CC 09-08-87
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CI'1Y OF aJPERl'I1Ð, srATE OF CALI!tRf.[A CX>-726
Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DeAnza Bcu1evard
Interim cœncil QumI\'vn": 10500 N. DeAnza Bcu1evard
0Jpertin0, CA 95014
Telepxme: (408) 252-4505
HEW œ SEPl!M!ER 8, 1987 IN '!HE mmRIM cxur.n. amMBER,
10500 N. IE ANZA ø::mEVARD, aJPmn'IlÐ, CALIPœaA
Mayor Sparks called the meetiD;J to order at 6:50 p.m.
cœnc. Present:
JOOnson, Pl\JD3Y, Rcgers, Mayor Sparks
cœnc. Absent:
staff P... s ¡It:
City Manager ()1inlan
City Clmk OO%nelius
Director of PUblic works Viskcvich
Assistant to the City Manager Brawn
Director of PlaJ1l'liDJ an:i Devel'¥"""1t 0Jwan
Director of Finance snyder
Director of Parks an:i Rec:reaticn Daw1iD¡
C'nmrInú.ty RelatiCl1S Officer xrey
City Attomey Kilian
Fœ'l'PCHMENl'S - It was m::JVEd by cœnc. Rogers, SE!OŒØId by
cœnc. Plungy an:i po~~ed \II'1iII1iJnoosy (4-0) to reIIICN8 Items
15, 19 and 50 frail the agerœ an:i ocntiII.Ie Item. 48 to the
meetin;J of 8ept.eDi:)er 21.
Proclaœticn mgiD¡ the rin;riD¡ of city bells at 1:00 p.m.,
8ept.eDi:)er 17, in haIor of the 200th æmiversary of the
sigl'Ún1 of the OJœtituticn.
'!he proclamation was presented to cœnc. ""''"''''ra RIDge1::s.
linn An;er, President, MJnta vista I:øprcI\IeDIeTI Association,
told eooncil that there was a COde violatien in Menta vista
by the united cable CO. on In¡Jerial Averue. She said that
she had been informed that staff has taken SCIIIe actien.
Items removed
United Cable
Code Enforce-
Activity Repor
Post Office
ABC licenses
to be on
Consent Calen-
. .....'
---.- _.-
.- .
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f1rAFF .tU:it'Ut(J.1:t
1. oral ).........L..s by staff -....,. and p,hoI4-ien of written
City ManIIgBr'. ~t. - Received.
2. COde Enf...."""""'.t. "''''1JUoLL fran Plannin;¡ Director.
Ccuncil received the :t:eport.
3. AnrøJal Aff!tmative 1Icticr. Report.
Ccuncil received the ...~t followinq a ...............-ticn by
Assistant to the City Manager Brown.
4. M:mthly 1Ictivity Repent for .'JUly, 1987.
Ccuncil received the leþO:t:t.
5. status ...........L regardin:;J masœry wall for Pest Offioe
Ann Arger .... s~.,ted Ccuncil with pictures of the post
office wall as it c:w........ltly exists in its .... ruut
locatiCl1. She stated that it is JœSSY behind the wall and
wre it a cyclcne fence that mess could be seen by the
Ccuncil received the staff ..~t.
6. ABC liceusæ: (a) Circle K CCI1venienoe stares, ID::.,
#SC46, sœt!I.iest oamer of HCIIIestead lb!d and DeAnza
Boulevard. (b) Valley Green Lic;p:¡rs, 10073 Said'! way.
Ccuncil ccntim.Jed review of the Circl K CCI1venienoe stœ:e
awJ,icatia1 to the meet.in1 of september 21 an:! had no
àJjectiCl1 to the i$.CII.Janoe of a license for Valley Green
By oa1SE!I1SUS, CCJunci1 requested that ABC license reviews be
placed CI1 the 0Œ!sent calendar.
7. ~t regardin:;J p1ëll._.t of a child care facility CI1
p.lblic prcperty, i:001udin:J use of pmlic furxJs an:!
possible effect on recreation larxl.
By ocœensus, CciUnCi1 directed staff to ............L bIc1c with
tY'Wll'llnú.ty needs ard 8V"i1..t\le sitae in ocnjunct:.icn with
potential ac:quisitia1 of Wiløcn ard sedgøwick øàJcol sitae.
o.xJNCIL ~~
10. Ct:AJD::. Jc::ånscn - Legislative Review o:mnittee
It was IIICIIed by 0tmIC. Jobnsen, seor:I1ded by 0tmIC. ~"
ani pelø_ogd unani:aII:uIly to supp. ...t AB 430 (O'O:I'Inell), tax
"""""",t status of na.....ofit ~paratia1s i.....1in¡J
Certificates of Participaticn.
11. Ct:AJD::. Pl\JD3Y - Ct:AJD::. P1\JD3Y reqJeSted that the
possiliility of åIarJ3inq the meet:in;r date to Octcber 13
be scheduled for the meet:in;r of sept:eIIi:)er 21.
It was mved by CCUnc. JàInscn, s-....~ by ~. Pl\JD3Y
and !?"'ø-ed unanimcus1y (4-0) to a.#a118 the OOIrs d;.
13. SUIIIDa1s ani t'hopl"int, warren ani Diane ~ii.
14. Claim for Ñ.n""J'8S filed by MaJ:garet smith. :Reo:> ·,·,
for rejectien.
15. Claim for ~n~ filed en behalf of SUSie Lee.
RJe.o. .,.,- dad for rejectien. {RsIIcJIIed traD agerœ)
16. ReqI-t traD Natia1a1 ØJltiple Sclerosis SOcie'cy for
waiver of facility use feeø for use of Senior n-om.1IÚ.ty
17. Reso1uticn No. 7292: "A Resoluticn of the City cmncil
of the City of Q.JpertiJIo Settin;r D!te for OX1s!deraticn
of J\nnexin;J ~ Detaignated 'Upland Way 87-03',
Property Located en the Nest side of Upland way scnth
of RainI:x:Jw Drive, ~tely 0.50 Acre,
SCI1nenb1ick. "
18. Request for waiver of bJsiness license fees, March of
19. Claim for t'b.""".JI!S filed by Pacific Bell Sec:l.lrity.
~,....-tDed for reject:ia1. (Rem:wed traD agerœ)
20. Claim for t'b.,,"'9ØS filed by state Fam InsuranCe Co.
('Ihanas ani carol Zolani). RJeo .,.,þ.1ded for rejecticn.
Child care
Review Com.
Change of
meeting date
Consent Cal-
endar approved
· .
21. Claim for A.... ges filed by Pinnacles :rnsuranoe 1qtIlY:::f
(Gi..~ J):t'9-,.... JCI'IE!S) . Rtoc:> .,_,~Ir:Sed far rejecticn.
22. Reso1uticn No. 7295: IIA Resoluticn of the City o:.mcil
of the City of 0Jpertir0 Aß1rCYinJ Contract Q1an;e
Order No. 1 far AnnJal OYerlay, Project 87-108."
23. Reso1uticn No. 7296: "A Reso1uticn of the City o:.mcil
of the City of 0Jpertir0 ~. o....jL....aet Q1an;e
Order No. 9 far Civic center Ex¡.'V1Sicm, P.toject
87-2003, City Hall, Librazy."
24. Reso1uticn No. 7297: "A Resoluticn of the City o:.mcil
of the City of ClIpertino Aß1rCYinJ o....lL....act Q1an;e
Order No. 8 far Vista Park, P.toject 86-114."
25. Reso1uticn No. 7298: "A Reso1uticn of the City o:.mcil
of the City of 0Jpertir0 Aß1rCYinJ o:ntract Q1an;e
Order No. 14 far DeAnza Boulevard widenin;J, P.toject
26. Reso1uticn No. 7299: "A Reso1uticn of the City 0::AInCil
of the City of Q1pertino Aß1rCYinJ eontract Qmn;e
Order No. 5 far stevens creek BcA.1levard,
P.toject 82-17."
27. l\cœptance of City projects perfœ:med I.IOOer UUijL....ðCt:
(a) stevens creek Boulevard at:Ra1ts 85 Intersecticn
Jb:iificatia1, Project 85-07 (COllisbaw
c:mstxuctia'1) .
(b) Barrier RsmcMü, Project 4002.
No SUßJOrt.!n:J doo"-.,œ recpired.
28. Acœptanœ of 1II.II1icipal i:qIraYements:
(a) Tract 7697, Granada Hills II (Ten:y BrcwnjMcnta
vista PxqIerties).
(b) Wesley SdIrceder Project - Ran:iy Lane.
(c) Tract No. 7592, Rae Lane (Ra1ald F. sykora).
(d) Tract No. 7282, Blaney Avenue at Beekman Place
(Canada Devel'-¥"""tt.
No suwortin:J doc::lIments required.
29. Raso1utia\ No. 7300: "A Resoluticn of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizirx¡ EIœc:utia1 of
'Ar.p............,t Regardin¡ Evaluatia1 of Nc%'p)int 8cm'c8 of
Water R>llutien' AD:n;r ParticipatinJ Cities, the CDmty
of Santa Clara, ani the santa Clara Valley Water
District. "
30. Resolution No. 7301: "A Resoluticn of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 h:x:eptin;r Grant of FJoo..-.¡t
for Roadway PUrposes f.ran Agœtino B.1rZio and Arlene R.
B.1rZio Ca1sist:inq of J\¡:prCIdmately .02 Acre, Located en
santa Paula Avenue."
31. Reso1uticn No. 7302: "A Reso1utien of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 h:x:eptin;r Grant of FJoo...........t;
for Roadway PlD:pcses frail Enrique A. Alvarez ani A1IIalia
M. Alvarez Ca1sist:inq of ARJI:OXimatsly .01 Acre,
Located en McClellan Read."
32. Reso1utia\ No. 7303: "A Reso1uticn of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 h:x:eptin;r a Grant of FJoo...........t;
for Sbmn Drain Purp::ses frail Enrique A. Alvarez and
A1IIalia M. Alvarez Located en H::Clel1an Rœd,
~tsly .02 Acre."
33. Resolutia\ No. 7304: "A Resoluticn of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Autharizin;r ElœcUtien of
"""'...........'L between the City ani steven A. I.eftcn and
Karen M. I.eftcn, ani Ber1alñ-Q1e, A california
Partnership; for owners to Participate in a !b1ta Vista
~ District."
34. Resolutien No. 7305: "A Resolutia\ of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 h:x:eptin;r a Grant of FJoo--,t
for Public utility PUrpcses frail Dorothy stauffer
~ Located en Stsllin;r Read south of seven Sprin;rs
Parkway, ARJI:OXimatsly .05 Acre."
35. Reso1utien No. 7306: "A Reso1utia\ of the City Q:Iuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡:praIrin:J Final Plan for the
~""........,L of Fra1tage I.ccated en Olive Avenue and
~1al Avenue; DevelqJer, Willv-1II nwin; Authorizirx¡
the City ErJ;Jineer to sign tbe Final Plan; and
Autharizirx¡ Exec:uticn of J\greeœnt in (l.,¡Il,....,tien
'Iherewith. "
36. Request for authorization to increase contract -
Reoa1struction of ants, Gutters ani sidewalks, Project
MIM11!S OF '!HE ~.I.U'IœK 8, 1987 Cl'1Y ~ 1WIIla8
37. :Resolutia1 No. 7308: "A Rasoluticn of the City CDmCil
o~ the City o~ 0Jpertin0 AllCJWin;J 0IIrtain t"....4_ and
Demands Payable in the A1IIr.U1ts and F.I:aD the !'UIdI lilt
Hereinafter Described for Geœral ani Hi.8ce1.lanecUS
Expendit:m:es for the Pericd ED1in¡ Augu8t 14, 1987."
38. Rasolutia1 No. 7309: "A Rasolutia1 of th8 City CDmCil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 AJ.1.c:IIdD¡ 0IIrtain 0..4- and
DEIDim:W Payable in the Amcunts ani I'raI the !\mds as
Hereinafter Described for General am M1.øcelJ.anea]s
Expendit:m:es for the Pericd ED1in¡ August 28, 1987."
39. :Resolutia1 No. 7310: "A Rasolutia1 of the City oux:il
of the City of 0Jpertin0¡ 0IIrtain O..i- am
DEIDim:W Payable ~ the Amcunts ani txaI the FuIÙI as
Hereinafter Described for salaries ani wagee for the
Payroll Period Ending August 18, 1987."
40. Reso1uticn No. 7311: "A Rasolutia1 of the City oux:il
of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡p)J.nt.!øJ City 'l'reasUrer."
41. Reso1utia1 No. 7312: "A Resoluticn of t:ba City oux:il
of t:ba City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin;J Exøcutia1 of
~U'lemellt Agreemeht œtween the City am Enrique
Alvarez for t:ba ~"".......It of Fra1tag8 at 20820
McClellan Read."
vote )fo...a eJ:S of the City O:IUncil
Nlæ: Johnson, P1\JD3Y, Rcgers, Sparks
I'l'f.H) REHJ\/ED FRœ c:œsmr C'AU2aR
42. Naw.
43. ARIlicatia1s 6-Z-87 ani 37-FA-87, of Marta s.......blick,
åIange of reurúnJ frc.III City of 0Jpertin0 p~_mlS
(Residential 1fi1,."""') zene to City of 0Jpertin0
Pre-Rl-8 (sin;J1e-faIIIily, Residential, 8,000 sq. ft.
mini.Jø.ma lot size) zene. I.oœted at the scut:hwest
............... of RainJ::IciI Drive and Uþ1and way.
Review: 'Ihe P1annin;r o--"-icn r.o.> ···,-,œ t:ba
grantin;J of a Negative Dec:1.araticn. .:~ ·,·,....Ided for
(a) First readin;r of Ordinance No. 1415: "An
Ordinance of the City CCJunci1 of t:ba City of
()]pertino A1Delñin;r sectien 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by
0Iangin;J Reza'1irq frcm City of 0Jpertin0 Pre-RHS
Za1e to City of QJpertino Pre-Rl-8 Za1e¡ Located
at the Sa.ttlM!st corner of RainIx:M Drive and
UplaJñ Way¡ Aw1icatia1 6-Z-87, Marta
8a1nenbl!ck. "
Director of Plannin;¡' am Director cowan reviewed varicœ
hillside devel.~,ts with CCAm::il as well as the CI18
currently bein¡ i"'~ by the applicant and answered
questia1s fiaII CCAm::il.
James E. JacJæa1 ...¥u ,Itinq Marta 8a1nenblick said the
laM )/l!S_JLly is in the camt:y æñ has a 6-1/2' grade. Mr.
Jac:Jœa1 stated that the CI4:œnt definitioo of fiat lani is a
5t grade. He told CCAm::il that the a¡:plicant is short abc:ut
500 sq. ft. urx!er i'" suit zanin;r to do what is bein;
~~. other altematives to the ate bein; ~ SEI.ted
waIld be a RlD, a variance, 1DCIVin;r or recx:I1figurin;r the
existin;r house. He stated that it waIld need to be IIICIIed
awraximtely 12 ft. am a code updats wcW.d have to be
done. 'lhese waüd be very costly. Mr. Jac1œan felt that
these IoIer8 rot viable altematives. He said that a major
concern of the PllU1l'ÙJ'q l"nnmi ....ioo was settin;r a preo»'I""1t.
He informed CCJunci1 that the i"'.,ce:1~ had already been set.
Marta Scn1enb1ick, a¡:plicant, said the neighbo%tIcod is in
for t...........1dcus åIarJge anyway with the devel......-,t of the
Seven Sprin:;Js Ranå1. DJst is flyin;r, mad1ines are grindin:J
ani i-~'IE'J:S are flarin;r with no way to å1amIel the anger.
She also stated that she was urx!er great persa1al lOt.... n at
this time ani needs to sell the hcuse as she is in the
middle of a divarce.
Bob K::IœJœy, 21530 Rainbcw Drive, m:ged COOOOil to deny the
aR?8éÙ am up¡old the P11U11'ÙJ'q f'rorImi ARm decisien. He
stated that the plannin;¡' staff has I&:..'·'''''''Ided denial as
well. He told CCAm::il that he has presented them with a
petitioo frail most of the residents within the 300 ft.
radius of the 8a1nenblick prcperty. a:tJOemS irK::lude
traffic and speed. '!be bpact of seven Sprin:;Js 0CDin;J and
the at the em of Rainbcw are also ocuoems.
Mr. K::IœJœy said that Wen he t.a1Jœd to the P1.æ1nin;r
Department he had been told that either a cha1'çe in zarl.rJJ
or a variance waüd be neoeee~ry for devel......-tt of this
i"'~ty. He stated that 6-1/2' grade is 30t greater than
5'. In ref............. to Mr. Jac:Jœa1's letter, he said he did
agree with Item No.4, 00t Item No. 5 is rot SURJOItable.
He felt that grættin;J of the a¡pal waüd be unfair to the
DiSC'1f'$ioo fo11Or11ed rer;¡arciin;r filxiin3s nooe"'sary for the
tentative map.
Harry Beatty, 21517 Rainbow Drive, said that Wen the
present boose was OOilt utilities IoIer8 on an easement at his
hcuse am he is tired of that ........-TIt bein:J tom up. He is
~ to the deve1~1t as 1-'''~'
Public hearing
Negative Dec.
for 37-EA-g7
6-Z-g7 ap-
First reading
of Ord. 1415
Appeal granted
Mr. JacJœa1 said that a cxnîitia1 of _..,.¡a], caJld be that
the orientat.icn of the new hcœe DUSt be facirr;J 1roWIt.
City Attomey Kilian said that the orientatic:n directicn
shI:W.d be a tentative map c:añit.icn if ocunci1 wished to add
Fdtie 8a1nenblick, Sat of the applicant, said that 1IaIt of
the neighbors who signed the petiticn were not fUlly awaœ
of both sides of the issue and had not t'li......,øøed it with
t:heJII. 'l11ey knew neither the reascn far the jIl.uposal nor
have they seen the actual plans.
Mr. M:::LœJœy said that he had talJœd to evmya¡e en the
hearing natificat.icn list except the G1.~f Groop and he
felt that the jIl.'~ deve1"'lA""'.t had I:Jeen ~"'i>m
fairly, theœ had I:Jeen no jIl. 1IS'.Jre 8¡:I)1ied to sign the
petit.icn and he did not perscnùly knew all of these who had
signed that petit.icn.
It was 1IDIIed by C'cIUnC. Plurçy, secc:njed by C'cIUnC. Jci1nsat
and ra"'9'!!d unaninDJs1y (4-0) to close the public hearing.
It was 1IDIIed by CCUnc. Jàmson, seocrded by C'cIUnC. P1\JD3Y
and I"'~'õed unanimcus1y (4-0) to grant a Negative Decl<,ratia1
far ~1icatien 37-EA-87.
It was IIICIIed by C'cIUnC. Jci1nscn, seocrded by C'cIUnC. P1urçy
and p"......... unani:mcusly (4-0) to ~ AppJ.icatien 6-Z-87
IIIIIeJX3ed to provide for Rl-8i zaUn;r.
It was 1IDIIed by C'cIUnC. P1urçy, Sêoouded by CCUnc. Jåmsa1
and p"ð_ed unani:mcusly (4-0) to reed ordinance No. 1415 as
lIIIIm3ed by title cnly and the City Clmk's rædin;r to
CCI1Stitute the first readin;r thereof.
44. Aro-' of Planning ChmIi....icn denial of Applicatia1
14-'IM-87, &...._Ðlick, tentative map to subdivide ate
paxcel into two lots with lot area of 8,000 sq. ft. and
11,700 sq. ft. Located at the SQlthwest oomer of
Rainbow Drive ani Upland way. (James E. Jacksa1,
a~lant) .
It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, secc:njed by 0:u1C. Jci1nsat
and passed ~y (4-0) to grant the "IT""'" as per
J:I.L~ Resolutien (pages 43/44-10 t.hroogh 13) addin;r
concuticn 13 statinq that the orientaticn of the fra1t of
the boose shall be to the 1òeSt and CX:ntitien 14 that the
side setback shall c:harge frail 12 ft. to 20 ft. ca.mcil
directed that the setback ccnlition be designated CI1 the
tentative map as 10Iell as bein;J a oorditicn of ~ova1.
45. Aw-'" of PlanrIi.rq o--i_1œ decisia1, 1I¡plicatia'lS
33-u-a7 am 35-EA-87, !!ethel IJ1theran Otmål - Use
PeJ:mit to C..dJb::uct: an U,OOO sq. ft. additia1 to an
existin;r å1Urch and to c:p!rate a I'II.IDI8XY sc:bco1, private
schcol, meet:in:J ~, warship services am """"""fated
activities. Located at the sc:ut:bæst corner of Finch
Avenue æd sorensen Avenue.
Director of Pl.annin;r and DevelVJ:oW"'<.t Cowan reviewed the
awlicatien and an?""'" with CWncil.
Bcb Sd1wenIœ œpresent:in;J Bethel I11theran Otmål infcmœd
CCA.Dx:il that there is a diff........œ in grade betWeen the play
area and the neighbors. He stated that the àn.Irch will
increase ~ fences to eight ft., 1œvered alcn:J the
top. He said the àn.Irch cannot be l'8BPQ1Sible if, after
hcurs, children cUm en the fences. in regard to
OŒ1Sb::'uc:tien time, he stated they ~d be frail 9:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. en saturday. 'Ihis wœld entail volunteer laborers
and other 1IICrIt to be ccntracted cut ~d be dur!Ix11"""'"""'"
woddn;J hcurs. DE!lŒllitia1, cleanup and paintin;r will be
dale by volunteers.
Janice MitaDe, ~"..rrt:, subDitted pictures of the play
yard. She said she was glad the àn.Irch was planninJ to
1IDiify the feooe bIt was net sure that an additia1al two
feet wœld be &neU3h to alleviate the prå::l1em.
Milt DiB.1hn frail Bethel IJ1theran Otmål stated that they
wœld like to raise th height of the feooe am see if it
tiaècs. If net pm:haps other .......Jre wœld be t JJœn.
Roo-ora ~, ~"..rrt:, recpestsd OCI1Sb::Ucticn hœr
rest.ric:tia1s am told CCA.Dx:il that she wœld like to be
assured of scme JdJd of peace. She stated that c:w..:eltly,
neighbors cannot use their yards. She also stated that the
fences do net belcn:J to the àn.Irch bIt to the haDecIwnerS.
'111e å1Urd1 is request:in) an U,ooo sq. ft. addition which is
quite la%ge. She does net want saturday cxrstzuc:tien.
Also, en weeJa:Jays she requested there be no c::x:œtnx:t:.ien
befar:e 7:00 a.m. and after 7:00 p.m.
Eileen ~..sno, a¡:pùlant, told CWncil that in 1986 when the
feooe betWeen her yard and the churd1 fell down she was
respoosib1e far rep1acin;r it. 'D1erefore, it is her fence.
She ~d want two ft. added to both of her fences to
aåùeve the same look. She also ""'t"- -~ed dislike far noise
en weeJœrds and requested no ~ construction.
Public hearing
Appeal granted
with added
Appeal denied,
hours set
_:oved per
.... -~~".-V-"'.~,~.". ,...,,-, -
Dave I<l!n;Jer, ànIrà1 ~, stated that the ànIrà1 will
talk with the neighbors and ma!œ the ~erxøI higher. He told
CDmci1 that the ànIrà1 is subsidizinq the scmol and that
prå)ably des\r:)litien, pa1ntinq ani cleanJp waJ1d be dc:n8 en
Bob Så1wen1œ stated that the exterior waJ1d
p:rå:Iab1y ta)œ a total of three 1Ia1ths.
Baxb!Ira MYerS said that she had been told ¡:œses 1, 2 ani 3
o~ the 1"-' {:œed waJ1d ta)œ 1-1/2 years. She
said that the rmJ:SEŒY sc:hcol is a b.1siness, ani the åJUrCb
shcW.d b.1i1d the fences. Property owners have the right to
use their 1"-.....ty.
It was 1IICIYed by Counc. Johnsen, seoŒIded by Counc. Pl\JD3Y
ani pal!'\'Ðd unan:iJø:Iusly (4-0) to close the public hearinq.
Follow!nq t'liClt"l,....ia1, CDmci1 stated that the heavy 10ICtit
shcW.d be done en 10ieekèays with ate Satmday allowed for
demolitien. Neighbors shcW.d be notified in advance of that
(a) Samd barrier or fencin;r, relocatia1 of play area
(Janice MitaDe, a¡:pa1lant).
It was IIICIIed by Counc. Johnsen, seoŒIded by Counc. RcgerB,
and po....Ðd unaJÚJIICœly (4-0) to ~we the ~, aà:1irq a
ccn:titia1 of a¡:prcval for the use pel'IIIit statin;J that if the
1"-..." owner(s) agree, the ànIrà1 shall add two ft. o~
height to the fence of these neighborin:;¡ the play area.
ShcW.d this additia1 not be sufficient, the c::pt:.ia1 to
require the Dr:JVinq of play eq.rlpnent is retained.
(b) Restrict:.ian of oanst:rIx:tia1 times (Eileen c."""þ
ani Baxb!Ira~, a¡:pa1lants).
It was IIICIIed by Counc. Johnsen, seoc:nied by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y
ani paEY'ed with Counc. Rogers d.i.ssent.inq to deny the
a¡paJ.. Heavy CXI1Structien will be allowed en wekdays with
light CXI1Structien en Saturday, not befar:e 9:00 a.m., with
ate Satw:day for demolitien ani that Satw:day to be noticed
to the neighboxhood. '!he definiticne of heavy ani light
CXI1Structien will be as defined by city 0J:dinanœ.
It was 1IICIYed by Counc. Johnsen, sec::onjed by Counc. Gatto ani
paE'sÐd unaniJoously (4-0) to awrave Applicatien 33-U-87 as
amemed to iIclude conli.tioo No. 19 regardirq fences and
conli.tioo 20 regardin:J constJ:uctioo boors ani types of
<;~,-~ ....-"'"' ,~~ '.~ ..-'
!'.1NUlES OF '!HE SEPmœER 8, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNC:IL KDI71D
It was IDCIIed by CXJunc. Jdmscn, ..oouded by CXJunc. Plunnr
and P"'---ed unaniIIøJsly (4-0) to grant a Negatiw Dec].aratiCIn
for A¡:p1icaticn 35-FA-87.
46. Afpli....tic:nI 81,025.66 and 36-FA-87. o:ndder
regulatien of design and operaticn of bøIIer:age ca'1tainer
x~lia1 centers p.¡rsuant to state J!8IIWiI1.age <l..d......J.
(a) First readin:.J of ordinance No. 1426: "An ordinance
of the City C'cAIIX:i1 of the City of a1pBrtino
~ 01apter 19, Zaù.n¡, of the a1pBrtino
Mmicipal Code, settin;J Fomat Or:ntiticns ani
PL. <",,'In,... for Pe11IIittin;J Beverage ecnt:.ainer
RedeD¢ion and Recyclin:¡ centers."
Director of Plannin;J arx1 Devel'¥"""1t CXJwan reviewed the
requirements of the state law with CXJuncil.
City Attorney Kilian suggested that vio1aticns of the
~,~ ordinance be treated as an infrac:ticn.
Ccuncil requested that they have a review precess for large
recyclin:¡ centers bein;r ~~.
Fo11owin;r di.......lSsicn, City Manager Orlnlan suggested that
the City Ccuncil take testiJiD1y at this time, have the staff
review the ~qxJEIed ordinance with Code Enf01'..Ame1.t arx1 CXIII8
back at a later meetin:¡.
AriJ::f Liersch, Goodwill Industries, said that Goodwill is
doin:¡ its best to maintain a clean image in the t'Y'OIIII'InUty.
'Ihe required ~ via ~1.n¡ required in SUI'1r'.\YVëÜ8
has proven to be a hardship to water. '1ha City of San Jose
does not iJII""""" ~ en Goodwill recyclin:¡ facilities.
It was IDCIIed by CXJunc. Jàmsa1, secor1ded by CXJunc. Plun;¡y
arx1 I"'e~ed unaninDJSly (4-0) to c:xntirJJe CXI1Sideratien of
this matter to the meetin:¡ of September 21.
~: 9:50 -10:00 p.m.
47. Awlicatien 14-U-87 - cali Ian:i Associl'lte, et al - Use
Pe11IIit to 0Ct...1:...1.1Ct a 5,200 sq. ft. OCIIIIIBXCial/offioe
addition to an existilx1 ..........."'Cial buildin:.J, to denDlish
an existilx1 6,000 sq. ft. c::armercia1 center, to
cxmstruct a new 25,000 sq. ft. ~"'Cial/offioe
buildin:.J, arx1 to 0Ct...L...1.ICt associated parkirg arx1
lan:1scapin:¡ IOOdificatioos. 'Ihe prcp!rty is located en
Negative Dec,
for 35-EA-87
center ord.
referred back
to Planning
the southwest ............ of Blaney Averua and st:evenB creek
BculøvaJ:d -¡ Blaney ShcAIiIq center (20020
st:ewns creek Bculevard. ErJviraDental Detemmat!au
'l11e P1.anninq n--i -icn x..c, ..... œ the granting of a
Negative Declaraticn. ~....Ided for denial.
Dùect:or of PJ.anniD¡ and DBYel~1t COWan røviewed the
8I1>licaticz1 and P1.anninq n--il..zicl\'s IXtIlOeX'lIS with CCJuncil.
Gaxy Sàm.idt:., princ1pal owner of the center, ....lUUt:.ed
CCUnci1 with the bIIckgrcund of the project. He said he baa
subllitted a c:haDJe '-otú.d1 allows for I.D'Idergxa1rxl p¡
O""......,Lly, no ...........cticn frail this center to Chili'.
exists. He is 10C11ciD;r at the possibility of recipr:ocal
ê'''''CeE'1.' with Cicero's. He said that the ~in;J waî1.d
not:. be a p:rcb1em.
CCUnci1 was infœ:med by the Plar1r1in;r Director that there is
~tsly a 100 space p¡ deficiency in the plan.
Di....."""'icn followed regarding the ....~ expansia'l of the
f""·"""1Shi Restaurant.
It was IIICIIed by came. Jà1nsa1, secxn:3ed by came. P1ungy
and p"'a"«i unaniDcus1y (4-0) that the a¡:plicant wœ:k with
staff, particularly regarding the parJdn;r issue. 'l11e matter
was ref&Xed back to the P1anni.n;J n-mni_ien.
Mr. Sdmddt requested that he get saae idea of Wether or
not:. there was a possibility of awxoval in the fUture and
the feeliIq about shared p¡
Mr. o.rln1an expressed the Envira1menta.' Review camnittee's
oanœm regardin;, p¡ durin;J 1un:::h the.
Mr. Sdmddt was infœ:med by the camei"'_,~.exs ~ES ¡It that
they IoIQÙd remain flexible xegardinq parldn¡ am possibly
awxove the awlicatia1 if there were a slight p¡
48. ARùication 13-U-87 - aiwin am Carol Federspiel - Use
Pexmit to ccnstruct a 6-unit sin11e-family planned
develcpoent:. am Envira1menta1 Review: '!he plar1nin;J
t'hmIi....ien reo:> ·,..-.ds the grantin;J of a Negative
""""aratia1. 'l11e ~ is located a'I the east side
of Scenic !!aùevëU:d. R!e(, ...,.ørded for denial.
Previously c:art:inJed to Septeinber 21, 1987.
49. ÞwJ icatials 32-U-a7 and 34-FA-87 of Q1ØYrcI1 œA - USe
PeJ:mit to opm:ate an existin;r service stat:iat en a
24-bcur basis ani ErNira1mental Review: Negati....
~1."'t:ia1 not re.=" _...~. I.ocated at tb8 nart:b8ast
OOlu.~. of North DeAnza Boulevard and HaaI88t:8a11bKl.
R&~. ....-1'kJed for denial.
It was IIICMId by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, WIOaded by CDInc. JdJnscn
aM p"e"'«i unanimcusly (4-0) to grant a Negati....
Declarat:ia1 for J\RI1icat:ia1 34-FA-87.
Rcsie Ann stran, l'L~'i:¥ manager of villa camino
Apartments, Bunnyvale, requested a sœrd wall betuaen the
apartment l'L"'l-""L ty and the service statim. With the
b"ndinq of such wall, her å:Jjectic:ns 10QÙd be witl..:h:AWI'I.
Bå:) Reed, oc:nsultant for 01evra1, said that he ~ haV8 to
OŒ1SUlt with Q1ØYrcI1 regardin¡ the þ,nð.ilJ} of the wall.
It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, seoc:nded by 0cAmc. Pl\JD3Y
aM paesed with 0cAmc. Rcgers ð.i.ssent:in;r to deny A¡:plicaticn
50. Awlicat:ia1 ASAC 51,727.1 - Adcpt:.ien ofMirl1teo.rder
reg¡mijJç Architectural aM sits ~ CXIIIDittee
review of p.lb1ic projects.
Previa.1sly remaved frail agen:1a.
51. None.
52. Review and awroval of cx:t~-sà1ematic plans of
rnm.1I'\ity Center, final phase of Memorial Park project.
Director of Parks and Rec:reatiœ Dcwlin;r told C'œnCil they
were reviewin;r the plans as a client at this meetin;r.
Rei) steinberq, aJ:å1itect, gave a slide pres!!J.tatia1 of the
¡J1.~ t'nT111111I'1ity center.
Mr. Dcwlin;r then z:ecawa1 the p:t:ocesB to follow.
CCUncil directed staff to p:t:oœed with the pz:ocess.
53. NaJIIin;r of cmpútheatre in Mellm'ial Parle as "Fellowship
AD¡:iútheatre" (Baz:bara Rcge:t:'S).
Negative Dec.
for 34-EA-87
ASAC 51.727.1
Community Ctr.
Res. 7307
Alves closure
SC Valley
Water Dist.
Followin:¡ ili""",....tcn, CCUncil took no act:.icn c:a this item.
54. 1odcpt.ic:a of 1987-88 Housinq Assistaooe Plan.
(a) Resolutitn No. 7307: "A Resolutitn of the City
camci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 JIdqJt:j.n;r the
1987-88 Hcusin;r Ass!stame Plan."
It was Dr:JYed by O:UX:. JåInsa1, seoa1ded. by o:ux:. P1\JD3Y
and 1'" E:1 unanimcusly (4-0) to acq,t Reso1utitn No. 7307.
55. Ca1sideraticn of possibility of CXX1ductin;r a hearing
~ closure of Alves Drive.
I.any anriesci of Alves Drive said that he saw no problem
in waitin;J until the Tim;et store cpned to CXI1Sider closure
of the ..t......t. He did........ e octlOeUlS ~ the »«:A
am Key O1evrolet EDIpalISic:as. He infomed camci1 that the
traffic c:a Alves Drive frail Key Q¡eyr.o1et has subsided. He
"'CUld 1iJœ the same or lower level of traffic as cw..I.oE!I.tly
exists c:a Alves to c:x:nt:inJe in the future am requested that
a traffic ooomt be da1e new to be used as a baseline for
future closure ooosideratic:a.
By oa'1SenSUS, OJuncil directed that this item return for
Ca1Sideratic:a after the first of the year am that no
traffic c:amt be dc:ae at this thIe.
56. Santa Clara Valley Water District - stats am Federal
furñinJ. Request for '"i¥Lu-Jal of Santa Clara COJnty as
a pass-thra¡gh ðqIi4>¿;;;y for furxis to Santa Clara Valley
Water District.
It was Dr:JYed by o:ux:. P1uo;¡y, seoa1ded. by o:ux:. JåInsa1
and reeeed unanimcusly (4-0) to ~ ccozdinatia1 of
f'IIrxlin;J a¡:plicatiOl1S t:hrcugh the Santa Clara Valley Water
District am to direct that a letter be sent to the COJnty
Exec:ut:.ive statin;J this pcsitia1.
57. Di"'<'.....ic:a of Draft ~t of COJnty Preservatien 2020
Task Force.
It was mcved by 0Junc. JåInsa1, seooodecl by 0Junc. Pl\JD3Y
am 1"'e.....:! unanimcusly (4-0) to authorize the Mayor to
forward a letter errlorsinq the rec. .,..A11datiOOS of the Task
Force to Dianne »::Kenna.
.,.,>"!"..,.-...,."".,,,'~~",...,.,,>.,,,. .-....'.,.."..'.~-........'"....
MI1I11'!S OF '!HE SEPIÐmER 8, 1987 CI'1Y anaL MD«71D
58. I8tt8w tall the san Jese Real Estate Bcud and the
9,4".4'111 ~ Associaticn xeq;JSStin;r snpp œ:t for
Ib.~ cœdit certificate ~...".,cua to help first tbI8
l::iuy8ra ¡mdIaBe a principal place of J:eSiderM:e.
It W8 KJII8d by o::unc. Jd"....., -....tilled by o:.m:. Pl\JD3Y
and 1"" I j urII!In!:aøJSly (4-0) to SU"h.t the 1>1....".,"".
59. Naw.
60. Naw
M'ncm'I SESSIœ
At 11:30 p.m., the meetin;J was adjc:umed to 12:00 noon,
sept:ed:Jer 17, 1987, Mb...A:ial Pañt AJ!Pú.theatra.
Ci Clmk
Credit Cert.