CC 06-01-87 - . '~r, "'":' -...,....,.. .. '....>..,.-....,..~_....,~.~~..;~~.~ _ ~I""'T. CI'1Y C1P \;unxl'.u«>, 5'I7aE C1P CAI.IFC:eaA 00-720 Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DeAnza Bculevard Interim CCUncil ~: 10500 N. DeAnza Bculevard 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 'l'A'"'1'olWJ8: (408) 252-4505 MINUl'ES OF '!HE RmJIAR CI'1Y ~ hI:iriJ.'.UG HEW œ JtJNE 1, 1987 m '!HE IkUòtW'l CXICNCIL awœœ, 10500 N. IE ANZA B:XJU.VARD, ....~, CALI!œIIA Mayer ~. Gatto called the I8It.ÜIq to .....<110.... at 6:45 p.m. in the interim CCUncil ~. SAlIm!: 'lO '!HE FIN:; roIL CAIL CDJnc. P.L e- ..~L: Jàua::.., Pl\JD3Y, ~s, Mayor ~. Gatto CDJnc. M:u It: Mayor Sparks (Natia1a1 Q.IaId duty) staff p~ I _It: City Manager ()linlan City Clmk O:Imelius Director of Public Wo%D Viskcvic:b Director of P1.annin;r and Develc:pœr~ CboIan Director of P'inaooe Snyder Assistant to the City Manager Brown Public Relatiaw Officer 0Bt:e:cœm City Atto:mey Kilian ~-Naw C!Y00fIAL MATrERS - PRESENIM'IŒ9 Prnt-J-tien dec1.aring' JUne as "selective Service Awaœness Mcnth. " '!be prcc1amaticn will be mailed to the __late pIIrty. œAL CXlHJNICATIŒ9 '!his po:rtim of the meetin¡ is reserved for },IaL......1S wishing to adh. - the Council en arr:I matter not en the agen:1a. Speakers are limited to five mirart:es. rn JDOSt cases, state 13w will pràúbit thE Camcil frail mJdn;r arr:I tWc'isiaw with respect to a matter not listed en the agenja. Ann Arqer, M::nta Vista, asked Council men the next meetin¡ of the Post Office Calmittee was scbeJuled. She was informed that anJt:her meetin¡ of the Call1littee will be held within two to three weeks. She will be notified of that meet:.in;J . Post Office Committee r I ._.~. _._-...~,.-.~..- . . Banner policy Received --'s1ative ~ew Item removed Consent Calen- dar approved . MINUl'ES OF '!HE JUNE 1, 1987 CI'1Y <XXJNCIL !'JUiJ.'.u«; (00-720) John )(>o11ory, saratoga, addressed Council regaJ:ding use of the œllr~ .....__ stevens Creek Boulevard for other than OJpertfno-ålsed arganizatiaw. Council requested that œoc.... .~ of the tIanner policy be sc:heclI1ed as new :business at their J\Ine 15 11188tJ.n;J. STAFF ~ 1. Oral ...~Ls by staff """.¡...... ani lI"hoIiqicn of written l~ls - Nelle. 2. ~t. en Code :Q¡f~.........IL fraD the Director of P1annirç and DIIvel......... ,L. Council received the :t:"'t"AL and inquired as to the status of BxIto Drive Uþ at saratoga-Bunnvyale Rœd. Council was infcmoed that their use permit CX1ly cçplies to the drive up wimcw. CXUlCIL !<I:ot<JI(U:i 5. CCUnc. Jchnscu - Legislative Review Call1littee. It wae IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, seccnjed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y and po-'1C! unanimcus1y (4-0) to taJæ the follcwin;r act:.ia1s re;;azdin¡ ~T -.I legislaticn: cnœø AB 923, "tiJae banks" for ext:erded or t:em1nal illness: SB 269 (Kq:p), AB 1028 (Katz) and AB 1778 (Vasoc¡."",,'Jos), hazardcus material, repeal of the p',n1 'C entity exIE!SIpticn in PrqI. 65: SB 1092 (1'"'_..1.....11), P'Q1ic 1IICliœ cChLL-..-ts, marœtcny unifaxm c....1LLaCt pmvi.sja¡s: and AB 1099 (Elder) , marœtcny IIIEIdi.aticn 1Ih!n recp!Sted by peace offiœrs or firefighters. $IIWu.L SB 813, Gann limitatiaw: AB 671 (Katz) , bcinB for transportaticn projects: and AB 318 (carteee), capital facilities fees. p.q-t cx:pies of AB 15 CstirlinrJ), AI i1lli'laticn of sunset date ani in:::rease in ÆRS reth8Dent allcwanoes: and SB 512 (Ellis), sign bill llllleliodb-,t.. cx::tIS!Nl' CAIÐmm CCUnc. ~.. recp!Sted reDDVal of Item No.9. It was IIICIIed by O:iunc. Rogers, seccnjed by CCUnc. JåJnsa1 and P"~-ed unanimcus1y (4-0) to ðWLuVe the balance of the O:n;ent calen:1ar as subnitted. -2- þ MDClES OF '!HE Jt1NB 1, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNC:IL hrot:a".uo>:; (00-720) 8. ReqJests far waiwr of bJsiness license fees: (a) Q.......~; (b) S8Iio:nb::tar Irx!usb:y Associatia1. (c) QJpertino SIIrtaIIa Club. 9. RIiIIIaVed. 10. C1aJJa for inr:Brú.ty (Acticn No. 613935) . !!any and Alice Iecnard, p1aintiffs. :R&- . --'Ided for rejec:tia1. 11. C1aJJa for imeaüty (Acticn No. 618458), Margaret D. P. Kin¡ am Jane M. A. Kin¡, plaintiffs. Re· .,.,-!ded for rejectiat. 12. lWolutic:n No. 7195: "A Resoluticn of the City CDmcil of the City of Q pertino Allowin;r certain t!I..i""" and DeIœInds Payable in the J\DI::Amts ani frail the PUIÜI as &eœmafter Desc:r1œd for 5alaries and wages for the Payroll Period Endin;r May 12, 1987." 13. BBsoluticn No. 7196: "A Resoluticn of the City CDmcil of the City of Q pertino AUowin;r certain t"....i""" and Dta-.dt. Payable in the J\DI::Amts and FraIl the PUIÜI as &eœmafter Desc:r1œd for Ger....cù and Misoe1.1anecus Expenditures for the Period Erñing Kay 22, 1987." 14. C1aJJa for .......-gee filed by Rat and Vivian Parle. R& " ....-. Là:d for rejectia1. 15. MhI1tes of the regular City CCJunci1111eE1tJn¡ of Kay 4, 1987 (00-718). 16. ~"""'t for autbarizaticn to set a p.lb1ic hearln;r to CXI1Sider water rate inr::reue. 17. BBsoluticn No. 7198: "A Resoluticn of the City CDmcil of the City of 0JpertiI10 ~ a..,....aet QwJI}8 Order No. 8 for DeAnza Boulevard Widenin;r Project 86-20." 18. ~'1I!IOluticn No. 7199: "A Resoluticn of the City CDmcil of the City of Q pertino ~ a..t........."t QwJI}8 Order No. 4 for Saratoga-Sunnyve Read widenin;r Project 85-01, Traffic Signal Mociifiœtien Project 85-06." 19. lWolutic:n No. 7200: "A Resolutien of the city CDmcil of the city of Q pertino AppraIrin;r Ck'ntract QwJI}8 Order No. 2 far PIM!ment IØ;taratia1 Project 87-104." -3- . MDÐn!S OF 'IHB .:JUNE 1, 1987 CI'1Y cx:u«::IL ftIZr.I..I'G (00-720) 20. Be80luticn No. 7201: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a..d...aCt 0W9I order No. 4 for Foothill Bcu1.8vm:d IancJao "",.b1q, IfIr\.J&. ""ldD) Project 87-105." 21. Be80luticn No. 7202: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a.,.,LLaCt 0W9I order No. 3 for stevens creek Bcu1.8vm:d Iarœ -1.b1q OL..._ to Byme Aveme, Ian:!sœpinr¡ Project 87-105." 22. Be80luticn No. 7203: "A Be80luticn of the City CCJuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a.,.,LLaCt 0W9I order No. 3 for stevens CèInya\ at San JUan Ianc:t~inÇJ, IaJ·. "'i.in} Project 87-105." Ym§ ~..,¡ .6. & of the City Ch.nY!i 1 AYES: J...h........, Pl\JD3Y, ~'" Gatto R:D!:S: Naw . Aæœr: Sparks AB9'mIN: Naw l'lD6 REHJYED !RJ( a:H!Ðn' CA:IÐmAR 9. Rasoluticn No. 7193: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 MaJdn;r DeteIminaticnl ani A¡provin;r the Annexat!cn of 'l'en:it.œ:y Designated as '0J:ançJe Aveme 87-02:' .29;t Acre Generally Ia2ted m the west sida of 0%arJ; e Aveme Beboieen Ianita '\ver1.J8 ani Þ'"-",, Aveme (Am 357-15-14)." It 1iI!IS IICMId by CCUnc. ~s, ......dtod by CCUnc. Jåmscn and p"--t:1 unaniJDcusly (4-0) to adept Resoluticn No. 7193 with the deecripticn àIanged t.raa ~'---' Aveme to Þ'-'-t Aveme. Res. 7193 Iœ[;[C BEARIlŒ 24. Hc::I1e. . P.WItIIlI; APPLICATICNS 25. App1.icatic:ns 13-u-B7 and 8-'IM-87 of Ð:Jwin and carol Pbdt...~ Use PeJ:mit to o.....t....x:t a 6-unit sin;J1e-family plamed deve1___,t., Tentative Map to subdivide 2 paroels into 6 paroels with lot sizee ran¡ing frail 6,700 sq. ft. to 19,400 sq. ft. and Envirc:nDenta1 Review: '!he P1.annin;J n-ni -im po. .. ...,-œ the grantinÇJ of a Negative Declaraticn. '!he -4- MJ:NUŒS OF '!HE JUNE 1, 1987 CI'1Y <XXJNCIL MEE:l']]Ç (CX>-720) 25. (cxrrt:.imed) ~"'I"ILt.i' is located en the east IÜde of sœn1c lIculevard appraximately 450 ft. north of Pa1m AveIUI. ~<'" _._.Aded for denial. Director of Pl.annin:J an:! D8II8l.....-tt 0:Jwan reviewed his report with Q:Juncil. lb}EIr Griffin, PIu:aga1 Design GI:aJp of Los Gates, reviewed sœø åmn; eB with Q:Juncil. 'Ibese included a low&red density ~tin;J ~ reaDYal of thœe hcIEs ~ the slope banIt, redesigninq the structures ~. y:&ed for IDt:8 2 and 3 ("ß"""t' as ale stŒy traa the .LLaát), ~ :m- garages an:! drivwaya thœe cars wide, ~1i"'1C8 with the Rl ~___Iæ 1d1ere the ~'1-~ hcIEs abut with exist.in:J sin;r1e-family hcIEs, 9,500 sq. ft. IIIiniJII.ma lot size, and preservat.iœ of all hIt 42 0IIk trees. Mr. Griffin read frail the 1980 zaù.ng' ardinanoe an:! expressed the fee1in;J that the }'I.'~ devel___,L is 1IIeet.iD] the intent of the ordinaœe. He sul::lllitted the ~.~ that the ~'~eed :R1ase 2 (IDt:8 4 an:! 5) of the deve1,¥"",'L be eliminated. Fcur new hcIEs wculd be b.1i1t an:! the existin;r haDe wculd remain. '!he develcper wculd h,i1d en lots 1, 2 3 an:! 6. Helen Adzich, 10310 Scenic Boulevard, stated she was ocafused with this reg¡m:iinq the p""",,,," of hcIEs. Red castor, 10440 Scenic Boulevard, stated that he felt this was a material ~ and has left ~ very ocafused as to ~ actually is bein;r ~., oJSed.. pit'tu..."d r...''''r1t:, 10335 Scenic Bculevard, ~ -it! octlOeDl regardin:J parJdn;r. Dianne r"'''..r1t: Ctœby ~ -lid a desire for cx:nt:rolled well~ deve1'¥""'tt. She reo:, ·,·,-.Ided this >q:p' iœticn be sent bIc1c to the P1.anniø:J n--i....icn and reviewed ~ the ~_tiV8 of the neighbamood an:! not just R'.....~1.i' Fam. Mr. Griffin asked if the >q:plicant had 1II!Ide these å1zIrIgeB bet111!1en meetin;J with the neighbors an:! goin;r to the Plannirç n--i aeicn. He mquested. that if Q:Juncil did retmn this ÇPlicaticn to the Plannirç Chmti ....ien, they given direc:ticn reg¡m:iinq ..t.....et locatien. Dianne r..." N1t Ctœby stated that there was a big ~f......._ betl..eeh the cw.......tt driveway in the area an:! the road }'I.' ~1Sed. -5- . Returned 13-U-87 and g-TK-87 to Planning Commission Waiver of need for approval of tentative map . Negative Dec. for 23-U-87 23-U-87 approved . HDK1mS OF 'IHE .:JUNE 1., 1.987 Cl'lY CXX1NCIL =.U.C (00-720) It ws IIICIIed by CCUnc. ~.., seoadtod by 0::Junc. Johœa1 ani V'Med unaniD:Jusly (4-0) to retum the appl!eat:iat to the Plann1D¡ n-..i-icn with the fo1lcw1ng direct:icn: Density r-fI""'Ci to a Jlllvi"._ of five \DÚts, the "'-f.9n of the rœd to be -1-- into the døvIeL 1. .....IL. Directed n-..i-iat to lcoJt at the tl1i,c1!n¡ em/II-Iq»¡--in;r to be seœitiV8ly handled in regard to the pe..."'t-.:tive of the 1""i.9f""""rs. HI:'. Griffin stated tbat the appl1canta (E:!win and Caml ~...,iel) waived the need for ~wal of their tentative map at this time. By CCI1SenSUs, Council IICDi!ptecl that waiver. DiIector of PlanninI¡ and Deve1~IL Q:Iwan stated that it was believed that the next PlanninI¡ n-..i"'9icn meetinq will be held bIo 8VerÚD]S. He requested that these int:ereeted å*=k with the Plann1D¡ Deparbœnt; to see ~ night this ~, iœ.ticn 1o'QI1d be heard. 26. AßlJ,icaticn 23-u-&7 of 8.Jzz Btyan,IJeff Watkins _ Use Pel:mit to .......LL1JCt a 2-st:œy, 3,700 sq. ft. office¡residentia1¡œtai1 :tui1ding and EnvircnIIenta1 Review: '!be P1annin;J n-..i"'9icn J"AC. -.ciao that g:rantj.n¡ of a Negative Dec1araticn. '!be ~_ t.}' is located en the northeast 00........ of p."'""'ena and ~.....da Avemes. ~ -.. -·ùed far ~wal. DiIector of PlanninI¡ am Deve1~,L Q:Iwan œviewed the applic:aticn with Council. Jeff Watkins told Council that the primaxy use of the },nnt'ling is for owner lYY"I1(WX:y. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jå1n......., seoo.d.d by CCUnc. ~.. and PO--1!d unaniD:Jusly (4-0) to grant a Negative Declaraticn for A¡:p1.1cat.icn 23-U-S7. It was IICIWd by CCUnc. Jàn....." seoo.d.d by Q:)unc. øo.,....... and 1"'"--811 unanimously (4-0) to ~we A¡:p1.1cat.icn 23-U-87 per Plann1D¡ n-..i_tcn Resoluticn No. 3037 with Ccnditia1 No. 20 ame.d.d to provide for flexibility to allow _- -IL or :no I:U\..... íL. 27. ~, itoatien 24-u-&7 of Westfield, Inc. - Use Pemit to c....""LL1JCt and cperAte a two-level parJdng garage servin¡ a reqia1al shcg>ing center and EnvircnIIenta1 Review: '!be Planrú.n:¡ n-w.n-laaiat Z-C" ._._IÙ;t the g:rantj.n¡ of a Negative Dec1araticn. '!be ~_L}' is -6- MINUl'ES OF 'IHE JUNE 1, 1987 CI'1Y cxx:NCIL MŒl'nG (00-720) 27. (CXIJt:iraJeI1) located within valloo FashiCI1 Pæk; PeriJDBt:er laid narthBrly of ~lU111-Capw1ell site. ~:.. -.1C!.d for Clj¥Lwal. Director of P.I.annizg and Dsve],. 'l·,...,.L COWan reviewød the app1.icaticn, and 0:u1ci1 reoaived a "'¥J.Lt. traa the Westfield 'IDffic ED}ineer. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, secc:r1ded by CCUnc. ~.. am p"ø-ad UI'IaJÜJDcu8ly (4-0) to grant a Negative Declaratiat ~or A¡:plicaticn 24-t1-87. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, secc:r1ded by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y am poe-1c1 UI'IaJÜJDcu8ly (4-0) to ~\N8 A¡:plicatien 24-u-a7 per P1.ar1r1in;r n--i"'*!at Reso1uticn No. 3038. 28. App1ic:aticn 18-u-a7 of Bahman Mahbod - Use Pemit to operate an eatin;r establishment within an exist.1.n¡ 920 sq. ft. tenant 8pIIoe of a retail center, with 18 seats, tw eapl.oyees and incident:a1 t:aJœ-out service and Envira1menta1 RevieIi: '1be project is cat:egarically ..........L, hence no envira1mentaJ. acticn is r- !IJ:Y. '1be project is located. en the southeast 0............ of stevens cœeIt Boulevard am RJrt:al Aveme. ~:- ...,-.k:Jed for ~wal. City Attamey Kilian infœ:med Council that at this tJme the Kaster use Pemit for the sbq:pinq center does not allciI "taJœ cut" establisbments. 'lberefar:e, he did not see hew a use peœit CDl1d be i...."ad witbcut an ëIIIIeldIwIId. to the Kaster use Pemit. Directar of P1aminq ani DIMIl_d. COWan stated. that an app1.icaticn hall best ~iled for an _"'-,L to the Kaster use Pemit. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Gatto, -....dtd by CCUnc. Rogel. ani p"--sc1 unaniIIcuø1y (4-0) to table this and c1irect that it be braJght œcJt 1IIben the Master use Pemit revisien is ccnsidered. 29. A¡:plicaticn 9-'IH-87 of Gerard. <l1pertino Partner I _ Tentative Mi!Ip to sul:xiivide 1 parcel into 14 paroeJ.s with lot sizes ran;rinq frail 7,500 sq. ft. to 9,200 sq. ft. and Envircnœnta1 Review: 'Ihe Planninq C'rorIfti ....ien No> ,·,-·ds the grantinq of a Negative Declaratien. '1be project is lcx:atsd en the east side of Mazy Aveme a¡:prcximtely 200 ft. south of Meteor Place. ~··,·,-,decl for ~wal. -7- Negative Dec. for 24-U-g7 24-U-87 approved 18-U-87 tabled · HINU:œS OF 'IHE JUNE 1., 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL rJUiJ:.1J'G (00-720) Director of P1amin;J and D8II8l"¥",,,IL Q:Jwan infomed c:mncil that Qn1iticn No. 15 had already been I!IIIIIII1ded to state that the .LL....t I11III8 shall be lfi11aId. Tim sæñis, 605 castro st., Jbmtain View, erJ;Jineer for the deve1"¥"",,t., stated that there had been an inIIdv8rtent error in not.ic:J.nJ. Joseph RM~, ~-1:v owner en the south side of the }oIL' ,.o..ed døv9l. 1: d., stated that he did not receive natifiœticn originally and that the Planning ",-i_!en did not anIIIJ8I:' his qJeStia1S at the secxni hearinq. His quest!en was in xegard to --& via Mary Averue. He stated that the oriq1nal zaún¡ said there wcu1d be no i!'''''e!;'''' to Mary. þ Directar of PUblic WOtics VisItcvich informed Mr. Hauser that in the late 19708 and early 19808, the CCUnci1 at that tim& ~i~ there waJld be no CMD:paSS en Mary AvemJe. Mr. Jbnuoer cx:ntinJed that en the fOl1ll CXIIpleted for EII'IVizamø1tal review, questia1s wre answexed "no" in xegard to ctJst fUmes dI.Irin) 0CIIStruct.iat, etc. Mr. Jbn- was infœ:med that the City does require water trucJœ en site and that the <bit is not a significant factor. He was also infœ:med that the Cb,L..cù Fire Prot:ec:ticn District is investigatin;J two storage tanks b.1ried en the lots ..... ~.sed for dew],. 1, .L. Mr. ~1Ber also ~-~«t ocnœlnl regardin:¡ the }oIL'~ density and pn-i""e c:x:nrt:ructiat noise en weeJœms. He said the þ,n...... bad previcusly prnni..-'l no noise en weeJœms; belllll......, after the first ~ of the a¡:plicaticn he en u...d dcM1 trees en a weJœnd and had tbIIIa 1IIJldlecl early en a weJœnd 1Im'nin;J. He felt the neJ.gbbars wre not tz:eatsd fairly by the þ,nÑ>,. or the Planning "'-......!en. He utged CCUnci1 to plt guidelines en the h1n~. þ Harle Sil"............, 21431 Milfard Drive, asked. qJeStia1S regardin:¡ the }oIL"'..»ecI two-st:my l::ui1di1gs. He stated he bad .......- that arr:¡ devel'1,",-.d. there waJld be ate stœy. He wcu1d 1ika to}olL EID:V8 his q,Jality of life. Jack BiDhclz, 21381 Milfard Drive, addressed CCUnci1 regardin:¡ the ~~ noti::e list. DcI'1 Silva, Milfard Drive, stated that he called the Cbd...cù Fire Prot:ec:ticn District regardin:¡ the two storage tanks b.1ried en the }oIL~t.y. He -requested that this be a planned devel""1-"""".L (FD). -8- MINm'ES C1P '1JIE JUNE 1, 1987 Cl'lY CDJNc:IL Mœ1'I)Ç (00-720) Mr. Smiis stated that the neigh!xn did net krIcw aba1t the tanks and stated that he wœld follow )'10_ þL' ...'1Iri.... for their rE!IIICJYal and apologized for the noise resultmJ frail t:œe:remr:wal. He stated that the neigbbarø were tJ:ee to call either Mr. T....re:t:t or Mr. Nelsen at (415) 941-4141 with any cpIStJ.cn¡. In reg¡u:d to ~_ notioe, he stated he was ariginally told that it was net r--e.<ry to notify these in the cc:nk:miniuI!IS ............. the ..L.......-t frail the ~' ýJ8ed døvelq1lll!l1t. Dœothy Denio, 21478 Meteor Drive, ~ CcAmcil why thøy den't listen to taxpay8rs. She stated thøy either can't or won't. She further stated that if Council can't, the rules "Mnld be åIar9d and if thøy won't, who are thøy .L~ S ILirq. 'Ihø applicant was infODDed that there is to be no CCI1Struct:.ien related noise en weeJœnds or befar:e 7:00 a... or after 7:00 p.m. staff can issue a st:cp 1IICIX arder if this is violated. In reg¡u:d to the:remr:wal of tanks, Council directed that this be dcne as per the prooeas mcpired by law. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jå1nsa1, secc:.r1ded by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y ani P'"~ unanimaJsJ.y (4-0) to grant a Negative n-,..~ticn for Afp1icaticn 9-'IM-87. It was IIICIIed by 0:Iunc. J<.b......., r-.......dt.d by 0:Iunc. Pl\JD3Y and p---~ unanimaJsJ.y (4-0) to _we AßlJ,icatien 9-'IM-87 per PlarIrÜJ1I¡ n-ni_icn ResoJ.uticn No. 3034 with Ccr1ditia1 No. 16 amesüeð. to state that the ..L...~ name shall be Jli1 "''"C! and a cx:n:liticn added that there shall be no cansb:uc::ticn related noise en weeJœnds or befar:e 7:00 a... and atter 7:00 p... en wekdayB. 'Ihø rE!IIICJYal of \D'.cJo...."",uUrd staraga tanks shall be cxn:tucted as per mcpired )'10' . . CcAmcil directed staff to issue a step 1IICIX arder if these cx:n:litiœs are violated. ~ AND Sl'IE APPRJYAL CXHaTl'EE APPLICATIæ5 30. Naw. tM'INISHED HJSINE9S 31. Naw. NÐf HJSINE9S 32. ~L en bid c:pnirg for AnrIJ.al OVerlay Project 87-108 and awam of ......,LLaCt. -9- Negative Dec. fCJr 9-TM-87 9-TM-g7 approved . Project 87-108 awarded to Raisch McClellan improvements alternative analysis Setting of public hearing by CO_issions . First reading of ord. 1422 eond reading ord. 1420 MINUl'ES C1P '!HE .:JUNE 1, 1987 CI'1Y CXXINCIL J'tUa".u.G (00-720) It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, sec....c1bc1 by 0:Junc. ~. and ~,,"1If'.i unanimcus1y (4-0) to award the .......LLaCt to Raisch 0XIstruct:.icn in the amcunt: of $268,583.79 ani authorized a total experñiture of $300,000 inc1~ CCII1t:in3ency . 33. ~t. regarding ~ and DL..aata. time line en Jot:('l"""" Road P"'"in]e hpsct en J'A~gJ-¡'. .dAAod By OC'......1SUS, Council directed that an altematiw analysis be så1àJled for the IIII!8tin;r of JUne 15. 34. Request 1'rcIII CCUnc. regaxdinq sett.iD3 cnr..~ ....ia1S. John Gatto to ..~.....-- policy of p.Iblic heIIrinJ by City Followin¡ "~""'....,ien, Council by 0CI'ISeI1SUS requested that this matter be P'''''-' m the N; 8nda for JUly 6 as an item of old I:iusiness. No staff L"'i'U'o~ ~ r--"azy. 35. Oc:nIideraticn of an Œdinarx:8 to rEIID\I8 pazXin:} pràúbitia1 en Nocœn O:urt. 1t1en this prohibiticn is remcved it will allOll for CXI1Si.derati.cn of residents' request for pemit pazicin;J. (a) First readin;J of 0:Minan0e No. 1422: "An 0:Minan0e of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Dendin] Sec:t:ia1 11.24.160 of the 0Jpertin0 !lJni"ipal o:de, Relatirq to Stoppinq, Stardin:¡ or PaxXin;r, en Nocœn O:urt." It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, sec:a.c1bc1 by 0:Junc. R;:)ge:t:& an:! p"--e¡J unanimcus1y (4-0) to read 0:Minan0e No. 1422 by title ally and the City Clmk's readin;r to CX'IISt.it:ute the fimt readin;r thereof. 1I=~'J.m CXlHJNICATICHS 36. Naw. CRJINANœ; 37. Seccni readin;r and enc...t.-.L of 0:Minan0e No. 1420: "An 0:Minan0e of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Der1dinIJ Q1apter 11.08, Bicyt:les, of the 0Jpertin0 I!micipal Code." It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. PJ.\JD3Y, seo....c1bc1 by CCUnc. a..,,-. and po"'<sed unanimcus1y (4-0) to read 0:Minan0e No. 1420 by title ally an:! the City Clmk's readin;J to CX'IISt.it:ute the second readin;J thereof. -10- MINUl'ES OF 'ŒE JUNE 1, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL MIœl'.DÇ (00-720) It _ 1IICMId by 0:uIc. ~'" seo.....dt.d by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and po- II! unanimcus1y (4-0) to enact ordinance No. 1420. 38. Seocni readinr:¡ and -.t:.-...t. of ordinance No. 1421: "An ordinance of the City CCUncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Dec1.arln:¡ the Need for a R8dev8],., ......t 1qItn::f to PUrx::ticn in the City of 0Jpertin0 ani DBclarinÇJ the City o:.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 to be the RedøveJ., 1 ··-"1L Iqe/ltf." It was 1IICMId by 0:uIc. Pl\JD3Y, eeo....dt.d by CCUnc. a.."...... and po---nt unanimcus1y (4-0) to r-s ordinance No. 1421 by title CII1.y and the city Cltmc's ~ to CX'I18titute the secxni readinr:¡ the:t:....t. It was IIICIIed by 0:uIc. Rogel.., seoo..dt.d by 0wD::. Pl\JD3Y and p"ee.... unanimcus1y (4-0) to enact Ordinance No. 1421. RmOWl'ICJIS 39. Naw. l"rn<:ED smsICN '!be City Attamey amcunoed that CCUncil will meet in closed T "'fm as per Gav..........¡L Q)de Secticn 54956.9 (c) , initiatirxJ litigaticn, and Gav..........,L Q)de Secticn 54957.6, labor negotiatJ.a'IS. At 9:50 p.m., Council adjoumed to a c-lœed sess!en. At 10:10 p.m., o:.mcil reconvened in CCUncil ~ in open S i'1'\. R:>IL CAIL CCUnc. P.L I d.: Jà1nson, Pl\JD3Y, ~'" Kayar Pl.~.. Gatto CCUnc. N:B' d..: Mayor ~ staff P.L s ,L: City *'..".... 0ún1an City Cl8Ek om.uus Direct:ar of N:Ilic Wcmœ V1sJcDrld1 Assistant to the City Hal........ Brown Direct:ar of Plamin.J and D8Y91·, ,to Q:Iwan City Attamey Kilian InitiatirxJ litigaticn - Seven sprilç9 Ran:h -11- Ord. 1420 enacted Second reading of Ord. 1421 Ord. 1421 I!nacted Clnsed session . Seven Springs Ranch Labor nego- tiations . . MIKm!S C1P 'DIB .:JCHB 1, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNCIL hI:=:uG (00-720) rt WIllI a:III8d by ~. Pl\JD3Y, aeo...dI.d by Q:Iunc. a.-. m! V Id UIIII1tmaly (4-0) to aut:harlze staff .',;0 _..... ....Ad.... d. witb the a.___~ GrcqI upcn payIIBIt of - 88 _w..s by 1Itatf. Iabar negat1atiaw. By ...._11.., Q:Qncil directed staff to 1&........4 with lalxIr: ~. ~ 10:15 p... the I88tinr¡ WIllI ar:!jcumed to J\1n8 9, 1987, 7:00 p..., f1øt flaar 0::111'....__ Roaa, intsr:im City Hall, 10430 S. ~ BculeYard, for pn1.iJainuy review of Pisca1 Year 1987-88 bo~ m! use of BIMIrme Sharin¡ !Unr:!8. /~ d¿.u /fr ~..,..¿~ City CleI:k / -12-