CC 02-18-86
crrl OF aJPEm!OO, srm: OF CALDæNIA
10300 Torre Averut, QJpertino, CA 95014
Telçhone: (408) 252-4505
MINt1l'ES OF 'mE RmJIAR hu;r.uÐ OF 'mE Cl'1Y aJJNCIL
HErD œ FEIRJAR1( 18, 1986 IH 'mE aJJNCIL awœER,
Mayor Rcgers œlled the meetin:¡ to œ:der at 6:50 p.m. in
the cnmcil Q>.....e1:, City Hall.
SAII1l'E 'ro 'mE FIAG
came. PreseHt:
Gatto, Jcbnsa1, P1UD3Y, Mayor Rcgers
Courx:. Absent:
Sparks (Naticmal Guard D.1ty)
staff Presant:
City Manager ()1inlan
City Clmc o.....uélius
DiJ:ector of Public Works viskcvic:h
DiJ:ector of P1.annin1 am DeYel_d. Cowan
Director of Finance snyder
DiJ:ector of Parks am Recreaticn IDIlinq
Assistant to the City Manager BJ:own
City Attomey Kilian
Eœ'I'FaIEMENrS CR ~ ~ ITÐ!S - Na1e.
CE:REKmAL MATmRS-PRESENrATIcm - P%ocJ.amatia1 iI....ignat1nq
Mardl 2-8 as ~I'S History Week - 0:nt:inJed to meetin:¡ of
Mardl 3, 1986.
1. oral l'¥-'Lls by staff -.ers am ",,",,4_'100 of written
city Clmc's RI::uu..t
Naticmal Actia1 Against Rape - It was DICI'Jed by came.
Jcbnsa1, seexuJaJ by came. Gatto am 1"""""'- unanimcusly to
a¡:prave the waiver of bJsiness lioeœe fees.
2. Treasurer's am ax3qet Report - Jama%Y, 1986.
cameil received the repœ.t.
MINtJl'ES or 'lHE FEBR.1MN 18, 1986 crl"l CXXJNCIL MœmC
Director of Public wcmœ viskcvich ~ s ,¡Led council with
an oral np....l reqamin;J mitigatien ...........JreS taken during
the ~ rains.
6. CDInc. PlUJIW - By CXI'IS8J'ISUS, counci1 ~ that the
City participate in the publicatien of a new Ccunty histœy
5. CDInc. Jobnscn - Ieqislative Review - It was
JDCJII8d by CDInc. Jobnscn, sec:xmed by Q:Iunc. PlUJIW ani
l"'....ed unarU:moosly to BI4¥Olt AS U09 (l~"..¡...11), tax
credit for rec:yclable materials am SB 1694 (Be1..;¡!sm),
tort refom, divin¡ bill.
(It is mquested that items 8 thJ:tujl 23 be acted en
siJD.ü'ftJly unless separate rli.....1SSien arDIor acticn is
requested. )
It was JDCJII8d by CDInc. Gatto, sec:xmed by CDInc. PIUJIW ani
~'ò'sed unarrl.mcuüy to a¡p:cve the CDIsent calerñar as
en'......." :tted.
8. Resoluticn No. 6765: "A Resolutien of the City counci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allowin¡ Certain l'1..i...... ani
Demands Payable in the Amcunts am FraIl the RInds as
Hereinafter Described for General am Mi.scellanecœ
Expenditures for the Period Erx:iin:¡ Jan.w:y 31, 1986."
9. Resoluticn No. 6766: "A Resolutien of the City counci1
of the City of 0Jpertin0 Allcwin;J Certain C] ..i...... ani
Demands Payable in the Amcunts ani frail the nmds as
Hereinafter Described for salaries am Wages for the
Payroll Period Erx:iin:¡ Febz:uary 4, 1986. "
10. Parks am Bt.....aitien oo-spa1SOrBhip of Ias Madres '83
Play Grœp.
U. P""<J'-t fraD califomia History center Fcun::Jatien for
waiver of !::AJsiness license fees.
12. Request for waiver of fees - use of facility am
!::AJsiness license - £ran the Kiwanis Club of califomia.
MIMmS OF 'mE FEIRJAR'i 18 , 1986 Cl'l"í CXXH:IL hl:iròtItG
13. S\.uw...,s and """",,,bh1t - Vera SUllivan.
14. SI.uw...,s en "". sa =- .",biT\t and ...... H =' .."þ,i11tJ MacKay
v. Ib!u'q, et al.
lS. Resolutien No. 6767: "A Resoluticn at the City camcil
of the city of QJpert.ino SettiD¡ Time and Place far
PubHc Hear!rv to Ocœider a Raise in water Rates."
16. Resolut1en No. 6768: "A Resoluticn of the City ccunci1
at the city of QJpert.ino ApprcwiD:¡ <l...uact Q1an;e
Order No. 3 far H::C1.ellan Read Iqr."OIÆIIIØl1ts, Project
85-02, and ApprcwiD:¡ ~~1atia1."
17. Al:JcqJt.ance of Dmicipal i:aprcvements:
(a) H...~ Project en stevens CJ:eek BcW.evard. near
Vista Drive.
(b) Terry Brcwn Project at 21900 stevens creek
(c) Terry Brcwn Project at 21892 stevens creek
18. Acceptance at City projects perfomed under ~,LLðCt.
(a) ~ia1 Park Temis Court;J, Project
(b) Sluny seal Project 85-101.
19. Resoluticn No. 6769: "A Resoluticn at the City camcil
at the City at QJpert.ino ~Un¡ Grant Deed of Real
P~"'lJOIL'ty far ~:I ~~ses traa Jeannie IDIheck and
Dinah D.Isheck lQmP1 I.ocated en the North side of
H::C1.ellan Read East at steJ.1in¡ Read."
20. Ilesoluticn No. 6771: "A Resoluticn of the City ccunci1
of the City at QJpert.ino Aut:hariz!rv Exeoolt1en at
Qui~",bim Deed at Real P.t:~t.y to Jac-Jt o. Lind I.ocated
en Bollin]er Read at the SØJtbwest Oo:t:uer with DeFoe
Drive. "
21. Aß:ùicatien ASAC-51,639.1 - Mr. and Mrs. Francis !imq:
Request for site and arålitectural GH-ILuVcÙ for a
PLVl'JSed sir¥;Jle-family detached haDe, in aoo ,,,,dance
with c:on:iitien of a¡:prcMÙ. '!be prcperty is located at
7522 D:l!4ìe&JÙ Drive (Lot 14). Recx:IMended far
HINUl'ES OP' 'lBE ~ 18, 1986 crrí <mNCIL MEErIlG
22. RiIIqæst traa'lba 0IIkII for xeoogJdtiat of the 3m annal
QJpm:t1no 018ny BlUIHD Festival as a offic4..1
aùtural 8II8rtt IUd other matters.
23. M.irutes of the r8ÇJUlar meeting of Jamw;y 21, 1986
(0:-687) .
Y2t§ ""'",......:. of the city th.1TIt'!i 1
AYES: Gatto, Jå1nsat, Pluny, acgers
ABSml': SpImœ
1TfH; mxNED nul CXI1SENl' CAUND1\R
24. Nc:I».
25. p...... -era of the M1iIi'""¥:18 regardin;J matters not en the
ageskD - Nc:I».
26. of vaœtiat of a portion of Bon~
Read at DeFoe Drive.
(a) Resoluticn No. 6770: "A Resoluticn of the city
CWncil of the city of ~ orderin;J Vacatiat
of a Port:.icn of Bollinger RaId at the Southwest
Cul..... with DeFoe Drive as P%aVided in sect.ia1
8320 Et. seq. of the SL.......t:s IUd Highways Cede of
the state of noHf'œ:nia, Retaining a Port.ia\ as a
P1bHn utility "!:'.A_It IUd Public service
VIa d.. II
Director of P1I,] in ~k.. viskrNicn :t'8ViaIIsd the ...~t with
the city Cavcl1.
Dick aù.ldœss, 11701 Regnart canycn, upcn as'Idn1 to whcm
the i'L"¥".Lly' ¥O'lld revert, was W,n ..A:1 that it wa1ld go to
the adjacent i'L"¥".Lly' owners.
It was JIICMiId by Caunc. Johnsa1, seccnSed by Caunc. Pluny
and I'EleE'ed unanimcusly to close the pnblic hearln:].
It was JIICMiId by Caunc. Johnsa1, seccnSed by ecun::. Gatto
and p8!;!eed unanim::Amly to adept Resolutien No. 6770.
MINt1I'ES OF '!HE FEERJARY 18, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL hui.l,'.1lG
27. Request for 1IIIIeI).}¡..éuls to the un1fam ~1i1dirJ¡ COde,
the un1fam Fire Code, am Q1apter 16.32, SWbmin;J
Pools, of the 0Jpertin0 Hmicipal CocSe.
(a) First read1n¡ of Ordinance No. 1350: "An
Ordinance of the City of QJpert1no Amend1n¡
01apter 16.04 of the QJpertino Jtmicipal COde by
J\ddin] sectia1 16.04.056 Relating to Installaticn
of Spark Arœst:ers."
(b) First read1n¡ of Ordinance No. 1352: "An
Ordinance of the City of QJpertino A1IIen:UD¡
sectien 16.40.0808 of the QJpertino Jtmicipal COde
Relating to Roof coverirJ¡."
(c) First read1n¡ of Ordinance No. 1353: "An
Ordinance of the City of QJpertino A1IIen:UD¡
Sectia1 16.32.0SON of the QJpertino Jtmicipal COde
Relating To E!o:"'i-'Lia1s for.AI:x:IYe-grcuM Spas and
SWimin¡ P\:)OJ. setback ReqI.ú..reæents."
It was 1IIIJVed by Ca.n:. JåU'1sa1, seccn:Jed by Ca.n:. Gatto
am p"'~-ñ unanimcus1y to close the p.Iblic hearin;J.
It was 1IIIJVed by Ca.n:. Plurxy, seccn:Jed by Ca.n:. Gatto and
I""E'sed unanimcus1y to :read Ordinance No. 1350 by title ally
and the City Clerk's :reading to oalSt1tute the first
:reading thereof.
It was 1IIIJVed by Ca.n:. Plurxy, seccn:Jed by Ca.n:. Gatto and
~E'sed unanimcus1y to :read Ordinance No. 1352 by title ally
and the City Clerk's reedin:¡ to oalStitute the first
:reading thereof.
It was 1IIIJVed by Ca.n:. Plurxy, seocn:!ed by Ca.n:. Gatto and
p"'~oed unanimr::œ1y, with ~lia1 2 amended to state that
the requirement for three feet frcm prc:perty lines 0aJld be
eliminated with the 001 .t of adjacent prc:perty owner(s),
to :read 0rd1nance No. 1353 by title ally and the City
Clerk's read1n¡ to OOIlStitute the first read1n¡ thereof.
28. A¡plicaticn 2l-Z-85 of DelxJor co..~atial: Rezarln:¡
0.67 acre frcm R2-4.25 (Residentia1 duplex 4,250 sq.
ft. lot size per unit) to P (Planned Devel~rt; with
Residentia1 SirJ¡le Family, 5-10 dwel1irJ¡ units per acre
intent) zone; Envira1menta1 Review: 'Ihe Plannir¥]
Chnmi -ial reo ....-'Ids the granting of a Negative
TWo] aratial; located at the west side of stellin::J Read
~tely 110 ft. mrth of Wac Way. Ree..,..-.ded
for a~uvëù. (To be heard in conjunction with
A¡:plicatia'lS 44-U-85 and 25-'1M-85.)
MINUlfS OF 7ffE n:ER.JAm' 18, 1986 Cl'lY CØJNCIL HEErIlG
28. (a) First readin;J of 0rã1nan0e No. 1354: "An
ord.inance of the city of 0Jpert1n0 .Amenr:iin]
sect:.ia1 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Reza11n¡ 0.67
J\cres !%aD R2-4.25 ZCIW to P ZCIW; IlXated en the
West side of stellinq Boed ~...n1ft:ltte].y 110 Ft.
North of T.nAl'! way."
29. ~ 44-tJ-8S and 25-1Df-8S of DEixx«:
0:np0ratia1: Use P""""it to ocr.L...1.ICt six single family
haDes, and tentative map to subdivide said 1JL~ty
into six residential pa%Cels with lot sizes ranginq
!%aD 3,200 sq. ft. to 4,760 sq. ft.; Envira1mental
Review: '!he PlanniD;J n-i_:l(:I1 !:eO ....-<1 Ids the
grantinq of a Negative Dee' "....tia1; located CI'1 the west
side of stellinq Boed GWL...n1llOlt:ely 100 ft. north of
T.i1~" Way. Re0....-"ìded for~. (To be heard in
cc:njunct:ia1 with AppJ.:I....ticn 21-Z-8S.)
Director of P1.arDrln¡ and Devel~1t Cowi'.n reviewed the
a¡:plicaticns with o::mx:il.
Dick Childress, a¡:pliœ.nt, was av>oibhle for 8'lrž qJeStia'lS.
It was JDCJYed by Ocunc. Gatto, seoCluded by Ocunc. Jc:hnsa'1
and pelS's'Bd unanima.Jsly 1:0 close the pJblic heariJ'q for
Applicaticn 21-Z-85.
It was 1IICJIIed by Ocunc. Jå1nsa1, sec:x:med by Ocunc. Plun;y
and p"'....'Bd unanhx:Iusly to q.œnt a Negative D-1......tien for
Applic:aticn 21-Z-85.
It was 1IICJIIed by Ocunc. Jc:hnsa'1, &éOCIDded by Ocunc. Gatto
and p"'....ed unanhx:Iusly to GWL\N8 Applicat.ia\ 21-Z-85 per
PlanrU.nj n-4....ia1 Reso1.uticn No. 2761.
It was 1IICJIIed by Ocunc. PlUß]'J, sec:x:med by Ocunc. Gatto and
~""ed unanima.Jsly to read ordil'Iance No. 1354 by title aù.y
and the city Clerk's readinq to OCIlStitute the first
readinq thereof.
It was moved by Ocunc. Jc:hnsa'1, sec:x:med by Ocunc. Gatto
and pelesed Ul"Ial1ÙIIOOSly to grant a Negative T):>t-1......ticn for
Applicaticn 44-U-85.
It was 1IICJIIed by Ocunc. Jc:hnsa'1, secaded by Ocunc. Plun;y
and pa'3S''Bd unanhx:Iusly to a¡:p:ove Applicaticn 44-U-85 to
a~ Applicaticn 44-tJ-S5 per PlaJu'1inq <X"""i ....icn
Resoluticn No. 2760 with Ccn:1iticn 18 )lV'Yii f'ied to delete
the last sentence and state that the staff shall evaluate
the plan sn_4tted.
It was mved 't¥ Came. Johnsa1, seocn:Jed't¥ Came. Gatto
and p"'ø"ed unani:aIoosly to grant a Negative Declaratim far
A¡:p1icatia1 25-'IK-85.
It was mved 't¥ Came. Johnsa1, seocn:Jed't¥ CCU1c. Gatto
and ~FE'9d \1I'IIUÜmcUSly to awrcve Aw1icatia1 25-'IK-85 per
PlannirJ¡ rn-4....ia\ Resolutim No. 2759 with Ccnditia1 18
mrYI4f'ied to delete the last sentence and state that the
staff shall evaluate the plan snhni1:ted.
Camcil requested that staff ...,_it a reply to the
camunicat.icn :received trail Jo Arm Gholsa1, et. al.
30. A¡:p1icatia1 5CHJ-85 of William E. Inrln: Use l"""""'it to
0CI1DL.....act an ~..,.rl"".tely 1,130 sq. ft. in:!ustrial
hni1ding; Envira1menta1 Review: 'lba PlaJ'll'lin:¡
rn-i....ia\ reo ....-. ds the granting of a Negative
Declarat.ia1; located m the northM!st ~.ì8r of olive
Aveœe and TI.\>êrlal Avenue. Rev····....11ded far~.
Director of P1.anrún¡ and Devel~at Q:Iwan annc:m1OI!d that
the &ß)licant was net i'L sant and answered questia1s trail
It was mved 't¥ Came. Gatto, seocn:Jed't¥ CCU1c. Plurxy and
pal1'oged unanhIcus1y to CXI'Itinue ocnsideratia1 of this
8ßÙicatia1 to the regular meetin.J of Mazd1 3, 1986.
31. NcrIe.
32. NcrIe.
33. ~ saJ«:atia1 't¥ Holland East & DlVivier, floor plans of
city Hall and LibIæy, design of civic Center Plaza.
John DlVivier of Holland East & DlVivier, Redwood city,
ilatl. .'h~ John Leland, SWA Ardù.t.ects and site
Plannexs, Who reviewed the l'..'-¥JSed 1~ design with
KINl'1"!!S OF 'IHE FEIR1ARY 18, 1986 crTi CXXJNCIL JoJu;~'.I.lÐ
Mr. [)Nivier reviewed drawfn;s of the exteriar of the
",41 dings and stated that the CUL......1t timetable is to award
CXI'1b:acts far the ...~.. &:01 ing by the em of Au]USt, attar
Wicb there ~ be "W"'.ui~tely 50 weeks of
CX'I1Struct:iat. He info" .._1 CcaJncil that in revi.ewing the
"v?t the City Hall ..._...\A1ing should cost less than first
ant-"",4pated and the library CX'I1Struct:iat ~ cost mare.
'!be total cost irx::ltdinq the CX'I1Struct:iat of City Hall to
be an essential facility is $4.978 minim. Ardrltectural
f..:oes irx::ltdinq the library int:eriars as per the ariginal
L of wctit, struct:ural, meå1anical and ~4~
erçineImI, larx1~ and site engineers, cost estiJaatiß¡,
civil erçineImI survey and soils en;Jiœer ~ be $531,500
irx::ltdinq the $107,500 already expended. $:327,200 of this
is for the City Hall, and $204,300 is far the library.
$183,000 is the cost of the library parkin¡ lot expansim,
irx::ltdinq the ~ÚJJ.
It was mved by CcaJnc. Gatto, sec:x:n3ed by CcaJnc. Plungy and
I\êl99'9d \Jl'\aJÚ]JøJsly that the plans snhn4tted 1IN!I:8 sufficient
and to direct that the cx:.nst:ructia1 drawin:Js be prepared.
However, the site plan is not ~ as .,hn4tted.
It was mved by CcaJnc. Gatto, sec:x:n3ed by CcaJnc. Plungy and
pa915''9d \Jl'\aJÚ]JøJsly to authorize $327,200 with the $107,000
already expeOOed a¡¢ied t.cwëmi that amamt.
It was mved by CcaJnc. Gatto, sec:x:n3ed by CcaJnc. Plun;w and
passed Ur'.aJ'1.........1S1y to authorize $204,300 far the libJ:'a%y
with the praviso that it shall not be experñed until the
BC:q)8 and J::iov?t are identified.
~~: 9:05-9:15 p.m.
34. Request far autharity to exercise ¡md1ase ~...........t -
am P'¡'~QIII.
It was mved by CcaJnc. Plun;w, seocuded by CcaJnc. JåInSa1
and J?"'8....... unanimcusly to adqIt: ResoJ.u'"..iœ No. 6772, "A
Resoluticn of the City camc:il of the City of 0Jpertin0
Autharizing the ~1""it:icl'1 of Real Fl.'¥"Lt)'¡ of
a Residential unit IDeated at 19803 ~ Plaza in the
City of QJpert:ino, and ~ $81,600 far Said
Purå1ase. "
35. Request for "W"''''¥Liatiœ far Qmnne1 30.
It was mved by CcaJnc. Plun;w, seccn:1ed by CcaJnc. Gatto an:!
paes'9d unanimcusly to lIwL"'¥Liate $1,500 frail the General
MINUI'ES OF 'ŒE FEERJARY 18, 1986 CITY axJNCIL l<1t;r;.L'.uC
It was IIICIY8d by CcA.1nC. Gatto, ......oa1oài by CcA.1nC. Pluny ani
pal!'sed unanimaJS1y to awrave a grant of $136 for James
Rivera and a grant of $200 for Dan KSlllledy.
37. Request to initiate pmlic heariD:¡ to OCI'ISider
alllen.:b.....L of the Residential Hillside O:t:dinance
regardin¡ CXI1St:ructia1 en rI~ines.
Camcil took no actien regm:din:J an œ:dinance and direc:ted
the Direc:t:or of PlanninI¡ and DevelU}oU&'ltt to ...~t back in
CB'1B month with a L...........t identifyinJ ridge taps in
WK.i.",L".L1:l'l CXJHJNICATIœs
38. NCI1e.
39. & readin:¡ of O:t:dinance No. 1342: "An O:t:dinance of
the City Camcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1JIendi1'g
sectiCI1 1 of œ:dinance No. 2 by Rezaùn} ~u..i""'tely
.21 Acres 1'.raII Rl-I0 to P Za1e; Generally Located en
the Sc:uthwest Q.Auer of DeAnza Boolevard and McClellan
Read. "
It was IIICIY8d by Ownc. P1uny, secc:n:3ed by Ownc. Gatto ani
passed unaniJJa:Is1y to read O:t:dinance No. 1342 by title aùy
and the City Clerk'3 reading to ooostitute the EaeOCId
reading thexeof.
It was D:MId by Ownc. Gatto, secc:n:3ed by Ownc. P1uny and
paesed unaniJJa:Is1y to enact O:t:dinance No. 1342.
40. SecMd reading of O:t:dinance No. 1320: "An O:t:dinance of
the City of 0Jpertin0 ~1iD¡ sectia1 Number
17.32.040 OP 0Iapter 17.32, Entitlec1 Spec","1 signs, of
Title 17 of the 0Jpertin0 !t.micipal Code; and A1JIendi1'g
sectia1 17.08.280 of 0Iapter 17.08, sectien
17.16.010(f) of 0Iapter 17.16, and sectien 17.32.120,
of 01apter 17.32; Provi.din;J for the Regulation of the
Erect.ia1, Maintenance, Alteratien and Location of
Political Signs Within the City of 0Jpertin0."
It was D:MId by Ownc. P1uny, seocx1ded by Ownc. Gatto and
I"'''9ed unaniJJa:Is1y to read Ordinance No. 1320 by title aùy
and the City Clerk's reading to constitute the seoand
reading thereof.
MINt1IE9 OF '!HE FmR.TARY 18, 1986 Cl'lY CXXJNCIL hr;r;,L".uG
It was 1IIOII8d by Ocunc. Gatto, seca~ by Ocunc. Pl\m3Y am
p"....ed UI'IIUÙJIIIUJly to enact: Ordinance No. 1320.
41. Seccn:t 1"EI2Idin:J of Ordinance No. 1351: "An Ordinance of
the City of 0Jpertin0 1I1JIen:iiDJ sectiat ll.24.l!50 of
the 0Jpertin0 II.micipal Cede to Pråùbit stq:pirg,
stamiJ'ç or Pækin¡ en stellirg RaId and vista Drive."
It was 1IICIIIed by Ocunc. Pl\m3Y, secx:n:3ed by Ocunc. Gatto and
P""~ed UI'IIUÙJIIIUJly to read Ordinance No. 1351 by title a1J.y
and the City Clerk's 1"EI2Idin:J to oastitute the see"..!
1"EI2Idin:J thereof.
It was 1IICIIIed by Ocunc. Gatto, secx:n:3ed by Ocunc. P1\m3Y and
P"""'ed. UI'IIUÙJIIIUJly to enact Ordinance No. 1351.
42. Ncn!.
43. Recognitien by Mayor of special requests.
(b) City Ocuncil.
In regard to Mr. Izwin's a¡:¢icaticn, o::unc. Gatto
EIXpl.....'5Jed oaa::....n regardin;J the wall facin;J the west. He
felt that there was a viS',..1 prà:ùem and mc;p!Sted that
Wen the applicant retum at the Marål 3 meetirg he be
prepared to aJ'ISL.n questicœ regard1D¡ the :reascn for the
shape of the 1'1n-l1i1-11'¥].
(a) General AJ.ñience.
Nancy Hertert, san JUan RaId, ast1rM o::uncil what was
planned for c>....å..Ña RaId; bcw Mrž pJ.anniD;J is progressiJv¡;
am what a c:œpleticn date for Mrž 1iark 1IIQ1].d be. She
stated that rain is causirg slides in the area.
o::uncil requested that the DiJ:ector of plannin;J and
Devel"'1-"&'l1t å!eck regard1D¡ the C\.u...1t use of Mariani
(c) staff.
1"'rME[) SE9SIaJ - At 9:50 p.m., Ocuncil adjoorned to a
closed sessic:n to iI-I"'<"".... cordova Road as there is
litigatia'1 regarding that area.
lmIJl'm OP H ~ la, ~a& C!I'l'i Ctt!NCIt mmc
At 10:05 p.m., Council recxrJ\Ien8d in ocuncil "",..I -er.
CDmc. PlJUlít:
Gatto, Jåmsa\, Plungy, Mayor ~a
Oounc. Absent:
staff PreSbo.t.:
City Manager 01inlan
City Clerk COJ:nelius
City Attomey Kilian
'Iha City Attomey stated that in regard to litigatien en
Cardava RIOi!Id, the City has no }AI. S_It. plans regaxdin;J
iDprovements in the area. 'lhere had been Ai at"!,-ien that
if the ~'¥"Lty ownm:s wre interested in meetin¡ with the
City in regard to the døveL'l··-.t of a 0·····'" plan for that
area after the litigaticn is resolved, the City wcW.d be
ham' to do so. 'lhere are no }AI. S .at.. plans for
'Iha meetin¡ ~curned at 10:10 p.m.