CC 08-17-87 .. CI'1Y or ~. S'IMZ or CAU!œIIA CX>-725 InteriIII City Hall: 10430 S. D8Anza Bculøvard InterlJa 0:u1cil n..w--: 10500 N. DIAnza BculavarcI 0Jpert:in0, CA 95014 'l'elepxø: (408) 2!52-4!505 HDI7æS C1P 'ŒB ~Q ~ anron', -,.uG HE[D at N.Aiu:JJ." 17, 1987 IN 'Dœ-I1r.LmYK ........, ,. u¡----, 10500 H. IE »IZA BCmZVARD, ~, c:at.DaIaA At 6:20 p.m., Kayar P£..,JJIoo-, ét* Gatto ....11~ tJIa -..tin; to order. Di.....-icn follOW8d :œgazd1DJ accept:inq a¡:plj.cat:icaw tal:' appoi..t.-d.to AJ:dIj+-«.....-..1" cd· site Appr:cval a-ittee until m;b·thIa 85 t:bI ~ of the cpn1n; can be pmlilbë in t:ba n....U:no -. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Jù......., .-ca..a..4 by Q:Qnø. PlUIIJY and p"-1".2 4-0 (SpaDes abient) to acMIrt18e t:ba cpnin¡ in the 1"1_4""" -, 6C" ",,-to "W1i"i~ until s..s." -~ 15 and cc:nU:t ~ at t:ba -.t1D¡ of ~J""; C n. An >q:p1 i"'Vtt, Mr. a..y, II1:at8:l that h111IIœld not be b!IIck for the ~"ed int:cv1ews. ~: 6:~0-6:47 p... At 6:47 p.m., 0:u1cil J:eCCI1II8:IIId. SAII1l'E 'lO '!HE FIAG roIL CAIL 0Junc. p¿, I L: Gatto, J-.b....... Pl\JD3Y, Roge:t:&, Ifa:iar ~ statf P... I L: Ci'" MN- I. 0W1lan ·..z " City 1"1..-1{ O:Ima1ius DJnctor of I\tiic Wa1ic8 Vis1cI:7I1ch A8Bi8tant to t:ba City IIImIIigc. IBWD Directœ of P1anninI;J and DIIY8l......-d. QMm DJnctor of FJm._ SDydør . n--"'1ity :-'_4.... Offiœr lIZIty Rt......_tia1 ~ HcCartby City Att:am8y 1W.ian ~ It was IIICMId by CCUnc. ~s, ~.a..4 by CaJI1C. Gatto and J?'I~li8d unanJmcusly to a::nt:ime I't88 42 and 44 to the meet.iJq of Sept" J C 8. ŒREXJI1JU. MA'1'ftæ - PRESml'AT.Iæs - NaIe. -1- ASAC applica- t ions Items contin- ued Household hazardous and toxic waste dis- posal days Day care Treasurer's report Activity Report '4 MINUl'ES C1P 'IHE NJaBr 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXIIH::IL JoIu;,L".uG (00-725) ŒAL a:IIDnCATICHI Mavis Slllith, 0Jpertin0, ..._ B -.LiD¡ the IeI!Igue of Wc:IDm Voters of QJpertino and SUrInyva].e, r.s a lett8r ccn;J1'atulatin QImcil for the ~.-~,... huardóuIi materials lUll! tad.o 1IIIIIte "itllplWA1 days. She x-s . lett8r into the r........d signecl by Ira,i.. w. IsNy, Presidm1t, IeI!Igue of ~ Vot.eN, ~. Nancy Ht...La..L, San JUan Reed, 1.mImted the 10811 of ~ . J~L1IIn Day care c...L.... en Boll1n¡JIIr Reed. ::It» expressed ............. :r:egazdinq a Jw.i for day care l¡r ~ area. Sbe !nt........d ocunci1 that the ~,f1dinq will be ('lœed at the end of August. By ""'---, Ocuncil cUJ:ect:ed &taft to look at the use of p.Iblic funds,' 1".,1 it! lmdI, etc. for the purpœe of cIûld . care and Co "''¥J.LL beck at the next CouncilIlllilElting. S'IM'P ~ 1. oral "''¥J.Lls by staff "_,1..... and ...'-i....ion of written .l~ls. Citv M'arIacIBr's ~. ,..L City KanIIger 0ún1an stated that en 8epted:Jer 8 t:here will be an agen!a iœa J:1IqIIrdin¡ _uv'al of santa Clara QUIty as a ~ __...y for state and Fedm:al tunds to santa Clara valley water District. 2. 'l'reasuœr'. ~t. ani aD)8t update for JUly, 1987. FolJ.c:Iwin:¡ the Tœuurer'. aJ1IIIW8r8 to ",.......41 '. cpøstiaw, Council ...........Led the l"'I"At.. 3. Activity aøpo¡;t for JUne, 1987. Council ~Led the ...........L and ~ that in the future, Q:Qe Enf...............d. statistiœ be iJvo.J'-. 4. ~t. f1:aa Q:Qe Enf...............i'.. en vio1aticns of existin¡ ordinances. Arm 1Jqer, r-iliattt of Ma1ta Vista, sutmitted pictures taIœ1 œriJIq the last f.a1 days in the Mr:nta Vista area. -2- · MINt1l!:S OF 'IHB AIUJST 17, 1987 CIT!C CXXJNCIL MŒl'IIÐ (00-725) City Manager ()1in1an infozmed 0CUnci1 that the City has adqJted a hcusin;r cxxJe and is 10Cl1cin;r into cootdinatin¡ the hcusÚIJ cxxJe with othBr cedes and ~ all8viatiDJ IICII8 p:rå:)l- that way. He hall asJœd for a ............L ~ he expects to œceiw III:øJt the middle of Septs\t:Ier. 'Ih1s item will be såIec!uled for the 1IIII8t.in;r of ()ct:d:)er 12. Al BlfflDan, S3n J\mn !1oIId, eot:pL -red ...".............4. with Mrs. Anger. He stated that he has seen it take up to 30 days to get junk and abIIndcned cars X1!III:MId. He also ðdCt&. -ej Camcil regardin;J aßÙiances and junk in yards that are visible fraD the at......d.. Mayer Spmœ ..~--œd he talk with .Assistant to the City Manager J!A-ra Brown. Mr. Quinlan Urged him to call the City Wen he_ abimX:aed cars that haV8 not œ.t !II:J\/ed. CXXJNCIL ~ 7. Cœnc. J\l..-... - I.egis1atiw JW.riew Q:maittee - It was !II:J\/ed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, sec:x:nB! by Cœnc. Gatto and p""-1d unanimr:uJly to taka the fo11awin:¡ acticnI ~ )'L'~' 4ed legislaticnl ~ AB 2448 (EIIstin) , IICIlid waste, establishment of stataBtt clean¡p fund for landfills through IIIØ1datmy øuxdIarga en local ~in;r fee: AD 2191 (Qwx:n), echoo1 dist:rict: electicnJ: AB 616 (Harris) , prevent:inq citi_ traa uain;r EO:: a:nBInaticn 1"-" ...11""881 and AB 1859 (Waters), ~ reco:ganizaticn. ~L AB 229 CLeœnrd) , e:xpensicn of sal_ tax base to include Jail œd&r and baaa IIhq:Ipin¡ serviœ salee: ACA 32 (Bradley) , 1'8Cb::t1.cn in vote requireIIn: for Jxn:I --uœ¡ to 8Jxt:y pa.....-1l: AB 36 (Floyd), JDOt:arcycle ~ bill. ~ cxpw of AB 815 (A1'e1a8), autbority to rboot...1ct pmXin:¡ of 0- ...J.a1 WIbic1_ in reBidentia1 zœes: and SB 477 (B. ~.....18), hazardous waste pJ.anninI¡ iAL....-. 9. CCUnc. ~.. - Bicentennial - 0:Iunc. Rogel& rec;pISted that a prcc::lamaticn regardinq Bells Acrœs Ameriœ be placed en the septeDi:Ier 8 agenda. cx:mœr CAIDIœR (It is requested that Items 10 through 38 be acted en sinultar--o''''y unle8s separate t'li......weien and/or actien is requested by CCUncil, staff or -1:' or the public.) -3- Legislative Review Com. Consent Cal- endar approved . MINt1I'ES OF '!HE N.)~ 17, 1987 CI'1Y a:ua::IL MŒl'DÐ (CC-725) counc. ~ rømwed Items 17, 31 and 32. It was IIIOII8d by ocunc. Rcgera, Mocuded by ocunc. Gatto and p"'e-ct unanimcuIly (Kayar SpuD aœta1nin;r en It. 24 a1ly) to a¡:proII8 the œlance of the 0.._ d. calcœr as subnitted. 10. Waiver of use f_ and ~ license f_ as recpISted. by 0Jpertin0 seniar ~ Serviœs for a fUD:! raiser at !Þrt:a vista t'.nnoIonú.ty Center. 11. ResolutiCl'1 No. 7277: "A Reso1uticn of the City Cbmcil of the City of QIpert:.ino Al1~ Certain CJ..i""" and Demanàs Payable in the Ammts and Fraa the I\n:!s as Hereinafter Described for General and MisceJ.1anec:AJ Eçe:nditures for the Period Endin:¡ JUne 30, 1987." 12. Resoluticn No. 7278: "A R8eoluticn of the City Cbmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 All~ Certain CJ..i- ani Demanàs Payable in the Ammts ani Fraa the I\1nda u Hereinafter Described for General and Misœ11anec:us Expen1itures for the Period Endin:¡ JUly 31, 1987." 13. Rasoluticn No. 7279: "A Resoluticn of tba City Cbmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 All~ Cct:ain (']ai_ and CBIIIIndII Payable in the Amcunt:8 and tram the PI.1rdI as H83:einatt.8r Described for salaries and 1fage5 for the Payroll Period Endin:¡ August 4, 1987." 14. Request far autharizaticn to ¡måIase CXIIplter haJ:dware under state .....,L......::t:. 15. Claim for tb.......J8Ø filed by Janice cade. RIIK~ ·,·,-·1ðIed far rejec:t:.icn. 16. SUllllaIll and ~,..int for ~..~: Jt:u:ic IU-.t Vigeant, City of O¡pert:ino 81:. al - xemeth WIIyn8 Hall. R8ceive. 17. RearNed. 18. ~ of the minutes of the regular meetinq of August 3, 1987 (00-724). 19. Reso1utien No. 7280: "A Reso1utien of the City Cbmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Accept:i.nq Grant of F.ACIØIIIAI1t far ~ PInT< J'9S frail Anne F. Kelly, 0X1s!st!nq of ~tely 0.00016 Acres, Located on ~l""'ar Avenue." -4- MDIUl'ES OF '!HE J\lJGŒ1r 17, 1987 CI'1Y a::uICIL MŒl'DO (CC-725) 20. R8soluticn No. 7281: "A R8soluticn of the City Q:Juncil of the City of 0Jpert:in0 A¡prcwin;J Lot L1na AdjuBt:mnt BIib.-.. 'lWo Parc8l8 of land Witbcut: a PaJ:œl _ in Acoo:t'dance with secticn 66412 (d) of a:ixU.v181œ _ Act as 1ImE!nded JanJary 1, 1984, Part:icn of Lot 31, 'l'%act No. 7694, to be CCI1veyed to Lot 1, 'l'%act 3021, Festival Drive." 21. Reso1uticn No. 7282: "A Reso1uticn of the City camcil of the City of QIpertino Acc8pt1n;r Grant of -- "',L Far JaIcJway PUq> T 1M! trail SCIutboiccd. Pl_tJ.ee, !no., O:nIistinq of A¡:p:t:admateJ.y 0.009 ~, I.ccated en t'>I"""'"'t Reed." 22. Resoluticn No. 7283: "A Resoluticn of the City camcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin;J Execut.icn of Deferred . ~"""""lL with 1aIald L. ani Shirley A. niwards for the ~uy__.t. of h....t-". A1.cn1 Cb..<lNa Reed at Ke....-:It.. Reed." 23. Acoept:ance of City projects pez:t-..--1 urœr ......,t.....ct: Linda vista Pane, Project 86-114 (Sbooter and aJtts). No SURJOrtinq .........-Jtatim r--eny. 24. Resolutien No. 7284: "A Resoluticn of the City camcil of the City of 0Jpert:in0 Authariz1n;r Elœc:utien of I:Dprovemsnt 10".. ,A,.L E!etwen the City am Reed sparks and Joan sparks, MerriJIIan Reed." 25. Resoluticn No. 7285: "A Reso1uticn of the City camcil of the City of Q pertino Authariz1n;r ExiBcuticn of A"............¡L with the City of 8unnyvale for OIIerlay of HcIIIesteed Bold - lhasa III." 26. RIIsoluticn No. 7286: "A Resoluticn of the City camcil of the City of Q pertino ~ Q..¡t........-t ~ Order No. 8 for Civic Center ExpU'Isicn, Project 87-2003 City Hall, Library." 27. Resoluticn No. 7287: "A Resoluticn of the City camcil of the City of Q pertino ~ Q...t........-t Qwr; 8 Order No. 4 for stevens Creek Boulevard ~UY....lt., Project 82-17. 28. Resolutioo No. 7288: "A Resolutien of the City camcil of the City of Q pertino Apprcwin;J Q...t.....ct Q:æ1g8 order No. 7 for Linda vista Pane, Project 86-114." 29. Resolutien No. 7289: "A Resolutim of the City camcil of the City of Q pertino Apprcwin;J Q..ILL..ct 01anga Order No. 13 for De Anza Boulevard Widenin¡, Project 86-20. " - . ~ .~~ ..... - """'\~~. . ~~.''':'''.''''''''''.' _~ _..~"._~ 1'\ HIl«1D'S C1P '1HB NJGa1r 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL ru:z;r.uG (a::-725) 30. R88aluticn No. 7290: "A RIIsolut1cn of the City 0:IUnCil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡pavin; a..d.....ct ~ 0rcI8r No. 3 for st:evww c:œeJc IIauJ.erarcI :n.-"'" ,L Be.bI8en Part:al and Pincb A'V8Ø.I8, Project 86-11." 31. BeIIcII8d. 32. ~. 33. Applj..c:aticn 1tS1.c 51,731.1 - B111viw Bible QIape1: RIIque8tJn;r a sign excepticn to ........t....x:t a ground .ign at an exi8t.inq c:.bD:å1 10catad en the eat.~ of stellin¡ Read a¡:p:œd.mately 450 feet narth of SCJ,Iirehill CCJurt. 1160 south Stellin¡ lad. p.~~ _._~ far ~u'V'al. 34. AzBMr to """"P,..i"lt - scuthem l18cific 'l'nr18por1:.at et al VB. Baud of ~"1i,..aticn of the state of califomia, et al, Receive. 35. ClaiJa for .....--'J88 filed by R. QJy Iauf"....-, ~ . ~xJt,d far rejectiat. 36. RIIsolutia1 No. 7293: "A RIIsolut1cn of the City ocuncil of the City of QJpertino AoceptinI¡ An - - .....t Deed tar staœ Drain E'I.Iq..(:".s "trcm Ral¡i1 Jack 'DxDIt, IDeated en ~.1.al AVWBJ8, CcI'I8istin¡ of A¡:pI:aIdmately 0.0238 Acre. " 37. p.q-t for waiver of business 1iœœe f_ filed by DeAnza MIIcintcsb U88ra GrcAJp. 38. Resolutia1 No. 7294: "A Resoluticn of the City ocuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Apprø\rin¡ a...t.........-t ~ ~c:JIu. No. 6 for Foothill Bculevard ~_._d., Project 80-09. · Y2t§ Jofo.,,¡.ere of the City CCUncil AYES: Gatto, Jchnsa\, Pl\JD3Y Rogers, SpIu:Ø }k)ES: Na'I8 ABSPNr: Naw ABS'mIN: SparJœ (Item 24 ŒÙY) ITEH3 REHJI.IED FFOf CXJßEtll' C'AInmAR Minutes approved 17. ~ of the IIÚJ'JL1teS of the regular meetin:1 of JUly 20, 1987 (CX>-723). staff ans\J8t'IId questic:ns frail ocuncil. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y , seoal:1olcl by came. Gatto and ree.,'I!d 4-0 (CCUnc. Rogers aœtainirg) to aw.&.vv'8 the mirLttes. ,.'.....,., .. ~ '~.·,~~.,~_.,....____~.n-. ._...,..._.".~~, ._.... _ ........____ __" MnÐl'!3 01 '!HE AIUJST 17, 1987 C1'lY CXXINCIL 1'II:iI:õJ.',LI'tI,j (0)725) 31. ~ 46-U-85 - A¡pl8 Q:IIpztcw: RIqJø8ting -, _.."..¡ of a laIf1-. -.. plan for a vacmit pecel faz:mer1y OCC'1pied by an auto parta IItam J.ccat.s en the WIlt IIida of DeInza~, ~y 450 feat north of Ia-.o Drlw. pa. . ....~ for 1Iߌ'OYal. It .. IICIV8d by CI:iUnc. ~.o, ~dad by CI:iUnc. J.....-.... and po--ad unarUmcusly ta <4¢W8 A¡:pUœt.iœ 46-0-85 per Atå1itactural and site ~ CCIIIIIittee Rasoluticn No. 1305. 32. ÞR>'1œticn 4-u-&2 - Awl- CCIIp.1ters, Inc. (DeAnza Plaza Ass'JCiate8) : BequiIstJ.n¡ ðwLwal of site, arå1itec:tural, and lam""""'P!nJ mr:xUficaticnl to an exist1n¡ off!oe h'i1dinq located at the northwest ........1IOl of DeAnza Boulevard and ~ CI:eek Bculevard. 10001 N. ríeAnza Boulevard. Reo:. -'1dec! for 1Iߌ'OYal. Director of Planning Q:Iwan reviewed his l........L with ~. Glen J!Io_ of Apple CCIIp.1ters, Inc. 1U1S\..liud CDmcil t. questia1s req¡m1inq the 1IL,.~':16ed ~ to the h,i1r'1io;. ~ requested that a cx:n1iticn be added for rwiøI of the œnvu awnJngs. It was III:III*S by CCUnc. ~., ~.dod by ccuno. Plurçy and po 13 unanhœa1y to _..",.. Appliœt:icn 4-0-&2 per Aråú.tec:tural and Site ~ O:'IIIIittee RIeoluticn It). 1306 with a cx:n1iticn added that staff IIba11 1'8Yi8w the canYIIIIIIeS in fiw years and if they ~.. to be warn direct their Z'"\"'" -,it; >q:plicant BhIIl1 haYe the ri9ht of ~l to Council. PUBLIC HI!'ARDœ 40. -.,..,. . ,to. far 1987 -S abatsø1t. (a) Rasoluticn No. 7291: "A RII8oJ.uticn of the City Council of the City of Q¡pert.ino Prc:Ni.ctin;r for Lienau ,1..1 and for the O::Illectien of same RiIIsultin;J trc:a the Abat8ø1t of PUblic NUisances." It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JWI6Oíl, seo...dad by CCUnc. Gatto and p"'·-ad unIIJÚJID.Isly to clœe the pJblic hearinq. It _ IIIOY8d by 0cI.ID;. Plurçy, -.....dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto and l"'ee.gd unanimcua1y to adept Reso1utim No. 7291. -7- ,", , 46-U-85 approved 4-U-82 approved Public hear- ing closed Res. 7291 adopted Public hear- ing closed Key Chevrolet removed from calendar 13-U-87 continued 31-U-87 approved "~.,,,,",........~....:o.~,,~'t: -." . j'"'!"~"">"-r;~~~-~-" .,.....,.- . HINaŒS C1P 'DiE JD:11JBr 17, 1987 CI'1Y c:x:IUNCIL MEZl'DG (CX>-725) 41. O:I1sideratien of ~ of ru!llancaz lightin;, r.ø¡ C21øvrclet, 20995 st8v8n8 CI:88k BoI.J1AIva%d. (a) Resoluticn No. 7292: "A RI80luticn of the City CDmci1 of the City of 0JpIIrtin0 ~dI...1ø¡ AbateaIm1t of 1'Ublic 1tWIance o:œistin;r of Intrusiw T.i~hXJ taD r.ø¡ awvmlet, 20995 stevens Creek Bcul8vard." Director of Plæ1rdn;r and DeII8l"'1-"""'d. OCJ!Rn upàatsd his ~""1JU.Lt for CDmci1. tarry B.1rriesci, Alves Drive, thanJœd CDmci1, the pJ.armin;J staff and 00d8 Enfo.._d. tor their asaistanoe and oxperat.icn in thhI matt8r. It was IIICM!d by o:unc. Gatto, r...o..adad by 0Wnc. Plungy ani pooe""'(\ unani:D:Jusly to clœe the pJbl ie heariD:¡. It was IIICM!d by o:unc. JI.h......, ~Ided by ~IC. Plungy ani P"'-"!d unanimcualy to ~ this item taD the calemar . PIANNIm APPLtCATICt6 42. A¡:plicaticn 13-u-e7 - æ.dn and carol FedenIpiel - Use Pemi.t to ó.Å.LL.x:t a 6-unit s!n;r1e-family planned deveL1-·-·d. and ~"-- ,1.1 Røriew: IDJe plamiDJ n--f_im l'4-;. 1C.Ia the grant:inJ of a ~i.w Døclaraticn. 'DIe ...._If ia located en the east II1da of scenic Bcul8vard. ~ . -. -1oiId for denial. o:nt.irJJed to BeptAIIber 8, 1987. 43. Þ£pliœticn 31~; of creative Q:IIstruct.i.cn - Use Pemi.t to ......L..1oICt a single-family ......11iYll1 ani! Envira'mBIta1 Røriew: Pr8viaJsly ,,-r-ed; no acticn required. IDeated at the nartbem temirDI of Rivi8ra RaId appraximately 100 ft. north of scenic Circle. Pe-)I -·-·-·ded far lilMM-u41. It was IIICM!d by CCUnc. JàJnscn, -....aided by o:unc. Pl\JD3Y ani ~I!'"i'ed unanimcualy to _..,,¡e ARù!catia1 31-U-87 per P1annin;J I"nIwnf....icn Resoluticn No. 3069. -8- -. MINU'l'ES OF '!HE NJŒJSr 17, 1987 CI'1Y OXJNCIL .-a'.uG (00-725) 44. A¡:p11œt.ia18 32-0-&7 and 34-1!'A-87 of 018II1'CI1 USA - t1M Pemit to opetate an existinIJ IIC'Yioe staticn en a 24-bcur bui8 and ~ R8Yi1w: Negat!w n.,.1·....ticn not ;ra~- _.~d8d. I.øcatecI at t.he nortbøast ........-. of North DeAnza Bculevard and JfI::IIIesteað RoIId. p... w ._I~ for denial. Ca1timed to SEpteaœr 8, 1987. 45. J\R)licaticn 34-U-87 of JMI Inve..t:.-.,t, Inc. - Use Pemit to q¡erate a cky cleaninq and alteratim sbq) and Envirc:nIII!nta Rsview: Categorically ~L. I.ocated at the scut:hwIIIst OOUìQl of DeAnza Boulevard and McClellan Read. Reo ...,.-.ded for "W"'wal. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jehnsa.t, sea:rxJed by CCUnc. ~ and p"--ed UbanimaJs1y to appt'O\III Applicatim 34-u-&7 per P1annin¡ n-o-~ -!at Rasoluticn No. 3072. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secc:n!ed by CCUnc. Rogers and P"-"«I unanimcus1y to "W"'..N8 the MiJ1Ite Order per P1annin; n-o-~-'J!at Reso1uticn No. 3079. 46. Applicaticn 36-U-87 of Ie Bculan.]er - Use Pm:mit to q¡erate a baJœ%y with apprax!mately 52 seats within a previcusly çp:tM!d ~inq centar and Envira'IIIent:a Review: Categorically ~t.. Located en the north side of Stevens Creek Boulevard, 500 ft. east of DeAnza Bculevard. ~} ···-rmJ far ~wal. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JI.l>........, -......ð.d by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and p"--9d unanimcus1y to "W"'we Applicaticn 36-U-a7 per P1annin:J n-o-i-icn Resoluticn No. 3073. Jå1n VidcNic:h, døYelc:per, stated his pleasure at havinq a geed œJœry in the devel,¥""".t, b1t å:ljecteð. to "beinq pel"'1i'7-ed five trips." Director of Plannin;r and Devel,¥""",L Q: wan told 00Jncil that the œJœry will seat 52 c::ust:œE:s. As no traffic data for this type of esbn1i~ is 1IV"i1'1ble, the Planrún¡ Department took the worst pnasib1e case. If tL1tur8 data is forthcaninr:¡ or if a study weœ dcna, the use pemit owld be revised. -9- 32-U-87 continued 34-U-g7 approved Minute- Order approved 36-U-g7 approved Traffic data 15-TM-g¡ approved Exceptions considered on case-by-case basis 4 MIl«1rm OF '!HE NnBr 17, 1987 CI'1Y OXH::IL MEP:1'I1G (00-725) Rcg8r Bn1nello, owner, stated tbat thent ....."., be no table sexviœ 1n the establt"¡,·,-lt. '1b8 88BtJ.D¡ is Ja8 for ~ suc:b as at a deli. '1b8 Jajar part of the 1'..MH:ty will be a baIoIr:y. No dinner will be MZWCI. '!be !::IIIJcEy will cpøn at 7:00 a.lII. and p¡:ovide a l1II1tec1 breakfast for c:ust:aIm:'B. ~y fiw diff8ZWlt sarårIiå1es will be sm:wd at 1urd1. ~.i"""y, thøy are 100Jdn:J for walk-in ttaffic. By ~, Council ~ that ~~ "Ol~ ttaffio data and .I......... L bIIck. If the data..... I dAd justU1es a revisicn of CXI1diticnl, it will not be ,.... "y for the a¡:pliœnt to rebm1 to the P1annin:¡ n--f-ten prior to goin:¡ to Council. 47. A¡plicatia1 ~7 .Jf Bay Area OxBIltantB - Tentative 'Map to SUì:Id1vide aw ¡:mcel into two parcels with lot sizes ranginq ftaa 6,300 /Ill. ft. to 7,100 -Z. ft. and EnvircnDenta1 Revi8II: cateprically ~I:.. Ioaat8d at the 80IiiJ PUt .........-. of 8tel.l1rJ¡ It:IIId and Rainbow Drive. p.a.. ~ ·....dId far ~'-"'Bl. Director o~ Planninq and Devel"",""""t. COWan ðdd1. e~ Ccuncil ~ O::r1diticn No. 20. D!"("',aaien follClMlld regardin;J the V-dþiHty of right t:ums cnly. City Attomey Kilian infOl:DBi CCUncil that the IBp was a¡:p:oved at the Planninq n-nf_icn. '1be cnly item for City Council Ño('isi<n pertains to the 1m_('"'1. ~,L policy. Eric SI.ìBj, ;;;¡:¡.íi"U'lt, requested a scmd wll around the ..LL_t cutW. I)j ......-!en fallClMlld regardin;J eetbIc1c, a a- .....""J.L-, root .....,!...ul and a œc.......tive wall. It .. atN8d by CCUnc. J..tà-.a" ........cII.cl by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and I"" Id unaJÙJDcU8ly to _...... A¡pl.1cat1c:n l5-'DHI7 per P1amiJr¡ ~f_!en Resoluticn No. 3074 JDtif18d to allcII for a ~a;Uve wll pn1'ed bIcIc frc:a the driwway, a a:. p:t:~- with irr!.gaticn and root .....I!...ul, a five ft. setbBck and an additiat to O::r1diticn 19 stat.inq that the City will maintain. CCUncil, by CŒISeI1SUS, stated that they will 0CI1Sic1er future """'-qIUat røp!Sts at a c:a.se-by-case basis. -10- · MINV1'ES C1P '!HE 1JJŒm 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXXINCIL. ~.uG (00-725) ARœl'IæmRAL AND 8l'1'E APæ:NAL <XHI1'l'1D APPLIC7.TICJ6 48. Naw. UNFINISHED HJSINESS 49. Cax!uctil1g of a IIIP8C'b, œeting en ~- 17 far Biœntennia1 004.........da1 matters. It was IIDYed by ocunc. P1\JD3Y, .......dIod by ocunc. Jchnscn and P"88gd ~y to ItRJt'CY8 an adjcumed regular meeting to be held at noc:a, SE!pteab!r 17 at the Meúm.1al Park lIDPUtheatre. NEW HJSINESS 50. TiJDetable . and. costs of iJlplementatien of I'"":' ...,-,ldatien of SOlid Waste Mvisary cœmittee. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jchnscn, IIeCCIÜed by CCUnc. Rcgera and p---" \II'IaIÙJIICU81y to aw ...1. a ..".Hi....tia\ to allc:Jw three sub-reqiaw 1I4ùå1 allows 0Jpertin0 to negctiate far 1an::JZill ~ity. 51. ~L en bid c;p!l1in¡, RecxrIst:ruct:. of om., Gutters, and. SideIoialJœ, Project 88-101, anI awm::d of . o....d....aet. It was IIICIIed by ccunc. Pl\JD3Y, seoaldtod by CCUnc. Jåmsa1 and. ra,-9d unanimcua1y to award the .....d....aCt to Hood Cœ.~at:.icn for $103,858.20 and to IIUt:harize a oatt.ingBncy for a total of $114,000. 52. P"'CJ-t for Ocuncil direc:ticn J:egIIrdinI;J p¡ràIase of smp1.us ~ &iteR. It was IIICIIed by cnmc. Pl\JD3Y, seocu:1ed by ocunc. Gatto ani p"e-111 UrIIIIÙ1IIcAI8ly to cU.rect staff to subDit a letter indicatin;J a ål8ir8 to p¡ràIase a partic.n of Wi1scn ~, site and. sedgewick SdIcol site. 53. P"'CJ-t fraa Arrf IbIntain Ib:t. for a variance trail outdoar sale regulatia1S for tbair anrJJal Labor Day SId Sale. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoa.dl.d by CCUnc. JåInIIa1 and p"e-gd unanim::us1y to "M'Lwe an 8:00 a.lI. startin;J time for the sale. 54. Request frail Gcxxi Samaritan QnD:å1 far waiver of use pemit ð¡:plicaticn fees for a day care center located at HaIIestead Road and Linnett Lane. Special Bicentennial meeting ScUd ·Waste Advisory Committee Contract for Reconstruc- tion of Curbs, Gutters and SideIJalks Purchase of Wilson and Sedgewick school sites Any Mountain Use permit fee waived Survey re tennis Second read- ing of Ord. 1418 . MINI11'ES OF 'IBB NUBr 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL ~.UG (CX>-725) lee Nei.Irh, II ...i-t.e PBstar, J.r.twu.d 0:ux:i1 that u a rø.....ufit _..~ this day c::are CII1ter is cperatin¡ CI1 a very tight~. 1Irrž ellr mcnøy is pIt bIIck into the P1-u, .LCIIII. HII stated that ~y 1/2 to 3/4 of the å1ildren att:en:linq the center are frail 0Jpertin0. All c::bi.1.dœn en a waitinq list are traI 0Jpertin0. At..... It, there is a total ~ of 36 ctù.ldœn. City Attomey Kilian pointed out to 0:ux:i1 that waiver of fsee wcW.d œ in IDOl a 8'aidy - a gitt of public fUrx!s . It was 1IICIIIed by 0aJnc. Gatto, secc:.nded by 0aJnc. Jchnsa1 and l"'eeed unanimcusly to waive the 1JSe permit tee. ~ <XIHJNICATICIß , 55. Letter frc3 the 0Jpertin0 Temis Club for a 0Jpertin0 Tennis C8nt:0Jr. as H1J:shfie1d, Vice Pœsident of the O¡pertino Tennis Club, stated that 0Jpertin0 hu an active ta'Inis pc:p3latiat. He does not feel that tennis court CXIUI1t,Ihead ocunt ratio in the .........nú.ty is an bp:a:tant factor in deteDIú.nirg ~ or not to þ,~~~ a t8wd8 œnter. He stated that terJnis is the œly adult-arim1ted spart available, 01peI:tin0 is ~hJ1 an adult .........wdty ani that it was hard for him to see the value of a øurvr!I'f. It was 1IICIIIed by 0aJnc. J.........." secc:.nded by 0aJnc. Gatto an:! 1"'.-"'" unanimcualy to diœct staff to cxt'Iduct a øurvr!I'f an:! wœ:it with the Q pertino TerInis Club. cwncil ~ that the Club wœ:it with the F8rb ani Recreaticn DIIpBrtDB1t regardin;J the rIU1:Vf!If ani that the Club å1ecIt with artv-nl- DeArI2 ~ Club for poesible 1JSe of their ccurta. c::&mnWa:D 56. 5eocn:l reading' ani enactment of O%dinanoe No. 1418: "An 0Zdinance of the City 0aJncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AIIIm:UlJ¡ sectiat 1 of O%dinanoe No. 2 by Rezaûn¡ 1.6 Gross Acres frail Rl-7.5 am Rl-10 Za1eS to PI) Za1e: I.ocated en the West side of Blaney AvemJ8, 200 Ft. Scuth of Ib!rigues AVWI)8: ~1icatien S-Z-87 - IJet>. Q¡. c.....i"AáU.en." It was 1IICIIIed by 0aJnc. Pl1.1r.; y, secc:.nded by 0aJnc. Johnsen an:! paSfled unanimcusly to read 0Xdinan0e No. 1418 by title a1l.y and the City Clmk's readirq to ocnstit:ute the seoc:n1 read.ing thereof. ^~"''7^'~ .~.~ --"-~.'"'" ,,.~-.- .....^'''^ ...,...~'^ ,.. . ~,...."~,,,~.,.."~ , IIDI7D!S or '!HE NuJrsJ: 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXIH:IL ~1.JOG (0)-725) It .. ~ by CDmc. Gatto, -....64 by CDmc. Plun;¡y' an! V II! unanimcusly to IIIIICt 0tdinIInca No. 1418. r~ ~ r~'J.I..&tJ 57. Ncne. t"I'nonI'I'I ~œ Ncne. At 9:10 p.m., it .. IIIaII81 by Q:Iunc. Rogel., wo...dId by Q:Iunc. J.......... an! P"--II! ~y to adjoum to a ~ of tba BcImI of DinctarB of QIp8rtino SOIna Inc. ~.. -13- , Ord. 1418 enacted Adjournment to Cupertino Scene Board of Directors