CC 09-21-87 .' .....- CX>-727 CI'1Y OF aJPERl'DÐ, S'IME OF c::ALIPtRaA Interim City Hall: 10430 S. DeAnza Boolevard 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 'l'elep¡aw: (408) 252-4505 MDm'!S OF '!HE REXmAR Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MŒ1'I1Ð HEID œ SEPIDœER 21, 1987, INI'ERIM CDJNc:IL æAMæR 10500 IŒlH Œ'ANZA IØJIEVARD, aJPER1'DÐ, c::ALIPtRaA At 6:15 p.m., Kayar Sp¡mcs .....,'ed the meet:in;r to order. I1m!:RVIÐ6 OF APPLICANlB AND Am'nmŒm' 'lO ABCHr1'EClURAL AND srm APPRJ\7AL CXHœl'l'EE seven candidates wre interviewed. It was D:JYed by cwnc. Pl\JD3Y, secxn:3ed by COJnc. JdInsa1 am ¡>OI"'eed unani:maJs1y (4-0) to a¡:p:>int Mtmi Baca to the Architectural am site A¡:praval camnittee to fill the unexpired tsm endinq JIUIJaXY 15, 1990. It was D:JYed by cwnc. J..b-.óa, seconded by COJnc. RL..gers and p"....ed unani:maJs1y (4-0) to select Wayne Y. GcnJ for appoiut.-:..1L by the Mayor to the unexpired tsm endinq January 15, 1989, followin:J acceptance of :r:esignatia1 of present cxmnittee -.r am fulfillment of postin.J requirements. Mayor Sparks thanked the a¡:p1icants. ~: 7:10-7:15 p.m. SAI11Œ 'lO '!HE FIAG roIL CAIL CCUnc. P'- s U4.: JdInsa1, Pl\JD3Y, Pcgers, Kayar Sparks COJnc. Absent: Gatto staff P'- sent: City Manager Quinlan Dep1ty City Clmk Wolfe Direc:t:or of Public Works Visltavich Assistant to the City Manager Brown Direc:t:or of P1annin;J am Developoent o:-n Direc:t:or of Finance Snyder Direc:t:or of Parks am Recreation Dcwlin;r lhnnInùty Relations Officer Krey Associate Plarmer Caughey city Atton'Iey Kilian -1- Mimi Baca appointed to ASAC Wayne Gong selected for later appoint- ment to ASAC . Postponements Code violation United Cable . City Mgr. report Treasurer's report Activity report Emergency Medical Care Com. . MINUl'ES OJ! '!HE SEP'l'DœER 21, 1987 CI'1Y CXUICIL 1'II:iI:iJ.1IG (00-727) I.arJ:y 100, applicant, Awlicatia1s 4l-u-a7 and 43-11-87, requested that c:awl.deratien of Item 31 be CCII'1t.iruId until all Q:Jurx,..'..........l.erS would be ~ S_it... Iœ'l'RIIEMœm - It was IIICIIed by Q:Jurx,. Jå1nsan, seocudoed by CCUnc. Rcgerlil ani P"'ø...... unaniDr::uI1y (4-0) to ocnt.ime Item 9 to ()ct:d:)er 19, to c:xntiDJe Items 12 (Circle K o:nveni.ence store ABC license), 28 and 31 to ()ct:d:)er 12, and to ccntirJ.Je Item 39 to NoIIeIIIber 2. CERDDIIAL MM'1'ERS - ~aIS - Naw. ORAL aHDIIC'ATIaIS Ann 1J'qer, President, Jb1ta Vista ~OV......ll1t Associatiat, ae1ch. r9d CCUncil regardin:J a cede violatien at the U'l!ted Cable facility en Dy....la1 Avenue. She said she has pictuJ:es and that the mess is worse than she had ......,..& tee! befar:e. Director of P1amin;J and Devel..........,L 0Jwan stated that there would be a ..~t to CCJunci1 regardin:J this matte,,:, at the next meet.in;r. STAFF ~ 1. Oral ...~t... by staff ,,-,Jezs and ...,hoIi..sicn of written .L~ls. City Manager's ~L - CCJunci1 œoeived the ...~L. 2. Treasurer's Rlõpœ:t, August, 1987 and update en aJdget. Director of J!inanoe snyder ans\;ered questicrIs, and the ...~L was received by CkAn::il. 3. !b1th1y Activity Rq)o:t:t, A1JJust, 1987. CCJunci1 received the ~........ L. CDJNc:IL 1<&U(1::¡ 7. CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y Ðue:t:g.......y Medical Care O:mnittee - Scheduled to meet SE!pt.euœr 24. -2- MINt1m) OF 'mE SEPmœER 21, 1987 c::::I'lY CXUaL MŒl'DG (œ-121 \ League of Calitamia Cities - CDmc. Pl\JD3Y anncunc:.s that he will be serviJ1g en the resolutia1s CXIIIIIittee am asJœd far arq.. ·,-·,Ls or BU.J...-1:ia1s CI\ resoluticnJ Wich will be oc::mirg up befar:e the League at their meet.iß¡ in Oc\:.å)er . Sister City Pì.~_ - 8epI'_..i ...r 30, Sist.ar City Call1littee is hcstirJ¡ recept:.icn and evenin;J, 0Jpertin0 Inn, 1Iihere students ~ haV8 visited Toyokawa will shell pictures and share experierIces frtm their visit. CDInc. Pl\JD3Y aI'IrDJI1CeCI that a hon+""'... for visitors frtm 'l'oyakawa wcu1d be held either Oc\:.å)er 12 or 13, depen:tinr:J en lidIen the first ocunci1 meetL~ in Oc\:.å)er is sd1eduled to be held. League of california Cities Peninsula Divisia1 - A meetjn;r of the officers of the divisiCl\ and the divisia1 ""T'L sættatives to CXIIIIIittees will be held prior to the OCI1ference in San Francisco. 8. CDInc. Rogers Bicentennial Call1dttee - CCUnc. Regera th.'U11œd these who part:.icipated in the Bicentenù.al event. League of california Cities - CCUnc. Regers stated she is also CI\ the resoluticns CXIIIIIit:tee and wculd wlCC1118 inp.¡t. Santa Clara O:urt:y Ha.zamcxJs Waste Advisory Call1dttee - will meet september 24. CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y added to his l..e¡...... L regardin:J the Sister City Pì."':I.LQIIl Btatin:J that he wculd send cx:pies to all oounc:i1meaJb!r of translated newspaper articles frail Japanese papers aIxAIt the visit of Q]pertino students. CXJIS!m' c::AIÐmi\R CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y requested that IteI 13 be :œIIICJIIed frail the agerm and cc:rrt:irJJed pen:ii.rJ¡ receipt of ~-.,taticn regardj.n¡ the grcqI's l'ICI~ufit status. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y, sec::cr1ded by CCUnc. Jåmsa1 and I"'--ed 1.InaJÚJIØJsly (4-0) to "W"'we the remaJ..roer of the ccœent CaleOOëlr as suJ::mittsd. 9. ~icatien ASN:. 51,735.1 Ð39 Roll Fantasy: Requestin;r ~ of awnin;rs for an existin;J ""-"-rcial hni1dinq located en the east side of DeAnza Boulevard, ~tely 500 ft. north of BolliJ'ger Read. 10620 SQ1th DeAnza Boulevard. p.o. ,.,.,~ for ~. Previoosly CXXItinued to Oc\:.å)er 19. -3- LCC Sister City LCC Peninsula Div. Bicentennial LCC Hazardous Waste Com. Items removed Consent Cal- endar approved MINUl'ES C1P '!HE SEPI'EMBER 21, 1987 CI'1Y axJNCIL HŒ1'I1G (00-727) 10. Sl.wlta1S and Cœplaint for damageS: Kennøt:h Wayne Hall VB. MImt Rå)ert vigeant, City of 0Jpertin0, et al, Receive. 11. SI..,·,·.IS ani CCIIplaint: Electric, et al, Receive. 12. Aloc:tlOlic Ðeverage Licenses: Mrs. B's BasJœts, 20387 stevens creek Boulevard: Pot sticker Kin;¡ Restaurant, 19740 stevens creek Boulevard: Circle K ccnvenienœ store, Haaestead arxi DeAnza Boulevard. SUsie Lee VB. Rcderic:It Consideration of Circle K request previc.us1y continued to Octcber 12. 13. ReqUeSt for waiver of bJsiness license fee for the wildcats. (RenDYed perñi:ng receipt of additional infœ:mtia1 regardin;J non p¡::ofit status of group) 14. Resolution No. 7313: "A Reso1uticm of the City ca.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllawiDJ certain Claims and DeIIIan:m Payable in the AIDcQ1ts arxi frail the :rums as Hereinafter Described for Salaries arxi Wages for the Payroll Period Erxiin3 September 1, 1987." 15. Reso1utien No. 7314: "A Resolutia1 of the City co.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Al1awiDJ certain Claims arxi DeIIIIIIÙS Payable in the AIDcQ1ts arxi FraIl the :rums as Hereinafter Described for General arxi Mi.sœl].aJ1eaJS Expelñit:ures for the Period Erxiin3 Septe1ItJer 11, 1987." 16. Resolution No. 7315: "A Resolution of the City ca.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorlzin} Execution of ~"",.........t ~eemeI.t between the City arxi Develc:pn- Karl Q..u.ad arxi Joam Vasso110, 21799 11'''''''''''''' Avenue." þ 17. Resolutien No. 7316: "A Resolutien of the City ca.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Designatin;J East side of oraD; e Avenue SUbject to Pemit ParJdrq. 18. Resoluticm No. 7317: "A Resoluticm of the city ca.mcil of the City of eupert:ioo ~in} the Final Map arxi ~O\/....,.!¡Jt Plans of Tract No. 8062 Located. on Mæy Avenue; Develc:pn-, Gerard 0Jpertin0 Partners I, J\t:X:eptin:J Certain Easements; Authorizin;r signin;r of Final Map arxi IJ:uprcM!IIIeI1 Plans." 19. Reso1utien No. 7318: "A Resolution of the City ca.mcil of the City of OJpertino ~ a Grant ~Z EasemeI'1t for Public utility PurposeS fr= Tc.""Y L ~ arxi SUmiko J()'SèM, Located. on Meteor Drive; J\Wroximate1y .0013 Acre." .-_..,-----~-..,......-_....~ · · · HINt11'ES OF '!HE SEPl'EXBER 21, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL MŒ1'I1G (CX>-727) 20. Resoluticn No. 7319: "A Raso1uticn of the City 0DICil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ IDt Line Mj\.ol6t..-1t between 'lWo PaJ:œls of land Wit:hœt a Parcel Map in Accardance with secticn 66412 (d) of SUbdivis1cn Map Act as Am8IåId Jamary 1, 1984, beblll8n Parcel A of 'l'.raCt 7907 ani the Lands of ~ Scut:herlY'lhlreOf·" 21. ~ 51,739.1 - Sports City cate: ~ ClWl-uval of aråùtectural, site, modifiœtia1s far an existin;r restaurant J: I,i1dirq located at the sc:uthweøt ~...r of DeAnza Bculevard and Highway 280. 10745 Harth DeAnza Bculevard. P;&. . ...,""'Ù!d for COWl'aval. 22. Denial of request for indemnity: Electric, et al, tee V. lb:1erick 23. Denial of Claim for Equitable Imemnity: Kenneth Wayne Hall VB. Mark Rd..e:t:t Vigeant, et al, 24. Mirutes of the regular !IIEI8t:inJ of August 17, 1987 (00-725) . yæ Mb.tt-.s of the Citv n-."""i' ~: JåmsCI'1, Pl\JD3Y, RcqeIs, Sparks IUS: Naw ABSml': Gatto ABS'mIN: Nœe l'm6 IŒHJVED m:H CXJmNl' CAInmAR 25. Naw. RJBLIC HEARC'Œ 26. A¡:p1icatioos 81,025.66 arxl 36-FA-87. CCIISider regulatiœ of design and operatien of beverage ccntainer 1~LJ.cn centers pm¡uant to state BeIIer8g8 a.,.1t.......l Act. (a) First readirxJ of 0!:dinar¥:Ie No. 1426: "M 0!:dinar¥:Ie of the City camci1 of the City of 0J¡:ertirø lImen:iin:J Title 19, Zarl.rç, of the 0Jpertin0 ø.micipal Cede, by Mlin;J 01apter_, Settin;J Fcmnat O:ntitioos arxl p¿., .="""'n-es far PerJllittirg Beverage CcntaiJ'1er pah..,!.Licn am Recycli1xJ' Centers. II Director of planrlirq arxl Devel'¥""'at 0:Iwan reviewed the ordinance with CCUncil arxl ~ quest!oos regaIdi1¥1 Goodwill's cax:e:t:TIS. -5- · Public hearing closed First reading of Ord. 1426 Negative Dec. · Public hearil1g closed First reading of ord. 1412 13-U-87 continued · HINt1l'ES OF '!HE SEPJÐmER 21, 1987 CI'1Y <DJNCIL MŒ1'IlÐ (CX>-727) It was m::Ned by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, secc:nB1 by ocunc. ~s and ~e""'" unanimcusly (4-0) to close the plblic hearln:J. It was m::Ned by ocunc. Pl\JD3Y, secalded by ocunc. a..qera and pa,..-1Id unanimcusly (4-0) to read orc:linaJDt No. 1426 by title aùy and the Dep1ty City Clmk's readiø1 to CCI1Stituts the first reacliD1 thereof. It was m::Ned by ocunc. Jåmsa1, secc:nB1 by ocunc. Pl\JD3Y and I?"ftftoo unanimcusly (4-0) to grant a Negative Declaratia1 for the project. 27. 1IWlicatiŒ1 81,004.5 - City of ~ - 1ImeI:,œue.ht of 01apter 16.52 of the !tJnicipal COde titled, "P.reventia1 of Flood 1)...-]"." 'lbe amer,œuE!uts include mdificadcn of definitials, p:t:o ~""'eS and starœrds to conform to state mæœted chan:Jes in the National Flood Insurance P1.~""'. Project I.ocat.i.cn: Citywide. EnviJ:a1mental Deteminaticn: eategarically ExeIIpt. ~)o .,.,-oed for e¡:prcval. (a) First reacliD1 of Ordinance No. 1412: "An orc:linaJDt of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIeldin¡ 01apter 16.52 of the 0Jpertin0 MmiciI"'l cede Entitled 'P.reventia1 of Flood Damage'." It was m::Ned by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, secx:nied by ocunc. ~s and I"'ft"ed unanimcusly (4-0) to close the p.¡b1ic hearln:J. It was IIICIIed by ocunc. P1\JD3Y, secx:nied by came. Rogers and pt'e."ed unanimcusly (4-0) to read Ordinance No. 1412 by title aùy and the Dep1ty City Clerk's readiø1 to CCI1Stituts the first readiø1 thereof. PIANNnG APPLICATIctIS 28. 1IWlicatiŒ1 13-u-87 - mwin and Carol Federspiel - Use Pexmit to OCb.t....x:t a 6-unit s!n;J1,,,..family planned devel.....-,L and Envira1mental Review, 'DIe plaJ1r1in;r ..........i-ien rec- ·,··-·Ids the grar'Itin3 of a Negative DeclantiŒ1. 'DIe ..............ty is located en the east side of scenic BoulElllëmi. Rec. ....-11ded for denial. (Ca1tim1ed frail meetin;r of J\me 1, 1987.) Previously oontinued to 0ctàJer 12. -6- MINtJI'ES OF 'IHE SEPInmER 21., 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL MEE:l'I!Ç (00-727) 29. JIwlication 9-u-a7 (Revised) - Yamaoka Devel~¡t Co. - Use Petmit amer.cbu...d. of usa pemit to \AJ.L......."t prior accc:A.II'ItiDJ of existiIç floor area for the Portal Plaza ShqJpin;r center thereby expmñirg' the total floor area by ~tely 3,000 sq. ft. 'Jhe project is categoriœ.1ly "","",¥l., hence no act:.ion is required. 'Jhe project is located en the northeast comer of stevens creek Boulevard ani POrtal AvernJe. Reo ·,..-1Jded far ~. Director of PlarJnin;J ani Devel......-d. cowan explained that this was a resul::mittal of an item apprcwed last ...",."..,. to oon....."t an error Wich had been made in caloùaticn of the square footage. It was moved by cwnc. Jåmsa1, seoc:n3ed by CCUnc. P1\JD3Y and ~'S'...ed l.II1a1rlm:uùy (4-0) to aw:t:<:N8 JIwlicatiœ 9-U-87 (Revised) per Pl~ ,..,..,."i ....icn Raso1ution No. 3087. 30. lIR'l!œtion 4O-U-87 - James H. S!sk - Use Pemit to OCUSl~.xt a mixed usa two-sto%y bni1din) 0CI'ISistilx¡ of 1,700 sq. ft. of office space ani 3 residential units equa11in;r 2,040 sq. ft. ani Envira1menta1 Review: 'Jhe PlarJnin;J t"nnIni ....ion reo ....-.-.ds the qrantin:¡ of a Negative De<:'}<liratia1. 'Jhe project is located en the east side of Pëo"""-la AvernJe, ~tely 50 ft. north of Granada AvernJe (10060 Pa~ AvernJe). Re-~ ·....-rñed for a¡;p:oval. Director of P1~ ani Devel~lt cowan reviewed the a¡:plication with CCUncil ani showed an arå1itect's ren:1erin;r of the ~Ulosed project. James Sisk, awlicant, answered questia1s trail CCUncil. It was moved by CCUnc. Jàmscn, seconded by cwnc. P1\JD3Y ani I\\15'~ed l.II1a1rlm:uùy (4-0) to grant a Negative Declaration for lIR'lication 4O-U-87. It was IIICIIed by cwnc. Jàmscn, seconded by 0Junc. P1\JD3Y ani ~",...ed l.II1a1rlm:uùy (4-0) to a¡p:<:N8 lIR'licatien 40-u-87 per PlarJnin;J I"nnmi....icn Reso1utien No. 3089. 31. JIwlication 41-tJ-87 - ARa> oil - Use Petmit to operate a 1,550 sq. ft. oc:nvenience store snack shop at an existin;J service statien ani to oontinue <'Ii ~nsin;r of motor fuels ani Enviranmenta1 Review: 'lbe P1a.'1I1inq Chnmi "-o¡ion ~ eo. ......., Ids the qrantin:¡ of a Negative Declaration. 'lbe project is located on the scuthwest corner of FoXhill BcW.evard and silver Oak Way. Recx:mnen.ied for dEonial. Previoosly continued to first meet:ID;J in CJc:t:cber. 9-U-g7 approved Negative Dec. for 40-U-g7 40-U-87 41-U-87 continued , · 42-U-g7 approved · Steven.. Creek Blvd. Pbn Line · .~7',-. ",;"w" ~.,....¡~.'..~.-t'J"..~.,,,,,.~,,.\._ .,,, ""_""'.~ .''¡. "_~__IV_.~~'~'-_,"Ir~··~ . ,-,. ", "·r ;~'. -",. .'. " . ',:'" . MIJÐr.œ OF '!HE 1>U'.LUIœK 21, 1987 c:rlY OXINCIL MI!m'I1Ð (00-727) 32. AßIlicat.icn 42-u-a7 - st. Joses:h sœcol of 0Jpertin0 - Use Pemit to ocnsb.uct a 1,500 8;. ft. þ,i1dln; additicn to be unr! far a ~'. lcun;¡e and st:arage. '!he ptejec'~ is categarica1ly ~, hence no act.icn is~. '!he pteject is located en the east side of Harth DeAnza lÞJ1evard, çprax1mately 550 ft. narth of stevens creek Bc:ul8llllId. RiK' .,.,.... ded far ~. Direct:or of Pl.ar1rù.rq ani Develo 'I. .,..., It Cowan shøried Camcil Were the additien is to t8Jœ plaoe. It was mcved by cnmc. JåInSa1, secc:a1ed by cnmc. Pl\JD3Y ani pIIS'S''I!d unanimc:usly to _0118 AßIlicat.icn 42-U-a7 per plannin:¡ o--ni-ten Reso1utia1 No. 3088. ~ AND SITE APPKNAL CXHnTl'EE APPLICATIŒ9 33. Naw. UNFINISHED HJSIN&SS 34. Naw. llÐf HJSIN&SS 35. ~t en stevens creek Boul8llllId Plan Line. Direct:or of 1'\IblicI WoJ:iœ viskcIrià1 )'LUI .d:.ed his ,,~t to Camcil ani ..-- the area in cp!Sticn en a map. It _¡ mcved by CCUnc. Plun;w, seocIded by cnmc. Johnsen ani P' -,-:, uœnimcusly (4-0) to retain the exist.in;r plan line J::ut offer the ability for use of the lani by adjoinirq pL~ty cwnørs 1:hrcu:#1 an ......-.-l_4. pemit be...... en the follcllin;r cxn1itia1s: 1. '!bat no l"'" ..-,_It sb:UctUJ:8 be ocœtructed, such as a dwallinq unit or a swbIIIin;r pool, J::ut that any other structure that can be resaaved ~ be allowed (deck, fences, etc.) . 2. '!hat the Umits ~ not extend any closer tMn 10 ft. frcm the tcp of the slc:pe to allow City faroes to maintain the slc:pe. 3. '!hat the ocst of J:eIIICII7in;J any iDprcYements ~ be })ame by the pL~ owner if ani Wen requested by the City for poss:lb1e future widenin;J. 36. Request for authorizatia1 to enter into a MiI!JIm'8ndum of t1nde:rsta1'ñin with the Cities of sunnyvale, santa Cla..---a, Mt. View, IDs Altos, IDs Altos Hillu and Palo Alto far pnpc:aes of solicitin;J pLq.œals for future solid waste disposal. city Manager ()linlan reviewed the staff report. ..~_...:-.- HINt11'ES OF '!HE SEPI'JHER 21, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL _.UG (CX>-727) It was III:M!d by o:.rnc. PJ\n3Y, -.....A.d by o:x.mc. J..b...... ani p"--eli unanimcusly (4-0) to autbar1za the City ..._ to sign the HX1 subject to exec:ut:iœ by the other parties to the oclIsœ,tium. 37. Designatien of votin;J and altemate votin;J ....,~, ArnJal (M~_ of Citiee, no.ç.....,. __ 12-16, 1987. It was III:M!d by o:x.mc. Joollsen, seootUed by CCUnc. Plun3Y and I'11ge'!!d l.IIWÚJID1S!.y (4-0) to designate Kayar as votin;J delegate an:! Mayer P..~.. as altemate. 38. Designatien of ..~ssehtativa an:! alternate ...~ Ei' ;Iltatives to the North Q"..LLcÙ an:! Northwest Flood (M,L..vl Za1e Advisory Call1littees. It was III:M!d by o:x.mc. Jàmscn, seoc:I1ded by o:x.mc. Rogers an:! poee'!!d unanimr:uI1y (4-0) to designate Hayar SpIŒkB as ...~ s_,lativa with DinIctar of Public wcmœ Vis1a::Nich ani Assistant P1aJ11'Ùn;J Director pi "~1d as altemates. 39. Review of the ~ Doq om.inance of Santa Clara camty an:! request for direct:ia1. (Ccnt:ime to November 2, 1987) Previoosly 0CI'ItiInIed to Na\,....t...... 2. 40. Review of date of first Council meetin] in Oc:tå:)er. By consensus, cn.mcil ccnfhmed. Oct:ci)er 12 as the date for the first cn.mcil meetiD¡ in Oct:ci)er. 41. Rt:¡..u...L en bid q¡enin:J, Foathilll)ve:rlay Project 88-103, an:! awam of .......L..aCt. It was III:M!d by o:x.mc. ~&, seootldød by CCUnc. JåInsa1 and pa--eli unaniJIaIsly (4-0) to awm:d the project to Raiscb 0XIstruct:.icn in the aaømt of $162,802.90 l:xIsed en the 1CJW1BSt bid received, and to autharize a ~ bt'in;rin;J the total project to $179,060, with di.st:dJ::uticn of fI.1ndin;r as follows: Civic Center ~ IDt - $33,660 (160-2003-953.030); Foathi11 - $145,400 (110-993-718). 42. Awëm:i of bid far p.m:hase of City Hall furniture. It was III:M!d by cnmc. Johnsa1, seoc:I1ded by Came. Pl\n3Y and paBEi'ed 1JI'IiUÙ:JIn s1y to awam the furniture oouUðCt to Lin:isay's in the amount of $82,422.96 an:! awrove a oc:rrt:ingency for a total 1""'-";IL"'" of $100,000. -9- Solid waste disposal Delegates for Annual Congress of Cities Reps. to Flood Com. Dangerous dog ord. continued Oct. 12 first mtg. in Oct. Overlay bid to Raisch Furnirure bid to Lindsay's . . . -"_~"<c".-.' ^- ,. - c""' MINt11'ES C1P '!HE SEPl'ÐŒ!ER 21, 1987 CI'1Y CØJNCIL ME:E'1'DÇ (00-727) 1'iKJ:.l".=-r CXHIJNICATIŒ9 43. Request frail the Spark Fcundatia1 for tbe di.st:rib1t.icn of rt!IIIIÚJÚD;J Senior and Handiœ¡p&3 IÞJSin;r !\Jnds awarded them for a graJp haDe for adol_å with autism. It was IIIOIIed by CCUnc. Rogers, seocI'Ø!d by CXiUnC. Pl\n3Y am peI'!'ft"Jd unaIÛJIØ]Sly (4-0) to di"".lrse the rec;psted fIm:Js i~i..œly. ORDINANCES 44. Seocn:i readin¡ am enacbDent of Ordinance No. 1415: "An Ordinance of tbe City CXiUnCil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AJIIerIiin;r Section 1 of Ordinance No. 2 by 01an:Jin;l Rezonin:.J frail City of 0Jpertin0 Pre-m!S zone to City of Q]pertino Pre-Rl-ai zone; IDeated at the Sc:ut:'W8St Comer of Rainbow Drive am Upland way; Awl~~"1tia1 6-Z-87, Marta Sonnenblick." .nd reading It was IIIOIIed by CXiUnC. PI\n3Y, sec:c:nded by CXiUnC. Jc:i1nSa\ rd. 1415 am pele'i'ed unaIÛJIØ]Sly (4-0) to œad Ordinance No. 1415 by title aùy am tbe Dep1ty City Clmk's readin¡ to constitute the seccn:l readin¡ thereot. Spark Founda- tion Ord. 1415 It was IIIOIIed by CCUnc. PI\n3Y, secan:!ed by CXiUnC. Jc:i1nSa\ enacted am pelftft'ed unaIÛJIØ]Sly (4-0) to enact ordinan:e No. 1415. RESOII1l'IŒ9 45. None . t"I'n::m SESSIœ - NaIe. CXiUnC. RcgerB stated that \..t)e Civic servioe Awards walld be held oct.cber 9. CXiUnCil, by ocn;ensus, urged staff to reoansider the colors to be used in tbe r<""""'!..11ed City Hall. At 8:00 p.m., tbe meet:in;r was adjo.m1l!d. Î t~~ t/~Þ Dep1ty City Clex: ----- -10-