CC 08-03-87 ·.. ~."~ ..~._~.~ --.~ ,~, "'''''''''~·~'I.-;.r''~.~''1fo:'1''', . 1 . ..' CI'1Y C1P aJPERTIH:), 5'IME OF c::AI.IPœNIA 00-724 Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DeAnza Bculevard Interim COUncil ~: 10500 N. DeAnza Bculevard 0Jpert:in0, 0. 95014 Telq.i.....e: (408) 252-4505 KrNt7I!S OF '!HE RmJIAR CI'1Y CDJNc:IL 1'JUiJ.'.uÇ HEm œ AOOVST 3, 1987 m '!HE INmRIM CDJNc:IL afAMBER, 10500 N. IE ANZA æJU.VARD, aJPERl'DÐ, CALDæIIA At 6:48 p.m., Mayor Pro-TeIIpore Gatto called the meet:in;r to oràer . SAIlTl'E 'lO T!Œ FIAG roLL CALL CCUnc. Pns¡,d..: Gatto, Jåmsa1, Pl\JD3Y, ~s, Kayar SpIu:D (arrived 6:51 p.m.) staff P.L s !:IIL: City Manager Quinlan City Clmk Cornelius Director of Fublic Works viskcwich Assistant to the City Manager Brown Director of P1.anIùn] ani Devel~.t Cowan Director of Finance Snyœ.r Director of Parks ani Recreation Ini1in;J City Attorney Kilian ~ - It was IIICIIed by came. ac.."......, secoodec1 by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y ani ¡vsed unanhIDJsly (4-0) to r&IICIII8 Item 28 am. to ocntiJ'AIe ItEm 3 to the meet:in;r of August 17, 1987. CEREX'N.IAL MM'lmS - ~Œ9 - NcI'Ie. ORAL CXHIJNICATIæs - Naw. (City Clmk's Nate: Mayor Spa..-ks arrived at 6:51 p.m.) STAFF !<&U(J.::¡ 1. Oral l~Ls by staff "-"">"'51 ani ",,,hoIh""ien of written :t:~ts. Alool1olic Beverage CLuL<ul Lioenses: 0Jpertin0 Joe's, 10385 S. DeAnza Boulevazà; Pizza aIt west, Inc., 20770 stevens Creek Boulevazà; Nite-Kap, 20020 stevens Creek Boulevazà. Council had no OOject:.ioos to issuance of these licenses. ABC licenses -1- . . . Code Enforce- ment Post Offiee . Ucentennial Jarade . . MINUl'ES C1P '!HE 1Iwu:i'~' 3, 1987 CI'1Y c:x:œcn. MEI!:l'Il«; (CX>-724) COde Entw...........d. ~L - City Mæ~ ()1inlan, Assistant: to the City M'b._ Brown arxI Am An; Br noof"-1t, JI:Inta Vista, adch. --~d CCJunci1 mgarding 0XSe Entw...........íL. At 7:06 p.m., Council adjœmed to a reo; At 7:10 p.m., Council œcxnvened. 2. RespaISe traa U. S. 1œt Office ~ CCJunci1 CCIIIIIJnic::at abcut fence arxI request for CCJunci1 direct:.icI'I. . By consensus, CCJunci1 requested that the City M'arIaIJer oart:act the m:dú.tsct to see if SCIII8 kind of a .................dse could be achieved. Shaüd Mr. ()1inlan feel that the oarerns of the CCJunci1 haw not been satisfied, he was directed to cxntact o...~6.0.~,,\ Kcr1nyu. 3. Repo... L t'rcIII COde Enfw............t en violati.cr1S of existin;r ordinances. 'Ih1s item was CXXIt:.in1ed to August 17. 4. COde Enfor..-..ad. Rq.u..L frail the Director of P1.ann.i.n1 an:! Devel..........d.. Council received the "''¥-'Lt.. 5. Activity ~L for May, 1987. camci1 received the l'¥J.LL. 6. ~L ~ a City of 0Jpertin0 neat in the Bioent:emia1 P8rade. Director of Parks and Rec:reaticn Dcw1in;J reviewed variaIs ~-tiaw with CCJunci1. Follc::lWin;r tlillCl-tcn, Q:Qr.il directed that staff CXI1tact eaployees regarcUn;r their volunteerirJ¡ to prepare a City Hall neat. CCJunci1 felt that a bioentemia1 histœ:y tt-. 1iCUld be _.....date. Mr. DcwliD] was directed to xetum to Council at their next meetin;J if he were unable to recruit volunteers. -2- ;.~? "".,"""'"' '. "'h.'·.-", .!:'_ .~ -_. MINUl'ES OF '!HE AtUJST 3, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNCIL MŒl'I1G (CX>-724) CXHŒNr ~ It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, r-.....dt.od by oounc. JIl..~ and po'-ed unanimcus1y to ~we the a.........d. calerœr as sutmitted. 12. PAt;r--t frcm "SUpersåIco1s" far waiver of fees for faclJ.ity use and business 1.iceœe. 13. Acceptanoe of 1IIJlÚ.cipal bpraveuents: (a) Lot 216, san Felipe Read, Alan L. Hanœh (originally Afshar!) . (b) I<MD Associates I, lOO55 Miller Aveme. (c) Dr. Donald K. Jœes, veterinazy Clinic, 10012 N. Foot:hi11 Boulevani. (d) James sisk project, aü::b Read. (e) Teny Brown project, stellin;r Read. (No sr~.;:in;r .w..11nD1'\ts l"""""'e~TY.) 14. Reso1utia1 No. 7268: "A Resolut:.ien of the City oounci1 of the City of CUpertino Accept.in;r a Grant of h~ for Sidewalk PuIposes frcm I<MD AeElOC'iates I, A califomia Limited Partnership, I.cœted en the West Side of Miller Aveme œtt.Ieen stevens Creek Boulevard and Riå1WOOd Drive, ~y 0.0198 Acre." 15. ~'>rlzaticn to rei:ab1rse Franco Benzo Partnership turœ deposited for the traffic signal at Franco ct. and HaDestead Read, no laqal to be installed. 16. Rasolutia1 No. 7269: "A Resolutia1 of the City Council of the City of CUpertino A11t:harizin;J Executien of Ag1:..........t. with SCuthem Pacific Transpartaticn ~ny for the 0x1structicn of Rai1rœd Crossin;r in O:ajunctian with the Seven Sprfn:1s DBvel"¥"",,.t." 17. Rasolut:.icn No. 7270: "A Resolutien of the City oounci1 of the City of CUpertino A :'ptovin;J Ocnt:ract Chm;Je Order No. 7 for Civic Ganter Exp¡msien, Project 87-2003, City Hall, LibraJ:y, sits." l8. Resoluticn No. 7271: "A Resolut:.icn of the City CCUncil of the City of CUpertino Approvin;r Ocnt:ract 01an;Je Order No. 12 far DeAnza Blvd. wi.denin], Project 86-20." -3- Consent Calen- dar approved ".. "....I;i~:1!fI"! ~~",....".~<;'."J"!.":,"'~.>.,. . MINtJmS C1P '!HE AIDm' 3, 1987 CI'1Y CXXH:IL MEEl'IN3 (00-724) 19. Aoceptanoe of City projects perfarmed urœr .....,LLaCt: stevens creek Blvd. ~""........,L at 0t'ëm38 Avera., Project 81-27B. (Hogue Inc.) (No sup!> II. Linq """"'--tts I""""""'ðary.) 20. Þl'P'iœticn ASAC-S1,728.1 Jensen 0::II:p0raticn - Request.in¡ _U'Ial of a 3,000 sq. ft. additicn to an existin;J in::!ustrial hni1dinq located en the east side of Blaney Aveme, ðw.&.....dmately 415 ft. sooth of HaIIestead RoBd. Reo· ·,·,-,ded for ðw.&.V>IIÙ. 21. Mimrt:es of the regular City o:ux::il meet.in;r of JUly 6, 1987 (00-722). 22. Resolutic:n No. 7272: "A Reso1utic:n of the City 0I::a.100i1 of the City of Q.Jpert:.ino Allowin¡ Certain Cl..i""" and DeI1\anjs Payable in the Amoonts and frail the fUnds as Hereinafter Described for salaries and Wages for the Payroll Period Endin¡ JUly 21, 1987." 23. Resolutien No. 7273: "A Resolutien of the City 0I::a.100i1 of the City of Q.Jpert:.ino Allowin¡ Certain Cl"i""" and DeI1\anjs Payable in the Amoonts and Fran the fUnds as Hereinafter Described for General aM Mi.sceJ.1arIeaI Experñitures for the Period Endin¡ JUly 22, 1987." 24. Resolutic:n No. 7274: "A Reso1utic:n of the City 0I::a.100i1 of the City of Q.Jpert:.ino ~ Dest:ructi.cn of Certain Ra:u..u.ds." YQ!;§ lofo..l...·S of the City Council AYES: Gatto, Jå1JISa'I, Pl\JD3Y, Rogers, Sparks H:>ES: Naw ABSml': Naw ABS'mIN: Naw rrœs REH:IVED nut: CXHmll' c:AIDmt\R 25. Naw. R1BLIC HF.ARDœ 26. AR;ùiœtiaø S-Z-87, ll-'IH-87, 3CH1-87 and 33-EA-87 - Debeer Corpxatien - I.ocatien: West side of Blaney Avenue, 200 ft. sooth of Rodrigues Avenue, Rezoning 1.6 gross acres !ran Rl-7.5 (Residential, Sin;Jle-family, 7,500 sq. ft. miniøum lot size) and Rl-IO (Residential, Sin;Jle-family, 10,000 sq. ft. miniIIum lot size) zones to PO (Planned Devel,,¥,oeItt with -4- HINtT.ŒS C1" '!HE AU;(JST 3, 1987 CI'1Y CXIJNCIL MEE11'nG (CX>-724) 26. (ocntiraJed) residential intent) zcne; Tentative Map to sul:Idivide 2 parœls into 9 percels with lot size3 ranging' trail 6,000 sq. ft. to 8,200 sq. ft.; use Pemit to oc....LLuct eight s!n;r1e-family haIIes ani retain a1& existinq hale; ani Envira1menta1 Review: 'Ibe Pl.annin? thIooi_im :tee, ··,-·Iðao the granting' of Negative nc.r.1 uatia1S. Re> _·_·~~ìJbd for GJ:¥.Lu.Jal. (,,) First reading' of ordinan.:Je No. 1418: "An ordinan.:Je of the City Council of the City of Q pertjno 1I1DIn:linq 8ect:.iat 1 of ordinan.:Je No. 2 by Rezaún;J 1.6 Gress Acres frail Rl-7.5 and Rl-10 zœes to I'D Za1e; Located en the west side of Blaney Avemæ, 200 Ft. SQ1th of 1b:b:iguee Avemæ; Application S-Z-87 - Deb:X:'I a.....~atien." Director of P1.annin¡ ani DevelUl......uL cowan reviewed the awlicaticn ani the sits of the 1"-'~ døvel"¥'""'tt w:I.th Council. Dick Childress, 11701 RegMrt Ca."1.Ya1 Drive, told Council that this had been a difficult parcel of land to work with. He feels that the 1"-"1'-ðl is geed use of the land. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, sec:xI1ded by CCUnc. Jåmsa1 anj p"e~ unaniJDcgJly to close the public hearin;J. It was D:M!ð by CCUnc. Gatto, sec:xI1ded by CCUnc. Jàmscn ani p"e~ed unaniJDcgJly to grant a Negative Declaratien for Applicaticn S-Z-87. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, sec:xI1ded by CCUnc. Jàmscn and p"'"'Sed unaniJDcgJly to "K'Luv'e Appliœt.icn S-Z-87 per Planninq thIooi_im Resolut.ia1 No. 3061. - It was IIICIIed by Cb:nc. Pl\JD3Y, sec:xI1ded by CCUnc. Gatto ani p"eeed unanimaJs1y to read 0rc:Unance No. 1418 by title ally and the City Clmk's reading' to CŒlStituts the first reading' thereof. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secc:med by CCUnc. Jàmscn and p"e'J'ed unanimoosly to grant a Ne:Jative n--J ..ratien for Applicaticn l1-'DH17. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secc:med by CCUnc. Jåmsa1 and ~esed with CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y dissentiD;J to awrove Applicatic:n 11-'IH-87 per Plannin:J l"'nrmi""9"ic:n Reso1utic:n No. 3060. ---- -5- Public hearing closed Negative Dec. for 5-Z-87 5-Z-g7 approved First readin<t of ord. 1411: Negative Do!c. for ll-TM-g7 ll-TM-87 approved w Negative Dec. for 30-U-g7 30-U-87 approved . . '" MINU'l'æ OF '!HE AIXõUST 3, 1987 CI'1Y <XXJNCIL MEE:1'I1r; (00-724) It was IIICIIed by <hInc. Gatto, seocmded by <hInc. Jd:41Sa1 and ~~ed l.In2IJÜDa1sly to grant a Negative Declaraticn for ARùJ,caticr\ 30-u-87. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seocllded by <hInc. Jàmscn an:! peE''i'ed with CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y r'li - «.in¡ to _we ARùicatien 30-u-87 per Plannin;J t'romIi_icn Reso1ut:.icn No. 3062. 27. (a) RecalSideraticn of AR>licaticn ASAC 51,698.1 of ~ Q1evro1et (20995 stevens creek BoulevaJ:d) for ~L1en to sign ordinarx:1e. (b) Calslderaticn of revocatien of Use Pelmit 31-u-67 (Revised) ; ~ 01evr01et, 20995 stevens creek BoulevaJ:d. Director of Planrú.n3 an:! Devel,¥",,"d: Cowan infcmœd Council that he had gene to the site of ~ 01evr01et and the lights had been adjusted ~L for a ff!!ltl that are used for security p.n:p< ns. He su1:mittsd ¡iIot:og:ra¡:tI to CCJunci1 shcwin;J the sits. Mr. Cowan stated that Mr. anrlescl, a ~ir'I"'l1t, still feels there is BaII8 prå)lEID with the lights. Mr. an:! Mrs. Weiss, ~icants, have posted signs that there is to be no test drivin;J en Alves Drive. '!bey have also remaved vehicles frail the f:ize lane an:! frail the lawn area. Iarry B.u:riesci, 20900 Alves Drive, told CCJunci1 that he was willin;r to hold off r'li,.,..,-ien regardin;J the lights until the pJb1ic hearin;r sd1eduled for August 17. However, he is still havi.n:I a prå:ùEID with the lights. Mr. B.zrriesci invited CCJunci1 to CXIDe by his house after the meetJn,J and vif!!ltl the prob1E1D. He said that a newspaper can still be read in the seocni stŒy b.:œ......... frail the lights at ~ Q1evro1et. He EDCpn!SSed r'li'-"ief that the test drive traffic has st.cgJed. Mr. anrlescl shøoIed dJ:'awin;rs dEIDct...LL..tin;r Wiål lights had been adjusted and Wiål had not. Ib-m..'t'a Weiss, 0CI-CMIer, Fey 01evr01et, told CCJunci1 she has spent t1Jne an:! 7!Ø'Ii!!Y to sho!.i geed faith. She has oœplied with the staff an:! the fire district an:! posted signs in both the service an:! sales area of the car dealership statin;r that there was to be no test drivin;r en Alves. In aàtiticn, the switù1boaJ:d operator has been given instruct:.iCIIS to tell her if MrI calls CXIDe in regardin;J test drivin;r on Alves. since this direct:.ien has been given, she has not been natified of MrI calls. She said that Mr. Cowan and she watched. while the lights were redirected downward. She has been told that shields aroond -6- MINt1l'ES C1P 'mE AOOUS'l' 3, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL MEJ!:l'DÇ (00-724) the lights ~ not mJœ BJå1 diff...:e¡II:». Mrs. weiss stated that the lights at the sP-Jalk oonoId ptå:lab1y be turned dcM1 a little 1IlOl:8. 'lb8 other8 haV8 been turned dcM1 as BJå1 as poss:ib1e. Upcr1 beinq asJtej by Council, Mrs. Weiss stated that shculd snn<'«Ie in the sales divisicn do test drivin¡ of a vehicle en Al,,'es, that persCI1 ~ prå:)ably be sent haae the first time and fired the secxnI time. She has infcmœd evæ:ya18 that test drivin¡ shculd be dale en the tu allay. Shculd 9 ......"'Ie frail the service department test drive en Alves, that pe¡.a...... DUSt be written up three times for that offeœe prior to &rrf firin;r. '1his is in accordance with unicn rules. 'lb8 service department has also been told to test drive en the freeway. Dennis 1I1italœr, 20622 Q¡ezy1 Drive, identified þi_' f as a ''vi11..i1'1" as he has used Alves Drive for testin;r his car. He stated that he had been at the tc:p of Regnart RaId aver: the weeIœnd and saw no art:st:anclin¡ lights in 0Jpertin0. He requested that Council give Mr. and Mrs. Weiss every OCI1Sideraticn as he 1oII::Uld hate to see them leave 0Jpertin0. It was IIICIIed by Came. P1\JD3Y, SE!OCID3ed by Came. Gatto ani I"'''~ed unanimously to close this portia! of the hearinJ. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secanded by CCUnc. Jåmsa1 and P"'~-ed unanimously to find that Mr. ani Mrs. Weiss have satisfied the intent of Council directia1 ani to ccrxiuct a hearin;r to reocusider the request for an ~Lien to the sign ordinance. Council _ e.... the expectaticn that the sidewalk lights will be adjusted. Mr. cowan refreshed Council's ~with a brief histoJ:y of the request for an except:.icn to the sign ordinance. CCUncil <'Ii ~_...... the SIJ.I8%e footage of the cw......tt signs ani the height of the ¡oIL' ¥-eed signs. Room..ra Weiss, applicant, stated that if the ¡oIL~ sign were lower it ~ be mre invasive ani less desirable. She stated that cw........Uy there are no signs en stsllin;J ani this 1oII::Uld be lY'II'P'etely separate traD the ¡oIL sent signs. DjØÇI_ica followed regazdin;J a cx:n:liticn for the deposit of SCIIIe security to ensure iDplementatia1 of the new use permit. Any security 1oII::Uld be used to oover the 1arx.'1~in;J of the vacant lot facin;J stellin;J Road sha.1ld that use pemit not be ¡:msued. -7- Public hearing closed Intent satis- fied . Public hearing closed Res. 7275 adopted Res. 7276 adopted . 35-U-87 atl°ved . "'-....;"'..-;.~-.~~~ MnÐ1'ES C1P 'DIE AœCS'l' 3, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MJŒ1'DÇ (0::-724) City Attorney Kilian stated that the security cculd be a p"a"'¡""""k, a letter of credit, cash, etc. It will 811m interest for the developer and cculd be p''''II1!JecS in payments as work en the new pemit is "~'!shed. It was !II:MICl by 0::II.m::. JåInsal, secc:nBi 1:Iy 0::II.m::. Rog8rB and l"'e'*'Ct unanimcusJ.y to close the pJblic hearin;J. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secc:n3ed by CCUnc. JctJnscn and paesed with CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y rlie- ..Lin;J to aISqJt Reso1ut:.icn No. 7275 (as per model en page 27 (a)-3) . It was IIICIIed by C'11nc. Gatto, secc:nBi by COOrx:. Jåmsa1 and re'!!'sed UI1IIllimcuUy to adept: Reso1ut:.icn No. 7276 (as per model an page 27(b)-5) amen:ied to read ate year rather than nine 1IIC8'1ths. O::II.m::il c1irected the Director of Plannirq and Devel...........d. to work with the Director of Public works regæ:din;r 1ightin;r standards for other than street lights. PIANNnÇ APPLICATIQIS 28. Awlicaticne 2S-U-87 and 31-FA-S7, Arr¡ 1Þmtain, ltd., located en the North side of stevens creek Bculevard, east of DeAnza Boulevard. Use Pemi.t to o.....L...x:t a 1,Ooo± sq. ft. additicn to an existin;r 11,5OO± sq. ft. J:W.l.dinq ani opea::¡d:e a <:~ .,..-.cia1 (retail) use. EnvizamIenta1 Review. 'D1e P1annin:J rn-f_1.c:n l'A<' ···,...,œ that a Nø3ative DeclI1lAticn not be granted. Ps0 .,.,...,rjed for denial. (AR,ùicant requests remcval.) Remcved. 29. Aw1icati.a1S 11-'IM-87, 3O-U-87 and 33-EA-87 - DeJx'(:ol - Please see Item 26. 30. Awlicatien 35-U-87 of Scogin Iee - Use Pemit to operate a 1,000 sq. ft. dry cleanin;r shcp with dry cleanin;r ""l"ipnør1t en pr-i-æ an:! EnviraJœntal Review: 'D1e project is categorically """",,,,¥L, hence no envira1menta1 act:.icn is required. 'D1e 1-""~ty is located en the scuth side of Hc:IIIestsad ~. ~tely 350 ft. east of Grant Rœd. R&c:.····-tded far~. It was !II:MICl 1:Iy 0::II.m::. Jàmson, seccnjed 1:Iy 0::II.m::. ~s and passed unanbIx:us1y to approve Aw1icaticn 35-U-87 per Plël1'l1'Ún;J l"nnrnk..ien Resolution No. 3064 with Can:titien No. 5 amerxIed to ensure iJIplementation of the pla'!". and to include a requirement for a slurry coat: prior to restripi.n;J . -8- MINt7.l'ES OF '!HE AIX;(JST 3, 1987 CI'1Y cn:JNCIL HEE.'l'ItG (00-724) 31. Applic:aticn 13-U-87 - Edwin am carol Federspiel - use Pe1'IIU.t to ~JDt....x:t a 6-unit sin;le-flllllily planned døIIel.....-¡L and EI1vi%amBn1:al RIIIIriew: '1hø PlanniD¡ l'htoIIi....tcn 1:I$C:, ,··-dB the grant:in¡ of a Negative Declaratia1. '1hø i"-_lŽ is located en the eIISt side of SCenic Boulevard. ~L frail Planning' l'htoIIi....tcn. Dixector of PlanniD¡ am DevelV)........t cowan reviewed the ;çp1iœ.tien am revised plans with cœncil am answered quest!cns frail the CCUnci1->e1s. Jim JacIœa1, 10455 Torre AveraJe, ..~lSll,ting the new ;çplicants (Teny Brown am Jim Sisk) told cœncil that Mr. am Mrs. Federspiel wish to remain in the existin;J heme en the ptq)erty i"-~ for the devel,¥,""ut. In his q¡inien, the basic prå)lem fach-q the deve1q¡ers was the slq¡e en SCIDe of the lots. Mr. JacIœa1 stated that CDmcil had prev!oosly zcned this area for six lots. He read porticns of the o...."""'i'Wal Za1ing Plan SCenic Boulewrð,lRiviera Read. Mr. JacIœa1 said there are no objecticns in eliminatin:¡ two of the planned par dn;J ~ to sa\,-e an a\locado tree. He i"- s ..led CCUncil with an exhibit shCJwin;J the lots am square footage. Mr. JacIœa1 stated that the Planning l'htoIIi....ion's major CXI'ICem ST -Ad to be par dn;J. He stated that the deve1q¡ers have IIDJ:e parking places than they were told were r---~.ty. '!bey have also tried the p.ù1 the road back for a better line of vision. In additien, en IDt 23 the haIse has been p.ù1ed back frail the cul-œ-sac. Mr. Jackson expressed the q¡inien that the develq¡ers have a right to six lots am that the staff r<><:> ·'··-·œticns offer protectien. In regard to the neighbomood character, he said that there are praseI.uy two stŒy haDes in the area. Mr. Dick r....""l1t, 10335 Sœnic Boulevard, showed a 1980 IIBp I3hcwing the varioos lots and des!gnatin:¡ the square footðge that is fiat in eaål lot. He stated that there is ~tsly 46,000 sq. ft. total hlildab1e area. He expressed the desire for four haIIes en that i"-_ty inc11.ñing the existin;J ate. Tan crosby, 1329 Clay St.....et. s..ùd he was upset by the fact the CCUncil was making a decisioo en the plans t.>,e neighbors had not yet had an '-M"-"'1:unity to see. He wantPi fair regulatien of that land. Mr. crcsby said that the develq¡ers not aùy wanted the six haIIes bIt also sane lot line c:han;es and an ..,,,,,.-.'1t. He reIIIimed Camcll that they had previoosly said they wanted a nayi"."" of five units. Mr. crosby uz:ged that cœncil keep devel'¥"""rt: consistent with the neighboll.ou.l, that it remain safe and -9- -~- ..;'~.. ~ MIN!1.ŒS OF '!HE NJGJSr 3, 1987 CI'1Y CXXINCIL:MEerIH; (CX>-724) not overly dense. He stated further that the applicants are not oo.-...-.118d with the neighbozhood I:ut want the most ''hx:Jœ far their ban¡. " 'Ihe neighbozhood wants fairness and is askirq that Council give them fairness. Ric:ha%d Knight, 10222 r..~ Read, said that the neighbotbcod has seen four plans sima 1980. Ead1 ate is better and better and he expects that the next ate will be even better. CLo........l1S expt -eed by Mr. Knight were setI:Jacks, the slcpe, and e............ for aJC.L'F'.:.y vehicles. He infOZ'llled CCUnci1 that the plan beinq 1"" se¡tted was different than the plan seen by the P1.annin; n-om.i....im. He desired a retenticn of the rural an.. 'EIftIere and urged the deleticn of 1:\110 parking spots for r'l.ÐServaticn of the avccado tree. He also requested four new haDes rather than five. Rcxl Castor, 10440 soenic Boulevard, asked loIhat is "daylight plane. " 'Ihe P18r1l'lin;r Director respaDed to his questia1. Diane Gallant crœby, 10335 scenic Boulevard, also read frail the a...~t:ual Zaùn;r Plan statin;J that loIhat was a¡:prcved "''''1'''' S!hts the initial step in the ~wal prooe..s. She urged that the new deve1'¥""'tt be OCI'ISistent with the rest of the neighbo:thocxl in regard to such thin;Js as yard space, intensity (size, style, nature of structures) . Ms. crœby said that the daylight design does help, I:ut the size is even mre hportant. She urged that setI:Jacks be 0CI'ISi.stent with other soenic Boulevard setbacks and that the distarx:es frail other hoJsøs - side by side - also be 0CI'IS!stent. She urged that the tlLL...ot be safe and adequate for p.Ib1ic safety. She felt that the neighbozhood had had no time far adequate study of the plan 1""lS ..Led. Ms. Crosby told Council that the plan 1""~ actually did not have """'quate parJdn;r and that scenic BcW.evard 1oIt'A1lc1 have sane of the parJdn;r b.1rden as 1""V1JOSed. In additicn to the ate avocado tree specified, there were several ather avocado trees as wl1 as a Q1estn)t tree that ~ protection. She urged CCUnci1 to deny the ¡¡¡:plicatien and set guidelines for Mr:l deve1'¥""'tt. Ric:ha%d Shcenhaur, 10285 scenic Boulevard, expressed c:x:ntirø.1ed """,..-.¡t at the plans before the PlaI1r11n¡ Chmti....ion and the City cnmcil. He stated they are too dense and did not OCI'ISider the character of the neighbOJ:hood. He requested that eoun::il serñ the ¡¡¡:plication back to the Plararlng I"ronmi"""ion. He resented a new plan bein¡ pns:l<ted that night. He requested that fim guidelines cx:me frail the City cnmcil so woold not have to keep cx:mirJ] back for further direction. -lD- .0;:> . Hn«1l'ES OF 'lHE AIUJST 3, 1987 CI'1Y cmNCIL MEEl'IN3 (0:-724) Hr. Jac:Jcscn said there had been little åIæJ; e in the plan since it had been cxnlidered by the P1annirg n--i-ien. SUCñ å1anges that had been made were to alleviate P1amin:¡ lhIoftilUlia1 or neighbamood oct.0.4...... He stated that the lots are h,i'....h1e and are just restricted by City ardimooe. þ QUIci1 iti .....-ia1 follCMed. durin;J 10bich variaø Colr.·i1_.....,. stated they did not want plans PUSe'lJted at the last minute. 'Ibe awlicant shcW.d either prepare a planned deve1,¥""",L or a siIY:Jle family deve1~lt, bIt not mix the two. It was suggested that there be a _vi"."" of five mdts. City Attorney Kilian infozmed QUIci1 that shoold they deny the awlicatiœ, it tiQÙd be r--"ary to make f~ as to 1oi1y the _~ft as planned was not adequate. RECæ.c;: 10:10-10:25 p.m. Hr. Jac:Jcscn......... J .Un¡ the 8.ßÙicants requested that QUIci1 cx:nt:iDJe ocnsideratiat of the aw1icatien for two weeJœ durin;J which time the 8.ßÙicants will review the ~~<""a.l. If a neII plan is deve1q;¡ed, it will be given to the neighbud......d at the same time it is presented to the City. Tall Crosby stated that the neighl:x:Imood also n. - -.. the ~ Se'lJL plan am that they tiQÙd also need a wek's notioe. Hr. Crosby was infozmed that QUIci1 receives the infozmatiœ the 'Ibursday night prier to the H:nm.y meet:in;J am that the neighbamood shoold receive the ir.fozmatiat at that time also. It was JII: \I£Q by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y am seccn:!ed by CCUnc. ~.. to cx:nt:iDJe ocnside:ratiat of the a¡:plicatiœ to the meet:in;J of August 17. QUIci1 itilO('lwsed the 8.ßÙicatiœ further stating that the set:bac:ks shcW.d be similar to others in the neighbud......d am that they did not care if the Eib.....t were pmlic or private, !::ut if it were privats the awlicants should identify the method of maintainin;r the road. Mr. Jackson stated that he foom it helpful to view the site. City Attorney Kilian informed eo.mcil that shculd they d100se to visit the site, it tiQÙd be as part of a pmlic meet:in;J as this was a semi-judicial rather than legislative action. -11- 13-U-g7 continued . League of California Cities voting delegates . ~i"'··"""':~.::·':-;"~-· MINtJŒS OF '!HE AœUST 3, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL MEE:rDC (00-724) '!he mticn to centime OCII1SidBratiat of the applic:aticn to the meetin:¡ of August 17 was po' nj unaniJIøJsly. AR:::HI'JEC1URA AND S1'Œ .APPRJ\7AL a:.Hœ1'1'EB APPLICATIœs 32. Naw. UNFnIISHED IœINESS 33. Naw. Nm IJJSINESS 34. ~"'8t for designaticn of vot:.in;r delegate for arnJal OCI'Ife1.$\ICé, League e.f ca1ifamia Cities and ~ of date for CCUnci1 meetin;J sà1eduled for 0c::t:00er 5, 1987. It wn IIICIIed by cnmc. Pl\JD3Y, seca1ded by cnmc. Joonsen and poe-õd unarú.Jm:g¡J.y to desJgnat:e1 Kayar SpIu:tB as vot:.in;r delegate ani Mayor Pro--~.. as alternate. SbaJld neither be ~ s .,L for the bJsiness meet:1n], ancthør CCUnci1~ will be a¡::poi.nted. '!he first Cc:AJD:::C 1IIe8t:in;J of Oc::tc:ber was reså1edu1ed to Oc::tc:ber 12. 35. Request frail ~ of eœ-roe regarc1in;r aruuù. "0Jpertin0 cœnt:ry Festival." 0:J0rdinat0r for the CCIuntr.f Festival, Elizabeth Bidwell, a.1h: -9d CCUncil. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jå'Insa\, seocrñed by c:nmc. ~.. and 1?"~-9d unaniJlr:uù.y to _U1I8 the request with the ccn:litia1 that the ~ pay for the oost of brirJ.Jin;r the ~"'1-""Lt.i' (the lot at the comer of Pecifica and Torre) into the ccn:litia1 it was prior to use en August 15 and 16. 36. ~L en bid cpenin:¡ for pr1ntin;J of n""""-+inn scene and award of o...,L...aCt. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JÙ........l, seca1ded by c:nmc. Pl\JD3Y and poee9d unaniJlr:uù.y to award the u...1L...act: to Alcnzo Printin;J for the 1CM1St respa1S1b1e bid. 37. Disc"''''icn regardin;J u...,L...ù1 of office devel~1t in areas planned for 1ftivoor'l use (~1"hAra Rogers). Office develop- Followin;¡ ce:nd.deraticn, CCUncil by consensus decided to ment take no acticn. . Chamber of COlIDDerce Country Festival Scene printing contract to Alonzo -12- T~. ....,n'~ ~".~-r...-'-.___~__""""'~ __.~, ':"'~:o\"~ . ..-'>:.- " MINUl'!S C1P '!HE AtDJS'l' 3, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNC'IL MFBl'DG (00-724) 38. Requestø related to the Biœntennia1 oeleI::a:aticn: (a) designaticn of 8t8IIen& c:r.k Bc:A.il.eYa%d as Q:nIt:.it:ut.icn Bc:A.il.eYa%d en Sept8Ibar 19 aîl.y; ":'\ firirq of IIDI1œts en 0:rIstit:ut.icn Day; (c) cxnb:tin:J of a EIp«''''' Meetin;J of o:unci1 at 8epteDi:Ier 17 for ..............da1 matters. By cxtlÞo:olSUS, Oc:uncil çprcIIed the use of a +-'1. <<r:AJ:Y sjgn to ñaai1Jnats stevens c:œek Boulevard as 0:rIstit:ut.icn Boulevard and to UWLwe the firirq of IIDI1œts with no projec:t:.i1es a1 Calstit:ut.icn Day. Oc:uncil requested DDr8 infarmatien as to the type of J:ŒI!ness that cc:W.d be caxlucted shaùd they call a spec"" IDE!etin¡ for 8epteDi:Ier 17. WRI'l'Inf CXHIJNICATICIIS 39. Na1e. CJRDINANCæ 40. Secx:ni rædin;r and er....wL......d. of 0J:àinance No. 1411: "An 0J:àinance of the City Oc:uncil of the City of a¡pertino Rszaùn¡ P.I._Lj' frail CD ZŒIe to I'D ZŒIe; Ioc:ated a1 the west Side of McClellan Read, AppI:œdmts1y 200 Ft. Salth of Miza Vista Read - ~iœticn 2-Z-87 - Wi 11 i..... Avrsry." It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, sec:x:njed by came. lL, ers and p:oee'9d unaIÛJID s],y to :œad 0J:àinance No. 1411 by title aîl.y and the City ClmK's readin;r to CXI1Stitute the secxni re!Idin;r theœof. It was IIICIIed by came. Gatto, seo.....dt.d by came. P1\JD3Y and I"'aeed l.1I1aIÚJIIcœly to enact ordinance No. 1411. RæOII1l'ICIIS 41. Na1e. C"rMm SESSIœ At 11:00 p.m. Oc:uncil adjcumed to a closed sessien to ili .....,.... litigaticn reg¡mli.nq Trilex. At 11:08 p.m. Oc:uncil reccnvened. in cp!n seesien. -13- ~-- .-~ .,' Temporary sign and firing of muskets approved Second readng of ord. 1411 Ord. 1411 enacted . Trilex litigation . . ~""'.-, .'~'''''~''~__''.''_._~.''''' '~g~.. ......._. "".~', - ~~. ....';'or,' ""'~"-4;-" ,~"-..-..,,~.,,,;::..,_.,.....,.~.............._. -','-' . ,', -,',,", -'-'-'. ..:~..:~;o:;.",,".~:\..._,,~~~,._,.".~~~_. MINI11'ES OF '!HE ~J: 3, 1987 CI'1Y CXU1CIL JŒ21'IlI] (CX>-724) JÐIL CAIL All 00IJ.t'tn41 . .. wre .... . d. _ wre City HIInI!Iger 0iliIlan, City dAIdc QJmeliœ, D1rectar of ~ WOdaI ~, D1rector of P1annin;J and DIIIIel'l-,-.t CI:MIn and city Attam8y 1rI1i..". It was 1IICIIIed by 0:Jurx:. lb}£B, .........ded by 0:Jurx:. PlurJnt and ~--ed 1.IrIIIIWIøJs1.y to autharize staff to negot:iata a sett1BIIIII'\t in the IIIIICU1t of $26,000 and for the City staff to _.. the nee- !%y carrecticrIs. At U:15 p.III., the %E8tin;J was adjourned to!blday, J\IJgUst 17, 1987, 6:15 p.m. for :intmview of applicants ani appoL,t..-d. to ArdU.tectural ani site A¡:proval CCIIIIIittee. -14-