CC 12-07-87 · ~. . , ~. to ~ Cl'lY OF aJPfRl'IJÐ, smm OF CALIFœNIA 1nJoo Tarre A~, 0Jpertin0, CA 95014 Tel~....I8: (408) 252-4!505 KnI7ŒS or '1BB RID!aR Cl'lY <XDtCIL 1'ZI5J.',¡aG HEID œ ~ 7, 1987, <XDtCIL ail'1IIIII'q" c:I'1Y BML 10300 'ltRæ AVJHIB, UJ.t'ZKl'.uI), c::ALIlItRŒA 00-732 At 6:55 p,m., the ~ .. """ed to œ:der by Mayer Gatto. SAIl1Œ 'to '1BB FJJ\G R:IIL CAIL 0:Junc. p~ s L: Jå1USCIt'I, lfq:pel, P1ungy, ~., Mayer Gatto staff Pl. f .L: City Manager ()únlan City Clmk <mneJ.ius Direc:tar of Public wcmcs Vis1ccviå1 Assistant to the City MImi!IgIIr Brown Dimct:ar of Finance SI1)'der Direc:tar of Padœ and Recreaticn DcwJ.in;J Chmonú.ty Relat.i.a1s OI:fiœr ~ Assistant PlarIninq DinIctor pi"""""""i "-iat.e Planner r-...-cJv¥ City Attorney Kilian rosTR:ImŒmS CEREKJŒAL MATl'ERS - ~ "Bill of Rights" proc1aIIBt.i.cn to be ~Lad by Fe1ioe Alejo. æAL CDKJIIICATICH! Iola Bendricsen .... s ¡ted a qift to 0:Junc. ~.. as an ~ io::n of thanks fraa 0:pIrtim Seniars. Tall RIossi œgardin;J the ice rink 1cx:ated in V'allco r.o....fl'W1 Center. Mayor Gatto NViewd a history of the ice rink in Vallco Fashi.a\ PaDc. Patrick It:tIW:n urged 0:Junci1 to req.úre that the ice rink raaain in the Center. '!be City Attorney advised that 0:Junci1 cxW.d not guarantee anyt:hin:J of this nature in ~r""b1ity. -1- Gift to Rogers Vallco ice rink ," , . DeAnza Racquet Club . MDU.œ; OF 'DIE ŒXÐœER 7, 1987 CI'lY axJNCIL MEE11'I1G - œ-732 Kathy "..,H_, fcmaer Ccunci1 I,_,JC, stated that the valloo use pemit had been heard by Ccunci1 mile Bh8 was a ~- J 41, am to the best of her reoollect:icn it was to remain as part of the sbq¡pjn:J amt:er. She œcalled that the Ccunci1 vct:e of _wal had been clœe am the ioe rink was 3e8I1 by the applicant as an incent:.iva far a¡:pt'CMIl of the appli.œt.ia1. C11ar1es F. Ja. . J ""'01'1 recp!ISt1n;J an ordinance creat1n¡ a umatorium en œzarln;¡./åeIIDliticn of r-.....ticn f.....iHtiea and other mtters ~ to tennis facilities. HI:". Ja. . J""21 aå:h. -00 Ccuncil regardin;J the closure of DoAnza R!\I"<;r.1et Club. Jåm VidaIriå1, i"-'¥=ty owner, stated that A¡p1e, Inc. is leasinq the fcmaer DeAnza Racqwt Club facility far fa.1r JID1ths. D:Iv8 Davis, 0Jpertin0 resident, reviewed a point of order of the i"-"""""'¡ of gettinq en the agenda. Ð:l Hirshfield, 0Jpertin0 Tennis Club, aå:h. I1d Ccuncil regardin;J recreatia1al needs. Soviet visitor center far us-tJSSR Initiativa - Joe and Ann Cleaver infœ:med Ccunci1 that 0Jpertin0 has been selected as a pilot best city for visitors frail the SoYiet uniaI. 'Ihøy stated that in 1988, 400 SoYiet citizens will visit the united states. A smll group will visit 0Jpertin0 first. Ccunci1 reIlWJted that they cx:ntact the City MaII2IgBr and Ocunc. Pl\JD3Y regardinq the visitors' itinemxy and for IIi ......n_ions en hew the City cxW.d participate. Highway 85 - Am Arqer..c1Ch. !:'I Ccuncil regardinq the expansicn of Highway 85. Highway 85 . Ccunci1 flRX)inted Ccuncil ~_.J.ere Gatto and KcppeJ. to E8t with staff regardinq right of way am other ~.........tlo for Highway 85. STAFF 1U:òtUU::i 1. Oral ...........Ls by staff ,,-,J.-l.. and s"mi_i.cn of written npœ:ts. City ManacIer's po.. \L L - Ccunci1 received the ...........L. -2- KDI1IE9 OF 'DIE ~ 7, 1987 CI'l'!t' CDJNCIL ftUiJ.".IJG - 00-732 2. ~L en cb:::It pc:.p1laticn at Mi!lDœ:ia1I'\1rlt. 0aJnci1, by...... _, _..,,¡ed the cxntir11I1ticn of ~ .. ,to IIII!thcds of pc:.p1laticn ......,l...ul. 3. ~l en retæticn of ciJplex structure, Seven Sprin;¡s Ranch. 0aJnci1 received the ..."'t'ULL and took Mr. Sen1ta's letter unãer advis 4.. 4. ~l en false alam 11earirq, Freda Farris. It was IIICIII8d by 0:u'Ic. Plungy, .........&.d by 0:u'Ic. Jù....... and po--id UlIIIl'It&uIly to authorize the àIarge far the first alam, the ~fUnct:.ien far $63.00, and to rescird the $80 àIarge far the -......cl false alamo caa:::IL !<U'\MJlj - Haw. aJmNl' CAIÐmI\R Ma10ar Gatto rsD\I8d i~ 19 and 24. It was IIICIII8d by 0:::IUnc. JÙ.._..d, -.....&.d by 0:u'Ic. Ro98J:S and p"- ali unanimcus1y to _uV8 the ba1.arøa of the O"'......'L Calen:Sllr as subldttsli. 10. Resolution No. 7378: "A Resolution of the City 0aJnci1 of the City of 0Jpertim AllowiD¡ Certain C'1..i_ a.'1d ~.clt. Fayable in the Amcunts and frail the P\mds as Hereinafter Described far salari.E and Wages far the Payroll ~ ErKÜDJ lb......... 10, 1987." U. Resolution No. 7379: "A Resolution of the City 0aJnci1 of the City of QJpertino AllowirI¡ Certain C'1..i_ and DeIIIands Payable in the Amcunts and FraIl the P\mds as Hereinafter DBsc:ribed far GInIral and Miscel.1.anecuI Expenditures far the Period ErKÜDJ 1fcII,........ 20, 1987." 12. A¡p1icaticn 1tSN:. 51,703.11 - QJpertino au--- of n .6.. Oos: ~ _wal of JØF 2IIoIIÛn:1B far an exist.in¡ .:. ...,-....ia1/offioe h,i1ð1n;r located en the north side of sil..._..cl., AWII'IJ8, apprcadately 220 ft. 8IISt of DeAnza Boulewrd. 20455 SilWlðll) AWII'IJ8. ~....ded. far _wal, 13. Claim far lb.......". filed by a.vrcn œA, Inc. Reject. 14. Aloaho1ic Beverage o...ll...u1 license: Italo's Pizzeria, 20956-H HaDestead.!bId, 0Jpertim. -3- Ducks at Memorial Park Seven Springs False alarm Items removed; Consent Calen- dar approved · MINt1l!S OF '!HE œx::EMBER 7, 1987 Cl'lY cmNCIL MEE:l'Im - 00-732 15. Resoluticn 110. 7380: "A Resoluticn of the City Ocuncil of the City of Q.1pertino ~ Final Plan far the ~~ d. of Fra1tage IDeated en the East Side of Sa1th Foothill Bculevam Sa1th of santa Paula Awrut; DEMùCplr, James Sisk; Autharizinq the City Engineer to sign the Final Plan; am Autharizinq ExBcuticn of ~ ,L in o.........ti.CI1 'Iherewith.- 16. Reso1.uticn No. 7381: "A Reso1uticn of the City Ocuncil of the City of Q.1pertino JIccept:.inq Græ1t of ---.It. for ~ IW.p:: s es frcIII James H. sisk am Elisabeth A. sisk IDeated en the East side of Sa1th Foothill Bculevam South of Santa Paula Aveme, AR;IrcDdmately 0.05 Acre.- 17. Resoluticn No. 7382: "A Resoluticn of the City Ocuncil of the City of Q.1pertino JIccept:.inq a Græ1t of -..-rt: far FI.Iblic utilities frcIII James H. Sisk am Elisabeth A. sisk IDeated en the East side of Sa1th Foothill Bculevanl South of Santa Paula Aveme, ~y 0.103 Acre." · 18. Resoluticn No. 7383: -A Resoluticn of the City Ocuncil of tt.e City of QJpertino JIccept:.inq a ~ of ---,.l for Si"--'1( Plnþ=ree frcIII 'l'andeIII 0:IIpIters Ib.....1"">Gted IDeated en Tantau Aveme, AR;IrcDdmately 0.04 Acre.- 19. RsIIaved. 20. Resoluticn No. 7384: "A Resoluticn of the City Ocuncil of the City of Q.1pertino ~ Paroel MIIp am ~ Plans of Prcperty IDeated at the ~ a......... of POO""-'" am Granada AvenJes; DEMùCplr, GroIIer Btyan am Jeffre¡ watkins; Autharizinq Exeo1ticn of ~_. il ~aalllEaIL; AutharizinJ signin;J of Paroel MIIp am ~v. - d. Plans." 21. Res.Jluticn No. 7385: -A Resoluticn of the City Ocuncil of the City of Q.1pertino ~ o....l.a.aCt Cbiuçe Order No. 14 for Civic Center Expansien, Project 87-2003, City Hall, Librazy, sits." 22. Resoluticn No. 7386: "A Resoluticn of the City Ocuncil of the City of Q.1pertino ~...nJ c:x:.ntract Cbiuçe Order No. 3 for Foothill Bculevard Overlay, Project 88-103.- · 23. Resoluticn No. 7389: "A Reso1uticn of the City Ocuncil of the City of Q¡pnrtino ~ Destructien of certain ~dø." -4- MDCI!S OF 'mE I.I:1..UIaI:òI( 7, 1987 CI'1Y caJNCIL J'JUa'.uG - 000-732 24. RsmcYed. 25. Approval of min.rt:es ot the nçular City Ocuncil .-t.inJ ot Na\,....t-. 2, 1987 (000-730). 26. Approval ot min.rt:es ot the adjœmed l'I'9""'" City Ocuncil .-t.inJ of Na\,....t-. 10, 1987 (OO-73œ). 27. Approval ot min.rt:es of the nçular City Ocuncil .-t.inJ of Na\,....t-. 16, 1987 (00-731). Y2t@ ¡.r...,J era ot the City Cbmcil AYES: Johnsen,~, Plungy, ~., Gatto H:IES: Nc:I1e ABSENl': Nc:I1e ABSTAIN: Nc:I1e l'lÐ6 RDD\IED FKJf CXHŒ2f1' C7\I.ÐOR 19. Acoeptin¡ dlXlat.iat t.raa Tri-cities Little league. It was IIICII8d by Cbmc. Gatto, ...........dt.d by Cbmc. Jd....c.. and P"-!!d unaniJDcusJ.y to direct that the $100 be retumed to the Tri-cities Little league with a letter t.raa the Mayer statin¡ the City's ðw£.....!at.iat far the c¡ift and Ocuncil's feeJ.in;J that the Little league ca1ld tiJXi an àr¥L~!ate use far it. 24. Accept:ance ot real property in lieu ot cash settlement far be1œ IIIIIziœt nh, igat.iat. It was IIICII8d by Cbmc. Jåmsa\, ..eo....dt.d by Cbmc. Plungy and po--gð unaniJDcusJ.y to agree to receivø a ~_Li' transfer b!Isecl en the followin:¡ stipùat:i.av:: (a) A¡:praised value clœely appraxiJDates value ot in lieu åillqaticn. (2) In lieu ~ ~t.iat ~ August, 1988 be discx:unted via þ&. s d. value calaùAtic:n. (3) p.&.. -:-10.. t.raa fI1ture. sale of the unit be "ß)1i- to City's hcusinq ~'-'P-""" (4) statt prepare docuIII!ntatien to ~ l-......diod c:bligatien for tivø units ew....../Uy en;,",iI'-...d by the cavenant; City shall be ~ far adIIIinistrativø costs and final details oc:me bI!Ic:Ic to Ocuncil at a -,~Jent meetinq far "'I¥"uv'al. RJBLIC HFARIIŒ 29. Hearinq to CXXISider ðe(o]aratien of a public rarl.sance, 01ristian C1UråI. of 0Jpertin0, 20075 Bollin3er Jœd. (o:rrt:1nJe to Dee _,J er 21, 1987.) -5- Donation re- turned to Little League Property re- ceived in lieu of cash . Christian Church nuisance continued . ~.c hearing closed MIl«11ES OF '!HE I:EX:Dmœ 7, 1987 CITY a:u«:IL ME:E:l'I}Ç - 0:-732 It was 1IICMId by Ocunc. JIl........., .........dood by Ocunc. a...,,-.. and poo--¡I! ~y to cx:ntinJe the œarln¡ to the meetiJIq of Jamary 4, 1988. 30. o:œideratic:n of ~ of ..t...éEIt MD8 frat "North Tantau AWDJe" to "Tandem Way." (a) ResolutiŒ1 No. 7387: "A ResolutiŒ1 of the City 0cunci1 of the City of Q.Ipertino O..db..Ù1!J st...-t Ham 0IaJJ; e Within the City of Q.Ipertino PurIIuIInt to Sectia1 5026 of the St......ots and Higtways 0Jde, state of California; 0IaJJ; e 'North Tantau Awme' to 'Tandem Way'." Followinq review of the starf ..."'t"'LL, Mr. Tom Xlitgaard, vice President and General Ccunsel for Tandem 0c:IIp1ters, told 0cunci1 that the ~ny 1Ø1ld pay for the cost of any let:teJ:œæ, h1s:lness cards, etc. that 1Ø1ld need to be ~ by ather oc:upeurl.es Œ1 that ..t...-t. Also, he stated the """'P"ny 1Ø1ld videotape historic families of 0Jpertin0, inc1udinq the Tantaus, and make that tape lIV"il"h'e to sc:hoo1s, service groups, etc. Gaxy ~, vice President of a """'P"'lY located Œ1 Tantau, stated that since Tandem 0c:IIp1ters will help h1si- IS with the costs of the ~ he cx:uld Ø\\.v'" L the 1'L' '1" 6è1 ~ of ..l.a.....t MD8. He infCDllBd 0cunci1 that cun...ILly mail ð<l:h. ~ to North Tantau is delivered to Sa1th Tantau and vice versa as each side of Tantau bas the _ n.JIIt)a... '1berefore, evmyme 1Ø1ld benefit by the MD8~. Nancy ann..LL, z-iMr t of sten:Iahl lane, urged 0cunci1 to keep the ..t...-t MD8 as is. 01ar1es N--", Valloo Parle, also r<><:o.. -.d!,d the ..t...-t MD8 ~ as did HI.ilip Merrick, Den Allen (0Jpertin0 NatiaJal BlInk) and Debarah NåJel, Santa Paula Aveme. Tom Bt:..'Fo", a resident of Tantau Aveme; Nancy Hertert, a , - i eJ:: of the Q.Ipertino Historical Society; and Hart Tantau ~ the 1'L''1<eed ~. Dan Dezby of Hewlett 1>ackard told 0cunci1 that shaùd they dIocse the à1arJ;1a the MD8 of North Tantau he 1Ø1ld ccndder it as a policy à1arJ;1a and Hewlett Packard 1Ø1ld 1iJæ to participate in that à1arJ;1a. It was ~ oy Ocunc. Jå1nsal, seoc:rñed by Ocunc. Pl\JD3Y and P"~~oo unaIÚJJlcQÙy to close the pmlic hearin;r. -6- KII«11!S OF '!HE ~ 7, 1987 CI'lY CXU«:IL MEB'l'IlC - 0::-732 Following ..i...._im, CDJrJ:i1 directad staff to inwstJgate the pouibility of I'IIIIIÚJJ;J a plaza, 8IpI1'8, or __ locatia1 ot:bIir than a 1''''''' t~ ..L..-t after a .......i"&..u.a, c:a that locaticn. staft ......'M wade with the Pest Office ani ~ of r;. ...... regant.inq this. CDJrJ:i1 rec;pISted that the infamaticn CXIII8 bI!IcIt in a ID1th or so. It was IŒIIIed by Ocunc. Jdn\&(¡o" seoa.:!oad by Ocunc. 1!q:ipel and I""~-!d with Ocuncil ,,-,I eIS Plun;¡y and ~.. ..i--:..Lin;¡' to deny the cbm:Je. Mr. JO.itgaam stated that TanBI withdraws its ~ for the ..L..-t n2ID8 c:haJrje in respect to its neighbarB. 31. Vacaticn of porticn of a public service ....---.t, IDt 1, Tract: 7325, stevens Cræk Bcul8'l8J:'d at Randy Iane. ~a) Rssoluticn No. 7388: "A Pssoluticn of the City Ocuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 0Zdering Vacatiat of a Particn of a PUblic Service _am. ,L Within IDt 1, Tract: No. 7325, stevens Creek Bculøvard at Randy lane PUrsuant to secticn 50430 of the GoII............L Cede of the state of Califœ:nia." It was IŒIIIed by Ocunc. Jch.iBa'1, eeo....Ad by Ocunc. ~.. and P"'~-ed ~y to close the public hearin:J. It was IŒIIIed by Ocunc. JI.ÒJ......, seoaldtod by Ocunc. lb,¡-.. and P"'~'"«\ ~y to adq:It Resolutic:a No. 7388. 1m J:'~: 9:30-9:45 p... PINeaH; APPUCAT.DR; 32. Çlicaticn 14-u-87 - Cali land J\-irtes, et al, - Use FiEmlit to ó..a...L..\ICt a 5,200 sq. ft. . " -...-. cla1/ofiiœ adc1iticn to an existin¡. .. ..-.-- ~ bni1din¡, to demolish an existin¡ 6,000 sq. ft. .. _._._r~ center, to u..aaw.\X:t a new 25,000 sq. ft. .. ···,-·..J.a1/offioe ",1"'i'1;, and to oa...L..oJCt "---.:-iated parJdn;J and lau;'ls'''''I.in¡ modificaticms and ~ Review: n. P1am.irg n-.......llaiat reo _._.~ ds the grantinq of a Negative no.,."">"aticn. 'lhe }"~L}' is located c:a the sart:tM!St comer of Blaney and stevens Cræk Bcul8IIarc1 (20020 stevens Creek Bculevam). JMo Ad for _wal, Assistant Plar1nin; Director pi""""'Jd MViewed the ~L with Ocuncil. -7- Street name change denied Tandem request withdrawn Public hearing closed Res. 7388 adopted . . ~eg. Dec. for 14-U-87 l4-U-87 1enied . MINUm; OF '!HE ŒXDœER 7, 1987 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL MŒt'I}G - CC-732 Gaxy SàIIIIidt: recpested that F-1IIJShi be pemitted to extIri'xI its baJra to 8 a... to 2 a... Be int~ ocunci1 that there 1oIa1ld no åIar9I in use as far as any liw ~ in the restaurant. J'.fJ4h _1' ..-., project ......igner, deøcrlbed the extøriar ':at.eria1s far the ilL' ",:~ h,n¡urçs. Ann ~, reei"'-lt, ___ :'I the op1nicn that: the i"-' ".:oNd center was not far Q¡pertjno. Paul Goodley, Brenda Q:urt, said that there are prri'>'- in that area with noise, part.iaIlarly fraI the Nite lQIp. In additia1 traffic is alJIIost a gridlcx:k at that int.ersEtia1 durin¡ certain hcurs. Be mged cmrcl1 to tighten the hcurs. Be also ___ r ad the op1nicn that F-m1Bhi stayin;¡ open until U p.m. was lCDJ enough and that there were fiw alocbolic bIr.....~ .......jL...ul li..AL ¡& within 500 ft. at that \oAM.~-=r.L. NaaDi BleaD, Brenda cnu:t, ___ -ad .......-...au, J:egardinq traffic and the IIJIIb!r of , ic;r- licew.1!S in the area. She ~ -¡d displMaIre of the driveway far the center be1nq direc:t1y qp:øite Bœnda Q:urt. Gaxy SàIIIIidt: revi.Ewed a bIIic:JIground of the devel........,d.. It was 1IICIII8:i by Ocunc. Jà1r1øcn, s..u...A.d by Ocunc. ~.. and pr-ed UI1IUÚIIDJSly to grant a Negat!w Dec1arat:ia1 far the project. It was 1IICIII8:i by Ocunc. J..b...., and ........A.d by Ocunc. lb;Jers to authorize p.-m_i to stay open until IIidnigbt and that the "ß'H.....'It CXJII8 beck to Ocuncil with the ilL' ". ~l t:bxcugh ~. 'Ib8 IIDtiat was defeated with cmrcl1 ' J _.. J..."......, and Roge:t:a vctin¡ aye, Ocuncil ,,_,J~$ Xqpe1, PlUIJN, and GIItto <'Ii- d.ln¡. It was 1IICIII8:i by Ocunc. PlUIJN, ~A.d by Ocunc. lfq:pel and p"'e~ with Ocuncil '" .. ""L.. Jobnsa1 and ~.. <'11-- d.ln¡ to deny the ~iœtia1. ~ AND srm APPR:NAL CXHIITl'EE APPLICATIeJoIS 33. Na1e. U1œINISHED Ef.ISINæs 34. Request to ocntact state Fish and Game to """""1'9 qpec'b, hunting area of deer. -8- ~.·''''.~._r MDC1E9 OF '!HE ~ 7, 1987 CITl CXXJNCIL MEE1'l}I; - 00-732 Assistant to the City MIInagIIr BttIwn ~ the varic:uI altematiV8B with 0:uIcll. Katb;y )lA1HII, RegnzIrt Canyal, stated that there has œ.t a ~icant :increue in the deer pc:p.I1atia'I in the æ:æ.. HcwIMIr, she urged that there be no b.1nt:in¡. If it ~ 1':- -~. and pnaaible, she .~ that the deer ]: a shot with sterilizers. Franklin Hersch of Iœ Altos urged ncn-1ethal _mmlS. Bob Haxsie, resident of McClellan Read, stated that the deer have been in his oråIard, b.tt he still did not want huntinq allowed.. Karen JacJcans, Wildlife R!T~., Inc., stated qp:¡sitiat to huntinq. She said that there is ''''''''''y a sot cri¡pling rats fraD bow hur1tin} rather than a high ~o...«.aga of deer actually killed. DicIt Childress said that deer are a prcbl_ and ræids1ts in the area are trying to find a soluticn. He feels the prcbl- is a result of loss of feed --_ of such a dry year an:! also the 19,000 sq. iii. fire that occur:red in the I.exingtcn Dm æ:æ.. QJunc. fÐgers xead a letter traa JUanita M:::Iaren into the ~d. Ms. H::Iaren was . u -oeeJ to any hint. A gentlE!llllm in the ..",'lience Øh",~ that rather than huntinq that an alternative SOUJ:œ of food be pravic1ed such as alfalfa. Joan Priest of the JbœIne Society spoJœ in qp:¡sitiat to slaying of deer, ~b"y by anal. It was IIICM!d by QJunc. J..t.....ct'\, &eCOI1ded by QJunc. PlUß]Y and l""~-eti with QJunc. Jrqpù ili ,L1n;r to direct staff to provide infcmaatia1 reg¡miing fen::i.n), plant.in; s and repel1ants to citizens and werle }'L.......tively with agercles in this æ:æ.. 0Juncil reo:" ·,·,-,Itied that a list of deer resistant plants and any other useful inf011lBt.iat be iJx:l1Ù:!d in the 0.1Dertin0 Scene. staff was also directed to ¡ut together an infamatien pacJœt for the p.lblic. 35. ~L en professia1a1 survey dealing with a ............:bill1Sive recreatien needs ..~---"'"""1t. -9- Deer problem I . . Recreation needs survey . MnÐ1'ES OF '!HE ŒJC:EJœœ 7, 1987 ern' CXXJNCIL MEEl'Im - 00-732 Dirøctar of ParJœ ard Recœatia1 Dcw1vq "4"", I~ a r.........atia1 r..- d. with ~, 'DÜII surwy wtW.d Jœep rea::eatia1 œåJ separate traa flll:i1it:t.. Dave DIVis, 21917 OBIt view lane, ~ QuIci1 he.. not ept,"'-.d mgam1JIq the i'L'~ survey ard IlU!::llitted a petitia1 to Oamcil. Ði Hirshfield, 0Jpertin0'l'81nis Club, __ r::1 the op1nicn that the survey .. mthinJ JD:It8 than a statisti.cal exercise ard stated that Ip!StiCZlS can be biased. He _ l;l o.....-u. mgam1JIq Bhrinkin:¡ recreatia1 resourœs. He ~J'_-ted a parallel act:.icn to the survey miå1111aÙd ..ckh. 4-'1ilO1:e needs. Ann H::Elroe told Oamcil she felt there cxW.d be a less expensive survey. Sbe also pointed cut that since Imlisted telepx;ae rI.IIIIbex. wtW.d not be called in a tel.........1e survey that it might be better to use the n".,...+4N"O Scene. Den C<n;¡ar, Mar.y AV8rue, told QuIci1 that he was willinq to help ard he .. sure others wtW.d too. 'Ihey cx:uld do the work under supervisicn. !any M::Rsyno1ds, 10200 Hi11crest, stated that 1IIIU1.Y of these i'L j .d. in the ......4ence oculd help with the study. JåIn VidaYi.cñ spo1œ in "'W:O't of the study. He infar.med these ~ J .d. that he did. not expect to ..4-'1tle the fcmaer ~ ~ Club facility right 1!/MaY. By consensus, QuIci1 directed the Parks and Rec:reatia1 n--4 -icn be used as a scurñin;J bœrd far the i'L' ~.:-.1 survey, that the survey MI'II11d be a tel.........1e survey, that staff "'Mn1d gather infaDBticn ard do 1m analysis of the cost of """Çp,i",it.icn of and runniJq of ~ ~ Club, staff deteDIIine cost of upgradinq ard 1ightin:¡ higb ar+tnn\ ocurts, ard the p""""'thility of 1'-'1" "'alY I",hH" .." to the ~ RaGq.1et Club ocurts if Apple were not usinq tbeIII. Mr. Vidavic:h said he did. not Ia1aiI if Apple, In::. was usinq the ocurts ar not at this time. tmi :!I1SINæS 36. Request by warren H1aley (Bay Area C.:œultants) far z~...ideratia\ of cxrxiitiCZlS of ~wal far Applicatia\ l5-'DHI7, i'L~ty lOCõted at stellinq ard RaiÑxIIf. -10- MIM1I!S OF 'DIE ~ 7, 1987 CI'lY CDJNCIL 1'IUi.L'.LlG - 00-732 Oounc. Plurçy 1IICIV8d that Council not waiw the ~ far ~ en the ÞIIsis that the r8DIal of all wires other than the GO X. V. still -œ tha int:81t of the ardinaJDt to iIIp1'ØII'8 the aesthetic:s ani œmtify the aœa and is cxnsiststt: with CCI'IditiclUn; all IØI døII8l_,t,. as part of the starœrd .bIprov&aEnt CCI'Iditicns. 'lb8 IIDt1a1 died far lack of a .....c::>Gtd. By ..... l111SUS, the Directar of PUblic Warlœ was ð.ir8cted to wade with the applicant: ani ..~t. œcJt. Council ð.ir8cted IY' tn lia1 arrangment, ¡m:àIbly a deferred __.L. ..i. O:nIideraticn of revisiat to the 0Jpertin0 )b1i"ip'" QJde regaMinq fencing of dto........tive pc-.ols. (a) First reIIdin¡ of Ordinance No. 143l: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1IIIn!inJ QIIIpter 16.32.040, SWiJIIDin; Pools, Safety RI!q.Ú.rIIIIIII, of the 0Jpertin0 )b1i"ipal QJde." Assistant PJ.annin} Directar pi"--1c1 ~ the i'L'~ ordinance with Council. Mr. J_ Jacksc:n, attamey, ~ -'9d the cpinien that a gradual slcpe is safer in pools and pcnjs. Harland Glenn of J. Harland Glenn ani JI.........btes ~ his sbz!y with Council. It was 1IICIV8d Dy 0UIc. J-.b........, aeoor.iIo.d by 0UIc. J'qIpel ani po--a:! with Oounc. Pl\JD3Y ~i-- tUn¡ to _...... Ordinance No. 1431 _ded to reæ a five to aIB ratio. It was 1IICIV8d by Oounc. Plurçy, .........dtod Dy 0UIc. ~. and p" a Ii unaniJIIwsly to reæ Ordinance No. 1431 by title ally and the City Clem's reIIdin¡ to cœstitute the f!rst re!Idinq tbete...t. 38. pooq-t far _WIll of guidelines of the Fine Arts ~"lUIi'T1. It was 1IICIV8d by 0UIc. J-.b........, seoaded Dy 0UIc. Ib}9rs ani p"-'9d w.&\i".."""y to adcpt. the guidelines as subDitted. 39. Adcpt:.ien of Citizen Participaticn PL\.AjLGIII far 1988/89 as:; i'L\.AjLGIII. -u- lS-TM-g7. Whaley Ord. 1431 approved as 8IIIeoded First reading of ord. 1431 Fine Arts Commission guidelines . CDBG schedule . First reading of Ord. 1432 Arborist reports Continue participation i.I p am MDVIES C1P '!HE ~ 7, 1987 CIT\C OXH::IL J'IUi.1"J.lG - 00-732 It was IIICIII8d by ocunc. Plungy, ....o...ð14 by ocunc. J.....-... aM p" as unaIÚII:IUely to adept the ~\A L"" as follcws: [\ao. .1...... 7, 1987 - City ocuncil metinJ (adept Cittz.1 Part.icipat:icn P>.\A L...., -...-t potential projects). JaJ'IJalY 18, 1988 - n-"1ity 111118tin¡, City Hall 0:I'1fà.&.a¡a..c RcaD.. F'ebru.uy 1, 1988 - City ocuncil metinJ (~..". project }'L.,.:.....,. to be sul:IIIitted tar fundin¡). F'ebru.uy 26, 1988 - Deadline to sul:IIIit project þL''l0'''''. to~. A¡:proYed projects to be sul:IIIitted far fundin¡ to œ selected F8bEuIny 1, 1988. 40. Cc:nd.deratic:n ~ revisicn to the 0Jpertin0 Jb'til'!ip'" Code to prcwic1e that ~ of the OI:otl....ù. Fire Protecticn District shall net serve as -œ ~ t:ba Public Safety n--i_icn. (a) First ~ of Ordinance No. 1432: O%dinanœ ~ the City ocuncil of the 0Jpertin0 AIIIendin¡ Q ¡spt:er 2.60.010 0Jpertin0 Jb'til'!ip"l Code, Public t'nrI'IIIiaa.1m." "An City ~ of the Safety It was IIICIII8d by ocunc. Plungy, -.c...do.d by ocunc. J..ta......a aM p"--al1 UIIIInbICusly to read ordinance No. 1432 by title ally and the City Cledt's readin;J to CX:r1IItit:ute the first ~ theæ..4. 41. 1)j,,(:.,-1.a\ ~ ccnsultant selecticn }'L"""-SS far æt:x:ø:ist l.~ls. It was IIICIII8d by ocunc. Plungy, ........~ by ocunc. J......JéŒl and p"--ad UIIIInbICusly to erA........ trial œe or City's ccnsultant list tar a:t:b..u.lst. 42. pooq-t tar _uv'ëÙ of cx:nt:..imed part.icipatim in the Driving Under the Influence }'L\A L..... of the SbIIrift Department. It was IIICM!d by ocunc. 1bJÐrs, seoc:uJed by ocunc. Jobuscl'l aM p"e~ed UI'IaIÚ.IIWsly to authorize cx:nt:..imed participat.iœ in the Driving Under the Influence }'L\A L.... of the Sheriff Dept. -12- MD«1I!S OF 'lHE ~ 7, 1987 CI'lY axH::IL MEEl'I1G - 00-732 It was IICMId by O:amc. Plungy, ..........dwl by cnmc. ~.. an:! P"" el! ~y to "t¥L"t'L.1.ate $6,373.75 tJ:'cD the Gen8ral I\md. 43. ~ tor ~ ot $1,300 trail the __....61 tIJnd tar 1b:'ld 0:maIn1œticns, Inc. It was IIIOII8d by cnmc. Pl\JD3Y, 8èOCIi1ded by cnmc. J.........¡ an:! P"--td unaniJacus1y to autharize up to 15 ackU.ticnI1 hcurs tar OCI1SUltant and to "t¥L"t'Llate $1,300 trail the General I\md. 44. EItpi.ratkn and extensiCl1S of tentative maps. (a) l'irst rædinI¡ of ominanoe No. 1433: "An ominanoe of the City ot 0Jpertin0 Amerñ1nq sect:.icn 18-401.5 an:! 18-1.501.7 ot the 0Jpertin0 MJr>ic1pù Qxà RsgaJ:din;r Expiratien an:! EKtsnsicn ot SUbdivisicn Maps." It was IIIOII8d by cnmc. P1ungy, 8èOCIi.déd by cnmc. JåInBcIn an:! poo-vd unaniJacus1y to read ominanoe No. 1433 by title aùy an:! the City Clmk's rœdin¡ to OCI1St:.itute the seccxd rœdin¡ thereof. 45. Review of 0Jpertin0 scene's ..............t..a status as an entity separate tJ:'cD the City of 0Jpertin0. It was IIIOII8d by CDJnc. ~.., ..........dwl by cnmc. J"'..-... an:! P"-';'Iul unaniJaJsly to direct staff to pnpII%8 the ~.. to t'li ~ve the .............ctte status of the n""",""h,n :¡gg. Mayer Gatto amcunoed that he had reœived a letter tJ:'cD Bay Area PalD and RBc:reat.kn ,.,..,."i-imørs Board ............ 0:u1ci1 CXIIpljmenting V. Dean -''', 0Iair of OJpertino's PalD an:! P:.........e.tiat ""-i....icn. By ......_.sus, CDJncil directed staft to smñ a IIIiJute order tJ:'cD the City CDJncil to the IUkB and RBc:reat.kn rn-i....icn ~ in;J their a¡preciat.i.cn ot Mr. _1.' efforts. CDJncil requested a l."¥Al regardin;J the '1hnIst IV Sal_ Hills sign en Foothill Boulø'Jæ:å. Mayer Gatto anncunœd that the regular .-t.in;J ot the 0Jpertin0 City CDJncil scbech1led far ~ i ~ 21 was can::elled. -13- Appropriation for DUI prog. Appropriation for consultant First reading of Ord. 1433 Dissolution of Cupertino Scene, Inc. Commendation - Skeels Thrust IV Salem Hills sign . Fees waived . Perry litiga- tion Highway gS . / I Mn«m!:s OF 'DIE ~ 7, 1987 Cl'lY caJIC[L 1'IUa".uÇ - 00-732 Upon dIItem1natiat tbat U. J:'8IJMt far wiver of ~ 1icerBe re. trcII Aox to JUstice had œ.t receiwd after the postin¡J of this netinq'. agm:ta and it _ I'K ry to taka act:ia1 prior to t:be nøxt regular 188t1nq, o:unci1 ~ t:be wiwr of ~ 1Jœœe fees. 0:uIci1 c:U.œcted staff to pœpere a x.olut1cn of ~ traa t:be Mayar to be )'L s 1ted to A¡:ple, Inc. far use of t:be A¡:ple mñitarium as interim 0:uIci1 ~. "'=.1'.LUf CXJIIJNICATICRS 46. Ncne. CRmÐII«:ES 47. Ncne. RœOIUl'ICHI 48. Ncne. l"I" """!D SESSIaf At 12:45 a.m., 0::uIcil adjcm:ned to a closed s-~ion to rH an_ penr:iin¡ litigation in t:be folladn;¡' DBtters: ClIpertino VB. Peny and HiIþIay 85. <bmci1 reoatYelIed in CbmCil ~ in cpm s ion at 1:15 a.m. 0Jpertin0 VB. Peny - It _ IIICMId by 0aJnc. ~.., -.....dt.d by 0:a.Inc. Plungy and 1"'--' ~ Ul'l!llÜJlr:lUSy to direct staff to ~ litigation. Highway 85 - 'DIe cJ r-eð Ii 1m m this matter _ ccntiJued to 5:30 p..., Jan.mry 4, 1988. 'DIe I88t1nq _ adjcm:ned at 1:17 a... ~~~' ~...t.) City erlc ' -14-