CC 04-08-86 J CITY OF cm-ua:uÐ, mm OF CALmRaA 10300 Torr8 AVWI.Je, 0Jpert1n0, CA 95014 Tel~.: (408) 252-4505 KDI11'1!B OF ADJaJRNm RÐ~ \LAR MJ:a'.uG OF '1BB CI'l"l CXXJNC:JL HEm (If AFRIL 8, 1986 IH '1BB CXUfCIL amMBER, CI'l"l HAIL, wn;aa:JJÐ, CALntRŒA 00-6921 At 5:34 p.m., Mayor ~ called the IIIII8tiD¡ to œder in the CDmcil Q\-..~ «t.'. HJIL CAU. ChJnc. P. sb-íL: Gatto, Johnsa1, Pl1.D1Y, Spaåø, Mayor ~. staff PJ.. EJ IL: City Jf2Jnager Quinlan City CleJ:it a........lius Direct:ar of Plannin¡ am Devel..........íL CCWan 'Ihe Mayor annamced that 0:Junci1 was adjCll.1tniD¡ to clœed 17---1m to "4 '"<"'G<¡! a mtter ~ potentjal litigaticn. At 6: 35 p.m., 0:Junci1 recaMmed in Q\....~ «1;-. þ HJIL CAU. ChJnc. P1. S b.íL: Gatto, Johnsa1, Pl1.D1Y, SpnXs, Mayor Roge1... staff ~:u IL: City Hala"..... 0Un1an City Cletk Cl......dius Direct:ar ~ p~1ic Wotk.. Vi.s1<cvid1 Direct:ar of Plannin¡ ani Devel. ".-. íL CCWan 1h'''istaut. to the City Jf2Jnager Brcwn """""'wüty Affa1rs Officer Sa.ni.å1 City Attamey }en iA'1 48. A¡:pJ.ic:at.icn 4-0-86 ~ Q]pertj.no City Center alOCOQC'iates: Use Pemit to oc.... ¿\ICt am ~ate a 340,000 sq. ft. office spaoe, 24Q-roc:m hcte1 """'t'lex, ani a park ani EnYira1ment:a1 RsYiew: 'Ihe Plann!nI¡ n-i....im :P"(> ····.....dto the grantj.ng of a Tieœd Negative """,",1:mitiat. 'Ihe subject ~"'t"".LLi' is located en the scutheast .............. of De Anza Bculevazd ani stel.IE!IIS CJ:eek Bculevazd. Reo ...._IiJbd far GWLwal. . Mr. KJ:oll stated that the plans WBr8 to start CXI'IStJ:uc:tic of the hcte1 as socn as possible. He asJœd if the !'L' !.-,seli 25 ft. cmb strip were ccndstent with the De Anza Bculevazd Plan. In regard to the P1-~.œed park, he stated that it wculd be all right to pest a CCIIpletim bcn1, b.rt: he did mt want to hold up "OC'-.pancy. He stated -1- Im«1.ŒS OF 'lBE APRIL 8, 1986 CI'1Y CXU«::IL 1JUil:ul; (œ-692A) that there 10ICUld be 8CIII8 sort of pm1 i~ art :in the pezit. It would be situated :in sud1 a DBnner that it ......,,,. be viMI'Bd by the public. It was B:MId by 0U1c. Sparks, øo....dt.c1 by 0U1c. Gatto am ~-9d with 0U1c. Plun:.JY dissent:iD¡ that thet8 .....'ld be an ammt due trca the developer of $2.00 per sq. ft. for each sq. ft. fN8r 339,000 sq. ft. to mitigate all i"l""rots not ~if4no' 1y known ~1Se of the &Ud intensity. It was B:MId by 0U1c. Sparks, secadt.c1 by 0U1c. Gatto and J?"'-~ with 0U1c. Pluny dissent:inq to 'JL.cutt the tiered Negative Declarat:ia1. It was B:MId by 0U1c. Sparks, secadod by 0U1c. Gatto and P"'-ed with 0U1c. Pluny d4..- -.L.in¡ to ðwLU1/8 ARùicatiat 4-u-86 per PlanninI¡ n-4....icn Resolut.ia1 No. 2783 amerded as follows: a:n:litia'lS: 10.b) Add a stat:eme1íL that this shall be dcœ prior to i~:IaJ1C8 of IYY"I~ permit of h141d41'J]B 3 and 4. 10.c) Add a statement that the a¡:plicant shall receive an est1mate frail staff within 3<>-45 days. 12. Add: 'Ihe a¡:plicant may oa...uuct a seocn:l belOW' grade paxXin;J deck. 'Ihe "'ß'Uœnt ......11 IOnhnit a revised site plan via a "minor" amendment if the final finish 'JL.adb el8vatia'IS and/or ...........,. drives are substantia11yaltered. 18. Add a stat:eme1tt that the "'ß'H"""'1t shall do Watever is ~E'azy for E!III81.'.: OOI...."j' prcwiders to be able to use rNli...... 21. Delete, or shall be 8IIIIaIIÙed to aM the follc::Jwin¡: 'Ibe "IßÙJ t".JVIt shall aM a Q:Nenant to the project ex: and RB, ~ name the City as a 'IhiJ:d Party Benefic4."Y, qivin¡ the City ~uv'al authority fN8r the COIIStructicn of structm:es (other than typical pezit fumiture and equi~tt) within the "Park" area. 'Ihe ex: and R shall be çproved by the City Attomey prior to ~datiat. 22. Add: 'Ihe larx:1'"<'apé<l setback area Mparatin¡ the westerly surface paxXin;J lot £ran De Anza Bc:W.evard shall be a miniDum of 25 feet ......,9ID:ed frail cum. A Hparkway" siA--1k secticn shall be used CXI1Sist.in:J of 10 feet of p1antin¡ area next to the cum, a five foot sidewa1k, and 10 feet of p1antin::J area next to the paxXin;J surface. -2- HnI7J!S OP mB AFRIL 8, 1986 CITY cr:væn. iIua·.uG (00-692A) 26. ~ first II8J1tence to read, "'lhe applicant 111 cbligated to ÛI8tall . . . " J\dd: 'DIe applicant "/IIa.Y "-fc" the inBta11.at.ia1 of cna half of the œq.üred 'W~ of lockørB ~ a tI.1ture study of the rate of use for tœ 1nitially imtalled 1.odc8rB. '1he study shall be 1nitiated (ard fUrr:Bl by the J\ß)1 icant or subseqœnt owner) if the City døt8tmines via a lYWIpbi11t or CIbIcvat.ia1 that there is a deficl.eJx:y .in the p......... of bicycle lcc1œrs. A oavenant shall be ~dIIId foJ.lowirJJ aw..uval by the City Attamey tA]j~ .1nfœ:m all -''-1~ owners of .interest of the bicycle 1.odœr ~. 27. aM.iI cxnti.t.ia\ of GK'I-wal statin¡ that an aJIrD1t will be ~ tma the dev&lc:pIr of $2.00 per sq. ft. rN£ 339,000 sq. ft. to mitigate all i-.:ects not epecit4.....11y kncwn. 'lbese "/IIa.Y include .~.....t widerúnr¡, van p"""'1 iYJ¡ ard other ~"':Jr88 for the g.......cù. p.¡blic geed. Mr. ICroll sun-1:ed that Camcil amend the ccœtructia1 tax ardiMnce to CXIII8t' density .in tСr -- of 16 trip en:!s. He oonld ~... to O:n!it.ia\ No. 27 as lcnr¡ as that were 1"'-ed. At 7:06 p.m., Camcil adjcmned to April 14, 7:00 p.m. t2t Æ·~) Ci Clerk -3- CI'1Y OF ct1PER1'OO, SIME OF CAI.IRRaA 10300 Torre Averæ, 0Jpertim, CA 95014 Tele¡:hcne: (408) 252-4505 MINt1ŒS or 'IHE ADJaJRNED RmrJIAR MEEl"DC OF 'IHE CI'lY CXXJNCIL HEIJ) œ Ai'RIL 14, 1986 IN'IHE lOWER I£VEL UXJlQ, CI'lY HAIL, aJPERl'IK), CALIR:RŒA œ-692B Mayor Rcqers called the meetin;J to order at 7:10 p.m. R:>IL QLL Ocunc. PreS!!lJt: Gatto, Plun:JY, Mayor Rogers Ocunc. Absent: JåJnsa1, Sparks (Natia1iÙ Guard) staff P1. s91'lt: City Kan2Iger ()linlan City Clerk a..u.dius Director of Pl1b1 Ie Works ViskDvi.å1 Director of PlarJniD¡ and Devel"¥""llt Cowan Ð:iie Dorcsin of the Santa Clara Manufacturin] Group was also þ1. S_lt. She ~4"""1SG9d the backgramd of the Golden Trian:]le Task Farce with Ocuncil and ~ S 11rt:ed a map shcwiJx¡ ex:i.st.in¡ and planned eDployment axeas in that Trian:]le. She state that there ro1ld be 550-600,000 mare jå:e. Data says there are 330,000 jå:e ncM. 'Ihere is a projected 638,000 jå:e altogether. '!he missiat statement of the Task Farce is a balance of eDployment¡transporticn infrast:ruc:tuœin¡. '!be Task Farce is a oamty-wide ocq.e.rative effort to develc:p polief~ in land use, transpartatiat demand ~~..-¡t and trcmsport:aticn su¡:ply. She stated that teàmiœl assistance is - ~ fJ:aD all cities to get 1985 data. '!he Task Farce is ask:iDJ cities to ~_ to the cCb"q..L of reza1inq 1ndust:rial¡'<. ....-.cia1 to:residential in the Gol.w, 'l'rian¡le, to ...".._ to shaJ:ed fUrñin¡ far a CXIIp1ter 1IIr'rlA1, and to work tawaJ:ds the goals of ride sharin¡. '!be group is ~!.L}Lly developin¡ an interim. ~~t that Task Fu....- ",_.J >Q1.S will review with their Councils. 0Jpertin0 is rY.Jt a ..-.n.w of the Golden Trian:]le. DiSC'lSsiat followed regard.in;J '1'-2000 and the Golden Trian:Jle Task Farce. It was su;J;;Jated that the Task Faroe be a BUbo .....Ittee of '1'-2000 and rot enlarge to take in mare respCllSibility or area. By ocnsensus, Ocuncil authorized staff to provide teàmiœl assistance when asked if it can be da1e withem. negative hpact at City work. '!he meetin;J adjcumed at 8:15 p.m. telA Ci Clerk