CC 11-16-87
Interim city Hall: 10430 S. DeAnza !b1levard
0Jpertin0, CA 95014
Tel.,.l.....e: (408) 21;2-4505
HEID Ql !I:I\IÐII!œ 16, 1987, INl'EXIM caJNCIL œi\MBER
At 6:45 p.m. Mayor Gatto called the ~ to omer.
Ccunc. p¿, .s liL:
Jahnscn, Ri:IppP~, P1un;¡y, Rogers, Mayor Gatto
staff PI. J ¡l:
City Manager ()ùnlan
City Cleric Comelius
Director of PI.Iblic Works VisJccviå¡
Director of ~ and Devel,¥",,&,L QJWan
Assistant to the city Manager arcwn
Director of Finance Snyt1er
Director of Parks and Recreaticn Dcw1in;r
l'romIInú.ty Relatia'ls Officer Rrey
City Attomey Kilian
~ - Nme.
P.I. S . d.aticn to RIom:.ta A. Rogelii for her cont:ril:uticn to
seú.or citizens.
'Ibis portia1 of the ~ is rescwd for p.oU,CIIS wi.shiJq
to aà:h. the Council en any matter nat en the .."...dè..
Speakers .=u:e limited to five min.1tes. In..t cases, state
law will prå1ibit the Council fEt:a IIBkiD) any decis:icns
with respect to a matter nat listed en the aI)EIIda.
Pl!Ltrlck R. M.:::Maha1 reg¡miirg ice rink at valloo F:oo:hi~
'Ihe items listed urœr oeremcnial matters and oral
"""""nücaticns will be scheduled for the ~ of H:n2y,
~~ 7, 1987.
ABC license
for retiring
Juan Bautista
DeAnza Natl.
mFF !<aU(l::¡
1. Oral L"'i-"Lls by statf .....,~ oè..... æñ ...,""I....!.oo of written
City Manager's ~L - Received.
2. ABC Lie... æ: Valley Green Liquors, 10073 Saicb Way;
Bob's Biq Bey, 10145 N. DeAnza Boulevard.
Camci1 received the L"'t"A L.
3. !brt:hly ~ L frcm Treasurer æñ axIgst Update.
Camci1 received the L"'t"Al.
4. Activity Rspcu.l, Octci:er, 1987.
Camci1 received the L"'i-"L l.
5. Camci1 recxX3ul.tia1 of retir'in3 City EllployeM.
It was IIICM!d by 0:iuD::. Jchnsa1, seoax8i by 0:iuD::. Pluny
æñ I"'~sed unanimusly to accept: the ~'\. ""'Il as follows
for cx:nfidentia1, JIIiU'1a1~ -·tt and ncI& 1I81b:r-°.A.1l pelaa..a.~:
D-4 years of service - resolutien
5-9 years - resoluticn + d1aDJVp.injJœychain
10-14 years - resolutien + d1aDJVp.injJœychain + ¡ixJto
of O¡pertino
15 plus years - resol~ + ~ + ¡ixJto
+ platter or bowl
Enccurage EIIplayee to accept: at Ocuncil œetinI¡.
RBt:rœct:ive to previcg¡ EIIployees retir'in3 with 2<* years.
All Camci1 ..... ~ -e1... be notified when these ~
will occur.
6. Update of status of 0Jpertin0 Redeve1,¥""",L '/tq!!tcf.
It was IIICM!d by 0:iuD::. Jå1l'lso.., s.e......d.d by 0:iuD::. Pluny
æñ I?'"~-ed unanimusly to direct: statf to pm¡ue the
redeve1~.L project for the Rancho Rinoa1ada area æñ to
meet with Vallco.
7. Report en status of JUan Bautista DeAnza Naticna1
MDÐl'ES OF '!HE N:JVamER 16, 1987 CI'lY a:u«::IL """"'~'.u'IG
ocuncil nlœived the staff ...'¥-'...t.
10. 0::Amc. P1un;w - By OOIl!!eIlSUS, ocuncil directed that
~i1~ P1uo;;y wcrIt with the City MIInager, the
cirect:ar of Public Worlœ an:! the Fine Arts o-oi_tcn
reg; givinq cur sister city, Toyo1œwa, a m:rlat.
CXHmfl' ~
Mayer Gatto rem:JYed Item 27.
It was DDYed by 0::Amc. R:Jgers, secc.n:Ied by Cbm::. Jåmsa1
and )?"e...... unani:mcus1y to ~ the balance of the
o...~.t. Calen3ar, with the eJdùbit for ßeso1utien No. 7373
(Item 26) revised.
13. !':In,.,. .... an:! Crœs-o:mplaint for Indearúty - SUsie Lee
an:! Rcderick Electric. Receive.
14. SIuø:::>.... & CI:'oss-o:mplai for Indearúty - SUsie Lee and
JåIn Art:lU1r Rcderick. Receive.
15. Resolutien No. 7360: "A Resoluticn of the city ocuncil
of the city of 0Jpertjn0 Sett:inq Date for 0CI1si.deraticr1
of Annexing Axea Designated 'Ro-.... ""'" Aven.Je 87-05',
P..._Lj Located en the North side of 1'0-......... Aven.Ie
BebÆØ1 J3yme Aven.Je an:! Orarçe Aveme, Apprt:Ddmtely
0.46 Acre, ~."
16. Resolutien No. 7361: "A:Resolut.ic:lr. of the City ocuncil
of the City of 0Jpertjn0 Dec:larinq Il'Itent to 0:Ird1ct a
Public Hear:inq O"'.........ÚJXj a arlsanœ at 01ristian
Qmrå1 of 0Jpertjn0, 20075 Boll.ù9Ir Bead."
17. Resoluticn No. 7362: "A Resoluticn of the city ocuncil
of the City of 0Jpertjn0 MaJdn;r DeteJ:minaticrI and
A¡:prav:inq the Amexatien of TerritŒy Designated as
'Mc('1-" an Rœå 87-04 ¡ , J\¡:IprcIX:iJIay 2.42 k:res
Located en the North side of McClellan Rœå BEbr¡eeh
BymB Aven.Je and Madrid Rœå, Menta Vista Bible Qmrå1
(AIN 357-12-42)."
18. Resolutien No. 7363: "A Reso1uticn of the City Oamcil
of the City of 0Jpertjn0 Declarin;J Weeds Grcwin;J en
Certain Described PL_t:y to be a PUblic NI.J.isaooe."
Sister City
MINU'1'!S OF 'DIE ~ l6, 1987 CIT'i cnJNCIL MEE'1'I1G
19. Resoluticn No. 7364: "A Resolutkn of the City QJuncil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowing Certain C'bt_ and
c-...Idto Payable in the Amcunts and FraIl the Funds as
Hereinafter DIIBcribed far GenBral and Mi.soe1.1aneaJs
Experditures tar the Feriod Endinq NoI.......... 6, 1987."
20. Revisia1s to the 1987-88 payroll œso1.utia18.
(a) Resoluticn No. 7365: "A Resolutiœ of the City
QJuncil of the City of 0Ipertin0 Amendin¡
Resoluticn No. 7232 J\dcpt1.n' a MeIIDI:arXIum of
UrxJerstanUng between the City of 0Jpertin0 and
the 0Jpertin0 ÐIp1oyee¡.' Associatia1."
(b) Resolutiœ No. 7366: "A Resolutiœ of the City
O::amcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Amendin¡
Resoluticn No. 7233 J\dcpt1.n' a MeIIIoranduII of
tJnderst:andin¡ BetueJ. the City of 0Zpertin0 and
the ~ ED;Jineer's I.ccal No.3."
(c) Resoluticn No. 7367: "A Resoluticn of the City
O::amcil of the City of 0Ipertin0 Amendin¡
Reso1utiœ No. 7234, Man.." ,-,It 0 "'I..erøatia1
P.L~GIIi. "
(d) Resolutiœ No. 7368: "A Resoluticn of the City
CaJrr.i1 of the City of 0Ipertin0 1\menili1g
Resoluticn No. 7236, CcI1fidentia1 0 "'1. "'fISiltia1
PL~a&II. "
21. H!SOluticn No. 7369: "A Reso1uticn of the City O::amcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Aoœ;J Grant Deed of RsIIl
Pl._Li for ~ PIn:pcse& frta L.&....... E. Williams
and ~ P. Williams Located œ steJ..lirq Road and Se\I&1
Sprin;J PIIrJcway, Apprc:Ddmat:ely 0.004 AcI:e."
22. Resoluticn No. 7370: "A Resolution of the City O::amcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 1ocoept:iJ1¡ Grant of --- d.
far ~ Puq:·:ns frcm Karl and Jœn
V--øø~"o o:ndst:.inq of Apprc:Ddmat:ely .036 AcI:e IDeated
at the Nart:hwest Q.......... of OLa..~ Avera.Ie and Þ.l""",,-\
Avera.Ie. "
23. Acœptanoe of lIIJ'Ii..,ipRl~: Tract No. 7787,
Pan Cal InY_L.wc.It, Blaney and Price Avenue. (No
supþO.I.liIY,J doco""""1ts required.)
24. Resolutiœ No. 7371: "A Reso1utiœ of the City O::amcil
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ O:ntract QIan;e
Order No. 17 far DeAnza BcW.evard Wideni.n:J, Project:
25. RBsolutia1 No. 7372: "A RBsolutia1 of the City o:ux:il
of the City of Qpert.ino A¡:prc:N1n;J a.., Qwçe
Order No. 2 for Foot:h.Ul Bculøvard OYerlay, I' -,ject
26. RBsolutia1 No. 7373: "A Reøolutia1 of the City 0:Iurx::il
of the City of Qpert.ino A¡:prc:N1n;J a...L.......-t Qwçe
Order No. 13 for Civic Center Expensia:1 Project
87-2003, City Hall, Library, site."
27. REm:IYed.
ITÐ6 RDÐ'm) F1UI <nmm' CAInm\R
27. Request for approval of a sot credit for private open
space for the Seven Spri1gs Ræ1ål Devel'¥"'='.l."
In1ald SeraJt:a, 1249 ~ Drive, requested infœ:matien
regardin;J the sttucture a.........lly located en the land.
Director of PJ.annin;J and Døvel,¥,"," .l 0:Mm was ~-<.od to
0CII1e back with a ~l regardi.-x; ~10\'.. &t.-œt:ure.
It was 1IDYed by Cam::. JcWlSQ., seo..ded by Cam::. P1un;¡y
and p"ð-9d unaniJII::IUs1y to grant the deYe1c:per 50t credit.
29. Jlß-l of ~ Rasolutia1 No. 1329, Awli.œticn ~
52,741.1, sign }LL~"'" for 01øvra1, USA, Inc., seJ:Viœ
st:aticn located at 11010 N. DeAnza Bculevard.
Director of Plannin;J and Døvel......".uL 0:Iwan I'EII7iewad the
"R""'1 with o:ux:il and informed thea that since this in a
Planned Døvel'¥'"'".t., SCIII8 deviatiat ~... the cmiinance 1I6q
be allowed.
SpelICaL Nelsat of Pømit Setvice Q). ans¡.æ:..d q.¡estia1s
fraa Cam::il.
It was 1IDYed by Cam::. Jà........, ..........à.d by Cam::. ~..
and ¡y--eà unaniJII::IUs1y to close the In},' ir. heiIriD¡.
It was 1IDYed by Cam::. Jdu.....¡, e........à.d by Cam::. P1\JD3Y
and p"'~-ed unaniJII::IUs1y to deny the "ß""'"'.
30. Abateœnt of raúsance at 22582 San JUan IÐad.
(a) Resolut.ia1 No. 7374: "A Resolutien of the City
0:Iurx::il of the City of a¡pertino Orderinq
Abateœnt of NUisaooe at 22582 San JUan Read."
Open space
credit. 7
Public hearing
Appeal denied
ASAC 52,741.1
MDI1I!S OF '1h~ N::II.'EHBm 16, 1987 CI'lY <XUICIL fo!u¡ul'lG
Assistant to the city JfIIœger Brawn intOD81 0JuIcl1 that
the mi.san:!e had been abated and ~. "''1ded that they
ñi_i_ this item.
DaY8, 22582 san JUan Ro!Id, told cnmcil that he has
been WŒkin:l to abate any perceived prå)l8ll.
Public hearing It was IIICIII8:1 by <bmc. JÙ¡¡......" eeo....dI.d by <bmc. ~.
closed and p" ej \In!IIÙJIDISly to close the public hearinq.
Item removed It was IIICIII8:1 by <bmc. JåInsa1, seoc:n:1ed by <bmc. Plun;w
and p" ell unarrlJDcus1y to reIIIC\/8 this item frail the agenda.
31. AbateIIIent of mi.san:!e at 22356 HaDestead !ald.
(a) Reso1utien No. 7375: "A Resolutien of the City
cnmcil of the city of Q.Ipertino Orderinq
Abatement of NUisance at 22356 HaDestead Ro!Id."
Assistant to the city Manager Brawn J.'e(, ...,-<ded that
cnmcil rb-olare a J'I1i.sanœ.
Carl Kaiser, 22230 HaDestead laid, stated that there has
been a ocntinún;J prå)l811 with trash, drainage, hot soapy
greIISy water, etc. in the shq:pin¡ center.
City Attorney Kilian stated that a fee can be charged to
inc1me staff time involved in abatement shculd this be
rb-o, "1"I!d a 1'Ili.sance. 'Ibis pe.rt:iaJlar center is zcned
,....,-'...la1; therefore, a use pend.t was not required far
the restaurant in the center.
Public hearing It was IIICIII8:1 by <bmc., ~.dI.d by <bmc. ~..
closed and p"--111 unarrlJDcus1y to close the public hearing.
Res. 7375 It was IIICIII8:1 by <bmc. RogIa.., seooo:1ed by <bmc. Plun;w
adopted and 1"'--111 unarrlJDcus1y to adept Resolutic:n No. 7375 with
the .aXh. \",II"U,.,l.v."o,ted.
32. Jkotl-t far approval of ëåiin;J of policy to the Solid
Waste ~ -. It Plan far santa Clara Oamty en
iDpJrtatien of solid waste frail cutside santa Clara
Oamty .
(a) Resolutic:n No. 7376: "A Resolutic:n of the City
0cunci1 of the City of Qpertino ~ the
R:I1icy en ~ 14tiC1l of Solid Waste frail Oltside
santa Clara 0Junty to be Added to the Solid Waste
~rt; Plan far santa Clara 0:u1t:y."
MINUl'E9 OF '!HE ~ 16, 1987 CI'lY CXUCIL ~
Directar of PUblic WarIcs visJcDvich ~ the policy with
It was IIDII8d by Came. Plun,¡y, seoo..dood by Came. JoolIsen
ard p--·mi unanbIcus1y to clœe the public hearln:¡.
It was IIICIII>-.d by Ckiuro:. JoJ"-..,, seocaidoed by Came. Roge¡:s
ard 1'"'--,11 l.4UÛJIICiUSly to adept: Resolutien No. 7376.
33. A¡p1icatia1 4-V-87 - George Drysdale - Variance frcD
Sect:.ien 7.2 of Ordinance No. 1374 to reduce the
req.1ized lot width frcD 60 ft. to 51 ft. at the fra1t
setback line ard EnviJ:a1aIental RSltiew: 'Ibe project is
categorically ~, hence no ac:t.ia~ 13 required. 'Ibe
prq¡art:y is loœted at the northerly teImin.Js of
Adriana A"-e:JJe (10221 Adriana Aveme) . ~ .,.,-..:Jm far
(a) Resoluticn No. 7377: "A Resoluticn of the City
Ocuncil of the City of Q¡pertino Grant:ing a
Variaooe to Gecrge Drysdale frcD Sect:.icn 7.2 of
Ordinance No. 1374 to ~_ the Recpired tot
width frail 60 Ft. to 51 Ft. at the Fra1t Setback
Line. "
Direct:ar of PJ.am1nq and Devel"¥"",,,L o:-n reviewecl the
...... '1"'~ variance with Ocuncil.
It was 1IID\/ed. by Came. J..b......., ..........dood by Came. Plun,¡y
ard p---'11 1.InIUÚJIDJSly to _we the of the
var..ance ard adtpt RBsoluticn No. 7377.
34. ~1i,."tic:n 4!K1-87 - Dny1 Fazekas - Use Pemit to
CCI'MI1't an existinI¡.. ,~_ h,i1i1jn; to
office¡'· -'cia1 uses and to .........LLuct -----fated site
ard h,i1i1i1'J1 JDtificaticns ard Emrira1Denta1 RBview:
'Ibe Plaming n-f_im :r:.. -.db the of a
Negative Declaraticn. 'Ibe ....._Ly is loœted en the
Ba1th side of Stewœ Creek Boulevard, approx1mately
500 ft. wast of Blaney Aveœe. J!Þ.<. -ided far
It was IIDII8d by Came. J..b......., s-.......dood by Came. ~e
and p"ft-9d unanbIcus1y to ~ the of a
Negative """""ratic:n for A[p1icatien 4!K1-87.
It was IIDII8d by Came. Jù"......, secxn:ied by Came. P1un,¡y
and l"'e'*'Ci ~y to awrove A¡:p1icatien 49-U-87 per
Planninq f'rormi"""ien Reso1uticn No. 4006.
Public hearing
Res. 7176
Res. 7377
Negative Dec.
for 49-U-87
Res. 7374
35. Awlicatiat 3-V-87 - step'Ien C. ~ - Varianœ
frail the side set:b!IcIt ~ of the p~
(Sinqle-faily, residential) 0Idinance to pezmit a 6
ft. and 10 ft. set:b!IcIt, respe...-t:.ively, for 1:I0Io seccn:1
stmy decks in lieu of the nq.ùred 15 ft. and
Envira1œnta1 Review: 'Ihe project is categarically
~L, hence no act:.iat is nq.ùred. 'Ihe ....._t.y is
located at the south side of 0Jpertin0 BOIId
apaxi:œtely 350 ft. west of Camen Read. Reo:- ........1ded
for denial.
(a) Resoluticn No. 7374: "A Resolutiat of the City cnm::i.l
of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~inq Variance to step'Ien
C. 'D'> "I-J1 from the side Setback RsquirEments of the
Rl 0J:t1inan0e to Femit a 6 Ft. and 10 Ft. Set:b!Ick,
Respectively, for 'l\Ic Secx:.n:i stoJ:y Decks in Lieu <)f the
~ 15 Ft."
Director of Plannin;J and Devel~,L CkIwan revi-S the
request for a variance with Camcil.
step'Ien c. 'It- "1, -eon, 22322 0Jpertin0 Read, stated that the
first stmy is exist.1n;J and he plans to aå:i a seccn:1
floor. Mr. 'ltnl,--' told Ccuncil that the 4 ft. wide
balocnies are for OOSIuatic pn¡<na to ÌIIp[O\I8 the
appearcmce of the i"-.,':...ed seccni floor. He felt that this
was a unique situat.icn. 'Ihe adjoiniD¡ lot is vacant and
just the f1relane ~ be seen from the baloa1}'. He said
that he has received "K"-wal or SI.W.... L from neighbors at
all sides of his i"-_L)'.
It was IIICII8d by Ccunc. IL,¡.:...., by Ccunc. Jå1nBa1
and p"--ecI unanbr::us1y to "K"-W8 the variance and adept
Resoluticn No. 7374.
36. Þß>' iœticn 22JDH7 - Dividend Devel"¥"",,L o....~..ticn
- Tentative Map to sulxlivide 1 parcel into 16 pIIrC8ls
with lot sizes ran;Jin;J from 7,500 sq. ft. to 9,500 sq.
ft. and Envirc:naent:a1 Review: 'Ihe Planning n-ai_im
I"A.., -œ the grantinJ of Negative no.rol"~tiat. 'Ihe
¡TOperty is located at the north side of OolumbJs
Aveme bcA.Irñ by Maria Rosa and wi1kinsa1 Aveme.
p,¡,.y.·..""ded for denial.
Mayer Gatto arncunœd that he owns a heme across the ..L...oodL
from the prcpe1ty involved in this a¡:plicatiat. ---,.... of
potential ocnflict of interest, he BtEß'ed dawn and turned
the meetin;J aver to Mayer Pro-Tem Plun;w.
Marvin Kirkeby, Civil ~ineer, answered questiCl'lS of
Ccuncil and stated that aùy the potential loss of trees
remains as an issue.
MIHJŒS OF 'DIE !mEMBER l6, 1987 CI'lY <DJNCIL 1IUi.L".u«;
BIyce Hansen, azbarist with a....~cd:e and 0 > cial
scvioes, Inc., adm. -td ocuncl1 regarding the Valley oaJcs
en the 1M-'¥=ty. H& stated that an acceptable guideline
within the i11dust:zy is "den 't distmb within ten ft." He
stated that the Valley Oak en Lot 3 is IIßI[CIICimataly 200
years old and oculd live many Dm'8 centuries.
Dave DIIVis, 21917 Oak View Lane, infCl1'Jl81 o:ux:il that he
has an interest in Oak trees and is o....o......ed abcut 1ohI.t is
1M-' ~. He feels that the 1cn;J8Vity of the Oak will be
affected by the crown of the tree. He has watålød the
devel-.--d.. of hcmes in stevens Canyat, and slowly but
suœly the oaks in the yards ili"""W'""1'". He _ ed
SUJ:prise that an ~ L waùd be so vague regardin;r the
Ed Ford, 10853 Wilkinsat Aveme, _ -1!:1 the cpinicn that
another issue is Wether or not the ard1itecture of the
1M-' ~ h,i1din;¡s waùd blend with the area. He urged
that o:ux:il -i'1e the plúpOÞed density, the trees, the
flop" V~ e to the sdIool. He stated that this is an
historlca1 area in Olpertino.
Btuoe smith, 10933 Wilkinsat, ili......~-ed the laytut of the
deYel..........d... He felt that there waùd be no preservaticn
of the trees. He told Council if they are seri.aJs abcut
100Jd.n;J into neighbœ:hcod CCIIptibility this parti.cu1ar
devel.¥"""d.. is a good test case.
Art F.e...., 10990 Maria Rcsa Way, _ ~ed .............1' regardin;J
traffic and tlos pct:enti;\l -pass through to Kb....dy.
suzanne Ford, 10853 wilk'.n.'Ia\ Aveme, S\...~ted that this
be :maint:ained as a natur,"l area with a pl'"'lU8 as in mini
pu:iœ in Palo Alto.
Bill Wi1scn, 10970 Maria lb;a Way, said that the _
already has traffic aU day frail students. He also
_ 811 .....~... regardin;J the trees bein; in lawJ18
~- too JUCt1 water wculd kill the trees. He urged
ocuncl1 to Iœep them as they are and 1M- 8!1r118 them.
Nancy Hertert, San JUan Rœd, said that maybe the City's
prot:ect:.icn guidelines were not encuj1 as many trees get
killed duriD¡ CØ
Dick Oliver, princlpal of Dividerñ Devel,¥"",d.. cmp., said
that he has -irøi the 1M-'¥=t': and there is no warn path
frail a:rrf use of the students. In the last two weeks, he
has cœervect the property four time.3 and saw no àú.ldren
cliDiJin:¡ the fence goin:¡ back and forth to sà1oo1. He
stated that he also wanted to save the trees as he
ccnsiders them a valuable asset. He said that EG&E will
not œ in that area as the underc;rcundinq of utilities will
be located .,-.b..... He stated the cpinia1 that he has
OCIIIIlied with the City's ardinanœ.
A qant:1amn ~ 811 Cbmcil reg¡u:din¡ the locaticn of
fences, cIec:Iœ, etc. in relatiœship to the a-.
Rid1ard Oliver alIIl.!!l..d ~ of the City CbmcilID1l!
stated that he did not believe the sd100l wants a W!I1bIray
thraJgh that ~_Li'.
87 It was IŒMId by CaIne. JåInson am secaxJed by Ccunc.
i&ypel to derJ;y the awlicatiŒl per Planr1in¡ n-.m.i....tcn
Resolutia'lS 4008 am 4009.
Mr. Oliver stated that the træ located between lots 15 and
16 was not in any jecpsrdy am stated that he was williD¡
to adjust the lot lines for lots 3 am 4 to help p.. II!lV8
other tmM.
'Ibe x.t.iŒI p"--sl1 with Ccunc. a.y..... t'li-- ,linq am CaIne.
Gatto absent.
1m ..=-.l:: 9:3D-9:40 p.m.
Mayor Gatto was ~ nd. 1IbIn Cbmcil :œ::aM!I1ed.
37. NcrIe.
38. ~L ŒI œcpISt traR Q¡pørt1no Temis Club for a
temis center.
DiJ:ec:tar of PamI and HBc:reatiat IkJwling reviewed his
..'"'t""Lt. with Cbmcil.
City Attamey Rilian ~ -gd CaIncil reg¡u:din¡ the pcII'IIrB
of the City in regard to the letter received traR !'d
Hirshfield, President, 0Jpertin0 Temis Club, dated
NaI.~ 16. He stated as follows: Issue 1: 'Ibe City has
no power. Issue 2: No gradin;J pm:mit has ~ i....._.
Issue 3: 'Ibe c.n........l za1iD¡ is: ~_tia1 as part of
Planned Devel,¥"",íl. No za1iD¡ is in pe¡.¡..tuity.
MD«1l'fS OF mE ~ l6, 1987 CI'lY CXXH:IL Jal'IlG
Mr. Hirshfield told Ocuncil that the clos!n;J of DeAnza
P-q-t Club pIts an additimal strain at the public cnu:ts
av>oi1lot.'e. He ~ that ocunci1 oc:ntiraJe this matter
so the Tennis Club waùc1 have an "'M"-"-Wnity to ~ with
,,_.J -e<lS of the DeAnza Racquet Club. 'lbey will CCJIIB b!Ick to
ocunci1 at ~: _,J ez: 7.
Mayer Gatto infarmed Mr. Hirshfield that to have this it.
pl~ at the ~:_.J__ 7 agenda he sIxW.d call the City
Clerk by Pec-..J.ex l.
I.any !t:geynolds, 10200 Hillcrest R:Jad, l,¥", II 'L!n;J these
t"- II ..t frail DeAnza Racquet Club, urged <hIncil not to lose
this asset: to the City. He asked 104Iat the club J ...~.
oculd do ani waùc1 it help to pass a petitiat. Mr.
M::Røyno1ds stated that the study ~ -eð the cpinicn that
arr¡ study shcW.d ðCUL Ell! the cpùity ani lcx:atiat of cnu:ts
ani not just the 1"JJIIi:Ier.
Dave Davis told <hIncil he q:poMd the Parks ani Rsc:rœt.ia\'S Ie<:- ·,·,~'ldatiat for a study as he felt it was
too na.rraIf. He felt that the City shcW.d look at the
overall rec:reatiooal needs of the citizens ani then dedðA
104Iat Jdni of study shcW.d be da1e.
It was IIICIIIed by <hInc. ~'" sec:xDBi by <hInc. JåInsa1
ani P"-'9d unaniDø.Js1y to direct staff to prepare a ~""l-""'L
regardirq time ani effort required for a professiooal
rsurvøy regardirq a ~dlel'lSive rec:reatiat needs
ae.,-ee ,-.l ani to sàIedule this L""l-""'t for the meetin;J of
D&:-·J-er 7.
Hù.l ZeitDan, resident:, CricJœt Hill, add1. ad ocunci1
regardirq a possible moratorium at åIan;es to recreaticn
39. Review of Analysis of Public safety Alternatives.
Riål Brady, 1tJgMs, Heiss ani APW'"iates, was ~ II III to
answer arr¡ cpestiatS <hIncil may have regardirq the L""l-""'t.
It was IIICIIIed by <hInc. Plunw, s.......dood by <hInc. JåInsa1
and p" !Iii unanimcusly to receive the L"t'VLt ani direct
staff to updats it every two years.
<hIncil also directed staff to ¡:ursue a fUrther study
regazdin;J a City n"Wllll'lnUœtiat center.
40. Request to ocntact state Fish ani Game to declare
special hurttirq area of deer.
Staff to
report re
needs S!1rvey
Public Safety
report re-
ceived. to be
updated every
two years;
further study
re communica-
tion center
Deer hunting
Assistant to tœ City Manager Brawn reviewed the La¡AoILL
with Cb....--.c!l.
Dick Childress, U701 Regnart Canya1 Drive, said that the
problem s- -,...! to be resultin:¡ partly bec>\!_ of the
drought. Hcwever, the deer also lost 1,900 acres of feed
~- of the ~ fire. 'Ihe residents need plants
a1 the slopes to prevent erosicn Wiå1 is the reascn they
are request;in; that "t"'("i..' hunt:in:¡ aræ. be declared.
Jack ati:Iy, U487 LiJñy Place, ~....d with Mr. Childress'
............tts and sutaitted II petitia1 requestin;J sud1 a huntin;r
aræ. be declared. He expressed OOI)08:t:U regarding ñi----w
the animals might œrzy and felt that the herd IÙ1a.Ùd be
thinned. Hcwever, he did expl_ II desire that there be
saae ~jL..ul a1 the bJnters.
James Wallœr said the deer in the area are ho:oronftiTY;J a
meraoe. He also supported a hunt.
Nancy Hertert, San JUan Road, said that she has deer also.
st-.e hates to think of killing them. She S1)·~ted that
they be mved. Mrs. Hertert felt that the lack of feed was
part of the problem as the deer are eatin:¡ thin;¡s they had
never eaten before. She also _ 9d cx::I'ICen1 regardin;J
potential erosia1 -.,.,..... of bare slopes.
C. J. Reiser, U457 LiJñy Place, SJ)J-,po1:ed that 0:uIcll tty
the staff reo ···,....datia1 prior to requestin;J ~ of a
special huntin;r area.
Ocuncil ,Ii ao'--ed. the City p:rsuirg actia1 with
Midpeninsula ~ SplIce District and cx:l1tar.:ting surrcurñin:J
cities regardin;J arr¡ probleaø they might be having.
Jack ati:Iy said the watering i'L"":ILaIII wculd not aekh. - the
i'L e ,L prà:>lem of the deer living in local yards.
Dicit ailldress said they pill the plants out by the roots.
Pecple's t~ are flarin;J, gunshots have been heard, and
dead deer have been La¡AoIL Led.
It was mved by O:unc. Rcgers, .........docl by O:unc. P1urgy
and p"eeed unani:mcu&ly to 0CI1tinJe this item until the
~ of De- oar 7 and direct staff ocntact Fish and
Game for details regarding a ~ific i'L"":ILaIII for t:hinnin;
the herd of deer. Questia1S they wanted answered woold
include who woold be c::ani.n;¡ in to do the huntin;J, who woold
have oantrol, heM wa1ld deer car"""";';"ss be ñi~ of.
Jm«1IEg OF 'IHE l«:NDIBER 16, 1987 CI'lY c::aJNCIL MEE'I'DC
Council requested a "'¥N-L regarding the p"p,btiat an:!
relocat1œ of chIcICB at Me.......1al P8rIt to be såIedu1ed for
[1A. J_~ 7.
41. JIIetJ-t for ~,¥,-.1.atiat for Civic Center expIInSia\.
It was IIICYed by 0CUnc. ~'" ...........dosd by 0CUnc. JåU1scn
and P"'-'9d unanimcA.1s1y to éIw-",¥,-.1.ate $175,000 1'raII t.1w
Band F\Jrñ for the project.
42. ~L en bid Cp!II1in;J for pIM!IIIE!r1t J:eStoratia:l, Project
88-107, am award of bid.
It was IIIOIIed by 0CUnc. JåuIsa1, s.a.....Ad by 0CUnc. ~..
and P"--,j unaniJacus1y to award the project to O'Grady
PI!vin:J in the IIIIDmt of $323,500 an:! to authorize a lot
a:ntin;Jency for a total of $355,850.
43. ~L a:I Ì4' ,.:....,.. for file cabinets for ._.. monad
City Hall am award of oc..t...dCt.
It was IIICYed by 0CUnc. Pluny, ae.......Ad by 0CUnc. JåuIsa1
and pøo-ed unanimcus1y to award the ........t...dCt to Lindsay's
in the êIIIICU1t of $2;;,465.72.
By .............ISUS, 0CUnc. a.."....... an:! P1mgy were a¡:pointed to
pnpare a fumiture laya1t for the City 0CUnci1 an:! Mayor's
44. ~-t for Bettin¡ date of intmviews an:! a¡:poL,t..-d.s
to advisory ......i.... tor teDø expiriD¡ Jaruny 15, 1988.
It _ IIICYed by 0CUnc. JIl........., seo...Ad by 0CUnc. KqpI1
an:! pwoed unanimcus1y to ccnb:t intmviews tor
a¡:poL/t..-,Ls in a CXI1fcw1ce roca in City Hall a:I Jb1day,
JarJJæy 11. By 0CIa 1E1ISB, 0CUnci1 stated that ~
wculd be accepted until Jamazy 4, 1988 at 1Ibiå1 tiDø the
City Clmk will giw an oral ""¥-ILL regarding the runber of
applicat.ia1s received. '!be 1eDJth of tiDø for iJXiividual
interviews will be det:eIminec1 at that ~.
45. A¡:pcLd,.....nt of 0CUnci1 ...__ . .,latives to varicus
boazds an:! .."..,."i ....ia1s.
Council made the fo11CIWin;J ci1an;Jes in ..__ s~d.atives:
P1uny - Na1e.
Jcimscn - Deleted Inter City OCUncil.
Rogers - Deleted Central Fire Prctectia:l District
Ducks at
Memorial Park
Appropria t ior.
for Civic
Center ex-
File cabinets
to advisory
Changes in
Ad of
~ctors -
Publie Fae-
ili ties Corp
and Cupertino
Scene, Inc.
MIlI1lES OF 'IHE }ÐI,'DI1£R 16, 1987 ClT'l CXXJNCIL MEEl'I!Ç
Gatto - Deleted
City Selectic:n
J&ypeJ. - Added Envi.rc:nwJtaJ. awiøI Qmdttee, CDJnt.y
Qmdttee en 1Þ1IIIÍIIJ and lhNI'I"lity BlocIt Grant PL"'\.LCIIII,
santa Clara Vall'Y Water n-..f-ien, Nar:th and
Northwest Flood Ca1b:ol Zcn!I Mvisary Qmdttee.
~ RIIY18t Qmdttee, added
OaIaittee, Hayar'. CkInf....__,
CDmcll and NøIIt Valley Mayars and
46. NCI1e.
47. Na1e.
48. Na1e.
At 11:50 p.m., CDmcll adjamJed to -un,¡s of the Board
of DiJ:ect:ors far the 0Jpertin0 PUblic Facilities
o...........aticn and 0JpeI:1:.1m SCene, Inc.
At midnight, cn:ncil recxnvened and adjamJed to their
meet.inq of H::rx3ay, 7, 1987.
Intedm City Hall: 10430 S. DeI\nza Boul8\.'II%d
0Jpert1n0, CA 95014
Tel.~.i.,...: (408) 252-4505
HElD (If ImÐœER 10, 1987, It:MER IE\IEL ~ RXK
Mayer SpuXs called the ~ to cm:Ier at 6:30 p.m.
Counc. p~ g uL:
Gatto, Jchnsa1, P1un;¡y, Roc;Jel.., Mayor Sparlcs
staff Present:
City Manager Q.rlnlan
City Clerk Cotn8lius
Directar ot PUblic WorIœ VisIawich
Assistant to the City MIInager Brown
Director ot Parks am :Rec:reaticn Dowlm;,
Director of FinaInt Snyder
ChIono"'lity Officer R:rey
City Attorney Kilian
City Clerk Carnelius ...~led the results of the canvass of
votes by the Registrar of Voters.
R'''~ra A. ~$ am Bæb Jq:pel received the oath of
office for City Ccuncil frat the City Clerk. Reed Sparks
tm:necl the meøtin;J CMIr to Mayor P~~.. Gatto.
It was DDYed by 0U1c. B::)ge1.., .........dt:d by 0U1c. J...........¡
and p:oe-9d '.:¡1aJ'Ii"""lIOly to elect Jdm Gatto as Mayor.
It was DDYed by 0U1c. ~ð, .........dt:d by Counc. JåInso;.:¡,
and p:o~ unaJrlJD:Jus1y to elect Jdm J. P1UDJ'I. Jr. as
Mayor Pro-'l'eIIpore.
Canv,ass of
Oaths of Offic
for Koppel,
Gatto elected
Plungy elected
Mayor Pro-Tem