CC 07-06-87 t þ þ . . . CI'1Y C1P CIJPERl'DÐ, STATE C1P CAL:IFCRIIA 00-722 Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DeAnza IIcUJ.IIvm:d Interim cmnc.u ~: 10500 N. DeAnza EIcuJAMIJ:d 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 'l'ele¡iDIe: (408) 252-4505 MINtmS OF '!HE RmUIAR CI'1Y CXX1NCIL MEI!:l'I1Ð HEm œ JUIN 6, 1987 Dr '!HE IN.ŒRDI c:aH::IL awœER, 10500 N. IE ANZA B:XJU.VARD, UJUiK1'.uÐ, CAL:IFCRIIA 6:15 p.m. - Legislative Review CCIIaittee - o:mtàL........ axm - Interim City Hall, 10430 S. DeAnza Bcu1.evud. '!he meet:in;r was called to otœr by Kayar SparJcs at 6:45 p.m. SAII1l'E 'lO 'JHE PUG roIL CAIL 0Junc. P.L S _IL: Gatto, Jåmsa1, Pl\JD3Y, Rogers, Kayar SparJcs staff B. =- ut: City Manager Orlnlan City Clerk Cornelius DiIector of Public Works Viskcvid1 DiIector of Plar1nin;r and Devel~tt <DIan Director of Finance Snyder DiIector of Pa%ks and Recœatien Dcw1in;J Assistant to the City Manager Brown Chmonú.ty Re1at.icns Officer ostemIm City Att.omey Kilian Iœ'1'1œEHEmS - It was IIICIIed by 0Junc. Rogers, .........ded by CCUnc. Gatto and P"-ed unaJÙDDJSly to ca'It;jn,J8 Item No. 47 to J\ùy 20 and Item No. 48 to August 3. c:E:RÐDŒAL MATmRS - PRESENrATIOOS Procl-ticn dec:larin;J J\ùy, 1987 as "Parlcs and Rec:reatiat H:.nth" in 0Jperti00. Mr. Dean SIœels, 01aizperscn of the 0Jpertin0 Pa%ks ani Recœaticn n--ni ....icn ~ted the prnt'" -ticn. œAL CXMIJNICATIŒ9 - NCI'Ie. STAFF 1<I:OtU<J.~ 1. Oral Reports by staff II'E!IIiJers and ""hoIiOL..icn of written reports . -1- . Highway 85 Spring clean- up Employee BBQ. Civic Service Awards ABC licenses Code Enforce- m_ Report Post Office 13-U-87. Federspiel Tax exempt status . MINtJftS OF 'mE Jtml 6, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL MEEl'nG (0::-722) City Manaaer's ~·"t CCUncil œc;pBSted that infOJ:llBti.cn regardin¡ Highway 85 (l'IIIIpJ, CIIr.........oea1ngs, etc.) be p1- in the n..........,im ~ 1ob!n facts are !lV"ibh'oe. Council recpISted the 1987 inß.. ....ucn reg¡m:Un:¡ sprin;J cleamp costs. By 0... rmsus, CCUncil selected'D1ur8day, August 13 for the EIIp1.oyees' Room-.. ani 0c::td:Ier 9 for the Civic service Awards. Alc:xiIDlic BøIr.~ L1.ceœe: Fcod Villa, Inc. - 10983 N. WOlfe 1Ød: Vi"? Gent - 10041-51 Blansy Averue: Ia1gs Drugs - 10455 S. De ArIza Bculevard: Imdcn Fish and <hips - 10123 N. WOlfe 1Ød, '4. Council eoqn: -fted no àJjecticnl to the 1.....JarX: Ø of the lice. Ei!!S. 2. ~L fJ:aD Enf~~áL. p1amin;J reg¡m:Un:¡ Code Dh:ector Council received the "''''i'ULL. 3. Reo . ·,·,-'ldaticn to City CCUncil fJ:aD the Post Office ~ttee regardinq --ign of the 0Jpertin0 Post Office. Council recpISted that a revisicn be made to the letter for the Mayer's signature to delete rer.........ce to a retired _.~ -er of the Postal service ani to include a request for lam""""'Pinq alaJ¡ the wall. 4. status :t:~t. for Ftodo.......,iel Awlicatia1S 13-t1-87 and 8-'IM-87. By c:x:.œensus, CCUncil ~ that the applicatia'ls be ~ s ,led to the p1amin;J ,,",",,1-1,.., at their regular meet:.1n;;r of Mcn!ay, JUly 27, 1987. 5. Tax Exeapt status of the 0Jpertin0 PUblic Facilities ~c:ltia1. CCUncil received the .L"'i'ULl. -2- MINUI'ES C1P '!HE Jtm{ 6, 1987 CI'1Y CXJCNc:IL ru:iI:i,L0.u«; (00-722) Resolut.icn No. 7252, "A Rasoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino A¡p)intin:J the Dep1ty 'l'.œIssurer an:! Desc::ribin;J the D.1ties 'lbereof, as Par Gav-._d. QJde Sect:.ia1s 41006 ani 41007." Upc:n detem1nirJ¡ that the need for actia1 en this item arœe after the pcs1:in;J of the agema, it was IIICIIed by CCUnc. a:y....., se......dt.cl by CCUnc. Jåmsa1 and l"'e-1!d 1JI'1alÚJIICUsly to adept Resoluticn No. 7252. <XXJNCIL ~ 8. CCUnc. Jå..-..,: Legis1atiw Bevi.ew o:maittee - It WëIS IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, a....-...dt.cl by CCUnc. Gatto and P"'-'Sd UI1IUÚDIcUs1y to taka the folladrq actia1 regardin;r ..... ~œed 1egislaticn: ~t AB 667 (Katz), local ~jLLúl of int:ersectiœs. ~ SB 1037 rI'uu....) , l...._.1IÙ of cancer presuapt:icn for fiœfighters, and AB 1099 (Elder), man::Jatoty mediatia1 when requested by peace officers or fiœfighters. PØ<;r-t ccpy of AB 2448 (Eastin), solid waste, cleamp fund for landfills thraxJb state surcharge en local ti¡:ping fees. 10. CCUnc. ~$ - Bicentennial Call1littee - ~.......latia1s - CCUncil directed that this item be p' ,,~ en the ðI}E!IIda for the meetm¡ of JUly 20, 1987. ShcW.d any bills be received for the o:maittee they shall be held until that time. a:tÐNJ.' ~ Mayor Spaü.. rE!IIDIIed Item No. 20 for oc:ndderaticn at the end of the meeting. CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y rE!IIDIIed IteIIØ 25(d) of the L1.brazy Ellpmsicn and Items 29 and 30. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, ........dt.cl by CcAmc. Rcgers and poeegd UI1IUÚDIcUs1y to _we the balance of the CCI1sent calendar as BUtaitted. 11. Resoluticn No. 7222: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of QJpertino Alladrq certain Cl..i""" and Ib.:udb Payable in the Amounts and frail the P\JD:Js as Hereinatter Described for salaries ani Wages for the Payroll Period Ending JUne 23, 1987." 12. Resoluticn No. 7223: "A Rasolutien of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jpert:.in0 Alladrq certain (']..i""" and Da-udb PItyIIble in the Amcunts and FraIl the P\JD:Js as Hereinafter Described for General and Mi.scel1anecuI Expend;.. ~ for the Period Er\din;J June 19, 1987." -3- Res. 7252 adopted Legislative Review Com. Bicentennial COllDllittee Items removed Consent Calendar approved . MDI71'ES OF 'IHE JUVl 6, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEE'1'I1Ð (00-722) 13. ClaiJI for I)....-J8S filed en hehalf of Pisano D8II8l.....-tt CbJ:paratiat, et al, l~e(> ·,·,-ded for Rejecticn. 14. ~ 22-u-a7 of Tandem 0r:IIpzterB ~ _uv'al for a final site and lalo:1øo ,dn;r plans for 1IIOditicatiaw to bIo existin;J irr.....-trla1 bni1di"Ç8 located g........Ally at the nort:hweøt ............. of Highway 280 mx1 Tantau AvenJe. ~:> ...,-1ded for _uv'al. 15. Resoluticn No. 7224: "A Resoluticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jpertjn0 ~ canoellaticn of land ~ o...,L..aCt No. 78-902, Autharizin;J Rec:mdat:i.a1 of certificats of canoellaticn , Am 357-19-001, Estate of Ca1nie HaD and Autborizin;r Rec:mdat:i.a1 of Release of Lien." 16. Resoluticn No. 7225: "A Reso1uticn of the City CCJunci1 of the City of 0Jpertjn0 FBtab1ishin; Permit ParkirJ;J en Nocnm CbJrt." . 17. ~-"'1S and thop'lIint Filed in SUperior CbJrt en œhalf of Rci.a..t. J. silva. Receive. 18. SUIœa. and First Amended crœs thoplaint and related ,w.,~, Case No. 613935, Kaiser o.......d. a....~..tia1 - Pisano Devel'¥U"'.L C01.~..tia1, Inc., et al, Receive. 19. SUllllaIS and First Amended crœs thop' ..i'1t and related ,w.,~, Case No. 618454, Kaiser o.......tt a....~..tia1 - Pisano Devel'¥U"'d:. a....~..tia1 Inc., et al, Receive. 20. RiEm:M!d. þ 21. Accept:ance of City projects perfcmoed under .....tl.....ct:: (a) stevens creek Boulevard ~u\I_d., Project 82-17 (Piazza) . (b) Foathi11 Boulevard ~u\I_,L, Project 80-09 (Piazza) . (c) IaJriaœpin;r Project 87-105: (8 & 8 Iand~inJ): (1) Foathi11 Boulevard. (2) stevens creek (R1ar lap to l'A""""l). (3) stevens creek (Oran; e to Byrne) . (4) stevens canycn at San JUan Road. (d) HoeNer Park, Project 1004 (Collishaw a....~..tiŒl). -4- . MINt1Œ9 OF '!HE J[JI}l 6, 1.987 CI'1Y CDJNCIL MŒ1'I1G (00-722) 21. (e) Saratoga-Bunnyvale Road Widenin:], Project 85-01 and Tmffic Signal Modificatia1, Project 85-06. (Cali:linad projects by Raiså1) (No ~1l¥'" L1Jx¡ Ñv'>I..-r¡ts requirecI.) 22. Rssolut.iat No. 7238: "A Rasolut.iat of the City cmnci1 of the City of 0Ipertin0 A(Jpz:oIrinJ (l..,L...aCt C21aIJ38 Order No. 3 for HcaYer PaJ:k, Project 1004." 23. Resolutia1 No. 7239: "A Resolut.iat of the City ocunci1 of the City of a¡pertino A(Jpz:oIrinJ (l..,L...aCt C21aIJ38 Order No. 6 for Foothill Boulevard Iam""""'l'tn:¡, Project 87-105." 24. Rssolut.iat No. 7i40: "A Resolut.iat of the City ocunci1 of the City r.,f 0Jpertin0 A(Jpz:oIrinJ (l..1L...aCt QwJ; e Order No. :> for Saratoga-sunnyvale Road Widenin:], Project 85-01, Traffic Signal Modificatia1, Project 85-06." . 25. Resolut.iat No. 7241: "A Resolut.iat of the City ocunci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 A(Jpz:oIrinJ (l..,L...aCt QwJ; e Order No. 5 for Civic center Expansien, Project 87-2003 (City Hall, LiDra~, Site)." (Item (d) rBIIOIIed frail (l..: IL calendar.) 26. Reso1ut.iat No. 7242: "A Resolut.iat of the City ocunci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acœpt:in;J a Grant of -~ for OVerland stom Drain ~ses F.I:aII 0BIi!B1d Davis, surviviD] OWner, Itx:ated North of RainIxIw Drive, west of Rai1rœd 'l'racks Adjacent to Txact No. 7999 (Masters Project); ~y 0.362 JIcres." 27. Rssolut.iat No. 7243: "A Resolut.iat of the City ocunci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aclcncw1edgin;J An Offer of Dedic:at.icn of Right-of-way F.I:aII 0Iar1es T. Mastem, sarma O. Masters, Stsv8 Zankiå1 ani Ki:Jlàlrly A. zanJd.å1; Rainbow Drive Within Txact No. 7999." 28. Rssolut.iat No. 7244: "A Resoluticn of the City ocunci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 A(Jpz:oIrinJ the Final Map and !IIp:rowment Plans of Tract No. 8018, 0Ipertin0 Cl....'lIics, Located en ~ Averme, Døvelc:per, ~, Acœpt:in;J Certain ----rt:s; Autharlzin:J the Executicn of ~"""""",at in (l........."tien 'lherewith." . 29. Removed. 30. Remcved. -,- J · MIN!.1l'ES C1P '!HE Jtml 6, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL Mœ1'I1G (CX>-722) 31. Rasoluticn No. 7247: "A Raso1uticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Parcel Map and ~"""',L Plans of P1.~ty Ia:ated at Valloo Parkway to stevens CnIek Boulevard, 'l'ant:au AverI.1e, Includin] Finch AV8I'II8; D8II8lcper, Valloo PaJX ad.; Autharizin;J Exec:ut:icn of standaJ:d ~u._,L ~........,L, Defc:red DIpro\rement ~_,L; and Autharizin;r Signin;J of Parcel Map ani ~""..emehL Plans." 32. Rasoluticn No. 7248: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Accept.1n¡ Gœnt of """.....-.L for Jb!Idway PlD:pc:s!S FraIl Ð3ward S. J. cali, Trustee Ccnsist.in¡ of A¡prœdmatsly 0.0875 Acres, I.ocated Northwest Oœ...... of scuth De Anza Boulevard and HX:l.ellan Rœcl." 33. SUIIIII''''. & n-o,pbil1t; - Rosalie Fa1tana and Aldo Fa1tana Vs. City of 0Jpertin0, et al, Reoeive. 34. Claim for tbn,....J8S - William G. Xd~"III. ~ .,.,....Ided for rejec:t:.ic:n. 35. Reso1utien No. 7249: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowinq c:m-tain C"J"i""" and DeIIBnds Payable in the AIIø.mts and FraIl the :FUms as Hereinafter Desc::ribed for Salaries and wages for the Payroll Period ErxUn:J JUne 9, 1987." 36. Resoluticn No. 7250: "A Reso1uticn of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Gœnt of """~ for stmm Drain Putp:ses FraIl QD4fJ.L~ Groop, Inc., Iocatecl scuth of Rainbcror Drive and North of P1.~'1; Rœcl. " þ 37. Mirutes of the May 18, 1987 œgular City CCUnci1 Meetin;r. (00-719) 38. Resoluticn No. 7251: "A Resoluticn of the City CCUnci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Cl..IL..aet Change Order No. 10 for De Anza Bculevard Widenin:¡, Project 86-20." ~ J"'-.,J éL.. of the Citv CCUncil t AYES: Gatto, Jåmsa1, Pl\JD3Y, ~'" 8pIIñcs MJæ: Naw Aæmr: Naw A!!S"mIN: Pl\JD3Y (en Item 37 ally) -6- HD«7l'ES C1P 'IHB JUI:l 6, 1987 CI'1Y COONCIL MEE.'.l'IN3 (00-722) r:ŒHS REXmD fKII '!HE CXJœfl' C'.AIÐII)AR 25. Resolutiœ }t). 7241: "A Resoluticn of the City ccuncl1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a...,t...._"1: Q1II1'gø <h.<1Io.... No. 5 for Civic Center Expansicn, Project 87-2003 (City Hall, Libraxy, Site)." It was 1IIOII8d by Counc. Pl\JD3Y, sec::x:mded by Counc. Jåmsa1 and 1'" It! unærlmcus1y to IIdcpt: Raso1uticn No. 7241 deletirJ¡ itea 50. m the libraxy dIan;)e œ:der (pertairù.rq to an N'Y'<I1pmX:y sign). It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, ..........d:d by Counc. JåInsa1 and P" ! t! unanimcus1y that staff will return with fUrther e:xp1.anat.1.cn regæ:din;r Itaa 50. Res. 7241 adopted as amended A male WI Ie of the ~11,'Ii~ requested an explanatia1 of Item No. 16 pertainirç to pmút parldn:J en Nocnm Ocurt. staff related the þr..........s to him. 29. Resoluticn No. 7245: "A Reso1ut!cn of the City ccuncl1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ the Final Map and ~~,l Plans of Tœct No. 7994, Sellen Springs, IDeated Alen] stellin;J Read, Develcper, Gl.~:I Groop, Inc., Accept.in:;J certain h..-...rrt:s: Authorizin;J the Executicn of J\gl..........,L in a.......ct:icn '1berewith." It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, sec::x:mded by Q:Junc. Rcgers ani p:oeegd with CCUnc. P1\JD3Y ñie- -,LirY,J to IIdcpt: Resolutien No. 7245. Res. 7245 adopted 30. Resolutiœ No. 7246: "A Resoluticn of the City ccuncl1 of the City of 0Jpert:in0 ~ Final Map ani ~~ d. Plans of Tract No. 7995, Sellen Springs, IDeated Alcn¡ stellinq 1Qd, D8II8lcper, Q.~z' Groop, Inc., A<X~ certain v..'-_.d.s: Authorizinq signin;J of Final Map and ~..v....-,L Plans: Authorizinq Executicn of J\gl_,L in O.......ct:icn 'Iherewith. It was IICMId by CCUnc. Gatto, BeOQI:Ided by Q:Junc. R:)ge:t:s ani p"--'d with CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y ñie- .jLirY,J to IIdcpt: Resolutim No. 7246. Res. 7246 adopted CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y annwrx:ed that he had abstained :frail vot:in;J en Item 37 as he had not been ~ s_,t at the May 18 meetin;J . -7- . Public hearing closed Negative Dee. for 4-Z-87 . 4-Z-87 approved First reading of Ord. 1424 . MIN(Jlm; C1P '!HE JULY 6, 1!..!87 CI'1Y CXX1NCIL MEEl'IJÇ (00-722) IUBLIC HEARIN::;s 40. ~ 4-z-B7 and 3O-FA-87, of Jfit'bMJ. P1œtti 10catad en the Sout:1M!St CLu.... of Bo1.1JJIger RoIId and De Foe Driw. H8ZaÜn1 (4-Z-87) t.rca BQ (Quasi-P\Jblic) to Rl-6 (S1n;r1e FIIIIIily Residential). ~ Dateadnatia1: '1he P1annizIq n-i-tœ ",. ··-de the grant:in;r of a Negat!w Decl.aratia1. ~... -1I:Jed for a¡:prcval. (a) First readiJIq of Ordinance No. 1424: "An 0Minan0e of the City 0Ucll of the City of QJpertim A1DIInIlliJ¡ sect:icn 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Rezaùn:¡ ~_Li' frail BQ to Rl-6 zemel I.oc:ated en the Sout:1M!St 0......... of Bo1.1JJIger Reed and De Foe Driw - Jlß>H""ticn 4-Z-87 - Mic:hae1 Piœtti." It was IIICIIed by Q;< .x:. Jåmsa1, ......Ad by cnux:. Gatto am p"'--ec1 \JnII1'ÚIIØ.p'. to cloee the plblic hearin;J. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, ......Ad by cnux:. Jåmsa1 and P"'-ed UI'I2IIÚJDCUs1.y to grant a Negat!w Declaraticn for A¡:p1icati.cn 4-Z-87. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoc:nBi by CCUnc. Jåmsa1 am P"-ed UI'I2IIÚJDCUs1.y to ~ A¡:plicatia1 4-Z-87 per P1annin¡ ChmIiqim Resoluticn No. 3044. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jcbnsa1, ~Ad by cnux:. Gatto am P"'-'1C! UI'I2IIÚJDCUs1.y to read Ordinance No. 1424 by title ally and the City Clmk's readiJIq to 0CIWtit:ute the first readiJIq thereof. 41. A¡plic:atj,aw 2-z-B3 (Revised), 4-u-&6 (RsIrised) and 23-FA-87 - Praaet:baI.1s De\Iel. 'l.,-.t. 0 "'1eJlY, loc:ated en the SOUth side of stevens cœeJt Boulevard, westerly of Tan'8 Avena. zaùn;r 2-Z-83 (RsIrised) Amend a:mitia1 16 of zaùn;r -icn 2-Z-83 to delete œfbi....... to 50,000 sq. ft. of (..,.,....,cia1 uses within the Pl!lIlned Davel___,L CCIIplex. Use Pemit (4-u-&6 RsYised) - Amend Ccniitia1 24 of use Pemit 4-u-&6 to delete œfèJ..:u.... to 50,000 sq. ft. of CXIIIIIerCial uses within the Planned Devel'¥""".L CCIIplex. l!nvirc::ne1tal Det:ezminatim: '1he Plannin;J Department",. ·,.,-œ the grantin¡ of Negative DeclaratiCl1S. p... . .,.,-œ! for awroval. (a) First readiJIq of Ordinance No. 1425: "An Ordinance of the City 0Ucll of the City of a¡pertino A1IIenclin;r Sect:.im 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by Amerñin.J a:mitim No. 16 of zaùn;r Actim 2-Z-8~ to Delete Reference to 50,000 Sq. Ft. of (\ .,......cia1 Uses Within the Planned Devel'¥""".t MINUl'&9 C1P 'IHE JUIH 6, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNCIL MEE'l'DÇ (00-722) 41. (a) (ccntimed) rhopl"'X, Located en the South Side of stevens <::reek Boulevard, Westerly of Torre Avwaa - A¡:p1icaticn 2-Z-83 (BBvised) PraIIet:hsUs Devel, 1. ..-d. Co." Director of P1aminq and Devel.....-d. 0Jwan reviewed the applic:atia1 with CDmcil. HImt R:roll l_ I 4..JnJ Q pertino City 0IInt:er AP-1..t:es stated that be is asJcinq for a øtaginq area to be left adjacent to the hotel site to help cmin;r the ccnstJ:uc:t:icn of the hotel. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, .-......:JI.d by Q:Iunc. Jåmsa1 and p"'--,d unaniJDcusly to cloee "che pith' in hearin;r. It: was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JàInsa1, seocuded by CCUnc. Gatto and P"'-'9d unaniJDcusly to COWL""" the g:rant.in;r of a Negative DBclaratia1 for A¡:p1.icat.icn 2-z-B3 (BBvised). It was 1IICII8d by CCUnc. Jc:tInsa., Soa.A...:JI.d by CCUnc. Gatto and p"'ð-gd with CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y rli tUn;r to COWL""" A[p1ic:aticn 2-Z-83 (BBvised) per Plar1r1in;J l"romIiOL..i-:;n Resoluticn No. 3041. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, seoo.ldtod by Q:IUnc. Gatto and p"'eni unaniJDcusly to rea1 0rd1JIance No. 1425 by title only and the City Clerk's readin;r to cx:œtitute the first readin;r tJ'....couf. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoo..:JI.d by Q:IUnc. Jåmsa1 and pt-ed unaniJDcusly to grant a Negative t)øo., ..",tia1 for J\¡:pH.....ticn 4-u-&6 (RIII7ised). It was IIICIIed by (Dine. Gatto, seoo.ded by Q:Iunc. Jåmsa1 and p"'ð-rd with o.ux:. Pl\JD3Y rli - d.in;J to awlOl/8 A¡:plic:atia1 4-u-&6 (RIII7ised) per P1annin¡ ,.,..,.,,4 -icn Resoluticn No. 3040 IllllBlded to allow the 1IW'1....'1t to defer 1.ano:Jso "dn;J adjacent to the hotel site for up to 1a 1ID1ths traa the start of c:xmstructi.cn of the offioe CCIIplex. 42. O:msiderat.icn of an iD::reue of approximately 5\ in water rates. (a) Resoluticn No. 7226: Council of the City Rates. · "A Resoluticn of the Ciq' of QJpertino A1Derñin¡ Water Director of Public Works V!skavià1 revieoed the bac:Jcgroond for amen:lin:¡ the rates. -9- Public hearing closed 2-Z-83 (Rev.) Neg. Dec. 2-Z-83 (Rev.) approved First reading of Ord. 1425 Negative Dec. for 4-U-86 (Rev. ) 4-U-g6 (Rev.) approved . Public hearing closed Res. 7226 adopted . Public hearing closed Res. No. 7219 adopted Res. No. 7220 adopted Res. No. 7221 adopted . MIW:ŒS OF '!HE JULY 6, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MIŒl'I1Ð (00-722) It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jc:tmscn, seoouded by cmnc. Gatto and poor-rd 1.II'IIIn1mcus1y to close the public bearln;r. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jc:tmscn, seooaded by cmnc. Plun;w ani p:--ed 1.II'IIIn1mcus1y to adcpt: Resoluticn No. 7226. 43. JIearinr¡ regardinq use of BsIIerJ.Je Sharin;J fUnds, setting tax rate for bo.ded imebtedness, IIdcpticn of Pi 1987-88 cperatin;J h1r\]Pt ani es1:ablishin) ~ limit. (a) Resoluticn No. 7219: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of 01pertin0 Establish1n;r an Awo.'¥L1aticn Limit for Fiscal Year 1987-88." (b) Rssoluticn No. 7220: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City o~ 01pertin0 1odcpt:in¡ an 0peratiD¡ and Ca1st:ruc:ti.a1 aJdget for Fiscal Year 1987-88 by Ratifyin;J Estimates of RsYerIJes to be Received in Fad1 ~ and ~ Ibùes '1herefram for ~i tied P..""",_ Activitiee ani Acccunts and settin;r Forth Ccniitia1S of J\dm1nisterin¡ said aJdget." (0) Resolutien No. 7221: "A Resoluticn of the City Counc.il of the City of 01pertin0 set:t:i:rq Ibded Debt Tax Rate for the Fiscal Year 1987-88." Directar of Finance Snyder was !lV"'ibhle to answer any c;pest.ia1S frail CCUnci1. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jc:tmscn, sec:::œded by cmnc. Gatto and pot-ed 1.II'IIIn1mcus1y to close the public heari.'1CJ. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. J..h........, BeCOIIåed by cmnc. P1\JD3Y and pot-ed 1.II'IIIn1mcus1y to adcpt: Resoluticn No. 7219. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåuasa., secxu3ed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and pot-ed 1.II'IIIn1mcus1y to adept Reso1uticn No. 7220. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jd........., ..........&:d by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and poo-ed 1.II'IIIn1mcus1y to adcpt: Resoluticn No. 7221. 44. 0XIsidøraticn of GK'LuVal of dist:ursement of fUnds and execut.icn of ð9l..-...'ls for purà1ase of a dwellin:¡ to be used as a group care facility for handi(~ped pe:L1:KA)S . (a) Resoluticn No. 7217: "A Reso1uticn of the City Council of the City of 01pertin0 Authorizin:¡ I>i.sb.1rsement of $98,370.00 frail the senior Citizen HaJsin:¡ ~, and Authorizin:¡ Executicn of An 1r;¡1..........¡L for Loan of Ac:quisiticn ~ to Spark MINUl'ES OF '!HE JULY 6, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEE:1'I1Ç (00-722) 44. (a) (CŒItiD.Ied) Fan:Jaticn, Inc. far ¡må1ase of an ExistiD;J n..niTÇ nù.t as a GraIp care Facility far Jfarv'li.: ~ PiBrBa1s." (b) Resoluticn No. 7218: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJperdno Autharizin::J Allocaticn and Dis1:msement of $26,630.00 frcD the n-.-nú.ty Dev8l,¥"",1l Block Grant Senior Hœsin:;J FUnr:I am Autharizin::J Executicn of an ,.".........d. for LaIn of a.-q,i_:lticn P\JIÙI to SpImt Fc:iundatia1, Inc. , for PuråwIe of An Exist.iDJ Dw8llin::J nù.t as a GraIp care Facility for Hæ~H''<'nEd Pb.........s." It was IIICIIed by 0:IUnc. Jåmsa1, a...x..dt.d by 0:IUnc. Gatto and p"e-'Bd UI'IaJ1iDr:uIly to close the PJÞ' :Ie hearin::J. It was IIICIIed by COunc. Pl\JD3Y, seoaldtod by CCUnc. Gatto am J?"ø~ed UMlÚJIIaJsly to adept Resoluticn No. 7217. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, ~.dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto and p"....ed UMlÚJIIaJsly to adept Resoluticn No. 7218. 45. ~1 of ASK; denial of sign ~U'/IÙ for Atlantic Financial, Vallc:o Village, 10851 N:llfe Reed (Afplicatiat ASK; 51,715.1). ArP-" filed by wade M:::Clure. wade M:::Clure .I....... Uhtin;J Atlantic Financial addressed Council reqardin;r the request for three signs. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, EoaC.Ad.d by CCUnc. Gatto an:! po-'Bd UI'IaJ1iDr:uIly to close the pun1i" hearin::J. It was IIICIIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoo.d.d by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y and J?"--'Bd UI1IUÚJDcAJSly to deny the ~, ani authorize eith9r ate wall sign am ate gnuxl sign or two wall signs, all signs to be sized per the City's cm:Unanoe. PI.ANNDI; APPLICATIa1S 46. A¡:p1icatiaB 4-u-&6, Revised arxi 23-FA-87, See Item 41, 2-Z-83 (Revised). 47. A¡:plicat:l.a1s 21-u-&7 arxi 21-FA-87 - Raymcni O'Flaherty - Locatia1: South side of stevens Creek Boulevard, a¡prcodmately 600 ft. westerly of Blaney Avenue. Use Femit (21-u-&7) to cparats an existin;J coc:ktai1 lcunJe arxi eating establishment inc1u:iin::J aàtition of a¡prcodmately 2,400 sq. ft. of floor space. Env!...VlIIllt:.ilt.al Det:eminatiat: '!he Plann.in:J Chrmi ....iCl1 -1l- Public hearing closed Res. No. 7217 adopted Res. No. 7218 adopted Public hearing closed Appeal denied '. ., . 21-U-87 continued 28-U-g7 continued . 29-U-87 approved Negative Dec. for 19-U-g7 81-87 ~roved MIK1rES OF 'IßE JULY 6, 1987 CI'IY CXXJNCIL HEE:l'DG (00-722) 47. (ocatinJed) 1"'" ....œ the grar¡t1n) of a Negative n-'''1'''1tia1. ¡;.o... -dad for denial. 1q::plicant requests ca1tm.Ianc8 to JUly 20, 1987. Previcus1y CXI1tiraJed to JUly 20, 1987. 48. ÞR>' i"",tiŒlS 28-U-87 and 31-EA-87, 1my JbJntain, Ib:l., located m the North side of stevens Creek Bou1e\Ia%d, east of De Anza Boulevam. Use Pm:mit to OCh:>L....x:t a 1, ooo± sq. ft. aåiitia1 to an existin;J 11,5OO± sq. ft. tni1din;J æñ ~ a CXIIIIIe%'Cia1 (retail) use. A particn of the tuilding is cw.......tly xestrictecl to offioe uses. Envi.ra1menta1 Review. '!be P1anninq l'roIoIti....ien re<:' ",,-'Ids that a Negative Dec1araticn not be granted. PJeo .,.,-, dad for denial. PreII'iœsly CXI1tiraJed to August 3, 1987. 49. 1q::plicaticn No. 29-U-a7 of Terry Brown QJnstructic:n 0. ·"oftIlY, located en the North side of ~atll!lC1a AwnJe _.....1mately 300 ft. west of 0ran:J8 Aveme. use pemit to establish zaúrq regulatiŒlS (setJ-"'lra, height, etc.) applicable to bolo existin;J sin;r1e-fmDily haDes. Envi.ra1menta1 review: '!be project was prEI'Iiamly as's-~"", heooe no enviL...........tal acticn is ~ø'S~. Re(" ····-röed for ar;proval. It was IIICIIed by <b.mc. Gatto, seocn!ed by <b.mc. ~s and P"e~"" unani.Do.Is1y to _uVe Aw1icaticn 2!H1-87 per PlanniD¡ l'roIoIti....i.cn Resoluticn No. 3058. 50. Þ£p1iœ.t!ŒIS 19-u-87 ani 19-EA-87, 01evra1, ŒIA - I.cc:at.icn: Northwest ............. of saratcga¡sunnyvale Road and Po.......-::t laid. Use Pemit to ~te an existinr¡ qasoline service statim m a 24-hcAIr per day hoo-i... Envha1œnta1 Review. '!be P1anninq n--i_ien reo 11 .-..-Ids the c¡rantin; of a Negative Dec1araticn. Rec:c.IIIaemed for çproval. Bill Scott l~ satt:irg QIevrcn, USA was av:oibhle to answer quest!ŒIS frail CCUncil. It was IIICIIed by <b.mc. JàU'Isa1, seocn!ed by CCUnc. Gatto æñ P"eeed unani.Do.Is1y to grant a Negative Decbratien for Aw1icaticn 19-U-87. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JàU'Isa1, seocn!ed by <b.mc. Gatto æñ P"eeoo unanimr:JJsly to a¡:prcve Aw1icatim 19-u-87 per Plarming n--i ....im Reso1utim No. 3043. -12- MIlCŒS OF '!HE JULY 6, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL JŒZ1'I1G (00-722) 51. Applicat.ia1 20-u-87 and 2D-EA-87, 0Ievra1, USA - I.oc::atia1: scut'~ comer or stevens creek Bculevm:d and De Anza Boulevard. Use Pemit to qmata an exi.st:irq service statim a1 a 24 hour per day basis. Ð1viraIIII!ntal Review. 'lhe P1annin] lnmIi -1m %,'e(' .....,œ¡ the grantin;r of a Negative ""'"', "Taticn. PA . _·_·~·œl for ~wal. It was IIICIIed by c.cuoo. Jåmsa1, secc:rIded by c.cuoo. Gatto and V-'Ðd 1.JI1II1'ÜDIa sy to grant a Negative no"." "-ratia1 for Þ.RIlicat.ia1 20-u-87. It was IIICIIed by c.cuoo. Jåmsa'I, seocllded 'tr:I c.cuoo. Gatto and p-oe~ 1.JI1II1'ÜDIa sy to a¡:pl0Y8 Appli.c:aticn 20-u-87 per Plannirq lnmIi_icn Raso1utiat No. 3056. 52. Appliœ.:ia'IB 25-U-87 ani 27-EA-87, ARQ) PetroleuIII Products, located en the Southwest comer of st:ellin:¡ R:IIId and stevens creek Boulevard. Use Pemit to ~ðta a snack shcp at an exi.st:irq service staticn en a 24 hour basis. Ð1ViJ:a1mental Review. 'lhe P1.anrÙIX1 lnmIi_ten nc..··,-'ds grantin;r of a Negative Dec1.arat.icn. be' ,··_,ded for ~\NIÙ.. Jeff hiams L'"'t'L Stl.t.1n¡ ARQ) _ -reel ocllcems regædin;r CCn:U.ticn No. 10 of P1annin] lnmIi ....ten Resolutia1 No. 3049 (J\ßI11caticn 27-u-a7). It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, s.........dtod by c.cuoo. Jåmsa'I ani p-o"~ unanimcA.1s1y to grant a Negative [)I>t'!' ..-ratia1 for Appl1caticn 25-U-87. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secc:rIded by c.cuoo. Jåmsa'I ani p"ft-ed unanimcA.1s1y to aw<-we Afpl1œtia1 25-U-87 ¡18r P1.aJuún¡ lnmIi_icn Resolutiat No. 3047. 53. ~i....tia1 26-U-87 ani 28-FA-87 of ARro Petroleum Products, located en the SCIUt:hwest c:xø:ner of De Anza Boulevard and silverado Aveme. Use Pemit to cperata a snack shcp at an exi.st:irq service statia1. Envira'IIIenta1 Review: 'lhe P1.aJuún¡ lnmIi_ten reo ·,·,-ds the grantin;r of a Negative Declaratia1. pA. - _._.~ œl far a¡p:aval. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secc:rIded by Q:IUnc. Jàmscn ani p-oe...... unanimcA.1s1y to grant a Negative [)e('] ~ratien for Applicat.ia1 26-0-87. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secc:rIded 'tr:I CCUnc. Jàmscn ani I"'........ \JI'IaJÚJIIOOSly to &¡:prove Awlication 26-{J-87 per Planninq lhnmk"'ia1 Resolution No. 3048. -13- Negative Dec. for 20-U-R7 20-U-87 approved Negative Dec. for 25-U-g7 25-U-g7 approved Negative Dec. for 26-U-g7 26-U-87 approved e Negative Dec. for 27-U-87 27-U-87 approved . , 16-U-76 (Amended) approved 19-U-87 approved . HINtJl'ES OF '!HE JtIDl 6, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEm'DC (00-722) 54. 1\¡:p1icatiŒlS 27-U-87 an:! 29-Ei'.-87 of Ala) Petroleum Products, located en the Northwest: \,OAua': of Valley Green Drive and De Anza Bcul8vard. use Pmmit to ope:t:ate a snack shcp at an ead.stin¡ servioe st:aticn en a 24 hcur blls.1.s. EnviJ:a'Iœnt:al RsIriw. 'D18 Pl.annin;r n--i....ia1 :æ. ,""1ds the grant:.inq of a Negative Declaratiat. Riec:~ -...Ã1ded for GH:&u-nü. It was 1IICJYed by came. Gatto, s.:.c...ì.ied by came. Jåmsa1 and pa9Sed unaIÚ.IIIIX1Sly to grant a Negative """''''ratien for 1\¡:plicatien 27-u-a7. It was 1IICJYed by came. Gatto, seoa'Ided by came. Jåmsa1 and I"'eeec1 unaIÚ.IIIIX1Sly to GK'Lwe ~icaticn 27-U-87 per Planninq n--i ....icn Resoluticn No. 3049 with o:n:u.tien No. 10 IIIDI!1'à!d to allow ~ to be IIBde after 11:00 p.m. if there is an enclosure ~ prcwides ¡:hysical separaticn of mcney frail the PJb1ic. Awlicants have the cptien of requiring exact ~ or credit cards or pt'OIfi.din¡ separatien betwen mcney ani p.Iblic at 24-hcm" gas stati.als. 55. ~icaticn 16-U-76 (A1IIenjed) , Coates anc1 Sowards, Inc. , located en the southeast corner of stevens CJ:eek Boulevanl anc1 EŒtal AverJJe. Use Pez:mit to revise z....L..lct:.iŒlS en fast foods anc1 take aIt establishments a."Xi ocnd.deraticn of c:peratiŒIIÙ. """,L..uls for the exist:iIxJ 0rå1ard Valley Market Place Sl1cwin;r center. EnviJ:a1menta1 Review. 'D18 project is categorically ~L, hence no envi.ra1menta1 actien is neoes'i'M:Y. Reo:> ...,-'&Jed for A¡:praval. (To be heard in ocnjuncticn with ~icaticn 18-u-a7). It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Johnsen, seoc:n3ed by came. ~.. anc1 passÐd unanbIœs1y to ~..N8 ~icaticn 16-U-76 (AIDen1ed) per PlarInin;r lhmIi....icn Resolutien No. 3055. 56. ~icatia1 18-u-a7, of Bahman Mahbod, Use Pez:mit to operats an eatin;J establishment within an existin;J 920 sq. ft. tenant splice of a retail center, with 18 seats, two eap10yees and incidental take aIt service. Envi.ra1menta1 review. 'D18 project is categorically """"",L, hence no envi.ra1menta1 actia1 is ~e"ry. Reo .,.,-tØ!d for ~. (To be heard in ocnjuncticn with a¡:plicatia116-U-76 (A1IIenjed).) It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Johnsen, seoa'Ided by came. Gatto and I"'eeec1 unan!moJs1y to awrove ~icatien 18-u-a7 per staff reo .,.,-, daticn which modifies P1annir¥j lhmIi ....ten Resoluticn No. 3039, O:n:titiŒlS 2 anc1 4, to read as follows: -14- . MIlVI'm C1P '!HE JtIDl 6, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEZl'DC (00-722) 2. '1h8 "W1iœnt shall su1:IIIit a traffic .t.,¡¡pœ.t prepared by a traffic c:x:naIltant d8llc...LL..ting the subject eatin;J eF-h1f.cl_,L will not: ': aI......te IIICIt'8 than 5.35 trip m:Js. Side trip8 -..t be dcc::umented in the ..."'t'ULL, bIt JIIll';J be excluded t.ma the final trip factor. A 1IIini:IIIJa of 1.2 trip8 per 1.000 sq. ft. shall be reserved far the rE!IIIIÚniDJ 6,050 sq. ft. of vacant spIIC8 (7.26 trip m:Js) . 4. '1h8 subject use P8n1!t autharizes qIBraticn of a taJœ-cut eating establ.'.shIIIent as descriJ:Ied in Eldúbit A-2 of this a¡:plicat.1cn. A --"-". of 18 seats ani two eap10yæs per sbitt are pemittecl. Hems of cpraticn shall be lhdted fraD 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily. o::nu.tiCZ1S 5, 6 an:! 7 shall be amemed as follows: 5. Delete Part B. 6. Delete cr::niitia1. 7. Delete cr::niitia1. 57. AR>licaticn 1-GPA-87 , ccnsideraticn of requests to initiate General Plan ames.œ.....ils: (a) 1'Ublic :Request (JIeJ-t by City Offi..,t..h.). Awlicaticn of FAR BcnJs Policy to 'mIP area (T.raffic Intensity PerfaDrance stamaxd) clarifyin.J l.an;Juage. (b) Mcdificaticn of Iarñ use int:a1Bity to pemit higher deœity resident:ia1. sb:ur::tmeø for the JI:I1ta Vista __ north of st:ewIw creek BcuJ..øvam, 1IIeet of 1fic1-Y 85, east of P8ùnsula 1MinJB and øcuth of uniWl'Bity way. (Initiated by City cœncil. ) (c) DII\Ie1.. ,.,-.,L of design st:arœrds to regulate the height, b.1lk ani __ of single family residential dwel1.in;s. (Initiated by City CCJunci1.) . , Jim lIJeller, 11055 LaPlùaua Drive, stated he was interested in Agerœ Item 57. (c) regædjn;r residential deœity. He requested a Dmatorium en twI:HItaty additia1s en residential sites until scme '-'ign st:arœrds are da1e. Am Arqer, M::nta Vista, addressed CCJunci1 regazding Item 57. (b). She stated that at this time higher density cannot be allowed. She felt that a separate ardirIaD::e is ~ to deal with "L..e&ts less than 60 ft. wide. She stated -15- . ICNUl'ES C1P '1HE JtIDi 6, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNc:IL -=:.uG (00-722) that the slum 1and1ardø are the awe c:ausirq prcbl_, not the J.andJ.oms 1oß) haV8 tIeen living' there a lcnJ tb8. Sba stated that the City needs a limit en the 1"'......... of œrs that can be allowed. I-GPA-87 It was JIICIIIØd by o:unc. Jà1nscr1, secadld by o:unc. Pl\JD3Y approved ani P" -!ti unanimcuIly to ~we A¡:plic:atia11-GPA-87, (a) ani (c). Manta Vista It was JIICIIIØd by courr.. P1\JD3Y, Só!ICiOnded by o:unc. Jd4iSCn density and P"'-'BC! unanimcusly to direct staff to CXID8 bIc1c to CCJunci1 with a ...~t regaxdirq altemata methcds of stud.yirq J:eC' .,.,.ølL1atials perta1nirg to UI'IJS''''' lots in H:I1ta Vista that wtmd not result in higher density. Office/restaur CCJunci1 also directed. that the JUly 20 ~ include ant use ili....."""'icn regæ:din;r offioejrestallr.mt use. ~ AND srm APæ1JAL cørLl:.I.'.!:Ui APPLICM'Iœs 58. Naw. . UNFINISHED IIJSINæS 59. Dil3C'lIZ'"icn of possible rarlsanœ abatement, JIIaintenan:8 am use Pemit violatials, Fe¡ Q1evro1et, at 20955 st:eveœ Creek Boulevam.. DiJ:ector of PlanrúnJ and Dewl" .,-.d. CkJwan stated that he will initiate a hearln;r regaxdirq revoc:atia1 of use pcmit. ~ -'"""'a Weiss, owner, Fe¡ Q1evro1et, said that Kay Q1evro1et has been ~ with the PlarJnin;J JJepartment since last August. She into...At'! CciUnCi1 that she had ......tt-.t.ed GenBI:al Motors ~ th.<dr positia1 en signage. She then read a letter into 1:be ~d trœ GenBI:al Motors statin;r that artf rt'IIICJ'Ial or nWctic:n of signs that haV8 tIeen IIß'IOII'Id by GenBI:al i!otars wtmd be against the Weiss's tranå1ise ~_It with <bM:olet. Mrs. Weiss stated that 80.6% of Kay Q1evro1et c::œtcIIIBrS CXID8 trœ at least five ",i' ee l!tIIltrf. She ~ a ~.., exœpt:.icn trail the sign ordinance. In regard to 1J.ght:Jn;r she stated ':'hat the 1ight¡1 facirq Alves were tumed dcM1 the day after the last CCJunci1 meetirq. She has installed a new turglar alazm, am artf prok,....... bet-- of lights fac!rq st:eveœ Creek BcW.evam. will be resolved with the planned hprovements. It was stated that sh5..'iIA had not yet been installed at the lights. Mr. 0:Wcm told CCJunci1 that lights in the body shcp are still a problem to the neighbors. -16- HINU'ŒS C1P 'IHE JUVl 6, 1987 CI'1Y axINCIL MEEl'DC (00-722) Mrs. weiss told Council that to the best of her kncwlåJe all these lights were facin;r dcwrIiards. She had heard that the pastor of the neighborin;r d1urd1 likes the lights. She is ally interested in 1ightin;J the aut:aDcbile f1IoFI"":I'S ~"¥".L ty. Am An}Br, McI1ta Vista, stated that she didn't liJœ to see anyaIe (Ger.el41Itltars) tell a City Wmt to do. Mrs. Weiss stated that arrf auto dealership is a t.ranå1ise and these granted the dealership agree to do t1ún;¡s a certain way. !any an:rlesci said the lights are still shinin;J en his house. It WI:A.Ild cost çpraximately $200-300 to get the lights en stevens creek Boulevm:d redirected. He stated he can still read the fine print en a rø~ frail the XSy O1evrolet lights and ncthin;r has been dens. 'Ibis has been going en for 12-18 JDa'1ths. Prior to that they were aimed differently. He stated that XSy OIeYrolet eaplayees are also still ~irq dcM1 Alves Drive. Be felt that cwncil had given the auto dealership every dw1ce and that XSy is treating the cwncil with CXI1teIIpt:. Mr. B.Irriescl said that en June 19 he called the Sheriff's Department. SaIIet:bDe after midnight he heII%d the loud noise of a loud W".....!l ~ in the facility. Be requested that the lights be turned off until they are readjusted and did not want additicna1 eigns en that }.o&."¥".L'ly. Rà:Je1.t ØJsetti stated that XSy OIeYrolet has still not ocnfœ:med to their 1981 use pemit. Be does not want to be at cwncil JIIeEItinq in 1993 di ",<,'-ing a new use pemit when they haven't ocnfœ:med to the 1987 use pemit. At 9:38 p.m,. cwncil adjoomeð. to closed sessien bAœI- of potential litigatien. cwncil reccnvened in Council 0IaDÞ>..r at 10:00 p.m. It was IIICIIed by CI:Am::. P1\JD3Y, secotded by CCUnc. Gatto and r<>a-å unanimcusly that at the August 3 JIIeEItinq they WI:A.Ild reoclIsider i.....JaJX Ø of a sign request, ocnt:.inue di..,.,,,_ia1s re rarl.sanoe abatements and initiate revccatien of the 1981 use pemit. cwncil also directed that XSy i..........rlbtely CCIIply with pemit requirements for lights in :frcnt of the establishment, that traffic by XSy staff en Alves Drive cease and that the fire lane be brought into oœp1iance. cwncil cUrectecl that noticin;J for a revccatien hearinq (, ·,·,-'108 by the Planning Director. 60. DiB<"'....icn of policy reqarcU.n; settinq of pmlic hearings b'J City Chmti....iooers. -17- Key Chevrolet · Tabled _ month WJ.ew of 26-U-g6 ~ KDI71!S OF '!HE JUI:l 6, 1987 CI'1Y OXJNCIL loIua'.uÐ (CX>-722) It .. IIICMId by Q:Iunc. Gatto, secxn:1ed by Q:Iunc. Joollsen and p- 12 urIIIIÜ:D:uIly to table this llli!l.tter. H!Jf IœINESS 61. 'lb.._ _d:h œview of use peDlÚ.t, ~ 26-U-86, IU...t. H. lee (H:i)il Oil). staticn located at 2l8!5!5 III:Dstea1 Road. Director of Planning and DEIII8l"¥",,,IL Q:Iwan 1nfœ:med CCJuncil that as of the atternoc:n of this dats, the service statia1 was in ~11fte ~, t..11oe with its use peDlÚ.t. sandra 'nJI:àI, .........1S ,Un¡ Mcbil, requested that CCJuncil _..,/8 a ¡-. ..~r_ L use peDlÚ.t as the staticn owner is in ~, i"'DI. U in the future there were violatiaw of the use pemit, CCJuncil oculd sd1edu1e a heariD:J of :nM:X:aticn. KbmLau 1i::hIger, operator, stated that by cx:minJ into CDlfaœanoe with the use peDlÚ.t his hIs!ness had been cut by sot. It was IIICIIed by Q:Iunc. Pl\JD3Y and secx:med by CCUnc. Gatto to sc::bedule the U'3e pemit for another reviE!ll in six mcnt:hs. Ken SeIDen, 1527 Jasper Drive, SUI'InyVale, said that he was a tzustrated c::ustc:IIIer of the staticn. He had taken his car in for service J::iut oculd not 1_ it as his car 1«:W.d have been the sixteenth car en the prømi -as. He as1œd if CCUnci1 had the same restrict:.i.a1S en other fUll-serv!oe statiaw. He ~-ted. that lot size be CCII1Sidered and that CaInci1 adqJt regular standaxds. 'DIe stan:mrcl sbc:W.d set an 1I'or...._ p1lllhA1- of cars ani allCM for saae fiucbJatia1 in bJsiness. City Manager ()1inlan infœ:med Mr. SeIDen that the City had received ~,..i'1ts regardin;r this particular operatia1. 'DIe IDticn was carriEd unanimcus1y. staff was directed to readvertise ani notice the heariD:J in six mcnt:hs. (City Clmk's Note: }fe!i:ri.>q will be sd1edu1ed for J~ 4, 1988.) 62. p.q-t trail the City Council of the City of i"'~..t~..." to a:ndder addirq an Air ~ity Element to the General Plan. -18- ." ~~:- '. . KINUIES OF '!HE ~ 6, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEE'l'Im (00-722) It was 1IICII8d by Oounc. Gatto, seoa.:à.d by Oounc. JÙà-... and pass'9d unanimcusly to direct staff to nat:.ify the City CCJunci1 of ö.",M11 that the City of Q pertino EnviJ:amIental Rssc:mces Ele.~:mt of the General Plan ccntains infClCllaticn ~ :.db!:q the quality of air within the l"nIOII"lity am cx:ntairs policies to maintain higb air quality st:arœrds. 63. R/apoLt:. en bid c:pmirq and award of ~,l.aCt, !bDest:ead Read and Hcllenbeck Avermejstellirq :Rc!Id, Traffic Signal Hxlificaticn - Project 4017. It was JII:IIIed by Oounc. Jåmsa1, IIEICCn3ed by Oounc. Gatto and ~"'~ unanimcusly to award the CuoIVaCt to Wjn;Jard En;Jineerin¡ for $81,660.50 based en lowest bid and to authorize a ccnt.in; en::y for a total project of $90,000. WRl'l'I'EN CXJHINIc;..,'"r~ 64. Request for recalSideratia1 for a hearirq ~......uún;J the closure of Alves Drive. Rœert !tIsett.i, 20916 Alves Drive, stated that at the ~ s_/L time the traffic resultin;J frail test drives of cars frail Key C1evrolet was a pràJ1em. P\1ture prOO1- anticipated are traffic frail the ~~ l"nIOIInú.ty center, the YM:A expansicn, Target store and further dsvel,¥"""d. in ,,,,,,ul.cù. 0Ipertin0. Janioe Emrlesci, 20900 Alves Drive, stated that a previœs study had shawn ~"ive traffic en Alves. Residents new request closure of that ..L.......t. She stated that the "",,-nú.ty center will be a prcblem and the no. expansia1 will pL LIL a traffic and parkilIg prcblem (parkilIg is already a prcblem in the neigb1>..1.ocd). 'lbø scbcol bJs gees 40 IIph en Alves, ani there is no scbcol bJs stop en Alves. City vehi"J.es haV8 gœe Oller the "¡xn:1cåq>" en Alves and a1to neigb1>..I-cd lawns, and the c:pmirq of the TaJ:get store is expec:tec1 to increase traffic prcblems. "......1i.. MagrI.1sa1, 20899 Alves Drive, stated that she has called Key O1evrolet IUIIerO.1S times regardin;J test drivirq en Alves, and nathi."J has been dct1e. She......... e.... the cpinien that anythirq other than ..l.e.át closure walld be futile. '.the Sheriff CXIIIeS cut periodically. She also expressed canœm regard c;p-ñø'"S as ycurJJ åI.i1dren live in the area. It was JII:IIIed by CCUnc. P11.1n3Y, SE!CCJOOed by Coone. Johnsen and ~"e«i l.1I'IaI1imc:u3y to consider in two 11a1tl1s the possibility of oc:nhx:tin;J a hearin:] canœmin;J closure of Alves Drive. -19- ....... .."",,"'~" Environmental Resources Element Contract to Wingard. proj. 4017 Alves Drive traffic . ., T -', ,..,..~.""",.>i"~"'I';~~,~..... . . . KINt1.ŒS OF 'lHB JfJIll 6, 1987 CI'1Y OXINCIL MŒ.l'I1G (CX>-722) (City ClmK'. Note: 'Ibis will be X8Viewed at the 1IIIgeting of sept:eabIr 8, 1987.) œDINAlCES 65. Secx:IId _u~"'9 of ordinance No. 1423: "An ordinance of the City of Q]pertino A1IImiiJJ¡ Secticn 11.24.150 of the 0Jpørt1n0 lIJni"'1pi11 axse, ReJ.at.inJ to~, standin;J or Pimd..nI] en Rcdrigues AvenJe" Second read in It was DDYed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, sec:a1ded by CCUnc. Gatto and of Ord. 1423 p"ee'l!d unanimcus1y to read ordinance No. 1423 by title atl.y and the City Clmk's readinq to CCI1Stituts the seocrxi readinq thereof. Ord. 1423 It was DDYed by came. Gatto, seoc:u:1ed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y and enacted P"-'!Id unanimcus1y to enact ordinance No. 1423. RESOII7l'ICIS. 66. Naw . Mn<nm SE9SIœ At 10:35 p.m., the meetin:J was adjc:mned to a closed s !m regardin;r labor negct:iatiœs. At 11:15 p.m. the meet:in;r was mccmensd in <:pen sess!m. All OC\ Y'!i1. J +XII 1oJIBt8 ~ i IL as 1oJIBt8 City KanIIger 0rln1an, City Clerk O:Imelius and City Att.amey Kilian. 20. Adcpt:icn of resolutia1S pe.rtainirq to ~........ol. (a) Rasolutim No. 7231: "A Resoluticn of the City Comcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 EIJt"..nli.lldlJ1 BalariM for Pcsitials not within a SàmJle of Pay Grades." (b) Resolutim No. 7232: "A Resoluticn of the City Comcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AdqJt:in;r a HeIIIc:Iran:hmI of U1derstanlin¡ between the City of Q]pertino and the QJpertino ÐIp10yees A8"'<X'iaticm. " - (c) Resoluticm No. 7233: "A Resoluticm of the City Council of the City of QJpertino AdqJt:in;r a HeIIIc:Iran:hmI of T.1nderst:andin beb¡een the City of 0Jpertin0 and the 0peratiD¡ En;Jineer's I.cx:al No. 3." -20- -.'-"'- : _.-...._-r.-..~_...,~ ~._..-... --_._-.~,,,.-~., ,....,...... ,.,. ~. '..-.........""'...,......,. < MINt1lÐ3 C1P '!HE Jt1IH 6, 1987 CI'1Y a:xJNCIL MEE1'IH; (00-722) (d) Resolutia1 No. 7234: itA Resoluticn of the City Camci1 of the City of QJpertino Amer1din;J the ~ o--íL O··,-«JSatia1 ~'"":JLa&II." (8) Rasolut!a1 No. 7235: itA Resoluticn of the City Camci1 of the City of QJpertino Amer1din;J the Rules en oc:mitials of EIIployment." (f) Rasoluticn No. 7236: "A Resoluticn of the City Council of the City of QJpertino Amer1din;J the 0:I1fJ.dent.ia1 0 .01, ensatia1 P1.~QIII." (9) Rasoluticn No. 7237: "A Resoluticn of the City Camci1 of the City of QJpertino Pixing 'D1e EIIployer's 0::IJt:riJ::uti tb:Jer the ~ state EIIployees Medical and Hospital care Act." It was IIICIIed by Counc. Gatto, seocn:1ed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and P'""~ed unaniJIr::usly to IIdqIt Resolutiaw 7231, 7232, 7233, 7234, 7235, 7236 and 7237 and to ~U\/8 a 5t lID1thly inc::rease en the City Attomey's base sala%y ani a $5 per hour inc::rease in his hourly salaJ:y, to inc::rease his health benefits to be the same as other eapJ.c:IyeM and his PERS rebate to be the same as classified ~ ,--It.. '1hese adju..I:...a,L shall have the same effective date as other per~..ü. adjt..~.ls. At 11:20 p.m., the mee1:in¡ was adjaJmed. ~~ -21- ,', " ".-"'-' Res. 7231, 7232. 7233, 7234. 7235, 7236 and 7237 adopted; City Attorney's compensation amended