CC 11-02-87 00-730 CI'1Y C1P CXJPERTIH), STATE OF' CAI.J:FC:Rf.[A Interim City Hall: 1.0430 S. DeAnza Bculevard 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 Telepl'øle: (408) 252-4505 MDImS OF '!HE REXmAR Cl'lY CDH:IL Mœ1'I1Ð HEW œ R:JI1EH'IER 2, 1987, INŒRIM OXJNCIL afAMBER 10500 H:R1H ŒANZA!DJIEVAR[), aJPERl'ItÐ, ~ Mayor spmœ called the IIIeEItin:J to order at 6:45 p.m. SAII1I'E 'lO '!HE FlAG ImL CAIL counc. PL s ~ht.: Gatto, Jåmsa1, P1\JD3Y, Rcge:t:s, Mayor spmœ staff P.L s ..tL: City Manager ().1inlan Dep1ty City Clmk Wolfe Director of Public WOrJœ v:i.skcviå1 Director of P1.annin; and Devel___tt. cowen Director of Finance snyder Director of Parlcs and Rec:reatia1 ccw1in;J lnmInú.ty Relations Officer Krey City Attmney Kilian ~ It was IIICIIed by counc. Gatto, seocrüe.l by counc. Pl\JD3Y ani passed unaJÚJIDJsly to nIIIDV8 Item 39., ominance amendin;J Jtmicip;,l 0Jåe regardinJ safety requinment:s for swiJœdng pools. By ...::UUI15US, council did not grant a CX'I1t:i1uInœ for Item 37, :AIoto Dri·'8-Up. CERDDIIAL MAT1'ERS - PREmm'ATICHS PL !uJtaticn of _.".,a.¡ed tray and procl-tien of ~ to Deborah Ncœl for her service en Aràù.tsctural and site ~ Call1littee. Ms. Ncœl accepted the proclamatien and tray. æAL CXJHJNICATIctIS Me! Amato regardinJ a street tree reIIDIIed at 21639 Ðiward Way. -1.- Swimming pool item removed Presentation to Nobel . Replacement of street trees - Amato Pedestrian safety award Problems near Cupertino High . Mortgage Credit Certificate Program False alarm - Stokes . MINUl'ES C1P 'Dm NCJI7ÐŒIER 2, 1987 CI'1Y auaL 1'IUa'.uÐ (00-730) It was IIICJV8d by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, seoa)C)ed by o:.mc. Gatto and P'" T 1 unanimcus1y to suPP '" L an ...".._d. to place two 36" box ~ to r<op'JOœ the trees rEIIICII8d CCUnc. Gatto J:eCplSted that si",i1ar item not be p''''- under Oral ""-nú.catia1S in the tuture. Mr. C. R. Hawkins, Manager, QJpertino branch, califamia state AutaDcbi1e Jlsllooiatia'1-AAA, !'"- II tted an awud for pedestdan safety in O¡pertino. R:o-ra Rice, Sœ.........d Aven1e, rer:rted that residents in her nei.ghI:mhcod near QJpertino :d.gh SdIool are havin;J a prà:¡l- with students litt.erinq 'cheir lawns ani loitering after scbco1 en their !'"-""""" ty. Council directed. City Manager ()1inlan to cxat:act the sd1co1 and the scbco1 1:x:md and l.q.ow. L back to them. S'mFF ~~ 1. Oral .I.q.ow.Ls by staff ~ and .."hoIi_ia1 of written oLCf:IUL Ls. - Ha1e. 2. ~L crt Þbrtgage Credit Certificate P....."..._. Council received the .I.q.ow.L. 3. False alam hearin;J - GaJ:y stoIœs. It ~":!S IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, saexl..,1I.d by CCUnc. Jåmsa1 and pt--ed unanimcus1y to direct that Mr. stàœB be cDrged for the first false alam of $64.00 and the ~ å1arges be œøclmed. CXXJNCIL ~::¡ 5. CCUnc. Gatto L'¥J.LLed crt Highway 85. 7. CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y ...........Led regarding the sister City OaImittee and League of califamia Cities ""-nú.ty Service OaImittee and Feninsula Divisia1. 8. CCUnc. ~.. stated that she had pnwiously dist:rlJ:uted cx:pies of the minrt:es of the Q:uJty Hazardo.1s Waste hlvisory OaImittee. -2- MINUŒS OF 'JHE ø:::NEHBER 2, 1.987 CI'1Y cx:uNCIL MEE1'DG (00-730) 7. cwnc. Pl\JD3Y cx:ntinJed his ...........L ani provided infcmaaticn en lV""""i'XJ sister City act:.ivitt.. He also amcunced that the next IWIinsula Divisicn ux: meet:in;J waùd be held No\,~ 19 at the Dmfey Hotel. CXHŒm' CAInmAR It was IIICIIed by cwnc. P1\JD3Y, seccx1ded by cwnc. Ru,IerB ani I"'-'9!i l.D'IIU1iJIIcusy to approve the Ocnsent Calemar as subnittsd. 9. Reso1utien No. 7348: "A Resoluticn of t.'1e City Q:Amcil of the City of QJpertin:> Allowin;r Certain C'1..i""" ani Dt::..a"ds Payable in the Amamts and FraIl the P\Jnds as Hereinafter Desc::ribed for General ani Mi.tot-' , anecK S Experxiit:ures for the Period Erxtinq oc:tå:Ier 23, 1987." 10. Reso1utiCl\ No. 7349: "A Resoluticn of the City Q:Amcil of the City of QJpertin:> Allowin;r Certain C'1",i""" am Demands Payable in the Amamts ani frail the P\Jnds as Hereinafter Desc::ribed for 5alariee ani wages for the Payroll Period Erxtinq 0C:tcber 27, 1987." 11. pa.;p-t for waiver of facility use fee ani b.1siness license fee frail QJpertin:> :Ratazy Club. 12. Reso1uticn No. 7350: "A Rasoluticn of the City Q:Amcil of the City of QJpertin:> Declarinq its Intentica to 01an; e st.....e¡t Name Within the City of a¡pert:ino Pursuant to Sectic:n 5026 of the St.......ts ani Highways Coda, state of california, FixiD¡ Ti:me ani Place for Hearin;r and PxoIridirq Nat:.ioe 'Ihereof; 01an; e 'North Tantau Aver1I8' to 'Tandem Way' ." 13. Reso1utiCl\ No. 7351: "A Resolutien of the City Q:Amcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Declarinq its Int:entiCI1 to Ch.do::.. Vacaticn of a Porticn of a Public 8erIice -- ,.L within the City of 0Jpertin0 PUrsuant to secticn 50430 Et seq. of the Gav............t 0Jde of the state of california, FixiD¡ Ti:me and Place for Hearin¡ and Prcvidinq for Notice 'Ihereof; IDt: 1, Tract No. 7325, stevens Creek Boulevard at Rarñy lane." 14. Acœptanoe of City projects performed under ~1UðCt: (a) DeAnza Boulevard Wideninq Project 86-20 (Raisch). (b) Pavement Restoration, Project 87-104 (o..éXOO). (No SURJOrtin;J ñl'll..."""'Tltation ~",¡uy) -3- . Consent Cal- endar approved MINt1l'ES OF 'tHE NCNDmE:R 2, 1987 CI'lY CXXJNCIL ME:E:l'DÇ (00-730) 15. Rasolutia1 No. 7352: "A ResolutiCl1 of the City CDJrJ:::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡provinJ P/IrCel Map ani ~""E!ÐIeIIt Plans of PL~t:y Located at the southwest a.....,...... of Bollin;¡er Road ani DeFoe Drive; Dsvelcper, Mic:hae1 E. Picetti; AuthorizinJ ExecutiCl1 of ~",,_It ~.........IL; AuthorizinJ Signin] of l'IIrœl Map ani ~"-IL Plans." 16. RasolutiCl1 No. 7353: "A Res:>1.utien of the City CDJrJ:::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡provinJ 0.... .:-..ct 0W1gB Order No. 16 far DeAnza Boulevard Wi.denin;r, Project 86-10. 17. RasolutiCl1 No. 7354: "A Ries'.)lutiCl1 of the City CDJrJ:::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 A¡provin;r Ca'It.rë!Ict 0W1gB Order No. 1 far Foothill Boulevatd OIIerlay, Project 88-103." 18. Rasolutia1 No. '1355: "A Rasoluticr¡ of the City CDJrJ:::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 ARJro;,'inq C>...1L....ct 0W1gB Order No. 7 far Foothill Boulevard ~""_It Project 8~." 19. ResolutiCl1 No. 7356: "A Reso1utiCl1 of the City CDJrJ:::il of the City of 0Jpertin0 Appra!'inJ the Parœl Map of Prcp!rty Located at the Scuthwest OO:t:l1er of stevens creek Boulevard and P'\~ Averue; DeYelcpar, Ber1ani-Q1e, A california Limited Partnership, Et Al.; ani AuthorizinJ the City Eh;J1neer to sign the Parœl Map." 20. Reso1utic:n No. 7358: "A Reso1utien of the City 00unci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 Apprt:JIrl.n;r C>...íL..aet 0W1gB Order No. 12 far Civic center ExpBnsien, Project 87-2003, City Hall, Librazy." 21. Mirutes of the regular City CCUncil JIIEI8tin;J of 0ctc.àIr 12, 1987 (00-728). 22. Mirutes of the regular City 00unci1 JIIEI8tin;J of oc::tc:œr 19, 1987 (CX>-729). 23. Mirutes of the special City Council JIIEI8tin;J of oc::tc:œr 19, 1987 (CX>-729A). Vote --- of the City CCUncil AYES: Gatto, Jåmsa1, Pl\JD3Y, Rogers, Sparks N:>ES: Na1e ABSENl': Ncme ABS'n\IN: None -4- MINUl'ES OF 'lHE ~ 2, 1987 CI'l"1 o.xJNCIL JUl'DÇ (00-730) I'ID!S REHJ\/ED F1Q( cœsmr CAInroo1\R 24. Na1e. PVBLIC HF.ARJJ«;S 25. ~J of Aråù.tectural ani sits Appraval Call1littee decisicn en A¡pliœtien ASAC 51,742.1, modificat!en of existinq sign ....""""aøI, 0Jpertin0 Inn, 10889 North DeAnza BcW.evard (Fred K. Reed, ~"ant). (ocnt.iraJed frail October 12, 1987.) Director of P1.annizJJ an:! Devel\J1Allt'l,L COWan reviewed the staff l~L. Jc:àn Vidcviå1, DeAnza P.l:q)erties, shewed cooncil the planned locatien of the Pa1JD trees and the sign in quest!en. Followin;J t'li"'("_t.cn, it was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Rogel'S, sec.....cJt.cl by CCUnc. Gatto and I"""'<¡!ed \Il'IaI1imoos1y to close the p¡b1ic hearinq. It was IIICJVed by CCUnc. Gatto, seoc::med by o:.m::. Rcgers an:! I?"'~-ed with CCUnc. P1\JD3Y dissent:in;J ani Kayar Sparks abstaining, to "K'Luv'e the sign en the scut:h elevatien to be p) <IOed en the sectien of wall to the west of the locaticn originally 1'" ,....ed. '!he sign shall be øœled dcM1 to be in ~...",.... Lien to the area between the window and roofline and the erds of the wall. Pa1JD trees shall be p''''Oed as shewn in Exhibit ~1 of the ~licaticn. 26. ~, of P1am.irç l'hIwni....i.en actia1 en Awlicatia1 2-EXC-87, regardinq set-back ani locatien of fence to be 0CI1Structed at 22213 ()linterno QJurt (0IUa Lin, ~"ant) . Director of P1am.irç and Devel"'l-"'""',L COWan reviewed the staff ...~t. with Council. 01ua Lin, 22213 ()linterno QJurt, ~'lant, shewed CCUncil a drawinq indicatiDJ the I" mt and ....' ,":.secl fence lines. It was IIICJVed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, sec:x:med by Came. Gatto and I""e~ unaniJIr.::us1y to close the p¡blic hearinq. It was IIICJVed by CCUnc. Jå1nsan, seoa1ded by CCUnc. Gatto and I""ðO¡:ro \Il'IaI1imoosly to grant the ~. -5- Public hearing closed Sign and palm tr2es approved Public hearing closed Appeal granted . MINUl'ES OF '!HE NJ\/DœER 2, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNCIL MEE'l'DG (00-730) Motion It was IIICMId ~. o:unc. Gatto, seoadiid by o:unc. Rcç 8l1I ani rescinded pelE'eed unanimoosly to resc:in:l the IIIOtia1 grantin¡ the ~'. Public hearing It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Jàmscn, -.......cIed'r:T:i o:unc. Gatto reopened and p'I--ed UMJÚJDCUsly to reopen the PJblic hearin:.J. Elizabeth and MIIrtan Mann, adjacent ~~ty omers to the east, stated that Mr. !.in's ~,~ fence encroaàws into their ~~ty. It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Gatto, -.....dt.d by o:unc. P1\JD3Y and P"e-d unanimoosly to close the 1''''''' it! hearing. Public hearing closed Appeal approve with fence line modified . Public hearing closed Motion to deny appeal defeate . , Appeal granted ¡ , It was IIICMId by CCUnc. Gatto, ..........dt.d by o:unc. Pl\JD3Y and P"e-ed unanimoosly to øu¡:port the "R'""'1, approving the fence as~· v:eoed ~L that the easterly fence line shall begin ~tely 10 ft. to the ~ to .........~d to the int:ersecticn of Mr. !.in's ~_Ly' with the adjo.1nin;r ~~t:y to the east. 27. Aro-' of PlanniD:J nr-.i....1.cn acticn, Awlicatia1 7"'87, SRI Smvic:es, reg¡miin;J exp¡msicn of the CXX'IVel1ience store area of an existing facility located at 1325 S. Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road (Sam Rao Gul1~"i, ~"ant) . Director of P1annin:J an:! Devel,¥"",,/L Cowan reviewed the staff ..'¥"" t.. Sam Rao GI1"~" i, a¡pùlant, '"'<I''''1ned ~ he was "Iß'e"'] ing the decisicn of the P1anrù.n¡ t'romIi ....icn. Riå1ard Fitzpatrick, Alliance In:bItries, 1IIIIl'UfacturerB of the coolers used in the ~ store, stated that there wa.ù.d be no l"1b1it! ~ to the oooler area and that it wœld be very cold in the storage area. '!he new plan wa.ù.d provide a mare efficient refrigeraticn systaa an:! there wa.ù.d be less L......~tinq of goods up and dcM1 the stairs. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y, seoarJed by o:unc. Jàmscn and peI"~ unanimoosly to close the PJblic hearing. It was IIICIIed by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and seoorx:!ed by o:unc. Johnsa1 to deny the "Iß'A"1. 'Ihe mct:.icn was defeated with o:unci1-rs Gatto, ~s and Sparks dissenting. It was IIICMId by o:unc. Gatto, seccnied by Counc. Rogers and 1"'........ with o:unc. P1\JD3Y c:tissent.in¡ to grant the aweal. -6- MINU:œS OF 'DIE ~ 2, 1987 CI'1Y axJNCIL ~ (00-730) PIANNn«; APPLIo.TIOOS 28. Reco....i.c1eratia1 of ~1icatia1 13-U-S7 - Ð:iwin ani carol Federspiel - Use Pemit to cc:nstruct a 6-unit s~le-fami1y planned deve1.......-Jt ard Ð1viz'a1am1ta1 Review: 'lbe Plannin;r n--i-iat r$(. ·,·,..../Ids the grant.in;J of a Negative """"bt'aticn. 'lbe ~_"ty is located at the east side of Scenic Boulevard. ~=.. ...._1 dec1 tar denial. Director of Pl.amin;J am Devel...........jL 0:Iwan reviewed the bisckgJ:om:t of the a¡:plicatien ard shewed a new plan Wiå1 had been subnitted. City Attomey Kilian stated that Camcil had three q)ticns regard1n;r the ~,~ plan: 1. Sen:i it back to the P1.anr1iDJ lhrIni....iat for a :t:~L; 2. Deny the plan and rearfhm their prior decisiat; 3. A¡:prcV8 the new ~..posed plan if they felt the P1annin;r n--i....iat had had a åIan08 to reuiew the 1'l smt ~"i<"""]. Tall Crosby, a resident of the area am an attamey ""'i'L S!11t!n3 several neighbors, stated that there was a ooort 1:epu...ter ~ Uht. He stated that his conoeJ:TIS wre density, prutect:.iat of an envircnDentally sensitive area, sufficient aDOOSS, parJdn;J am blemirq of the project into the area. He reviewed Council's past conoeJ:TIS inclucU.n;r setbacks, '\ooes..., parJdn;J am privacy. He stated the CCUncil's ptooes::l has been fair, am that the threat of litigatiat is witlDIt merit. He said that if Camcil averrides the previous denial, he wculd like to knew the reasa1S for reoalSideratiat. In his opinioo, the applicants have igr........d CCUncil advice. Red castor, 10440 Scenic Boulevard, era:1œ:sed Mr. Crosby's . . ····-·¡ls. Helen Adzid1, 10316 Scenic Boulevard, stated that she was 'wosed to density am the t\.u:narQJrñ. John Bjeletid1, 10184 cazmen, went en record as agreeinq with Mr. Crosby as did Dick Gallant and Mrs. Gallant, 10335 Scenic Boulevard. Gearge Adzid1, Helen Adzich's Sat; Jack Deniher, an adjacent neighbor; Nancy Bjeletid1, 10184 cazmen Read; am Roy Adzid1, 10316 Scenic Boolevard; also erx30rsed Mr. Crœby's 0 ·...._·lts. -7- . . . Deny reconsid- eration of 13-U-87. adopt Res. 7359 denying use permit . MINUIES OF 'IHE H:I\IÐIBER 2, 1987 CI'1Y CXXJNCIL J'lUiJ:.uG (00-730) Bertha !adm, 10481 sœnic Boulevard, said she was "",,,"m to see reoo...f~a1 of EIaII8thiIq SO ~,.¥date to the <'Y'OIOIIInú.ty. She urged reaffirmaticn of the prøvicwI decisia1. Hù1 ShasJœr, 10317 Scenic Boulevard, said he support:«i the previws decisia1. Diane Gallant Crosby, l0335 Scenic Boulevard, adr:h. --'!ICl the h,i1i1"hle lots quest!a1. Jim JacJœcn, attamøy :t:~ ,mt.in¡ Jim Sisk and Teny Brown, said he felt he had addressed the bl1i1rboh'e lots issue. He said he cn.1ld find no i:aplicaticn in any ordinance that 0amci1 can deprive owners of an existin:J lat. He stated that no ate has said there is inadequate ~~e for fire equipœnt. Ð:i Federspiel, applicant, said that he had met with his neighbors and that there were no ~.o....h'J """*'" -ed at that time regardinq density. He said he had given up en worXin;J toward en'.'. ", goals. He said others want a c::han::e to live in the neighbœ:hccd. Teny Brown, 10230 Scenic Boulevard, stated that the rules made in 1980 in the Q::n::ept:ua1 Zaún¡ Plan cn.1ld be met. In his c:pinia1 the plan is in accordance ~th the a..."""'¥Wal Zaún¡ Plan and atd1nances. He didn't think there had been a threat of litigatia1. He said the lots in quest!a1 are legal lots. 0amci1 policy has been to recognize lots fraD the 1917 sul:xiivisia1. CCUnc. Pll.l:1gy asJœd that the questicn be CŒlSidered unless there was new infozmatia1 to be heard. Iarry 1.00, 22616 silver Oak Way, said 1azge hooses are bein;J I:Iui1t en small lots. He ~....d with the neighbors regardinq density. Foliowin;¡' CCUncil ili.....l$sia1, it was IIICIVed by Counc. Jahnscn, secc:med by CCUnc. Gatto and paP'I'«l with CCUnci1-r SpaJ:ics and Rcqers ilf~-M.un;r to deny the reoou,.ideratia1, er. "'I"".o;ing all previous findin:Js, and to adept Resolutia1 No. 7359 denying the use permit. 29. ARùicatien 5o-t1-87 - DIy Clean USA - Use Perlllit to operate a retail dJ;y cleaning shcp with cn-¡...._..I ~œ cleaning plant as a 1,400 sq. ft. tenant space within a newly-œveJ.c:ped camnercial center. '!he prc:perty is located a1 the north side of stevens Creek Boulevard, east of DeAnza Boulevard. FA· .......~ for awroval. -8- MINUl'ES OF '1HE 1Ð\/nmER 2, 1987 CI'1Y <XXJNCIL J'lUò1'.uG (00-730) It was IIDIIed by CCUnc. Gatto, seo....cJ.c1 by CCUnc. Pl\JD3Y and P"~-ed with Kayar SpaIicB abst:ainin:¡ to appL<W8 ~ic:atia1 5o-u-&7 per PlanniD;J n--i_1.cn Resoluticn No. 3099. ~ AND Sl'Œ APIKJVAL CXHIITI!:E APPLtCATICH9 30. Na1e. UNFINISHED BJSINESS 31. ~L en bid cpenin;r for widenin¡ of a porticn of H::Clellan Read, Project 4020, arxi award of .....1t....aCt. It was IIDIIed by cœnc. Gatto, seocnBi by CCUnc. Rcg\:a:s and p"'!'9ed uœnimcusJ.y to award the project to Raisch 0:I1st:%ucticn based en the lowest bid ($274,121) with (. ·,·,-·.om....'L of IiiI:IZ'X delayed until after the rainy '5'--""'" and preferably after the instaUatia1 of the retaini.rç wall by the developer, the award subjer:t to the bid beinq fim. Bå;) Hoxsie, 22337 H::Clellan Road, stated that the widenin¡ will increase traffic en H::Clellan. Director of Public Works V!skavich said that in his opinion the widenin¡ waIld not change traffic patterns. It was announced that the first Council meet:in:J in the I'PfIIrY!..l1ed City Hall waIld be the first meet:in:J in Jaramry. 10 WSINæS 32. Final ~wal of the .........."'Iity center located in Meu.....la1 Parle. Director of Pimœ arxi Recreatia1 Dow1irq Llt......lI~ PaID Brule' of the steinberq GraJp. Ms. Brule' went over drawin;¡s sbcwin;r the inside plan far the Center. She then :i1,t......lI~ Kaz Abey of Rcystcn, Har1aD¥:Ito, Alley arxi Abey, 10410 reviewed the drawin;¡s of the 1and<:œpirq and groun:Js. It was IIDIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, seooOOed by Q:lurc. Gatto arxi PO~-M unaJÚJDcUsly to grant a Negative Declaratien for the project. It was IIDIIed by CCUnc. Jåmsa1, secon:ied by CCUnc. Gatto and p¡iI'3sed unaJÚJDcUsly to direct: the architects to þ.&.~ with design develcpœnt. p¡:r"R<ts: 10:2o-l0:35 p.m. -9- 50-U-87 approved McClellan widening contract First meeting in remodelled City Hall Negative Dec. for Com. Ctr. Architect directed to proceed with design develop' ment MINUl'ES OF '!HE lÐ\1ÐIBER 2, 1987 CI'1Y CDJNCIL MIŒI'DC (00-730) Kayar Sparks \I%g8d øverya1e to vote in the NoI.......... 3 electiat. 33. Røvisw of c¢ia1s available regarciin:J mitigatia\ of err¡ traffic prr.hJ- a\ neighboJ:txx:d ..LL...ot:& in the Mira vista area. DiJ:ector of Fublic Works viskcvich llUlllllarized previous actia'IS am directives by oamcil. He said that the traffic cx:mrt:s do mt irdicate closures and that he waIld be oct...~..uL.....tin;r a\ the speed issue at this time. Hans Hauq, 22345 H:1Clel1an RaId, stated he wanted the cpt.icn of 100JdnJ at speed .......1L...uls a\ H:1Clellan atter the widenin;J takes p1aoe. Bob Her¥h'icksa'I, 10535 Mira vista, said that he had CXI1tacted ather cities usiD¡ the rœd bmps. He recpISted mare sœrlff's patrol am 8'Ùd that the c¢ia1s ~ S_ILed in the report wculd help al1ev'!ats the prå:)lems. Hal Hauck, 22401 Santa Paula, said he voted yes en the bmps and thanJœd. the City for the stu:ly. TcIII 8canlen, 10208 case Place, said he liked the plan. His major oct~u is "Ip"ediD¡. He su",,-i:in;J p1t:tin¡ the h"",," en ather ..L...dIts in additien to the œes shawn en the plan. Iauri Dean, 10218 Mira vista, said the rœd l::iunpI waIld solve the "Ip"""Ijrg. She said the stq) signs to be installed near the såIco1 bJs stq) a..""8 hpartant. Jàm Bjeletiå1, 10184 (';0""'"'1 Read, requested rœd h'"l"" en Scenic Boolevard. Yoerq FrEuiiq, Palo vista am Palm SU), a:o""ted widenin;r of Palo Vista am the installatien of speed limit signs. He said he didn't like all the ..............la that's beirg pcu:ed in the area. Jim Shaw asked WIen traffic .......¡L...ul -"'JZ'8S waIld be installed en H:1Clellan at Cluti10use lane. He requested a speed stu:ly en lower H:1Clel1an befar:e the widenin;r takes place. He also asked for Sheriff enfœ:oeme¡&t; durin;J tha rainy S-~IU'W'\. He asked that staff CCIIIe back with SCIIIe c::ptiCI1s for that port:.!en of H:1Clel1an. scott :Kin;J, l0285 Mira vista, said that signs restrictin:¡ traffic to neighborhood traffic a'Ily were used in :Ð.1rcpe and might 1o'Ork here. -10- MINUl'ES C1P '!HE N:J\/ÐœER 2, 1987 CI'1Y cnJNCIL m=:.uG (CX>-730) JåIn Wlth'er, 22221 Santa Paula, said he thought the staff l........t was the IIIC8t: positive t:hin¡ to be .... s d:ed in the last ten years. He also ~ mare polioe patrol in additicn to the .....~ ~ .....'L..uls. !!c:b Ji:oøJie said that in additia1 to the speed stmy at lower H:::Clellan road he wa1ld 1iJœ to see å1att8r bIIr8 installed until the hprovements are mde. It was IIICIIed by counc. Pl\JD3Y, a..o....ded by <h1nc. ~. ani paee'9d with CQJroi1,,_,Jcs Gatto ani Sparks ,He- d.lnq to iJJplement the plan as.....~ in Exhibit E including the rœd b.mps at Scenic Boulevard, ani that å1atter bIIr8 'o1IQ11d still be at the basis of petiticn at the ~.~ locat!ats. StqI signs ani rœd b.mps at Mira vista wa1ld be installed i-'lbtely with CCIIplet:.!cn of rœd Þ.mp :insta11atiat in four weJœ. 'D1e petitiat will be sent regarc:Ung the å1atter bars. Traffic plan for Mira Vista area implemented It was IIICIIed by ~. P1\JD3Y, sec....dt.cl by CCUnc. Gatto and p"eeed unaniDø¡sJ.y to read tk~...y ordinanoe No. 1429 by title aùy ani the Dep1ty City Clmk's readin:¡ to c:a1St:.itute the readin:¡ thereof. It was IIICIIed by counc. Gatto, -.......dt.cl by counc. P1\JD3Y and I""e'ö'ed una..,i~y to enact U.t.~...y ordinanoe No. 1429. Ord. 1429 e....cted It was IIIÇMId by CCUnc. Gatto, EIEIC:X:nied by counc. Jåmsa1 and P"!1¡'E'ed unaniDø¡sJ.y to roop'''''''' the yield sign at Janice ani Palo vista with a step sign. It was IIICIIed by counc. P1\JD3Y, IIOCCZÙ9d by O::cn::. Gatto and poe...... unaniDø¡sJ.y to read Ul~"'-f ordinance No. 1430 by title aùy and the Dep1ty City Clmk's readin:¡ to c:a1St:.itute the readin:¡ thereof. It was IIICIIed by counc. ~s, seoco:1oed by CCUnc. Jåu1scn ani p"~--OO Ul'IaIÙJIØ sJ.y to enact .....~a:.:i ordinanoe No. 1430. 34. O:31sideraticn of amerñin;J the City's CaIflict of Interest CU:Je to inclme the Fine Arts lhmIi....iat. (a) Reso1utiat No. 7357: "A Raso1utiat of the City CCUncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIeniin¡ Resolutiat No. 6730 to Incluie ~rs of the Fine Arts lhmIi ....1en as Designated Ðlployees under the CaIflict of Interest CU:Je." Reading of Ord. 1430 Ord. 1430 enacted It was DW:JYed by counc. Plurgy, seoc:.n:1ed by CCUnc. Gatto arxl I'<1"'sed Ul'IaIÙJIØ sJ.y to adept Resolutien No. 7357. -11- Res. 7357 adopted . 14-TK-87 condition 13 interpretation Dangerous dog ord. tabled Ac tion against Photo Drive- . County Library Commission nominations . MIN!1l!S OF 'mE lO,ìÐœER 2, 1987 CI'lY <DJNCIL ~ (0=-730) 35. A¡plicatia1 14JDt-S7, 5a1nenblick, 1nt:erpretatiat of cxnU.tkn 13 regardin;J lot orientation. It was IIICM!d by Q:Qx:. Pl~, ~.:1t.d by CaIne. ~ and P---¡:i l.InBlÙJIØ sly to jntetpret O:n:iitkn 13 as perta.ininJ to "'~Jcø CIIly. 'DIe fra1t dear JI1lI.Y fllOB arr¡ direc:tiat; rx:-wr, a IIIini:øua 20 ft. "fra1t" set:IJack shall be IIIIÛntainBd alœg the ~ ~"¥"Lty line. 36. Røview of dangercus dog' ordinance of Santa Clara cnmty and recpJSt for c:1izect:ia¡. '.this it!lll was tabled. 37. ~-t for authorlzatioo to initiate civil act:.ioo agajnst R1cto Drive-up for the reIIICMÙ of interior wall signs, 1375 S. Saratoga-SUnnyvale Rœd. (Possible closed sessioo) It was IIICM!d by CaIne. Gatto, seooude.J by CaIne. l'IogeIs and l"""ged ~y to authariza initiatioo of the act:.ioo with a two -..-It stay to allow R1cto Drive-up to maIœ the nee "ry a¡:pJ.ic:atials to 1tSIC. 18. JM<;p-t for lXIIIinatia'lS for the Ocunty LibraJ:y ,...,.....,...4 -icI'1. It was IIICM!d by CaIne. Gatto, ..........dad by CaIne. Jàmscn am P"'--.t l.InBlÙJIØ sly to refer this matter to the City's LibraJ:y n-.i<"'ioo. 39. Calsideratioo of an ~,L to Q1apter 16.32, SWimirJ;J Pools, of the 0Ipertin0 Jt.Jnicip'" 0xJe, to delete ~ to fence deoarative pc:n:m. (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 1429: "An ominance of the City Calneil of the City of 0Ipertin0 AIIIer1din:l Cbapter 16.32.040, SWimirJ;J Pools, ~ety REq1iIements, of the 0Ipertin0 JIJni~ipal Cb3e." Previcuùy rear:IYed. 40. ~L 00 pn:å1ase of of ......,L...aet:. respcr¡se to request for ~.y)""l'R far chairs for ..-,. .1Aled City Hall, anå award -12- MDVŒS OF 'DIE ØJVÐmER 2, 1987 CI'lY 0XJNc:IL ............u«; (0=-730) It was IIICIII8d by cnmc. P1un;¡y, .........o:1tod by cnmc. Rcgers and pe'~ed with Quy,i1 I I_a Gatto and JåInscIl ..i- ..t.irq to direct that the ~ II ,L cnmcil åIairs for c::hIIIIIber be ra¡pholsI"..ered: tlIat new å1airs be ordered for staff roaDS: that the bid be awarded to Lindsay'. based a'I Altemate 2 with the delet:.icn of new å1airs for cnmcil 01IIJIi)er and the additia'l of tax. 41. Mcpt.ia'l of a:mamity DeIIel........./L Block Grant P..""'P..... - Joint ~ ~......../L. (a) Resoluticn No. 7347: "A Resolutia'l of the 'lty cnmcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorizin:} EIœc:uticn of a Joint Exørcise of ~ ~........d.. and ~atia'l 1og1.........,L with the Oamty of Santa Clara for Fiscal Years 1988-1990. It was IIICIII8d by cnmc. Plun;¡y, seoaded by cnmc. Gatto and P"~'!''9d unariliIøIsly to adr:¢ Rssoluticn No. 7347. ~KI:.L·nl'i CXlKJNICATIctIS 42. Pet:.iticn for re¡gyaJ. of œrrler at F<:Al..st AveraI8. Jim Martin stated tlIat he WOJld 1iJœ a traffic stIñy dme in the area. Alf Modine, Prunetree Iane, said he wanted the barrier rE!IIICJYed. Tony 1I1ite, 20061 Fl....e.It Avemo, said he was violently . u·.....l to rsI:MIl of the barriers. 01ar1_ ~, 10446 Plw.d..._ Iane, said he was neutml a'I the r8II:Nal tut ~""ted a peak hem' œrrler si...i ",~ to the a'\8 at F8cifica. cnmcil took no actia'l. æDIJlfINC!S 43. Na1e. RESOIUl'ICH3 44. Na1e. (" ' n::RI"I SESSICJf Na1e. -13- Chairs for remorleUed City Hall Res. 7347 adopted No action re barrier at Forrest Ave. . Adjournment . tþ MDI71!S OF '!HE 1ÐYDœER 2, 1987 ~':rlY CXXH:IL l'IUi.l'.uG (œ-730) 'D'Ie ..un:¡ - ac!jcumed at U:!58 p... to 6:30 p.m., ~, No.....oIb.... 10, 1987, lcMIr lev8l Q:I f.......... Roaa, interim City Rall. ¿~ !J~ City Cleñt -14-