CC 05-04-87 . . þ . , , CI'1Y C1P aJPERl'IN:), STATE C1P c::AIiDtRIrA 00-718 Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DBAnza BculeYaxd Interim CCUncil ~: 10500 N. DIIAma Bculevard 0Jpertjn0, CA 95014 Telepø¡e: (408) 252-4505 MINI7IZS OF '!HE RIDJIAR CI'1Y CDJNc:IL Jomra'J.lG HEm œ MAY 4, 1987 Dr '!HE IIr.l.DUl'1 CDH:IL awœBR, 10500 N. ræ: ANZA IDJIEVARD, W.tTòKI.".uD, CAURRaA At 6:45 p.m., Kayar SparIcs called the meetJ.rq to ard8r in the interim Council 0-0-. SAII7l'E 'lO '!HE PUG R>IL CAIL CDmc. B. S _tL: Gatto, Jclu1scin, Pl\JD3Y, Rogel.., Kayar SparIcs staff p., S H.t: City Manager ()ÚnlIm Dep.¡ty City Clerk WOlfe Director of PUblic Wœ:ks vis1a:wic:b Assistant P1anninq Director Pbaec-Id Director of Finance snyder Director of Pæts ani Rec:reatic:.n Dcw1in;J Assistant to the City Manager Brown lhnLnúty Ralat1.cns Officer Ostsman Planner I caughøy City Attamey Kilian Iœ'l'IOŒHDfl'S - Naw. CEREKJŒAL ~ - Fm:SENrATIc:tIS - Naw. aw.. <XIHJN:tCATIŒ9 '1his porticn of t;he -r..in;J is rs n~ for ~...... wisbiD¡ to a.i:b. ø the Council en 8'nf mtter IIOt en the _à.. Speakers are limited to five mimtes. In mcst casee, state law will pråUbit the Council fra11121dn;r any .-.i..ims with respect to a matter IIOt listed en the agenda. Mr. RåJert HenIric1œcn regardin:¡ traffic - Mira vista Averue. - Mr. Herm:i.c:Jœcn was IIOt ì4- nl1t. CCUncil OCI1Sidered Item 54 at this time. 54. Request frail Arts CCUncil of santa Clara 0c:u1ty for oo-spa............h.ip by the City of a¡pertino for "HzuxJs a1 the Arts." -].- . Fine Arts Com. re "Hands on the Arts" City Manager' s Report C~ Enforcemen Legislative Review . "-:-<.."---f"-,-.,'1C""";"'" MDI7lE9 C1P '!HE MAY 4, 1987 CI'1Y OXJNCIL ME:E'l'IlÇ (<X:-718) I.any Sta1e, President of the Arts cmnci1 of santa Clara cwnt:y, told cmnci1 about last yær'. experience with the J¡IL..."...- and LL...."..-4 Hal c:rqp ftaa the ca1J.faaúa 'Ibeatsr 0Int8r in Qmnyvale. Mr. c:rqp also døøc::ribed the J¡IL..."...-'s results. :It was IIICIIed by 0U1c. Gatto, .........dt.d by CCUnc. Plungy and p"--ed ~y to direct the Fine Arts ,.,..,."i-ien to IItudy the reIIJ88t with JJ¡:ut trail the DJrector of PI!IJ:b and a...........t!cn ani to .I."'I'ULl œcJt at the May 18, 1987 meetinI¡. STAFF !<I!it<.IK.U:S 1. 01'al .I.qlUl.Ls by staff ,,_,J oé:t:S ani .."hoIi_i.cn of written l.~ls. 'DIe City MIInager i'" s ,Led a .I."'I'ULL en the cwnt:y Libra%y (breaIIdcwn of allocaticn trail ~ and expsldituz:8 stampoint) , n--nú.ty 0SI1ter Uþdate, mI Grant Quarterly ~L, and Major crime Activity ~L. 2. Q)de enf..............d. LqlUl.L frail the DJrector of PlarIninI¡ and Devel,¥"",,d.. Assistant PlarIninJ DJrector pt........Jd .I.qlUl.Led that the shed en Rainbow has been 1IICIIed. cmnci1 aooepted the o:œ en!1u.L"-ClUClíL .I.~L. OXJNCIL !<&U(1::¡ 5. 0U1c. Jchnscn - Legislative ReI7i.ew Call1littee - It was IIICIIed by 0U1c. JåDlISW, r.......o..ded by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y ani l"'-eð. unanbøJsly to take the followiD;J acticnI regardinq J¡IL'~ ler;ris1aticn: Q:I'1t.imed to .~ AB 2190 (~) , ~ district elec:t.icnI7 sa 1037 ('1\.&...._) , ...__.1Bl of ............. pr8SUIIIIticn for firefigbtem7 sa 692 (r...), .. ,..J.a1 :œnt .....L..vl; AB 768 (!'l.oyd), ........-'ed \11 pen pemits. ~nd AB 1099 (EldBr) , ~ -=1iaticn \Mn nq.¡ested by peace officers or firefjghteœ; sa 1407 (L. GL_I8), developer fees 7 sa 1425 (VUiå1), å1an:)e in lien date for J¡IL_Lf tax.. 11... Q:I'1t.imed to SlW" L sa 1798 (QJsta) , sa 300 c..'!aI1-Up7 AB 1318 (Pæoe), tort reform, inverse cxn:Jea1atia~; AB 36 (Floyd), ~e helmet bill. SI.g)arted AB 31"i (cortese), revers:1n;r san Maroos decisic:n re capital fæ;ci1ities fI.1ndin;r fees7 AB 1486 (Sher) , narradnq Palmer v. OJ&! decisicn, pemit streamlinin;; sa 351. (Ñ:i:Ibins), allocatien of fines for -2- MINUl'ES OF '!HE MAY 4, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNCIL ME:m'IN3 (00-718) vio1aticn of financial resprsibility law; SB 140 (~), _jor transpart:aticn fUrIdin}. Requested CXW of AS 923 (Floyd) , "time bmJcall for exterxSed or ........il1ai Hlness. CX'Rmfl' CAIDDR CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y rE!IIII:MId Ite118 16, 22 ani 36. It was IIICMId by 0curJ::. RcgeL.., ...........èIbd by 0curJ::. Gatto and P"-"!d unanimcusJ.y to _we the balance of the Cl..! d. call!irÐar as subllitted. 8. Aaill-catia1 81-004.618 - Review of 5 Year Capital :n..,...""""""".L ~...".._ and Envira1œnta1 Review: 'lbø P1.ar1nin;r n--i_i.cn firœ the Capital ~,^,-d. !-'L"""'- oc:nd,stent: with the Genkcù Plan and reo:, ·,-XIs the grantin¡ of a Negative Dec1.arat.icn. Request for grantin¡ of Negative Declara1:ia1. 9. C1aJm for ....,.-jeS filed by Mrs. Zelda SWeatt. :Reo .. _._.~rd&J. far rejecticn. 10. Rasolutiat No. 7158: "An o.tdiJ1aooe of the City Council of the City of 0Jpert:.in0 Initiatin;J~. -o-iiyogs for Annexati.cn of .29± AcI:8 I.ocatsd en the SOUthwest 0.......... of O~a.l1gI& Aven.Je am. AlhaIi:1ra Aven.Je (Am 357-15-14) Designated '0raD1e Averme 87-02'." 11. ~-t for _wal of waiver of bJsiness license and user fees for use of Menta vista n--nú.ty Center filed by Xiwanis Club of 0Jpert:.in0. 12. ~.. -.. and """T' ..;11t (AIueI..èIbd) filed en hRIvI' f' of Rose I.an: . ReOBive. 13. ~".... -.. and """T,..i11t filed en bebalf of JlAi-.- o.......L a...}AoILaL1.cn (First ..~ \ooòL- !! . -",.l.iYJt). ReOBive. 14. Rasolutiat No. 7159: "A Resolution of the City 0r:mIci1 of the City of 0Jpert:.in0 Allowing 0Brtain C1..i""" and DeIIIar1èIs Fayable in the A:mamt:s ani traD the F\Jrds as Hereinafter Described for Salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Erñinq April 14, 1987." 15. Reso1utiat No. 7160: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpert:.in0 Allowing 0Brtain Clains and DemIIn:1s Fayable in the A:mamt:s and FraIl the F\Jrds as Hereinafter Described for General and Miscel1ar.eous Experñit:ures for the Period Erñinq April 24, 1987." 16. ReIIIaYed. -3- Consent Calen- dar approved MINUl'ES C1P '!HE MAY 4, 1987 CITY CXXJNCIL J'IUa".ue (00-718) 17. ~ of the rø¡ular City Council meetinq of Karcb 30, 1987 (00-715). 18. ~ of the regular City Q:Iunci1 meetinq of April 6, 1987 (0::-716). 19. ~ of the regular City Q:Iunci1 meetinq of April 20, 1987 (CX>-717). 20. Rasoluticn No. 7161: "A Reso1uticn of the City Q:Iunci1 of the City of Q pertino ~ a...,L..aet C2Ianga order No. 3 for Civic O!nter Expansicn, ~ect 87-2003." 21. Rasoluticn No. 7162: "A Rasolutien o~ the City Q:Iunci1 of the City of Q pertino ~ a...,L..aet C2Ianga order No. 1 for PaveIIIent RestoratiClt, ~ect 87-104. 22. RiI!aDIIed. 23. Resoluticn No. 7164: "A ResolutiClt o~ the City Q:Iunci1 of the City of Q pertino Aooeptin;J Grant of -..-...... d. for ~ P\D:p<:nlf fJ:aII Allan G. Byer ani Marian Byer Q:nd.stin;r of A¡pJ:œdmately 0.0246 Acres, Located en the scut:hwest 0........... of stevens CI:eeIt Boulevard ani DeAnza Boulevard, APN 359-08-008, -009." 24. Resoluticn No. 7165: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of Q pertino Aooeptin;J Grant of -..-...... It for ~~: sn fJ:aII Allan G. Byer ani Marian Byer Q:nd.stin;r of A¡pJ:œdmately 0.0269 Acres, Located en the scut:hwest ~.... of stevens CI:eeIt Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard, APN 359-08-014." 25. Resoluticn No. 7166: "A Rasoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of Q pertino Aooeptin;J a Grant Deed of aw. P1._LZ- ~ ~ Pln.1XHIf fJ:aII Bill L. Co~~~ and ~,- J. Ooff~, Jl¡:praximately 0.52 Acre Located en SOUth st.e1.1in;J Rœd Adjacent to Jollyman l'Brlt." 26. Resoluticn No. 7167: "1. Resolutien of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizinq Executien of 'Et.o....uor AI".. ,L for security Deposits in Lieu of Rstenti.cn' ~the City, S. J. Au........-.. o::nrt:ruct:icn Co. , Inc. and ~ BlInk of califamia, Relative to the Civic Center ExpImsicn ~ect." 27. Resoluticn No. 7168: "A ResolutiClt of the City Q:Iunci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aooeptin;J a Grant of -..-rt: for OVerlani Storm Drain Pln.1XIf9S frail Tcm Y. Taniguàrl Located SOUth of 'I\J1a Lane; CCltSistin;J of A¡:praximately .007 Acre." -4- t MDIUl'ES OF '!HE JP.Y 4, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL MŒl'I1G (CX>-718) 28. Resolutien No. 7169: "A Resolut!cn of the City QUJcil of the City of Q pertino AooIIpt:inJ a Grant of - - £t for O\Ierland stœ:m Drain PI.1rpcns f%aI RonoInoJ...v B. ShI::rDs and Marjorie v. SiDlcnSs Located West of 'l\J1a lane: Q:nrlstin;r of ~y .01 Acr:8." 29. Reeoluticn No. 7170: "A Resoluticn of the City QUJcil of the City of Q pertino ~ IDt Line Adj\Øt-d.. betwen 'lWo P8rcels of land WithaJt a Parcel Map in .Accardarat with secticn 66412 (d) of SUbdivisicn Map Act as Amended Jæuu:y 1, IS84: secticn 50, as ShCJwn en 'Map of 9th Additicn, Ma1ta Vista,' I.oc:ated at Miræa1te IbId and stevens Cëmya1Ib1d." 30. Resolutien No. 7171: "A R':.ou1uticn of the City QUJcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aut!::rlzin;r Executicn of A."............1t bebIeen the City an:! Iawœme J. ~, Et. Al. for the JInJ,i..ttien of Public utility 11'.01~ I.oc:ated en Sil"....aã.. Avena." 31. Resoluticn No. 7172: "A Resoluticn of tl-.a City QUJcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aul:harizin;r Executicn of ~.........£t tebJeen the City an:! Ra1ald G. smith an:! Janet 'It-I, en smith for the Aor:1',i..iticn of Public utility -.....·-"L Iccated en silver&Jo Avena." 32. Resoluticn No. 7173: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Parcel Map and ~...........íL Plans of Pì.~Li' Located en Fnter 0:KJrt, south stellin;r IbId: D8II8loper, Jollyman þ...-Iates II: Aut:bari.zin;r EXIIcut!cn of :n..,..."".......d. A."... d..: Aut:bari.zin;r Signinq of Parcel Map ani ~~._d.. Plans." 33. (a) Reeoluticn No. 7174: "A Reeoluticn of the City Council of the CJ ty of 0Jpertin0 ~ the Final Map and I:IIprcv.......jL Plans of Tract No. 7960, tIrlts EIIq1.e, Iccated en Foothill Boulevard North of M::Clellan IbId: Develqm:-, willi.. A. 1d.nst: Acceptin;J Certain 1I'.oI..-r¡ts: Autharizin;r SigrWIq of Final Map and :n..,..."",_,L Plans: Aut:bari.zin;r the Executicn of A."...-.t in a........."'ticn 'Iberewith. " t (b) Reeoluticn No. 7181: "A Resolutien of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin;r ExlBcutien of A."..._1t bebôeen the City ani william A. Kinst PrcIridin;r for the tJndergrc:iundi of utilities en a Deferred Basis Alcn;J Foothill Boulevard North of McClellan Read." -5- . . Karch 113 Counc. .inutes approved Res. 7163 adopted . "':"'''C~: C#',...,-~::..~.~.... MINl1.ŒS OF '!HE MAY 4, 1987 CI'1Y <XDfCIL J'JUiJ.'.uG (00-718) 34. JIRIlicaticn ASAC 51,706.1 Tà<ðooa CDIpzterø: Rec¡uestin¡ _uval of a 2nd IItaz:y dedt canopy at an exist:1n;r offJœ,liJd.wtria1 bo·i1c.UtJ¡ 1.cx::t&œd at 19333 vallc:o PBrJaay. P9-:--.-.-.1decI tar ~wal. 35. A¡p1icaticn 1IS1C 51,709,1 'nu.db.. Q:I pJtcII: ~ _uval of exterior lIIOdifiœticns to two exist:1n;r office¡irDIst:ria1 h.i1t'lings 1cœted en the west side of 'nIntau AVWIJ8, north of Hi~ 280 at 10435 and 10500 North 'nIntau. P&Jo .,.......sed for ClMM-uoIBl. 36. Remcved. 37. (a) P"'q-t for additicnü _'¥Llaticn for sœv.. creek Boulevarð,/Foothi11 Bculevard ~..........,L Project 80-09 (ad¡ et ~ 4004). (b) Resoluticn No. 7179: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin;r ExBa1t:J.cn of OJ<~dU:1I8 """_d. bebIeIm the City of Q pertino and the City of IaJ Altoe for Fcotbi11 Boulevard lðhJtr "i.I~." Y2t§ p......J 'a.U:I of the City t'\"a1l'Y'!i, AYES: Gatto, J.la......" Pl\JD3Y, ~'" Spu:ics !as: Ncr18 AæÐœ: Naw ABSTAIN: Naw 1'~ .....t l'1ÐtS REH:7ÆD PKII CXHŒ2fr C'AU2aR 16. MirI1tes of the adjcumed mgular City CDmcil meet:in;r of HII1d1 18, 1987 (CX>-714A) It was IIICIIed by O:amc. P1\JD3Y, seccllded by O:amc. Jti..1I:M1 and p---ad unanimcus1y to _......a the min1tes as sutmitted. 22. Resoluticn No. 7163: "A Resoluticn of the City CDmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ o...,L..aCt C2wJ;J8 order No. 5 far Fcotbi11 Boulevard :n.-uv......d. Project 80-09 (ad¡ et 1IcocAmt 4004)." It was IIICIIed by O:amc. Pl\JD3Y, seoo.lded by CCUnc. Joollsen and I"'--1!d unanimcus1y to adept Raso1uticn No. 7163. -6- ," MDIt7r!S C1P '!HE MAY 4, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL =".UG (00-718) 36. Appl1caticn 2D-U-85 - W HaDes, Inc. : RiIq.Iestin; _...ra1. of a mcdified color så1I!III8 of an off!oe 1:,l1nðin¡ urdør cx:nstruct1cn at the ~ ............ of PO-a Awn.1e and stevens Creek BcuJ.evud. JI9.. .6.œ1 far "i¥L...ra1.. It wu 1IICIII8d by o:.JnC. P1\JD3Y, seoalded by Cbmc. JoI..-..n and y" II! UI"IIIlÛIIDJsly to ÀW.Lwe JIRIli.caticn 20-u-8S per Arå1itectural and sits A¡:prcwa1 Call1littee ReI!Ioluticn No. 1275. IUBLtC BFARDœ 39. ÐIIinent rnno.iTl P...· ~lrgs for the 1\cqUisitien of JI'.Jo-.....d. for water service HH and Assodates Dsvel,¥"""L, H::Clel1an and stellin]. (a) Resoluticn No. 7175: "A Reso1uticn of the City CCUnci1 of the City of Q pertino Autharizin] ÐIIinent rnno.iTl~' ..,.....i'1gB for Ac}t,i..ttia1 of JI'.Jo- -,L for Water service7 1M and JI........i-te& Dsvel"l-"""'íL, H::Clel1an RJad and stellin;J RJad." DiIect:ar of Public WarIœ vis1a::Nicb Lq-uLLed that all hIt ate owner have ___....d to the acx¡uisitia1. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, secx:n3ed by Cbmc. Rogel.. and p"TH:1 unanimaJsJ.y to close the p.1blic hearin;J. It was IIICIIed by Came. Gatto, seccnded by Came. Jåmsa1 and p"--ed unanimaJsJ.y to adept Resoluticn No. 7175. CCUnc. lb;Ja.. asked if it were too late to choose a ..t.......t MIlle frail the list of historically significant name n..-d.ly a¡prcvecl by Council. staff was directed to åIeck. 40. A¡:plic:at.icns 2-Z-87 and 7~7, William Avery - R8ZaÜrIIJ frail ex; (Geneml n ...._, cial) to FD (Planned Dsvel"l-"""',L with Rssidenti.a1 Intent) Zale7 use Pæ:mit to oot""t....x:t five sinq1e-family detaåIed dwellin] units. EnvircnIISntal Review: 'I!1e Planning n--i_icn reo· ··-Ids the grant1n;r of Negative Declaraticns. 'I!1e 1'L-.ty is located en the wst side of øx:lel1an RJad, a¡praximately 200 ft. scuth of Mira Vista RJad. ~:'···,_·Ided far A¡:prcwa1. (Ca1tinued frail meetin;r of April 20, 1987.) -7- . -"""·'·n-···"'·~· 20-U-85 approved Public hearing closed Res. 7175 adopted Street name . putt hearing closed Improvements on lower Me Clellan Negative Dec. for 2-Z-87 2-Z-87 approved First reading f grd. 1411 . MDVl'æ C1P '!HE M1.Y 4, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL MEErIH; (00-718) 40. (a) First ~ ~i"9 of Ordinance No. 14U: "An Ordinance of the City of 0Jp8rtin0 Heza1inq P.L_Lj traa 0:; (General r. ""..!al) to PI) (Planned DIMÜo,··-,L with RIIIÚd81tial Inta1t) zcne; Ia:ated en the west Side of M:JC'lAn.." Reed, ~y 200 Ft. Scuth of Mira Vista Reed. Assistant Plar1rUn) Direct:ar and Director of Public Woxiœ Viskr:wid1 reviewed the staff lepc4.ts with 0:mIcil. City Manager Quinlan stated that pe:z:haps 0:mIcil needs to define policy guidelines - that with fœr parcels a parcel map ¡çp:œå1 can be used; with five or IIIOr8 a deIre1.....-,L 1o'CUld be CX11Sidered a sutxU.visicn. Jim Shaw, 10655 Clu1:hJuse Lane, adjacent i'L_ty owner, subldtted a letter to cnmcil. He recpISt:ed hpravements m lower McClellan Road pe:z:haps includinq a step sign at Clu1:hJuse to facilitate safer left tums traa McClellan. Bill Avery, deve1c:p1r, 21691 Lin:iy lane, ~ a revised plan with fœr haDes rather than five and said he 1o'CUld tW'iiœte the "tip." It was IIICIIed by Counc. Jå'II'Isa1, SE!CCißBi by CCUnc. Rcgers and p"'eø..... unanimcusJ.y to close the pmlic hearinq. It was IIICIIed b}.- Counc. Gatto, seccnded by Counc. ~.. ani l"'ee~ unaniJJaIsly to eA.....e the ...........,¡t. of the City havin;J the respcllSibility of doin;r the iDprawaents en lower McClellan Bead, the project to i'L........c1 en the basie of fœr lots, arxi to direct staff to 0CIII8 bIc1c with a schedule of 1Ihm the hpravements 1oIQ1]d occur. It was IIICIIed by CaIne. RIoge:t:s, seocn:1ed by CCUnc. JåInscn arxi pt--ed unanimcusJ.y to g:œnt a Negative Dec::larat.icn for ARùicaticn 2-Z-87. It was IIICIIed by Counc. RIoge:t:s, seccnded by CCUnc. Jå'II'Isa1 arxi p"'ø-9d unanimcus1y to ~ ARùicatien 2-Z-87 per PJ.annin;r ('\ooøni....im Reso1utien No. 3013 m:xlified per Exhibit A 1st Revisien indicating a reduct:.ien frail five to fœr units. It was IIICIIed by CaIne. Pl\JD3Y, seccnded by CCUnc. Gatto arxi l"'''"'!''!Id unaniJJaIsly to read 0rdinIInce t:o. 1411 by title a1ly arxi the City Manager's :rædiDJ to cx:rwtitute the first :rædiDJ thereof. 41. Reque.:¢ for a¡:prcval of bingo pemit for Northwest YM:A; 20802 Alves Drive, 0Jpertin0, CA. -8- MINUl'ES OF '!HE Mi\Y 4, 1987 CI'1Y CXX1NCIL MEE:l'DÇ (00-718) !.any aJrrieeci, a r...f"-"lt en Alves Drive, stated that: there had been no prt'hI- when the bin;¡o game had been cxnmcted by another group ani he erd.......ad the carant:1n;r of the pemit. It was IIICIIed by o:.mc. Joollsen, secxr1ded by o:.mc. Ro9-.. and ]?"e-el! unanimcus1y to close the p.1bJ.ic hearin;r. It was IIICIIed by o:.mc. Jd.b...." secxr1ded by o:.mc. ~a and P"-ed unanimcus1y to _uVe the grant:in;r of a bin;¡o pexmit with the applicant prcvidin;J security durin;r the games. 42. O:msideraticn of vacaticn of porticn of pith] Ie -__...-y vehicles U¡gl __ e ......-,t, ~ of ~~ ~ at its teminJs north of stevens Ct'eek Boulevard. (a) Resolutia1 No. 7176: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 0J:deriß¡ vacaticn of a Partiat of PUblic ~...-y Vehicle D¡gl and Ð".. .,....~ within the City of 0Jpertin0 West of o.~ Road and its Temims Nœ:th of stevens Ct'eek Boulevard Pursuant to sectien 50430 of the GaII....u......L COde of the state of Califamia." Director of PUblic Walks ViskDviål reviewed the staff .I......... L with Council. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoctldtod by Ca.Inc. JWI&OO am po si unanimcus1y to close the p.1bJ.ic hearin;r. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, EoeCaA.d by CCUnc. Rioge:t:& ani P"--sl! unanimcus1y to adept Rasolutien No. 7176. 43. AppJ.icati.ms 3-z-B7 am 2-V-87 - American no.oign ~ Reza1in;J 1':rcIII R2-4.25 (Residential DJplex, miniDaa 4,250 sq. ft. per unit) to Rl-7.5 (S!n¡1e-family, Residential, miniDaa 7,500 sq. ft. lot size); EI'1vùaDentaI. Review: 'lbe Plannin:J C'rImIi_icn reo ·,·,-·æ the grantin:¡ of a Negative no.r., "ratien. variance 1':rcIII the rear setback recpinment:s of the Rl (Sin;r1e-family, Residential) ordinance. Envirc:rmIenta1 Review: 'lbe variance is catsgorically ...........L, heooe no envirc:nœnta1 act:.ien is net:' øftary. 'lbe ~.........."ty is located en the northwest comer of Santa Iucia Read and Merriman ~. -9- Public hearing closed Bingo permit granted to Northwest Y Public hearing closed Res. 7176 adopted . Public hearing closed ettve Dec. for 3-Z-g7 3-Z-87 approved First reading of ord. 141g 2-V-87 approved and Res. No. 7177 adopted . '".''''': MINUæS C1P '!HE w.Y 4, 1987 CI'1Y caH::IL 1'lUa'.uG (00-718) 43. (a) Fi%st readin;J of Ordinance No. 1418: "An ordinance of the City of 0JpertiJ10 1I1B'Idin;r secticn 1 of ord1nanœ No. 2 by R8za'\ing )'Oo_ty trail R2-4.25 Za'8 to Rl-7.5 Za'8; I.ocated en the ~ ~..... of santa Iucia 1bId and If8rrhBn 1bId (Ameriœn Desi1Jn Engineerin;r, Appli.catim 3-z-B7)." (b) Rasoluticn No. 7177: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Variance frail Rear Yard set:b!Ick Foq1i I .......Its of the SiJJ¡le FIIIIIily Residential (B-1) ZaIiD¡ District; Ameriœn DesilJn Engineerin;r, ~_Lž I.ocated en the Northwest ~...... of santa Iucia 1bId and Merriman 1bId (A¡:plicaticn 2-V-87)." Mayor SpiU:iœ abstained frail <'Ii """qien or act:.iat en this matter and left the dais. Mayor ~~.... Gatto t.cok OYer as presi.c:lin;r officer. Assistant P1.ar1nin;r Director pi""A("ki ..........t.ed to coonci1 regardinq the project. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåu......, ~.dtd by CCUnc. Rogers and p"'e-ed with Mayer SpIu:Ø aJJstainin;r to cloee the PJblic 11earin1. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. J..........., ~.dtd by came. Rogers am I't''''eed with Mayer Sparks aJJstainin;r to gnmt a Negative Declamticn for A¡:plicaticn 3-Z-87. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seexuled by came. Jåmsa1 am p"'.......... with Mayer SpiU:iœ abstainin;J to ~ A¡:plicatia1 3-Z-87 per P1.annin¡ r-r-i "'$100 Resoluticn No. 3017. It was IIICM!d by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, se.xtùed by CCUnc. Gatto and p"e'S'I!d with Mayer SpIu:Ø aI::istain.i.rg to read ord1nanœ No. 1418 by title a11.y and the City Attomey's readin;J to CX'I1St.itute the first readin;J thereof. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, se.xtdod by came. ~.. and P"--td with Mayor SpIu:Ø aI::istain.i.rg to _uV8 A¡:plicaticn 2-V-87 per P1.annin¡ r-r-i -ien Rasoluticn No. 3018 ani to adept Resoluticn No. 7177 grantiJJJ the variance. Mayer Sparks retumed to the dais. 44. Þ¡;p-' of ASN:: denial of A¡:plicaticn ASN:: 51,698.1, FBy O1evrolet, sign a¡:plicatioo, filed by Kenneth Abler of the Arårltec'.:uml Design GraIp. FBy O1evrolet is located at 20955 stevens creek Boulevard, north side of stevens creek Boulevard ëÇprOXimately 200 ft. east of stellin;J Read. -10- MINf1lES OF '!HE MAY 4, 1987 CI'1Y <XXJNCIL MEE'l'I1Ð (CX>-718) Assistant Pl.~ Di.xec:tor pi"''"«"Jd ..... s ,Led a "''''iA'''-L to CCUnci1. Ken Abler of the ARbitectural Design Group, Palo Alto, ........._íUn;r Mr. and Mrs. Weiss spa1œ reqardin¡ the sign appliœticn. He said the signs WEIl'8 mt over scale or ~. He stated that the signs are owned by General Motors, mt by Key OIevrolet. RoI""'ra Weiss, oo-<IWI18r of Yø¡ O1øvrolet, said that SCIII8 dealers do mt haV8 the GelkIlal Motors reo ·,·,-.Ided signs. She said that over 73' of the tuyers at Yø¡ 0CIII8 frail œtside 0Jpertin0. She said that they plan to spend millicns to ~adI. the 1:uIiness and need the ......~ signs "--- these tuyers <X.IIIÚ¥J to 0Jpertin0 aren't familiar with the area. She stated that they wœld cancel the expmsiat if they lose the exist:in;r signs Múch haV8 been in place since 1968. !.any 8Jrriesci, 20900 Alves Drive, said that he shares the back lot line with Key OIevrolet. He stated the belief that the exist:in;r signs are ~. Geroot1.al MctarB shcu1d mt dictate to 0Jpertin0. Mr. anrlesci said that the applicant has mt..deb. -~d the old i....".... - they need to abate the noise and light cxn:ems, and there are still ~iJx¡ cars. Mr. and Mrs. Weise need to do their part for the N'WmInú.ty befar:e they receive any coosideratien. Mrs. weiss stated that the lights have been ~ dcM1, and the new l:mglar ..1..."" shcu1d be in plaoe in two weeks. She stated that they haV8 10ÇRed two """'1" ..i1'1ts regardin;r testinq of a car en the ..l........t and ~i'1l1. She said that eaployees' drivin¡ r...o......:1b are d1ecIœcl regularly by the insI.Jraooe ~. It was IIICIIed by ocunc. P1\JD3Y, seccn:Jed by ocunc. Jåmsa1 andl?"'e...... \lrl!lJÚJlla.lsy to close the plblic hearinq. CCUnc. P1\JD3Y tli ~....d with the r-eity for larger signs and said he SU¡:P01.-ted the Architectural and site ~ Call1littee decisim. CCUnc. Rcgers said that maybe a bigger sign is r-oñ""". CCUnc. Gatto said there ~ two iS5""": RespaISe to previous tli.·c"....im and the sign issue. He requested that staff "'qAM.t back regazàing the adju..l..ut",1t of the lights. He stated that he doesn't fin:i the ~ s .It signs offensive. He is JlDr8 ocncemed regardin;r Yø¡'s ocmnitment to do the i.npraYeænts they have pl""'I"i"""" such as ......,l....vlliJx¡ traffic. -11- Public !¡earbg closed . Key Chevrolet appeal denied . . ·-·-~·~_·,.>r,7'.]::·"'_t,""'-"" MINUl'ES OF '!HE Mi\Y 4, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL MŒl'I}Ç (00-718) 0CUnc. JIl....... said he was just loo1d.rx¡ at tne sign issue an:! ~-cl with tne ASN: fin:Un;pl. PmtIaps tne existinI¡ sigœ oculd be lIIOdified. MIIyar 8parks ø.Jl....:1 with OCUncn-....... Johnsen ani Pl\JD3Y. It was IIICIIed by 0CUnc. Johnsen, 5éCOo~ by 0CUnc: Pl\JD3Y and P"-ed with 0CUnci1members Gatto and Rcgers tiiftS' ,t.J.n¡ to deny the 'IW""" ani to direct staff to lqJU.LL back at tne next meetin;J regardin) tne adju..Luc.,L of the lights. PIANNDÇ APPLICATICHI 45. Çlic:atiat 7-u-&7, William Avery - Please see Item 40. 46. Çlicaticn 2-V-87, American Design ED;Jineerin;r - Please see Item 43. 47. A ;pH,",\tia1s 3-u-&7 ani 1-V-87 of SRI services: Use Pezmit to ¢O..:óL....uct a 1,500 sq. ft. additicn to an existinI¡ gas statien ani to operata a cx:.nvenienoe store with liqJor sales7 also to ocnt:i.me cii.spensin;J of gasoline ani repair of cars, ani to operats en a 24-hcur basis7 variance frail ordinance 1154 to allOlf reduct:.icns in tne amount of required 1andscapin;r and Envircnmenta1 Review: 'Ihe P1annin;J C'romIi ....icn IW· ·,·.....Ids tne grantin;r of a Negative Dec]( raticn. 'Ihe ........-.t~ is located en the 1ØIt side of SOUth Saratoga-8unnyvale Rœd, a¡p:aximately 350 ft. scuth of Rainbow Drive. Reo . .,.,...>'dec! for approYIÙ. as _dad by Pl.arInin;r C'romIi ....ten. (a) Resoluticn No. 7178: "A Resolutien of tne City Council of tne City of 0Ipertin0 A¡pra\ring variance frail ord1nanoe 1154 to AllOlf ReductiaB in the A1IDmt of Required Ian:Jsc:apin;r7 SRI Services, Pl....-.Lj IDeated en tne West Side of SOUth Saratoga-sunnyvale Rœd, ~tely 350 Ft. SOUth of Rainbow Drive (Çlicaticn 1-V-87)." Assistant Plannin:¡ Director pi ".......Jd reviewed tne staff l"l"""L for Council. Sam Rao, manager ani partner in SRI Services, a¡:plicant, said they haV8 upgraded tne ........-. ty ani are asJdJg for spIIoe for storage and a CCI"M!I'Ùence store. He stated that tne business lost $20,000 last year. He said they will not sell 1iqJor to minors. 'lbere have been no oœplaints frail neighbors regaxdjn;r tne 24-hoor qJeratien. -12- MDC1ES OF '!HE M1\Y 4, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJ«::IL nr=:.uG (00-718) City M/snagIIr Quinlan stated that the Sheriff DepIIr'.:ment saya a gretar risk of pt'Ñ',..... cxx:mrin;J exL......!I ~ th8œ is a 24-bcur cperaticn with the sale of liquor. City Attcm1ey Kilian said that there is pendinq 1eqislaticn ~ city œgu1at.icn of 24-b::Jur qmatiCl'lS and , i'JY"fI" sales at seNioe statiCl'lS. Ocunc. Pl\JD3Y stated that he doesn't 1iJœ the sale of lic¡Jar at gas st:atia18. Mr. Prasad, part owner of the staticn, said they aœ not -~1 ,~ OWl....... and will CCIIply with all reguJ.atiCI'IS or st.1p.üat.iaw if given p""""i....icn to selll!quor. He said they haV8 ~.....d to x.t...1ct their haIrs if and \Mn the adjacent t'L.....-L)' is døY8lcped as residential. Mr. Rao said that this is not a new pemit; there has been ",i.. "'I1.catiœ with staff. He said Q:Juncil shculcl i"{œ& Mrf restr1.ct:.kœ they feel aœ '1AO ~"'Y. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, -.....:1t.d by Ocunc. Gatto and P" ! 1 unanimcus1y to grant a Negative Declaratia1 fClr ~'iœticn 3-u-a7. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and -.....ded by CCUnc. Gatto to _uY8 ~ iœticn 3-u-B7 per Plar1nin;r l'hmIi_icn Reeoluticn No. 3024 with the haIrs of cp¡raticn stated in Q:nti.ticn No. 11 ametü..d to 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., am with a stateDent aàied prårlbitin;r the sale of alcå10lic be\,~~. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Gatto, ........:1t.d by Ocunc. Pl\JD3Y am p"""<!'ed unanimcus1y to --.i the previœs 1IDt:.ia1 to allow the sale of gas ani ~ items a'I a 24-b::Jur basis unless the adjacent t'L.....- L)' devoelcpl as a residential area, at 1otûd1 t1me the haIrs wculd. be 1bdted to 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. 'D1e _ü..d 1IDt:.ia1 ~e~ed with Mayor Spmœ ,He.,. ¡Lin;J. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Gatto, seoc:I1ded by Ocunc. Jåmscn and 1""--,12 unanimcus1y to grant a Negative """'''raticn for Applicatia'l 1-V-87. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Gatto, ........:1t.d by Ocunc. Jåmscn am p"~-ed unanimcus1y to approve Applicatien 1-V-87 per Plal"llÚnJ n--i "EIiCX1 Resolutien No. 3025 and to adept Resolutia'l No. 7178 grantin;J the variIm::e. -13- .'''':''''.t-7':~ .. Negative Dec. for 3-U-87 3-U-87 approved for 24-hr. opera- tion. no alcohol. Negstive Dec. for I-V-87. I-V-87 approved. Res No. 7178 adopted ", . Negatove Dec. for 6-U-87 6-U-87 apprC'ved . 16-U-g7 approved . -~. ,,'_._".....,._"".~ "":". ..". ...., "-",,- ?~....-~~ """:'-~"'~ MIlÐl'!S OF '!HE MAY 4, 1987 CI'1Y <XXH:IL m=:.uC (CX>-718) 48. Applicatia1 6-U-87 of H:tIil Oil <l...I"'LGticn - Use Pmmit to O)-Gte a 150 sq. ft. snac:k shcp at an exist.in;r service Btatitn, to CXIJtiJJ.Ja dispens1nr¡ of g¡"""" ine and repair of cars, and to O)-cat:d en a 24-hcur basis ard EnviraDenta1 Rsview: '!be P1annin;J t'nIni "'9icn V'C) .,.,-)o]s the grantiD¡ of a Negati.... nwob?atia1. '!be project is located en the nar:t:hwIIIIt ............. of ~ Bculevard ani Hr:IIIest:ead aced. 1*:- ,.,""'1ded for _waJ. as IIII8'ded by P1annin;J t'nIni_i.a1. It was IIICIIed by QmIc. JOOIISon, SêCXXidecl by QmIc. ~. and p"'p-sli UI1!Il'Iimcusly to grant a Negat!w Declaraticn for Ag:>Hcaticn 6-U-87. It was IIICIIed by QmIc. Jå1nscn, seooaded by Q:Junc. Gatto and p"p-eli unanimcus1y to ðwLwe Applicaticn 6-U-87 per P1.anrúnJ n-or...i_icn Resolution No. 3022. 49. Applicatia1 No. 16-U-87 of Gearg8 y~ - USe Plilrmit to cpelate a 3,200 sq. ft. Karate studio within an existin;r shcHIin;r center am Envira1menta1 Røviw: '!be project is catsgarically ~L, hence, no envira1mentaJ. detem1nation is 1'18' azy. '!be project is located within the Portal Plaza Shqpin;J C81ter, northeast ............. of stevens Creek Boulevud and Portal Averue. PA· -·-decl for GMAuolal. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, -........di.cl by Q:Junc. Jdmøcn ard P"-,d UI1!Il'Iimcusly to CIM"ou¥8 Applicaticn 16-0-87 per Planninq n--i_i.a1 Resoluticn No. 3021. RÐ M:ooo..<I::: 9:10-9:20 p.m. so. Þw' :lcatia1 9-0-83 (Amended) of (A__:I GrcqI, Inc. - USe Pemit Røvisicn of a previcusly apprtMId use pezmit for a 408-unit Plannecl Residential devel......-d., to IIIOdify provisions relatin¡ to zero lot line hœ8e pl... -,-·,L, ard buildinq height 1imitatia1 ani Er1vircn&1t:a1 Review: '!be P1annin;J n--i-tm 1""'" ·,·,....·Ida the grantin;J of a Negative tIe<:l~:Atia1. 'Ibe ~..........ty is located on the sooth side of Rainbcw Driw between aI1m laid an stsllin;r laid. Reo· ·,·,-ded for CIM"oU'/IÙ as _œI by P~ t'nIni_tr.n. Assistant Plannin;J Director Piasecki reviewed the staff .I."'iJUL L for Council. Jim JacJœa1 .I.'¥L s ,t..in;r 'lbe (A~y GrcqI stated that there are five i...."....: zero lot line, height, ~fic, size and parking. -l4- .~-', -,---, -. - ¥- þ MD«1If.S OF '!HE M1.Y 4, 1987 CI'1Y OXJNCIL MEE!'nI; (CX>-718) RiIIgardilIq pujdn;r, he said that there are 2.5 COII8J:'8d -.¡:"'" _ for 8IIå1 unit as well as 2 speoe CI'1 the aprat. He stated there are 200 mare .L.......ot pujdn;r S ,.~ than en tba old plan. He said it ccu1d be inclutSed in tba cx:&RII that œsidsnt8 aJSt use their garages for pujdn;r. 1!et-- of the prøvicuø statement, he believes that pujdn;r is net an issue. He also stated that zero lot line is net an issue. RiIIgardilIq traffic, he said the EnviJ:a'IIIIInt Røvisw Q:mÚttee fin:!ingB were that there wcuJ.d be no i:apact -- the døve1.qIers are 0CI1St:rained by the b..ch.-""6 CXI.Il1t. þ In regard to the height of the haDes, the plan "",v.. the height tJ:ca 30 to 26 ft. Sixty per cent of the roof heights are urœr the cne stoJ:y height l:1Jait. He pointed cut visual corridors that slq:e towam P.l.u$p8Ct. He said the rlilll.."....iœ of the size of haDes was unexpected and he was uncertain as to 1IIhat the pn:pose of the plannirr;J C"nIoIIi_il'W) was. He stated these are small haDes - the largest c::.œs are 2,200 sq. ft. Mœt neIi haDes in 0Jpertin0 are 3,000 sq. ft. Qùy 17\ of the land is COII8J:'8d with ¡"iM1ngs. Mr. Jac1æcn said the develq:er needs to have product flexibility in order to meet J:uyers' needs. He displayed transparencies shcIwin; the result of a survey of 100 pecp1.e Who had ____ 'SId interest in!:uyin;r in the project. He said he feels the product as pL' 'lJOS8d meets the need of the 1II!Iñœtplaœ. Flexibility in unit size and type is~. a Maris Akin, a 0Jpertin0 resident, stated that she had lived here since 1972 and been a realtor for 12 years qp-i.., h!i'1lJ in that neighbamood. She stated the opinicn that the S8II81 Springs pL'¥"L"ty is gœ:qecu¡. She felt traffic will be a biq prå)lem ani that the project is si.3nifiœntly ditl.....4. tJ:ca the oriqinal. She stated OCb.,..u_ regaxdinq lack of pujdn;r and the size of the haDes. She said larger haDes mean mare peq>le. She said the ajority of the haIIes are 2,200 to 2,500 sq. ft. ~ is larger than the largest five b..ch........ hcme in__ devel___.t.... She felt the haDes were lazge for small lots. Ms. Akin said she didn't think there ccW.d be parItinq CI'1 the ..L.....et """,,,,"- of their width. She displayed a IIBp Widl shewed that nearly all the hcme are en aù de ~-- ~ oculd cause parIdn;r prctùems. She stated that is no guest parItinq for the aù -dB Sac<!' faciRJ RainIx:Jw, and she thinks it's a major prà:>lem. She read frail letters frail residents ad:Jressin;r the parIdn;r and traffic i....._. -15- KDI1lES œ 'lHE ~ 4, 1987 Cl'n CXJH:IL MŒ1'OO (~718) Dcnald Sen1ta, 1249 WeyJIIoth Drive, said he believed tbat 1oÐ8n G1.~:/ Group txu; ht the i"-_L:/, they ware cœaitted to a partnerBbip with the .. nüty. Be urged CCJunci1 to __ the d8Ya1.q)er live up to the deal tbat was 1IIIIde. BirIIII Sibley, 10370 stelling Reed, stated OCb.._._ with traffic. Be said projects 111'8 p-- through no matter 1It1at. CCJunci1 is always goiøJ to "do IICIIIIIthin3" aJxIUt traffic. Be as!-" 1Id1y the ..L...-œ wren't beinq widIned. Be said l_ I:...ch........- mean 1_ peeple 1Gich __ læ8 cars. JdIn HcIy8r, a noai&.,t ~ lives off Q: ],ud:Jus, said he hils two IIIIIIll kids ani wants IIIar8 ~i' i_ to 0:lil8 to the uea. Be hoped the døv8l___d. 1iCUld be suited to ycunÇJ _iH_. Mr. JacJœc:n said garage door ~. W1ll be installed in every hcA.1se ani rwi&.,t will be mquired to uat the garages. Be also said that cars can park en ate side of a 30 ft. ..L...wt. Mr. pi"-1d. displayed exhiDits fIbaw1n¡ the 1"1- of different: size units per the old plan ani the G1.~ Group plan. CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y stated that the project is -"""irr;r IIIar8 and IIIar8 like any ather deve1..........,L. Be said a 2,400 sq. ft. hcA.1se en a 5,000 sq. ft. lot is too 1IIXh. CCUnc. Jàu!$Oâ stated that he doesn't see hew the c:tIarges haV8 affected the look of the project ani doesn't think pmcin;r is an issue. Be wanted to knew what the lot œøtri.ct1.cn en the size increase 1iCUld &. ...~.1ish. CCUnc. Gatto said that size :in......- as mean 1ŒIJ:8 I!IIII!nitiee, not J1A !'1.ily IIIar8 I:...ch........-. Be said he _u_ to be sure that the aå1iticna1 sc;pIr8 ~ isn't eIISi1y CCIMIrted to I:...ch.....-. Mr. JacJœon said that there cculd an a cx:&R regaxdin¡ the CXIMIrIIÚn of a.., etc. to I:...ch.......... M!Irtha ~ -.... a II .............._ regaxdin¡ J:.....-jL c:tIarges in the project. She said her mother bad sold the i"-_L:/ at 30t under IIImat value. Ms. ~ said she is very dilli11usia1ed ani her mother is q;&Jt an -Isd. 'DIe project was to be an ideal. n. family wanted to see 8IÛIrirr;J values. Most of the plan that was in place can bIIre1y be recognized. 'Ihe plan doesn't c:x:ntri!:me to the elderly and hami· "'1~' She wanted her ..........eln en ~d regarding' the additia1 of the ...........1 story. Ms. ~ said the original oCh...¥ls of rYWI1IInú.ty gardens and solar -16- MDIIm!S OF '1BB JaY 4, 1987 CI'1Y CXDICIL ~ (00-718) wra net in tm t"- d. plan. ....w if tm ~ in 0CIWtructic:n ua l:Ieiø Y--1/1 to tm~. CDmc. Gatto aid ha 1ICU1d 1..tJœ to be able to mviw the fioar plana to __ IIUr8 CCIMII:'8icn to b.4L...... is net easy. It was IIICJII8d by Cr:uIc. J\.åI8Œ1, -.....ð.d by Cr:uIc. Gatto and 1'" B 12 with QuIc. I'1.unn' ..i -- .t.inI} to _w118 ~ 9-U-83 (AwtIC1ed) per PJ..anninI¡ no-f_im RiBøolutiat Jfo. 3023 with CtnSiticn 4.B. deleted and a CXI1diticn ad/Ied 8tatbJ¡ tbat the fioar plana sbal1 be blcu; bt to Cr:uIcil for reviw. It was IIICMId by Cr:uIc. Gatto, -.....ð.d by o:.mc. J\.i..s::I\ and pr--I'J UI'III1ÛJIICUIIy to grant a Negative Døc:J.axaticn for the applicaticn. Henry 0:Irreia, 11063 Bel Aire ct., asIœd ~ Cr:uIcil is lettJ.n;J the new plan be 1'" r:'l. He feels he '. beinq IIOld cut as a ~f"-it. ARCHl'l'ECItJRA AND S1'Œ APPRJ\7AL u.ft'U",L'J:I\IS APPLtCATIŒ9 51. Naw. tJNF1HISHED ØJSDŒSS 52. Naw. !Œ]f ØJSDŒSS 53. p.og-t trail the Fins Arts n--i_i...., for Cr:uIcil a¡:prcval of p.,..)I>o'ln.... ani Q.....1i1'1ll8 for visual Arts : ,hoIi_icn to the City of 0Jpertin0. It was IIICMId by Cr:uIc. Gatto, -......cI&d by Cr:uIc. a.."ers and P"--¡d UI'III1ÛJIICUIIy to _we 1:ba PL·.:........... ani Q,M.'1nee as subllitted. 54. pooq-t traa the Arts Cr:uIcil of santa Clara camt:y for co ÇCl-....db.lp by the City of Q.pIrtino for "Hands en the Arts." (ocnt:rJJ:ut1.a1 of $5000-10,000). 'Ibis item hIId bem CCII8idøred at the beginrIin;r of the meet:in;r . 55. CcI'Is.i.derati of d1aI1;Ie of date for first regular meetin;r of JUne. Regular meetin;r date is JUne 1. No acticn was taken. -17- 9-U-83 (Am- ended) approved as IIOdified Negative Dec, for 9-U-83 (Amended) Visual arts submission procedures & guidelines approved . . . Res. 7157 adopted as amended to include additional $50.000 . First reading of Ord. 1419 . MI1«1lm C1P 'IHE MAY 4, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNCIL MEE1'.I1Ç (00-718) 58. Rasoluticn No. 7157: "A R880luticn of the City ocuncil of the City of QIpert:.im Authorizin;r Executicn of Lœn DOC'--a and ~ of $315,500 frail the senior Citizen IÞ.1sin;J PUrñ to o--11'Iity JbJsin;r DIMtlc:pIrø far Acquisit.icn of Eight units for senior Citizen !Þ.Isin;J. " City Attorney Kilian said that page two of the __d. under Lœn lœit.icn .w.1ld be lIJIIelåId. Li.rœ Slllith, n-nú.ty JbJsin;r Developers, said they need a $50,000 bridge loan in order to cœp1ete the J?''''1noogP. It was IIICIIed by 0UIc. Gatto, IIooOCIIded by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y ani p"Tnd unaniDaJsly to adqIt Resoluticn No. 7157 apprc:win;r the existing lam, with sect.ia1 'Ihree ~ for an additimal "K'LU}lL1atien of $50,000 to be lOlllled to n-nú.ty ""'''''irg Developers for a tbrœ _Ilh period at the interest rate eu.......d.ly bein} eamed by the City, with the $50,000 to be advanced ally upcm ocunty ~ of the $90,000 lam to am, and fUrther apprc:win;r that of the $90,000 the City will be paid bIc1c by am for the $50,000 lam; and to direct that secticn 3 of the lam A"..._d., I.œn Positicn, be _aded to state that the lam will be suborc:Unate to a Deed of Trust for the first .......\...Jðge ally. 59. CcrIsiderat.icn of an ordinance restrict:.ing paJ:idn;J en Foat:hi11 Boulevard. (a) First readin;r of ominance No. 1419: "An Ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1DrøiiJIq Sect:ic.IIs 11.24.150 and 11.24.220 of the 0JpertinD JIJrIi","p'" 0Jde, ReJ.atin;r to stq:pin;r, starxliD¡ or 1'Imdn;r, en Foat:hi11 Ebùevard." It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, seccn3ed by CCUnc. Gatto and p"e-,d unaniDaJsly to read ominance No. 1419 by title ally ani the City Manager's readin;r to OŒIStituts the first readin;r tbé1:èCIl. tuu-.1'Ul'l <XHIJNICATICIIS 61. Naw. œDIlWaS 62. Secx:I1d readin;r and enactment of 0I:dinan:1e No. 1413: "An Ordinance of the City OUIcil, City of 0Jpertin0, PrcNic:lin¡ far the Regu1atioo of Traffic at the site of Read or SL......t Constructioo ar Maintenance by Authorized Fersa1s." -l8- MnVlES C1P '!HE Mi\Y 4, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEE:rIH; (00-718) It was IIr::III'Id by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, seoa.dad by CCUnc. Gatto and P"--':1 ~y to 1'8IId 0rdinIIn0e No. 1413 by title cnly and the ~'. 1'8IIdinq to ca'lStitute the ........s 1'8IIdin;J ti1a.&.CllJr. It was IIICMiId by CCUnc. Gatto, seoa.dad by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y ani p"'e-'9d UI1IIIÚIIDJsly to enact 0rdinIIn0e No. 1413. 63. Secc.n:S 1'8IIdinq and enactment of 0Idinan0e No. 1414: "An 0Idinan0e of the City Council of the City of QJpertino, ca1ifamia Amerxling' VariaJs Prcwisia18 of the Sign aEdinanoe (No. 746). It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, secxnied by CCUnc. Gatto ani P"--ad UI1IIIÚIIDJsly to 1'8IId 0rdinIIn0e No. 1414 by title œly and the ~'s 1'8IIdinq to ca'lStitute the ..e.::....s 1'8IIdin;J thereof. It was IIICMiId by CCUnc. Gatto, ........dad by Counc. Pl\JD3Y and V''''E''9d UI1IIIÚIIDJsly to enact Ordinance No. 1414. 64. Secc.n:S 1'8IIdin;J and en....t..-IL of 0Idinan0e No. 1416: "An 0rdinIIn0e of the City of QIpertino Addin;J sectiat 11.24.230 to 0Iapter 11.24 of the QIpertino lI.1nicl.peù COde :Rel.ating to the Prevent:icn of the Blockage of :rnt:erse:t.icJ by Vehicles." It was IIICMiId by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, .......dad by CCUnc. Gatto and P"~ed. UI1IIIÚIIDJsly to 1'8IId 0rdinIIn0e No. 1416 by title cnly and the Mayor's reading to ca'lStitute the seccn:i reading thereof. It was IIICMiId by CCUnc. Gatto, sec....dad by Counc. Pl\JD3Y and p"end UI1IIIÚIIDJsly to enact 0rdinIIn0e No. 1416. 65. Secc.n:S 1'8IIdinq and enactment of 0Idinan0e No. 1417: "An 0Idinan0e of the City of QIpertino Addin;J 0Iapter 11.09, Pedè.:ot...1ans, to the Q pertino HJrIit'!i~l COde and Estab1.ishin;J st:amards for \:he J\¡p)L.L.u...,t of Na1student, Adult CI:œsin;J QJarde.. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. PIUßJY, seco..dad by CCUnc. Gatto and P"'-ed. UI1IIIÚIIDJsly to read Ordinance No. 1417 by title aùy and the Mayer's reading to ca'lStitute the secxni Z' 3I!Idin;J thereof. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, ......Ad by CCUnc. P1UI'XJY and p"'aeed 1.II'Ial1inomly to enact Ordinance No. 1417. -19- Ord. 1413 second reading Ord. 1413 enacted Second reading of ord. 1414 Ord. 1414 enacted Second reading of ord. 1416 Ord. 1416 enacted Second reading of ord. 1417 Ord. 1417 enacted . Res. No. 7189 Closed session . Labor negotia- tions . -~."-""'-""---~-" '·-'.····'0 HI1Ð1ES OF '!HE MAY 4, 1987 CI'1Y cx:a«::IL 1'JUi'.I:.uG (CX>-718) Im3OII1l'rCHI 66. Rasoluticn No. 7180: "A Rasoluticn of tba City CCJunci1 of the City of ~ ~ tba Pinal _ aid :o.-UYIfi!II6,L Plans of 'l'J:act No. 7976, I.oœtad at steJ.J.inq lb!Id and ~"""" lb!Id; DrMI1oper,!If and a........iAtes Inv_......d. Q).; Accept:in;r Certain ..........".iLs; Autharizin:¡ Signin;J of Final Map ani ~....__.t. Plans; Authar:iziJx:J the EIœc:ut:ia1 of 14l_d. in a....-.."ticn 'lberewith. " It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seo...dt.d by CCUnc. P.1.ungy and p"-ed unanimcus1y to aðqJt Rasoluticn No. 7189 with an additicn to Exhibit "A" of a $3,000 """"'it for fIIIinmJt rlnnoo i" ....'. ..... Uzçs. At U:23 p.m. the meet:in;r WII8 adjaumed to a clœecl eess!en to per GcM.u......iL 0:xIe Sec:t:.icn 54957.6, labor negct:iat.iaw. At U:30 p.m,. the meet:in;r was reccnwnecI in <:pm !en. R:>IL CAIL c:nmc. o:ne _iL: Gatto, J\la......i, Pl\JD3Y, ~'" Mayor Sparks staft Pl s _IL: City Manager 0rln1an Dep1ty City Clmk 1i:)lfe Director of Public 1I:1dœ ViskDviå1 Assistant Plannin¡ Director ~"aec-Jd Assistant to the City *...".... Brown City Attamey Kilian It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, -.....dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto aid P"~t'ed unanimcus1y to direct: staff to .......,......, with labo.: negot!atiava per dizec::t:icn given in closed S i"4'l. At 11:32 p.m., the meet:in;r was adjcumeð. to 6:00 p.m., Hay 18, 1987. '£.~)~ -20-