CC 02-03-86 CITY OF <I1PfRl'n«), STA7! OF aLUœNIA cx:--688 10300 Torre Avenue, Q pert1no, CA 95014 Telep¡,one: (40S) 252-4505 MINt1lE9 OF 'IHE RmUIAR hua:uG OF .t'~ 3, 1986 HErD IN '!HE axJNCIL aÐ\MBER, ClT'l HALL, aJPER1'DÐ, CA.I..tRRŒA Mayor Rogers called the meetin¡ to order in the oamcil QumIhoo.r at 6:55 p.m. SAII1l'E 'IO '!HE FI1IG I<Ou, CALL ooonc. P1. as ~.l: Gatto, Johnson, Plun;w, Spa%ks, Mayor Rogers staff J?reS Jll: city Manager ()rl.nlan City Clem Cornelius Director of Public Works Vis1ccviå1 Director of Plannin¡ IUId Devel___,t Ocwan Director of Finance Snyder (left at 7:30 p.m.) Director of Parks aM Rec::reatim Dcwlinq (left at 8:15 p.m.) Assistant to the city Manager Brown lhnInnrlty Affairs Officer Mays Planner I Binnendyk City Attomey Kilian ~ em N91 AGElIDA lTDIS - It was 1IICIYed by ooonc. Johnson, seccnded by ooonc. Plun;w aM J?"'ððed unarúJaoosly to CCI1tJ.me Item 18 to the IJIeet.inq of Februaxy 18, 1986. CEREJDIIAL Wa"UK:I - ImmNrATIœs Reroo~dticl1 of 0WInel 30 recipients of T1no Awards am the Cable Televisia\ Advisœ:y t'hmI4tt.ee. Elliott Margolies, Mic::hel1e Mann, Iola HeJmicsen, Len Batå1elor, Darothy Cornelius, Kellyn y~ aM Martin Belles were reccgnized for their Cable Televisicn ~. Prnt"!l_ticn - a1i1dren's Dental Health M::nth - Drs. carol H::O..rt:åIecn aM Paul Sasaki received the prcx:lamaticn. STAFF kuu<J.1:í 1. Oral :t:epcnls by staff "tIIP.IIIl1ers aM snhniA.c;icn of written reports. -1- HINUIES OF 'lHE PEBIIJAm( 3, 1986 CI'lY cmNCIL JoJu:.1'.uÐ (œ-688) ~-t for appropri.at.icn, 1'L_tj' on st:el1.inq Read - It was JIICIIIed by CDInc. Pl~, &eCXI1ded by CDInc. Sparks and p"'''Jwse! unarúmcusly to ~"'¥L.1ate $22,050 trca the RsYerA.18 Sharinq ~ for];m'Chase of the 1'L~t.y. CXJJNCIL 1<&U(.1~ 4. CDInc. JciU1son: Isqislative Review no-ittee - It was JIICIIIed by CDInc. ~rciU1son, ~.cJt,d by CDInc. Pl~ and l""-- unaniJD:œly take the follc:JWiD¡ actia1S regardin¡ pendin:¡ legislation: ~ AS 2674 (a......uy), Brcwn Act Bill, ~t SB 880 (L. m........e), ¢.LW.EIUIII violation e..c:rcw aoooImt fUndin¡ for local erd.<d ocœervation projects, request Ct:1f1ž of AS 2187 (M. Waters) , inventœy and ili acJ œure of hazardaJs materials hlm:Ued by b.1siJ'-o-_. It was JIICIIIed by CDInc. Jà1nson, &eCXI1ded by CDInc. Pl~ and l""p-!d unanhaJSly to Slow' ...L SB 367 (Fonm) , transpartat.icn finance. cx:tISæl' CAD!'NDAR (It is requested that items 7 t!u:tugh 14 be acted on siDultanecusly urùess separate il411t"11SSion an:J,Ior action is requested. ) It was DJaYed by CDInc. Sparks, &eCXI1ded by CDInc. Gatto and passed unanhaJSly to ~U1I8 the a.._.!1¡t Calendar as r:111hni:tted. 7. ßl!scllution Nc'.. 6756: "A Hesolution of the City ecunci1 of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Allc:JWiD¡ certain t......4..... and Da..a.Jds Payable in the Amamts and FJ:aJJ the P\DÜI as JfIn'e1natt:er Described far General and Mi.soeJ.lanea¡s Expenditures for the Period EndirJ¡ Jamæ:y 17, 1986." 8. Resolution No. 6757: "A Resolution of the City ecunci1 of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Allc:JWiD¡ certain ClAi..... and ~ Payable in the A1IIcunts and trca the P\DÜI as JfIn'e1natt:er Described far salaries and wa.:Jes far the Payroll Period EndirJ¡ Jama%y 21, 1986." 9. Resolution No. 6758: "A Resolution of the City ecunci1 of the City of 0Jpert.in0 ~,Linq Grant of ~......_.¡t far BoadWay Pl..LvC!æ frcm Foat:hi11-DeAnza C'hmI1I'\ity College District ocnlistin] of A¡:praxiJœtely 0.022 -2- HINt7œ OF mE FEBII1ARY 3, 1986 C1!1."l axJNCIL .I'JUi.1:uG (œ-6aß\ 9. (cx:ntinJed) Acres, Ia:ated West: Side of st:eJ.JJ.ng Road, sœth of stevens CI:8ek Bc:ulevam." 10. (·'hoi.... far ......~ filed en behalf of Rebert Rezendes. 11. (,'hoi.... for ....,- JEIS filed en behalf of Andrew Wcn¡. 12. RssoJ.uticn No. 6759: "A Resoluticn of the City cœncil of the City of 0Jpert.in0 Autharizinq Executicn of .\q1............t with American Red CJ:œs far De1.ivexy of E.'mga....-y services." 13. Lot. 27, sutxU.visicn 10J1M-84 (F\,I........ HooII8r ElElllentary SåIool site) - ~-t far site and arårl.t.ec:tm:a "K'Luv'al far a ~,-~ssd sinqle-f.....ny detad1ed halle, in acc:mdanC8 with cañitia1S of ..........na1.. Site is 1cc:ated north of Bamhart Plaœ beb¡-- Prlmrœe way and Aster lane. R-'- ····-rded for ~. 14. Request far .........wal far ¡m:å1ase of me Eqlip'....'kt and ~........1at.1.cn of $1,500 fxaD the Ger....cd FU1d. ~ Me...íbc..... of the City Councit, AYES: Gatto, Jàmsa1, Plungy, SparD, Roge1:. 1Ðæ: Ncne Aæmr: Ncne ABS'mIN: Ncne l'1D!S IŒH:MD FlUI cx:tmm' ~ 15. Ncne. œAL <XHIJNICATICJ6 Sam au-iest of Adults Toward IJrlaIoer)ib.t Livinq ~! Jl!'tId the need far Hc:usinq and n......"Ù.ty DeveL ,-·-.l tums. 16. Rebert H. Wilms regardinq false ",b...... dw:ges. Rå:)ert Wilms, 10340 Casteen Drive, aMx -ad cœncil regardinq the $143 fines neca118Ø of false ¡,J"'......... Direct:ar of Finance snyder answered questia1S of Council. It was maved by Counc. Gatto, sec:xmed by Counc. P1ungy and paElsed with Counc. Jå1ns31 di.ssentin;J to u¡ixl1d the fines. -3- HINt7l'ES OF '!HE F'EBImP.Y 3, 1986 C1T'l a:xJNCIL hui.l".uG (œ-688) RJBLIC HF.ARDQ; 17. O::r1sideration of œJ'V""'I11 atien of laJñ CXI'ISe1:Vaticr CCI1tract; ~~Li' lcx::ated 00 S. stellin¡ westerly of am adjacent to Ra.rt:e 85; HJk. (a) Resolut1cn No. 6763: "A Resolut1cn of the City ca.mci.l of the city of CUpertino Cert.i.fyiD) to the Camty Auditar of santa Clara Camty the A1IIcunt of Cancellatioo Fees to be Paid upc:I1 Cancellatia1 of a I.an1 O:nIervation Ca1tract, Giving Tentative A¡:proval to SUch C&n:1ellation, Prescribin¡ Oc:ntitia'1S upc:I1 MUdl '!his Resolutioo Will be Effective, Direc:tin¡ the Clerk to ~ a Certificate Relatin;J to SUch Canœllatioo Fee ~ Resolutiat is Effective, Direc:tin¡ the Clerk to Reoœ:d a Certificate Relat1n;r to SUch car-c-11 aticn Fee 1bIn Resolut1cn is Effective, Rsquir1n;J Payment in M.l of CaJv'!A 11 at.ia1 Fee Prior to the Cancellatia1 Bee- ...4rq Effective; am P£............1bin¡ other Oc:ntitia'1S in a.,...-..'"t1en 'Iherewith." (b) Resolut1cn No. 6764: "A Resolut1cn of the City Cameil of the city of Q1pertino Making certain F.imin:Js RequiJ:ed by the Califomia Envi%a1mental Quality Act in o::.,..-..'t1oo with the Cancellatia1 of a Willi""""<:n Act contract Relatin¡ to Real PrqJerty and M:pt:in¡ a Negative f\e("1..,..ticn 'Ihereof. " It was mcved by Came. SpaxicB, secxnJec.i by Came. Jàu'ISa1 am ~~sed unaniJc:Ius1y to close the p.1blic hearin¡. It was mcved by Came. SpaxicB, secon:1ed by Came. Gatto am ~"!;1ed unaJrlmr::AJsly to aà:pt Resolut1oo No. 6764. It was D:Ned by Came. Spi!IrIcs, secon:1ed by Came. JåmSa'1 am p"'..øed unanimously tt' adept Resolut1oo No. 6763. 18. 0::r1sideratia1 of vacatioo of a portioo of BolliJv;Jer Road at DeFoe Drive. (Request ~ to February 18, 1986). (Ca1timed to February 18, 1986) (Cl ty Clerk's Note: meetin:J at 7:30 p.m.) 19. Discussioo of alternatives to mitigate traffic i"t"'cts in the Eaten ScbooljTown center neighborhoods. Director of Finance Snyder left the -4- MINt7r.ES OF mE FE!RlARY 3, 1986 CI'lY CXX1NCIL JoJui!'.u.G (cc-6S8) Mayor Roge1:s described the þ"OC""''' that ~11d be used for this PJblic hearin:J. Director of ~lic Works ViskcIriå1 reviewed the i.._ an:! p:ssible mitigatim -sures with 0Wncil. Geo1.~ M:Au1.iffe, 10554 la1na Iane, stated that it was pJ: s_JUy difficult to get cnt:o H:Clellan RoI!Id as that particular t5LLMt gets a great deal of traffic aIXl Q18 Dm'8 car wculd hurt. He recp!Sted that H:Clellan and Pacifica be kept separate aIXl that ~"''''IS be ext.en:æi across that area. Ta1y Soatt, 20230 John Drive, Q18 of the .......rem of the neightmt¡cod traffic t'Y'OnIIittee, stated that the focus of arger 1-1/2 years ago was the BolliD;)er/DB ArIza BcW.evard tøp:avement. He ~.....sed coucem regaxdin;J the Town Center iDprcvements aIXl stated that he perscma11y believed the closure of ...LL....-tø wculd be the ultimate answer. Marilyn 'lhraII, 20333 Cl1fden way, stated that if there are tumin:¡ restrict:icnI she CXA1ld net get to her hcuse. She suggested as an alternative a three-way stqI m Whitney aIXl Clifden, Cl1fden aIXl Antoinette, Pacifica aIXl Tœ:re, Rcdrigues aIXl Tœ:re, aIXl if Tœ:re were to be put thJ:cu]h, a foor-way stqI at Rcdrigues and Tœ:re. (City Clerk's Note: Director of Parks and Rec:reatim D::Iwli%Ç left at 8:15 p.m.) Wee Ihillips, 20739 Scofield Drive, stated that he is affected by the fact that 60-70\ of the parents bringinq their åùldren to Faria go by his hcuse. He did su....-Bt that the City rEIIICW8 the bike ra1te signs by City Hall as he felt this was a ~ route. He~en Teter, 10725 Mart.1noIcod Way, urged 0Wncil net to clœe Antoinette. She stated that pIa~......1"CS and fire ti"'{)"LLL..auL have saved lives in that area aIXl they need accHJS. In instances such as that, ffllll seoaa:1s do DBka a diff81:ence. Dian Tanaka, 20290 Pacifica Drive ~.essed CCI'ICEII:1'1 regardin;J the lo'L'-'t:'.:sed realiyoWllOllt. She stated that if either a signal or Highway 85 off rcmp were located there it ~d result in Dm'8 traffic. She stated that Torre is COI¡;¡est:ed durin:.1 the business day aIXl expl:eil6ed COIIœm regardin:J Torre i!'~S to stevens creek BcW.evard. She told camcil that she had net received legal notice of the heari%Ç . -5- lotINUl'm OF 'mE FEI!m'R'í 3, 1986 crJ."l 01JNCIL MEErIØ; (cc-688) J. se¡:w.veda, 10285 Farallema Drive, stated that she felt the Town Center am civic center expmsim had not aà:h -~9d the issue of traffic m Torre, Rcdrigues am Pacifica. She felt that a closure of ~l.....ts wcW.d be a l:JeJrœid ~. She asked ~t aba1t the five-year plan, Highway 85 interdIan;¡es, Wether or not Torre wcW.d be opened to stevens CJ:eek am if so, when. She also inquimd regardinJ the 1:uildin1 of a public safety ):¡ni1din:J. She dizected questions to CD.1ncil :regæ;dj.n;J the unic:r1 76 statim m De Anza BcW.evard am Pacifica. She stated as residents in Farallema area were beirq cut off fraD the rest of the <YW.....,nity she felt that the result wcW.d be that the CCIIIIII1ter waJld have easier 8IX --. In regard to the 76 statim, she said that a 0Jpertin0 lud.~-" wcW.d lese his bIs.iness with the J:'LqA:sed. real~_1t of Pacifica am H:Clellan. She stated that this was the seca'd tiJIIe tnere have been problems in her area regardinJ notices. She ~*sed. ~itien to all of the plans reo ....""'1ded. She urged CD.1ncil to leave the residents &lema am to pIt: the 0CIIIIUter an the main til.eets. Dcu¡ Bc7jd, 20301 Clifden, said that the mjority of the residents in the Clifder\lMarti.mico area favor sa:ae kim of closure. He suggested a trial of 60-90 days. He ""'i"-ris9d real!zaticm that the neighboxtJood willl::l8 i.rxxmvenienced. Fd Frank, 20272 Pacifica Drive, ~-""«i oonCe1:n that a18 of the J:'L"'i'csed barrj"""-' wculd l::I8 right outside his wimcw. He asked if the height of the barriers, lights, am avoidance maneuvers had been cx:œi.dered. He urged mare ili"""1geicn regardin:] the types of traffic that woold be created by City Hall expmsien am PraDetheus develo..pumlt. warren '1'errlberry, 10355 Farallema, stated that he felt the City had hamled the proJeSs badly. He said that in the original meetirJ; s 18 nart:hs aqo the area north of Pacifica had been ignored. He said he finally get notice of a ...........ittee 1IIe8tiD3 (the last ema) am he had received notice of this 1IIe8tiD3 the previous Friday. He stated that he was offemed by the CD.1ncil'li refusal to talk abo.tt other is........ at this 1IIe8tiD3. He reo ....~IŒd reJD:NÍJ'X1 the bridge m Pacifica am p.lttin;J in a ~ l.1an bridge. He urged no turn :t.....l.ictiat signs. Elly W8n1er, 20076 IaRcda 0Jurt, a ...........ittee ...-her, stated that every effort was made to infœ:m the public. Fliers had been passed in the neighbomoods am sa:ae of the ...........ittee members went: door to door. She spoke in ~ of ..l.e.et closure. She stated that if turns were -6- MINt1IES OF nm FEæIARY 3, 1986 CI'IY (XXjNCIL JoJu;.L'~ (cc-688) restricted 4-7 p.m. ~d be the best hcurs. She also """!o'L ...... 0CI1Oem regëm:Iiß) short left tmn signals. Paul Barker, 10590 Rútney way, stated that IX) Q'I8 à:IeyB traffic signs. He urged that Pacifica ani Torre be blocked. Jewel Altmn, 20321 Clifden Way, stated that she had signed the petitien to close Antoinette bIt thinks the stqI signs wtW.d be geed. She also stated that the traffic signals en Bollin;Jer were too short. Fd Wise, 20320 Michael CaJrt, spoke in ~itien to closure of Antoinette. He liJœd the oaa.q.ot of the stqI signs. Marly Ise, 20234 Pacifica Drive, stated that there was too 1ØJCh traffic in b......1t of his boose for his daughter to play alts1de. He reo ....-l1ded a stqI at Pacifica ani Tvu..... Maurice O'Shea, 20367 Clay street, stated that he wished to file a protest as certain areas wre excluded in the devel"¥""".t of c¢.i.a1s. He stated he had called City Hall in sept:eIIiJe.r regëm:Iiß) a hearin¡ ani then in octcber had received rttice of canoellatia1 of that hearin¡. SUbsequently he had talked with the plar.ni.rx.J Depëu. t:weut aM was told that his haDe was located in the ~ aœa to be included in the~. He:reviewed historical informatia1 regard:irq dwellin;J units per acre ~ in previoos General Plan Amm\Jmeht PJblic hearin;Js. He stated that he feels the prå)lem is that the traffic c.x:q:ut.er favors north-sCA1t:h traversin¡ of 0Jpert:in0. Ho also stated that DXBt of the time t:urnin;J left frail De Anza into the neighbamcods at the inte:rsectien of Bollin;Jer aM De Anza there is a seven mimrt:e wait. He urged that this be ~ so that pect)le \iho live in 0Jpert:in0 ocW.d mve mom freely. He ~.,_"""ted that the Pacifica bri&;¡& be closed at the creek, that Antoinette be closed (barriers oaùd be cpned by PJblic safety people via radios) . He stated that he felt there was a conflict that Wen residents receive a~'¡ boe1/t for five dwellin;J units per acre ani then high rise is ~ in Tcwn Center. He urged that residential traffic be separated frail hate1/offioe/o ...._" dal traffic. He requested that staff study 'l'cwn Center traffic 3-5:00 p.m. ani that pethaps the c::url:I cuts cnto Torre frail Town Center shculd be closed. Darlene 'lhome, 20097 Jå1n Drive, stated that the neighborhoods wre designed for t.hJ:'OJgh traffic. She urged IX) closures unless they ........re absol utel~· necessary. She stated that she realized the turnin;J restrictions wre mo...""'8 -7- MINt1IES OF 'IHE FEIRJAR:{ 3, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL hui.L'JJ'G (œ-688) ccstly bIt they woold not isolate the neighLolhood. She told Q:Iuncil that she had not seen traffic sign violators. Rùl Harris aIih !eed Cooncil regardin:J Exhibits A, B am D. He~ the use of the city lhlllll1lUty services Officer rather than the Sheriff's office to enfcxœ traffic restrictia1s in this area and that the Sheriff's office just period1""'''y CXIII8 t:hrtu;¡h if lhllll1ruty services Officers lY'IlM not be used. He urged Cooncil to keep Torre closed and that there be no more cars en Blaney. He stated that the left tum lane œrt:o Rodrigues at De Anza Boolevard was insufficient to hold the traffic. He reminded cnmcil that they were elected by Q]pertino residents and not by ~ of ather lY'IIIIIIInUties. Mary Ann ~, 20360 Clifden Way, requested that cnmcil not close Antoinette. She stated that stqI signs woold be all right. Jjm Rctter, 20142 Ias ()njas Way, stated that he does use Blaney AveJ'AJ8 and wanted no tuminq :r:....Ldcticns. He also ~ -ed VM~itia1 to the p:r''''1..csed ali""wo=nt of It:Clellan Road and PacU!ca. He asked ha.rI pec:p1e woold get to the 1ib:r:a:r:y if the closures did occur. He also asked if the:r:e woold be a short bike :r:cute left av.o11Ahle. He a.,.~--ted the re..L..lcticn of left turns f:r:tm Pacifica œrt:o De Anza. He also stated he had not received notice of the mee1:iD;J. Mary Jayne Moffett, 20954 ~ Tree Iane, said that she had :r:eœived notice. She stated that she saw no gajn in alignin¡ It:Clellan Road and Pacifica mIless It:Clellan is widened. Margaret nick, It:Clellan Road, urged cnmcil to leave It:Clellan alene. She also SlJ:.J':II=;:ited that It:Clellan Road be closed and it cnly be q¡en for pedestrians, an ocx:asicnal go cart and bicycles. She said that traffic is a mess en It:Clellan new. Jack Wedgwcod, 20~7 Ias ()njas Way, stated that he did not have a traffic prào1em in his area and he has 1111"""" feelin;Js :r:egamin;J closu:r:e of PacUica. He suggested that the ~'-'1'csed signin¡ take place and questicned the estJm.ted $25,000 cost for the initial enforœwcl1t. It was moved by cnmc. Gatto, seocnded by cnmc. Jahnsa'1 and I""~~ed unaniJJDJSly that the balance of the agen:1a woold be heaJ:d FeI::J:r:uæy 4, 1986 startin] at 7:45 p.m. -8- MINUmJ OF mE FEIR1ARY 3, 1986 C1Ti CXXJNCIL JoIuiJ;.uG (CC-68I1) Bill weiserxi, 10570 Whitney way, spoke in ~ \L t of closure of Pacifica west of Whitney way. G..u...':f& Mazetta, unia1 76 staticr., expr [ned ~iticn to the Pacifica ali~_tt t:hrtu#l his service statiat. He stated that the ~~csod al~aueltt ~ brin1 nme traffic into the area. He m..,¡,,_i:ed that Pecifica be closed en a 90 day trial basis. He also S\.o~"Y"'"i:ed that Torre be clœed ani the area be turned into a mall that did not ,,11 eN t:hrtu#l traffic. He stated that if the city t'Ioes realign the area that it be da1e differently than ¡J1.~and am not go thrcu;¡h his service statien. Merle Rhisely, 876 S. Blaney Avenue, stated that he had received notice regardiD¡ possible t:uJ:niD;J restrictiCl'lS. He said that the step signs on Blaney are a1ly partially effective ani that people do go t:hrtu#l them withoot st:qpinq. He ~: )(I?UIg-m the q¡inien that a break is nH:"""" betwen residential ani (. ····...rcial areas. He suggested that Rcdrigues be clœed east of Torre. RE'J~ - 10:05-10:20 p.m. aù.lip ~, 10325 Faral100e Drive, said that the area was really not affected by the 0CIIIIIlter traffic, but by closures, etc. He stated that the followinq !b'Iday night theJ:e waùd be .....""".....ien at the P1aminq l'rImI4_1.c:n regardinq the expansiat of city Hall ani the driveway to the 1ib:ra%y ani the city Hall. He asked if the ocst of the enf...............ìt. of the ~. ,.cnd t:uJ:niD;J restrictiCl'lS was fNØr ani above any reverues frail citatiCl'lS. He was inf"l .,,",,,, that :røveru!S frail citat.ia1s was not CCI'ISidm:ed. He tJU also inf". ..A'I that the tmnirq :œst.ricticr1s 10ICUld not apply to ___...y vehicles at H_ of ~Icies. He ''l¥sed the ~. ~sed a1!."........ìt of It:Clellan am Pecifica. He su;nested that theJ:e be no left tums allowed traD Pacifica cnto De ArIza. He also recpISted that Torre not be cpned. Upc:n askinq hcIi 1IUål the i"-...~sed barriers might ocst, he was inf,,, ..-, frail $5-10,000 deperñinq en 10IIat barriers WIIJ:8 used. He said that the residents WIIJ:8 paying heavily far devel~tt that is oor::ut'1"inq. He su:J9èdted that lV........ be closed, theJ:e be no left tums frail Pacifica cnto De ArIza ani that additia1al step signs be 1nstal1ed en Farallooe, Jåm, SUism1 ani Pacifica at Torre. He also ~..- BI+v '.t:t. for re..tLicted tums. suzanne Sclar, 10581 1Irltney Way, urged that 000n::i1 close Antoinette. Mario Zan, 7055 ~l1is AVernJe, san Jose, stated that Highway 85 is n~-"''''''' or ncthir.g shoold be da1e. He -9- lm1m.'!S O! 'lYE ~ 3, ~a6 C!Wí cmNCIL Ux.uC (œ-688) ~õI---œd that Rodrigues be clœed by 'IUL....., that Pacifica be clœ!d near the~, and that as 1II!mY stop signs as possible be:remcJll8d.. He urged Camcil to just let cars get to 10Nre they are goin¡. Al Rdllips, west Acres, stated that opEII'Ùn¡ Torre WOItld incœase prå:)lell& in residential areas. He SI.¥J.:Iested that devel...........Jt be slawoed until Highway 85 is CXJJpleted. He ................~ ~itia1 to the ali~.....Jt of !Þ::J.ellan and Pacifica. He stated that the gas statiat en that ~her was a positive thin:¡ and was :-u......... Paul Barker, Nlitney way, as"""" ~ regardin;J the ....."1'.:Ised t:umin;J re..t....lctia1s. He stated that he ~d have to take the lCD¡ was arcum to get back 1xIDe. He SU\.r_-œd that Antoinette rather than Pacifj.ca be clœed and that Tv...Xé net be (t)ened. Gt-.ya Mazetta, Unien 76 statiat, ..... s ¿/Led Camcil with a petitiat ~in¡ the ............osed alignment of Pacifica and !Þ::J.ellan. It was JIICIYed by ChIne. Sparks, seccn:Jed by ChIne. PIUI'I.:IY and P"1,..-ec1 unaniDoJsly to close the pmlic hearin¡. It was 1IICJI.Ied by ChIne. PIUI'I.:IY, seœllded by ChIne. Bp!rks and l"'....9d with ChIne. Jåmsa1 dissen:t.1JJ;J to GJN.I.0.N8 clœm:e of Pacifica just east of HU.tney way and of Antoinette, Ma1day thrcu:Jh Friday, 6:30-8:30 a.m. and 4:00-6:30 p.m.; to authorize pcst.iD¡ of wæ:nin¡ signs and pmlicity xelease prior to closuœ ~" ed for March 1. 'Ihis will be dcne for a 6o-day trial period. Camcil will review the Torre AvenJ8 traffic pattem when loc1d.rq at future devel...........Jt in Town center. It was 1IICJI.Ied by ChIne. PlUI'I.:IY, seccn:Jed by came. Jchnsa1 and pe.,,<;,9d with Mayor Rogers di ~- ,Ling that staff study the CCh..q¡t of the al~....../t of PacificjMcClellan at De Anza Bculevard. At 12:00 midnight, the meet.iIx:J was adjcumed to 'l'·--àay, Februazy 4, 1986 at 7:45 p.m. {2~ 4; Ci CleIit -10-