CC 02-04-86 CI'lY OF aJPERl'OO, smTE OF CALnœNIA 10300 Torre AverøJ8, a¡pertino, CA 95014 Tele¡:bcna: (408) 252-4505 MINt1lES OF '1HE AD1aJRNED RmUIAR hr;r;&.uG or 'IHE Cl'lY <XUI'CIL HElD (If FEBRUARY 4, 1986 IH 'IHE CXOlCIL awmER, Cl'lY HAIL, aJPERl'IH), CAIJ:FCRŒA œ-688A At 7:45 p.m., Mayor Rcqers called the maetin:J to order in Camcil Qurrnh=o,.. :roLL CALL 00Unc. Presalt; Gatto, Johnsa1, Plun;¡y, Sparks, Mayor Rcqers staff P.I.!S eJ It: city Manager Quinlan city Clerk Cornelius Director of PUblic WOXks Viskavic:h Director of Planni.n;J and DBvel'¥'CI.t Q:Jwan Assistant to the city Manager Brown t'hmonUty Affairs Officer Mays Planner I Binnerñyk city Attomey Kilian 20. A¡:¢icaticm I-GPA-85, city of 0Jpert.irx) GeneJ::al Plan A1DeOOmeIIt revisin¡ Housin¡ and !.aM Use Elau04Jts: (a) 1I1IIen:i the Housin¡ El..........t to update .-.. ~~ data, rr:>:\9S-9 hamin¡ need and amerd various hamin¡ policies and þ1:u,µ.-, 1nclUl:lJn¡ the Belew MarIœt Rate (Elm) þ.'u,µ.CWI. (1) Resolut1cm No. 6761: "A Resolut1cm of the city Camcil of the city of 0Jpertin0 AmencSin;J the Housin¡ v.I__ .t of the General Plan (1-GPA-85).n Director of Planni.n;J and DBvel'¥'CI.L Q:Jwan int.... ."1œd Sheila Brutaco, consultant and pr 0 s IItI:.ed a EØ1IIIMry of the prClJCseel Housin¡ Ele...:..t amm.œ...:.ìt. Ms. Brutaco infcmœd Camcil that the state of California had infomally asked for mre specifics regaMiIq 8JIO.mts. 'Ihe city Attomey stated that urxær Pi.' !i-oOSition 13 the city was precluded fran i'TO'!'!n¡ a "specia1 tax" without 2/3 vote of the registered voters. He said that a general tax went into the General F\.1n:i am there was J'D vctin:J requirement. He also stated that any fees waùd have to relate to the cost of pravidin; the specific service. -1- MINUl'æ OF '!HE FEBRUARY 4, 1986 Cl'IY CXXJNCIL }oJu;.1'.uI; (CX:-688A) Planner I B1nnendyk answered quest.icns regudin;J ...........nUty DeIIel~1t Block Grant Ruœ. Paul stewart l~ smJtinq the Bl1i 1 din¡ :Il'dusay As~iat.ia1 ~_øed. ~ for staff and planni.ng n--4_ia1 reo:- ····--""datien to eliminate1:he city's am P.L""P-GIII. He stated that the in-liw fee ì&~l liS -..... the meet equitable way to provide leM and JKWwate inoc:œ hcusin¡. He ~ -øogd CXX10em regardirg the tums going into the Gene1::al !\Ini as there 1o'a.1ld be no guarantee suå\ monies wculd be spe¡1t for hcusing. He ~"r"øed EIlawOlt far the oCb."'¥L of using IXn-14X>fit oxganizat.ia'lS en a o"'1etitive basis. He suggested that the city fom a l'Y'IIIIIIittee to meet with ncn-profit groups and stated that the Bo.4Mi'I'Ç In:ñJstry AsSOC'iat1an 1o'a.1ld be haw.i to provide expertise. He ~=soed a¡:proval that any tums be divided equally betwen ~...nte and leM inoc:IDe hcusing. He stated he did have sc:me quest.icns regardin;J senior and single parent households beinq ta%geted far this io'L""P-GIII and ~.._i:ed that the city explore all possibilities listed en the Planninq Director's August 19 .~t. Harley s. Hansen, El Camino Hospital District CCI1tiruin:¡ Care Retirement Center Project Direc:t:or, ~ gran:1fatherin:] of these deve1~d:s already a:wrcved with the am requirement waived. Kathy Myles, 0Ipertin0 Q>,...a er of (' ""-'"08, requested that a specific pl....g1.ðm be defined prior to the establishin;J of fees. She exþl.~"'ed. 0CI1Cem that a significant i.nc:rease in tax 1o'a.1ld result in an i.nc:rease in the CX)St of living. She asJœd if a deve1~d. tax wre really m--wJ to solve the hcusing prcblem. She ~..6Bed the ~inia1 that the hcusing problem is 4"V""'9ib1e to aach. - at the local løvel and ~vo;-';!ed. a p:œf~..._ that no ~t. be provided far ...4M1e inccme haDe puråmses. She ........_øogd ~ far a pr""P-GIII that 1o'a.1ld alleM c:w.....¡t senior and harv'li(~~ residents to stay in rental units. I:J.ma smith, C'nnnInUty H::Jusing DeIIelq>eIB, urged CDIncil to provide additiooal tums for Adults '1'c::Jwæà ~ LiviD¡ . Jàm vidavich stated that the new io'Lq¡OSal was a (> ..""....1.... and ~""",øed ~rt for that io'Lv¡,........1. -2- MINt1rES OF 'mE H~ 4, 1986 CI'l"l CXJJNCIL hu;~'.uÐ (cc-638A) Ms. Myles inf..... ,,__1 these.... sent that the o.-~ __ did not ocn::ur with the reo ····-o"datiCl1 of the 11m n-mittee. Q1ar1es NfII-', 22230 Haœstead Read, said that Valloo PIU:k is ,-»csed to the pluy' 'Ml am feels that the pl B It þL~..... is ""'"'quate. He expr....."''9d the cpinitn that the ~..~ will increase the cost of livirq in 0Jpertin0. He felt the City shcu1d identify ply(jL....... and source of 1'uncUn¡. He expressed ~_.t that the 11m P.L~..... is not workin;J and is unfair to residential develc.pers. He felt the hcusinq issue was a regia1al pråJlcu am 1ag8d 0Jurx:il not to t-;mp.r with the free market. He suggeated that ....~....... be funded fran existj¡g Da1ies am not new taxes. Mark Kroll, 20300 stevens creek Boulevard, develc:per of residential am 0 ,,·,"'''''Cial prcpert:ies, stated that the C'ùl..,e.d. pl~..... is inequitable and ~....-ted that cœnci1 build flexibility into arr:¡ new ....~...... He urged cœnci1 to find another 1IIaY besides an increase in tavøa. Director of Planning am DevelUJ:&lO"llt 0:Jwan !nt,.. ...Ad these þL Bent that at a p,¡blic hearinq sett:in] the fee, staff t.'CUld have a lY'OOf?Jete fee schedule """nable for review. 1)j",<",:II!!sim foUaJ'Eld regardinq the possibility of the use of the transient ~1panCy tax for hcusinq. Arm A'rger, Ma1ta Vista, stated that Q.1pert.ino has IIICIr8 than its fair sha%e of lCM inoc::ua hcusinq. She stated the cpinitn that the pl'-¥'sed pl~..... does not help the needy. It was IIICIIIed by 0CUnc. Sparks and seccI1cSed by 0CUnc. Plungy to close the p,¡blic hearinq tn the IÞJsinq El........IL. '!be D:JtiCI1 and seoad ware withdrawn. DeLu..dh Nåoel, Q.1pert.ino, stated that she had been a 1I_..i c of the 1980 Citizens r_1.. (hmnittee whim was against the IMR P.I.'-'jLCWI. She ~A-"'9d the cp!nitn that the plog1...... has failed to meet its åJjective. She stated that the þL Beut ...."1.-eal is not really a ~~ l:ut merely a mec:hanism for fUnds. She expressed OC&1Co::.Lh that the 0Jurx:il wculd initiate another pl~..... that "-'O.Ùd fail. She stated that the nrwnrronùty as a whole as wll as the direct users of the þL"": l..... mJSt benefit. '!his mJSt be da1e so that the cx:mm.mity ca1ld aœ.:l't the pl~LaIII. She urged OCUncil not to antagonize the private sector l:ut to involve them. She urged COOncil not to pw:eed with the oonstructioo tax. She exprca'3'3d the cpinioo that tl".e þL'-'1JOSed pl~.,..... does not fill the :--,:18 of the OCII1I1I.UÚ.ty. -3- HINt1l'ES OF mE FEER1ARY 4, 1986 CI'IY CXXlNCIL hu;~.~ (CC-~U~ She ~ that the public call in and give their q>1nia1 regard1n;J the ....q;CB"eelln1sinq ....~_. She stated that she 'Wa.Ùd liJœ the City's soc....1 p1.~"'" to suocu\1. It was moved by Came. Plun:y, seccaded by Ocunc. Sparks and poeaed unanimcus1y to close the PJblic hearln¡ en the Ha1sinq Eleme1¡t aJIIIi!JidI..uít. It was moved by Came. Jàmsa1, seccn:ted by Ocunc. Sparks and passed unaniJJøJsly to adept Resolutien No. 6761 with the Ha1sinq ElEllDelit, page 43, I!IIIIIIDSed to include very lClil and low incaae mly (City funds) targeted far seniar citizens am ¡:hyBi...,.11y limited units; to increase 30 units to 60 units; to eliminate under mo'el-ate ino...- the 30 units with City funds. staff was also directed to ili.....,.... pœsible pr~...... and tum1nq with varla1s CJl'tIUPS and to ~ S91.t these matters as part of the Marå1 5 þ~ sessien. 'l11e General nm:l was a¡:prcved as fund1nq scuxœ. (b) Amerx1 the ram Use El.......íL to allow a port:icn of the Valloo Park hotel roc:m alloc:atia1 to shift north of Interstate Rcute 280 in the valloo Park Plannin:J Area. (c) Amerx1 the ram Use ElEllDel.t to designate as a "residential" use area these lots situated at the easterly tm:mims of BJ-""'"'I Iane bacJciD¡ up to Sooth De ArIza Bc:W.evard. (1) ResolutiCl1 No. 6762: "A Resolutia1 of the City 00Uncil of the City of Q;Iertino AIIIerxi.in¡ the ram Use ElESßelít of the General Plan (1~-85)." It was moved by Ocunc. Plun:y, secx:n3ed by Ocunc. Jchnsat and passed unanimcus1y to close the p.1b1jc hearinq regard1n;J the land Use ElEllDel.t. It was moved by Came. Plun:y, seconded by came. Gatto and poe....., unanimcus1y to ~t Resolutien No. 6762. It was moved by Came. Gatto, seconded by came. Plungy and ~es'9ð. unanimcus1y to recognize and a¡::prcve the paDt schedule as ""hnitted. I 21. AR>licatien 23-Z-85 of HDNŒR FR:).t'J:a(J..~ '.ro REZaŒ ~u..d.....tely .21 acres frcm Rl-lO (residential, s1nqle-family 10,000 sq. ft. 1IIinimJm lot size) zœe to P. USE PERMIT (43-U-85) to 0C81StnIct a 2,30o± sq. ft. addition to an awroved .;) .,.,""rcial !:iuildin¡. ~ RE.VIæ: 'l11e Plann1.n:.J 1"rwnn4_ien -4- MINtmS OF '!HE mRJì\RY 4, 1986 CI'IY <XXJNCIL hI:íI:i~'.u«i (œ-688A) 21. (0CI'1t.imIed) rec~ _._._.~ the grant:jnJ of a Negative Declaratia1. '!he subject pl~ is geum:ally located en the sa1thwest CiOX..... ot DeAnza Blvd. and ltJClellan Reed. (A¡:p1icatialS ~ ····_~ed tar çproval with certain cxn:titia1S. ) (a) First P-i'i'lg ot omJnance No. 1342: "An ordinance ot the City Oc:mx:il ot the City ot Q]pertino AmIniin;r sectia1 1 ot ordinarx8 No. 2 by Rezaû.n;J ~-tely .21 Acres fraa Rl-IO to P ZaIe; Generalil IDeated en the sœthwest Q:Imer ot 0eAnza Boulevard and ltJClellan Road." Director of .P1.anninq and Devel~1t Cowan reviewed the çplicatien with camci1. DeJœ 1I.mter e:xpr~"«1 <XiI:iCél.n regardin;J the 7-ft. setba(-k requirement tor the ret:ainin¡ wall. It was mcved by 000nc. SpB%Xs, sec:x:med by ~. Johnsen and passed unanimc:usly to close the p.1blic hearin;J. It was mcved by 000nc. SpB%Xs, seocn:1ed by 000nc. Johnsen and I"'·"iI'9d unanimc:usly to grant a Negative Dec-laraticn far A¡:plicaticn 23-Z-85. It was mcved by 000nc. SpB%Xs, sec:x:med by 000nc. Johnsen and l""~~'!!d unanimc:AJSly to a¡prave A¡:p1icaticn 23-Z-85 per PlanniD:¡ n--i -ien Resoluticn No. ~ ~64. It was mcved by Cc:unc. Plungy, seoonded by Cc:unc. Gatto and p"'......., unariliacusly to read 0J:dinanœ No. 1342 by title cnly and the City Clerlc's œadiD¡ to <XiI:astitute the tirst readi"q thereof. It was mcved by 000nc. SpB%Xs, seocn:1ed by 000nc. Jàmscn and ~"Hd unanimc:usly to grant a Negative ~J"ratien tor A¡:plicatien 43-U-85. It was mcved by 000nc. SpB%Xs, seocn:1ed by Cc:unc. Johnsen and I"'........, unanimc:AJSly to a¡:p:rcve A¡:p1icatien 43-U-85 per PlanniD:¡ n--4 -ia1 Resolutien No. 2765 with ccniitien No. 27, first paragra¡:h, last line, éIlDelded to inc100e the stateluellt, "except as stated belOli." -5- · MINUI'ES OJ!' 'ŒE FEæJARY 4, 1986 Cl'lY CDJNCIL huinlG (0c-688A) PIANNnC APPLICATIæ5 22. AwH....tia1s 2g.J]H-85 am 48-u-85 of !any SW8I1sa\ ,~.,41&n-s: Tentative Map to oal8'"·H~ tw parcels into ŒI8 parœl cxœist.1nJ of 1.65 _.... am Use Pe:cII1t to œt...l....x:t a 5,000 sq. ft. sin¡le-stm:y office b1141i1411;J am 1:...... ."'-1 tw existiJq sJ.ngle-stOIy office þ141i1i1'l]S. I.oc2rced œ the west side of S. DeAnza Bculøvæ:d aw... ,;i......tely 450 ft. scuth of M::Clellan RaId. Envu...........ttal Review: '.lhe P1.annin;J l'I'omIi_icn rec:. ....-æ the grant.in;J of a Negative Declaratiœ. Ra:" ....--Ø3d tor aw-a-wal. · It was JIICYed by Counc. Johnsa1, &eOCI'Ided by a:unc. Gatto am reø~ unanim:AJs1y to grant a Negative Declaratiœ for A¡¢icatia1 2g.J]H-85. It was 1IICIIIed by Counc. Johnsa1, secaüe.l by a:unc. Gatto am P"'--ed unanimcus1y to ~ave Arrùicatia1 29-'IH-85 per PI.arIrún¡ l'I'omIi_ia1 Reso1ut.ia1 No. 2755. It was 1IICIIIed by Ccunc. Johnsa1, .......dIid by a:unc. Gatto am P"'-~ unanimcus1y to grant a Negative Dec-] ......tia1 for ~1icatia1 48-U-85. It was 1IICIIIed by Counc. Johnsa1, secx:n:Ied by a:unc. Gatto am P"'--eð. unanimcus1y to Cli¥LU1I8 AR;IJ.icatia1 48-{]-85 per P1.annin;J l'I'omI4_ia1 Resolut.ia1 No. 2756. 23. App1.icaticn 13-u-85 (Revised) of Teny Brown/James HeqiÜll: A1Den:iirg use P"'""it to å1m]e use of a previously ~ 2,250 sq. ft. J:¡unil411;J traD office use to a 1114~ use coœist1n¡ of an apartment unit am a 1,900 sq. ft. restaurant. I.oœter1 œ the northwest 00........ of ~-"'-1a AverJJe arñ Granada AverJJe. EnviJ:a1JIIenta Review: '.lhe P1.annin;J l'I'omI4 -ia1 reo- .....A11ds the grant.in;J of a Negative DeclaAtial. Rê(" _·_·~·ded tor ~wal. Director ~ Council. of Plar1nin:J am Devel"""""",,,t 0:MIn reviewed the in the P1.ar1nin¡ l'I'omIi -t.cn Reso1ut.ia1 with ~ c:han:;Jes wre as follows: · ccnutia1 26.b) MaximJm enployees per shift: Six (6). ccnutia1 26.0) Total ......vi,..,'" seatin] C"Il""dty: 3(1 inside, 18 cutside. ccnutj ~ 28 '!he three parkinj EIp&œS adjacent to azildin:;J I shall be covered am designed specifically for the stutio ap¡u.t.....::..t units. -6- MINt1l'ES OF '!HE FEBRJARY 4, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL .W;,L',uG (cc-688A) It was 1IICIIIed by came. Johnsa1, seoalded by came. Gatto and p"---ð UI'IaJ1.i:øIcœly to grant a Negative Declaratim for Applicatien 13-U-85 (Revised). It was 1IICIIIed by came. Johnsa1, seoc:.n1ed by CDmc. Gatto and pal!!'sed UI'IaJ1.i:øIcœly to awo-u-Je ~licatim 13-U-85 (Revised) per PJ.anrrl.n¡ t'nmIi ....im Resoluticn No. 2753 with charJ]es as stated by staff. 24. ~licatia1 49-U-85 of Menta vista Im: Use Pmmit to add awo-u....h""'tely 720 sq. ft. to an exist.i.tç bar facility and p"""'it live DlJSie and dancin¡. located m the north side of Peninsula Avenue, awo-url"".tely 120 ft. west of Highway 85 (West Valley Freeway) north of stevens Creek Bc:W.evard. Envira1menta1 Revier",: 'Ihe P1armin;J ~i""im t...........""œ the granting of a Negative ""'<']tlratim. RBo ...."""X3ed for denial. DiJ:ectar of PJ.anrrl.n¡ and DeYel.........../t ccwan reviewed the staff .............t and stated that the request was ach".11y to add 500 sq. ft. He ~ nred oaœn. regardi.n¡ parkin;. Nick I<lipa, Manaqer, Menta Vista Im, infon.e.l ccunci1 that he has a reci}I.L.......ù parkin; arrarçement with a neighbor. He stated that the request for live JUlie and dancinJ had been withdrawn. It was mved by came. Johnsa1, seoc:.n1ed by came. Plun;¡y and I"'\~'iIed unaniJIcusly to deny the çplicatic.~ per PlamúD;;J l'rIIIm4 ....im Resoluticn No. 2757. ARCHITæltJRAL AND SI'1E APPRJ\7AL <XMnTl'EE APPLICATICH> 25. Na1e. UNFINISHED WSINESS 26. Na1e. NEW WSINESS 27. COnsideratim of revisim to ordin,arx,e regulatin¡ political signs. (a) First reëdirq of 0t'd1naJxe No. 1320: "An 0t'd1naJxe of the city of 0Jpertin0 ~1in¡ Sectia1 N\mi)er 17.32.040 OF 01apter 17.32, Entitled Spec...., Signs, of Title 17 of the 0Jpertin0 Rmicipal COde; and A1neJ'xtin;J section 17.06.280 of 01apter 17.08, sectim 17.16.010(f) of O1apter 17.16, and Sectien 17.32.120, of -7- MINUl'fS OF '!HE FEIR1ARY 4, 1986 CI'IY <XX1NCIL ~J.·OO (CC-68I3A) 27. (a) (cx:ntirued) Q1apt:er 17.321 ProvidirJ;J for the Regu1atia1 of the Erec:t.ia1, Maintenance, Alteratia1 ani Icc:atia1 of Political signs Within the city of 0Jpert1n0." It was 1IICMId by o:unc. Plungy, seccn:Jed by o:unc. Jcmscn and pe¡llseci 1.InIIJÚJIrJUSly to read Ordinæx:e No. 1320 by title a1ly ani the city Clerk's :te2IdiJ'g to ocœtitute the first :te2IdiJ'g thereof, with restrictia1S as follcws: Allowed 90 days prior to electien, DIISt be remaveð. no later than 10 days after elec:tia1. 28. Ccr1Sideraticn of ord1nances to :t'bIL..ict parkinq in certain areas. Ca> First :te2IdiJ'g of Ordinæx:e No. 1351: "An Ordinæx:e of the city of 0Jpert1n0 A1DerñinI1 Sect.ia1 U.24.150 of the 0Jpert1n0 RJnicipal Q)de to Prchibit stopping, stan:ling or ParJdn:¡ a'l stelling Read and Vista Drive." It was 1IICMId by o:unc. Jàmsa1, seoc::meci by o:unc. Pluny and p"'..øf!d unanimously to :read Ordinæx:e No. 1351 by title a1ly and the city Clerk's :te2IdiJ'g to ocœtitute the first reading thereof. WKJ:~.a.;¡f CXlHJNICATICIIS 29. Letter trail the city of El Ma1te regacding status of Q.Ie1.~....u va. ElIb1te. 0::Junci1 received the letter. œDINANCES 30. Na1e. RESOWl'ICIIS 31. Na1e. N:U-~ EœINæS 32. Reooglliticn by Mayor of special requests. (b) city COOncil - 0::Junci1 inquired regarding the use of a yield sign a'l t-.he Adriana side of the Mann,lAdriana area. A o:unci 1~ also inquired regarding the traffic signal at stelling and 1\4-1«" Tree. -8- Jmt1I!S or '1D I'!IRJARY " 1986 CI!l"l <maL MI'mlC (œ-68BA) Ca) a.&ál·...4«Qt - Ia1nie '1'oenste1dt, sa.rMt AcJ..."., ~ that the S< III(II1W Square area aM surraJrK!iJJ¡ vicini~ be notified WS1 itAIIB CXIII8 to 0aJnci1 aM the Plannin¡ ~i_:lCI1 xeg¡m1irr¡ po1hHo .t..._t clcIJunt in t:bat area. She ~- ed o...-.uì ~ øuœ c1œureø aid -~...-z 80: --. 0:uIcil db:ected staff to Jœep zesidsJta of tbia area info.. ..-!. Co) statf - Hme. At 11:00 p..., the JBIt:inq was adjc:urned. ffi~~ Ci Clerk -9-