CC 03-30-87
Cl'lY OF aJPERrDI), S'JM'E OF CALIl'œfIA 00-715
Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DBAnza B:::IuJAMu:d
Interim CCUncil ~ J~: 10500 N. DeAnza Boulevard
0Jpertin0, CA 95014
Tel~.....: (408) 2!52-4!505
HEW œ MAR]¡ 30, 1987 Dr '!HE :nm!:RDI <XXJNCIL awœ&:R,
At 6:50 p.m, Mayor Spu:Jœ ...."ed the IIIII8tin¡ to .....:It....
QJunc. P.&. S _IL:
Gatto, Pl\JD3Y, ~'" Mayor Spu:Jœ
CCUnc. Absent:
staff -. IL:
City MIuIager 01in1an
City Clmk cmœuus
Director of Public WadaJ Visla:wi.å1
Director of P1.am1lIq and ~ O:Iwan
Director of Fiœnce snyder
Director of 1'UicB am ReQ..-ucn Dcw1in;J
Assistant to the City HIu_ Brown
City Attamey Kilian
P.rcc::lamaticn dec::1.arin;J April 3, 1987 as "Amy Day."
STAFF ~1:j
1. Oral .I."'t'UI'Ls by staff I J~. ani ..-i_im of written
AlCå10lic BEr.18l..".. License - RIIIquests for: Fred K.
Reed, Sr.,"-iated Inns MIIrJa.... -It., 10889 N. DeAnza
BoulElllard ( Inn); P8cltic St"-, 23350
IfaDestead Reed.
Cupertino Inn
. .
MINUl'ES C1P'mE MARCH 30, 1987 CI'1Y axJNCIL MŒl'DÇ (00-715)
City Manaaer's Rt:...uLL
A!'eociatsc1 Inns Kan!llCjI-'-' ,to æx1 Pacific St"-, alc::cnolic
bew.._ license - Oamcil had no c:bjecticn to i .....1IIn08 of
these 1ioe..Erlr prcwided tbat the use pexmit cxniitiaw of
the a.........iatsc1 Inns ~jt were hcn:nèd (cc:miticn 17
of use Pamit l5-U-85 statin¡ tbat there will be food
service) .
axJNCIL ~~
It was IIICIIIed by cnmc. P1\JD3Y, seoc:I1dec1 by Came. Gatto and
p"-nd \JnaIÛJIØJB1y to taJœ the followin¡ ac:tia1s reg¡mlin;r
~'1--oso&d 1eqis1aticn: ~ SB 1037 ('n...L_), L..._Jal of
cancer ~ fOl. firefighters: SB 1412
~"""""'e), state p.Iblic re1at:i.aIs lxmtl jurisdicticn
(NW: local goII...........,L unfair labor practices: SB 851
(McOarquodale) , redevel,¥"",'L, mandatary set-aside for fhe
districts: AB 768 (Floyã) , CX'IX18!Ùed ,- 1':'1 pexmits: AB
2190 æx1 J\CA 34 (~), mm:!atsc1 district electia'lS: AB
2614 (Harris) , state p.Iblic euplayment re1at:i.aIs lxmtl
jurisdi.ct:icn (NW: local ÇC\IemIIIIIInt: SB 1407 (L. Greene),
deve1c:per fees and dedicatiaw: and AB 169 (Hannigan),
IARX> bill as amen:Jed. Buwo..L AB 451 (Peace), defining
"higher level of servioe" for state reiJJtursements of
manc1atsd cœts: SB 195 (Boatwright) , standlmiizin:j
ocUCð,ùed ,-..ptY1 permit issuance: SB 133 (Presley) ,
absentee ballot, third-party han:Uin;J: æx1 SB 1337
(Be1.,~ r:n), s1cat.eJJœms en public sidewalks. Refer SB 351
(Rå:i)ins) , allocaticn of fines for violaticn of financial
raspcuaibi1ity law, and AB 1600 (cætese), oollecticm and
use of develc:per fees, to staff.
cœsœr ~
(It is nqJeStsc1 tbat Items 7 thra1gh 16 be acted en
shultar--a"llly unless separats ...i"(,,, and/or acticn is
requested by Council, staff or maI, of the public.)
'Ibe City Attorney œquested tbat Item No. 15 be rE!IIDIIed.
It was IIICIIed by cnmc. Gatto, seoc:I1dec1 by Came. RcgeIs æx1
pass9d unanimcAm1y (4-0) to ðwL'-"'8 the balance of the
o:nrent calendar as sul:mitted.
7. ClëWn for ..........:¡es filed en behalf of SUsie Lee: Mr. &
Mrs. Won Lee. Reo ····...·Ided for rejection.
MDI!Jl'ES C1P 'DIE MAICI 30, 1987 CI'1Y <DJNCIL 1zi:a:.uG (00-715)
8. BIIIoluticn No. 7121: "A Raso1uticn of the City ocunci1
of the City of 0Ip8rtin0 Al1.ororin;r 0Ia:tain l"1..i_ am
Db.-dI. PIIyable in the Amr::mJt ani traa the l'I.1rœ l1li
Bør:einatt:er Described tor Gar......]. and MiIIoeJJ.anecuI
Expeu:!itures for the Period EncUng Marc:h 13, 1987."
9. Resoluticn No. 7122: "A Resoluticn of the City ocunci1
of the City of 0Ip8rtin0 Al1.ororin;r 0Ia:tain '·"'4_ ani
Db.-dI. PIIyable in the A1IIcuIts and traa the l'I.1rœ as
Here1natter Described for Salaries and WIIges for the
Payroll Period EIñin;J MIIrc:h 17, 1987."
10. waiver of busJ.neBS license feee for san Jose East
valley LiaIs CluL'. Inc. for April 4, 1987 8\I8I1t.
11. JIcœptance of City 11tOjects perfœ:med under ~,LLaCt:
a. stœ:m Drain PIoject 87-106 - )fi11er Avwue stœ:m
Drain, FarallCl18 Averue stœ:m Drain, Ricardo Reed
stœ:m Drain, a....dwa stœ:m Drain.
b. St......!t ~u..........d. - Rcdrigues Averue at De Anza
Boulevard PIoject 81-27A.
c. SL........t:I:llprl7Ælœnt - stevens creek Boulevard and
Orarçe AveBJe PIoject 81-27B.
12. Resoluticn No. 7119: "A Resoluticn of the City ocunci1
of the City of Ci.Ipert.iJIo AuthariziD¡ ExEIcuticn of
Ru-4-icn of Defened A"............,L beJtuBen the City and
0Jpertin0 City center Assodats A, C 'DJ East of
SOUth ~ Boulevard and SOUth of stevens creek
13. Resoluticn No. 7120: A Resoluticn of the City ocunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\ppreIIr1nq Q1an;e o..dt... No. 1
for Iand~in;r PIojects, Project 87-105.
14. A¡:pli.caticn 1QC-51,697.1 - Al stal!e - Request.1n;r
_waJ. of AJ:å1itectural ani site Design for a
i'L"œed single-family detadøt baDe, as required by
tentative map cxniitia1S. '!he pL"'P""'ty is locat1Jd en
the mrth side of Bamhart Place, ~ly 200
feet wet of Primrose Way. ~ly the HcaYer Sà1col
sitae ~,,-·-·-ded far ~...,.¡al.
15. ReD:IYed.
~6. RBsoluticn No. 7130: "A Reso1uticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Ap...........d. with
Adults Towazà Dñeperå:...L LiviD¡ Regardinq a $60,000
!Dan am a $5,000 Grant to ~, and Expan:l a
Residence at 19147 Anne ImIe."
Res. 7129
MINI11'!S or '!HE IWDf 30, 1.987 Cl'lY CXJUNCIL 1'U2a",uC (00-71.5)
rmts R9Ð\/ED lRJI CXHmn' œENæR
15. ~'I ·1....i...... No. 7129: "A Rasolut.icn of the City o:amcil
of the City of 0Jpertjm ~ the Pinal Map of
Tract No. 78701 ~ City oenter c..4..ø1nium
Projectl IDeated SCIuth of stevens CI:eek Boulevard West
of 'nxrr8 AwI1JeI and Authorizin;J the City Engineer to
Sign the Pinal Map..
City Attamsy Kilian infOl'llllld a:unci1 that there were
certain ptd:ü&IB with the 1II!Ip. He stated that for the
below IIBXØt rate security fee Mr. RI:oll W"1J1ted to use a
secr::ni deed of trust. He felt this was net adequate. He
stated that the City can withholcl """"~ pmaits. 'Ihe
City Attamey .ror.--œd that a:unci1 direct Mr. RI:oll to
reb.1m at the April 6 IIIII8t.inq with a letter autharizin;J the
withholdinr;J of """"PUX:Y until the below IIBXØt mte fee is
paid. Council ccu1d then ðWLwe the III!Ip subject to a
letter bem:¡ received en April 6 elucidatin;r the
Mark RI:oll, 0Jpertin0 City oenter As""('iates, verified that
he 10IQÙd return April 6 with such a letter.
'Ihe full am fee ¥:IUld be discx:unted for the ~ s_JL value.
'Ihe City Attamsy a1so directed that there be a letter of
~........,L that p..... J - u. will be told.
It was IIICIIed by CDmc. ~'" secctded by CCUnc. Gatto and
p"'-ed UI'IIInimcue1y (4-0) to adqJt Rasolut.icn No. 7129 with
the provisicn that the "ß)H--rt: retum April 6 with a
letter of ..:- ~.t-_ aut:harizin;J withholdinq of """"'1p"InCy
pmait until such tta as belcw -......L rate in-1ieu fee
(ciiscamt:ed for 1'"- r ,L value) is received by 0Jpertin0 and
agreein;J to 80 infœ:m p.JZåIasersl this will ~(W8
aoœpt:anoe of Deed of 'l'J:ust.
18. Naw.
19. A¡:pJ.iœt.icn 1~ of Yø¡ Chevrolet - Use Pe1:mit to
expend an ex:I.stin;J auto dealer's bJsiness offices and
rencvate the existin;J facilities and site, inc1udiD:¡
new auto display and storage areas and Envirt:noenta1
Reviøt: 'Ihe;J 1:&. .,.._,&]s the
grantin;J of Negative Declaratiat. 'Ihe prq:Ierty is
MINI1IES C1P'1HE JW¡Qf 30, 1987 CI'lY CXXJNC:IL MEE:rIN:; (00-715)
19. located en the north side of stevens creek Boulevard,
a¡:prax1mtely 200 feet east of stelling lad.
~ .. -ded for denial.
(a) Mimte order ftaII the P1annin;J l"nIni_icn
requestinq the City Camcil restudy the
possibility of closure of Alves Drive (Pl.anninq
l"nIni -'\.at Rasolut:iat No. 3008).
Directœ: of Pl.anninq and DeIIel,,,<toll,,..L Q:Iwan reviewed the use
pemit çplicatien with Camcil and ans¡"æ:,ð(} their
quest.iaB. He pointed cut that the P1arø\in;J I"nInf -1cn did
not re-..·, ... i1 the grantinq of a Negative Declaraticn.
Mayer SperkB noted that a l...,... s .,l.4tive frail the ArIrt¡ wu
~ !" d. to receive the plTY"''''''''tien. After the Clmk'.
readinq of the prnt'!,......tia1, Mayor Sparks ~ SM.t.ed it to
the ArIrt¡......,... T d.ative.
19. (cx:I1t.imed)
Ken Abler, Palo Alto, Arårl.t:ectural Designer GraJp eaplayed
by Key O1evrolet, .,(}:h -ed Camcil regardinq major
i....._. He stated that a oo!se stu:ly wtW.d. be done and
they will cx:ae into cx:apliance with the City's a:œ. He
nq.¡ested that Council not hold up the use pezmit for
this. He also stated that Yey O1evrolet will "zcne" the
..,..,.", and have an autaDatic ten mirI1ts cut off. A
~ stu:ly will be date. IbXos am foot candl6
readinq haV8 been taJœn. He stated that eaplayees do not
pañt en stevens creek Boulevard ani the ~~ ¡xmdn;r
garage was not tTIIp'rab1e to that of SIIIyt:he aúck !:ut is
IIICIN liJœ the pazXinq stzucture at Fra1t:.ier Ford in san
Joee. Ht'. Abler stated that a1Ce a JDC:I1th, teàmicians me
.." owed to WEX en their own vehicle or a vehicle of their
à1o!oe until 9:00 p.m. Mr. ani Mrs. Weiss wtW.d. like to
ccntinJe that. He stated that the ~'Iœed parlcinq
structure will be vanilla (ivory) color.
Iany 81rriæci, 20900 Alves Drive, ..l:h. -~ed Camcil
regardinq traffic. He said he is not CXllIOSlTIed with peqùe
teet drivinq en Alves Drive, !:ut is CXllJOeJ:,¡W with racin;J
by the dealer's eaplayees. He says it has subsided a bit
durinq the last bio weeks. In regard to the bJrglar
""''I''111III, he said it is not a bell !:ut an anplified siren
that, in the last 90 days, has gate off 23 times. He
su,¡._-ted that Yey OJevrolet use 1:: rem rather than an
outside PA system in callin;J their Employees. In regard to
o.Itdcor lights, he stated that the bedroans in his hc:me
receive E!!I'XU;Jh light frail r:sy 0Jevr01et for readin;J. Mr.
&1rriesci said he had 00 c:bjectien to the awearanœ of the
roof equipœnt b.rt: aùy the oo!se. In regard to the polish
MJ:N(7ftS OF '!HE MIæCH 30, 1997 CI'1Y CXOfCIL MEf:l'I1Ç (00-715)
ani get reac!y shq), he å:Jjected to it DK:JVinJ into the
open. He told CCJunci1 that he wished to 1188 ~ II d.
pE""hl '-"I&..I.....-œd.
lU:.a..t. 1tJsetti, 20916 Alves Drive, said the ~_.t to
sbñy the pE""h'- is not an ðgl....¡t to solve the
pt'QÒJ-. He stated that IICIl.utia18 to these pr<:>h'
aM"'" be found fimt prior to ~ expnsicn. He BUr~""1:ed
the œe of a ai1ø1t alaDa at JBy and felt that
the closure of Alves Drive shculcl be~. He said
the fimt heBring at the P1anninI¡ n-i -icn had been
ccnt.irued in order to give the "W'1cant time to f!n1 ways
to ~ the n--i_icn'. ......-..-..h At the soocud meetiJJ¡,
these oC"..-.." had not been met. He requested that CCJunci1
deny the applicatien until these ......1004.... had been met.
Walter Lisk, 20885 Alves Drive, said he ccunted 6 new JBy
OIsvrolet aut:aaå:)iles en Alves within a half an boor.
Janiœ B.D:rl.eeci described the ..-.. '.oLCII,bJ.cs of residents en
Alves Drive. She stated that the lights œtside the neutIy
å1urà1 are pointed dcM1 and haw ccvers. 'Ibe lights at JBy
OIsvrolet are pointed up ani are en large 1IIIØts.
Cecilia MagrIJscn, Alves Drive, expressed .....lOd:t:h regardin;J
MII%k P6:L............, 20845 Alves Drive, said he does 1188
"""œsimal JBy OIsvrolet œra goinq by. Howev8r, he
~i'""'J'...d with the other neig.nm-s and did not want the
..L....",â; closed. He wculd welexma the use of the plll ntly
eapt:y lot. Mr. Patrœso said he does fiM the alam
unnerving. He stated he had m c:bjecticn to the Fra1tier
Farcl-1iJœ~. He had m pt"f>,- regardin;J the
outside lights.
st8Y8 lbti, 802 OIrIdlewcod Drive, told CCJunci1 that he is a
JBy custaDer and has been splayed by JBy traa
time to time. He stated that 0Jpertin0 is a balanoed
~nú.ty with sales tax and )I&o_"ty tax ani that the City
does need retail bJsiness. Ifey OIsvrolet EIIIplays 75
Allen Bidwell, 1517 AverI.1e, san Jose, ani a
bJsiness perscn in a¡pertino, said that Ifey has
demCI..L...a:led that they are a gccxt neighbor, His ally
c............. was the mise traa the "1......., ani he also ~--t:ed
the use of a silent alamo
Allen McClaxl, 430 CZt"" e Averue, IDs Altos, General
Manager of Mervyn's at Crossroad Shcg:>ing Center, said that
MINUl'ES OF 'ŒE ~ 30, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL MEEl'IJG (00-715)
Key 0Ievr0let has been a good neighbor am a scuxœ of jå:8
in 0Jpertin0.
Bill ~, 21950 LincIy lane, spoJœ at behalf of Mr.
Cbar1ee ~-''1, 0Jpertizx), .."......d that Key O1evrolet is a
significant bJs~ within the I"I'ftONnúty. He stated that
the prci)'- III8I1ticnId do need to be ð(]ch IrEled. He mged
Council to give Key a fair shaJœ.
Jm J~, 0Jpertizx) 0. 'IS, an eaployee ot Køy
0Ievr0let, felt that cleaninq up the vacant lot wculd be
good for the .........."1ity. He did teel that alam situaticn
~ to be solved. He urged cnmcil to Ak'lwe the
Den Allen, rEident and eaployee in 0Jpertin0, told 0::A.Incil
that Mr. and Mrs. Weiss are aIStaDers of his bBnk. '1heir
avera.;r.. sale is $14, 000 ~ the ave:t:ð96 sale in 0Jpertin0
is $30. He stated there is a lot of distance between Key
O1evrolet and the neighI::..\ I. "Xi am that the neighbaring
å1urc:b likes the lights frail Key O1evrolet as they provide
safety and security. He urged Council to SUW~t. the
Emil PIml, resiMrtt of 0Jpertin0 am General Manager of Key
O1evrolet, said he wculd do his best to ~ts with the
nei.ghbaœ. '!here are eet dema...l.....t:.iat rcut:es and Alvee
Drive is not ate of them.
Roo"""ra Weiss, Key 0Ievr0let, told 0::A.Incil that she has
been waèd.n¡ en this project since August. She ___ e:l a
need to ~1ete it prior to the start of the rains. She
said that Key O1evrolet is a family bJsiness and they cb
care aIxa1t W1at is goin;J en in the area. She stated the
dirt lot and lah]&. "i'in¡ wœ pr:evicus City OCI--.._.
security has been a pråWIa at Key O1evrolet and the lights
help. '!be B1caIed light that was ment:ic:œd will be f:l1œd.
Also, lights will be ....i..'..... In regaxà to the alaCIIB,
Mrs. Weiss said they haV8 used dogs, security gualds,
silent .., ........ am other 'IS. Ibiever, they haV8 not
",...;lwel. '!be ......ible alam 1«Idcs. She stated that peJ:hIIpø
a cx:.Id:Wvrt:icn of a silent ..,....... and a lower volume ......ib'e
..,....... wculd wœ:it. In regaxà to left tuzns en Alvee,
eaplayeE haV8 been told not to drive at Alvee and signs
haV8 been posted. She stated that rE:I.dents shcW.d call
Key O1evrolet .. ::t:ibin¡ the car am the t:Ime so the
imividual can be _--.bed and repriman:ed. She stated
that with the }AL' 1.~ alititien, Key OIevrolet expects to
cbmle or triple their reverues.
, . ...... .~.~ ".~
approved -
Itey Chevrolet
MINI1.ŒS OF '!HE MARCH 30, 1987 CI'1Y cnJNCIL 1'JUiJ:.uG (CX>-71!5)
It 1IIIUI II:N8d by CCUnc. Gatto, seocn:Ied by CCUnc. Plungy ani
P" I ~ \II1IInDcualy (4-0) to ........we the grant:in;J of a
Negat!w D8claraticn.
It 1IIIUI1I:N8d by cmnc. Gatto, seculdtod by cmnc. Plun:;¡y' ani
p" B 11 untIIWaJsly (4-0) to .............. the appliœtic.n 118 per
staff draft P1annin¡ n-i_kn Rasoluticn dated Karcb 23,
1987 with the foJ.lowirq _ã-ttB:
Q:n1iticn No. 14 shall be IIIIIIII1ded to for cnø
8IÆIÛDJ a mcnt:h as "tech night" to ~. to
warlt en their awn or qJt:iaIal car until 9:00 p.m. (no
"Po' i Rtt and l'eIIIc1y" shall be dcne).
Q:n1iticn No. 16 shall be 8IIII!IÙ!d to require that
Aråûtec::bmù am site A¡:praval CDmittee review the
l:Ini,ciliJ¡ "-ign as wll as larXIooœpilç.
Q:n1iticn No. 18 statin;r that the pIIgiDJ and ..,..,.,.
systsaa shall not be heam at the J:eBidential prc:perty
line. All other noise shall be within the City's noise
cm:Unanoe. In regard to the roof "'CJ,ip-lt, if the
noise 1:.... - a pråJ1E111 the ~ shall be
Q:n1itien No. 22 shall be amended to allow for two
elevated racks (ate car, ate truck) far ili¡qp''''Y of
Q:n1itia1 No. 25 regardinçJ lights shall state that
lights shall be sÞÜ.]~ so there is no vieIi of the
souroe and the illuminatiat shall be cxntained within
the )'10_ L)'.
Q:n1itia1 No. 28 is deleted.
No acticn was taJœn en the Mhute order regardinçJ closure
of Alves Drive.
JlIõY"I&s: 10:25-10:33 p.m.
20. Naw.
21. Naw.
MINUl'ES C1P '!HE JWai 30, 1987 CI'1Y CXXINCIL MŒl'nG (00-715)
22. Petitia1 tEal BœB of the reeidents of the Heaver PerK
aœa regard1n;r pa%ic design.
Directar of P8ØII and Rt......-ticn Dcli1in;J revi.ewecl the
histaty of the p1annin;J of the PerK.
Kathy Beny, 7530 I.eø:B Aveme, said that she 1:iJœd the
pa%ic the way it was. She stated that she felt that
I1II8J:ythiD¡ had been planned for ate end of the pazk and
that the noise and incr:nvenience is not spread cut. She
said she was first aware of the å1an;Jes \Mn the Þ'''dozers
shCJwed up. She IIICIIIed into her heme in [Iec-" of 1986.
She Im3ed Council to 1IDY8 the basJœtba11 half ocurt to the
end near
Miå1ael Haid, 7530 I.eø:B, said that Wen he pn:àIasecl his
heme he was told the pa%ic wtW.d stay as open green grass.
Mort Needle, Iaeds Aveme, said he IIICIIed in mid Jamaxy.
He stated that there are 27 new W1Æ'W in the area. He
further stated that the mstsr plan for the pazk was not
foll~ hIt a fw 1:hin3s were 1IICIIed. He stated that
traffic 00"'" *:..,- a real prcblem. He asked CCUncil if
they did not 1IDY8 the basIœt:bal1 ocurt, wtW.d they scale
dcM1 the half ocurt to high sd100l size. He also Slò.>':.JC'Þ-œd
there be no 1igh1:inJ en the ocurt and ilq.ùred about the
haIrs of cpm\
Director of P8ØII and Recreaticn Dcli1iD) said that the half
ocurt size is as per Natia1al Recreatien A$9<X'iatia1
Bc:b, 7513 Iaeds, said they were ha¡:py to get what was
2IY"i' eble. He said he attemed neighbamcod meetin;Js hIt
does not... . « a lot of people;r anythin;J besides
............" and so.. ...t fields.
Mr. Dcli1iD) said the half size ocurt oculd. be scaled dcM1
and it oculd. still fImctic:n ~y. If CCUncil shcWd
want to 1IDY8 the locaticn of the half ocurt, it waüd be
l'IeO""'ð!l:ty to :r&-qI8'l the plblic IIIII8t:.iø¡ 1'L~'
A reeident fraI Primrose way said she is not new in the
area. She 1nfœ:med CCUncil that there were cw....~d;ly
prcb1B1B in the pazk with sucb 1:hin3s as cheny l:x:miJs, and
that it is not a safe area for å1ildren. She Im3ed CCUncil
to rec......lder the layalt.
Hoover Park -
reduce bas-
court t
plant ever-
green trees
MI1ÐŒS C1P mE JmR:H 30, 1987 CI'IY CXUlc:IL MŒl'I1G (00-715)
~i'" Neøfie, 7536 Ieeds, stated she was also \AA.ceuled
regud1n;r the type of tree planted for screerú.n:¡.
nw.i...V'IIIS trees i -ail pointless.
n: was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoakA1 by <bmc. ~. and
po:--a1 \JMJÚJIØJSly (4-0) to ðWLuv'8 œmct:.icn of the
1lCUther1y border of the bas1œtba11 area by ten ft. ani to
direct that 8II....."...éèn trees be used rather than ~i"'V'IIIS
with an actiitia1a1 tree or two.
23. 02Isideraticn of ðwLU'IëÙ of map and acceptance of
deeds, seven ~ Ranch Devel"¥",,,IL.
(a) Rasolutic.n No. 7123: "A Reso1uticn of the City
Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Apprcvin:J the
Final Map am IDprcvement Plans of Tract No. 7907,
seven Sprirgs: Located en Rainbow DrivejUp1and
Way: Develqler, the GL~y Gra.Ip: Aoceptirç
certain ~~: AuthoriziD¡ si.gnin¡ of Final
Map and I:IIprcvement Plans: AuthoriziD¡ the
Exec:utia1 of Ao"............IL in a..........."'ticn '111erewith."
(b) Resolutic.n No. 7124: "A Reso1utic.n of the City
CCUncil of the City of QIpertino J\coept:in;r Grant
Deed of Real Prc:perty !ran Dorothy Anne D.r'àXn,
Also æøm as Dorothy A. ~, Also æøm as
Dorothy D.r'àXn: Fee Sbple OWnership of Parcel of
lan:i for Fire st:aticn Sits: west Side of steJ..1iJJJ
Sazth of 8e\Ien Sprirgs Patkway: ~y
0.671 Acre.
(c) Resolutic.n No. 7125: "A Resolutic.n of the City
COUncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aoceptirç Grant
Deed of Real P>."'l""Llf frail Dorothy Anne D.r'àXn,
Also æøm as Dorothy A. ~, Also æøm as
Darothy D.r'àXn: for er.tien of Seven ~
~, a PUblic SL........It: 0.25 Acre.
(d) Resolutic.n No. 7126: "A Rasoluticn of the City
Council of the City of QIpertino Acoept:inq Grant
Deed of Real Prc.perty frail Dorothy Anne ~,
Also æøm as Dorothy A. ~, Also æøm as
Dorothy D.r'àXn: for Widenin;¡ of West Side of
ste1.lin;J !ad bebJeen seven Sprin:Js Patkway am
P>.~-t IbId: 0.30 Acre.
(e) Resolutic.n No. 7127: "A Resoluticn of the City
Council of the City of QIpertino Acoept:inq Grant
Deed of Real PL"'l""Lty frail Dorothy Anne ~,
Also æøm as Dorothy A. ~, Also æøm as
Dorothy D.r'àXn: for Slcpe Bank "-"""'"'""1t: Sazth
Side of seven Sprin:Js Parkway: 0.03 Acre.
MDI11ES C1P 'DIE JGR:H 30, 1987 CI'1Y anaL __=-.U'G (00-715)
I'irect:ar of PImlic Wcmcø Via1cDvich stated that the GL""'IJ.Li
CkQJp has ~ the pu!t dediœ:ticr1 fee and the water
~ 1"'i~ d..
It was IIØ/8d by CDInc. Gatto, .........A.d by OUX:. Pl\JD3Y and
r"' e] unanbr::Iua1y (4-0) to adept RII80luticnl 7123, 7124,
7125, 7126 and 7127.
24. PetJ-t traa the F¥..A-d n--"-ien for Cb1ncil to
%I'p'''OE' n--"_i...--r R1kherjee.
It was IIØ/8d by CDInc. Gatto, seoclldal by CDInc. Rcgers and
1"" ej unanbr::Iua1y (4-0) to r&II:J\/8 n--"_i...--r R1kherjee
fraa the EnBrgy n--"_ien, to direct that applicatia1ll
will be ....:".... until May 12 ani int:m:viewø cxnmcted and
appoLd....a,Ls made May 18, 6:00 p.m.
25. vallc:o Vi" "9'" study: Di8C' of lani usee.
Diœctor of P1amin.:J and D8I/ti. , d. o-n røviwBd his
...........L for the Cb1ncil Tobo as1œd !WI to åB::k CI1 the fence
and the exit.
Bumyvale, said that was too 1IIJd1
in tl.e ..'"'t""-t. ani :rec;pest:ed more
!fen !DJdscn,
"P""'i ficity.
CCJunci1 received the .I......... t..
26. :L. '"'1ot.a.108 of reeignatia1 of I'I:Iblic safety l'roIon......1........
Fi...db..ic Eric1œan and eett1r1q of datee to accept
applic:atiaw ani cxnb:t ~.
By o...._eneus, o:ux:i1 6<X'"'1,.... the ~ with ...~..L,
directed applic:atiaw be 6(. ,.,.... 1.intil May 12 and
int.ervt.s cxnmcted and appoL.t-.d. made May 18, 6:00 p.m.
27. p.q-t traa the PiM Arts n--i_itw\ for staffin;r ani
It was IIICIIed by CDInc. ~D, ..........cJt.4 by CDInc. Plun;w
and J?"'-ed. 1.1rIIUÙJIICUIly (4-0) to _..",. fUndin;r this fiscal
year and to _........1ate $465 fraa the General !\md for the
Fine Arts l'roIoni_im (office _W'is - $100; postage $30;
duplic:atinq - $100; .i1~ pi_It' - $25) ani to
autharize a positicn for a gJ:'Iàatd st:ur3ent, mavi-",. of 30
28. o:œideratiCl1 of Min.1te 0..<110.... regardin;r design review
of !ldditialS to sin;r1e-hIIIily -. (Requested by
Arå1itscb.lral and sits ~ Calmittee.)
aea. 7123, 7124
7125. 7126,
7127 adopted
Funding for
Fine Art. Com.
Design re-
view of
Res. 7128
State and
local legal
for street
First reading
of Ordd. 1410
MINUl'ES OF '!HE JWaI 30, 1987 CI'1Y axu::n. 1'IUir.l.lG (00-715)
It _ IKMId by CCUnc. Gatto, -....."*1 by 0Ux:. Pl\JD3Y ani
po II! urIIIIÛJIICUSly (4-0) to dh:ect that staff 1nfœ::m ASN;
that this is beinq aCk!L ad as part of the Ga1e1:al Plan
røvisw this year. CCJunci1 is 1ooJdn:J at 1lli!lSSiD¡ en
sing1e-taily lots.
29. of BI.JRX)rt. for c:reatia1 of santa Clara
QuJty safety Autharity for Fa. -y DIergencies (SAFE).
(a) RIBoluticn No. 7128: "A Resoluticn of the City
Council of the City ot QJpertino ReqJestin:J
Establishment ot a Service Autharity tor Fa. IllIaY
EIo&o..':F'.c1es in santa Clara CDmty."
It was IID\Ied by 0Ux:. Pl\JD3Y, 6e00tœl by 0Ux:. Gatto and
po--rd unIIIÚ:IICUsly (4-0) to ~ Resoluticn No. 7128.
30. Natia1a1 Is!IIgue of Cities' request for City
part:icipaticn in state ani loœl legal center.
It was IKMId by 0Ux:. Pl\JD3Y, s........dI.d by 0Ux:. a..gers
and p" T:1 unæúmcusly (4-0) to _"i'L!ate $500 fJ:aD the
Gerì PUnd for City part.icipaticn in state and loc:al
legal center by the Natia1al IBague of Cities, subject to
the legal center cbtainin;J grætts am,tor p1rrs in the
aIIDII1t of at least the $1.5 1IIi11ien scught.
31. JMo;p-t tor ~ of $15,000 tor ..t........t
1.igbtJn;r .
It was IID\Ied by 0Ux:. Pl\JD3Y, -......dI.d by 0Ux:. Rcgm:s
and po 1:1 unæúmcusly (4-0) to _"i'L1ate $15,000 fJ:aD
the PUnd tor Activity 792, St.....,¡t LightiD¡.
32. 0::I1si.dIImtic of an œ:dinance 8IIIIinii1q þ1.' ~.... for
œvooc:at.iœ of CXI1diticna1 use pezmits and variances.
(a) l'irBt ~
0Edinanœ of
0Edinanœ 652
REr\. >œticn of
varianceø. "
of 0Edinanœ No. 1410: "An
the City ot QJpertino A1DEniin;r
Regardinq P.a... ....11.... tar the
o:niiticna1 Use Pezmits and
It was IID\Ied by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, -......dI.d by CCUnc. Gatto and
I"'e~«t UI1IU11mcus1y to read ominance No. 1410 by title ally
and the City Clmk's readin;r to OCI'IStituts the tirst
~ thereof.
33. Naw
· ..
MINUl'ES C1P '!HE ImRaI 30, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL MŒl'DÇ (00-715)
34. S8cxn1 ......-..ilJ1 ani enactment of ominance No. 1398:
"An ominance of the City of a:pert.ino Ratotkn
1 of ominance No. 2 by Reza1ing P...~t.r traa Al-43
ZcDI to RlC ZcDI, Located en the East Side of Blanøy
Aveme, AppraId.mte1y 250 Ft. North of D1 s-" Place."
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, seocn.Jed by CCUnc. Gatto and
p:o~-ecl unaniD:Jusly to read Ordinance No. 1398 by title ally
and the City Clmk's readin;r to <X'I1Stitute the seco.d
readin;r t1-...uf.
It was IIDIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoc:nied by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y ani
p"-ecl unaniD:Jusly to enact Ordinance No. 1398.
35. S8cxn1 ~-"irq and Ð'Iact:ment of ominance No. 1407:
"An Ordinance of the City of Q¡pertino 8ecticn
1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Reza1ing P~~L1' traa A to
Rl-7.5 ZcDI; Located en the North Side of ø:,c'J""""
IbId, ~y 500 Ft. East of (k...~ Averue."
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, .........cJ.:d by CCUnc. Gatto and
p",9d unaniD:Jusly to read Ordinance No. 1407 by title ally
and the City Clmk's readin;r to <X'I1Stitute the seccni
readin;r thereof.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, ~,jeCJ by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y ani
p:o-«l unaniD:Jusly to enact Ordinance No. 1407.
36. ~ ......-..ilJ1 and Enc..;L.u.u,L of Ordinance No. 1408:
"An ominance of the City of Q¡pertino Addin;r to Title
11, V....1cJ._ and Traffic, of the Q¡pertino JI.I¡1it'!ipel
aœ. "
It was IIXMId by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, ~.CJ.:d by CCUnc. Gatto and
p"--æ UI1I!IIÜIIIaJ8ly to read ominance No. 1408 by title ally
and the City ClmK's readin;r to ocnst.itute the seco.d
readin;r thereof.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoc:nied by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y and
p"'-ecl unaniD:Jusly to enact Ordinance No. 1408.
37. Naw.
t"I'n<:1!:D s!&;Lœ - Naw.
At 11:25 p.m., the ~ was
Second reading
of Ord. 1398
Ord. 139g
Second reading
of Ord. 1407
Ord. 1407
Second reading
of Ord. 1408
Ord. 1408