CC 04-07-86 city of Q.Jpertlno, state of Mifcmd.a 10300 Torre Averua, 0Jpert1n0, CA 95014 Tele¡i1a1e: (408) 252-4505 MINt1l'Ð3 OF '!HE mmIAR c::mc ~ l'IUi.L'.uG H!I.D ar AHŒL 7, 1986 IN 'IBB c:au::IL amMBER, CITY HAIL, anmrnÐ, CAI.DœIIA 00-692 Mayor Rcgers called the 1II!I8tin1 to order at 6:50 p... in the ocunci1 a>-.n....., city Hall. SAII11'E '10 '!HE FUG R>IL CAIL coone. Pus :Ht: Gatto, Jà1nsa1, Plun:y, Sparks, Mayer ~s staff Pnseut: city Manager 0rln1an city Clerk OJluelius Director of Public Works viskaviå1 Director of plarDú.n:J and Dsvel~ít cowan Director of Finance snyder Director of Parks æñ Rec:reatia1 Dclllin¡ Assistant to the city Manager Brown t'hnnI"1ity Affairs Officer Scuriå1 city Attorney Kilian Parks and ~eaticn t.......1i -iœer pns<.mt: Dean Skeels, Q]ahpersa1 ~ œ NÐf J.GDmA I.'l'ÐE - Reo;r--t IteIIIs No. 53 and 56 be ocntirJued to April 21, 1986. It was moved by coone. Gatto, EiéOOI'ded by coone. Plun:y and P"--ed unanimcusly to c:x:rrt:irue It!IIIB 53 and 56 to the 1II!I8tin1 of April 21, 1986 and :rem:JV8 Item 12 fraD the .."...ida. By ccnsensus, Cir::An:il aoc..¡.t,ed ItEm 51 as a l"¥'Lt. !::MIll" any coonei1...."ier have any "....-.d:s or qœstia1s, this item will be listed en the agenda of April 21 urœr staff ..."'t....LI... CERDDIIAL Mlu".L'UC - FRESmrATIQ1S Proclamation declarm; April 6-12, 1986 as "Good Relat.iœships week. n Procl""""ticn declarm; the week of April 14-19, 1986 as "EarthqJaJœ Preparedness Week." Proclamation declarm; April as "Fair Hoosm; 1b1th." -1- MINUl'ES OF 'IHE APRIL 7, 1986 c:rN CXI1NC!1L Mr!rDC (0)692) PJ:YY!1 -tic:n declJl"in;J the 1rt'I88k of April 20-27, 1986 as "Week of the YCJUI'Ç Child." Procl-tien declarin;J the 1rt'I88k of April 7-11, 1986 as "Child Al:øMt Prøventien AwarenesS week." Procl-ticn declarin;J the 1rt'I88k of April 13-19, 1986 as "Science Fair week. " Procl-ticn declarin;J the 1o"eek of April 21-27, 1986 as "Senior EIcpO week. " Procl-tien declarin:¡ the 1rt'I88k of April 7-13, 1986 as "Child Safety week. " Mayor Rcgers pUB ¡t.ed the proclamatia1s. S'mFF ~1:í 1. Orall~ts by staff IJ_..l,qrs æñ ØI,,..,,i_ia1 of written l:~ts. City Mæ1aaer's ~t SOlid waste o--nitt.ee }L.loE'rSh1p - It was maved by 0r:mIC. Gatto, SØCCI'1ded by 0r:mIC. JåInSa1 am p8F'øed unanimcuIly to ÇP)int Mr. Ð:iWard L. Griffith to the tnnmitt.ee. Request for study sessicn April 14 - Gol""" '1'rlangle Task Fv1:ce - By ccnsensus, 0r:mIC. set 7:00 p.m., M:IDay, April 14, 1986 in the ~ Isvel I.c:iun;Je for a study sessicn regarding the Go] &01\ Triarqle Task Force. ErJvi%cnDental ~ Fund - It was maved by 0r:mIC. PlUBY, secon3ed by 0r:mIC. Sparks æñ I""--9d unanimausly to direct staff to cxn:hK::t a survey rega1'din;J the possibility of a nccn sbUttle betwnn vallco æñ Town center or De Anza College am to direct that a study of ocsts of the sbUttle service, both startup æñ ~tin;J, be reseaxåIed as well as other funUn:¡ sources. o:mø.micati.a'J a....LLaCt - It was nr:wed by 0r:mIC. PlUBY, secon3ed by 0r:mIC. Sparks am pi!lE'--" with 0r:mIC. Gatto ilf ø .Un¡ to c:d..vt Resoluticn No. 6814 autbarlzin;J executicn of ~.........ít subject to an ~ìt. that would not ~ a cxn:mœnt o"L.........ít period with the Sheriff's ......at......ct ~..........ít. 0r:mICi1 directed staff to lock at the City's own 0CIIIØJI'1icatic:n center as well as a .JPA æñ directed that ocpies of the previous ...~t to 0r:mICi1 be ~as _1biId. -2- MINt1l'!S OF '!HE AE'RIL 7, 1986 Cl'l'Y CØJNCIL ME:El'Il'G (00-692) ~ f1œ I!on'd of SUpetVisom Q1air Dir1æ1 - It was mvect by ownc. Gatto, secon3ed by ownc. Johnsa1 am P"-Oft!d unærlmcusly to direct staff to prepare a letter to the Beard of SUperVisorB """t'L....sinq "'K-. \Lt of priority rail oarridarB as c:JetAmDineå by '1'2000 and that this letter be sent to the attentia1 ot 01ahpersa\ Diridcn prior to the MlC PJblic hear1nq ot April 10. ABC Lioensæ - It was 1ŒMId by CCADx:. Sparks, secxn:Jed by CCADx:. Gatto and P"-'-" unaniD:œly to ~ a r- 1'10 åJjecticn to the isCII"'''1C8 ot the lioel!¡! es and that staff mtity the a¡¢icant ot the New 'fw:Wt "J'I~ that this does not mean ~ ot the use permit. 2. False ..b..... hear1nq - Diane OSgood, resident. It was IIICMd by CCADx:. Gatto, secxn:Sed by CCADx:. Jàmsa1 am ~--9d unanimcusly to waive the $63 fee. 3. !\md1nq bprcvement a.,¡........œnt with cmnt.y Library. It was 1ŒMId by CCADx:. Jàmsa1, secxn:Sed by CCADx:. Gatto and ~_..- unanimcusly to ~ plœn:Hrq at the basis of a subsidy with the addit.ia1 of a "1...'.... in the ao:fX.......-d. to repay read1nq as follcws: "Repayment tor h,i1d11'11 bprovements to the City ot 0Jpertin0 by santa Clara CDmty Library District shall be 1'10 less than $120,000 per year for 30 years. If, hcwøYer, the 0Jpertin0 Library's pm.....ílage of its revenue based upon its pm...ad:age of ass~-ed value allocat.ia1 increases in the fUture, then said ammal payment. shall be i.ncr;¡",P.ad by that same percentage rate." '!hat addition is negctiable but preferable. Assistant to the City Manager Brown addressed CCADx:i1 regard1nq the city's handbill om1nanœ. It was IIICMd by CCADx:. Gatto, secxn:Sed by CCADx:. Jàmsa1 am paE'~ unanimcusly to direct that staft }AL~ an 'w...¡e«::Y c.rc:1inanoe to revise Sec:t:.icn 10.52.010 of the Rmicipal COde to reflect reality am <> ..... '. practice in the City of 0Jpertin0 am that the City Attamey }AL~ said ordinance for the meet1nq of April 21. p..1_ VB. City "It Ojai - It was IIICMd by CCADx:. Gatto, secxn:Sed by CCADx:. Jà1nsa\ and pas-.... unaJ'ÚJIIOOSly to a¡:prcve City s ~ of the league ot t"AHf"omia Cities .....4COIS curaie brief by allow1nq QJpertino's name to be AMtorl to it. OXJNCIL .KI:itUU1:í 4. Mayor Rogers - ~ch for Hcusinq - Mayor Rogers will get possible dates for JII8EItin;Js of o.rt:reach for Hoosinq and she or CCADx:. Sparks will try to att.em. 6. CCADx:. Jà1nson - J.egislative Review ()"wmtittee - It was IIICMd by CCADx:. Jobnsa'I, sec:orx3ed by caux:. Pluny and pa"'''''':¡ unan.iJln¡sly to take the follow1nq acticms regard1nq i/..'¥sed leqislation: o,"\=OSØ SB 1792 (n.:..+wt), tJusiness license taxat.ia1. ~ SB 2522 (Maddy), -3- MnI11'æ OF '!HE AÆIL 7, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL MEETDG (œ-692) local regu1.aticn of off-sale beer aM 'WÚ\ê mUilêm pœ1\D!d. Qaœe AS 4146 (Moo:!:.!), regulatoJ:y pcIW'BJ:S CNer gas statiCl'ls that sell beer am wine. Request CDf11 of AS 2554. ~<'M 58 1990 ~~"""'1e), redøvel'-¥"""tt. SI..t¥ ·...t AS 3468 (Jå1nstcI\), haza%dcus mterials. ~rt AS 3572 (Hayàen) dúld caœ fac11ities fi.nanciD¡. Request CIJf!l of JI,B 3199 arñ AS 3692. O:rttinue to ~ SB 1965, withdrawal frcD Coonty fire pJ:Otecticn sexvices ar tree libraJ:y system. CJk..ose 58 2475 (VUic:h), administzaticn of pL'"'J:'""oLty taVDa. owœe AS 4388 (Wright), city bminess license t.a)œa. cx:.tISENl' Q.Inma\R (It is requested that Items 9 thrcUgh 34 be acted en simJltaneonsly unless separate ~iat"ll""1.cn arxf,Ior actiCI1 is requested.) Q:Iunc. Gatto remcved Item 13 arñ Mayor RcgeJ:s remcved Item 32. It was IIICIII8d by Q:Iunc. Jàmsa1, sec:x:n3ed by CCJunc. Gatto arñ J?"--ød unanimcusly to aw"-uVe the balance of the Cc.œent calEllØr as al1h1tftted. 9. Resoluticn No. 6794: "A Resoluticn of the City camci1 of the City of QJpertino Allowin:J Certain cr..4..... arñ DeiIIIams Payable in the 1I1DCu1ts arñ FraIl the }\mds as Hereinafter Described far General arñ Misœllaneoos Experñitm:es far the Period Endin;J March 14, 1986." 10. Resoluticn No. 6795: "A Resoluticn of the City camci1 of the City of QJpertino Allowin:J Certain (0'1..4..... arñ DeiIIIams Payable in the 1I1DCu1ts arñ fraD the }\mds as Hereinafter Described far Salaries arñ wa:¡es far the Payroll Period Endin;J March 18, 1986." 11. Resoluticn No. 6796: "A Resoluticn of the City camci1 of the City of QJpertino Allowin:J certain C"..4..... arñ DeiIIIams Payable in the 1I1DCu1ts arñ FraIl the }\mds as Hereinafter Described far Ger....al arñ Miscel1.anec:AJ E:xperditm:es far the Period Endin;J Harch 28, 1986." 12. Resoluticn No. 6797: "A Resoluticn of the City camci1 of the City of QJpertino Declarin:¡ Intent to 00I'Iduct a Public Hearln1 a...&.CI.nirç a Nuisance at 20199 Pacifica Drive." 13. Remcved. 14. l"'1..i.....: (a) For o"lerative imemnity arñ ð-"1aratory relief far AWle o:mp.rt:er . (b) For rom..:¡es filed on behalf of Mr. Ð:iward MacKay. 15. Request far waiver of bminess license fees: Northwest 'DCA 5unshinP. CcJrpany. -4- ~ OF '!HE AmIL 7, 1986 CI'lY aX1NCIL Ì'IUi.L'.u.G (œ-692) 16. PscI--t for waiver of blsmilSS license and facility f..- Kiwanis Club of california. 17. Awlicatia1 ASAC-Sl,642.1 - Deboo1 ~.,..a:aticx1: RieepI8tiD:¡ GWL<.Nal of a tJ:ash enclosure far an ex1.stiD;J office n1i1di11) located at 21625 stevens creek Boolevam. R«- ····-·wW· far GWL..,.¡al· 18. Resolutia1 No. 6799: "A Resolutia1 of the City Camci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~.Lin;J TJ:ustee's Deed for p¡,..........Lj' Iøcat.ed in CalaveraS Ocunt:y". 19. Rssolutia1 No. 6800: "A Rssolutia1 of the City 00Uncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 Authorlzin;J Executia1 of ~_lìeht with H. J. Degenkclb AsSOC'i..tes, Enqineers, PravidinJ far 0DJultin;J Erçineerin:J Services for the ~.¡,. of ~.... Tank." 20. Aoceptance of Dllnicipal iDpr:aveDents: (a) C & H Devel........eut Q). (7-11 store), atiJ and H::CleJ.lan. (b) DeI:xx:Ir Office '~114Mhq Project - 21625 stevens creek Boulevam. (c) Ceœlia MaE'-ey Project at Cleo and GardenSide lane. (d) ..L'raCt No. 7666, orla1 I.ene, stock1meir Project. (e) F4<P"-1 Fest a...at.....ùl - 1Dprial AveBJØ. (No ~tin;J,w.,""'"'lts ~"!\%y.) 21. Resolutia1 No. 6801: "A Resolutia1 of the City 00Uncil of the City of 0Jpertin0 ~ a GLð1tt of F:o-tt for PI1b1ic utility &.)';nlS traa NUnzio ci(: Dt"OJ I.ocated en the south side of stevens creek Boulevam west of Blaney AveBJØ o:nd.stin¡ of ~"",.......tely 60 Sq. Ft." 22. Rssolutia1 No. 6802: "A Resolut.i.a1 of the City Camci1 of the City of 0Jpertin0 àOC'q;dng GL...it of 11'.>1__·11:, for ~ Pw.:¡.< !es traa Douglas Bertain and sally Price Bertain a:rwistinÇJ of ~""""'-tely .007 Acres, Located en San FeJ:nard:) AveBJØ." 23. Rssolutien No. 6803: "A Resolutia1 of the City 00Uncil of the city of 0Jpert!n0 A£x:~.tin¡ a Grant of '!:'..............tt for ÐDergency Vehicle Ac<H- frail 0Jpert!n0 Tcwn center Prt:perty, Jasen Chartier, et &1. Located Within lot 3, Tract No. 7661, Torre AverøJe, eansistinÇJ of ~tely .0001 Acre." -5- MINt1.ŒS OF '!HE AmIL 7, 1986 CITY cœNCIL MEEl'DG (cx::-692) 24. Resolutim No. 6804: "A Resoluticn of the City oam::il of the City of Q.Jpert1no ~ Parcel Map am ~av.....e1it Plans of P1.'¥'Lty IDeated m omœn Read at stevens Creek Bo.1levam, Develcpr, Maxine Dnw"..oud; AuthcriziD¡ Executia1 of ~......_.t 1.a"..-.......t; AuthariziD¡ signirg of Parcel Map and blJ:Uo~.....e¡.t Plans. II 25. Resolutien No. 6805: "A Resoluticn of the City oam::il of the City of Q.Jpert1no AwroViD¡ the Final Map of P.t.'¥'L tj' IDeated at the southwest cœ.11er of DeAnza Bo.1levard æñ McClellan Road; Develcpr, DeAnza Plaza PaL l.uers (Deke a.mter, Jr. ) and AuthoriziD¡ the City ED;Jineer to sign the Parcel Map. II 26. Resoluticn No. 6806: "A Resoluticn of the City ocunci1 of the City of 0Jpert1n0 AuthariziD¡ Exer"ttien of h:J............4.t with Civil ED;rineerirç AaalYOtates, Irx:. Pravi.din1 for ED;Jineeri.r¥1 services for the Water Main Ext:ensim Project." 27. Resoluticn No. 6807: "A Resoluticn of the City oam::il of the City of Olpertino Autharizin;J Executia1 of 'J."...........eIJt far teposit' with H:Ik-Vidaviàl, A Joint Venture, for CCI1StrUCticn of au ~'S' Read in Ca1junctia1 with the Developaent of Tract No. 7846, Nav.............. Drive." 28. Resolutien No. 6808: "A Resolutien of the City oam::il of the City of Olpertino A¡:proITin:] the Final Map æñ ~\N.'lIIeht Plans of Tract No. 7846 Itx3ted en November Drive; Developer, H:Ik-Vidaviàl, Joint venture: A General Partnership; ~ certain --=-_. Its; Aut:harizin;J signirg of Final Map æñ ~CIIfEIjOfJ!1.t Plans; Authcrizin;J the Execution of h:J-,eemmlt in CLo:.......,tien 'Iherewith." 29. Resolution No. 6809: "A Resolutien of the City cx.unci1 of the City of Olpertino A¡:proITin:] Final Plan for the ~av~Jt of Fra1tage Itx3ted en Hill......st Read; D8IIeloper, All N. Kraja and Haw Rraja; AuthariziD¡ the City ED;Jineer to sign the Final Plan; æñ AuthcriziD¡ Executien of J.".....ement in Cu...ectim 'Iherewith. II 30. Resoluticn No. 6810: "A Resolutim of the City CcmICil of the City of Olpertino ~ Grant of -...-....It far Roadway PI....~ses fmn Ali N. Rraja æñ Haw Rraja Ca1Sist.!rq of A¡:praximately .006 Acres, Itx3ted en Hill....est Read." 31. Resolutien No. 6815: "A Resolutim of the City ocunci1 of the City of Olpertino InitiatiD¡ pzocH"i~ æñ SettiD;J Tœ æñ Place for Public Hearin:J for eons1deratien of Annexaticl'1 of Area Designated 'AI........,8%' Avenue 86-01,' Itx3ted en the North Side of Alcazar Aveme between 0ran:.Je Avenue and D1prial Avenue. II 32. Ren¥:Jved. -6- MINl1l'ES OF '!HE APRIL 7, 1986 Cl'lY cmNCIL W:;t;.1".uI; (00-692) 33. Mirutas of the adjoorned regular ~ of Mmh 5, 19B6 (0:-690A) . 34. Mimtes of the regular meetin;J of Marå1 17, 1986 (0:-691). ~ ~,NwS of the City OJuncil AYES: Gatto, Jcimsa1, P1ungy, Sparks, Rcge1:s roES: Nœe ABSml': Nœe ABSTADl: Nœe ITEMS Rœ'JVED FR:M '!HE cnmm' CAIDmAR 13. Resoluticn No. 6798: "A Resolutien of the City cnmcil of the City of 0Jpert:1n0 Dec::larin;J Intent to Ocnduct a F\.1blic Hearln;J Ccncernin;J a Nuisance en the Eastern corner of Am 326-1-18. It was ]Œ I,'ed 17.f cnmc. Gatto, seocn:Jed 17.f cnmc. JåmsCI1 and pasoS'ed unanimously to ~t Resoluticn No. 6798 sett.in1 the PJb1ic hearin¡ for May 5, 1986. 32. Minutes of the regular meetin;J of Mard1 3, 1986 (00-690). It was 1IICM!d 17.f cnmc. Rcgers, seocn:Jed 17.f cnmc. Gatto and ~,.øed unaniDo.Js1y to ðWLU'J8 the DIim1tes with Page 4 amended to state that Mayor ~8 l~Led on (l pertirx:; Night en Evenin:J Magazine and that she is the vice Chair of ABIIG's Legislative and GaIr...........tt. OJ:ganizaticn 1'hmt4 ttee. ORAL CXHUIICATIŒS 36. ~ of the audienœ regardiDJ matters not en the agmœ. - Nœe. RJBLIC HEARIH:;S 37. ~J of P1.anrún¡ 1'hmt4'"$ien deciFlicn en A¡:plicatien 6-U-85, ~~ I11theran 0nIrch: 8Jr""1 filed 17.f Mid1ael C. Rehak, Pastor. Director of P1.annin¡ and Devel~tt. Cowan reviewed the PlanniJ'q I'hnmi '"$1on decisicn regardiDJ this a¡:¢icatien. Michael C. Rehak, pastor of the por--...,. I1Itheran 0nIrch, a.l:b....e~ cnmcil and LILL..'hV'WI Ramall P. Smith, President of the OOI09,Lo:yaticn who ,.H..,......øed the preferred parJd.n] plan with cnmcil. It was 1IICM!d 17.f cnmc. P1ungy, secx:med 17.f cnmc. Gatto and passed unanimously to close the p¡blic hearin]. -7- HINt1mì OF 'DiE APRIL 7, 1986 CrI"i CXXJNCIL ME:E:l'OO (00-692) It was JIIOII8d by ocunc. PlURY, EWlocllded by ocunc. J~41Sa\ an1 p--1Id unaJÙJJIOOSly to grant the awe"'1 œsult!n¡ in ~aval of the an;¡ular rather than square parJdn:¡. 38. Annexaticn of area designated "calle de Barcela'1& 85-06." (a) Rss~lutiat No. 6811: "A Rssolutiat of the city 0amCi1 of the city of QJpertino omerirq .AnneXaticn of Area DeBignat8d '0011. de Bsrœla'1& 85-06,' I.cx:ated at the 'l'eDDiruI of calle de BarœlcrIa, west of Miller Averue, J:1ebM"- GreerIiICCd Driw an1 1bi1 Iæ1e." It was JIIOII8d by ocunc. Gatto, SooCØ1ded by ocunc. JCIhnsa'1 an1 pel,........ ~y to close the p.lblic hearin;J. It was maved by ocunc. Gatto, secc:n3ed by ocunc. PlURY an1 pa....sd ~y to adqJt ßesoluticm No. 6811 orderin;J the annexatia1. 39. hkJptia1 of haJsin;J i'L..."..GIII an1 awraval of method of fUrxlinq. Dimc::tar of Plannin;J and Devel~1t Cowan reviewed his ............t with ocunci1. ocunci1 iti """w"'ed variCUI furñ targets and means of pravidin;J thœe fUnds. Jåm vidavid1 told ocunci1 that he doeS have a døVel........1t project in the pipeline an1 requested fair txeal..,=ht. Fran Wt..,¡Dlaff of Midpeninsula Fair Hcusin;J stated that JIØIt cities "",ant higher density to developers for senior hoosin;J. varlcus suœiilioe- axe provided suà1 as the ZCIÚ1'¥1 denSity lx:nJs, private ler.dera bavinq .........."1ity loans for am, œ%køt rate tenants suœiili!r.Ú1g' lower œnts, an:i city assistance via lard ard/or JlØWf. She X8Yiewed a cw.......at.. deve].. '1......1t in Ht. vi_ 1oIrlå1 is cxx::urriD) CI1 an old EJCb:)o]. site. C21arles 1~-"''''\, \1>11100 Park, Ibi., ~eE'E'ed ~itia1 to an increase in the c:x:nm:uctiCI1 tax. He read a letter fraD vallco urqin¡ that the city go slCil CI1 the fI.Ir¥1in;J, r..c, ....-.ding that GerJm:al !\Jrñ 1IICI1S'./ CI11.y be used aM questicni.n:J ~ or not the city can affor:d to subsidize this type of project. Mayor Rcqers J12IIIIed the writer of various letters Widl were s"hllit;ted for the J:""-'U.Ld. Hilda WC:n;J, deve1qJer, ~esS""" fa:vor for SCIII8 i'L..."..GIII to replar- the o..........t am i'L..."..GIII. She stated that she nn:'M a decisia'1 SOCI1 so she cxW.d price her unit. Paul stewart, a.rl1din;J IIxIustry of America, ...qi1:e& IItin;J residential I:A1ilders, spoke in ~iticm to an in::rease in oonstructiCl1 tax. He -8- MINt1l'ES OF 'IRE APRIL 7, 1986 ~ CXXJNCIL hu;J:.uG (<X:-692) uxged that CQJncil look at many sa.u:œs for fundin;r and not just ens. He mentia1ed that there woold also be no guarantee that tha JJrnilY l"''''''''' ttaII the CXI1St.1:\.1Ct: tax wOIl1)" go for hcusin) as tha funds oonld not be eaxmarked. Beverly I.awrenoe, Midpeninsula Citizens for Fair HalsiIq, mged co.mcil to make a dedsia1 SOCI1. Alf Mr:1d:.ne, 0Jpertin0, ......"... r~ed ~itia'1 to arrJ subs4il....ed hcusiIq ~~CIIII in the City. He stated that there is an initiative ~...pclI'8d that wœld require a vote of the ~ty before passiIq a new tax. Ann AD:Jer, 0Jpertin0, ådd!:Ln!d co.mcil regardin:) P.t....".ositia'113 and PJ,l..IJ:"'I'Oitien 4. She spoke ðgainst subsi......Ai4 hcusiIq and ......"... ss'!!d the opinicn that this is not a local problem, but þr e S"'\1r8 shculd be put en 5a.....awd1tt:o. co.mci1 pointed a1t that p.t.q,ositien 13 did not get a 2/3 vote. JUne Costa, a resident of 0Jpertin0 and board .........r.er of Midpeninsula Citizens for Fair HoosiIq, said that this was a social and local issue. She pointed a1t that there are professic:nùs who c::annct afford to live in this city and that 1011 cost hcœiIq would not go to ''uOOesirables. " Joe Brown, 0Jpertin0, said he was glad that the City was gett.in) a1t of the æR bJsiness and that he does not want subsidized hcœiIq1iJœ QÙ.cago or other large cities. He stated that if the co.mci1 wanted subs........ed hcusiIq, there shcW.d be a vote of the peq>le and all shcW.d be t.aYM ecpùly. It was D:M!d by co.mc. Sparks, seoc:n:Bi by co.mc. Gatto and paS'~ed unanimcœ1y to close the p.1b1ic hearin;1. '!he City Attamey .........1Ssed the pipeline 1...... with co.mcil. '!here are c:w......,Uy 41 æR mdts in the pipeline. It was D:M!d by CQJnc. Pl\D1Y, seoc:n:Bi by o:unc. Gitto and pe'~s'!!d with co.mci1..-.l-... JåInsa1 and Sparks dissentinq to set a p.1blic hearin1 to cx:œider an ordinan::8 ~qJOSiIq a $.20 per sq. ft. increase in CXßItrUctien tax. '!he City Attamey will ¢:epar8 this ordinan::8 for the meetirg of May 19. Mayor Rogers, CQJnc. JåInsa1, the City Manager and Finance Direc::tar are to meet to revi_ the 1::AJà1et regardin:J priorities and deteImine ~ funds can be used frail the General F\Irñ. For the meetirg of April 21, the Direc::tar of PléU'II\in;J and Devel,¥,,,,,ut is to ~epare a :mechanism for a b.JyaIt p1:oceB9 by these in the pipeline. 40. Awlicatia'1 l-Z-86 of mmter Properties: Rezarl.n; aw,L<XI'i1Mtely .80 gross acre fran Rl-IO (Residential SiIqle-family, 10,000 sq. ft. miniJøJm lot size) zone to P (ex;). Use Permit (3-U-86) to oonsttuct and operate 4 l-story, 5,300 sq. ft. office b.rl1dirç -9- MINt1IES OF 'IHE APRIL 7, 1986 CI'lY CXXJNCIL hJ:ot;.I.'.u«; (cx:-692) 40. (CD1t1raJed) and 2,300 sq. ft. additicn to a previously ~ retail J:u41i1irq. EnvircrJmental Review: '!be Planni.n1 t'roIoII4_iat :J:e. . ····~ìJs the grant.jn¡ of a Negative Declaratien. '!be subject þl:~L1 is located at the west side of De Anza Ballevud, "WL..,ti_tely 250 ft. sc:uth of Ib:::lellan Road. Rec> ....-'Ided for "WLwal. (a) First readin¡ of ordinance No. 1358: "An ordinance of the City of QJpertino A1IB1din¡ Sectiat 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Reza1in;J Aw.o.urI-tely .80 Gress Acre fnIII Rl-10 Za'18 to P zme: Ilxated en the Wast Side of De Anza Boulevard, ~u¡o'4_tely 250 Ft. south of M:Clellan Road." Director of Plannin:J ani Devel"¥'CItt Ca.en reviewed his report with Ocm1cil. Deke BJnter, applicant, was av0041able for questia1s fraI1 cnmcil. It was DrNed by CQJn:. Gatto, seccn:1ed by cnmc. Jc:hnsa1 ani P"--ed UI'IaJ1im:œly to close the pJblic bearirx.J. It was DrNed by 0cm1c. Gatto, secanded by cnmc. Jc:hnsa1 and p"....- 1.Il1alÚJIa1S1y to grant a Negative DecJ.arat.ia'1 far Awlicaticn l-Z-86. It was DrNed by cnmc. Jåmsa1, seccn:1ed by cnmc. SpaJ:Ø and P"~~ unani.Dcusly to lIWL...ve A¡:plicatia1 l-Z-86 per Plannin¡ t'roIoIIi....iat Resolutiat No. 2781. It was DrNed by cnmc. PlurJ3Y, seccn:1ed by cnmc. Gatto ani P""~ unani.Dcusly to read Ordinance No. 1358 by title only and the City Clerk's readin¡ to ccustitute the first :readirq thereof. It was DrNed by 0cm1c. Gatto, secanded by cnmc. PlurJ3Y ani p".-9d UI'IaJ1im:œly to grant a Negative Declaraticn far Awlicatiat 3-tJ-86. It was DrNed by cnmc. Gatto, secanded by cnmc. PlurJ3Y and peln9d unani.Dcusly to 8ß:IrCV8 ArPHl"JOt:ien 3-U-86 per plannin¡ o-ni....ia1 Resolutiat No. 2782. 41. Awlicaticm 2-Z-86 of Azzarello AeSOC'iates (Bateh Brathexs): Rezcni.rg ~urI......tely .97 gross acre fnIII Rl (Residøntial Sin;Jle-family) zone to P (Planned Devel"¥'CItt) zone. Use Pm:mit (5-U-86) to octll!lU\JCt and operate a 2-stmy, 9,000 sq. ft. nei.ghboxhcod ,)< ····....cial center. EnvL.UlIUC.I.tal Review: 'Ibe P1.annin;J twnmi ....ia1 rec. ....-..ds the grant:in:J of a Negative """"1 aratiat. '!he subject prcperty is located on the southwest C01.!ìé.&. of Focthill Boulevard ani stevens Creek Boulevard. Reo .........ded far a¡:prayal. -10- 14INtmS OF 'tHE APRIL 7, 1986 ClT'i <XXJNCIL B.I:.&lG (CX:-692) 41. (a) First readin:.J of ordinance No. 1359: "An ominanoe No. the City of CUpertino Amerñin;J Sect.ia\ 1 of ordinance No. 2 by Rezarln:;r 1!wLurI-teJ.y .97 Grœs Acre fxaII Rl zme to p ZOO8; IDeated en the ~ ClAœr of Foot:hi1l Bculevard and stevens creek Bculevard." David Azzarello 1:~es Jatin:l Bat.eh Brothers infO' ..~ 0cuncl1 that they 1oa1ld like to haVe the facility qø\ fxaII 9:00 a.m to midnight en Fridays and Saturdays. Gt:.....': OS Bateh stated that ~....It hcm:B are 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Maday ~ 'lbJrsday and 9:00 a.m. to midnight Frldays am Saturdays in the 81""'-- and 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 ....m. Frldays and Satumays in the winter with hcm:B of 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. en surœys. He requested the same hcm:B. He also lIdh: ¡ 11'....... 0cuncl1 regardinJ Standard o:n:iition No. 9 and requested that costs be split in relocation of the high tension power lines. Director of Fublic works viskaIriå1 told 0œncl1 that it has not yet been decrlil..... if it is viable to undergrcAJJñ utilities at that location. Graham Skinner, resident en Camino Vista, .........¡ss'9d ~ regardinJ the aesthetics of the ~'-'l'::s'!ld døYel~1t as 10IIBll as the location of the trash ocnt:a1ner. 0œncl1 su.,,;¡ested that the location of the trash enclosure be ..MAil to Q:niition No. 27 of Plannin¡ l'hmIi....icn Reso1ut:iC1'1 No. 2780. It was maved by come. Jàmsa1, sec:x:næd by come. Pluny and peI&,ð'lld unani:aDJSly to close the plblic hearirq. It was maved by come. Jchnsa1, sec:x:næd by come. Sparks and pasøed. unani:aDJSly to grant Neqative Decll'l'l"litia1s for A¡:plicatia1s 2-Z-86 and 5-0-86. It was maved by come. Jchnsa1, secxnmd by come. Gatto and l"'--ed. unani:aDJSly to "K'L.,.t8 çlication 2-Z-86 per plann1n:J 1'hm14....icn ResoJ.ut:iCI'1 No. 2779. It was maved by come. Pluny, sec:x:næd by CDmc. Gatto and pae~'9d unani:aDJSly to read Ordinance No. 1359 by title ally and the City Clerk's readin:J to oalStitute the first readin:J thereof. It was maved by come. Jåmson, sec:x:næd by ac:un.::. Sparks and I"'--ed. unani:aDJSly to amend o:n:iition 19.b to include the exi.stirJ] hcm:B of the store. 42. OJnsideraticm of vacaticm of a portien of Regnart Road at ati:I Read. -11- MINt1IES OF mE APRIL 7, 1986 CI'IY CXXJNCIL ))ua'J..rÐ (cc-692) 42. (a) Resolutia1 No. 6812: "A :Rsst'lutia1 of the City cø.mcil of the City of 0Jpertin0 O...a-1n:.J vacat.icn of a Par:t.ia'1 of :Regnart RaId. at the North side at aJbb RaId. as PrcNided in sec::ticn 8320 Et seq. of the SLu.&ts and HighwayS Code of the state of california, Ret:aininJ it as a Public service --!1t and Public utility FA"-'""'It." Mr. Vasa, 21512 RegMrt Read, ~:..- ccnœms as Regnart is a highly travelled reed and a sdJool crœsin:¡. His CCl'a..éUi was that an island will be eliminated. Mrs. Vasa also stated that aJbb is very ÞJsy with traffic. It was D:JYed by CD.mc. Sparks, secx:rded by CD.mc. Jå1nSa\ and pa~-'I unani:ar:Jusly to close the p.1blic hearin;J It was D:JYed by CD.mc. Sparks, seoa1ded by CD.mc. Gatto and pa",ø'Bd unani:ar:Jusly to adqIt Resolutia1 No. 6812. 43. 1\dq7tia1 of varioos state o-~- and ~J"tia1s, amen:lin;J the 0Jpertin0 M.mic:ipal Code. (a) 0xdhIanœ No. 1360: "An om1nanœ of the City of 0Ipertin0 Amendin;J OIapter 16.16, Elec:trical cede, of the 0Ipertin0 M.mic:ipal Code." (b) 0xdhIanœ No. 1361: "An ordinance of the City of 0Ipertin0 Amendin;J 0Iapter 16.04 of the 0Ipertin0 Ibrl.cipal COde by ~ the lunifom BniMi1'Xj COde I aM ~, 1985 Editicn with AppL'-¥Llate ExJ:::¡eptia1s '1heretO." (c) 0xdhIanœ No. 1362: "An ordinance of the City of 0Ipertin0 Amendin;J 0Iapter 16.24 of the 01pertin0 Ibrl.cipal COde by ~ the 'unifom Meà1anical COde, I ~oes A thrcugh D, 1985 Editicn aM Aw1.'-¥Llate EI«:"'itiCl1S 'lheretO." (d) 0xdhIanœ No. 1366: "An ordinance of the City of 01pertin0 Amendin;J 0Iapter 16.20 of the 01pertin0 ømicipal COde by ~ the 'unifom P1UlJi,:)1n:.J COde,' AweJldioes A thrcugh I, IABm Installaticn stamards, 1985 Editicn and ~ Exc'.:¡·Licas 'Ihereto." It was D:JYed by CD.mc. Sparks, s.....aKBi by CD.mc. Gatto and p"'ø-'l unani:ar:Jusly to close the pnblic hearirg. It was D:JYed by CD.mc. Plungy, s..oaKBi by Q:AmC. Gatto and paøø~ unani:ar:Jusly to read 0J:dinance No. 1360 by title cmly and the City Clerk's readin;J to constitute the first readin:J thereOf. It was mved by CD.mc. Plungy, seoc:n:Ø:l by CD.mc. Sparks, aM P<'øøed unaniJro.Isly to read 0J:dinance No. 1361 by title cmly aM the City Clerk's readin;J to constitute the first read1n:.J thereOf. -12- HINUIm OF '!HE APRIL 7, 1986 CI':N CXXJNCIL hI:iI!;.a:J.1'G (cc-692) It was JIICIII8d by came. Pluny, secr::nBl by came. Jd41SC11 an:! p'eT9d un2IJÚDIOOSly to read ordinance No. 1362 by title cmly and the City Clerk's œadirJ¡ to CDlStitute the first readin:.J tboøOf. It was JIICIII8d by came. Pluny, secc:n3ed by came. Gatto an:! p"eeed unan.1mcœly to read ordinance No. 1366 by title cmly and the City Clerk's œadirJ¡ to CDlStitute the first readin:.J tbereOf. 44. CCI1sideraticn of extensia1. of 0J:dinance No. 1356 pertainin; to expmsion of a ncn--oonfominq b.Ji1ciirK1 alaY;J an exist:in¡ þ.t'd:lIJ¡J line. (a) th.':F'ICY ordinance No. 1363: "An ordinance of the City of QJpertino Ext:eniin;J 0J:dinance No. 1356 ReJ.atin;J to MJratoria, Placin;J a Moratorium en A¡prOVal of Ext:erJsic:n AlaY;J Bni1ði'Y Lines as Provided far in Sect.ia1 12 of ordinance No. 1240 of the city of Q¡pertino, an:! Dec:1.arizr;J the th.':F'1CY '!hereof." It was JIICIII8d by came. Sparks, secc:n3ed by came. JåU1Sa'1 an:! pelf"e'ld unanimoJsly to close the p.1blic l1earin;J. It was JIICIII8d by came. Pluny, secc:n3ed by came. Gatto an:! p'......... unanimoJsly to read U¿'':F'IC¥ 0J:dinance No. 1363 by title cmly an:! the city Clerk's œadin:¡ to CDlStitute the readinq theJ:eof. It was JIICIII8d by came. Gatto, secc:n3ed by came. JåU1Sa'1 and pas"9ð un2IJÚDIOOSly to enact th.':F'1C¥ ordinance No. 1363. l.t 10:35 p.m., ca.mci1 adjcurned to the CXI1f........œ :roaD far a clœ'ld session. At 10:50 p.m., ca.mci1 recxr1I18I'I8d in ~. R>LL CALL came. ~ S!ht: Gatto, Jåmsa1, Pluny, Sparks, Mayor Roge1:s staff Pus_at..: city Manager ()1inlan city Clerk CoJ:no.lius Direc:tar of Public Works viskavich Direc:tar of pJ.annin:J aM Develcpnent Cowan Direc:tar of Finalx:e snyäer Direc:tar of Parks aM Recreatia1 Dc:Mlin;J Assistant to the city Manager Brown (hm..,rl.ty Affairs Officer scurich city Attorney Kilian -13- MINUl'ES OF '!HE ARm.. 7, 1986 CI'lY axJNCIL MEE:l'.D«ò (0'>692) PIANNmì APPLIOOI<Jß 45. A¡plicat.ia1 7-t1-86 of Ganjoo-Haghighi Aliakbar: Use Pemit to oct...LL.JCt and qJerate a 1,500 sq. ft. baks%y cll'Id cafe located at McClellan Square at the rx>rthwest oœ1ler of DeAnza Boulevard ard McClellan Road. Minute order fraD PJ.annin;J er-4....iat and policy rega%din¡ street iDprcvement. It was DICIVed by Came. Sparks, seocn3ed by Came. JåmSa'1 an:!1""øø9ð unanimously to awreve P1annirq t'roNn4....icn Minute order Resolut.ia\ No. 2786. It was DICIVed by Came. Gatto, seoŒIded by Camc. Sparks an:! pElSE'9d unanimously to adc¢ P1.aJ1niD¡ O:;pIIi ....tm Minute order Resolut.ia\ No. 2785 with laD]uage clarifyin¡ the next to the last parc:w,µ.~, secxui sentence that this policy as it a¡¢ies to a particular paxœl be 1N'III. dal1zed in a r..cu:t.ded d001'lllØl1t so that the owner an:! fUture owners will be aware. 46. A¡plicat.ia1 3-t1-86; please see Item 40. 47. A¡plicat.ia1 S-U-86; please see Item 41. 48. A¡plicat.ia1 4-tJ-86 of 0Jpertin0 city center Associl'ltes: Use Pmmit to oanstruct and qJerate a 340,000 sq. ft. office spaœ, 24o-roaa hatel OCIIplex, and a park an:! Envi.ronmental Review: 'Ihe Planninq l'rnImi ....1at reo ....-"'Ids the grant:in:] of a Tiered Negative """"''''-rat.ia1. '!be subject pL~tj' is located at the southeast ........-=r of De Anza Boulevard an:! stevens creek Bc:W.evard. Reo ····-rded for a¡:proval. Director of Planninq an:! Devel"¥""",,t Cowan distrib.rt:ed a memo dated September 16, 1985 rega%din¡ devel~.t a.,p,eemeId:s. At 11:17 p.m., Camcil adjcmned to a closed session. At 11:30 p.m., Camcil rec:xrJYenIecl :in 0-...... er. roLL CAll. Came. p¿. S Htt: Gatto, JåmSa'1, Plun:;w, Sparks, Mayor Rcgers staff P... S U1t: city Man2Iger Quinlan city C1~ ClAu..lius Director of Public works viskcNic::h Director of Plannin;J an:! Devel~,;: cowan Director of Finance snyëer Director of Parks an:! ~éðtiat Dcwlin¡ Assistant to the City Manager Brown Camlmity Affairs Officer scurlc:h city Attorney Kilian /i MINUrES OF 'DIE APRIL 7, 1986 CI'l'\C CXXJNCIL huiJ.·.u«; (cc-692) Mark Kroll, PraIIetheus Devel~d:., Lat...... ,11..-'1 Bill Valentino of HJK, ardù.tects, to CJc:u1cil. Mr. Valentine i'L....H1.ted slides of the i'L' ,,~s1!d devel~ t. Jàm Hill, hotel architect, reviewed the design i'L,,<'e"''' ard batel design. Mr. Kroll ðolh::ss'lld various ocnoems. In regard to cali Mill, be stated that in the hotel there will be an historical ~...LL~ of 0Jpertin0 arxl a plaque will be en site. It is quite pœsib1e that a drive within the park will be named for Cali. In regard to the '1\..&..1:6 Aver1J8 cpnj.D¡, he statal that the nei.ghbo%hood mitigaticn plan WO'~.. go into f'ffect. In regard to t.bd.n:J, he stated that the designirx¡ arxl i:øprcveœnts wculd be !nple..elatoed in c:xnjunctien with the City's hprayements alcn¡ Stevens Creek Ballevard ard De Anza Ballevard. Disn'''~ia1 followed regazdJn) various cx:niitia1s of the P1.annin¡ l"'romIi_iœ resolut!a1. 'Ihese cx:niitia1s were Nos. 10, 11, 12, 18, 21, 24, 26. He stated that there wculd be a OIristmas tree in the park. SUsan Adrian, 20408 Clay street, exp%'eSsed conœm regarcUn¡ traffic. She w:ged CJc:u1cil to take care of traffic first, to chec:k to see if -0DJreS taken are ~. Also að.:b:: !"'" the McClellan,lPacifica real~""",.t. In regard to the De Anza Ballevard additic:œ1 sœthbaJrxi lane, she as1œd if the landscapin¡ wculd be remaved. She was info. ......) it wwld rot. She stated that she felt eight stories wculd be too tall. A wœan resident of Fara1lŒ18 Drive also expresS'lld oancezns regarcUn¡ traffic. She stated that residents are givin¡ up a lot of their rights for this døvel~at.. She questia1ed the size of the bni 1tUngs arxl stated that there were a lot of offices goin¡ up and there is a high vacancy rate. suzanne Sclar, 10581 Ndtney way, also ~es~ed 00008%11 regarding traffic. She stated that mitigatin:J -....u:es wwld rot really help the residents am that 0Jpertjn0 residents get lost in the ~ne. She urged CJc:u1cil rot to çprave such large tuil~. She questia1ed the level of traffic œ Stevens Creek Ballevard ard De Anza am w:ged CJc:u1cil rot to plun;¡e in regardin¡ traffic. Jim Martin, 10325 Plum Tree lane, expressed ~itien to the height of the tuil~ arxl the cc:.u:ept of office tuil~. Mr. Kroll stated that he is plarD'lin] to tuild for 50,OOO,± sq. ft. . .....-.c:ia1. However, if that ooold rot be 1....<:Þñ it ooold rot be left Empty. In regard to Ccn:li.tion 24 he stated it ooold be left as is a."Xl he wwld cane back for a ch.arçe in za'Ùn] if he ooold rot lease. -15- MINUI!S OF 'IHE AÆIL 7, 1986 CI'1Y a:vNCTL )u:;ra'JJG (0::-692) Camcil oo....~... øpr.......@d i.nclu:!ed the De Anza trcmage aM pmlic art waDt or IIallptures. Mr. 1Croll Aid that he was willing to provide pub) it! IIa.1lptura within the area. It was IICMId by Came. Gatto, seoalded by Came. PlUJ¥N and poo....- ~y to ccntJnJe ccnsideratian of this awJ,icat.iœ to !5:30 p.m., 'J.'I-rr:'lay, April 8, 1986. AR::Hl'mC1t1RAL AND SITE API9JVAL c::x:HII'I'l'EB APPUCATICHI 49. NcI1e. UNFDI'ISHED IIJSINESS 50. NcI1e. ¡mq IIJSINESS 62. ~ of plans for renovat.ia1 of HcCJII8r Park. At camcil' 8 1:'e'J-t, this was taken a.Jt of order. Director of Parks and Recreat.ia1 Dc:Iwling reviewed the ~()p :!ed plans with camcil. It was IICMId by Came. P1UJ¥N, seocnded by CtIm1c. Gatto and poo..a'9d unani:aaJsly to ~uY8 plans for renavatia1 and to di%ect the J.am:rœre arårl.tect, Kaz »bly, to p¡.~ ccmstructia1 and bid ,.w.,~. 51. ~l fraa the Rec::ycling Advisaty n-....4ttee. (Ai:' ""l.t.ad as l"""""t; if camcil has arr:f .... d:s, this item will be listed en the ~da of April 21 \JJ'X3er staff ~~La.) 52. Anrœl Financj.al ~L - 1984-85. camcil received the l"""""L. 53. RevieW' of iDprovements finaJx:1ng - 1986) 54. Request for $90,000 aw<-"¥Llaticn fraa the General F\Ind for .......'LLaCt plan d1ec::1t:inJ for the remain:1er of the fiscal year. steps for 4-uin:J bonds to finance m.mic4p"'1 and aw<-"¥Liatien of funds. P.L S ut.at.ia1 of lxrñ Rauscher Pierce Refsnes. (CC:I1t.iraJed to April 21, It was DICIII8d by Came. Gatto, seocnded by Came. Jàmscn and paE""ed ~y to ðwL"¥Llate $90,000 frail the General P\Jn::1 for .......'LLaCt plan d1ec::1t:inJ for the remairær of the f~1 year. -16- MINt1lE9 OF 'mE APRIL 7, 1986 CI'lY CDJNCIL MEEl'Im (cc-692) 55. Ap,1OLd.........t of ~4ttee to select City Auditnrs. By oc:œensus, coonci1 ~inted CD1roi1111Ø111hers Jcimscn ani Sparks to the ~ittee. 56. Rsview and OOI'ISideratien of an œ:ãinanœ to allOll sales tax OOI'ISideratia1S in awardirxJ ¡md1ase 0CI1tracI:s to lowest respcnsJb1e bidder. (1Ø¡usst cxrrt:im.1ance to April 21, 1986) (CŒ1tirJJed to April 21, 1986.) 57. Repo1:t on bid c:.penin;J, Project 86-040 - Barrier Rem::IVal, and awaxà of ........LLdCt. It was DICJ'oIed by CcAmc. PlUD;W, seoc:n3ed by CcAmc. Jàmscn and paseed unanimcAJsly to award the CXI1trac:t to Amero Ca~ete in the ëI1IØmt of $18,409 based on the lowest bid and to authorize a ccntin:]ency maJdn] the total project $20,000. 58. A¡p:cval of release of lien and caJ'V"A 11 ation of Willi,""""""" Act a...at.....dCt - Mck. (a) Resoluticn No. 6813: "A Resolution of the City a:.m::i1 of the City of 0Jpert1n0 0J:dering carv-" Rtion of Will4......".., Act a....LLdCt and Reoaldation of certificate of Rø1.ease of Lien for ~,¥=lj' Ilxated en Sa1th stelliJ'q Read westerly of an Adjacent to Rr::ute 85; Marshall and Kit Fcnq Mck, owner." It was DICJ'oIed by CcAmc. Gatto, ¡..eoClJ:lded by CcAmc. Jàmscn and l""....'!Id unaJrlJDcus1y to adc¢ Resolutien No. 6813. 59. Request frail Mamtain View center for ~Jdent Livirq, Inc. for a letter of su¡:p:rt for the $50,000 1Ilvp...."6al for """""'''Úty Devel"¥"'"'1t Block Grant fUnds they s"mitted to Santa Clara 0D1t:y. (~""'ra Roge1:..) It was DICJ'oIed by CcAmc. Gatto, secc:med by CcAmc. Jàmscn and p'''-ed UI'1IU1imr:mùy to deny the request for a letter of ~t. 60. Ca1sideratien of an ðgreele1lt between 0Jpe.rtin0 and the (); unty of Santa Clara for prcvisien of l'YWNI'Imicatia'ls. (a) Resolutien No. 6814: "A Resoluticn of the City a:.m::i1 of the City of 0Jpert1n0 AuthoriziJ'q Execution of ~~ t. with the (); unty of Santa Clara for the Delivmy of o:mmmicatiaø Services." 61. Ca1sideration of an ordinëure ameminJ the M.micipal COde to provide step signs at stafford Drive and FolJœstone Drive. -17- ~ or m; AfRIL 7, 1986 CI'IY au«::IL MŒ1'IlÐ (cc-692) 62. (a) Fimt reedin1 of 0J:diMn0e No. 1365: "An ordiJIance of tha City of Q]pertJno A1JIenctin¡ sectia'IS 1l.20.020 of tha Q]p8rt1no ømioipo1 aD¡ to PJ:I:JIIide stop signa at staffard Drive and FolJœstcine Drive." It was BMId by ocunc. Pluny, seocn:1ed by Q:m¥::. Gatto am partd unanimr:DJly to read 0nU.nanc:e No. 1365 by title emy and the city Clerk's reedin1 to oaaStitute the first readin;J thereof. WRl'I'IEN <XIHJNICATIQIS 63. Na1e. œDDIANCES 64. SéOOIId %eIIdinJ of 0nU.nanc:e No. 1357: "An ordinance of the city of 0Jpertin0 A1IIerxUn;J secticn 1l.24.l5O of the 0Jpertin0 !Uú.cipal aD¡ to Pl:åùbit stcwin;J, stard1nq or Parkin;J CD Fcothill 1ÞJlevard." It was BMId by ocunc. Pluny, secaIded by CDmC. Gatto and pI!IR'9d \l1'1iUÚJIIOOB1y to read 0nU.nanc:e No. 1357 by title emy and the Mayor's readin:.J to OCIustitute the secald readin;J thereof. It was 1DCIIed by ocunc. Gatto, seconded by CDmC. Pluny and pa-eð \l1'1iUÚJIIOOB1y to enact 0Minanœ No. 1357. RESOII1l'IQIS 65. Na1e. 1Df-.I!GE2mA JDmŒSS 66. Pa»'.Jldticn by Mayor of speob1 requests. (a) General ~,"'4...-.ce - Hcr1e. (b) City CDmCil - Hcr1e. (c) staff - Hcr1e. At 1:30 a.m., the meet.inq was adjcmned to 5:30 p.m, 'l'1 -""~, April 8, 1986. -18-