CC 08-17-87
CI'1Y or ~. S'IMZ or CAU!œIIA CX>-725
InteriIII City Hall: 10430 S. D8Anza Bculøvard
InterlJa 0:u1cil n..w--: 10500 N. DIAnza BculavarcI
0Jpert:in0, CA 95014
'l'elepxø: (408) 2!52-4!505
HDI7æS C1P 'ŒB ~Q ~ anron', -,.uG
HE[D at N.Aiu:JJ." 17, 1987 IN 'Dœ-I1r.LmYK ........, ,. u¡----,
10500 H. IE »IZA BCmZVARD, ~, c:at.DaIaA
At 6:20 p.m., Kayar P£..,JJIoo-, ét* Gatto ....11~ tJIa -..tin; to
order. Di.....-icn follOW8d :œgazd1DJ accept:inq
a¡ tal:' AJ:dIj+-«.....-..1" cd· site
Appr:cval a-ittee until m;b·thIa 85 t:bI ~ of
the cpn1n; can be pmlilbë in t:ba n....U:no -.
It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Jù......., .-ca..a..4 by Q:Qnø. PlUIIJY
and p"-1".2 4-0 (SpaDes abient) to acMIrt18e t:ba cpnin¡ in
the 1"1_4""" -, 6C" ",,-to "W1i"i~ until s..s." -~ 15
and cc:nU:t ~ at t:ba -.t1D¡ of ~J""; C n.
An >q:p1 i"'Vtt, Mr. a..y, II1:at8:l that h111IIœld not be b!IIck
for the ~"ed int:cv1ews.
~: 6:~0-6:47 p...
At 6:47 p.m., 0:u1cil J:eCCI1II8:IIId.
0Junc. p¿, I L:
Gatto, J-.b....... Pl\JD3Y, Roge:t:&, Ifa:iar ~
statf P... I L:
Ci'" MN- I. 0W1lan
·..z "
City 1"1..-1{ O:Ima1ius
DJnctor of I\tiic Wa1ic8 Vis1cI:7I1ch
A8Bi8tant to t:ba City IIImIIigc. IBWD
Directœ of P1anninI;J and DIIY8l......-d. QMm
DJnctor of FJm._ SDydør .
n--"'1ity :-'_4.... Offiœr lIZIty
Rt......_tia1 ~ HcCartby
City Att:am8y 1W.ian
It was IIICMId by CCUnc. ~s, ~.a..4 by CaJI1C. Gatto and
J?'I~li8d unanJmcusly to a::nt:ime I't88 42 and 44 to the
meet.iJq of Sept" J C 8.
ŒREXJI1JU. MA'1'ftæ - PRESml'AT.Iæs - NaIe.
ASAC applica-
t ions
Items contin-
and toxic
waste dis-
posal days
Day care
MINUl'ES C1P 'IHE NJaBr 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXIIH::IL JoIu;,L".uG
Mavis Slllith, 0Jpertin0, ..._ B -.LiD¡ the IeI!Igue of Wc:IDm
Voters of QJpertino and SUrInyva].e, r.s a lett8r
ccn;J1'atulatin QImcil for the ~.-~,... huardóuIi
materials lUll! tad.o 1IIIIIte "itllplWA1 days. She x-s . lett8r
into the r........d signecl by Ira,i.. w. IsNy, Presidm1t, IeI!Igue
of ~ Vot.eN, ~.
Nancy Ht...La..L, San JUan Reed, 1.mImted the 10811 of ~ .
J~L1IIn Day care c...L.... en Boll1n¡JIIr Reed. ::It»
expressed ............. :r:egazdinq a Jw.i for day care l¡r ~
area. Sbe !nt........d ocunci1 that the ~,f1dinq will be
('lœed at the end of August.
By ""'---, Ocuncil cUJ:ect:ed &taft to look at the use of
p.Iblic funds,' 1".,1 it! lmdI, etc. for the purpœe of cIûld .
care and Co "''¥J.LL beck at the next CouncilIlllilElting.
S'IM'P ~
1. oral "''¥J.Lls by staff "_,1..... and ...'-i....ion of written
Citv M'arIacIBr's ~. ,..L
City KanIIger 0ún1an stated that en 8epted:Jer 8 t:here will
be an agen!a iœa J:1IqIIrdin¡ _uv'al of santa Clara QUIty
as a ~ __...y for state and Fedm:al tunds to
santa Clara valley water District.
2. 'l'reasuœr'. ~t. ani aD)8t update for JUly, 1987.
FolJ.c:Iwin:¡ the Tœuurer'. aJ1IIIW8r8 to ",.......41 '. cpøstiaw,
Council ...........Led the l"'I"At..
3. Activity aøpo¡;t for JUne, 1987.
Council ~Led the ...........L and ~ that in the
future, Q:Qe Enf...............d. statistiœ be iJvo.J'-.
4. ~t. f1:aa Q:Qe Enf...............i'.. en vio1aticns of existin¡
Arm 1Jqer, r-iliattt of Ma1ta Vista, sutmitted pictures
taIœ1 œriJIq the last f.a1 days in the Mr:nta Vista area.
City Manager ()1in1an infozmed 0CUnci1 that the City has
adqJted a hcusin;r cxxJe and is 10Cl1cin;r into cootdinatin¡ the
hcusÚIJ cxxJe with othBr cedes and ~ all8viatiDJ IICII8
p:rå:)l- that way. He hall asJœd for a ............L ~ he
expects to œceiw III:øJt the middle of Septs\t:Ier. 'Ih1s
item will be såIec!uled for the;r of ()ct:d:)er 12.
Al BlfflDan, S3n J\mn !1oIId, eot:pL -red ...".............4. with Mrs.
Anger. He stated that he has seen it take up to 30 days to
get junk and abIIndcned cars X1!III:MId. He also ðdCt&. -ej
Camcil regardin;J aßÙiances and junk in yards that are
visible fraD the at......d..
Mayer Spmœ ..~--œd he talk with .Assistant to the City
Manager J!A-ra Brown.
Mr. Quinlan Urged him to call the City Wen he_
abimX:aed cars that haV8 not œ.t !II:J\/ed.
7. Cœnc. J\l..-... - I.egis1atiw JW.riew Q:maittee - It was
!II:J\/ed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, sec:x:nB! by Cœnc. Gatto and
p""-1d unanimr:uJly to taka the fo11awin:¡ acticnI
~ )'L'~' 4ed legislaticnl ~ AB 2448
(EIIstin) , IICIlid waste, establishment of stataBtt
clean¡p fund for landfills through IIIØ1datmy øuxdIarga
en local ~in;r fee: AD 2191 (Qwx:n), echoo1 dist:rict:
electicnJ: AB 616 (Harris) , prevent:inq citi_ traa
uain;r EO:: a:nBInaticn 1"-" ...11""881 and AB 1859
(Waters), ~ reco:ganizaticn. ~L AB 229
CLeœnrd) , e:xpensicn of sal_ tax base to include Jail
œd&r and baaa IIhq:Ipin¡ serviœ salee: ACA 32
(Bradley) , 1' in vote requireIIn: for Jxn:I
--uœ¡ to 8Jxt:y pa.....-1l: AB 36 (Floyd), JDOt:arcycle
~ bill. ~ cxpw of AB 815 (A1'e1a8),
autbority to rboot...1ct pmXin:¡ of 0- ...J.a1 WIbic1_ in
reBidentia1 zœes: and SB 477 (B. ~.....18), hazardous
waste pJ.anninI¡ iAL....-.
9. CCUnc. ~.. - Bicentennial - 0:Iunc. Rogel& rec;pISted
that a prcc::lamaticn regardinq Bells Acrœs Ameriœ be
placed en the septeDi:Ier 8 agenda.
cx:mœr CAIDIœR
(It is requested that Items 10 through 38 be acted en
sinultar--o''''y unle8s separate t'li......weien and/or actien is
requested by CCUncil, staff or -1:' or the public.)
Review Com.
Consent Cal-
MINt1I'ES OF '!HE N.)~ 17, 1987 CI'1Y a:ua::IL MŒl'DÐ
counc. ~ rømwed Items 17, 31 and 32.
It was IIIOII8d by ocunc. Rcgera, Mocuded by ocunc. Gatto and
p"'e-ct unanimcuIly (Kayar SpuD aœta1nin;r en It. 24
a1ly) to a¡:proII8 the œlance of the 0.._ d. calcœr as
10. Waiver of use f_ and ~ license f_ as
recpISted. by 0Jpertin0 seniar ~ Serviœs for a fUD:!
raiser at !Þrt:a vista t'.nnoIonú.ty Center.
11. ResolutiCl'1 No. 7277: "A Reso1uticn of the City Cbmcil
of the City of QIpert:.ino Al1~ Certain CJ..i""" and
Demanàs Payable in the Ammts and Fraa the I\n:!s as
Hereinafter Described for General and MisceJ.1anec:AJ
Eçe:nditures for the Period Endin:¡ JUne 30, 1987."
12. Resoluticn No. 7278: "A R8eoluticn of the City Cbmcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 All~ Certain CJ..i- ani
Demanàs Payable in the Ammts ani Fraa the I\1nda u
Hereinafter Described for General and Misœ11anec:us
Expen1itures for the Period Endin:¡ JUly 31, 1987."
13. Rasoluticn No. 7279: "A Resoluticn of tba City Cbmcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 All~ Cct:ain (']ai_ and
CBIIIIndII Payable in the Amcunt:8 and tram the PI.1rdI as
H83:einatt.8r Described for salaries and 1fage5 for the
Payroll Period Endin:¡ August 4, 1987."
14. Request far autharizaticn to ¡måIase CXIIplter haJ:dware
under state .....,L......::t:.
15. Claim for tb.......J8Ø filed by Janice cade. RIIK~ ·,·,-·1ðIed
far rejec:t:.icn.
16. SUllllaIll and ~, for ~..~: Jt:u:ic IU-.t
Vigeant, City of O¡pert:ino 81:. al - xemeth WIIyn8
Hall. R8ceive.
17. RearNed.
18. ~ of the minutes of the regular meetinq of
August 3, 1987 (00-724).
19. Reso1utien No. 7280: "A Reso1utien of the City Cbmcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Accept:i.nq Grant of F.ACIØIIIAI1t
far ~ PInT< J'9S frail Anne F. Kelly, 0X1s!st!nq of
~tely 0.00016 Acres, Located on ~l""'ar
MDIUl'ES OF '!HE J\lJGŒ1r 17, 1987 CI'1Y a::uICIL MŒl'DO
20. R8soluticn No. 7281: "A R8soluticn of the City Q:Juncil
of the City of 0Jpert:in0 A¡prcwin;J Lot L1na AdjuBt:mnt
BIib.-.. 'lWo Parc8l8 of land Witbcut: a PaJ:œl _ in
Acoo:t'dance with secticn 66412 (d) of a:ixU.v181œ _ Act
as 1ImE!nded JanJary 1, 1984, Part:icn of Lot 31, 'l'%act
No. 7694, to be CCI1veyed to Lot 1, 'l'%act 3021, Festival
21. Reso1uticn No. 7282: "A Reso1uticn of the City camcil
of the City of QIpertino Acc8pt1n;r Grant of -- "',L
Far JaIcJway PUq> T 1M! trail SCIutboiccd., !no.,
O:nIistinq of A¡:p:t:admateJ.y 0.009 ~, I.ccated en
t'>I"""'"'t Reed."
22. Resoluticn No. 7283: "A Resoluticn of the City camcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin;J Execut.icn of
Deferred . ~"""""lL with 1aIald L. ani Shirley A.
niwards for the ~uy__.t. of h....t-". A1.cn1 Cb..<lNa
Reed at Ke....-:It.. Reed."
23. Acoept:ance of City projects pez:t-..--1 urœr ......,t.....ct:
Linda vista Pane, Project 86-114 (Sbooter and aJtts).
No SURJOrtinq .........-Jtatim r--eny.
24. Resolutien No. 7284: "A Resoluticn of the City camcil
of the City of 0Jpert:in0 Authariz1n;r Elœc:utien of
I:Dprovemsnt 10".. ,A,.L E!etwen the City am Reed sparks
and Joan sparks, MerriJIIan Reed."
25. Resoluticn No. 7285: "A Reso1uticn of the City camcil
of the City of Qpertino Authariz1n;r ExiBcuticn of
A"............¡L with the City of 8unnyvale for OIIerlay of
HcIIIesteed Bold - lhasa III."
26. RIIsoluticn No. 7286: "A Resoluticn of the City camcil
of the City of Qpertino ~ Q..¡t........-t ~
Order No. 8 for Civic Center ExpU'Isicn, Project 87-2003
City Hall, Library."
27. Resoluticn No. 7287: "A Resoluticn of the City camcil
of the City of Qpertino ~ Q...t........-t Qwr;8
Order No. 4 for stevens Creek Boulevard,
Project 82-17.
28. Resolutioo No. 7288: "A Resolutien of the City camcil
of the City of Qpertino Apprcwin;J Q...t.....ct Q:æ1g8
order No. 7 for Linda vista Pane, Project 86-114."
29. Resolutien No. 7289: "A Resolutim of the City camcil
of the City of Qpertino Apprcwin;J Q..ILL..ct 01anga
Order No. 13 for De Anza Boulevard Widenin¡, Project
86-20. "
- .
~ .~~ ..... - """'\~~. . ~~.''':'''.''''''''''.' _~ _..~"._~ 1'\
HIl«1D'S C1P '1HB NJGa1r 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL ru:z;r.uG
30. R88aluticn No. 7290: "A RIIsolut1cn of the City 0:IUnCil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡pavin; a..d.....ct ~
0rcI8r No. 3 for st:evww c:œeJc IIauJ.erarcI :n.-"'" ,L
Be.bI8en Part:al and Pincb A'V8Ø.I8, Project 86-11."
31. BeIIcII8d.
32. ~.
33. Applj..c:aticn 1tS1.c 51,731.1 - B111viw Bible QIape1:
RIIque8tJn;r a sign excepticn to ........t....x:t a ground .ign
at an exi8t.inq c:.bD:å1 10catad en the eat.~ of
stellin¡ Read a¡:p:œd.mately 450 feet narth of
SCJ,Iirehill CCJurt. 1160 south Stellin¡ lad.
p.~~ _._~ far ~u'V'al.
34. AzBMr to """"P,..i"lt - scuthem l18cific 'l'
et al VB. Baud of ~"1i,..aticn of the state of
califomia, et al, Receive.
35. ClaiJa for .....--'J88 filed by R. QJy Iauf"....-,
~ . ~xJt,d far rejectiat.
36. RIIsolutia1 No. 7293: "A RIIsolut1cn of the City ocuncil
of the City of QJpertino AoceptinI¡ An - - .....t Deed tar
staœ Drain E'I.Iq..(:".s "trcm Ral¡i1 Jack 'DxDIt, IDeated en AVWBJ8, CcI'I8istin¡ of A¡:pI:aIdmately 0.0238
Acre. "
37. p.q-t for waiver of business 1iœœe f_ filed by
DeAnza MIIcintcsb U88ra GrcAJp.
38. Resolutia1 No. 7294: "A Resoluticn of the City ocuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Apprø\rin¡ a...t.........-t ~
~c:JIu. No. 6 for Foothill Bculevard ~_._d., Project
80-09. ·
Y2t§ Jofo.,,¡.ere of the City CCUncil
AYES: Gatto, Jchnsa\, Pl\JD3Y Rogers, SpIu:Ø
}k)ES: Na'I8
ABS'mIN: SparJœ (Item 24 ŒÙY)
17. ~ of the IIÚJ'JL1teS of the regular meetin:1 of JUly
20, 1987 (CX>-723).
staff ans\J8t'IId questic:ns frail ocuncil. It was IIICIIed by
CCUnc. P1\JD3Y , seoal:1olcl by came. Gatto and ree.,'I!d 4-0
(CCUnc. Rogers aœtainirg) to aw.&.vv'8 the mirLttes.
,.'.....,., ..
~ '~.·,~~.,~_.,....____~.n-. ._...,..._.".~~, ._.... _ ........____ __"
MnÐl'!3 01 '!HE AIUJST 17, 1987 C1'lY CXXINCIL 1'II:iI:õJ.',LI'tI,j
31. ~ 46-U-85 - A¡pl8 Q:IIpztcw: RIqJø8ting
-, _.."..¡ of a laIf1-. -.. plan for a vacmit pecel
faz:mer1y OCC'1pied by an auto parta IItam J.ccat.s en the
WIlt IIida of DeInza~, ~y 450 feat
north of Ia-.o Drlw. pa. . ....~ for 1Iߌ'OYal.
It .. IICIV8d by CI:iUnc. ~.o, ~dad by CI:iUnc. J.....-....
and po--ad unarUmcusly ta <4¢W8 A¡:pUœt.iœ 46-0-85 per
Atå1itactural and site ~ CCIIIIIittee Rasoluticn No.
32. ÞR>'1œticn 4-u-&2 - Awl- CCIIp.1ters, Inc. (DeAnza
Plaza Ass'JCiate8) : BequiIstJ.n¡ ðwLwal of site,
arå1itec:tural, and lam""""'P!nJ mr:xUficaticnl to an
exist1n¡ off!oe h'i1dinq located at the northwest
........1IOl of DeAnza Boulevard and ~ CI:eek Bculevard.
10001 N. ríeAnza Boulevard. Reo:. -'1dec! for 1Iߌ'OYal.
Director of Planning Q:Iwan reviewed his l........L with
Glen J!Io_ of Apple CCIIp.1ters, Inc. 1U1S\..liud CDmcil t.
questia1s req¡m1inq the 1IL,.~':16ed ~ to the h,i1r'1io;.
~ requested that a cx:n1iticn be added for rwiøI of
the œnvu awnJngs.
It was III:III*S by CCUnc. ~., ~.dod by ccuno. Plurçy
and po 13 unanhœa1y to _..",.. Appliœt:icn 4-0-&2 per
Aråú.tec:tural and Site ~ O:'IIIIittee RIeoluticn It).
1306 with a cx:n1iticn added that staff IIba11 1'8Yi8w the
canYIIIIIIeS in fiw years and if they ~.. to be warn
direct their Z'"\"'" -,it; >q:plicant BhIIl1 haYe the ri9ht of
~l to Council.
40. -.,..,. . ,to. far 1987 -S abatsø1t.
(a) Rasoluticn No. 7291: "A RII8oJ.uticn of the City
Council of the City of Q¡pert.ino Prc:Ni.ctin;r for
Lienau ,1..1 and for the O::Illectien of same
RiIIsultin;J trc:a the Abat8ø1t of PUblic NUisances."
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JWI6Oíl, by CCUnc. Gatto
and p"'·-ad unIIJÚJID.Isly to clœe the pJblic hearinq.
It _ IIIOY8d by 0cI.ID;. Plurçy, -.....dt.d by CCUnc. Gatto and
l"' unanimcua1y to adept Reso1utim No. 7291.
,", ,
Public hear-
ing closed
Res. 7291
Public hear-
ing closed
Key Chevrolet
from calendar
"~.,,,,",........~....:o.~,,~'t: -."
. j'"'!"~"">"-r;~~~-~-" .,.....,.- .
HINaŒS C1P 'DiE JD:11JBr 17, 1987 CI'1Y c:x:IUNCIL MEZl'DG
41. O:I1sideratien of ~ of ru!llancaz lightin;, r.ø¡
C21øvrclet, 20995 st8v8n8 CI:88k BoI.J1AIva%d.
(a) Resoluticn No. 7292: "A RI80luticn of the City
CDmci1 of the City of 0JpIIrtin0 ~dI...1ø¡
AbateaIm1t of 1'Ublic 1tWIance o:œistin;r of
Intrusiw T.i~hXJ taD r.ø¡ awvmlet, 20995
stevens Creek Bcul8vard."
Director of Plæ1rdn;r and DeII8l"'1-"""'d. OCJ!Rn upàatsd his
~""1JU.Lt for CDmci1.
tarry B.1rriesci, Alves Drive, thanJœd CDmci1, the pJ.armin;J
staff and 00d8 Enfo.._d. tor their asaistanoe and
oxperat.icn in thhI matt8r.
It was IIICM!d by o:unc. Gatto, r...o..adad by 0Wnc. Plungy ani
pooe""'(\ unani:D:Jusly to clœe the pJbl ie heariD:¡.
It was IIICM!d by o:unc. JI.h......, ~Ided by ~IC. Plungy
ani P"'-"!d unanimcualy to ~ this item taD the
calemar .
42. A¡:plicaticn 13-u-e7 - æ.dn and carol FedenIpiel - Use
Pemi.t to ó.Å.LL.x:t a 6-unit s!n;r1e-family planned
deveL1-·-·d. and ~"-- ,1.1 Røriew: IDJe plamiDJ
n--f_im l'4-;. 1C.Ia the grant:inJ of a ~i.w
Døclaraticn. 'DIe ...._If ia located en the east II1da
of scenic Bcul8vard. ~ . -. -1oiId for denial.
o:nt.irJJed to BeptAIIber 8, 1987.
43. Þ£pliœticn 31~; of creative - Use
Pemi.t to ......L..1oICt a single-family ......11iYll1 ani!
Envira'mBIta1 Røriew: Pr8viaJsly ,,-r-ed; no acticn
required. IDeated at the nartbem temirDI of Rivi8ra
RaId appraximately 100 ft. north of scenic Circle.
Pe-)I -·-·-·ded far lilMM-u41.
It was IIICM!d by CCUnc. JàJnscn, -....aided by o:unc. Pl\JD3Y
ani ~I!'"i'ed unanimcualy to _..,,¡e ARù!catia1 31-U-87 per
P1annin;J I"nIwnf....icn Resoluticn No. 3069.
MINU'l'ES OF '!HE NJŒJSr 17, 1987 CI'1Y OXJNCIL .-a'.uG
44. A¡:p11œt.ia18 32-0-&7 and 34-1!'A-87 of 018II1'CI1 USA - t1M
Pemit to opetate an existinIJ IIC'Yioe staticn en a
24-bcur bui8 and ~ R8Yi1w: Negat!w
n.,.1·....ticn not ;ra~- _.~d8d. I.øcatecI at t.he nortbøast
........-. of North DeAnza Bculevard and JfI::IIIesteað RoIId.
p... w ._I~ for denial.
Ca1timed to SEpteaœr 8, 1987.
45. J\R)licaticn 34-U-87 of JMI Inve..t:.-.,t, Inc. - Use
Pemit to q¡erate a cky cleaninq and alteratim sbq)
and Envirc:nIII!nta Rsview: Categorically ~L.
I.ocated at the scut:hwIIIst OOUìQl of DeAnza Boulevard and
McClellan Read. Reo ...,.-.ded for "W"'wal.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jehnsa.t, sea:rxJed by CCUnc. ~
and p"--ed UbanimaJs1y to appt'O\III Applicatim 34-u-&7 per
P1annin¡ n-o-~ -!at Rasoluticn No. 3072.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, secc:n!ed by CCUnc. Rogers and
P"-"«I unanimcus1y to "W"'..N8 the MiJ1Ite Order per P1annin;
n-o-~-'J!at Reso1uticn No. 3079.
46. Applicaticn 36-U-87 of Ie Bculan.]er - Use Pm:mit to
q¡erate a baJœ%y with apprax!mately 52 seats within a
previcusly çp:tM!d ~inq centar and Envira'IIIent:a
Review: Categorically ~t.. Located en the north
side of Stevens Creek Boulevard, 500 ft. east of DeAnza
Bculevard. ~} ···-rmJ far ~wal.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. JI.l>........, -......ð.d by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y
and p"--9d unanimcus1y to "W"'we Applicaticn 36-U-a7 per
P1annin:J n-o-i-icn Resoluticn No. 3073.
Jå1n VidcNic:h, døYelc:per, stated his pleasure at havinq a
geed œJœry in the devel,¥""".t, b1t å:ljecteð. to "beinq
pel"'1i'7-ed five trips."
Director of Plannin;r and Devel,¥""",L Q:wan told 00Jncil
that the œJœry will seat 52 c::ust:œE:s. As no traffic data
for this type of esbn1i~ is 1IV"i1'1ble, the Planrún¡
Department took the worst pnasib1e case. If tL1tur8 data is
forthcaninr:¡ or if a study weœ dcna, the use pemit owld
be revised.
Minute- Order
Traffic data
considered on
MIl«1rm OF '!HE NnBr 17, 1987 CI'1Y OXH::IL MEP:1'I1G
Rcg8r Bn1nello, owner, stated tbat thent ....."., be no table
sexviœ 1n the establt"¡,·,-lt. '1b8 88BtJ.D¡ is Ja8 for
~ suc:b as at a deli. '1b8 Jajar part of the
1'..MH:ty will be a baIoIr:y. No dinner will be MZWCI. '!be
!::IIIJcEy will cpøn at 7:00 a.lII. and p¡:ovide a l1II1tec1
breakfast for c:ust:aIm:'B. ~y fiw diff8ZWlt
sarårIiå1es will be sm:wd at 1urd1. ~.i"""y, thøy are
100Jdn:J for walk-in ttaffic.
By ~, Council ~ that ~~ "Ol~ ttaffio
data and .I......... L bIIck. If the data..... I dAd justU1es a
revisicn of CXI1diticnl, it will not be ,.... "y for the
a¡:pliœnt to rebm1 to the P1annin:¡ n--f-ten prior to
goin:¡ to Council.
47. A¡plicatia1 ~7 .Jf Bay Area OxBIltantB -
Tentative 'Map to SUì:Id1vide aw ¡:mcel into two parcels
with lot sizes ranginq ftaa 6,300 /Ill. ft. to 7,100 -Z.
ft. and EnvircnDenta1 Revi8II: cateprically ~I:..
Ioaat8d at the 80IiiJ PUt .........-. of 8tel.l1rJ¡ It:IIId and
Rainbow Drive. p.a.. ~ ·....dId far ~'-"'Bl.
Director o~ Planninq and Devel"",""""t. COWan ðdd1. e~
Ccuncil ~ O::r1diticn No. 20.
D!"("',aaien follClMlld regardin;J the V-dþiHty of right
t:ums cnly.
City Attomey Kilian infOl:DBi CCUncil that the IBp was
a¡:p:oved at the Planninq n-nf_icn. '1be cnly item for
City Council Ño('isi<n pertains to the 1m_('"'1. ~,L
Eric SI.ìBj, ;;;¡:¡.íi"U'lt, requested a scmd wll around the
..LL_t cutW.
I)j ......-!en fallClMlld regardin;J eetbIc1c, a a- .....""J.L-, root
.....,!...ul and a œc.......tive wall.
It .. atN8d by CCUnc. J..tà-.a" by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y
and I"" Id unaJÙJDcU8ly to _...... A¡pl.1cat1c:n l5-'DHI7 per
P1amiJr¡ ~f_!en Resoluticn No. 3074 JDtif18d to allcII
for a ~a;Uve wll pn1'ed bIcIc frc:a the driwway, a a:.
p:t:~- with irr!.gaticn and root .....I!...ul, a five ft.
setbBck and an additiat to O::r1diticn 19 stat.inq that the
City will maintain.
CCUncil, by CŒISeI1SUS, stated that they will 0CI1Sic1er
future """'-qIUat røp!Sts at a basis.
MINV1'ES C1P '!HE 1JJŒm 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXXINCIL. ~.uG
48. Naw.
49. Cax!uctil1g of a IIIP8C'b, œeting en ~- 17 far
Biœntennia1 004.........da1 matters.
It was IIDYed by ocunc. P1\JD3Y, .......dIod by ocunc. Jchnscn
and P"88gd ~y to ItRJt'CY8 an adjcumed regular
meeting to be held at noc:a, SE!pteab!r 17 at the Meúm.1al
Park lIDPUtheatre.
50. TiJDetable . and. costs of iJlplementatien of I'"":' ...,-,ldatien
of SOlid Waste Mvisary cœmittee.
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Jchnscn, IIeCCIÜed by CCUnc. Rcgera
and p---" \II'IaIÙJIICU81y to aw ...1. a ..".Hi....tia\ to allc:Jw
three sub-reqiaw 1I4ùå1 allows 0Jpertin0 to negctiate far
1an::JZill ~ity.
51. ~L en bid c;p!l1in¡, RecxrIst:ruct:. of om.,
Gutters, and. SideIoialJœ, Project 88-101, anI awm::d of .
It was IIICIIed by ccunc. Pl\JD3Y, seoaldtod by CCUnc. Jåmsa1
and. ra,-9d unanimcua1y to award the .....d....aCt to Hood
Cœ.~at:.icn for $103,858.20 and to IIUt:harize a oatt.ingBncy
for a total of $114,000.
52. P"'CJ-t for Ocuncil direc:ticn J:egIIrdinI;J p¡ràIase of ~ &iteR.
It was IIICIIed by cnmc. Pl\JD3Y, seocu:1ed by ocunc. Gatto ani
p"e-111 UrIIIIÙ1IIcAI8ly to cU.rect staff to subDit a letter
indicatin;J a ål8ir8 to p¡ràIase a partic.n of Wi1scn ~,
site and. sedgewick SdIcol site.
53. P"'CJ-t fraa Arrf IbIntain Ib:t. for a variance trail
outdoar sale regulatia1S for tbair anrJJal Labor Day SId
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoa.dl.d by CCUnc. JåInIIa1
and p"e-gd unanim::us1y to "M'Lwe an 8:00 a.lI. startin;J
time for the sale.
54. Request frail Gcxxi Samaritan QnD:å1 far waiver of use
pemit ð¡:plicaticn fees for a day care center located
at HaIIestead Road and Linnett Lane.
ScUd ·Waste
Contract for
tion of Curbs,
Gutters and
Purchase of
Wilson and
school sites
Any Mountain
Use permit
fee waived
re tennis
Second read-
ing of Ord.
lee Nei.Irh, II ...i-t.e PBstar, J.r.twu.d 0:ux:i1 that u a
rø.....ufit _..~ this day c::are CII1ter is cperatin¡ CI1 a
very tight~. 1Irrž ellr mcnøy is pIt bIIck into the
P1-u,.LCIIII. HII stated that ~y 1/2 to 3/4 of the
å1ildren att:en:linq the center are frail 0Jpertin0. All
c::bi.1.dœn en a waitinq list are traI 0Jpertin0. At..... It,
there is a total ~ of 36 ctù.ldœn.
City Attomey Kilian pointed out to 0:ux:i1 that waiver of
fsee wcW.d œ in IDOl a 8'aidy - a gitt of public
fUrx!s .
It was 1IICIIIed by 0aJnc. Gatto, secc:.nded by 0aJnc. Jchnsa1
and l"'eeed unanimcusly to waive the 1JSe permit tee.
55. Letter frc3 the 0Jpertin0 Temis Club for a 0Jpertin0
Tennis C8nt:0Jr.
as H1J:shfie1d, Vice Pœsident of the O¡pertino Tennis Club,
stated that 0Jpertin0 hu an active ta'Inis pc:p3latiat. He
does not feel that tennis court CXIUI1t,Ihead ocunt ratio in
the .........nú.ty is an bp:a:tant factor in deteDIú.nirg ~
or not to þ,~~~ a t8wd8 œnter. He stated that terJnis is
the œly adult-arim1ted spart available, 01peI:tin0 is
~hJ1 an adult .........wdty ani that it was hard for him to
see the value of a øurvr!I'f.
It was 1IICIIIed by 0aJnc. J.........." secc:.nded by 0aJnc. Gatto
an:! 1"'.-"'" unanimcualy to diœct staff to cxt'Iduct a øurvr!I'f
an:! wœ:it with the Qpertino TerInis Club.
cwncil ~ that the Club wœ:it with the F8rb ani
Recreaticn DIIpBrtDB1t regardin;J the rIU1:Vf!If ani that the
Club å1ecIt with artv-nl- DeArI2 ~ Club for poesible
1JSe of their ccurta.
56. 5eocn:l reading' ani enactment of O%dinanoe No. 1418:
"An 0Zdinance of the City 0aJncil of the City of
0Jpertin0 AIIIm:UlJ¡ sectiat 1 of O%dinanoe No. 2 by
Rezaûn¡ 1.6 Gross Acres frail Rl-7.5 am Rl-10 Za1eS to
PI) Za1e: I.ocated en the West side of Blaney AvemJ8, 200
Ft. Scuth of Ib!rigues AVWI)8: ~1icatien S-Z-87 -
IJet>. Q¡. c.....i"AáU.en."
It was 1IICIIIed by 0aJnc. Pl1.1r.;y, secc:.nded by 0aJnc. Johnsen
an:! paSfled unanimcusly to read 0Xdinan0e No. 1418 by title
a1l.y and the City Clmk's readirq to ocnstit:ute the seoc:n1 thereof.
^~"''7^'~ .~.~ --"-~.'"'" ,,.~-.- .....^'''^ ...,...~'^ ,..
. ~,...."~,,,~.,.."~
IIDI7D!S or '!HE NuJrsJ: 17, 1987 CI'1Y CXIH:IL ~1.JOG
It .. ~ by CDmc. Gatto, -....64 by CDmc. Plun;¡y' an!
V II! unanimcusly to IIIIICt 0tdinIInca No. 1418.
r~ ~ r~'J.I..&tJ
57. Ncne.
t"I'nonI'I'I ~œ
At 9:10 p.m., it .. IIIaII81 by Q:Iunc. Rogel., wo...dId by
Q:Iunc. J.......... an! P"--II! ~y to adjoum to a
~ of tba BcImI of DinctarB of QIp8rtino SOIna Inc.
Ord. 1418
to Cupertino
Scene Board
of Directors