CC 02-24-87 .- CI'1Y OF <I1I'Ðn'IØ:>, S'IM'B OF ~ 00-71.3A Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DeAnza Boulevard Interim o:ux:il ~: 10500 N. DIIAnza Boulevard QJpert1no, CA 95014 '1"'1, I tCI'I8: (408) 252-4!50!5 MI1«1rm OF '!HE ADJOORIŒD RIDJIAR CI'1Y O'XH:IL 1'IUa'.uG HEm œ ~~ 24, 1987 Dr '!HE CXIIFERE2a KXJI INmRIK CI'1Y HALL, 10430 S. IE AND BCXJU.'VARD, UJ.t'mU:.UIO, aLI!I:RaA au. 'lO æœR At 7:05 p.m. Mayer sputcs ...."ed the ..tin;r to ....&... in the CDIfer..._ Rota, Interim City Hall. IN'IERVIEH; OF APPLICANl'S RR FINE AR1B CXHIISSIœ CCUncil interviewed the fol1.owi.rJ;J 'll'Pliœnts: Janet E. Rindneiscb, ~ A. ~- '=', Deborah E. AMen, Daria B. Beezley, Ini""lbet:h R. BingbmI, Dcnsld L. BI:œnac, Mazy Alma ,.......,,"', JUdy D. Ih._, III!Irj J. Early, m-n", J. Et.tiJIJer, Carol K. Carl., Daris J. Hany, Rå:)erta B. ""'H-.,, Shirley L. K:l.ncshita, J'atbleEm R. I.f.msay, Marjorie W. Kiltcn, valerie K. ~y, Jean K. RapIdn, JI!IIII88 A. Rivera, Nancy D. Roslund, J_ R. ~, Nancy H. steele, William E. Vincent and I%vin H. Weœter. Am>INDŒNrs 'lO c:x:tHISSUIf It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoo..xl by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and PO-,d \IrIIIItiJIDJSly to 'ß'Oint In iaabeth R. BiD:Iham to the n--i-tm. It was IIICMICl by CCUnc. Gatto, seocuc1l:.d by CCUnc. ~.. and p"-;ad \IrIIIItiJIDJSly to "ß'Oint Deborah E. AMen, m-ib J. Ettin;Jer, Daris J. Haz%y, IU:....la B. Jfo1Hwww¡, V8lerie It. ~y, JI!IIII88 A. Rivera, Nancy D. Rœlund and Nancy H. steele to the n--i...ien. Council, by 00......_, stated that the n--i-iawrø ....."" draw straws at the fimt meet:in;r to det:emine the 1en;Jth of their tams. Council also directecl that staft set up a date prior to mid M/u:å1 tor the t'hIni-ien's fimt ~. '!he ..tin;r was adjœrned at 10:20 p.m. // Interviews of spplicants for Fine Arts Commission Appointments to Fine Arts Commission - ..... .. - -- CI'1Y C1P aJIml'DI), 8IME OF C'ALDtRfrA 00-71.4 rntaria City Ball: J.0430 S. DeAnza Bcu1.øwrd rntaria 0cunciJ. ~: 10500 Il. ~ Boultward QIpert.1no, CA 95014 'I'c>',,\ laq: (408) 252-4505 KDI71m OF '!HE REDJIAR C1'1'! <XXJNCIL MI!Zl'DC m:m œ JmRœ 16, 1987 III '!HE INlERDI CXXK::IL awœœ, 10500 Il. œ ANZA Ea1U.VARD, ~.u«>, CALDœaA Mayor SpImœ ....."ed the meetinq to order at 6:45 p.m. SAII7lE 'II:) '!HE FlAG R>IL CAIL CCUnc. PrT S' .L: Gatto, Ja..~" Pl\JD3Y, Rogb...., Mayor Sparks staff Pr ,L: City Manager Quinlan Deputy City Clmk Wolfe Dizector of Public WoJ:iœ VisJccvich Dizector of ~ and DIMù''1.....,¡jL 0:Iwan Director of Finance Snyder Dizector of ParD and Recœaticn Dow1in;J Assistant to the City Manager Brown City A1:tamøy Kilian ~ - It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Bog-.., seo...docl by CCUnc. Gatto and 1"'-,:1 unan1JacusI.y to 1'eIIICIY8 Item No. 42 and to cxmtirue Item No. 55 to Mim:h 30, 1987. ŒREXIIIAL MATrEæ - ~ Prcc:.1amaticn I1i!IIIIin;r Mard1 20, 1987 as "Earth Day.. Kayar SpImœ Pl B ,Led the proc:].aaticn to Arlene and Dean JacciJs and a....,..t. and Miå1elle Jelind1. aw.. CXHIIaCMICH;; Mr. Medfcmi L. Snyder ~ the sign ardinarx:8 _ n--- as Mr. Snyder was not Pl d. at this th8, Council stated they wculd hear this it&a at the enS of the 8gIDk. Betty Ham, I8Bgue of 1baan Voters, !ld;...t.v.ed Mavis Slllith 1Ò) will be an ~.... for the I.eague at Council meet.ings. -1- Postponements League of Women Voters . ABC Licenses Nu:,,¡snce abatement ordinance Code Enforce- ment report . Treasurer'r report Legislative Keview Coa, . MDI71D OF '!HE IWDI 16, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNCIL hui..:.ue (CX>-714) BJU1P ~ 1. Oral ..........t..s by staff. Jo6.L. ani ..-i_tm of written l..........ts. AltWv-,Hc Bell..."¥" Liœnee - Requests for: pow,if'tc Fresb, 2l2!5!5 Bt:ev8ns Ct'8eJt Bculevard; O'Malley'. PlaMr Sbcp, 10!5!55 S. ~ Bcu1øvard; --:;-ock I.aJn;Je, 19880 a..tead lad. Council exp.. ul no cbj_i..., to tba i-œnce of tba 1io.. I U. Ci'tvlfh.- "'8~-."L By c... - ..., C:amcil r8CpISted that a.....· 1.~ JI1isance abtt8BJt ardinance be JJrought to Council at tba April 11188tiJ'1¡, at 1obid1 tb8 a date oculd be eat for a po"" in hearirr¡. 2. ~t. of Qxå Ð1f1.&.......,...d. activity PL I .led by Director of P.1am1nr¡ ani ~'1. ,L. 'Ibe 1.'¥J.L L was IlCœtlted. 3. ~L traa TnIIIsurer for l8bJ:'uuy, 1987 and h"'9"': qxJate. 'Ibe 1......... L was "<" ~ ad. CXU«::IL ~ 6. 0:Iunc. Jd1n&.... - T~.'''tiW BEwiew a:.mittee - It WII8 II:MId by CCUnc. J\À-...., ~Ad by 0:Iunc. Gatto and r- ! J ~y to taka tba fo11.owi.ng' _i~ ~ Po'~ J.egisl.aticn: Stw ~t. sa 181 (I'eene), lJmuy bcn1 !8øue; SB133 ~), .~b. Lee ho11nt, third party hIInd11J1q; and SB 194 (Boa1:IIricþt), ..... _,.., Old 11 . )10- PØDlite; AS 166 (Jfon~) and AS 425 (Agnes), aba14.k:4 Vllh1n1. trust fUnd; AS 1318 (1WIce), tart r6f1....., mcognize a CXIIpIZatiw fault ð8fe1_ to inv8ne ......-. at.icn l-.ut:8; sa 516 (BI....~ nu), aut:l'&...lty for Qaltrarw to c....t...cd. for en;iœering 88t'Vices; and AS 815 (Areias), r.t.. InH.... en puk1n;r of larga t:nx::JCII in 1'88idsttial dJatrictB. Oì y..... Sectiaw 3-4 of AS 1013 (BaJœr), and sa 662, h~ trailer bill; sa 512 (Ellis) , alBldI.-,1;¡¡ to sign ardinances prch1bited unI.e. illegal signs first abated: AS 1099 (Elder), mandat.my -'i ..tic:n 1oh!n r8CpISted by peaoø officers or -2- MDI11ES ap mE ~ 16, 1987 C1'lY ctUCL Mœ1'I1«: (00-714) riret~1 sa 269 (lfqp), hazazdcu8 matarlala, l"IIp-1. p,¡blic a'ltity ~ in Prep. 65,.AS 768 (Floyd) , 0.... -, ed 1ri8!IpCo. permits,.AS 1374 (Corte8e), redøv81-.--,L, ame..c!b..,L to stataDent of ~. Røfer Sectiat 1 of .AS 1013 am SB 662, bd}It trailer bills, to City KanIIger. JlIoc:p-t infODllltticn en SB 229 (I.ecnmi) , expanaicn of Balee tax base to inoJ.,..... 1IIIÚl-......:1I.L Bal. and haDe Bhqpin¡ services. p.q-t review of SB 140 and SB 176 ([Iao.\1o.h), mjor t:ranspartatJ,c fUndin¡. cœsœr CAœfDo\R (It is re&pISted that ItEas 9 thraJgh 37 be acted en sbultanecusly unless separate df..,.,,,,,,,,icn ancvor acticn is r8CpISted by Council, staff or B_,J -er of the p,¡blic.) It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, ......dod by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y am p"--eli 1.Ir1IUWacus1y to ðt¥Luv'8 the a.. r IL calendar as sutmitted. 9. Claim of IC>ti-r Cement o.....-...at:.icn against City of 0Jpertin0 - Claim for læWtH.w ~ ani indeaU.ty- and :t'eCpISt for rejectiat. 10. Reso1ut.icn No. 7097: "A Resolut.icn of the City Council or the City of 0Jpertin0 Initiatin;J A. _ _ifnga for Am8Irat.icn of .46 + Acre located en the Nart:b side of Dolaœs AwnJe bet.__, ~ AwnJe and <k...t; 8 AwnJe (AHf 357-14-23) Designated 'Dolores AwnJe 86-04'." 11. Wldwr of tIus1ness 1iœœe fees: (a) ~i9l1 Calitamia (b) Citizew Acticn T-;¡ue. 12. Reso1ut.icn No. 7098: "A Resolu'-..icn of the City Council of the City of Qprtino Allcwin¡ Oartain l"1..f""" ani r "Ids Payable in the Amcunts and FJ:aa the !\Inds as B8reinatter Deøcribec1 for Gen$..cù. and Kisce11anecus ExpEntitures for the Period Eh:Unq FebruiIxy 13, 1987." 13. Rasolut.icn No. 7099: "A Resoluticn or the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwin¡ 0IIrtain C"I..i_ ani c...-ä. Payable in the Amcunts ani trcD the PUrØ as B8reinatter Deøcribec1 ror Salariee and Wages for the Payroll Period Ending FeJ:Iruazy 17, 1987." -3- Consent Cal- endar approved MINUl'ES OF 'DIE MARCH J.6, 1.987 Cl'lY CXUK:IL MEE'l'nG (00-714) 14. Rasolut.icn No. 7100: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpørtino A1lcwing' C8rtain l"'I..i""" ani Db-..dao Payable in the A1IIamts ani Fraa the !\1nds as H8r:einatter DIIIIc::rjbed for Gell81al and Hi"Oellanecus ElcplnUt:uree for the Period ErIiing Februazy 27, 1987." 15. Rasoluticn No. 7101: "A Resoluticn of the City CCUnci1 of the City of QJpørtino Allowin;J C8rtain l"'I..i""" ani DeIIIIIms Payable in the A1IIcuntø and trcm the P\mds as H8r:einatter DIIIIc::rjbed for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Enctin:J Marå1 3, 1987." 16. Resolut.icn No. 7102: "A Reso1utien of the City Council of the City of 0Ipertin0 Declarin;J Intent to O:nb::t a PUblic Hearin:¡ a..........ain¡ a Nuisance at '1be QJpertino ProfessimaJ. Offioe center, 19925 stevens creek Boulevard. " 17. Rasolut.icn No. 7103: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Declarin;J Intent to O:nb::t a PUblic Hearin:¡ a.........,tinq a Nuisance at 7733 Rain1:x::Jw Drive. " 18. Resolut.icn No. 7104: "A Resolutien of the City Council of the City of 0Ipertin0 Dec::larin;r Intent to O:nb::t a Public Hearinq a..........ain¡ a NUisance at Ccpy Mart, 20065 stevens creek Bculevard." 19. Resolut.icn No. 7105: "A Resoluticn of the City CaIncil of the City of 0Ipertin0 Declarin;J Intent to O:nb::t a Public Hearin:¡ a..-..-:nin; a Nuisance at Texaco Gas/OJality 'lUne tJþ, 10002 N. DI*1za Bouløvard." 20. RI_ -_ and l'Y'IIIp'..1nt filed by MerxIoc1no Electric, Inc. a ca1itamia 0:IEparaticn ani Walter Griggs. 21. At11.ólL._ -_ and l'Y'IIIp,,,tnt - R8t.ired PUblic Ðrployeeø AEociaticn of calitamia, et al., v. City of San Mateo and Q:Junty of Rivemide, et. al, 22. Resoluticn No. 7106: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Initiatin;r PL. ....-.lings for Annexaticn of 1.72+ Acres located en the North side of Rairi:x:Iw Drive bel ø., Weymot:h Drive and stellin;J RœId (AFN 362-10-3) Deeignatsd 'Rairi:x:Iw Drive 87-01'." 23. Resolut.icn No. 7107: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino FBtablishirq Dats and IDcatia:a for Jœtinq Agenda of the Fine Arts cnm.i "E'ia:a. " -4- . MINUl'ES C1P '!HE MARCH 1.6, 1.987 CI'IY CXXJNCIL MEETI1Ç (00-71.4) 24. RIIIolutiat No. 7108: "A Rasoluticn of the City O:luncil of the City of QJpertino Autharizin;J EIœcutia1 of ~ ,L with City of SUnnyvale PrcNidin;J for the H:x!ifiœt1at of Traffic a...,L...\Ù. Signal 8yBtem and Safety I.f.9ht:in;J at Hc:IIIestsad RcIId and HollenbecJc AWnJe,lstel1in;J Roed." 25. Resalutiat No. 7109: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QIpertino Aocept:ing Grant of JI'.Joo~ For ~ PuI¡>c:S1S tJ:aa Wesley c. SàIro..cJt.r and Darlene J. Sd1xceœt. <D1Bi.st.in;J of ~tsly .09 Acres, located at the East side of RarxIy lane south of P\........t Aveme." 26. Rasolutiat No. 7UO: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino J\pproIrinq Final Plan for the ~ of Fra1tage located en RarxIy lane Døvelcper, Wesley c.~ and Darlene J. SC:hmeder Autharizin;J the City ED3ineer to Sign the Final Plan; and Autharizin;J EIrec::utiat of Agl..-.-,L in 0x1necticn '1h8røwith. " . 27. Resalutiat No. 71ll: "A Rasoluticn of the City CCUncil of the City of QJpertino J\pproIrinq a...,L...aet ~ Order No. 5 far Lima Vista Perk, Project 86-U4." 28. Resalutiat No. 7112: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino J\pproIrinq a...,LL-.:t. ~ Order No. 5 for DB Anza Boulevard Wi.deninq, Project 86-20." 29. Resaluticn No. 7113: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino J\pproIrinq a...,LLaCt 0W9I Order No. 5 for stevens creek Bouløvazd-Stellin;J Roed ~"""""jLs, Project 85-03." 30. Rasoluticn No. 7114: "A Rasoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Appravin;J a...,L........"t 0W9I Order No. 3 for stevens creek Boulevard ~u-._IL, Project 82-17 and 01ange Order No. 4 for Foat:hi.11 Boulevud. ~uv'emeuL, Project 80-09" (Joint Projects)." 31. Rasolutiat No. 7115: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin;J Ex8c:ut.icn of Deferred I.JL........,L with Alan and RIo~ stoclr1_h- for the ~""S-,L of Fra1tage AlCD] Old QJpertino Roed At stevens creek Bculevard." 32. Rasoluticn No. 7U6: "A Rasoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Autharizin;J ~Jtiat of Deferred Agl........,L with Reger D. Ande:t:e..., for the ~U\/__,L of Fra1tage AlCD] 22216 0Jpertin0 RcIId." -5- a · MINUl'ES OF mE MARœ 16, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL ~.uG (CX>-714) 33. ~ 3o-u-as - Mazr10tt o-_.dJau ~ ~ of a w.~ ..... pIan tor the Fincb AwrIa 8ICt8IUa\ narth of Stevens Cteek BculevaJ:d. 34. ~ of min1tes of œgu1ar City Q:IuncilIElJt:in;r held en Febt'Imy 2, 1987 (CX>-712). 35. ~ of mimtes adjcumød 1""9"- City Council IØItirJ¡ held en Februa1y 3, 1987 (CX>-7l2A). 36. ~ of mimtes of œgu1ar City Q:IuncilIElJt:in;r held en Febtuaty 17, 1987 (00-713). 37. ~ of mimtes of adjcumød regular City Council IØItirJ¡ h81d en Februa1y 24, 1987 (CX:-7l3A). Y2t§ I· J ...,. of the City /"n,.".i, AYES: Gatto, Jù..-...., Pl\JD3Y, ~'" SpalkB H:E9: HcrIe þ ABSEm': HcrIe AI3S'mIN: Na'I8 l'1D6 REXWm PKII CXIÐ2f1' CAInmm 38. Naw. PVBLIC æAtmœ 39. ~ of ~l of PJ.aminq n--f_ia1I1Ru-\Nal of ~ 2Q-1Df-86, J'all~ð... DaYeJ., ~ d. cmp.1 Joe IUd Mazy ø..n.....J.d, 'W"""'1t8. 'Ibis applicat.icn ~ a fc:Iur--lot IRIb:U.visicn en the WEISt IÚ.d8 of stellin¡ Bœd ~y 150 ft. ID.1th of oak I'--~"'W (DIrt. þ Di%8ctar of Plamin¡ and DIIYeJ., ~ ··.....L Q: w¡m rev1.swed the "IW'"" 1 with Council. Joe HcCa1ald, 'W"""l1t, stated that he feels his }'L~t.y is beinq isolated. He feels the hœse shculcl trcrJt en stellin¡ rather than the 011 de --~. He also stated cbject:.ia'18 to the cinder wall and said a CXI1t.ùurt:icn of the cedar fence with spaoe alcn;r the fence for 181'.....($1.. was acœptabJ.e. -6- MINt1IES C1P '!HE lARCH 16, 1987 CI'1Y cx:u«:::IL =xMG (CX>-714) Bill Heiss, civil qineer for the project, spoJœ CI1 behalf of KellY""G-ð..1I1 DIMtl.........IL cmp. , applicant far the sul:xiiviaiat. Be ..i....--1I:1 the or!entaticn of the house, stated that t.L'a1tinq the house en the aü de sac will help eliminate hearinr¡ and seein¡ the traffic en st:ellin¡ lad. He also stated the opiniat that there is a safety prcbJ.em involved in get:tjzç CI1 and off stelling. He stated there is no loqical œaa... for 1'ra1tinq the house CI1 stelling, but that he umeœtood Mr. McCcnald's 0CIi...-..... as he has a "key" lot. CCUnc. Roge..... as1œd if there was anyt:hinq that cxW.d be dale with the p... s d. plan to mitigate Kr. It:DcI1ald's OOI...-.TIS. Mr. Heiss stated that there may be a ~....d.se involvin:.J offsettin:¡ the f~. 0:Junc. Gatto as1œd cpISt.iaw abc:ut the nq.rlred set:œck of the fence tma the ~~l)' line (5 ft.) and the scundwal1 and ....1......108 stat.EIIBJt to the dew],. ,·,-,L IIIE!nt:ia1ed in Mr. Kelly's letter. Mr. Heiss respaldtod that pethaps the 1III'IBaIry wall cxW.d be shartened to end at the midpoint of the hcuse. CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y stated that frcm a safety standpoint it wcu1d be easier for the r-i""'at: to get cut of the aü de œ'IIC cnto st:e1.l.inq than tma the driV&8y. It was IIICIIed by 0:Junc. Gatto, seo....c1aod by CCUnc. Jd1nscn and p"'e-9d UI1a1'1imaJsly to close the Pit'" it'! hearinr¡. It was IIICIIed by 0:Junc. Gatto, sec....c1aod by CCUnc. Ib}e%IS and P'"~-ed UI1IUÛJDr::QIly to deny the "W"'"' and request that Mr. It:DcI1ald and Mr. Kelly 1«JJX together to 1«JJX cut a '""""'¥L.....ise. 40. Applicaticn 8-Z-86 of Dlr-En Sbu - Reza1in¡ frcm Al-43 (Agricultural-Rllsidentia1, 43,000 sq. ft. 1IIiniDmI1ot size) to RlC ~, Sin;J1e-tamily cluster intent) and ~ Review: 'Ihe Planninq no-f_im No:> --Ids the granting of a Negative n-braticn. 'Ihe ~_Ly' is located CI1 the east side of Blaney AverI.Ie, approximately 2!50 ft. north of ReE>-'1 Plaoe. p.:..~" ·-·-mJ tar ~U'/ð1. (a) First readinr¡ of 0tà:Inan0e No. 1398: "An ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amendinq Sectien 1 of 0tà:Inan0e No. 2 by Reza1in¡ Property frail Al-43 Za1e to RlC Za1e, I.oœted CI1 the East side of Blaney Aveme, ~tely 250 Ft. North of Beekman Place." -7- Public hearing closed Appeal denied 20-TM-86 . Public hearing closed Negative Dec. for 8-Z-86 8-Z-86 First reading of Ord. 1398 . . MINU:t'æ OF '!HE MAa:H 16, 1987 CI'1Y cœNCIL Mœl'lH; (CX>-714) Direct:ar of P1aminq and Devel~,L Cowan ~ the appl1caticn with 0:Iunci1. It - IIIOII8S by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, seoca.d.d by CCUnc. Gatto and poo-,d unan1xIuSly to close the public herœinq. It was IIIOII8S by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, seoca.d.d by CCUnc. Gatto ani p---ed unæùJacusJ.y to grant a Negat!w Decl.araticn for ~icat.icn a-z-a6. It was IIICIIed by CaIne. Jåmsa1, seocalded by CCUnc. Gatto and pooen:! unani""'1aly to 8ßA¡.we ARlJ,icaticn 8-Z-a6 per Plannin¡ "'-i_icn Resolutiat No. 3002. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, seca1ded by CCUnc. Gatto and pot-eel ~y to read Ordinance No. 1398 by title cnly ISJÙ the City Manager's readin;r to Ca'lStitute the first !eaIii.rq thet--r. 41. A¡:plicat.icn 1-z-&7 of n..hoor a......1-"4""Uon - Rezarln;J frca A (1qricultural) to Rl-7.5 (Sin;J1e-family, Hesidentia1, 7,500 8CJ. ft. mini:øum lot size intent). A¡p1.icat.icn 2-'IH-87, Tent:atiw Map to subdivide 1 parcel into 22 parcels with lot sizes ranging frca 7,500 8CJ. ft. to 8,800 8CJ. ft. Envi:t:o........¡tal Review: '!he PJ.ann1ng "'-i -!en 1""". -,-, rJs the grant.in;r of a Negat!w Decl.araticn. '!he prcperty is located at the north side of !t¡CJ,e11an Read, a¡:prœdmately 500 ft. east of 0ran;Je AverJ.18. (a) First: readin;r of Ordinance No. 1407: "An Ordinance of the City of Q]partino AIIIendiJvJ secticn 1 of 0xdinIInce No. 2 by Rezaûn;J P1.,+""",Lj' frca A to Rl-7.5 Za'Ie; IDeated at the Nort.'1 side of M.::Cl.e11an Read, A¡:praximately 500 Ft. East of 0ran;Je AV8I'IJ8." Director of PlanninJ ani Devel___,L Cowan reviewed the awlicatiat and stated that the ~ication is for rezarln;r to Rl-7.2 rather than Rl-7.5. ~ Beck, 21720 Alcazar Avenue, said that 1hIn he pJrChased his pl.,+""", Lj' it was with the un:JeJ:st:an:li that }.J.cazar would not be q¡e¡1ad and WQ.Ùd eventually me made into a fotml cul-de-sac. He å>ject:ed to the plan ~ he said he thcught the residential area of }brt;a vista was RI~ to be secl\XJed. He was also oc:noemed regaxdjn;r an increase in traffic if Alcazar were operlad. Am AD)er, President, }brt;a vista IDprcyement As-iaticn and fcmoer President and Vice President of the }brt;a vista fhnA.:M11erS "BS"'Ciaticn, spoJœ regaxdjn;r the separatiat of res.ident:.ia1 frail industrial. -8- MINUl'ES C1P '!HE ~ 16, 1987 CI'1Y <XXH::IL ioIua'.u«; (00-114) St:eII8 Q'Jy, 1036l :n..-lal AVWIJ8, ~ 1.L.tecI a pet:.iticn tn:a the :r:esiœ1tø a1 A''''''....r bebMen 0......". and ~lal asId.n!l tbat the ~. vJSed ext:ensim of ~''''''.... be review8d t:hia ...- at the time of Gw.elal Plan review. He stated tbat they 1oIIBl'8 not 'tI'OSed to the de\M1. '1 IL in ge¡....àl, just the amamt of thraJgh traffic at the 0.......... of ~lal and Alcazar if Alcazar is extended. He stated that he had da'Ie a traffic cnmt traa 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and said that aba1t 800 cars turned to ard traa 0ran38 and McClellan. Director of Public Works VisJa:wiå1 di.....'eeed traffic in the area. A :r:esident a1 Alcazar 1IIho Uvea next door to Iawrence BecIt said he was also assured 1Ih!n he bought his haDe that Alcazar waüd be a cul de sac . He said that the Ib1ta vista stu:!ents drive fast in the area and 1O.Ùd be a safety prå)1811 if they 0CIII8 into the neighbamood. He said the ..t......,;t is safe and quiet and he'd 1JJœ to keep it that way. He said two cul-œ-sacs waüd benefit the pecple a1 Alcazar as wl1 as the new:r:esidents a1 ~1al. Dick Childress, President of J1eJ:.. \I. cmp., stated that they haV8 tried to be "<'(> .,.,. .1atiJxj by IIIOdifyin;r the original plan reganUnq ..t...-ot width, etc. As a result of the BaDe of the JDOdificaticns BaDe of the lots haV8 been ll'rinoed in size. He stated that he has met with BaDe of the xesidents in the area and has no åJject:.ien to goin;r either way xegarcUn;r the extensicn of Alcazar. He said they 1O.Ùd liJœ to ~....-cl a1& way or the other and are txyin;J to 80_-- _.-.- 4ate eveEya18. Mrs. Mario Magnaghi, 2300 RBy Drive, 8.lr1ing1!1me, owner of a lot en A''''''....... åJjected to the extensicn and said WIll dcr\'t œei the traffic. Vixgil Hi9'.-n, 10138 ~ Place, stated that he awns an i1'Idustria1 lot a1 ~lal Averue closer to stevens creek. He sald that 1Ih!n ...._tr ownexs in the area go to the 0:uJty with quest:iœs aba1t the ~_Lr, they are referred back to the City of QIpertino --_ ~ QIpertino li«'i.- is ~ will be. St:eII8 Caf stated that he didn't think anya1e a1 Alcazar or ~la1 wanted the ~. ,.()aed ocurt ~ en IIIt.-lal to be c:han:1ed. He stated the cp1nicn that eveEya18 wants Mr. Childress to go ahead, I::ut the last two lots at the ..t......,;t be held cut pending ~t can be da'Ie this 81- a1 a Gene:t:àl Plan review, then he can reorient those two lots. -9- . Public hearing closed Negative Dec. for l-Z-87 l-Z-87 approve First reading of Ord. 1407 as corrected Negative Dec. for 2-TK-87 ~-ß7 approved BKR in-lieu fees . MDUlES OF '11Œ MIœCH 1.6, 1.987 CI'1Y CXUIC:IL """"'....J.l'IG (00-71.4) Director of P1.ar1ninq an:l D8II8l"",,-ít. C\:MIn ..i....---n'l the General Plan ..... . ......1l'8 requirin;r bolo 1II'o'IBrA-¡ls a Y8U' if there is a need to øc:t-!o,'" a hearin;r. It was IIICII8d by QuIc. J~........., seo.....c1tod by QuIc. Gatto an:l 1"'-'-' unanimcus1y to cloee the p.Iblic hearin;r. It was IIICII8d by QuIc. J..b........, sec....c1tod by CCUnc. Gatto an:l P"-.s unanimcus1y to grant a Negative Declaratic:a for A¡plicatia'l 1-z-a7. It was 'IICII8d by CCUnc. JctøISClIiI, seoa.c1tod by QuIc. Gatto ani P"--,d unanimcus1y to ðt¥Luv'8 A¡plicaticn 1-Z-87 per P1.ar1ninq n-o-i..iœ Rasoluticn No. 2993. It was IIICIIed by QuIc. Pl\JD3Y, seoald..d by CCUnc. Gatto ani po--red unanimcus1y to read ordinance No. 1407 o...........,.'ted to real Rl-7.2 ~ of Rl-7.5, ani the City Mar.."....'. J:'eI!Idin¡ to ccnst.itute the first J:ei!Idirq thereof. It was IIICII8d by CCUnc. J..b.......I, se......c1tod by CCUnc. Gatto and p-- eiS unanimcus1y to grant a Negative Declaratic:a for A¡plicaticn 2-'DH7. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoaùood by QuIc. J..b.~ and P"-.s unanimcuø1y to _we J\ßIlicaticn 2..JIM-87 per P1.annin¡ n-o-i_icn Rasoluticn No. 2994 with ~ticn 12.a, next to laøt ~, ~ied to read, "'Ibe rœd 8ball haV8 a CXI'1WI1t.icœ1 50 ft. right-of-wy with a 32 ft. wide pIMIIII!I'1t sectiCI'I." 42. Rsvisicn of cm:Unanoe settin;J in-lieu fees for Below KamIt Rate hœsirg units. (staff recpBts J:'EIDI::I'Ial). REmcved. PIANNIR; APPLICATIC16 A¡plicaticn 2..JIM-87 of DEi·· .. Cœparaticn - Please _ I~. No. 41. 43. A¡plicaticn !HHI7 of Jesse C. Ban - USe Pemit to cparate a 60 seat restaurant: with 1 i<1'~ service within an existing h1i1dinq ani Ð1vi.raDental RIIview: '1he P1.annin¡ n-o-i_iœ z-,:- ...,-1dø the grantin;J of a Negative Declaratic:a. '1he ....._L.t is 1ccated en the east side of DBI\nza Boulevard, _......Imately 400 ft. north of BoJ.lin; er Rœd. ~. ·.._,ded for _..,¡al. Director of P1.annin¡ and DeIIel"",,-íL Cowan reviewed the a¡:plicatia'l. -10- MD«11ES C1P '!HE ImRaf 16, 1987 CI'1Y <XXJNCIL 1'II:iI!a'.1JG (ro-714) An attamey ..._ B lUng Mr. By8r, the Ì'L_Lf QIInIIl', 1IML_4C1 CJJ88ticnI regardin;J the applicatiat. It was IIDII8d by Q1unc. Jc:hI&o...I, eeo....dI.d by Q1unc. Gatto and r- I] 1.InImhøJs1y to grant a Negative DBc:l.araticn for ARIlicaticn !5-U-87. It was IIDII8d by Q1unc. Jàmsa" ~.dI.d by Q1unc. Gatto an! p---s:! 1.InImhøJs1y to ~we the applic:aticn per Plannin:¡ lhmR4_icn Rasolutia1 No. 2997. CCUnc. Gatto stated that 1018 need the ability to IIIIJæ SUI:8 the l"JIP"'"ity stays at 60 aJSt:aœrs. Mr. Q:Jwan stated that the P1anninq Chlni....ia1 has asIœd that ~f quant:i1y restaurant seatinq in svery restaurant in town; that is being da1e at this tim. 44. ARIlicaticn lo-u-&7 of SUn:] Tae Kim - Use P8lmit to cpe:t:ate a 2,500 sq. ft. d1y c:1eanin;r 8hcp within an exist:in;r IIIx'.Rdn;r center and ~ RiIIv18II: '1b8 project is c:ategari.cally eo.-¥l, hImce no envircnœnta1 ac:ticn is ~e_ty. '1b8 Pl_Lÿ is located en the east side of DeAnza Blvd., çpraximtsly 225 tt. sc:uth of SilvelaC1&" Avenue. ~. "-dI.d tor ðwLwal. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, sec...L1t,d by Came. Jåmsa1 and P"'-«1 ~y to ãwz;we ~Ucatiat 1-{]-87 per PJ.anninJ Chlni-iat Resolutia1 No. 2998. 45. JI{:p' icaticn 9-U-87 of y~ D8II8l.........,L _ Use P8lmit to o.....t.L1.ICt the folladn;r: A 15,000 sq. tt. adcU.ticn to an existinq shq:pin;J center. Exterior lKXÜ.ficatiat to the IIId.stin;J h,i1din;¡s. I\mdn;r an! IaI.1....:,.. lIIIXliticatiaw to the site. Envircn8Jta1 R8view: '1b8 P1anninq Q:mIdssicn po.. -.cJa. the grantin;J of a Negative DBc:l.araticn. '1b8 !&_Lf :fa located en the northeast 0.......... of stAMnI creek Blvd. and ~ Awn.. p..,:> .,.,_ dI.d for ðwLwal. Director of Planninq and Deve1.........'L Q:Jwan want aver the applicaticn witn Council. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jå.D-..", seoo,L1t,d by CCUnc. Gatto and p-- s:! unaniJIrJusly to grant a Negative no.-1..raticn for A¡:plicatiat 9-U-87. -u- Negative Dec. for S-U-87 S-U-87 approved 1-U-87 approved Negaative Dec. for 9-U-87 . M:IH11!S OF '!HE MARaf 16, 1987 CI'1Y cxxmcn. Jotua'.uÇ (00-714) It was IIICMId by <bInc. Jc:h......., seco.Aod by <bInc. Gatto aJ1I1 P"--slS UI1IIrÚJIICU8ly to "'t¥fouv8 Applicaticn 9-U-87 per Plannin:¡ ~i-iCl1 Reso1utia1 No. 3000. 9-U-87 approved ~~: 9:20-9:35 p.m. ~ AND SITE APPRJVAL CXHÐ:TIm: APPLICATIæS 46. Appl.j.caticn ASAC-s1,694.1 - Sellen Sprirç¡ Ranch (Q_~ GrcqI) : :Requesting ir.tormal COW'wal of site, arå1itecturaI., and 1.arw'-ape plans for the firBt ¡bIse of a prøviœs],y ÇPl"OYed planned døY81.........L 10œted at the southeast oo..J~ of Rainbow Drive and upland 1I!y. P& ~ -·-dtaJ for ~wal. . Director of Plannin:¡ and Devel........jL Cowan ...........~ that staff lad œt with l"'tJL s _ILatives of the Q~t GrcqI ani reside1ts of Rainbow Drive to try to gain a 00a_!1'1SU8 en a lap'I... <fIIin;J plan for the north side of the ..L..._t. He '"'CI?'''1ned that the plan that evolved was to laM", "I. the north side and then have SCIII8 (. ...owity en both side of the àt..._t by virtue of maint:ainin;r existing ..t.......ot tl IS and the intrcdix:ticn of SCIII8 new ..L.......t a:-. Jim J~, attamey for Q~t Group, ..i.....-- e3 his letter cutlining the laP'I--.pin¡ plan. DaIa1d SerI1ta, 1249 ~t;h (O""J~ of Rainbow), said he felt that at the1lllletinq Saturday, the neighbars had 6..fo........:! that the nw' i'"8lJt WCUld iDplement; the plan œt did not agree to evetythinq that was PL' ~. He said the œst of mainteœnoe was not r1i......,'1sed. He asJœd. about: a date of CCIIpleticn and said the project neecJs to be mcnitoœd to assure that it's finished in a timely 1IIIII1ner. Mr. Jac""a1 pointed Q1t en the plan the new smplus areas to b8 ~'10.. ~ and stated that the 1andaœpin¡ WCUld be IBintained by the )'InI.... wners. Greg EricIœcn, Q~:f Group, said the st..._t a- will be si-n"r en both sides of the ..t.......ot. ~ attected will åxxJse 1iIat will be planted in the area next: to thair !AL_l:f. Mr. Jac1œcn stated that he didn't think agl_jt. had best ~ as to extendinq the ..i~fll&lk th%œgh the rai1.rœd tracJcs. . Jim Sievers, G1.~:f GrcqI, stated that the ccn:titions of a¡:prcyal 'TEK'ifically stats that the døY81cp1r will deve1q:>er up to the railroad right-of-way. 'Ihe ccn:titions -12- MINUl'ES OP '!HE MARaf 16, 1987 CI'1Y <XXJNCIL 1'IUò.l'.U'G (00-714) of apprcIYa1 ~ tbat tb8y -tgn a rai1rœd CI:'C88ÛIrJ ani an 8XtsIøicn frca the ra1lzœd ..- ~i'1l¡ eut, and "-tgn the 1nb.. _"'1m of RaJnI:xIw and st.ellin;J. It WIll ~ by CCUnc. Rc9-., eeo....ðoc1 by CCUnc. JIl..-...l ani V--11i unanDcus1y to _...... App1ic:aticn ~1,694.1 per Rltttihits A-1, A-2, .1, .2, .3, &-4, ~, 8-6, .7, L-l l8t Røvisiat, Into-1, Into-2 and Into-3 of ~ MAC 51,694.1 ~ u my be 8IIB1dec1 by additicna1 ocn!it.iaB 8'IDII8J:'ated bIrein U fallow: 1. Each owner of !'L_t.y' ah1tting the sutplus læx!s will haV8 his or her c:I1o!ce as to hz<h. J-:1 turf or a reIISCIIable ground CCMIr, SUå1 as ivy, ioe plant, etc. SIœIll shruI:Js '11I!l'f be installed in lccatia'lS approyed by the )oL_Lj' owners. 2. Grcurd CCMIr will be planted at apprcadmate].y 12" CIB1ters. 3. 'Iba døv810per will install an 1rriqat.icn ~ in the sutplus area up to the !'L_Ly' lina. '!be~ will, if they desÙ'8, then exteni their own line to o...........-t to the sh'No.ed off lines. 4. U the ~ wm taJœs œt: an 1rriqat.icn system, the deve1cpr willl'l'p''IOe. 5. POP''''''' Liquid ADiJer tœes in 1"')0,' ic right-of-way with 8i....,.... 6t.......t lilp"'C:'i... 6. 'Jbcee lots whiå1 do net get any "sutplus lan:1s" will mly get r-op""<"",_.,t. at..._t b. , if ~. 7. 'Iba deve1q.er will install .p-Jalk adjacent to )oL_t.ies frcnt:in;J Ra.inbc:JII Drive easterly of Weymcth Drive to the wsterly eci;J8 of the Scut:hern Pacific Rai1rœd. 8. 'Iba deve1~ will install laJ1da. ,,,In;r en deve1cped resident:.ia1 pl_t.ies located easterly of Weymcth Drive. 9. 'Iba traffic islani located in the 1ntersectien of RaJnI:xIw Drive and ai:b Ita:! shall be deleted. UNFnIISHm !IJSINESS 47. Naw. -13- ASAC-Sl,694.1 approved . Request for funding (DACA) denied . Res 7117 adopted Ast reading Yard. 1408 MINUl'ES C1P '!HE MARaf 16, 1987 CI'1Y cx:oICIL M!m'Il'«; (00-714) NÐf !ISINESS 48. p.q-t tJ:aa DeAnza QIpertino AqJatics arganizaticn far financial assistance. Director of Pañœ and B&........t:.icn Dcw1in;J iti"""'E!-tId the staff L~L. wally DIIBn, ~_.ldent of DeAnza QJpertino AqJatiaI, cSesc:ribed the ,.......".._ offered by the arganizaticn ani was avooi,..h'e to answer cpast.iaw. MiJœ BIŒnes, fœDØr œcA president, gave saœ history of the arganizaticn. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoQud.,d by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y and P"'--11! UI1/U'ÛJIIcUs1y to deny the recpISt for fI.Jndin;r and to direct that iti ......-"iŒ1 naain open between DI\CA and Pañœ and Recreatien. 49. O:ndderaticn of increase in rec:reat.icn pt..."..aw user fees. (a) Reso1utien No. 7117: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino A1Dendin; Fees for Recreaticn ~""':f.I.CUID." Director of Pañœ and Recreaticn Dcw1in;J reviewed the iteR with Council and stated that 7' of the inc:œase wculd go to the Ger....al P\Jrxi. Council questicmed the effect en part:.icipatien if fees am Iaised. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, sea::...:1oId. by CCUnc. Plurçy ani V-II! UI1/U'ÛJIIcUs1y to adept Raso1uticn No. 7117 ~ an increase in the rec:reat.icn fee ~ rate to a total of 36% with 7' of this amcurt: d.istrll:uted to the General P\Jrxi. so. OX1sideraticn of ordinaJx:e regulatin;J parXin;r for ..L.......d: clean1n¡ pn:pc S!S. (a) First readin;r of 0J:dinan0e No. 1408: "An ordinance of the City of QJpertino Addin;J to Title 11, Vehicles and Traffic, of the QJpertino ltIni",ipol Code. " It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jà1i......." seccn:Jed by CCUnc. Gatto and p"'--1d UI1/U'ÛJIIcUs1y to read 0J:dinan0e No. 1408 by title ŒÙY and the Kayar's readin;r to OCC'IStitute the first readin;r thereof. -14- MDI71!:S C1P 'lHB ~ 16, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL ftUi.L".u«; (00-714) 51. Acoeptance of resjgnaticn of Mic:bae1 R. Pierce traa the cable 'LV Mvisœy a:maittee, sett.tnr¡ date for acceptance of applic:atiaw, intcvi&Is and ~'~íLs. It was a:MId by CCUnc. Jd..-..., sec...A4 by ec:.m::. Gatto and P""~-11i UI'IIInimcus1y to accept the resjgnaticn of I(i_' Pierce with r..".....t, to ~L ~ until April 14 and to ccnU:t: interviews at 6:00 p.m., April 20. 52. Opticna], IIIBæ1S to regulate ~Llcn center mmsat.ed by the B81.uag& CcI'Itainer Recyclinq and Litter RechIcticn Act (Bctt:le Bill). It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seco.ded by ec:.m::. Jåmson and P"-'!d UI'IIInimcus1y to cUrect the PlanninÇJ l"nnrIti -icn to scheW1e a ¡:ublic hearin;r to CU1Sider an arc:linaroe regaxdjn;r the ragulaticn of bottle ~Llcn centers, the cm:Unanoe to in.......!,u,O..te a 1IIÚÙJII.mI ~.... of regulatien and a streamlined review pl""-; and to cUrect staff to prepare 1IIIIIII~1t.I to exist:.in:¡ ZCI'1ing ardinance(s) rather than creatinI¡ an 1ndspen.:Jt..,L "recycling" ardinance. 53. Ame.l1dI_uL of Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Policy to 1nc.....!'U'o..te a traffic 'F'......at..icn standard. DJrector of PlanninÇJ and DB\IIIù. 1 ,L Ocwan stated that the pm:pc... the the ili..,..,~icn is to establish a DIEIà1arú.a as plitt of the Floor Area Ratio Policy to better regulate tra!~ic. Baa Rao, SRI 8ervioes, recpested that his Gas N save st:at.icn at 1325 S. Saratoga-8unnyvale laid be ~Led traa the new FAR policy. It was IDII8d by CCUnc. Gatto, secaA4 by CCUnc. Jcb.-... and p"--sli unarWaously to "I¥Luv8 an 1IIIIIII~d. to the Floor Area Ratio Policy per Planning l"nnrIti_ien Resoluticn No. 2996, :l:IIO.....~..t..ing a FAR policy applyinq to ext:raold1.nazy ~. It was a:MId by CCUnc. ~.. to J:8II:Mt Yr. Rae traa the req.rlzement. '!be IIIOticn died for lack of a seocn:l. Mr. Rao was directed to ocntact staff durin¡ regular bJsiness !nu:B. 54. A¡:poL,L.....IL of City Council .."¥'- !ol114tive to the Call1littee whià1 reviews respc. T SS to the Request for Pol. 'I" ""al for fundinq assistance for affozdable ha.Isin;J to serve senior citizens and the hand!<'--6lpod. By ........ UIISUS, C:u1c. Pl\JD3Y was AR'01nted as the City Council .."¥'- ;¡,lative. '!be meet:in;r dats for Task 4 was å1an:Jed traa MaråI. 25 to MaråI. 3l. -15- Michael PIercI reaignatIon Bottle redemp' tIon centers Floor Area Ratio Policy Counc. Plungy appointed . . Vallco Village land use study Report from fO design Com. Temporary trailers approved Arcement ~Onditions . MINUl'ES C1P '!HE MARCH 16, 1987 CI'1Y CXUCL n=J.'~ (CX>-714) 55. Vallco Vi''''gtI study: N""",,.,..icn of land uses. (staff 1"8IJØIts CXI1t.irIJance to Marå1 30, 1987.) Pœvic.us1y CXI'It:irued. 56. Update and i'L~- l."'l-'-'LL fraa Post Offioe Det'19'1 Cœaittee. 'lbe .......... L was received. 57. Pl.. ,<:eal to use t I" ...cœy trailers at Tan:Sem, 10300 N. Tantau AV8BJ8, J!ni1dings 1, 2 and 3. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secc:med by CCUnc. Rogers and pee.... unanimcus1y to _we fcur trailers for a ~ period subject to _.....al of final locatien by staff and applicant c::btainin¡ ¡çprovals frail the aill.dinq Department prior to inst:a11aticn of trailers. 58. Di"""'.....icn and possible åIan; 8 of policy regarc:!in;r enr......_...uL of ocnditic:ns iv--" en use pemits, variances, etc. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, seoa.cJtd by CCUnc. ~.. ani poo--n'l with Kayar Sparks di..... .d.irq to _we EItreaIIIlininr and st:nInqt:hen1n¡ of the revocaticn ~." as outlined in sect.icn b) , items 1 thrcugb 6 ccntained in the City Attamey'. qûnicn to Council dated Marå1 4, 1987, P89IB 3 and 4. 9I ...... nwus, Council st.ated revocaticn hearin;¡s withcut l"nIoBi -ten. that they wished to hear all goin;J to the P1.anning 59. Resoluticn No. 7118: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QIpBrtino Autharizin;J EIœc:uticn of ~-¡ . ',.o!t;;l san Joee Water ~ Prcvi.ding for Water Servb to the 8eII8ns Sprirqs Ranch D8II8l........,.tL". staff nq.JeBts ""losed eessien per Government Q)de 8ecticn 54956.9(b) (1).) 'Ihis item will be di"'C'--Y-:1 in closed sessien. 60. CDlsideratia1 of ordinance regulat:i.rq parJd.rq en DeAnza Boulevard. (a) U.L."....cy 0I:diMnce No. 1409: "An Ordinance of the City of QIpBrtino J\mendinI;J Sectien 11.24.150 of the QIpBrtino It.JrIicipel Q)de, Relat:i.rq to stcJppin;r, standinq or Parking en De Anza Boulevard and Declaring the U.L."......y 'Ihereof." -16- MINUl'ES OF '!HE MAK:R 16, 1987 CI'1Y axJNCIL ME:E:1'I1Ð (CX>-714) It 111M IKJ\I81 by CCUnc. Plun;¡y, seocnfed l7f CCUnc. Gatto and P"'lcI unIIIÚmI:IUIIly to r-s ~-i ordinance No. 1409 by title cmlyani the Mayor'. readin¡ to OCI'I8t:ituta the X'8I!II:ting thereof. It 111M II:MId by CCUnc. Gatto, seoc..c1.od by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and p"--ecl unIIIÚmI:IUIIly to enact ......".....y ordinance No. 1409. 61. p.q"""'; for Council -..1« to S81'Y8 en CXIIIIIittee to select P-c;p-t far PL· v oral far redev&l___.L ðIF<...y. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. J.....-..I, seoo.ðod by CCUnc. ~.. and P"-ed unanimcus1y to B¡p)1nt ~i1_.i....... Jåmsa1 and SpImœ. WRITl'Ðl CXHUIICATIŒ9 62. Fa<p-t traD Ann An; er far respa...e to her pœvicus request that Council c:xnùder a "blight ominarxJe." Ann Arqer, 10185.EIIpiœ Awme, Ib1ta Vista, spoJœ regaxdirq the need for a "blight cmi1mnce" and was 1nfœ:med that the City Manager had ac1ch. -9d this issue in his "''¥J.LL earlier in the 1III!I!tin;J. œDIlWOS 63. Seccn:I ~ and ......t-..L of 0r:dinImce No. 1406: "An 0rd1nIInce of the City CD.mcil of the City of Q1pertino A1I8din;J Secticn 11.20.030 of the Q1pertino JU-ic1pel a:œ RBl.atJn;r to All I>irect.ima1 Vehic::u1ar Stq) Required at Certain :rnt:.-......... f "till. " It was II:MId by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, ......ðod by CCUnc. Gatto and ~t'Md urIIInba1aly to n!IId 0rd1nIInce No. 1406 by title cmly and the Kayar'. r-sing to OCI'I8t:ituta the aecc:n1 ~ the1......t . It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, sec....ðod by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and pot--ecl \InI!IIÙ1DOU81y to enact 0rd1nIInce No. 1406. RE9OWl'IctIS 64. Naw. (" 'n<;E[) ~œ (a) Penclinq litigaticn (Gavemment Code Sectien 54956.9(a) Tahoe TJ:uc:kee Inn. -17- Urgency Ord. 1409 - reading Urgency Ord. 1409 enacted Redevelopment agency com. Second reading of ord. 1406 Ord. 1406 enacted -' MINUDS OF 'DIE JWaI 1.6, 1987 CI'1Y OXJNCIL ME1':1'DÇ (00-714) (b) Initiat:J.n;r litigaticn !54956.9(c). (c) Signitiœnt ex¡:œul'B to secticn 54956. 9 (b) (1) . Water servioe for Seven Sprilq Rand) DIMù...........jL. (Go\,...¡....íL 0xJ8 sec:t:.ia1 litigaticn (Gav............d. 0xJ8 P&I:'tainin¡ to Trilex Co..lt...act:. (d) labor negct:.iatioos (Gcv............'L 0xJ8 secticn 54957.6). (e) Negct:.iatioos far pm::hase, sale, exàIan;Je, or 1_ of real ~_ty (Govê¡,.......jL 0xJ8 Sect:.icn 54956.8). Closed session At 11:50 p.m., the IIIE!EIt!ng adjcumed to a closed sess!en to .Ii .....- matters of pendin;J 1egislaticn (Tahoe TtucJœe Inn) and signitiœnt exposure to litigaticn (Water sezviœ for Seven Sprin¡¡s Devel..........rt.). At 12:05 a.m. CCUncil reccnvenecl in cpen sessien. Water sezviœ for Seven Sprin¡¡s Ranch døvel...........t - It was JIICMId by Came. Roge...s, s..oo..cJt,d by CCUnc. Gatto arxi {'eI..eød unaniJII::AJsly to adc¢ Resoluticn No. 7118 autharizin;r executicn of water ð.JL...........L far Seven Spr~ Rand) devel...........t with San Jose Water Wari:s. . 7118 ted - er service for 7 Springs TrUex litiga- tion Inns of Americ Rnk/Bianchi Adjournment . Trilex litigaticn - It was IIICIIed by Came. Rogers, seccn:Jed by Came. Pl\JD3Y arxi p"e-vd unan1mcusly to autharize the City Attomey to ~........d with legal act:icn. Inns of America - It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. a.-.., ....o..tlded by Cbmc. Gatto and p"'--Id with Kayar Spu1aI "ie- d..irq to autharize the City Attomøy to ~....-a f\Jrthsr and to <XIIIB becIt to the Council at a later date Ÿ1m settlSØ1t or f\Jrthsr døvel.........,La occur. RinIr/Bianà1i - It was IIICIIIed by Came. lb;JerB, seccn:Jed by Cbmc. Pl\JD3Y and l"'--ød unan1mcusly to autharize the tity MiwIger to execute 1Issociaticn of Attorneys en behalf of the City. At 12:10 a.m. the meetin;r was adjcumed to 7:00 p.m., wedneEùay, Marà1 l8, 1987, Ccnference !Þ:ID, Interim City Hall, 10430 S. DeAnza BoulevaJ:d.