iun0. Gatto and
p" T 11 \IIIIInÚDJ8ly to r..s ordinance No. 1406 by title cnly
and the City Cledt'. ~ to a:œtitute the f1r8t
l8IIeUnJ tb.....ut.
39. P-q-t for ~ of $2,000 1'raa the Minar lbII!
~-,""'d. PUnd for axtrigueB~ BculevarcI 1iL.._t
It 1l1li8 1IICMId by Ocunc. Plungy, .......dtd by Ocunc. Gatt.. ani
po>-sl! untIIWaaJsly to _we the 1WJJ8IIt for
40. ~-t for ånrx]e of date for Marth 11 b.Idget s- !en.
By o..._JnSUS, Ocuncil set the meet:in;r for Marå118, 1987.
41. p.q-t for ~ for stœ::m ~ study;
$3,000 1'raa the MIIst:er stœ::m DI:ain PUnd.
It was IIICWId by Ocunc. ~.., secxrxfed by CCUnc. Jœ.-....
ani po>- II! \II1aI'ÚDc:Qsly to ~uv'8 the J:8CpISt for
42. Na1e.
43. Seo....d reIIItinI¡ and __ I -·,L of ordinance No. 1399:
-An cm:Unanoe of the City Council of the City of
QJpertim A1IInUn¡ ðuqT- 16.40 of the ~
Ib'oif'!fpal Q:de by AdcptinI¡ "tJhifcma Pù8 o:de, - 1985
!W.ticn, AM-·1foes I-A t!JraJgh VI-A.-
It 1l1li8 IIICWId by Ocunc. Plungy, sec....dtod by CCUnc. G&Uu and
po>--Id untIIWaaJsly to read ordinance No. 1399 by title cnly
and the City Cletk'. ~ to CClWtitute the eeoc.d
readin;r the.....4.
It was IIICWId by Ocunc. Gatto, sec....dtod by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and
P"~-!I! untIIWaaJsly to enact: om1Mnce No. 1399.
44. Seco.d l8IIeUnJ and .b..t..-.L of ordinance No. 1404:
-An ominance of the City Council of the City of
0Jpertin0 A1Da'xtirq -ien 1 of ominance No. 2 by
Rezaún!J Pl~t.1" trcm BQ Zcne to Rl-7.5 Zcne and Rl-10
Zcne; located en the Nart:hwest and Sa.rt:hwest a........... of
Fcot:hi11 Boulevard and Sal_ Aveme."
Second readiDI
of ord. 1404
Ord. 1404
Closed session
Price fixiDI
Letter from
-. ,···.....;~·~~....'..r·"~."1i.'.:
MINUl'ES OF '!HE ~UKIIIR!r 17, 1987 cr¡y a:aaL ~.uu
It .. IEInd by CCUnc. P.l.ungy, Mo...ð4 by 0Dun0. Gtd.tu a~
1"'- It! ~y to r..s CItdiœnce No. 1404 by tit]..
cnly and the City Cledt'. r..s1D¡ to CCIIStitute the MOo..ál
~ t.b.4...4.
It VIllI II:MId by CCUnc. Gktlu, eeooidad by CDInc. P.l.ungy and
V--tt! unarüacusJ.y to enact omiJIIInce No. 1404.
45. Naw.
'Ibe City Attamey announced that Council 1IICU1d adjcum to a
'"-lOlled s tm œgarcIin¡ initiatirJ¡ (GcN.r...._,L
axle Sectiœ 54956.9 (c) and significant ~JEIa to
lit:J.gaticn (Gc:III-._.t. axle Sectiœ 549!56.9(b) (1), and also
regazdinr¡ the ""'q,i·itia1 of real .......-.L)'.
At 11:10 p..., the -.t:in;r adjau:ned to a {'losed MOOJkn.
At U:22 p.m., the II88tinr:¡ was recx:nvened in open sees!en
in the Council ~.
0::Junc. p~ S' íL:
Gatto, J~__i, P.l.ungy, ~'" Mayer SpII11œ
staff ~ : 4.:
City *ioo:I- Quinlan
City Cledt 0:Imel.Jus
D:lrectœ of PIti1c NarJœ ViskDvi.à1
J.>.inIctar of Pl.IImin;r ani D8Ya],., d. Q:Jwan
City Att..u-1' Kilian
Alloøged prloe fix1nq en bids - It was IIICMId by 0UIc.
Gatto, seo...A4 by CCUnc. lbJ8:t:1I and p-B-ad UI1IUÙJIØJS1y to
recpISt: to be v...'"""" by the Attamey GeI....ál regardin;J a
lawsuit en price fbdn;r.
Letter ftta Mr. and MrB. Mæ1n - It was IIICMId by 0UIc.
Gatto, secx:tA4 by CCUnc. lbJ8:t:s and p"e-ed UI1IUÙJIØJS1y to
direct staff to infOl'll the Hams that the CCJunci1'.
""","i..icn was reflected in the City Manager's letter.
. .
MnÐD:9 ", 'DIE &,---uIIR!C 17, 1987 C1'1Y ~ _-.UG
...",4-U:icn of ~_t.z, tba Coffey ~ _ ~ _
.:MId by Oaœc. GMUv, _Ad by 0:Iuna. ~. &nS p"'--lcI
~y to _...... ~'i.H:icl1 for tba -.:JUnt 0:
At 11122 p..., O:Iuncillllljcmnød to 7100 p..., I'III:Iruuy 24,
1987, G..A.__ lb:a, to ~ "W1 iœnt8 for tba Fine
Arts n-4_i...,.
of Coffey
d: Cl.8Ek '