CC 05-18-87
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CI"1Y OF UJ"~--···~, ST14'B OF C'ALIFC:RaA 0:>-719
Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DIIAnza Ba1leVard
Interim 0cunci1 ~: 10500 H. DIIAnza !!c:iul8Yam
0Jpertin0, 0. 95014
Te1ephcne: (408) 252-4505
MINUrES OF 'JHE 1SCIAR cr:L'! c:xœc:n. MŒl'I1G
HEIJ) œ ~ 18, 1987 Dr 'JHE :mmRDI auaL awœER,
'Ihø IIIII8tin;r was ....1'ed to order in the interim CCUnci1
~ at 6:00 p.m. by Kayar Spub.
Ccunc. Pl "' dL:
Gatto, Jåul6Cð, ao."......, Kayar Sparks
Ccunc. Absent:
staff P:ì. ! IL:
City Mllh,~"..~
City ClmX ~-:
APR):INDmfr 'lO 'IHB !ma.ð CXHaSSIœ
It was JIIOIIIeCI by CCJunc. Gatto, secx:rxBi by CCUnc. }t)gIexs and
P""'sed unanimcus1y (4-0) to eppoint J. CaIrtenay HMter to
the ÐIergy n--i_icn.
It was JIIOIIIeCI by CCUnc. Gatto, seor:n3ed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1
and p"'r-!~ unaniJacus1y (4-0) to a¡p>int Harilyn ster1in;J to
the Public Safety n.-i_f~.
REa ~S: 6:45 p."-6:!50 p.a.
Kayar Spub m.......1mId tba IIIII8t:in;r at 6:50 p.m.
Ccunc. p~ .s ~tl:
- Gatto, J-lu......, ~.., Kayar Sp¡mœ
Ccunc. M:8 IL:
Heater ap-
pointed to
Energy Com.
Sterling ap-
pointed to
Public Safety
Item 25 con-
tinues. Item
42 removed
Mira Vista
-..~ '"_ .,,___ '·'-0'
,-' ~"""-'. n~ ~"",¥~.~"..ff~",.,)"f ."....~_..'
HINUmI OF '!HE M1\Y 18, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL huiJ.',uG (CX>-719)
staff P1. Jtht:
City Mæ1IIger ()1inlan
City C!.&dc Oom8l1us
D!rectar of Public WcmaI VisJuwicb
Diœctor of PJ.anrùn;r an! DIMIJ., 1. d. 0:MIn
Diœctor of FizIm10e I3I'.Iyœr
Dixectar of PUb ani ......_tiat Dcw1in;r
PUblic Rø!aw Officer 0IIt8mæ1
City Attœ:ney Kilian
Assistant to the City Mæ~ Brown
Iœl'EamŒmS - It was IIICIIed by oc:unc. Rogertt, seoon:)ed by
oc:unc. Gatto and pom'\'ed l.II'WÛ1IIaJsly (4-0) to CXI1t.inJe Item
No. 25 to JUne 15 and to :t'EIJIIaY8 Item No. 42.
c:::E:mDaAL H1.Tl'ERS - PRESmD.TIœs
Prcclamaticn dec:1.ariDJ the first week of JUne as "Italian
Week. "
CCUnc. Gatto ~t.ed the proclaDat:icn trail Kayar SpuD.
Plo::lamat.ia1 ha.......lnq WI J Clt of the Speci.., Olyapf.... Track
and Field meet: JIoI'I"kIo.ra SUire, Neil BagwB, Clare
Algaratna, l':engo ~, Lisa, IDri 008lh0, 'I'oå:t
Gamel. an! Gb....'::ia RIt--ltt..
RIt"'ua SUire, Neil BagwB, Clare Algaratnllm, l':engo
F--Id, Lisa, IDri n-1",., Tcd1 Gà...¡on ani GeaJ:9ia
Ro~-att received prrv-,-ticrIs t.raa Kayar Sparlcs.
'Ibis particn of the IIIII8tinq is reserved for ~6QtW wisbinq
to addL - the Council en any mtter not en the ag&Då.
SpeaJœrs are liadted to five miraJtes. In IIICSt œseø, state
law will prdUbit the Council t.raa maJdn¡ any ......i -trns
with respect to a matter net listed en the egenœ.
Mr. Rœert Her.:h.lckscn - Traffic, Mira Vista AV8I'IJ8.
Bob Ìlerùdckscn, 10535 Mira vista Awrut, ad'.h. 9d CCJunci1
regardinq M::Clellan Road hprcveænts and also the traffic
en Mira vista Averue.
He was intœ:med that the Director of PUblic Wodœ wa1ld try
to give him a time line regardin;r the planned bpravements
at the next meet:in;r.
HD«1I!:S O¥ 'IHB MAY 18, 1987 CI'1Y lY'nr'TT. h=.t:.uG (CX>-719)
Hr. VisJawicb wu re&:JJI81:ed to.. if theM ~
CXIUld IIICdify the nOlI en Mira vista and __ Jt:Cle1lan the
ool1ect:or. !!e will provida an 11181ya1a ngud!n;r the
poesibility of planned ~ helping the traffic
situaticn en Mira Vista AwnJe.
Hal Hauck, r-i"-Jt at Santa Pella, "~Led Hr. '. request.
A waœm resi&ont en the oc»'ua&. of JIira.V18t:a and santa
Paula stated that tbm:e WB'8 IIIIInY -r-<:.... in the area.
P&. s d:atien of AnIuU a..-..t. en ~'id waste~.I ,4. in
Santa Clara 0u1ty - Bob Reese.
Council nlCllived the .I."'tIULL frail Hr. ROOert Reese.
5'I7œF 1<I:it\JKl::¡
1. ODJ. by staff 111 IC. and -_i_inl\ of written
City 'lbftlWWnlo'S ~ -." L
Alcoha1ic BøI......".. License:
City C8It8r cat., 20300 steveœ cræJc BculøIra3:d.
H..GL...".... '. Fresh Shcp, DeAnza Boulevard and
Council had no cbj-+ims to iaøuanœ of the 1icedw.
2. ~L en inII_L.-II... and h~ update - 'n:'euurer's
~L, April, 1987
Council received the ...........L.
3. ~t. œg¡mUnq adj\Dt..-d. of lights ani abatement of
noise frail ..,..- system at Køy a.vralet site.
'!he Direc:tar of P.larInin;r and DeveJ., 1 ....,t. will repo..:: t back
to the CCUncil regard1nq Hr. and Mrs. Weiss's intent to
follOll through with tbair _uvood use pm:mit. staff will
l.~L back 30 days atter their œtm:n to 0Jpertin0.
Council directed staff to ~.....-c1 with ruisanoe abatement
of the security lights if Ysy a.vralet does not adjust
them so they do not int:ruœ into the neight-.. I. .00.
Solid Waste
Alcoholic bev-
erage licenses
Key Chevrolet
Review Com.
Consent Calen- I
dar approved :
HINUl'I!S OF '!HE MAY 18, 1987 Cl'IY CX:tJNC:IL MŒl'IH:; (00-719)
4. Update frail City Attornøy regarding pendin:J litiqaticn.
CaInci1 received the update.
<XUiCIL !<I:òt\JK1~
7. Qqc. Jåmsa1 - I.egislative Review a:mnittee
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, by CCUnc. Gatto
and p"--ecl unanimcus1y (4-0) to taJœ the follCMÚ'll] act:icrIs
regardinq ~¡" 1- -' 1eqislaticn: suw- ... t. AS 450 (costa),
sutxiivisicr1s; SB 229, &alee tax base to 1nclucle haDe
occupaticns and mil cm!ør bu81nnns; AS 315, tort refœ:m;
J\CA 15 (Hannigan) and J\CA 18 (Va........-11os), c::hangII!s in
arnal adj\Dt..-.L factors for the Garø1 CIl-t"o""i'i.1atia1s
limit; ani SB 194. !'IIW...t. SB 879 (Alquist), soils and
geologic ..~Ls, """""IlL for adcpt:.icn of a requirement to
prepare geologic ...~Ls for sutxiivisicns with 8lcpes
ext:-'Hrç 2ot. ~ SB 1646 (GaramerxU.), residential
rent .....d...ul, ~ ,,~ i('l1 of local ardinances, AD 618 ani AD
768 (Floyd), ¢o..o...-led w--poos pemits. 0x1tilme to q:poH
AD 2190 (01acc:a) , mandatmy district electicns. Refer SB
813 (Bel" Ben) ~ for local agencies to ...........L
GarIn ðWl""i'i.1atia1s limit; SB 23 (Ber;LSen), bm.mity of
cities fraa liability for injuries caused by natural
cxniiticn of UIÚJIprc\Iec1 1"1..1 ic 1'¡'~; AD 1486 (Sber),
aIIB1cl1n;r and cl.arifyin:] pemit strei!Imlininq act; and AS
912, amm~íLs to pipelina safety law, to staff.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsor\, secc:nded by Counc. Gatto
and P"-ed unanimcus1y (4-0) to aw:t:\N8 the a..._ d.
calenclar as sutDitted.
10. Resoluticn No. 7182: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of QJpertino AllCMÚ'll] 0I!rtain t'tAi_ ani
DeIIIands Payable in the Amcunts and frail the !\D'åI as
Heœinafter Described for SalIIries I"t1d wages fa the
Payroll P8r1ccl EII1iD;J April 28, 198'1."
11; Rèso1uticn No. 7183: "A Resoluticn of the City Council
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllCMÚ'll] Certain t'tAi""" and
Demands Payable in the Amcunts and F1:aII the !\mda as
Heleinafter Desc:ribed for General and Misœ11anøcus
Expenclit:ures for the Period Endin:] May 8, 1987."
12. Appli.œticn 1tS1IC 51,712.1 of Ricardo P'ratara\ng8li:
Requestinq _uVal to ¢o..o...L...\ICt an additien to an duplex located at the northwest OO:t:ller of
Alcalde Road and IJx:kwood Drive. 10417 IJx:kwood Drive.
~ ·,··-·1CJed for a¡:prtMÙ.
MINUl'ES C1P '!HE MAY 18, 1987 CI'1Y CXXIICL ME:EI'I}I; (00-719)
13. Rasoluticn No. 7184: "A Rasoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of QIpertino A¡:prcv1nq o...¡L..caA. ~
Order No. 3 far Baratcga-Bunnyvala Read widenin:¡
Project 85-01, Traffic Signal Modificaticn Project
14. Resoluticn No. 7185: "A Rasoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of QIpertino A¡:prcv1nq o...d.....ct ~
Order No. 4 far Civic Center Expans1cn Project: 87-2003,
City Hall, Libræy, site."
15. Resoluticn No. 7186: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of QIpertino A¡:prcv1nq o...d...aCt C2Iæ1ge
Order No. 2 far stevens cræk Boulevard at Highway 85
Intersec:tiClt Modificaticn, Project: 85-07."
16. RasolutiClt No. 7187: "A RasolutiClt of the City OJuncil
of the City of QIpertino A¡:prcv1nq o...lL..aCt C2Iæ1ge
Order No. 1 far stevens Creek Boulevard Bab1een Portal
ani Finch Aveme, Project: 86-11."
17. Resoluticn No. 7188: "A ResolutiClt of the City CCJunci1
of the City of Qpertino A¡:prcv1nq o...,L..aCt C2Iæ1ge
Order No. 3 far Foothill Boulevard Ianð..:~.1n;r, Project
18. Resoluticn No. 7189: "A RssolutiClt of the City CCJunci1
of the City of Qpertino Authari.zin:J ExIBa1tic:n of
~_d. with the City of SUnnyvale ~ for the
Modificatia1 of Traffic o...,LLùl signal System ani
safety Lightin;r at Hc:IDest.eIId Read and Mazy Av8ma."
19. Resoluticn No. 7190: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
of the City of Qpertino Aco!Iptin;J a Grant of --- ,L
for I'IJblic utility ~ UII tJ:œ Rmald G. Slllith ani
Janet o¡þ- en Sll!th Iocated en sil...oI1aeL Aveme:
Appraximately 0.03 Acre."
20. Resolution No. 7191: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1
. of the City of Qpertino Authoriz1n;r of
)Ia-"'l' stœ:m Drain !\Ind Jk>i-~IL ~.........d. B8t:we&1
. the . City and Lm......._ J. QJy, silverado Averue
Project:. "
2l. Resoluticn No. 7192: "A Resolutien of the City 0cunci1
of the City of QIpertino ~ the Final MIIp and
~...._,L Plans of Tract No. 8016 IDeated en salem
Avwme: Dev8lqJer, 'Ihrust IV; AcoIIpt.1nq certain
... /la, Authoriz1n;r Signinq of Final Map and
~_. ,L Plans: Authorizin¡ the ExIBa1tic:n of
~_¡L in o.........'t:.iClt '!herewith."
abatement -
Tune Up -
Public hearing
First reading
of Ord. 1420
.-...,-. .............<T".;__
é"~-<" ..,....:--.--..-'., 1f'
MIWl'ES OF '!HE MAY 18, 1987 C1!N OD«:IL __.UG (CX>-719)
22. Acoept:anoe of JII"Ii('!iPftl hp:cv&œnts:
(a) TJ:act: No. 7801,.1bUymn lane, DIIv81cpIz'¡ Cblrlee
T. 1IiI8terB. .
(b) 'lnct No. 7840, Jollyman lane: ~, Cblrlee
T. Mastem.
(No -U'~Un;r ........-tts Z81JJind.)
23. PAt;p-t for ~ tz:œ GllÌI:flI!\! P\ni for City
Al~ services for Pisœ1 Year 1986-87.
Ysztg J6-.. ~~ _ of t.ha d:tv n.mcil
AYES: Gatto, JctJnsct., a...,,-., SparD
NEi: Naw
:rms REHM:D FR:M a:tÐ.Nl' C2U!:tDR
24. Heme.
25. Hearin;J to ocnsider .....<1Io....lnq abatement of misanoe of
variø.1II sigrw ...........~ withcut a pemit: at 10002 N.
DeIlIZa Bcul8væ:d, 'lW'~ GujOJality 'nme tJþ. (PaqI-t
CXII1tûumoa to JUne 15, 1987.)
Pr8Yicualy ocntima:1 to JUne 15, 1987.
26. O::insideraticn of IIIOII1fiœtia'I to the bicycle
(a) First readin;J of 0Idinance No. 1420: "An
ordinance of the City Council of the City of
0Jpertin0 A1IIBn1iDJ Qçter 11.08, ~es, of the
~)þti~pel 0ùI.1I
It was IDV8d by aux:. Jcà..ì, II8OCI'd8d by CDmc. Gatto
and 1"'"- lit unanimcus1y (4-0) to cloee the pJb11c hearin;J.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. ~'" seo....dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto and
r- eJ unanimcus1y (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1420 by
title a1ly II!1d the City Clck'. reading to OCI'IStitute the
first reading thereof.
27. Aro-l of Plannirq n--.i_1cn !nte:t:p:t:*tatien of 20 ft.
height limitatia1 in Rlls1.dentia1 Rn'''ide arciinïsroe;
1IRùicatien 1-if-87, Mr. and Mrs. Ml-L!eh Ho
(appellant: Mid1ae1 He1m, AIA).
- ,-_.~ -. _c·_·_
MI!I1.l!S OF '!HE ~ 18, 1987 CI'1Y anaL MEf:1'I1G (CX>-719)
Director of Plar1rù.n;r ani D8II8l-.--d. Q,wan ¡ltIS .tad
Ccunc:il with a brief bistœy of the ri";P' fl18 policy. He
stated that the ~ is hell ane -"'JZ.'88 the 20 ft. blight
MidIaeJ. Helm, 'IIP""..'1t, 200 seventh Averme, No. UO, santa
Croz, œviewed the hro,... plans with Council.
It was IIICIIed by Q:Qnc. Gatto, seccI1ded by CCUnc. Jdmscn
and p"ø-<'d unanhœsly (4-0) to close the public hearin].
It was IIIOIIed by Q:Qnc. Gatto, seocnded by Oounc. J..l"........
and p"·-II:I UMIÚJIcUsly (4-0) to IIICdify the PlaJ1lÛD¡
lhIn~ -1aI int:eJ:pretaticn statin;J that to intetpret the 20
ft. height Umitaticn a secticn of the struct:ura
petpeI.Jin'J"t" to the slcIpe shall be used as a guideline.
'Ibis partiaJlar structure shculd probably be taken in three
"""9......&ls. Any hillside buildinq IIIJSt ocnfom to these
28. Calsideraticn of vac:aticn of par:ticn of public service
...."""""""rt:, Rcute 280 ani Wolfe Road.
(a) Rasoluticn No. 7194: itA Resoluticn of the City
Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 0Iderin;r vaœticn
of a Part.icn of Public Servioe """'___, It, Within
P"''¥'LLÿ Located at the Nart:hwest Cou...... of Rcute
280 ani Wolfe Road Pursuant to Sect.icn 50430 of
the GaII....u_:uL Qxia of the state of califœ:nia."
DinIctor of PUblic WomJ Viskcvid1 reviewed the rec:p!St
with Council.
It was IIIOIIed by CCUnc. J............I, seOCUl:1ed by Oounc. Gatto
ani p·..·Ii"1d UIWÙ.III:UIly (4-0) to clœe the public heIsri.rç.
It was IIIOIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoo.dacl by CCUnc. Jcbnscn
ani P"-'IC! unæùmcusly (4-0) to adept Resoluticn No. 7194.
29; ARIl!caticn l5-U-87 - Shell oil ~ - Use Pemit to
operate a 370 sq. ft. snack shcp at an existin¡ sez:vice
staticn and CCI1tiJJ.Ie di.spensin;r of gasoline and
~ Review: '1he project is categarically
~L, hence no envircraDenta1 review is r--e."Y.
'1he PL'¥'Llf is located en the scutheast ............. of
Stewœ c:reeJt Boul8YlU:d ani Miller AV8'U8. Rec:. .,.,-'Ided
Public hearing
of 20 ft.
height limit -
Public hearing
Res. 7194
15-U-87 -
Shell Oil -
approved as
ASAC 51.70g.1
MINt1l'ES C1P 'IHE M1.Y 18, 1987 CI'1Y CXU«::IL """""J;.uG (00-719)
Director of P1amJ.n:¡ ani DIIv8l.........,L Ocwan 8tated that the
çlicant has ap........ -eel (:w........ regud1n:J OxIditicn No. 8
and does net want to 1a.A.lLd a covønant u N(. -1I5ed. 'Iha
applicant is not the !A'-_t.)' owner I:Jut J--.. the
It was m:M!d by CCUnc. Jå" .......~ by 0CUn0. Gatto
and p"~-ed unaniDcus1y (4-0) to ~..",. ~ l!5-U-87
per Planninq n-.~-ien Resoluticn No. 3032 with CCI1diticn
No. 8 amended to state that the "Wliœnt sba11 ¡apre,
pr s ~JL and iJIpleœnt; a security plan to minimize the
pJt:ential far theft and ß:II:1bny and -.n...~.... peu.dsl
safety. Said plan shall be ~ by the City's ShIIIriff
Ihti~ and apprcved by City staff.
30. A¡:plicatica ~ 51,708.1 - cal-'1'1'ans sam WII1ls:;r selecticn and aRJrOYal of SOUI1dwall design
for the Highway 280 w1denin¡ within the City of
0Jpert.in0. Pb -- -.à.1t:.J far ~u.Jal.
Director of Planninq and Devel......-IL Ocwan reviewed the
!A'-'..,.:sed materials for sound walls and sha.Ied CCUnci1
ASAC's first åIoioe.
It 1IIaS IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, .........cJt.d by CCUnc. Jåmsa1
and p"I5'seel unan1mcusly (4-0) to ÇP¡..:JV8 ASAC's åIo!œ and
to ~we a letter to cal-Tran8 as1dnr:] for mere in-<1epth
sound readfn;s taJœn alcn¡ the residential projects alcn¡
280; clarificaticn of cal-'1'1'ans pœiticn ngardin;r
installaticn of sound wall in the 85-280 int:erc::!1æJJa; and
that plans for the 280 carridar provide ""-;puote;r adjaœnt to the sound walls, esprb11y in
loc::atia1s ~ the IBi sound wall atuts an old wall. If
SUnnyvale does not agree with the design ~ by
CCUnci1, staff _ directed to CCIII8 bIc1c to CCUnci1.
31. Naw.
32. O::r1sideraticn of c::reatia1 of a RIIIdev81.....-d. Aqetcy.
(a) First reIId:in:¡ of ordiMnoe No. 1421: "An
ordiMnoe of the City Council of the City of
0Jpert.in0 now-, 'rinq the NeecI for a RIIIdev81,¥""",t
Þqercj to nmctien in the City of 0Jpertin0 and
Declarin¡ the City Council of the City of
0Jpert.in0 to be the Redeve1..".......t Þqercy."
MINt1I'ES C1P 'mE w.y 18, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL ftUa'.uG (CX>-719)
Director of PlamiD¡ W Dll/Dl., -4. 0:IIIan ....11 ,ILed
Council with the ¡.... . '"5 1nIIo1ve1i far far:matia1 of a
redeI/IIo1., d. ~...~ ani J.d..... "1t'Id Stewn Go1ð~"'b,
attomey. Hr. Go1~f""" 1nfœmci CCUncil that the orc:I1JIIInce
¡... ,l.êd is a ...··:...."noal caw to activate a ~'1 .It
~...~ in the City shculcl they wish to do so.
It was IIICMId by Q:Junc. Jàmscn, .......dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto
and P'''J'T!d unan1mcusly (4-0) to ~..... tbe .....~
It was IIICIIed by Q:Junc. Roya..s, seo...d.d by CCUnc. Gatto and
P"""«t unanJJDcus1y (4-0) to reed ominanoe No. 1421 by
title œly ani the City Clmk's readin;J to OCI1Stitute the
first readin;J thereof.
33. p.a.. -ÜiUcn frail the FiJIe Arbs n-i_im regazdin¡
co p.:JIka.v.1Ihip far "Handa en tbe Arts."
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seccnfed by CCUnc. JdnlS<...
and P"-ecI UI1IUÛIøJBly (4-0) to GWL...... $3,500 for the
Hands en the Arbs project.
34. ~L en altematives for !.'eOCIV8Zy of. uncal1ected
oc:mstruct:icn tax 1IICIÛes. (To œ di....'fnS in eJ.!OMd
,,--"ten.) .
Council announced that this wcW.d be di.....-!d in clcsed
35. P-;r-t for c1.ariticaticn of cxn:!iticn I"'~ 8 of
AppJ.j.caticn ASAC 51,694.1 - SØV8n SpringII Rancb,
G1.__;/ Group.
It was IIICMId by Q:Junc. J~-..u, .........Ad by CDmc. Gatto
and p"--tcl \InBn!acœly (4-0) to "'-ty o:nHtia1 8 to
reed, "'Iba dIv81.cp&r will also iJI8taU ~.;:. '«Pin;r within
right-ot-1ll!ly en the euter1y aide of ~jIIICJth Drlva en the
same basis as eet forth in par-__.atll£ T.~ atx:IYø."
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JobIl&...., by CCUnc. ~s
aMp"--!d unanhr.::us1y (4-0) to autharize that the Jmå116
IIÚlUlteS be _ded to shew the atx:IYø as o:nHtia1 8.
36. ~""'Jt trc:a .........nú.ty center ec:.dttee for CCUncil
directien regamin;r revised hD;et and the ðWLuV'al
Director of Paxks and Rew.....tia1 Dcw1in;J ~ his
L"'1"'rt wj+-.h Council.
Rcb steinberq, architect, anlK;æ:tod Council'. ~.
agency Ord.
1421 approved
First reading
of Ord. 1421
$3.500 for
"Hands on the
Seven Springs
ASAC 51,694.1
Condition g
Karch 16 min-
utes to be
and project
Traffic Sig-
nal Maint.
contract to
Signal Maint..
barrier pet-
ition received
MINt1m3 OF '1HB w.y 18, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL ~.UG (CX>-719)
Upcn beiß¡ as1œd by Council, the City Manager est:œ.ted
cost of ~ 'IoICUl.d be a IÚlÛJIUIII of $200,000. Be
stated that IIICI18Y 'IoICUl.d be CXIIIinq tma the Qujllby JIct ani
am be ç.¡t mly en pub in 0Jpertin0'. Zcne 1. He also
stated that the City WIllI nceiv1n;J en IICIÛe8
received trail the sale of lxn!8.
Hr. stabDm;r stated that the i'&-·'l.:~1 size of the
lYWIIInú.ty CIB1ter is CCI'ISistent with sqtJIIZ8 tccItage in other
lYWIIInU.tiee .
Nancy B8rt:ert, san JUan ibid and Ann Anger of !b1ta vista
);oth spa1œ in 8'1PJolL of the lYWIIInU.ty œnt:er.
Carol ~", Noel Drive, read a letter tzaR IaInie
'Iœnsfeldt: urgin¡ O:mr..ll to mJœ sum that the size
anticipates fI1t:ur8 needs, not just o..........,L needs. Mrs.
~rw...ll stated the iJIpJrtance of 1oa1dn;r at the tctal gocxl
of the lYWIII1I'1ity and to húld it biq enough for fUture use.
Al carter also urged CCJunci1 to h,i1d a (~nU.ty œnt:er
biq encugb for fI1t:ur8 needs.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JåIn&cn, by CCIunc. ~..
and P"--,d unan1mcusly (4-0) to _.......!ate $977,000 tzaR
PaJ:ic """1œticn funds and interest eamin;pI tzaR the I:xni
fund and to ca1fim the project a¡:p:aval ~ as
1. Pò....".,_ and revised h~ to City Council.
2. a..~L.Ial site and floor plan to PaJ:Ø and R8creatia1
~f_iat for p.h] ic ir:plt.
3. O:aceptual site and floor plan to City CCJunci1 for
acticn (Council tunct:.icn1n;r as client).
4. Defined project to ~ Review o:m.ittee.
5. Pmject appliœticn to Plannin;J n-.f_iat.
6. Pinal pmject a¡:prcwal to CCJunci1 for acticn.
7. PnpIraticn of WOlkin;r ~ and bid ,w.,"-d...
37. ~L en bid cpen1nq for Traffic Signal MainterIance
. P.mject 87-109, and award of .....,t...ciCt.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, SEIOCI'ØId by CCIunc. Gatto
and p"--ed unanimcus1y (4-0) to award the ......t...aet to
Signal MI1intsnanoe, Inc. in the amount ot $32,112.46.
38. P8titia1 received to rE!IIIOY8 traffic barriers en
Pacifica, ~tney and Silverado.
Council received the petitia1.
4.,~, ~._.. ~.
- . --oq-
HnI1l'ES OF '!HE MAY 18, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEE:l'IlG (CX>-719)
39. Petitia1 received requestirg closure of Alves Driva.
It was IIDIIed by CDmc. Gatto, aecx.ð.d by CDmc. Joluillat
ani p"e.1d unan1IIIcus1y (4-0) to net cxnb;:t a pnb)i~
heariD¡ to ocrwidør ~ of Alves Driw.
40. Secxn:l reedin¡ am eœcbaent: of ordinIInca No. 1418:
"An ordinIInca of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\1IIerxiin;r secticn
1 of ordinance No. 2 by RezaUn¡ ~_ty' frCIII 112-4.25
Zcne to Rl-7.5 Zcne; IDeated en the Northwest 0:::4...... of
santa Iucia Road am Merrlman Road (A1IIBrican Desi9D
ED¡ineerin¡, ~ 3-Z-a7)."
It was IIDIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, BeCXIIded by CDmc. Rogel-s and
!?"'e-'!Id (3-0) with Mayor SpImœ aœt:ainin;J to read 0rdinIInce
No. 1418 by title a1ly am the City ClmK's rei!Idir¥J to
CCDltitute the seccn:1 reedin¡ th...-..t.
It was IIDIIed by CDmc. Gatto, ~.cII.d by CCUnc. ~s am
p"'p-ed (3-0) with Kayar Spa> lea aœt:ainin;J to enact
0ttUnance No. 1418.
41. Secxn:l rei!Idir¥J am enactment of Ordinance No. 1419:
"An ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 J\1IIerxiin;r
secticns 11.24.150 ani 11.24.220 of the 0Jpertin0
Hmidpal Q)de, RBlatinq to ~, standin¡ or
PaDdn;r, en Foothill Boul8W%d."
It was IIDIIed by CDmc. Roge....., BeCXIIded by CDmc. Gatto ani
p"e-1d UI1IIlÙIIICIUsly (4-0) to read ordinance No. 1419 by
title a1ly am the City Clmk's ræd1nq to CXXIStitute the
seccn:l reedin¡ thet-.f.
It was IIDIIed by CDmc. Gatto, BeCXIIded by CDmc. Rogers and
p"'--9Cl unanimcus1y (4-0) to enact ordinIInca No. 1419.
42. Secxn:l reedin¡ and enactment of ordinance No. 1411:
- "An ordinance of the City of 0Jpertin0 RezaUn¡
P~_t.}' frCIII ex; (General 0:mDercial) to I'D (Planned
- Devel'-¥""4d. with Residential Intent) ZcnI; IDeated en
the West side of H:::Clellan Road, A¡:prox!mately 200 Ft.
South of Mira vista Road."
Previously removed.
43. Na1e.
o public hear-
ng re closure
f Alves Dr.
Second reading
of Ord. 1418
Ord. 1418
Second reading
of Ord. 1419
Ord. 1419
Closed session
Inns of America
construction ta
MnVl!S OF '!HE !mY 18, 1987 CI'1Y CXIH:IL ~.uG (00-719)
Mn.c;m S!SSICB
City Atto..'-.i lW.ian amcunced that 0:u1Ci1111CU14 Jæ8t in
closed .-- kn as pit" GCJ\I~..._1t Q)ðø 8ect.icrw 54956.9 (a) ,
pen:Un:¡ litigaticn, and 54956.9(0), init.iat.1nq litJ.gaticn.
At 9:35 p.m., Council adjcumed to a closed _icn.
At 9:40 p..., Council reccnwnecl 1'1 open ! im.
CCUnc. PrIS ,t.:
Gatto, JoIu...." ~.., Kayar Bput¡a
Ccunc. Ab!Ient:
staff po¡, S d..:
City *_ Quinlan
City ClerJc O:n'nelius
City ~..y Kilian
~ at 1Vk8 aid ReQ.-t.icn IDt1iD¡
Director of P1.annin¡ and Devel__'L 0cwIm
Penr:iinc¡ litiqaticn - :om. of Americ:a.
It was IIICIIed by Ccunc. Gatto, s..o...ð.d by cœnc. Rogk.. ani
p"'\!H:1 unaniJIIcus1y (4-0) to autbarize that the trial
Initiatin;J lit-icpH..., - tJhCJollect:ed ccnst:N::t:icn tax.
It was IIICIIed by cœnc. ~., seo...ð.d by cœnc. Gatto and
~"sed unaniJIIcus1y (4-0) to aut:barize collect1cn of
~ cx:rwtructicn tax as per staff 1"'0 . -.daticn.
'!be meet:in;r was adjcumed at 9:42 p...