CC 04-20-87 · . CI'lY OF cm:mrIIÐ, smm C1P C'ALI!tRfIA :InteriIII City Hall: 10430 S. D8Anza Bculevard IntedJa 0:Iuncil ~: 10500 N. D8Anza BculeYard 0IpBrtin0, CA 95014 '1'elepx:ne: (408) 2!52-450!5 oo-Yk MI1I11!S œ 'JBB ~ CI'lY CXOICIL MIŒl'DG IŒU) œ APRIL 20, 1987 Dr 'JBB INTERIM cx:ocn. cmMBER 10500 N. œ AJIZA IDJIBVARD, W.tTòKl.'.uD, C'AL'IFCRaA Mayer P.L~. Gatto called the IIIB8tin;J to order at 6:05 p.m. R:>IL CAlL Q:Junc. P:L S LíL: Gatto, JI.l........., Pl\JD3Y, ~s, Kayar Sparlcs (6:30 p.m.) staff p¡. B IL: City MID~ 01in1an City Cledt 0:ImelJ.us INIERVInf AND API'ODI'DŒNr - ~ 'LV 1JNISf;Rl a:HnTl'EB CCUnci1 int:erviewed Jack Flemin;J, william netœer, Jim Hartin am Sheila Fin1ayscn. (City Clmk's Note: Mayor Sp&rlœ arrived at 6:30 p.m.) It was IIDII8d by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, secoroed by CCUnc. Jà'mscn ani p"e-e:l 4-0 (Sp&rlœ a1Jstainin;J) to &¡:pOint WI" i;o"" netœer to the Cable 'LV Advisory CCIIIIdttee. At 6:45 p.m., the meetinq was called to order by Mayor Sp&rlœ. WID. Pletcher appointed to Cable TV Advisory Com. SAWŒ 'lO '!HE FlAG R:>IL CAlL Q:Junc. Pl. S íL: Gatto, JåulllOn, Pl\JD3Y, Rogel.., Mayor Sparlcs staff Po&. 5" L: City Maœgar ()1inlan City Clmk O:Imelius Direct:ar of Public WarJcs Viskcvic:h Direct:ar of Plaminq am D8II8l,¥""",t 0Jwan Direct:ar of Finance snyder Direct:ar of P8rkB and Recreatiœ Dcw1in;r Asøociate Planner Caughey City Attomey Kilian DepJt:y City Attomey Qx::Jœr -1- . Postponements . ABC license Received Report on Public Works projects re- eed MINI7.ŒS C1P '!HE APRIL 20, 1987 CI'1Y axJNCIL MEI!:l'DÇ (CX>-717) ~ - It was IIIOII8d by Q:Jurx:. Gatto, -......ð04 by Q:Jurx:. a.-- and 1"'--111 unIIJ'ÚJIrJUSly to ccntiDJø ~ 26 am 30 to Illy 4, 1987, l'8IICIV8 IteIIB 21, 31 32 am 33, CXrItime Item 43 to August 17, 1987, CXrItime It.- 34 to Illy 18, 1987. C!2XIIIAL Jllla."J!RS - PRESmIM'ICH9 P.rcc:laatia1 døcJ.arirç Aprill9-25, 1987 as "NatiCIIal COin Week" in ~. Frank Hj"'ara and Ben QuoAiIv-.I{ of the O¡pertino COin Club received the proc1amatien. œAL <XJHJHI~ 'Ibis particn of the meet.in¡ is reserwcl for pe:t:scns wish1n;r to..cJch. the <hmc:i1 en PJnf matter not en the agenda. SpeaJœm am limited to five m1rI1tes. In JDCSt cases, state law will prcb1bit the CDmcil ftaa IIIaJdn;r PJnf .......i.i.aw with 1WIp8Ct to a matter not listed en the agenda. None. S'mFF ~ 1. Oral ...........Ls by staff ~.. am "nhRi_icn of written ...~Lø. Al...........'i~ BENel._ Liœœe - Mid1ae1 Detblefs and Vhginia 1'aiell - 10033-37 Mann Drive. By OCI 1_, Council stated they had no cbjecticns to the i-1IInC8 of an ~ bBI.__ license subject to the facility J7f1tin: health, fixe inspecti.cn and h,i1di'l¡ ~ prior to the openinq of bJsiness. 2. 'J.'.œauœr's ~XD:t en :rnv-t-.Ls, M2Ird1, 1987 ani adJøt ~. CDmcil received the .I."¥NoL ani mquested that the .."..~ be int:...."....ted with projects to allCII -.ier CCIIpIriscnI. m-.m_ -.... t. en FUb1ic Wcmæ Pro'Iects Ccunci1 received the ""¥NoL and recpested that it be pn'" iJdwd in the n'lnlWr'+inn SCene. CbmC. Pl\JD3Y also mquested a copy of the .I."¥NoL. -2- MINUD!S OF 'DfE AÆIL 20, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL -=.UI; (00-717) CDJNCIL l<UUW:I 5. Iaqislative RrM.eor amdttee - It was IIICIIed by CbmC. JoJ........., seoaded by CDmc. Gatto ani p"~-ra unan1mcus1.y to taJœ the fo11cwin;J actia1s regaxdin;r J:'L' tJOSed 1eqislatiCl1: ~<1Sed. AS 937 (O:niit), ~.....!se en city regulaticn of ']e'CI(>line and alcchol sales; SB 1407 (L. G).-..), d8I/81q)8r fees; SB 553 (JI'----1'), eminent tftMoi1'\, limits en ability of local gaII..........4..0 to .......dt.u.. prcperty CW1'IIId by pmH.. utilities; AS 1020 (Q:øta) and SB 692 (Keene) , rent ......It.ul, 1egislati.cr1 to J:'L~L local regulaticn of rents for (. -...dal t.,i1dings. ccnt.imed to ''l¥J&Ø SB 269 (lfcpp) , hazamcus materials ext:en:1irq PlqI. 65 to public entities. S.W...tee! SB 97 (a...,~ !':.11), såxIol cx:œt:nx:ticr1 fees; and AS 24 (Elder) , cpt:.ia1al SOOi.., Security ocntin;Jency fnl'"ll!l'''' for PERS ......d......tin;r agøncies. ccnt.imed to "",p ...L SB 516 (a...,.. sen), autharity for CAIJæANS to ....../1....1. for highway ......ign and qineeriD¡ services. Refemad the follc:Jwin;J to staff: AS 315 (I.ancast:er) , tort refaDI, di .....1œure to jœ:y inc:I:eued; AS 450 (Q:)sta) , elim1naticn of sunset en J:'L' ~...... for protEt.in¡ ~7 "'ive ......fcatia'ls; ani SB 879 (Alcpi.st), subdivisicn, soil and geologicall:~ls. <X:HŒNl' ~ (It is recpISted that IteIœ 8 tbrcugb 28 be acted en sDult..u",w""y unless separate df.....-icn anð¡or acticn is recpISted by Council, staff or to .Ier of the public.) It was IDV'ed by CCUnc. Gatto, &eO<:I&.dt.d by CCUnc. ~s and p" aa unan1mcus1.y to _we the a..w Ii" ,to calendar. 8. Rasoluticn No. 7143: "A Resoluticn of the City CDInCi1 of the City of QJpertino MaJdn:.:J DeteDIimtia1s ani Approvin;r the AmBxaticn of 'l'erritœy Designated as 'Raintx::Iw Drive 87-01,' 1.72±.I\cœB Gen8rally IDeated en the North Side of Raintx::Iw Drive bet1lleen Weymouth Drive and st:e11.inq Reed (AIW 362-10-3)." 9. Resoluticn No.7144: "A Resoluticn of the City CDInCi1 of the City of QJpertino MaJdn:.:J Detel:minatia'ls and Approvin;r the AmBxaticn of 'l'erritœy Designated as 'Dolaœs AWI'IJe 86-04,' .46± Acre IDeated en the North Side of Dolaœs AwrDe beibleen Byme AwrDe and 0J:aJ9t Aveme (AIW 337-14-23)." 10. Resolutiat No. 7145: "A Resolutien of the City CDInCi1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwin;J Certain Claim and Demarœ Payable in the Am:Junts and frail the P\mds as Hereinafter Desc::ribed for salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Erxiin; March 31, 1987." -3- Legislative Review Consent Cal- endar approved MIWŒS OF '!HE AEmL 20, 1987 CI'lY CDJNCIL MŒ1'I1Ð (CX>-717) 11. Rasolut:ic:n No. 7146: "A Rasoluticn of the City CCUncil of the City of 0JpIIrtin0 Allowin;r Certain ('bi""" and ~æ Payable in the A1Ia1nt8 m1 Fraa the P\mds aa 8IIre1nattar DIIøc:r1})ed far GerìoQ.al and Misoe11anecu& EIIpeD1itureø for the P8ricd Eh:Un;r April 10, 1987." 12. Rasolut:ic:n No. 7147: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jper:tin0 Acoeptinq Grant of 11\0_ d. far ~ ~n. traD valloo PImt, Ib1., a Califamia Lhlited Partnership o:nrlstin;J of ~y 0.0291 Acre IDeated a'1 Pruneridge AvenJe. " 13. Rasolut:ic:n No. 7148: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jper:tin0 ResciMin¡ Reso1uticn No. 7012, and Declarin;r its Intent.ia1 to Order Vacatia1 of a Partiat of PUblic service 1O!:o-nt within the City of 0Jpert.in0 PID:8uant to secticn 50430 Et seq. of the GcIII-......d. 0::xJe of the state of california, Fixing Time ard Place for Hearinr:J ani PrcNidin¡ for Notice 'Ihm:eof; PA._Lz' I.oc:ated at the NarthwIIIst a......... of 1b.1te 280 and WOlfe Rœd." 14. Rasolut:ic:n No. 7149: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jper:tin0 Acoeptinq Grant of 10!:0_ ,L far ~ Pulp: I fir trc:a steven A. Left:cn and lCiU:en M. Left:cn as to 11. 236t, and Berland cme, as to 88.76t o:nrlstin;J of l\¡:pI:œdmately 0.004 Acre IDeated at the SciUthwest Cb....... of stevens Creek Boulevazd and PO........ AWI'IJe." 15. Rasoluticn No. 7150: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jper:tin0 A¡:provinq Parcel Map and ~ Plans of P1.",¥=Lz' IDeated en Dolar:es Avwue; DeYel.q)er, craiq Clark; Autharizin;r Executicn of :D¥-. d. ~_d.; Autharizin;r Signinq of Parcel MIIp ard :D¥-._d. Plans." 16. Resoluticn No. 7151: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jper:tin0 Apprcvin;J a...d...aCt 01an3e Order No. 2 for Civic center Expans!cn, Project 2003, City Hall, LiJ:Irazy and Site Walk." 17. Resoluticn No. 7152: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:provinq a...,L...aCt ~ Order No. 2 for saratoga-8unnyvale Rœd Widenin;r Project 85-01, Traffic Signal H:xlificatien Project 85-06." -4- MINUl'ES œ '!HE AImL 20, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL ~.uG (CX>-717) 18. T1n .1uHt'If\ No. 7153: "A RIIIoluticn of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Apprgvin;J a..d......ct ~ o..a.... No. 1 far 1i'x7Y8r~, Project 1004." 19. ,-, I .])ytoicn No. 7154: "A Reøoluticn of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0J¡:wtin0 Apprgvin;J a..d......ct ~ o..a.... Ro. 7 for ~ Bculevard Widenin;r Project 86-20." 20. Resoluticn No. 7155: "A Reøoluticn of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Apprgvin;J a..d.....::t ~ o..a.... No. 1 far SL.......st ~....._ít. Project 81-27B, stewIna cœeIc Boulevard and 0;.....".. Av8nJe." 21. Resolut1cn No. 7156: "A RasolutJ.cr. of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Apprgvin;J a..íL...-.."t ~ 0..<110.... No. 5 far Foot:hi11 Boulevard ~~d. Project 80-09." ~-t rEIIDV/Ù) RiEIII:IIIø!. 22. k<:~_ of City a......-...L...._..t'If\ of Project 87-101. r-. "Y.) 23. J\¡p'cNal of mimtee of Marå1 16, 1987 regular City CDmcil aeet:.in;r (00-714). 24. Jlao;r-t: far apprcpriat.ic.n tzœ the Ia1q '!'em Disability !\n1 to the Ia1q Tem Diæhn ity ~. 25. Jlao;r-t: trca a,¡la;.~ Club far waiver of f_ for bJsiness 1iœœe and use of JI:int:a vista "'-wüty center en April 25, 1987. project perfcn:med under o...,L.....::t: au:œ, GItters, and S~"-i8JJœ, (No 1I'1ß''''Unq ~,.-ílcaticn 26. A¡:pliœt:1cn 81-004.618 - RBYiw of 5 Year capital ~- d. Pi....".._ am EnY1ranDenta1 RBYiw: 'Ibe P1.amb1q n-i-ien fÚ'ldS the capital ~...._«. t"-..."..- consistsJt with the Ge'....al Plan and r&. ..Aæ the grant:inI¡ of a Negat!w DBclaratia1. Jlao;r-t for grant:inI¡ of Negatiw Declaratia1. CD1t.iJuød to Illy 4, 1987. 27. A¡:pliœt:1cn ItSIiC 51,703.1 - ~ of t\ -.0. - ~ ardU.tectural and Bite _..,.¡al lI:Idifiœticna to an 8Id.stinI¡ office ",.."...."IIJ located en the nart:b side of Sil.......aCJ&" Av8nJe a¡:praxiDately 225 feet eut of DeAnza Boulevard. -s- MINUl'ES C1P '!HE APRIL 20, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL )u:.a:a:.uG (CX>-717) 28. Autharizaticn for payment of $325.01 trail the sister City J:ui;Jet to CXMIr expenIss tmI tbe Cb8n:y JQ.( T ) h8tival. ygm IJL J _r D c4 the City Ch1l'Y'.!i 1 AYES: Gatto, J~-"'J, Pl\JD3Y, Rcgm:., Spu:D II:D: Naw .esœr: Naw Aæm1N: Naw l'1D6 mxJ\/m m:II <XImm' CAIÐQR Naw. RJBLIC HFARIH:;S . 30. ÐDinmJt rr-hl~' _;""""i'9 for the ~,i"iticn of - d. for wter service HIf am AP9Oclat. DøII8l~,t., ,....,.,.,,"" and ste11in;J. (P9o;p-t CXI'It.hua to May 4, 1987.) 021t:imed to May 4, 1987. 31. Hearinr:l ......---...hq a rW.sance at 7733 Rainbcw Drive (NI1isance aœted, recp!St rI!IIICNal r.taa agenda.) REmcIIIed. 32. Hearinr:l o...a-u.hq a rW.sance at 20065 støv&ns cœek Bculevard, Q:Ipy Mart. (Abated, request J:8IICMIl r.taa Agerda) . 1ØIcJved. 33. Hearinr:l to abate rW.sance of IIign withcut peœit at 19925 st:ev8B cœek Bculevard, QJpertino ~A icna1 Office 0IInter. (a) Reøoluticn No. 7159: "A R880luticn of the City Oamcil of tbe City of QJpertino OL<1Io....in;J Ab.&tc.-d. of PUblic ~ 0:1nBistinq of sign Withcut a Pemit Loc:ated at 19925 støv&ns cœek Boulevam. " REmcIIIed. þ 34. Hearinr:l to abate rW.sance of va>1.cus signs encted withcut a peœit at 10002 N. De A:.-.za Boulevam, ~ Gas/Quality 'l\Jne Up. (R¡eqI-t CXI'It.hua to May 13, 1987. ) -6- MINUl'ES C1P 'DIE AÆIL 20, 1987 CITIC <nJNC:IL MEE1'DI:; (00-717) CcI1t1med to May 18, 1987. 35. AßIlicatiaw 2-Z-87 ani 7~7, William Awry _ R8zaIin¡ trail en (General 0. ".",-.cla1) to PI) (Planned D8velo,",-,t. with Residential Intent) ZaIe; use Pemit to ........t....x:t five s!n;r1e-family detached dweJ.lJn;J units. Ehvira1aBnta1 RsYiew: '!be Plannin;J l"nIni_icn x.:> -.da. the grant::in¡ of Negative n-1"Taticr1s. 'lbe ...._t.1 is loc:ated 0!1 the west side of JtJClellan Road, appt'QIdmat.ely 200 ft. scuth of Mira vista Road. p.. -·ded for~. (a) First ....-~f"1liJ of Otdinance No. 1411: "An Otdinance of the City of Q¡pertino Rezarln;r ~_L1 traa en (Geneuù 0. ""'-lCial) to PI) (Planned D8Yelo '"'....4. with Residential Intent) zcne; I.cx:ated en the west Side of JtJClellan Road, A¡:praximately 200 Ft. South of Mira Vista Road. Bill AVfirj, 21691 Lindy lane, stated that acoœ:dJ.n:J to his geologist the slcpe in the area to be deve1c:ped is a.........,Lly unstable ani that this deve1'¥U'=1,L will solve that prcblem. He will be prco.ri.din;J ~ ..t......ot iDp:cvements as well as visible laIx'I"""'apin;r. He fslt that the ..... 'l-:eed ciawl., ,L acXh. 8 9d all P1.annin;r staff ani P1.anninI¡ I"nInf"'8icn .........-..... Mr. Avery expressed o...~i reqardirq the __....cd laD]uage in regard to iDprcvement ccst:s and their ~11 - to 1nterpretaticn. He requested a .-.f.ien reqardirq a mjor 0eIk tree en the ~_ti. He stated that his aztx:ø:ist does x.:. ",",....ñ reooval as the tree is disin;J. If this tree wre remaved it wwld provide maœ f1-1,..fHty to IIICV8 h,fMf'J] envelc:pes. Director of P1am!nq ani DBvel'¥U'=ljt. COWan stated that the 0IIk tree does haV8 a figbtin¡ åwx:8 if i_bte ac:t:.icn is taIam. Rcn &m, project --1gnør, said the tree will not haV8 a lcn¡ life, 8V81 if it wre SIMId at this time. He su.s",-ted that it be X'I'p'~ with eeveral trees such as the ca1itamia Live 0IIk. Mr. &m infcmaed Council that the hJi1i1fn;)8 do haY8 wiJD:JwB en their scuth side for sun ani wimcws wre c:aittec1 traa the north side to maintain privacy for ne!<1'hoorw. He stated that the unifom fence --ign will give the døv8l.....-,L a vi" "9P' look. Bob }Inwoi., 22337 lI::Clellan Road, said the main preble is the åw1ge in ZŒ1in;r. '!be area is Rl-10 new ani a planned deve1'¥U'=1't. wculd not ccnfom with the rest of the neighborhood. He told Council that traffic in the area is dar1gercus new. He requested 20 ft. setbacks. F.e wished to -7- . Public hearing closed 2-Z-87 aDd 7-U-87 continued to May 4 , Guidelines . . MINUl'ES C1P '1JŒ APRIL 20, 1.987 Cl'lY CXX1NCIL MEEl'nC (00-717) IBintain a nu:al a<' n. ~....... in the neighborl¡ood and ~.n---œd the City purcMse the l4""""'L¡ and the acljoinirl¡ ....""""'Lÿ ml clœe it to c:ars. It was IIICMId by CDJnc. Pl\JD3Y, s..........c1t.J by CCUnc. Gatto and pr-stl UI'IaI'11mcœly to close the p,n'10 hearirq. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, II8CCI'ded by CCUnc. J-.l!...... and p" a1 UI'IaI'11mcœly to CXIJt:iJI.Ie exndderatien of this matter to the regular IIIEIetin;J of May 4, 1987. 0':Iuncil ~--œd the followin;J guidelines: All right to reIIICJ\/8 Oak tree; J:'àJœ the amcunt of bl1i1dinq, prcœbly fewer units; maintain as IIIJCh setback frail H:Clellan as pnaainle; å1eck slope of gable; north end 0Q11d bee:> .._ p"" it! area dedicated to City; provide infODlBticn regardin;J iDprawment;s that will be en H:Clellan Rœd. 36. Aw'iœticn 81-004.120 - City of 0Jpert.in) _ A¡:praYal of Ordinance to amend selected partiCDI of the Sign Ordinance No. 746, codified as Title XVII of the JlJrti(!ipe¡l Code ani Er1vircnasnta1 BBvisw: 'DIe Planninq n-i_icn J:"o. -.db the grant.in;r of Neqat!w Declaratic:n. lDcatiat: Citywide. Pe<:. ·,·,...,Ided for ðwLuVal. (a) First ~ of 0J:dinance No. 1414: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0, ca1itamia Amendin;J Var!œs PrcvisiCDI of the Sign ardinanoe (No. 746). ks~pot«te P1anner CIIJJ/þII;¡ reviewed the 14'~ åIanges to the sign cm:Unanoe with Council. !Atby ~lee, ExlBaztiw Direct.ar, ~ of 0... .~, stated that the virIia,r sign pel......ílðga of CXMD:'ag8 is the cnly issue to the ~. If the City Council åIanges the ardinance as.... J d:..d, she 1'eC;pI8tecI that the ~ haV8 the _L.lnity to ~kl. Sh3 J:1If:pISted that the 14 i IL 2M per virIia,r not be c::banI}rId. <2Iarleø IT- 'I, Vioe ~, valloo Park U:d., ..."......d with Ms. ~leø œgard1ng the pel......,1.dge of ocverage. In l1Igard to +-,. .....z:y and "II""'"i.., event: signs, he stated that 1åd: is ....·I.r:e&I1 is not waèœb1.e for valloo Village. 'Ihøy haV8 used bIInnera and ~b' event: signs with no """TbiYJts. He Sh-._--œd that center of 21-27 tenants be all~ bolo center ~banners and these with 28 or more tenants be all~ fœr center banners. -8- MINUl'ES OF '!HE AEmL 20, 1987 CI'1Y cx:oaL MEE'.l'nÐ (CX>-717) HlmlB.1 Hijmans, Top Rlrniture ~, ~....cl with the ~ in reg¡mi to the 25\ far window signs. Linda HBrz, sign user, signs of califomia, ~ ...... ~..-.. J:eÇ Udin;J the 1-"-'1-~ 1St. She felt it wœld be averly restrictive. After ccn:b::tin;J a survey she fcurñ that 25\ is the average in Nart:bem califomia. Her <D~\ was t:reatirJ;J a +-,,- v..ary and ¡:.MI .._ ,~tl sign the same. Council røvi.8oIed the 1-"-' v:eed à1aß;es. Karle GriIIIIIer, o.rà1ard Valley Mzniœtplaoe Manager, stated that 32 sq. ft. per face of signs wœld be ~te. OIarles NøaIm exp.. ad ð9l.........,L with that. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. JàJnscn, ...........c1t.d by CCUnc. Gatto ani P"e-'9d \II'IIIIÚmCUs1y to cloee the 1"'''' i", hearing. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. J............, -.....c1t.d by CCUnc. Gatto and 1"'-'111 unanimc:uüy to ðwLwe the grantinq of a Negative Declaratiat. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\mN, ~.c1t.d by CCUnc. Gatto an1 p"-~ \II'IIIIÚmCUs1y to read ordinance No. 1414 by title ally and the City Clmk's readizç to cx:nsti~ the first œading thereuf, IIIIIeIdtd as follows: Tcpic E: Up to 32 sq. ft. tŸII,..,.. faced; if III.l1tiple at..-t tt.... ~, 1II.l1t!p1e signs (ate for each ..L.......~ fra1tage) . Topic F: 21-27 tenants to read 3 tenant bBmerB am 2 center b!u....; 28 tenants ar mare, 4 tenant bImner:s am 4 center bIInners; event day signs æ:e ~L f:I:aa the pmmit. 'DIe cm:Unanoe shall haV8 a statement that any signs en right-of-way shall not b...L...!ct traffic or vis:ibi1ity (direc::t:icna1 signs). Topic G: C2Iange 1St to 25\. Topic H: Mi statement that abatement will occur if there is ~ t:urn:JVer or more at ate tme. Topic I: Eliminats "ar both." PIANNnÇ APPLICATIŒ9 37. A¡:p1icatien 700U-87 - william AVf!ry - Please refer to Item 35. -9- Public hearing closed Negative Dec. for sign ord. First reading of Ord. 1414, sign ord.. as amended . . Negative Dec. for 7-TM-g7 7-TM-87 approved . MINUl'ES ØF 'DIE APRIL 20, 1987 CI'1Y c::aJNC:IL I'IUiJ:.uG (00-717) 38. Applicat.1œ 7.JIM-87 - Gerard 0Jpertin0 Partner I- Tentative MIIp to subdivide ate parcel into 14 parcels with lot sizes ran:J1n;r traa 7,500 sq. tt. to 9,200 sq. tt. ani EnvircnaBnta1 RøIriøi: 'lbe P1.armin¡ rnm.i_1.cn PO:· ···,-Ids the gmntinq of a th;Jative nar.laratien. 'lbe Þ<-"'I"""'Li' is loœted en tX.e east side of Mazy AvenJ8, a¡:prcxi:øately 200 ft. sa.rt:h of Meteor Place. ~,. ,-dtd far Ç}jluval. Director of Plamin;J and Devel..........d.. Cowan reviewed the a¡:plicat.1œ with camci1. Tim Sandis, engineer...at'L Sb-JlJ.n;J the awlicant, stated the }AL'v:..ed haIIes had cent-'I' ....~ sty1in;J. '1bere 1«IUld a new fence alaq the perimeter and the dsvel..........,L wculd be çpraximatsly half c:nHJtory and half two-story };Qi1d!JJ3B. Dorcthea Dcaio, 21478 Meteor Drive, stated that she un::Jerstood drainage was a pzå:llem in the area. Uþa1 asJcin;r, she had been told that if there is a pråJlem existin;r þk._ty wculd be o....dt:.....cl. She ~ --ad OCia-...u that she lives in a me-stCJIy haJse and a two-story haJse is planned to be oa1Structed in back of her. She also exp1. '!'ed. OCia-...n regaJ:din;r trees and an UI1dmgrourxi gasoline storage tank that is en the }AL"'I"""'ty. Ms. Dcaio was int..........cl the tank will be rE!IIII:IIIed and the soil will be tested. In regard to drainage, it will go œt to Mar.! AvenIe. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jc:tJnscn, secc:nØi by CCUnc. Gatto and l""-ecl unanbr:Ius1y to grant a Negative Declaratien. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jc:tJnscn, secc:nØi by Cœoo. Gatto and p"--ecl unanbr:Ius1y to "1¥Lwe J\['{'licatien 7~7 per Plaming rnm.i_icn Rasoluticn No. 3019. ~ AND SITE APæJI7AL CXHaTl'EE APPLICATIœs 39. Naw. UNFIJŒSHID BJSDŒ:SS 40. Naw. 1ŒJf BJSDŒ:SS 41. Ca1sideraticn of an ordinarx:e providin;J for regulatien of traffic at site of ..t...-t or reed OOI1Sb:uc:t:.ien. -10- MINUl'ES C1P '!HE APRIL 20, 1987 CI'1Y axJNCIL MEZl'IlG (00-717) 41. (a) PiJ:IIt Reading of ordinance No. 1413: "An 0rdinIInce of the City CCUncil, City of QIp8rtj.no, PJ:tJvidJn;r for the Regulatia1 of 'l'mffic at the Site of R3! or SLL....t Q:rIst:ruct:i.c or Maintenanoa by .Aut:barized E\:4......IS." It was IIICIWId by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, BeCXI1ded by CCUnc. Gatto and por--scl ~y to read ordinance No. 1413 by title œly and the City Clmk's J:8IIcIiJJJ to IXnItitute the first readinr:¡ tJw¿,_I. 42. QJQnt:ywide Coordinatic:n of Taxics,lHazardcus Materials P~"':I'-_ an:! activities. (a) Resoluticn No. 7138: A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin¡ EIœc::uticn of A,p.........íL for Coardinatien of City and Q:Iunt:y Hazardcus Materials Activities. It was IIICMId by 0UIc. Pl\JD3Y, seoc:.d.d by CCUnc. JåIrIscm and por-scl unan1mr:uIly to adept Resoluticn No. 7138. 43. TiDB table and ccsts of i",'--rt:&tic:n of r.... . -1dtd.ia1s of Solid waste Advisory Call1littee. ~-t ocntiDJe to August 17, 1987.) QJnt:iøJed to August 17, 1987. 44. 8electicn of ca1SIÙtant to prepare ordinances for creaticn of redeYel___.L ~....-y anct authorizatic:n of fIntin;r. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, seccnded by CCUnc. JànlSCll't anct p--ncl unanimcusJ.y to _we retaining Go'"f''''''' & Up-". It was IIICMICl by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, -......do:od by CCUnc. Gatto and p" sj unanimcusJ.y to aut:horize.. $15,000 fraa the G8'Ie1:al PUnd for CXIISUltant serviœs to be reimbursed by future redeYel"1. ít. age¡....y if ~ 1. .L plan is ~ and tax :1nc........d. fUnds are guaranteed. 45. ~~ Trailer Pezmit for Telebit O""'~aticn. 'DIe loœtia1 of the trailer is en the south side of the h1i1dinq (alCD] the nart:heast cœ:ner of McClellan R3! and a11:iIlœd). It was IIICMId by ChJnc. P1\JD3Y, seccnded by CCUnc. Rogers and 1""........, unani:a1amly to exterñ the t-~'i'Ù.LaI:Y trailer ~vv'al for ate year. -ll- First reading of ord. 1413. regulation of traffic at construetion sites Res. 713g. hazardous materials. adopted Goldfarb & Lipman re- tained. re- development agency $15.000 auth- orized Telebit trailer approval . Public hear- ing for bike ord. First reading of Ord. 1416, blockage of intersections At reading ~rd. 1417. crossing guards . HDCI!S OF '!HE APRIL 20, 1987 CI'1Y <DJNCIL 1'IUa'~ (CX>-717) 46. Qudd8ratia1 of lIICditicaticn to bicycle cm:Unanoe. It was II:J\/8cI by Cbmc. Pl\JD3Y, ..........dt.d by Cbmc. Rcgm.. and p"--,11 unanimcus1y to _...". a pnh1 in beIIrln;r for the first ~ of the )4.' v...s ardin!mce. 47. FiJ:øt ~ of 0I:dinIInce No. 1416: "An 0rdiJIance of the City of 0Jpert:in0 M!1n;r Sect:.icn 11.24.230 to 01apter 11.24 of the 0IpIIrtin0 Jlmicip"l Qåa Belatin¡ to the PreYenticn of the BlCldrage of Int.er8ect:iaB by Vehic1ee. " It was IIICIIed by Cbmc. Pl\JD3Y, seo....dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto and P"'e-ed unanimcus1y to reed 0rdiJIance No. 1416 by title cnly and the City Clmk's ~ to CXI'IStitute the first readin;J thereof. 48. First readin¡ of 0rdiJIance No. 1417: "An ordinance of the City of 0Jpert1m Addinq ~ 11.09, Pe.:1e.oLLlans, to the 0Jpert1m )b\in:lpel QJde and Establiah1nq stardards for the A¡:poL,t:.-..t. of Nc:I1st:udent, Aœlt Ct'cIIIdD} QIards." It was IIICIIed by <b.mc. Pl\JD3Y, seoot.dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto and p"ft-1!d unanimaJsly to reed ordinance No. 1417 by title cnlY and the City Clmk's readin;J to OI:I1Stitute the first readin;J thereof. htu:.I."ul4 CXlHJNICATICHS 49. Naw. œDDÐ\NC&9 SO. Naw. RæOII11'ICHS 51. Naw. 'Ibt ~ was adjaJmed at 10:25 p... ~: City Clmk - -12-