CC 03-03-86 CITY OF aJPml'OO, SI'A'1'E OF awœNIA 10300 Torre Averme, Q.1pertino, CA 95014 Tel~: (408)252-4505 MINt1mS or '!HE 1UIóU1AR ftI:iIu'J.1G Of! '!HE Cl'lY CXAJNCIL HEW œ JmRaI 3, 1986 IH '!HE CXXJNCIL cmMBER, Cl'lY HALL, aJPERl'DD, CAI.IFCRD:A Mayor Rogers called the meetin:¡ to order at 6:45 p... in the Q:mcil Q\-n.l er, city Hall. SAIIm!: 'IO '!HE FlAG R>JL CALL Cc:u1cil P...! S wt: Gatto, Jàu'Isat, Plun;w, Sparks, Mayor ~8 staff P.l.1SJlít: City Manager ()linlan DepIty City CleIit villarant:e Dh'ectar of PlarIni.rç , Dsv. ccwan Dh'ectar of Parks , Rec:reaticn Dcwlin;J Director of Public works viskDviå1 Direc:tar of Finance Snyder DepIty Treasurer Hoffman Assistant to the City Manager Brown City Attarney Kilian ~ œ NÐl AGE2IDA I'l!MS Nœe c:EREH:IŒAL Ml>.:J.·~/PRESENl'ATIœs - P%oclmDatic:r1 dec:J.ari1'II:¡ MaJ:å\ 2-8, 1986 as w....d.'s History week Mayor ~8 read pz:ncJ-tia1 and .... s .t.Bd it to Sandy }fA1""" 1...... E" ¡¡.tinq the t'nmIittee for ........,·s BistaI:y week. san:!y }fA1",«\ ~t.ad prcclamatia1 and than1œd the CDJncil. S'mFF !<I:itUU1:í 1. 0J:al ..."¥""ts by staff ...-..1"""'8 and "',,..,4....tm of written ...q.œts. City Manager Q.ú.nlan presented his 1:........L to the ocuncil and }.Ia. selated an update at the litlr:æy expJnSia1 requeBtin¡ actiat œgardjn] subsidizin;J the project and aut:hcrizatia1 to r-,¡Utiate further. He went at to state that the anJ'I.18l payment by the c::amty listed in the ..."¥""t shculd be ................-œd to $120,000. -1- HINrJm; OF H IMJf 3, 1986 HEf:'1'OO OF 'IHE Cl'IY CXXJNCIL (œ-690) It was IIICMId by 0Junc. Gatto, seoald«t by 0c:Amc. Plurçy and paf'reti unanimoosly to 1Ii¥L<N8 a""..4ili ..iDJ library expIU1Sicn to a """"'_.... amount of ~....i1Nt1:ely $700,000 and aut:hcrized staff to r-,¡vUate with library and 0:Iunty ~ve staff and :¡;"""",t back. city Manager Quinlan went en to l"""",-t en the 0:IJm.miœtia1s Services statirg that the 0:Iunty Exlecutive wa1ld not .4...... a JPA, bIt would erd::Irse a user'. tY'01WII4ttee of city managers 1....... BU1tJn} the participatirg cities. He went en to Co .......,¡t en the A¡:plicaticn for Aloåx)lic Be\,.....~ License a"hllitted by Mart's Deli and stated that statf had no ciJjectia1s to the request and 4¡ "hllitted anrIJal1"t"''''ts trail the 0:IUnty '1Dtfic and HcusiDJ Authorities. 2. ~t en '1nct 7842, MIl. Day Project, and San Jose Water reservoir . city Manager Quinlan pl s ,.Lai the l"""",t to the Oouncil whiå1 stated that the EIIIi:m1kment:s are stable umer static and _4....."0 oc:nli.ticnJ and that there are no significant hazards. Oouncil aoeq·led the l"""",t. 3. Repent trail city Attamey regardirç appoL1L.u.:.íL of city Treasurer . city Attamey )rniA., þ¡. S_íled his :t:..........L to Oouncil whiå1 was based en a request for cpinicn as to whether the city Manager Jfflq be granted the power to appoint, nD:J\I8, or 11-1.....4... the city Treasurer. D~'aaicn ensued between Oouncil, city Manager and city Attomey regardirç the pcsitia1 of city Tœasu1:er, Director of Finance and their duties as prescribed by the GaII.............it 0Da and H.micipal 0Da. It was the CXI1SenBUS of the Oouncil to take no actiCI1. 4. Tract No. 7801 and Tract No. 7840 - J::~ t en off-site inprcyement and ......icaticnJ. Oc:Amcil a~led ..."""",t. It was IIICMId by 0c:Amc. Gatto, secx:rded by 0c:Amc. P1urçy and p"'....ed UI'IIUÙmCUBly to 1Ii¥L\Ne amerñin¡ the mirutes of JarD.Ia%Y 21, 1986 to :Ux:lu3e retaJ.rUng H::hle, GraIIer and ~a-i..œs for the tctal amount of $15,000 and apprcpriatin; said amount trail the General !\D:t as requested by the city Clerk. 5. Repo..t en eJDeX':FI....1 cperaticnJ durin¡ stoIm. -2- MIMmS OF H HAR:H 3, 1986 JIu:J::.L:JA; OF'lHE CITY CDJNCIL (00-690) Director of Public WOrks Vi.s!a::wich pllS_lLed the :l<4vLt to <hmcil ani explained the oonditicns en Montebello M. 0Juncil ~~Lecl the .L~L. 6. Re¡xnt en ~....".... stated. in eu.........paldelx8 t'rc::III Jo Arm Q1olscn, et 81. Director of Public ~k.t. Vi.s!a::wich s"hni:tteð. his "'''¥At in rsspŒlS8 to the letter :œoeived am at the request of the City <hmcil. He went en to state that quest:i.a1S regardin;J the Reqlin ø.rt:ual water 0.,'1 «1y wm:e net anaJ--.eå as it is a private Co "1 eny am !nfcmaatia1 regardin;J these matters wm:e unavailable to the City. He stated. that he uncSerstooci that the o:unci1 was oancemed with haviIq Regnart Read open 24 hcurs a day to traffic. DiF"'Micn ensued betveen staff ani cnmcil regardin::J -~~ to the ~ road am keys to the gates. Jo Ann (b)lsat, 22125 Regnart Road, thanJœd Mayor Rcgers for allawiD;J her to speak. She went en to say that while she a¡:precl.ated. Mr. VisJ«wich's X"¥AL it did net answer her major iM'...... She went en to list the i .......... of oalCem am stated that they had no fire protec::ticn as p:r:evicgüy di """"1Ssed am have seen no benefits to inoœ.1JU,LcatiIq with the city. She diRÇIlPsed the hazards of the emergency road -""OOeS ani stated. that the road had never been up to code. Director of Public WOrks Viskavic:h stated. to o:unci1 that the pipes installed by the Req1in K1tua1 Water l"roIpmy were substaIœnt am that the City ......,1d net œLr.ufit the lines as they were privately owned. He went en to state that Mrs. c:h:Ilsat T«W.d have to taJœ reocurse with her water C" ·'1 <any for actien en her CXI'ICer1'IB. Disn.....tcn ensued bebreen Mrs. Gbolsat, Council am staff regardin:J the Reqlin H1tual Water ~, fire prct:ec::ticn am eI000EI'8 to am cxn:litiat of the etlar.'( .:u_Y road. Council ... ~Led the "'''¥At am requested staff to meet with Mrs. Gbolscn to di ..,..,.... the prå:)].E!IIIB. Assistant to the City Manager Brown þL S .id.ed the 01annel 30 logo t-shirt to Council am stated. that the public ooold :œoeive Q'I8 by askiD:¡ a trivia questicn en the Ask the Mayor shell or p.u:c:hase Q'I8 for $3.25 plus tax. Coone. P1UBy requested a status 1."¥A t. on Linda Vista Park. Director of Parks & Recltoðtiat DcwliIq stated. that the bids had been ¡:œpaxed am '-'CUld be reviewed at the next I:u3get: session. -3- MINt1m) OF næ HAJDf 3, 1986 ht:¡¡:a:.l.lG OF mE Cl'IY CXX1NCIL (cx::-690) CXXJNCIL ~bi 7. Mayer RogIü._= Re¡,.....lAd en the 1AIegue of w......,., VoterB, ...~ted on the 0JpertJn0 -didien of Everún¡ Magazine, stated that sba WIllI new vice Qmir far ABIIG's I.eqislative am GaIr....._.t organizaticn ChmIittee am ~ ····....·,led en the granñ breaJd.ng for Highway 101. 8. came. Gatto: NCI1e. 9. came. Jc:tInsŒl - Ieqislative Rsview n-n4ttee - It was m:JYed by came. Jchnscn, seccnSed by came. Plungy am p"'....- unaniJJcusly to Eq.þ.A t. AB 2536 (cmtese), _geney assistance to local egencies far flood 1iA1.~ am ~ SB 1833 (~) , (. .... ewaticn far dcMnzaúJq. 10. came. Plungy: ÐII8t'qehcy )ofM1""'1 Cæ8 ChmIittee, <> ..........ted en the new trauma œnt:ers and their fUnr::ti.a1, sister City ~~_, stated that Mayor y.......... ¡tQ toI'CWd be atterxIirJ} the (] ,eny BlOE'''::a Festival am requested autharizaticn to provide .transpartati.cn frail the aU.pQLl. far him. It was the cx:asensus of the O:uncil to autbarize transportaticn far Mayor y~...._..- 4:0. 11. came. SpIu:Xs: Na1e CXJmNl' ~ (It is requested that items 12 thrcugh 27 be acted en sta.ü.tanecusly unless separate d4ozo1SSicn æx1/ar act:iCI1 is xequested.) It was mr::III8d by came. Gatto, seccrIded by came. PlurJ1Y and ~ unanimcusly to ClHJLU'/8 the a.._M.t calenSar with items 24 & 25 amended, with the œme MisaJd. åw1ged to Sisaki and SIclar c::har9d to seIer. 12. ResolutiCl1 No. 6773: "A Rssolutic:r1 of the City O:uncil of the City of QJpertino AllClldn) Certain l"'h.i_ am ~Jds Payable in the Amamts am frail the lUnds as Børe1nafter Described far salaries aM Wages far the Payroll Pericd ED:iirq February 18, 1986." 13. ResolutiCl1 No. 6774: "A FlesolutiCl1 of the City O:uncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 AllClldn) certain l"'h.4_ aM DeIJIaJùJ Payable in the Amamts am FraIl the P\Jrds as Børe1nafter Described far General am Miscellanecus Expenditures far the Period Erxtin;; February 14, 1986." 14. ResolutiCl1 No. 6775: "A Resolut!en of the City camcil of the city of 0Jpertin0 Initiatin;r ~'>ce-"4~ aM Setting' the Time an:! Place far Public Hearinq far OCI1sideratien of Annexation of the Area Designated 'calle de BaroelCl1a 85-06'." -4- MINV1!S OF næ HARaI 3, 1986 MEE.".l"N; OF 1HE Cl'IY <XXJNCIL (cc-690) 15. Resoluticn No. 6776: "A Resolut'" of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of Q]pe:rtino Aut:hcriziD;l ~ of SU¡:pl......a.ltal ~.........d:. with MPA neaign PrI::Ividin:¡ for Ianð~ Arå1itect:ural services for Foothill Bculevard SLL..et ~u·leœ )t:.!J." 16. Resolution No. 6777: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of Q]pertino Aut:hcriziD;l Executia1 of Aq1.oao:IICIIl between the City and Fu....... Vidcvic::h ~ Limited Partnership ProIridinq for the ~ of utilities em a Defeu:êd Basis em West side of De Anza Ballevard, North of 280." 17. Resoluticn No. 6779: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of Q]pe:rtino Acceptin;J Grant Deed for Below Market Rate unit Ia:ated at 19803 Portal Plaza frail Antaú. and Marta Drudis." 18. Reaolution No. 6780: "A Resolution of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ Paroel Map and ~...uv_at.. Plans of PL'+'"""'ti' Located em Rainbc:r.I Drive; Developer, Ra1nbc:M Q:Iurt a"'iQC":lates: Autho:r:l..ziD;l Executia1 of ~óv.........d:. ~ees....lt: Aut:hcriziD;l SignJn;¡ of Paroel Map and ~u,'e.eht Plans." 19. Resolutiem No. 6778: "A Resoluticn of the Cit".f ca.ux:il of the c.~.ty of 0Jpertin0 ~iD;I the Final Map and ~U1ÆIIIe1.t Plans of Tract No. 7842 Located m Regnart Read at aJI:b Read; Developer, 'Ihe William ray Co., Inc.: Acceptin;J Certain F.>I--.d.s; Aut:horiziD;l Signi.n] of Final Map and ~uv_ìt Plans: Aut:hcrizjn¡ the E:lœctltim of ~eemeI.t in a.,...-..-tim 'Ihe:rewith. " 20. Resoluticn No. 6781: "A Resoluticn of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acceptin;J Grant of F.>ICOØIN>\ at for Roadway PU1:l;:ns t:raa p.-"--- I11t:heran 0nIrå1 of San Jose, A california Na1-Profit O»........atia1: OCI1sisting of ~urhn~tely 0.038 Acres, Located em Jollyman Lane." 21. Resoluticn No. 6782: "A Resoluticn of the City Q:Iuncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acceptin;J Grant of F.>I..........,t for ~ Pl...LI':ses t:raa I.Im::1.f H. May and Beatrice H. May, His Wife: OCI1sisting of Awlurl-tely 0.026 Acres, Located m Jollyman Lane. " 22. Resoluticn No. 6783: "A Rf!solutiem of the City Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 Acceptin;J Grant of F.>I-11t for Rœdway Pl...Lveses t:raa Atwell Ellis Didœa1 and Vb:g1nia R. Didœa1, as Trustees t1nde:r the ""'"'] aratim of Trost dated SepteDœ:r 27, 1979: OCI1sisting of A¡:p:raximately 0.049 Acres, Located on Jollyman Lane. : -5- MINtms OF 'IHE w.Ræ 3, 1986 MEEl'm; OF 'IHE Cl'1Y CXXJNCIL (00-690) 23. :""n~ut.icn No. 6784: "A Resolut.icn of the city Ocuncil of the city of 0Jpert1n0 ~ the Final Map and ~U\I","_ut Plans of Tmct No. 7801 and Tmct No. 7840 Located at Jollyman !ana; Develcper, O'mrles T. Masters; Accøptin¡ certain ---d:a; Authorizin¡ Signin:¡ of Final Map and ~~¡t Plans; AuthoriziD¡ the ~rt:iat of J\g)._at.. in o.....-.'ti.a1 'lherewith." 24. Mimt:es of the adjaJXned regular meet:in¡ of JanJaZy 29, 1986 (CXH87A) . 25. Mimtes of the regular meet:in¡ of Februæy 3, 1986 (CXH88). 26. Mimtes of the adjaJXned regular meet:in¡ of Februæy 4, 1986 (CXH88A) . 27. Mimtes of the regular meet:in¡ of Februæy 18, 1986 (CXH89). l'I'EHS REHJ\TED m::H cœsmr ~ 28. ORAL CXJHINICATIœs 29. )L·Joèœ of the ",,""4ence regaxãiD¡ matters net at the agenda. Janet Hamlin, 19874 N1eatal, stated to the COUncil that she lives behiM the H:n.~ Devel~at.. and that the {. .........iaJ. V"""'"1Ift used to clean the pu:kjn;J lots is very lcui and annayinI:¡ at surday aft.............. She stated that she had ta1Jœcl with Hrs. MacGrcday, the office 1II!Inager, and nat:!ùD:¡ had been dI::n!. She felt we m-......, lIn orcUnanœ to step this JdlXi of thin¡. I)j...........icn ensued beb.>een Hrs. Hamlin, staff and COUncil regæ:dJJq the need far lIn ominance for oo.d....ul of this type of activity. It was the CXI1Ser1SUS of the COUncil to have staff revieror the possibility of an orcUnanœ, revieror the Palo Alto orcUnanœ and have scurd level readin;Js taken at Surœys. roBLIC HE'ARDœ 30. ~l of Planninr¡ n--i_iat &.c:-isiat to COWLu1/8 A¡:plicatiat 47-u-85, city of 0Jpert1n0, to ¿_...'lA1 city Hall, expaJd the libJ:aJ:y, 00I'ItaL..1JCt a pb7,a and to 1IV'riif'y and expaJd the ~ area (~"'ara A. Rogers, "'W"'1Jcmt). Mayer ~s stated that she ~led the iSRIlicatiat for city COUncil revieror a'Ily and that there 10IClÙd be no ~i.....,....icn of the traffic in the area. -6- MINUmS OF '!HE MARCH 3, 1986 Mœl'm; OF mE CITY CXXJNCIL (00-690) Di:rector of Plam1ng & Devel.......-d. Q:Iwan :reviewed the Use PeJ:mit a¡:pJ.icatia¡ with Ocuncil and stated that the aråú.tec::t ..r'lnld give a brief ~ ! mlAtia1 and ansu~ any quest.icnJ. Dien1S&icn ensued between staff and CQmcil regardizx¡ t:hra.1gh D:M!IIIent, fUll utilizatia1 of ¡mkinI¡ and use of the EK'<'<'In field. JåIn Dlvivier, Amù.tec::t, reviewed the three site plan alternatives with Ocuncil and gave his %90 ·...-œt.ia1s. Jim tee, aråú.tec::t, reviewed the SCJCX!er field, ph. -.....It of ~ L.. ,J and traffic in the pmdng aræ.. Dir. of PUblic Works Viskclviå1 stated that the traffic statistics shc7Ned 200 trips _vi"."" at any aI8 time durirq peak hoors; trip ems averaged 2,300 vehicles per day. Ocuncil d4......_icn ensued œgardi.rg traffic £lOll dIarJ; es. Mayer Jt)gers cpmed the pnh] io hearin}. H1i1 Harris stated to 0CUrIc:i1 that he prefeu:e..1 the Torre AverAJ8 ,...........a as ~ed to Pacifica Dr. H1i1ip t1merwcod, 10325 Faralla18 Dr., stated he was in f1!1Nt1r of the Plar1n1n] t'ftm,4l19icn's :r-:. ····-odat:icn and requested c1arificat.icn regardizx¡ the height of the b. !!" used as a sound barrier and their selectia1. He went en to C' ....-. d. en circu1atia1 in relatia1 to peak sound ~ihoo1~, the unsafe p..·~sed driveway en Pacifica and use of the sex<:'æ: field. Dj""","""im ensued between staff, Ocuncil and Mr. U'ndenIcod, regardizx¡ sound levels, sound walls, b. ,Ii and use of çn:1 "~ in the parkin¡ area. Hany tee, 20235 Pacifica Dr., erDarsed the Plar1n1n] t'ftm,4....j(ll'\ reo ....-'dat.ia1. Elly WQ..i...., 20076 Ia ~, asked what staff was doil1¡ about ~ in the parkin¡ lot and qJeSt:.i.a18d the q:IE!I1 space ph. .........^It. Di.....'..';Iia1 ensued between staff and Ocuncil regardizx¡ pl&(ØI-1t of the q:IE!I1 space area. Diane Tanaka, 20290 Pacifica, ~led. alternate plan '3. Ta1y l.ot"WII4.., 20292 Pacifica Dr., stated his ocn::ems regardizx¡ projected aJJDmt of traffic: after the ......... -:1eJ.. -7- t MI1IJlm OF 'mE MAmt 3, 1966 ~1:.uc OF 'mE ~ cmNCIL (œ-690) HtB. Sepulveda, 10285 Farallcna Dr, a¡:proved of the 1-'. .....1 plan b1t stated her 0............. regam1nq åù.ldren's safety if the driveway.. to be p1"'<'ed en Pacifica Dr. suzanne f::clar, 10581 Rrl.tney remin3ed Camcil not to ocnsider the ..L.......t closures as P"" ..~I"ØIt. Paul NEMIagen, 10375 Farallcna, questicnecl the Camcil di 11C11MiCI1 and reqJeSted clarificat!Cl1 en the Plannin;J thNn4....iCI1's role en the awJ,icatiCI1. It was mved by cmnc. Sparks, sec:xn3ed by Cc:iUno. Gatto and passed unanim::œly to close the pmlic hearin¡. Q::Iunc. Plungy stated he liJœcl the original plan as . 'i-~Js9d to the Altmnate 3 ~å1 showed trctffic en three sides of the IJ(){"(.'&%' field am he questicnecl the lack of significant increase in traffic projec:t.ia1S. . Q::Iunc. Gatto stated his 01:&............ regam1nq size am p1.. ....-..L of the ~ field am ""Cp",iTled the UIÛfyiD] effect of the surroundirç t.. n to the plan. DillCl-ien ensued batwerl Camcil and staff reg¡mlinq plac-.-.¡t. of driveway a......-goes and sooce.r field. It was mved by cmnc. Sparks, sec:xn3ed by cmnc. Jå1nsCI1 and ~'!!~ed with a 4-1 vote, cmnc. PlUD1Y dissent.in¡, to a¡prayø the plan per PlarInin¡ thNni....iCI1 reo ....-'IdatiCI1 with the sooœr field shartened no Dm'8 than 30 ft. to i4 nrve the eId.st.!n¡ :rML'OOd t... 11f, OcncSitiCl1 20 å1æJ3ed to require City cmncil ~U'/IÙ with 1aSAC we. .......ldatien, 1aSAC to dø:I! height of b:: IS so that they do not block cut sunlight. It was IIICIIIed by cmnc. Jå1nscn, sec:xn3ed by cmnc. Gatto and ~-ed unanim::œly to ~uv8 the grantin;J of a Negative n-1..~tiCI1. ~: 9:45-9:50 p.m. . 31. OX1sideratiCl1 of an increase in water rates for the Q pertino Water utility. Ca> First readin¡ of Ordinarre No. 1355: "An Ordinarre of the City of 0Jpertin0 A1Dendin¡ sectiCI115.08.020, A1Dendin¡ the Quantity Rates for t>··-øtic Water Sezvioe, Q1apter 15.08 of the 0Jpertin0 H.micipal Ox!e." City Manager Quinlan stated that the quantity rates should be c:h.arçed to $.480 am $.799. cir. of Public WorXs ViskaIriå1 stated that this was just an annual increase. -8- MDClE; OF 'IHE HiæCH 3, 1986 l=r;J:~ OF 'IHE CIT\( <XXr'CIL (cx::-690) It was JIICJIIed by 0Junc. Gatto, seoc:med by Ccunc. Jåmsa1 an1l"'''-'!Id UI'I8l1imamly to close the pWlic hearing. It was JIICJIIed by 0Junc. Plun;¡y, sao.....deð. by Ccunc. Gatto IUd paes'lld unani.mcœ1y to read ordinance No. 1292 by title aùy IUd the City Clerk's readiD;J to ooaltltitute the first readin¡ thereof. 32. ARùicatia1 So-tHIS of William E.!%win: Use pomnit to oo....L...x:t an awturl1Mtely 1,130 sq. ft. industrial tW.ldin¡; Envira1menta1 Review: '!he Plannin¡ l'rwIIni~ia1 rec..·...-'Ids the g:rantirg of a Negative """'"1aratia1; located at the northwest OOUIer of olive AverøJe ani DJperial AV8IU.Ie. Aec- ....-ded for a¡;:prcval. Dir. of Planning & Dev. 0::IWan gave a brief ~ seoJataticm of the arådt.ectural site plan to the Ccuncil. William !%win, ~icant:, pl. SeoJltat Ccuncil with an updated Exhibit. Ccuncil ti4"'C'1Ssicm ensued regædin¡ the arådtect:m:al CCI1t:in1ity of the h.i1din]. It was JIICJIIed by 0Junc. Jåmsa1, sec;a}(]ad by Ccunc. Gatto ani J?I'''~ unan.imaJs1y to awtuv'e the grantjn¡ of a Negative Declaratim. It was JIICJIIed by Counc. Gatto, seccnded by Ccunc. Jåmsa1 IUd passed with a s-o vote to ðppLuv'e Aß licatia1 5D-U-S5 William E. !%win per Planninq t'hrIm4 <l8im No. 2770 with CCDiitia1 23 aDIeI'decl to have formal review by city Ccuncil with reo ....-"Idatia1s tJ:aa ASAC IUd to add sectia'\ d. which states that the exterior color 1:18 the same as the four ele...uLs with the side of the ""J.ipo-tt well beJn;J weed si.din¡ ani the height of the parapet wall beJn;J sufficient to h.i.de the eqnip""". at.. but not aver 14 ft. Ccunci1 directed a Hira.rt:e Order to ASAC direct:.i.rq them to pay spec""'1 attentiat to :roof color requ.in!ments. 33. ARùication 2-tJ-86 of John Vidavic::h: Use Pemit to ooa...L...x:t IUd operate a 2-stuIy, U,600 sq. ft. office tW.ldin¡ am l-stœ:y, 20,000 sq. ft. retail tW.ldin¡ ani recognize EÐd.st:in¡ ànD:åVsc::hool activities. '!he subject property is located at the north side of stevens Creek Bculevæ:d ~tely 400 ft. east of DeAnza Eoulevanl. EnvircrJmenta1 Review: '!he:?lannin:¡ l'rwIIni~ion :reo ....-"'ds the grantjn¡ of a Negative ~laratia1. p,e.:} ....-'Xied for a¡:prtMÙ. Dir. of Planning & Dev. COWan gave a brief explanatia1 of the a¡:plicaticm to Ccuncil and explained the need for a c::han;1e in Ccniiticm 7 or need for a variance. -9- MINUl'm Q? 'mE ~ 3, 1986 Mœl'IOO OF 'mE crt"l CXJ:JNCIL (cc-690) Disr......iat ensued between staff am cnmcil regardf.n;J trips shareð¡·"........ated by the church arxl need far variance. Jeim Vidcvich, ë!RÙiœnt, stated to the cnmcil that he wuld like a variance heariD;J arxl want at to ~"'¡I\ that a\8 resident had spoJœn in favor of the project an:! that he felt the retail was GW-L"¥L'iate far the area. TaD Boyd, aràú.tect with FaJg & 1\F.:'9<X"., gave a brief pres ..tatia'1of the site plans an:! elevations. cnmcil il4..,..,,"'EIia'1 ensued with the axàú.tect regarclin;J the varicus elevatia1s an:! use of canvas awninq. Brian wi1.sat, 20401 stevens Creek Blvd., stated to <hmci1 that the revised plan had less square footage and wcW.d be a better project. Rev. Gæy 'IhaDas, 10110 N. DeAnza Blvd., stated that he and his dnIrc:h III4¥' ....led the project. It was IIICIIIed by CcAmc. Sparks, secxnied by CcAmc. Jå1nsa1 an:! passed unaJÚJJICUIly to a¡:p1:ove the ~ of a Negative Declaratien. It was IIICIIIed by CcAmc. Sparks, secxnied by Ccunc. Jå1nsa1 an:! p"'......., with a 3-2 vote, CDmo411n_l~s Pl1m3Y' am Gatto dissentin¡ to awrave ÞwJ.icatiat 200U-86 of Jeim Vidcviå1 per P1.anni.n1 thIwI\i....ia'1 Resoluticn No. 2772 pendj.n¡ grantin¡ of a variance or onUnance chan;¡e regædin;J the 50 ft. setback and with a oc:nli.tien ~ that Plannin:¡ Di%ectar dIec::k en the awnings and with Corñitien 24 ~ requestin¡ fnnn::01 review by the City Ccuncu with NO ....-rœtia1s by 1IS1IC . ~ AND Sl'l'E APPRJIlAL CXHŒTl'EE APPLICATICRI 34. Na1e. UNFINISHED IIJSINESS 35. Na1e. Nœ IIJSINESS 38. Guidelines/restrictiCl'lS of project areas am redevel'¥""'tl. ag.:.cles. (taken cut of order) Dir. of Planr1in1 & Dev. <nRm stated that the putpœe was to reacquaint the City CcAmcU with the oauœpt of redevel'¥""'ít. Mr. Baupf, City of Ma1ntain View, stated to the CcAmcU that he was here to answer their questiCl'lS regarding redevelcpnent. -10- MINI1l'ES OF '!HE MARœ 3, 1986 )u:;r;J.'.u«; OF '!HE crri cmNC1L ((L490) It was maved by Ocunc. Gatto, seoc:IØId by Ocunc. Jàmsa'1 and pea~ with a unaniJIø.Js vote to authorize staff to hire a consultant to ..a--r, and reþ.4. t at possible redsvel.......&t. in the City of ~. Arm AnJer stated to the camc:il that she was against hirin;J a consultant for the pmpœe of redevel..........L and that she was against the OCI~L of redevel~ L in QJpertino. 36. Request for authorizaticn to ¡m:d1ase ....~Li in Calavera8 Camty. City Attamey Kilian expb..ned to the 0U1cil the 1...".1 aspects and intemsts of the City regardJn¡ the ¡m:d1ase of ....~ t.y. Finance Director Snyder stated that thm:8 would be no problem in ret:airU.n¡ the City's interest with the aoquisiticn of the ....~ti. It was 1IICM!d by Oc:unc. Jc:imscm, seccnded by Oc:unc. Gatto and pla"- Ul'laJ'Ú.Jlla]sy to AWl-UIIe the request. for authorizaticn to puråIaSe ~~ti in calaveras Camty. 37. Anmtal review of City's invé..L...::.&t. policy. Dir. of Finance Snyder '"'<P1..1ned the polity to the 0U1cil and stated that the City was cw....elUy rból.dcted to 5 year nates and that camc:il cc:uld limit im.....L...::.lt to gtIIIa::1.._at.. securities. It was 1IICM!d by Oc:unc. SpaJ:iœ, secc:med by Oc:unc. Jå1nsa\ and pM'~gd Ul'laJ'Ú.Jlla]sy to ãw.a.UIIe the sta1:eme1&t. of 'l'.reasury P\mc:ticns and Inv.....L...::.1t Policy with ~d:s. 39. CaIs.ideraticn of an ut'Ç E!1L.")' ordinance to p)- a Dmatorium at awroval of extensicn alcn¡ b1i1dinq lines. Ca) th.."...\CY 0nI1nan0e No. 1356: "An om1mnce of the City of QJpertino Pursuant to Secticn 65858 of the no1 i ~omia GaII....._It Cede RelatiD;J to Marataria, P1.acJn¡ a M:Jratorium at Approval of Extensicns Alcn¡ 9,4",,,'9 Lines as Pra'Iided for in Sec::t:icn 12 of om1mnce No. 1240 of the City of QJpertino, and DecJ.ariD¡ the th.':FIL.")' 'lbereof." It was 1IICM!d by Oc:unc. P1\m3Y, seccnded by Oc:unc. Gatto and pessecl Ul'laJ'Ú.Jlla]sy to read U.t.."...,cy 0nI1nan0e No. 1356 by title cnly and the City Clerk's readin;J to constitute the first readin¡ thereof. It was maved by Oc:unc. Pl\m3Y, sec::aOOecl by Oc:unc. Gatto and p&1!'''ecl unanimously to enact tkyE!u:y 0nI1nan0e No. 1356. It was maved by Oc:unc. Gatto, sec::aOOed by cnzrx:. Pl\m3Y and ~a"- unanimously to initiate required zaù.n;J d1.an;Jes. -11- · MINU1'ES OF '!BE ~ 3, 1996 Jomra-.uC OF '!BE C1'l"i cmNCIL (~90) WRlTI'Ðr CXlHJNICATICIIS 40. Gu...........o VB. City of ElItr1te. cwncil aoc..¡..l.ed the ...~t. CIRI>DWiCES 41. 8eocI1d reI!Idin;J of ordinance No. 1354: "An ordinance of the City of QJpertim 1I1II8rIdin¡ sectia11 of ordinance No. 2 Rezcm1ng 0.67 Acres traa R2-4.25 ZCI18 to P ZCI181 IDeated en the west side of ste11in;J Road ~-taly no Ft. Harth of T..I1~ Way." It was 1IICMId by cnmc. Plungy, seconded by cnmc. Gatto and p"øø9èl unani:aDmly to read ordinance No. 1354 by title cnly and the city Clerk's readJn;J to OClIstitute the seocud readJn;J thereof. It was 1IICMId by cnmc. Plungy, seconded by cnmc. Gatto and pelS'w unani:aDmly to enact ordinance No. 1354. RESOIIJ1'ICH3 42. Na1e }Œ-AGElmA HJSINESS 43. ~ticn by Mayor of ""..,.,4..1 œquests. Ca) General A!Jdi.erDa. (b) City cwncil. cnmc. Plungy stated that the light standaJ:d BZth of Kizwin had been cut en the bottan. Co) staff. ('Ifn::w SESSIœ cwncil adjcurned to 7:00 p.m., ··-~T jay, Ma%å1 5, 1986, IDwer I.evel ~. tÍ1 F. villarant:e Deplty city Clerk -12- ~---_..._."_._~._-~-_._--_._--~---~--~-----_._-_._..-